ffr iWMldKVftti . ' THE BED CLOUD CHIEF, BED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JAN.. 5, 1895 I m. v N 1 S J .4 THE CHIEF AKS?L?Il?i-Ll8,0: I a c.iitwMKii, I'.iliior. . tait, Asm Cumu lot us retiBou together Some things tiro necessary for comfort, health and happiness. This year uonru going to do without muny of tho necessities and nil luxuries of lifo hut wo intend to hove what is absolutely necessary this jear to sustain lifo and keep in bonlth to aid us in our bnttlu of tho year. Our wives and children must nt least havo food to eat and shoes to wear. Tho latter will not cost you much, but will help to preserve- their health and comfort. We hnvo made nrrnngomonts with J. 15. Lewis & Co. of Weur Resistor fame to supply us with n medium priced lino of boots nud shoes that will moot with your approval, and coma in rench of jour pocket book. It is our wish to supply ovory family in WobBtor county with thebo goods for wo believo it will bo to thoir advantage Another udvuntugo you gain by deal ing with us is tho largo amount of Una work wo do for ou in sowing up rips and nailing soles and repairing at actual cost. You will lose nothing by dealing with us and will wish you nad if you do not. Yours respectfully. Blakeslkk & K.W.KV. CRBD E. McKKKHY, M. D. Physician mill surgeon, City and country calls promptly ans wered. Moon Block, Red Cloud. CITY m:vs. Mm. C. 13. Crono is in Omaha this week. Mrs. C. F. Cuthor is visiting in Lin coln this week. The revival mcotinga still continuo tho M. B. churoh. nt Ono of our Red Cloud boys isn't stuck on bread and water. Miss Nollio Knloy will Boon return to her studies at tho Peru normal. Fred Hill, brother to Peter Hill of CowleB.is visiting in this county. Look out for ground hog day, Fob. 2. If you seo your shadow do not squeul. Givo W. 13. Roby your ordor for scod corn. Ho will havo a car in, this weok. Waltor C. Jones has purchased, we understand, tho tank lino of Hurry Sow ter. Real estulo loans made payable here Money furnished nromutly. C. W Kalhy. t A.. II. Cnrpeutor has purchased tho Holcomb livery burn, north of tho Hol land Houso. S.-4 Flour exchanged for wheat at market fWf- rices at Roby'8 store one door west of Hoftttrv-Jattor traveling for tho past three years hutt decided to come back to Nebraska. Adam Mohurt doparted Wednesday morning for a busineBS und pleasure trip to Pcoriu, Illinois. Uhurloy Guilford and wifo havo re- turned from Missouri whoro thoy havo been for some months. F. D. Martin was up from Wymoro Wednosdoy, and spent a short timo with his family returning tho Borne day. Tho subject for morning servico nt the M.E. church will be "Tho Great Com mission." Evening subject: "Prepare to meot thy God." All aro invited. Dick Gray returned Tuesday night, after an extended visit to Oklahoma, Texas, Tenneseeo, and southern states. Dick huB no use for the south. All who aro indebted to M. B. McNitt on account of flour, feod, hay, etc, will pleaeo call at his old storo and sottlo. Tho accounts havo boon left with W. B. Eoby for collodion. Old lady Potorson, living in J. Pat rnor's addition, was boforo tho board of insanity lnat Saturday and adjudged in sane. She was taken to Lincoln this weok by Sheriff Runchey. Some of tho farmora aro cutting pral rio hay and bringing it to market. It is alittloearly to mako hay, but .the .old adaoo savB to "make hay whilo the sun Bhlnee," und Old Sol has boon doing his part this month. Rasser Brothers, whe po6bcbs ono of tho beet farms in Webstor county, are not discouraged becnuso of drouth, but with "hope that springs otornal in the human brosst" aro preparing to farm more extensively next season than ever. Jake Noustein after sizing up the wilda of Wyoming near Sheridan, haB returnod to Red Cloud whore he will re sume tho manufacture of olgore at tho old stand, nd live in the future, unless the sugar beet industry proves unsuc cessful. Wm. Covert, tho yoijng man who took tho pilot rldo at tho t utowb a few days ago on "0.1," ib still in Rod Cloud, whoro ho expects to remain ntil tho company settles with him for n ining him down. He says ho has no far. y for taking an other rldo of tho kind won. Al Aultz with a par y of sports