t MS- ; t- '.a .i i l. o riiilHiui:iti;hn!;,iJiil El K 'll, .iHnji i! - .ill '"s!B" V i ?"! ,i,H M :t-...'.!:!-!f,rJ:H! I i I .l Hommrint. Is and Children thrivo on tins xunmision ill " 1 seems to jftraste. Thin Babies and Weak Children grow and healthy by taking it. strong, plu .(' tts $' " overcomes iitntea weakness Emaciatioi Consumption. children ai Lungs, Chi untold beni i from this great for making ical world Soctt . Bol 1 u yj aii hHi mi IN MEMi MABI. Lines inscribed k th mntnnrv of Ralph Hnrtwcll, wh . !od December preaching its 25th, 1891. A beautiful nutumi close; HI.. ., . A houso filled wi( ClVUIUlUll WU1UU It t , tnado hearts roj V When lo, to their sorr i shadow arose huBhiDg to siloi a dear, gentle pad and bright- Iff voice. lie boyhood life bl onod each year, I Revealing new chari , nr ine loving tne sunshine to prize. presence afford and cheer, kCTlMvad 'troubles grew flt beaming oyeB. at his love They watched in his , ing their enro; ese, exhaust- ft They nurtured thei when in conflict with feai Souls oft to the Fatri were lifted in prayer, a Wliilo harrowed wltl iQfuieh 'at ill omend toars. ', At length a foil blow ff ao conquer ing hand His spirit roloasod careor, iritfita earthly it had carefully And leaving tho hopes plannod, Took others befitting 1 Mtier sphere. Tho days como and go,l pging labor and euro, And oft to give comfoj bars some kind face; But hearts no loss yeornj It he absent i and dear i Again to enfold to tl brace. 514 The burden, how heavy; lould some relief Wight reach to tho boa it mourn comforts fled, And grant them the he from grief, so needed That rests soro upon tl ecause of ) their dead. The frail dust is Bepul which onco smiled through A love endowed spirit krrjyilOlRri ft', - Tho loss which they sufTor is gain to 1 - 4hnir oMIil A lamb givon bach to tho shophord who lont. yy, Kind Father who willingly doth not af- m iiioi, l vvuo loveiu uu HincKoa bouis, uoweu and forlorn, Give faith in tho promise Thou doth not restrict, And for a night's weoping grant joy in the morn. E.II Ilownro of Olnlnionts for Ca tarrh that contain Slurcury us niurcury will surely destroy the senso of ,.inell and completely derange the whole Vystem when entering it through the DatcnouH surfaces. Snob artioles ehoald J"p be used except on persoriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold. to the good yon can possibly derive from 'hem. nail's Catarrh Care maufaotured by F, J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. O., contains no maroury, tad U taken internally, aotlng direotfy a the Meod and muoons snrfaeei of the )wa. is naying uaira umrrn core b tore jwm gti we gaaaiM. ii m ium many, ana maa ia xoimo, unto, by .ChtMy k Co. Testimonials free (Hi) old by dragnet, 76c, BM wnen an tne rest 01 tueir rood J k - . emulsion .At ' ana au tne tendencies towara Thin, weak babies and growing I persons suffering from Loss of Fleah, Weak I Coughs, and Wasting Diseases will receive nourishment. The formula a t'B Emulsion has been endorsed by the med- venty years. No secret about it. far pamphlet on Scott' t Emulsion. FREE. n. ..!.. mr . -. wruvsioiv. uvvsiuaaiiu ! owlei. School commenced' Monday. Mr. Davie ii doing the barber act at the depot. J. 1). Storey haa put up 12 loads of ice. Mrs. Scott is some better at this wrltiBg. Mr. Crane of Exeter was in town this week. 0. W. Fuller was in Lawrence this week. Married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Butler. Jan. 9, Mias Hannah ButUr and Qee. Francis. Jan. 9 th. Tho skating psrty at Amboy Wed nesday evening was attended by a large crowd of Oowles people. Jay Beat priie winner. v Night Watch. State Creek. Several marriages to report this week. Mr. Ryd niado tho brake (or broke the ice) and then James York