rv l ;-4MT. trium MimiVT1CTWUiWW '""& f A C -y si 1 S iiittHii GOT8 unir.ico- jP.?8T?caWe. iAxatlvo nnd Nebvb Tonto. and $1,00 per package. Sample fnxk VA Ifft Thornvorlto WOW P0TO18 1 Captain 8wenj-, U.S. A.,Fnnni(wi. Oil . ni "HhllohH Catarrh Itemed? la ths ttrsi ttedlcino I bare over found that would do mo any good." I'rieotOcta. Bold by DruggUta. rm SHILOH'S CURE. 2Tma OnuAT Oouan Ccnn proraptfrcurw Where all other fall. For Consumption It tins no rival; has cured tbouaand. and will crma T6Tj, if taken in time rrKaSSetuCSctidtUX Tiie Keystone Watch Case Co. of Philadelphia, the largest watch case manufactur ing concern in the world, is now putting upon the Jas. Hoss Filled and other cases made by it, a bow (ring) which cannot be twisted or pulled off the watch. It is a sure protection against the rickpocket and the many accidents that befall watches fitted with the old-style bow, which is simply held in by friction and can be twisted off with the fingers. It is called the -:ii C.A.-I ONLY HE HAD with ear.es bi'Aring tlielr trade mark- Si !d only through watch dealers, v;itJit;ut extra charge. Ask any jeweler for pamphlet, or send to the manufacturers. OLDEST and ORIGINAL Dr.WHITTIER 10 WEST NINTH STREET, (NEAR JUNCTION.) KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. 'Regular crattuate authorized by the stato, and conced ed to be the lead ins and moat auo oeeeful Speolallat In BLOOD. N1WV- OU8 and URINARY DISEASES. Nervous Debility Wltti Km MMay Oloomy Symptome Cured. Lost Vitality ( Syphilis L,.,-CuetdforLlf nrncuy mna nrauaenuy Kttwre. il0 - i AMt. .'wLJ" ' wiuout Mercury. Quickly Relieved mad Thoroughly Cured. Why Is Dr. n. J. Whlttlcr Invar iably successful? Because, be makes no promlaci that ho cannot f ulllU. Avoid cheap cure-alls and unskilled physicians, and consult Dr. Whlttlcr In person or by letter (giving symptoms) and rocclvo tho candid opinion of a physician of leng experience, unquestioned kill and uterllnjc Integrity. MEDICINES from our own laboratory fur nished at small cost and shipped anywhere secure, from observation. TREATMENT never sent C.O.I). FREE CONSULTATION. URINARY ANALYSIS. Offlco hours 9 to 4 and 7 to 8. Sunday 10 to II. lAiTo ITealth and KmnrRenclos Vl U I U I ' T O ctr-stump to prepay. Call or address In Btrlct confidence DR. H. J. WHITTIER, 10 Weat Ninth Street, Kanaaa City. Mo. OR. HATHAWAY ft CO., ..SPECIALISTS. (Begnlar Graduate.) Ara the loadlnir tnd moat successful specialist! and will give jou help. Young ana mia die aiced men. Remsrkstita re suite limie follow ed oar treatment. Many year of varied and success ful experience) In the use of cura tive metlioda (hat we alone own and control for audit- . oraersoriaenwho liavo weak, unde- yvciopca or ma Jcased org-tns, or Iwho are suffering prom errora of youth tnd exceia err who are nervous Itlio acorn of tbelr tfellowa and the "contempt of their frlende and com- and iBDotlll. tocnnranteetoall patient". If they can poiilblr be rcalorrd. our own exclusive treatment s 111 afford u cure. WO F.N I Don't yon want to get cared of that wcakneaawltho, trraltneat that you can use at huino without Instruments? Our wonderful treat went baa cured olberi. Why not your Try It. OATAKRn. and disease of the Skin, Blood, Iliart, Liver and Kldoeya. nanlona. leada ua HTPIIIT.IS-Themnitritd.iare and effective.. remedy. A complete varo uueriuiieca. N!CIX OISRAST.S of all ktnda cured where many others have failed. UNXATITBAI. DISCHARGES promntly cured In fi!W daa. Uulclc, aure and aafe. Tuft lncludea Gleet and Oonorhna. TRUTH AND FACTS. We have cured catea of Chronic Olteaaei