wero chasing jaok rabbits 'ith tho hounds Wednesday, whon a wflf was espied in tho distunco. Tho hjunda Boon over took Mr. Wolf when a tattle royal took placo tho wolf boing bctorminalou nit or a half hour's light! g, in wuicu uu tho hounds woro moro r less injured. AUOI'M TOW.M. W" Pni'" cheap t Coltlng'e. Senator McKeeby Sundavcd at Keeby Sundnvcd nt home. Seo Dr. Culli lucre's February date in Had Cloud. Editor Williams was down from Ulv erton Monday, U.S. ProudlH v. a up from Guido Rock Tuesday. H. K. Archmon of Guldo Rock was in tho city Tuesday. John Polnicky !b convalescing and will resume business in a fow days. Fred O. Rlukeslee has purchased from A. W. Downer his handsome property on main street. For defective vision, consult Dr. Culli moro in Red Cloud, February STith nud iWth, Dr. McKeobj'eolllce. Spectacles fitted for dofects of vision by Dr. Culllmoro February JWth and 2(itli, Dr. McKeeby's olllco. EYE nnd EAR SURGEON, Dr. Culli- more, in Red Cloud Fobruury a.'ith arid 2(ith, at Di. McKeeby's olllco. Mrs. Dr. McKeoby journey od to Lin coln Tuesday for a short visit and will return with her husband Friday. Judgo Beall wub in tho city this week and changed tho next term of tho dist rict court, from Juno to April tlrst, DR. CULLIMORE, EYE nnd EAR SURGEON, in Red Cloud, Fobruury 2.1th nnd 26th, at Dr. McKooby's ofllco. Curt Evunswill add a stock of cloth ing to his second-hand goods. Anyone having nny old clothes can sell them at his store. Don't forgot that I am propared to enrty passengors to all parts of the city. Leavo orders at the Holland House. Lloyd Cbaiiili.. Tako your wagon work to Stapleton. Ho forges nil irons for bugglesoutof the best Norway iron, uses no malleablo iron in repuiring buggies. Remember Stnploton puts on plow shares. 11 inch, $.1; 1C inch, $3,50, and warrants ovory ono to run. Listor layB tho samo. Bring in your plows. A. H. Hoffman, chairman of tho hoard of supervisors, doparted this week for Essox, Illinois, whero he will visit with relatives and friends for n few weoks. R. B. Fulton, tiro and lightning insur ance, Wcstorn White Bronze, monu monts nnd cemetery goods. Scod oats and choico upland prnirio hay. Office with Traders Lumber Co. Wiener has tilled ono of his windows with shoes runging in price up to $.'1 50. You can havo your choico for 81,25. He also has u counter full of better grades which ho is offering at $l.r0 per pair. W. A. WilliamB, who is well knonw In this county ns an old mlllor, having worked in tho Amboy mill and olsowhoro for years has with his family moved to Doepwater, Mo., where he will embark in tho bardwaro buisuosB. Cong. McKcIghan accompanied by his daughter Edith, nnd Joo Warnor return ed frem Lincoln Saturday night, where he has beon under the euro of un oyo specialist. Ho is much improved in health and will probably Boon bo out again. In tho report of tho supervisors pro ceedings of the 11th, the item in regard to Guido Rock asking for an nppropra tinn for it bridgo wnn incorrect. That township has not asked for anything but whon it doos it will take ull it cun get, so says Supervisor Watt. The M. E. Churoh choir havo reorga nized and elected Henry Clark chorister Waltor Warron Secretary, Mrs. Emma Martin, Treasurer, John Dickerson managor, with tho following singers: Ladies: Mrs. Emma Martin, Mrs. Jno. Dickerson, Misses Lillio Smith Susie Rife Pearl Smith, Blanche Cummings. Gentlemen: John Dickerson, Alva Sel lers, Walter Warron, C. C.Cowden.Flavo Grico and Henry J. Clark. Mr. S. 0. Dilly has taken full charge of the B. it M. eating house and will operate tho samo in the future. His moBt estimable family arrivod this week and will make their homo in Rod Cloud. Mr. Dilly in a thorough gentleman, and especially conversant with railroad hos telry. Although business at this time is very dull Mr. Dilly will doubtless koop tho B.