and Miss Nellie Potter, and next was Mr. Fair and Miss .Anna B. Wilson. A death occurred south of us re cently that we are sorry to report. Mrs. Muzy had a sorious trouble with her head and was finally pronounced insane and died last Thursday, Several of our neighbors went to Salem to quarterly meeting last Mon day. Jesse Sapp's unole and cousin of Mitohil county were visiting him last week, i Wm Hopper has eommenced farm ing or has listed 40 aores and will drill his corn next spring; Occasional. Yon oaflht 'to know this: De Witt's Witeh Hasle Salve will heal a bona aad' of? pthe pain instantly. It will ear bad ly chapped heads, ugly woands, sores, ana a well known cure lor piles. Amtey. We are bavingjebjpgeblawtlrJ -T-' TjI ajiAj. .- -1 -1"! v.fc'.h-ll,' Fyerybody is talking of putting up ice. Charley Rasscr got a horse killed byboingeut on tho wire fenco last week. Mr. and Mrs. Carmoney of MoCook aro visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs. Cox. 0. H. Friabio spent Sunday in Guide Rock. OsoaEmick is moving this week to Ilonrj Gilliam's farm. Joe SUadon and family wcro visit ing J. W. Saladon's this week. The Amboy young ladies aro learn ing to skate. Floreico Brown was tho guest of Ira Bakir last week. Alf Saladon and Susio Baker pent Sunday it Willow Creek. Harvoj Cox and Daisy Frisbid at day tended luhnroh at Cowles Su evening. For tho best paper in western Ne' ka come to this office, Iras- T -! a BaufllK -li.V aPSE-s fcja jet&. Red Cloud, Webber Count. Nkh.. Friday. January mboy Fine snow C. H Fris 1 Mond and wife wcro vitit- ing in Guide beK Suaiisy. Mr. G. W. 'iker and wife weroyin- iting Wm Hu abd wifo SaturdnyA S. Frisbio i home Sunday. Tho irrigat: r reservoir win . ... be finished. Several Am y people were in Red Cloud Tucsda Frank Fris i was in Red Cloud Sunday. Christmas e JaJng will bu observed here with an Itcrtainment. Lilia Wilfiai t was visiting in Am- boy; There m Lilia. be souio attraction J. W. Salad is on thojsick lit. Mrs. C.L iris and inothrr were visiting at G. ,' Baker's Sunday. Fred Fraso id a briiak down the other day andfi pilled tl cm all out, but fortuaatelyl o aooidepts happen- ed, St I,lnc. Everybody January. enjoying this find Cassius Ken I and Link Jay wcro on the niok lint' able to attend a last week, but were hool Monday. Mrs. Lewis ineawho las bein on the sick list fo: seme time is some better. Mr. Puckett 8 . , ibis little daughter have been very throat iiek with the i sore If Mr. Arrant 9 ftfca'wife wore TisUini' Ait Inam Hatfrshfuv Iasis'dML nnlr Some of the fTafbers havo taken their horses to VwpbW, Kama to feed them for the resi? of the winter. Mis. Cox froasfpregon is' viiiting ! Biaim mm .MUr mt mn n OIDIDI VUIWA. 1SUVIB. ' if Croesviel Creek. Fine weather k present. I Mr. Coplind ' putting u up a new wind-mill. 5 'I Stephen Harru' ion Chafloy is re- . R iff ported quits sic Ed Dickson aMd'wife were yifiting in Red Cloud lal week. Earl Tennant laid Miss Munson were in our neigl pefhood last week. Arohie Martii i$John Holsworth and Mr Gurney lea.to uutde nock Sunday. Wm. and Johi olsworth was in our neigbborhooi last week. arias bconvisitiDg Fred Maurer his parents dnrio ,aoation returned to Lincoln 8aturdlr There was a sailing party at Mr. Maarer's Saturdai evening. A large erowd was present aid all reported a good time. JM We have had sravery nice weath er for winter and jl,M continues spring wiUrbe'.here'eeYore we think of it. Mr. Spurior was cutting ioo on tho creek near a wire fence the othor day and ss bo raised his ax it caught on tho wire turning it and causing it to out a doop gash in his head. IIo was unconscious for a whilo but Mr. and Mrs. Brown dressed tho wound and ho is getting along alright. Tho Epworth League was very in teresting