that havo fulled to Ret cured at the banda of other pedal lata and medical Initttutra. for You. Oiiitult no other, at you may watte yaluaUl HKatEancHiMiwre n none no time, uiitaui our ircauncnv once. Beware of free and cheap trratmenla. Wq give Iho licit andmont aclentlflo treatment at moderate rrlcrt-at low nn mn be done for aafe and axlllful (reatment. VKKK conaultatlon at the office or hy mall. ThorouRli examination and careful dla nolt. A hutiiu treatment can lie Riven In amalorlty nfcaiea. Kend for t-ymptoni lllank No. IfoiMcni No. 1 for Women : No. 3 fur Blcln Dlieatea. All corre pondencoantwerod promptly. Duilnetaatrtctly con tldcntlnl. Kntlre treatment aent free. from olner iIub. Itcfcr to oar pmlcutt, huikt and liutlneaa mea AdJreitcrcolton DR. HATHAWAY & CO., N. . Corner NlstUund Felix Hta.,Itoom I and 1 . (Up BtalrO.NT. JOUEI'll, MO,, .-sr fPBi LlU0 UVitllicr Hiilletlii. ICopjtUlilnl, lv.n, ty W.T. r"(ister.l St. Josr.iMi, Mo., Jan. 12G. My Inst bulletin i;nvo furccnstH of (lie storm wiivis to cnis9 the lontinrnt from '-Titli to 2'Jtli, nnd ilie next will reach tlio l'neific cojat ntmut the .'tUth, cross tli j western mountntn country by ulo o of IJl.st, the great central vallfyi from Feb. 1 to 'A anil the eastern Htates about tho -1th. Tiinncniturcs will nvcrngo low ilur inj; this perid'l following thu storm wave anil jirecijiltntion will bo nbovo the average of the month. Tho scooml 1'ebrunry disturbance will reach tho l'ncifio const nbout tho filh, cross tho wrMcrn tuountain coun try by cIdbh of (Mi, the great central vallcyB from 7th to !)th and the east ern states about the lUih. This distiirhanua will increase in force as it mows oustwurd ami gener al precipituiion will not amount to much. The principal feature of this dis turbance will h" the cold wavo follow ing it, which will probably amount to a blizzard in the uorthcastt-rn states. Warm waves will cross tho western mountain country about Jnmmrjf 80th and February IJth, the great central vnllnH February 1st and 7ih, and tho eastern states 31 and 9th. Cool wiivcb will cros the western moun tain cJunlry about February 2d und 8th, the great central valleys 4th and 10th, and the eastern states tith and 12th. I'KURUARY TEMl'EtlATURE AND RAIN. On the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, upper and, lower lakes, and in the Ohio valley tho tetnperaturo of Feb ruary will nvcrngo below, and the rainfall nhoitt normal. In Texas, Mississippi and Missouri valleys, tha temperature will average above and the rainfall about or below normal. My forecasts of temperature and rainfall for December, similar to the above, based on discoveries made in 1802 and partially worked out since, proved 90 per cent, correct. I can not expect to kcip up that average, however, till the ovulations arc com pleted. The principal force of storm feat ures of February will probably be: First half of mouth warmer than last half, warmest part of month just preceding the storm wave to cross continent from 0th to 11th; coldeit cold waves following this storm and tho ono to cross from 23d to 27th, Lust pait of month will bo best ice weather in northern states txcopt a day or two at beginning of tho month. Will give details ot tho spring drouth in in xt bulletin. THE MAGNETIC NEEDLE. Twcnty-ono jrars, 1850 to 1870 in clusive, daily tetnperaturo at Chicago averaged 4C.4 dtgrces above z8ro and twentt-ono years, 1871 to 1891, the average was 48.7 degrees. ThiH shows that the temperature taken every day for two periods of twenty-one years each averaged 1.3 degiccs warmer during the last period, Tho above is in