& M. right side up until times am hotter. Wo wish hbi success. A disastrous tire at Blub Hill Sunday night swept out a goodly poition of one block. The lire originated in the drug store on tbo north side of main street, and burned everything in the block un til reaching the State bank, which was also partially rulnod. The firemen by prompt action squelched tho fire before it caught on tho south side of the street although many of tho windows wero burnt out nnd ruined, tho wind blowing a gale from the north. Tho loss is near ly covered by insurance. In the report of tho supervisors pro ceedlng last wook, relating to tho John Wilholmson caso, in which he applied to the board to have the interest struck off on his '81 and '85 taxes, wo erroneously made tho dates road '91 and '05. Tho committoo furthor roportod that thoy woro unnblo to find any property in his nnme, by which thoy could collect tho tuxes and thoroforo compromised by Wilholmson agreeing to puy the princl- Dal it tho Intorost wub strlckon off. It was u good deal nnd wo owe this expla nation to tho board to placo them In u right light boforo their constituency, Mimical Modal. Tho social nnd musicnlo nt Rentier's hull Friday night wns n success in -v v dotal), tho crowd being largo and t it bio, and tho program a gem from ht. . t to finish. Tim quartet in brnss by Jenkins, 1'ell Dickcrton, West wns the opening soke tion and heartily applauded. Tho trlo"I told you so" by Miss Blanch Sherman, Frank Cowden, und Oscur Yarger ro. cullod vividly tho most fmclnnting cli max in tho most charming production over given in the city, und pleased tho uudionco Inordinately. A very pleusing Beloction was u beau tiful solo, by Miss Jcnnio Bell, uecom pained by tho. Misses Mnry nnd Mnr gnret Miner with tho piano and violin respectively. Miss Jonnlo exhibits n very sweet, musical voice nnd sung with tlno fooling. O. L. Cutting, U. G. Knight, Edgar Cotting and Geo. Overing comprised tho mulo quartet which reuderod u com ical selection admirably, und enjoyed vo ciferous applause. Mitts Murgret Minor nppourcd in a solo entitled "Ecitacy," which sho ron- dored w'lth her accustomed cnoe und grace. A half hour's Intermission for refresh ments during which timo the audionco did justice to nnd elegant vurloty of table delicacies, tho people thon resum ed their scuts to hear tho first selection in tho latter part of program which was a cornot and piano duet by Miss Mury Miner and Prof. JenkinB. Miss Miner manipulated tho piano keys fuultlessly, and Prof. Jenkins accomplished boiuo tlno work on tho cornot, that for sur passed anything in local coruotists. Ho was loudly encored, but responded only with a graceful bow which moant"'nuf." A duet entitled "Tho best friends of all" was sung very prottily by Frank Cowden and Miss Blanch Sellers. Both were purfoctly composed, and blondod with charming excellence Stowart Albright was greeted by much friendly applause, us ha ascendod tho rostrum to render a solo, Miss Igou at tho piuno. Mr. Albright sung his solcction in delightful strain, and won many of tho laurels of the evening to gothurwith loud upplauso and gratify ing compliments. Mis- Blanch Sellars sang "O, Restless Seu" in un ncceptnble und pleasing man- nor and in her lower tones display oil a most enchunting contralto. Tho closing selection capped the cli max ns it wero, and sot the Princess Bonnie people into wild, paryoxisms of enthusiastic, dilerious, hysterical de light which only subsided when the band tlniehed the choicest selection in its ropcrtoiro taken from tho opera "Princess Bonnie." The ovorturo wub arranged by Prof. JenkinB and that gen tleman was the Hon of the hour upon the conclusion ef its rendition. It is certainly splendid iuubIc, and evon thoso who novor heard "Princess Bonnie" en joyed it hugely. Thus ondod the program and as tho guests wore leaving, a few of tho young people decided to trip tho light fantas tio, which diversion was indulged in for several hours. Hence tho social was a completo success und tho receipts, which oxceoded $10, uro very gratifying to the munagomont. The Uon-Ton. The CiiiF.r takes great ploasuro this weok in introducing to tho public the namos of our young frionda E. W. Kaloy and W. M. Campbell ns a new business firm, they having purchased from U. G. Knight his popular bakery and resturant togethor with ull its bolongings, and will sail proudly forth in tho groat commer cial sea for tbo beacon light of prosper ity under the gushing cognomen of tho Bon-Ton and cafe. Elmer and Winnie wo think will