Sunday evening with Mrs. Mountford as leader. Mrs. Ilorton will load next Sunday. Preaohing next Sunday at lit. IIopo by Rov. Ilorton and on Wnssday evening. ' VRev, Ji-erry and Rev. Ilorton will start, p pro tractoa meeting. Mr. Sapp and wife spent Sunday with J, L. Graves and wife, Wm. Barrett has purohased the utook ef goods from Cbas. Steffen. Anyone needing groceries need not go all the way to town, give him a call. Mrs. F. L. 8mith has been quite liok the past week. : rt- o..j. . .t.. . i .. I I vu uuuuay oveuiog vu augo! 0( i deatli visited our midst and took Miss Eumia Whcutely from this world to that bright land beyond. She hnd a stroke of paralysis about two weeks ogo and could not move or piak, and though slio could not sry a word sho could not soy a word alio seemed per fectly at rest and waiting for tho Lord to como nnd take her homo where she could meet her dear mother nnd H'stcr who have gone before Slio 'loaves a father, brother nnd sister to fcourn her loss hesidoH largo circle ol friends who have been with Emma from infancy nnd knew her only to lnj her. Mr. Whcutely nnd children ha tho sympathy of tho entire community in this hour of sorrow. IN MKMOIIV Shi neods no houso nor homo below Sho'sgono to whore tho righteous go, Hortpirit bom rod on angel's wings To seethe Lord tho kitig of kings And Voar n fadeless crown, Tho sadden exit grioved us sore On earth we'll see her face no moro, Tho gentle form is laid away To wait ttiu resurrootion day When the last trump eholl sound. Death often breaks our tender ties BufQod will bid tho dust arise, Then we oxpoct ont day' to sharo Unbroken joy with hr, up thore Love has no broken ties. Sid. alalia. Yance Sorgenson lias purohased a buggy. Wm. Holmos says ho is happy jubt tho Nnme. Dr. Moranvillo was in our vicinity Thursday. Peter Nelron was a sight seer of Blue Hill Saturday. Hudy Streot smiles over tho arrival of a fino boy. J B. Wiseoarver and family wero vitiiors at C. F. Kelly's Sunday. Ncls Sorgcnson was transacting business in Cowles Friday. Claudo Duval and wife of Otto wero guests lit J, B, Wisecatvor Sunday. The Danes had a meeting at the residence of Otto Gcnscn Sunday eve ning. Budded cyi earth to bloom in heaven. Little Elsie tho oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs C. Hansen died early Satur day morning with blood poison. Lit tle Elsio was sick only about four days; every effort was made to savo lies life but of no avail. Sho was about threb and one half years old. Tho services wero conduoted Sunday at 2 o'clock at their residence, by lUv. Anderson and Rev. Bean. Little Elsio was laid to rest in the Gensen cemetery. The family have tho sym pathy of their many friends in their pad bereavement. Ever to thy Savior cling Lovo divino they all will sing, Some will falter, some will fall ' Into that wonderous world beyond Evon there we all shall meet. Happy aro our thoughts About little Eleio doar, Nover did she mar our thoughts Smiles we nover ahull forgot Enters in our mind day by day Never to seo hor in this world again. Stunneh. Two Lives Saved. Mrs, I'hoebo Tohmns, of Junotion City III. wns told by her doctors sha had cob somption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles Dr. Kiug'e New Dlcooyery completely cured her and she says It saved her life, Mr. Thou. Eggers, in!) Florida St. Ban Fiinoisco suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching con sumption tried withont result everything else then booght one bottle of DrylUfjg's New Discovery and in two Vmi was ourod. IIo is naturally thanliw- It is snoh results, of whioh these are Yd'P,os that provo the wonderful effloaoyl of this midlcina ia oonghs and eoldt. Fke trial bottle at O. L. Getting' drfogstor, Segslar sixeCOe. an 91.90, t n Dr. Price's Cream Baking Rpwder Werls'sFelr Hlghtst Meealaaa DIbs. I ma RDIEH rtn 7cn 11. 