accord with a lone train of facts in reference to tho cli mate of North America. It is well known tl a'., many years ago, tho win ters wero much more severe in tho upper Mississippi valley and about the upper lakes than they have been of more reoont years. If the reader will bear in mind that the prevailing winds are from tho north on the east sido of the north magnetic pole, the canter of which is now northwest of Baffin's baj; it will readily appear that as that mag netic pole moves westward, these pre vailing north winds will have less force, at Chicago and east of that, point about the lower lakes Uutil the western purt of the Ioclandio low north magnetic pole is reached. As shown in a previous study the Icelandic low is also moving westward and in its western parts the prevailing winds aro also from the north, result ing in increased oold. At New Bedford, Massachusetts, the daily temperature for twenty-one years 1813 to 1834 inclusive aver aged .80 of a degree warmer than for tne twcnty-ono years, 1868 to 1888 inclusive. From an older record at Philadelphia, the daily temperature from 1808 to 1828 averaged 4.5 do grees warmer than from 18C7 to 188G. Theso evidences aro very conclusive that tho climato is changing to warm er in tho upper Missouri valley and upper lako countries, an) to ooldcr in tho northeastern states. Tho oause can bo none other than the westward movements of the magnetio north poles. W.fc0 J UU Ui.fcAAiA) JkwMAi W.W In America ilie compass indicates a conlinuniH westward movement of tho north nuiMictic pole, but in north ern Kurope, particularly in Jjondnt , there tiro indications of vaeilUt and a ruiurmiii: to tlm oustwurd of tho Icelandic magnetic polo. It is not reiisomiblo to supposo tlmt tho Icelandic polo moves eastward while the North American is moving westward nnd tho electricians aro de ceived about it in this way The mamiciio needle does not point directly tnwaul tho center of tho mag netio pole lo which it owes allegiance, and tin rcl'oro a Might variation cast or west docs not indioato that tho center of tho magnetio polo has moved. To arrive at right conclusions about this lini tic oncMnuat keep in viow the cause that keeps the magnetio needle pointing northward, Tho cause is not the nor ih magnet io polo but tho linos of foico that surround that polo. Electricians say wo do not Know whioh wa i loetricity moves, or, if it moves at all, its direction is opposite to that of matter. Thoy would say that if clecMinity causca tho wind to blow, tho cleciricity nnd tho wind Riovo in opposite directions. I cannot understand such philoso phy. I beluvo that tflcctricity car ries mutter with it anl that tho ether of space flnus in tho opposito direc tion to tho movements of clectricul currents. All agree that a force surrounds the north iimgnctio poles of the earth situgted in Ninth America and north eastern Asia, mi hero perpetual high barometers are found. That force is represented by lines, wcakor as wo n cedo from ilut polo or center, but thcro aro no lines about it any more than there are lines in the atmosphere. When ihe.se lines of force strike tho magnetic! needle it takes position at right angliH io tho lines or direvtly across them. Theso lines of forco 'approximate to circles with the magnetio pule as their center, hut from many causes tho often hrmk away from their cir cular form, causing tho needle to vary and this vsri.ition deecives the elec tricians, leading them to conclude that tho gcniral variation of the necd lo is changing Carlton Cornwell. foreman of the Gnzotlo, Middlf town, K. J. believes that Chamberlain' Conjjh Ramdy should ba iti every home. Ho nsed for a cold and it effected n speedy otire. lie says: "It is indeed n grand remedy I can recommend to all. I Iihv.