maka a hard pair to beat, both being blessed with a liberal education and always re garded as strictly honest and fair in all their dealings. Mr. Kaloy is a son of A. H. Kaloy of this city, and since his grad uation from a Burlington Business Col lego, has hold a responsible position in the Stato bank hero. Mr. Curapboll while a comparative stranger in this city has always conducted himself with becoming manliness. He is loader of the juvenlloband here undonjoysfriendfl ship to tho extent of his acquaintance. ' These gentlemen aro oxorting ovory effort to improvo and renovato their plac of business and propceo to honco forth carry the heaviest line of bakory and confectionary goods in tho Repub lican valley. They havo arranged things with the utmost care and tusto, and th'e Bon-Ton is already a very inviting em porium, with everything nice, neat and tidy and a choice stock. Thoy will re tain the services of the popular baker W. S. Bonse, and tbo polite littlo "Doc" Saunders. The boys soem to havo everything largely in thoir favor, and the prospects for a prorltablo business are nuturally very bright' Thoy will cater to the best classes, but all factions will rccoive duo courtesies nt their hands. Thoy have a tlno location, and all tho essential re sources to make their business worthy nnd Buccosstul, Knowing Messrs. Knloy und Cnrapoll to posees good business qualifications, togothorwith that indie- ponsublo art of polltness, or ingralnod gonti.fty it you please, we will tako a smoko, and liko tho immortal Rip Van Winklo wish them beulth, wealth and prosperity. Moro About the Sugar Factory. As wnn stated in last week's Cimr, Mr. Singer, representing Kopperl .v. Co. of Ch.cugo, wns in tho city lost weok contorlng with the commitleo on tho question of establishing the factory. Upon Mr. Singer's return to Chicago ho counseled witli his firm, and they for warded the proposition published below. A largo number of citizens mot at tho Firomoti'a hall Tuesday night, Mayor Roby presiding, and R. It. Fulton listing secretary. Committoo Chairman J. L. Minor road tho proKsltiou, and a long explanation nnd discussion ensued. The mooting wns conversntive, nnd every ob jectiomiblo point discussed. A motion wus finally mudo to adopt tho report of tho committee, which curried utmost unanimously. Following is tho proposition completo: To tiik Ho.v. Mayou and City Council, Red Cloud, Nebraska, Gkntlf.jikn: In conformity with tho request of boot factory committee, mudo by Asms tnnt Commissioner Singer, at recent conference, we submit to you herewith conditions under which wo will erect u plant in your locality, to-wlt: Wo will build, equip und operate a factory on your land, having a capacity of working 100 tons of sugar hoets Into sugar, or 72 tons of sorghum into eyrup or sugar ovory twonty-four hours. The muchinory to bo of tho most mod era typo, Hrnt-clusB in every way und thoroughly adapted to tho work, con templating the ubo of tho latest im proved processes, such us double cur bonation, quadruplo effect evaporation, nnd graining vacuum. Everything about tho plant to bo tnnde in the most workman-like manner. Tho building to bo constructed of brick, with iron sup ports for the interior parts. The main building to cover nn area of 130 feet in front, and 51 feet in depth; tho middlo of tho building to bo 80 by 20 in size, to bo usod for vacuum pan room, and to bo 51 foot in hoight from grade to roof of cornico and covored wjth shingle roof; foundations, wall und tho intorlor frame work will be substantial and construct cd especially for factory purposos. Tho plant to bo ready for work by June 1, lBQtf, bo bb to bo able to run sor ghum during July and August, and boots during the rest of tho season. Wo will do as abovo upon your city or citizens donating to us f. 10,000 in cubIi and 14,000 tons of standard beets, tho latter deliverable to us in installments during the seasons of 1890 and 1807. We also, to be given twenty acres of ground for factory purposes, and all tho necessary water freo. The location must bo convenient to railroad truckago and wnter supply. Tho tortus of pay ment of the cash donation to bo hereaft er dooidod upon. Wo Bubmlt tho abovo