- iiIho seen it nsed for whooping aotiifh, with the best results." l!.r nnd M) cent bottles for sale by Deyo it Grice. Crooked rxck. Fine uoatlicr at present. Bert Tennsnt. nnd wife wero visit ing at lrs. Tmnant's last week. Wm. Ilcrdiek was visiting at Mr. Hnlswnrth's lm Sunday. Kd McCuno waa in our neighbor, hood last week. School is progressing rapidly under tho principalohip of Miss Hunter. Mrs. Coplen of Guido Hook waa visiting her brother Saturday and Sunday. Lillie Truman was visiting at Mrs. Ten n ant's Saturday and Sunday. Thcro was a party at Mr. Englo's Friday evening. Thoso present wore: Messrs. Wm, Berdick, Christ Ileihor, Walter and J)hn Holsworth, Law rence Pierce, John Chancy, Ben Bovcc. Loiter, Walter and Tinoy Qurney, Tross Harwood, Earl McCon key, Archio and John Martin, Oliver Hedge and Arthur Stern; Mir-srs Ruth and Carrie Holsworth' Mvrtlo Bovoe, Jer.nio Chancy, Laura Hedge, Nellie Maurer, Maud Martin. Maud Stern and Miss Fogg. Tho parly was given in honnr of Miss Susie'a birthday. After playing games of all maatamaaaaaaataaaaaaantaaaaiiaaai Thousands of Women , Buflar untold mlaarlca from aanaa of dall- cacy ttaay cannot ovarcoma. RADFIELD't ""gZt;10 CcmolQ Damilatnr acuoa iiiW ' I OlllUig II5UIUIWI orgaat, ACTS AS A SPECIFIC. It cauaaa health to bloom, and Joy to ralm a throughout tha fram. It Never Fails to Cure. "Mr wlfo baa (iron under treatment of leading pbyplclaria tlirttn jt'uri. wltbuui bne tit. After uMriK three bottloa of Kradlleld'a I Frmiilo llPK-ulator he can tlo lir own cooking, nillklnx and wnililnn." f.n. m n, tiouuvriuu, Ain. DUADFIEI.D BEOUUtOIt CO., Atlanta, Ga. aM r druulata at 1.00 per battle. - At. DR.KILMCR'S K t OO " KIDNEUIVER'jss M Pain in I he Hack Joints or lilp,Feillinentltnirlm)llkot)rlcklust frequent calls or retention, rlictnitatl.ini. Kidney Complaint Diabetes, dniy. fcanly or hllt colored urine. Urinncy Troubles 8tln(rinR8cnntlnniwlii'nvnl(llnir,ll$tr?Mpre. sum in tho part, urethral Irritation, stricture. Disordered Liver Dlont or dark circle under tho eyes, toufruo coated, constipation, ycllowbh eyeballs. AtDrua-glntii, 5(e'titiiniil 1.00 alee. Invalid' llul.lo to llnUUi" fiYe-ConniltMlon. free. Dlt. KtUMi.lt A: Co., IHmiiiamton, X. Y. kinds they departed to their several homes, mure than delighted with the amusements of tho eveinni!. Ileal INlulu TriuiftlVr. Johnnnit UimmcUiury to lohu Himmclbury, n'2 sel 'J .'II, uil, 1 00 John I) Storey nml wife to Kul. ler &. Good, lotu l 4, blk 9, IoIh 15-10, blk 3, lots 1) l'A blk H, Cowlep, wil 1!75 00 J S White, Co Tr, to M lluum, lot 1, blk U, Hluo Hill, til.... 10 11 J S White, Co Tr, to I, Uiiuni, part nwl n w4 1112 12, Id 2 72 J G Meek ot nl to lik of Guide Hock, lot 1, blk 8, Vnnco add to Guido Itock .1.100 00 K A LukliiH nnd wlfo to Wm 11 Reed ot nl lotH 1-2 3 1 blk 25 llluolllll XiOOO V. V. Pock ot nl to Win. 11. Ileod lot f. blk 2o Blue Hill 21200 CO W. K. R. Mills receiver to L. O. Nash bw or :W 2 9 1 (X) Total 7355 80 Four 111k 8ucccsca. Having the need merit to more than make Kood all the advertising claimed for thtni tho foilowluK four remrdias hae reaohed n phonomlual sale. Dr. King's Nhw Ulicovry for conauniption, oongha, and colds each bottle guaranteed Elec tric Hitters the gntat remedy for liver, kidneys nnd stomach, llucklen's Arnica Bslvo the boat in the world, nnd Dr. King's New Life Pills whioh nro a perfect pill. All these remedies aro guaranted to do just what is claimed for them and the dealer whoea name is attaohed herewith will be glad to tell yon mora of them. Sold by C. L. (Jotting's druggist. .a. i ... .ii Dr. Price's Cream B&klng Powder World's Fair Highest Mcdaland Diploma. Stillwater. Clvdo Albin is on tho sink list. Jim Saunders Sundaycd with Dave Fisher. llov. Seymour failed to fill his ap pointment at Kckley on account of revival at Guide Hock. D. H, Robinson, who lately moved from Iowa, is quito poorly at present. MisB Bertha Galloy of Nelson, who is toaching school west of Mt. Clare, attendod church at Kckley last Sun day. Supervisor Sprachcr was thrown from his buggy Saturday and quito seriously injured. Ed Graves and wife, and C Graves, from near Rosomont, attended church at Kckley last Sunday. . Mrs, Newman was quite siok last week with heart trouble, but ia better at piesont. Geo. Barnes, May Decker, Ewin Bates and Flora Miller, spent Sunday at Horry iiates north ot Lowlns. Mrs. Mcarus and Sarah Molntyrc, Instead of Mrs. It. J, Melntyrc, wero visiting in this vicinity last work. SlMI'SON. mmmmmmwmmmwm G. F. Stapleton, Blacksmith, ItlakcM u apcclnlly or ItvpalrliiK ISuKglea and Carriage. Horsa-shoonig and I'low Work prompt ly attended to, and tkes ' pains shoeing Trotting and Running Horses, And all work expected ot a tirat cluaa Smith, Shop' ITIorlli or Marble Work. SHERIFF'S SALE. Notico la liuroby rIvoii that under and liy vir tue ol an order of aale liiued from the cdlco ot O, II. Cromi, clerk of the district court of the tenth Judicial district -within and for Webster county, Nehraaka, upon a decree In nn uctlou lendlnfl thtrelu, whfreln Alison ltaon la lilaintin. and BRamst Masale uarber, John J, (inrlier, Tradors Iiiimlwr Co, and John I) Myers, defendants, 1 thall oiler for ante nt jiubllo ven duo to the blRueat bidder for cash In hand at the oast door of thu court house, at lied Cloud, In aald Wtdiatcr county, Nebraska, (that being thu building whorelu tho last term of said court wns holden) on the second ilavof Knlirimrv A. II, 1M)5, nt one o'clock ji in, of hi Id day. tho folhmliifi doscrlliecl jiroinrty, to-wit: Lots numbered tun (HO eleven III) and twelve (I'i'i In block eleven ill) in tho city ot lied Cloud Webster equnty, Nebraska, ' aiveti under my baud this 27th day ot Decern ber, A, V, mi. .T. W. ilCNCiir.v, filierlll. Cats & McNltt, riAlutliru Attomeya. M AtJUAA4AIJAfciA) - xuorr 0K2? w? ) , V tn X 8 3 Finds. Deyo & Grice A lJhi 5 A Partial Carload ot Wall - Paper Just Received. hoieest And elegant goods of every description sold at prices corresponding with the times. j 44C''COOQCC!Ji BREAKFAST-SUPPER. EPPS'S GRATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA BOILING WATER OR Mll-K. DEAFK aw - rUe fall. fibular OuthlmiA Ti-ln wtin .h hfao noisfs nmrn ptrahfara. No rain. I Raw York, lulo Ucpvt. Nopaln. Ii.uil.1.. F. lll.rax,8B3 ll'wa .i.m i.iii.. k..i,m.i n.inHt.. lArnb ortiu tor uooa aau tuuu 1-RaiK. PARKKH'S HAIR BALSAM ttnttt and. brautllita the litlr. Novor Pall to llcatora Oraj I'n 'rnnir.l. . iuiuil.nl rrunlh. xair io i. luuiaiut yoior. Cure aralp alwiM ft hair UUlnc. tac.tndtluiaa Dmccliu lai.WwleliHlliMilJrJ m l'araar'a dinger Tonlo, Iictimtlia wotil Omitn, Yitti liirm, IA blllTr, Indlxcrtion, l'ln,'lkt In lliut Wcla. Wtak luntt, IXblllur, Indlji Gop all Palo. Uc. at rirurn'l Tha rnlr lur cure for Oorna. rjiuriiit. or uibLVX : cu-, m. v. LADIES no oo KNOW DR. FELIX LC .RUN'S STEEL 8HD PEHHYRUYflL FILLS nm ths nria-lnal nnd only FHKNC1I, aafe and re. llublocuro on tho market. l'rloe$lXKJ; lent by Jiail. Uonuiuo auld only by For aale by Deyo it Grice, Red Cloud