proposition to you for a poriod of ten days, during which ploaso either accept or reject. If you accept we will gtvo you 90 days' timo during which to make up tho beet subscription. Respectfully yours, Koitchl &. Co. At tho mooting thero wns a geuoral impression that tho 11,000 tons of boots courd not bo raisod, at least, in tho tlrst two years. As tho simple adoption of this proposition is by no moana a bind ing contract, the amount may yet bo ro ducod, inasmuch ns the bonds or cash required in Mr. Singor's verbal proposi tion has increased 85,000 in the com pany's written proposition. Tho Mayor will order a meeting of tho committee and council in tho near future, at which Mr. Singer will bo pres ent, and the result will piobably bo a speedy contract and prompt action to ward securing tho pledges for beets, tic. Then, boforo we aro hardly awaro, a great sugar factory will be running in Red Cloud, and business will BBBumo ac tivity only equalled in the good old days. At tho special mooting of tho mayor and city council held tho following night, tho roll was called and the full number present. Tho proposition of Kooperl A: Co., wasroad.and'unanimous ly adopted. On motion the following citizons wero appointod to act in con junction with tbo city council in con ference with Kopperl ifcCo. J.L. Miner, T. C. Hacker, CM. Potter, Geo. Lindsey, und Chus. Piatt. Latek. Since tho above was sot, another meeting Was held, and J. L. Miner and T, C. Hacker wero appointed to go to Chicago and confer with Kop perl & Co., which they will do early tho coming week. This is a decisive step. The Ladikh Met. Tho result of the Red Cloud ladies' meeting at tho lire men's ball .Wednesday night was a ucan imouB and determined decision to give a dinner and supper one week from Satur day, on tho 2d of February: The mealu will probably b'o sprved in the largo storo room recently vacated by Mr. Wil liams' bardwaro stock, although this point is not yot definitely docidod. Every lady In tho-city Is earnestly ro quested to assist in Borving those meals, and the public certainly values the fire toon's services to that extent that ovory ono in tho city will dino two mouls with tho ladtoB, who will convert tho proceeds into tho llremen's exchequer. This Ib tho tlrst bonotlt for tho llromon, eo givo them your patronaRo. - - It cares piles, it cure obfttinnto sort'H, chapped handx, wouud. It does this qalokly. Ih thero any good reason why you should not use DeWIU'e Witch Huzel Salvor 9! K ftere ))e are Nice bright, new riou " " " raisins, -One pail Jelly, 101b not for N O Sugar, Mlbs for Till Sugar In iniiiii livtlcr llian nny I have had. 1 have a few more of those Nice Cob Pipes 2c each. , Just rct'oivcri n new lot of thai nlro IMc Fruit All or iht) d lire rent kind te milt tho purehimcr. Ono quart of Blackberry .lam, homo mnde, for 50c. It is very line. Syrup, Sorghum, N O Molasses by pail or gallon. All kinds or Jhiiih mid (tanned tfoodx. Dried Fruits, Eva poratcd Fruits, Honey And everything Hint Is nice nnd good nt prices away down. have moro of thane Nice Sun Dried Apricots, Peaches, Apples ami Plums at the old price, Kill) for 1. Remember I nm headquarter for K Nice Glassware, Chinaware, Chnmberware, Lamps and everything tlmt''i8 kept in a first-class store, at prices that will compete with utiy thing on the Missouri river. Any--Lady . . . . ; '- ' Buying -;60c woith of Que(mHwur& or GffttW . ware will get a NICE GLASS J)ISII FREE Good for One Week Onlyv . Come nnd see me. No (rouble (o show goods. 7i The N. 8. F. V. AssoclnUon. Tbo Red Cloud fireman's contingent which wont to Norfolk, Nebraska, Messrs Geo. Hutchison, Goo. McCall and Aid Ed. Pulslphor, have returnod, greatly replenished with cntbuiuem, and a sur feit of good things to eat that is aston ishing. Thoy also report one of tho most interesting meetings of the associ ation thnt haB over beon hold. Thoy aro also loud in thoir praises of tho fino treatmont they received at the hands of Norfolk and Fremont pcoplo who took particular painB to soo that they fared well whilo within tho boundaries of each of tho cities named. At 0:10 a. m., the association was called to order and tho mayor made the boys a fine