A B C Htuoifs Bromo-Geiisig. Rnlandlil enrattra. annt for Nerrooa or Hick llaaducha. llrmtn KihaUNlloii. KltblaiHinewi. laaaucna, urain urn uncial or BMnfiriil N nullum, uuut.Kldaar lllnurdert, tclal or gtineral ManralKlaialwilor UIo llla. Antenna. AntMota for Aloouollo ranra. Acta u, Acid D anlothreicMa. fric,lu,aanda)oou Eflarroacant. THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. IBIS. WttUrn Annua. CHICAGO. PILES! ITCHING PUIS SWATHE MNTMENT AMOi.trnx.Ti T arTtaa-aa aililaiil aaaaaaaa MakW mmM m& aublNHiH.maaitia.aafaaaaM,rkl lIllMll lillllllllni hUlVlr. ba.aafaaaarul4illaj Mlllllllllllllllllllllll I IM (OLUnBIA PAP CALENDAR I For X A Desk Calendar i a nccewity - moil convenient kiiiu oi muicuuusc t. lor memoranda. The Columbia Desk If Calendar ! brightest and hambomckt ot all full it dainty silhouettes and pen sketches and entertaining thoughts on outdoor exercise anil sport. Occasionally reminds you ol Ilie superb tmality ol Columbia 111 cycles and ol your need ol one. You won't object to that, ol course. The Calendar will lw mailed (or five 2-ccnt htnmps. AdJrctt Calendar Department, onuR mph ro f Mtntionthliparo. Hartford, Caan. t TiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiT IBniEw VabI tmm amaatHlSBaBSBlBWV .f 1895: a aiy m -r E With tho sumo stupendous stock und liberal patronage as over. ? pugs AN OPPORTUNITY , IO IIKT A Xice Hook IIY Paving for The Chief. It is this way: Any subscriber bring-, ing in the appended coupon, acoompau led by $1.00, can have hie choice ot a lino selection of cloth bound booku, which we will have ready for distribu tion, commencing Monday, Docetnbor 17. l'8W. Our Ilook OlFerlng. Scrlca No. i. Brlug in or peed to this office this coupon, with $100 to be applied on Tiik Ciuef, nnd it will entitle jou to jour choice out of n Eelcction of handsome ly bound, be cits, to be donated to Tub Ciurr subc-cribera who pay one dollar on subscription. ' Note Out of town subscrib ers can have tho book for ward ed by inclosing 10 cents extra for postage. GEORGE'S -Bakber : Shop- Over Deyo &. Grice'a. TheJmoBt faahionnble work done' at rea 'i... eonable pricaa. ; , UJ GEO. FKXTRES8, Prop.' Notice lo Teacnera. Notloe ia hereby given that I will examine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidate! for teachers ,ofthe public sohools of this county, at Red Cloud on tho third Saturday of each month. Special examinations will be held on the Friday proceeding the 3d Sat urday of each month. The standing desired for 2d aid 3d grade certificates is the same eo grade below 70 per cent., average 80 per ecut; for first grade certificate no grade bolow 80 per cent,, average 90 per oent. in all branches required by law. T). M. HnNTSR. Cnnntv Swot. ROAD NOTICE. To WU0U IT MAY Uonci'.iin: The commissioner appointed to locate a roa4 cotnuienclua at the toutuei.t comer ol lection eloen(U). town two (1) north range 1utu tit) west Ctu l' M. and riitiulsg tbence eaat on tho section line ono utile and terminating at tbu aoutheaat corner of lecltou elevenllll. town two 12, north, rauueolevm ill) weat Uth V If, in Webster county, Vebraska, has leported in favor of the establlthuieut thereof, and all objection thereto, or claims for damage mu bo tiled la the comity ojerk office on or beforoi noon ot tho Wd iloy of Horch, 106, or auoh road will be established without rejerence thereto. Itod Cloud Nebraska. December itf. ia4. I h. Hi FoitTi County Clerk. B xj .ju r$y "' -xali V ) ' . 't-rJfi, H A ' K& 1 .1 - I 'I 1 A .A r) .'V v - I , .A' a. 1 VtMKMOA'aV . "ST Siif""ivJW"ijj jiKiMaaav-wt mnri nr!rtttzmi:rt'fy&PffLVit