welcome aoV drcsfl, aftor which the association settled down to routine business. For throe days tho boys had what they are pleased to call a gonuino good time, and havo nothing but good words for tho treat ment tboy recoivod whilo at the state association. J. A. Tomlinson of this city was eleoted a membor of the board of contract and Ed. Pulsipher was ap- pointed to an important committee. Tho fire boys desorve all of the pleasures thoy get, because if it wero not for their persistent efforts thero would bo many conflagrations and groat destruction of property that is otherwise hold in check by thorn, w 9 ' ' Pleasant Hccepllen. On last Saturday evening Mr. J. A. Daum und his estimable wife, entertain ed a .number of thoir personal friends at an itnpromtu recoption, given in honor of Mrs. Oaum'B brother, Mr. L.B.Clough and hiB brido, who woro only recently united in matrlmoay, at their home in Lincoln, by Dr. Lasby of St. Paul's M. E. church of that placo. Tho newly married couplo arrived in Red Cloud on Friday evening, proceed ing tho reception. Tho evening was one of sociability and pleasure, nnd it was with much gratifi cation that tho guests partook of the bounteous refreshments prepnrcd and served by tho dott hand of the hostess. It was also exceedingly pleasurable for those who woro honored with an invita tion to havo been so royally entertained, Mr. and Mrs. dough,' In whose&honor tho roceptlon was tondered, are amotig the popular society folks of Lincoln, and nrp most amlublo nnd interesting com pany. During their short etuy in Red Cloud thoy have mudo many friends, who with ono accord wish thorn much joy, und u safo roturn to their homo whero thoy will eettlo down to tho reali ties of conjugal felicity. Tho reception was a popular social oycnt und wiil bo a pleasant reminder to all thoso who wero accorded the pleasure of boing present and enjoying the hos pitalllty of Mr. and Mre. Daum and their pleasunt guests. r"fi 7k N 2&aiTi. 22 lbs for $1 25 lbs for 1 1 fl,f-)Mir. Proprietor. ! High School Items. John Potter presided over tho Cicero class last Friday. , Tho arithmetic class have nearly com pleted thoir work. The whispers were not required to re port Monday night. On tho approach of the teachpr this spook was soon carried away, A genorul examination in arithmetic will be given to tho fifth room some time noxt weok. Tho fifth room is not the most punc tual room of tho schools having eleven tardiea out of fourteen in tho entire school. Two seniors ransacked tho gallory and found an old drefs form, probably used uy me ivs in union times placing It on tho platform it produced a great uproar. Ono young man while throwing kisses at a lady waa caught" in tbo act and re ceived Buch a number of stinging slspa he will not be liablo to repoat the per formance very soon. A tardy meeting of clevon convened at the Buporintendent'a office last Monday night to givo un account of themselves. ' Each scholar gave about as many ex cuses as he could Invent. Again we noto the chemistry class re ceiving moro apparatuses. , By this time they have every thing theyneed, have divided tho claoH in sections and com mencing work in earnest to day. The superintendent will have a party for his teachorH and tho senior grado next Tuesday evening at tho Holland house. Tho seniors are gathering their lost thoughts to present that ovening in the shape of a toast. A very unjustly accusation was made that somo one had beon stealing ooal from the school which would reflect on the good earn taking of the janitor. -Foe the benefit of ell concerned we wiebr t4 expose tho falsity of this statement. Thursday afternoon the chemistery labaratory was turned info a kind of nunnery, the boys 6f that'clasa were re fused entrnnco, two of them though, broke in and received about the mbm reception, au Diana gave young Actteon, in old Grecian times; fortunately the boys retained their natural shape. Bettt. Awardtd Hlf ht it tfonors-WrM Falft DR BAKING P0WMB MOST PERFECT MADE. A puic Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret from Ammonia, Alum or any other tdulterar 40 YEARS THE STANDAWfc ' ssflfl i . ; - V ll &l i:i f !$S 8i - m9: m "IS ''J . l v &T 'nmSJHmmimmmmmn