1895. Illation. Louie Cutler is hauling wood from tho llluo. C. II. Clark is chopping wood for Mr. Cobb. Rather quito nnd nows scareo since the holidays. Good bracking weather wo aro hav ing theso days, F. W. McLaughlin was doing busi ness at Cowles Tuesday. Tho meeting? nt the Congregational ohurch aro being quite well attended. Miss Jonnie Bowman of tho cnpitol city Is visiting friends in this place. Rev. Davis, is holding meetings at tho Congregational church thi week, 0 Hull of Guido Rock watt in this city over Sunday, tho gitrst of J R. Horn. Mrs. S. Monroe in nt Hastings with her son who is very sick mid not ex peoted to live. Who can tell when thn Hluo Hill Leader is published these davb? Limk nt tho dntes. Mr. Ovoring of Red Cloud has again resumed his duties at tho Harmony schoolhouso west of town. Miss Nina Hall who has been visit ing Lottio Doyle roturned to her home Monday with hor grandfather Mr. 0. Hall. A gentleman from Dakota with Mr. Bnnui is looking up tho prospect of buying up a oar load of shonts to shid to Dakota. R. S. Tibbctts and 8. S. Wells of Hartwcll attended the installation of officers of tho Burnsido post nnd W. R. 0. last Saturday. Uncln Tommy Burden fell off a load of baled oano that ho was hauling,' as ho is youcg (?) and spry ho londcd right sido up without a scratch or bruiso. Our friend A. V. Regpins was ro meiubcrcd by his brother who livo in the cast with a ohcok for fifty dollars whioh comes in niightv handy theso hard time. - . . - - It carta piles, it cures obntinno aorrs, ehnppad bands, wounds. It does this qniekly. Is there any good reason why you ahonldnot nse UvWitl'a Witch LI tue I Salve? Private Money to Loan. On good farms for 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 years time at reasonable rates. Money always ready, one mortgage, and no commission. Write to Geo. W. Barker, Erio, Penn. no 1-tf . ' Bert Irish of Columbus was fined five dollars for behaving indecenoly toward a little girl of nino years. He was old enough to know hotter and escapod too easy. Tho noxt moeting of tho north Ne braska teachers' association will be held at Norfolk April .1. 4 and C, 1890. The new plow factory at Nebraska City is assuming shapo rapidly. iii Omaha dccreasoB, tho charity list greatly by offering work to all who ask for aid. Wo might tell you more about Ona Mlunte Cough Cure, but you probably knowthatisoures.il ooiigb. Every one does who has used' it. It is a perfect remody for coughs, colds hoarsoness. It is an especial fnvonte for children, being plunsant to take mid quick in curing. We might be moro quiet if we had smaller dictionaries. Pationco that costs only an effort may be worth r fortune. It you want frosh oystors sorvod in ovory stylo go to the City bakery, for a square moul and lunch tho best in tho city. Jos. Herburgor. Careless people should bo held respon sible for thoir accidents. To make money is not easy, but it is not as hard as it is to savo it. Ignoranco may be bliss but it certain ly costs more than it ia worth. To broaden one's mind one must be gin by broadening e's heart. The devil Is what people call a holy terror. L-m.2--i , lilfllSilS!!!!!!!! hilli!!i!i!isid:-i'ir.: iirasi t.'ifllKsj-; V..,. 23 No. 2 Absolutely Pure A orcaui of tartar baking prmder Hinlu'st.of nil in lcnvotiini( slicngth Latest United States GovuriiLinnt Food Report. Royal Hiiklnir Powder Co. 106 Wall St., .'. Y. Heal Estate Transfers. J W Kunchoy hIiltIIT to Re becca T Portor pt nol 20-2 111 1C0O 00 H F King to O II Thorpe pt of lot t) 10 11 it 12 block i) lot U lilk 10 Viiuco uihl lot 0 bllt 5 lot 8 and 1 foot or lot 0 Ml; Vuiico'b udd to U U "00 00 HF King to Oil Thorpo tnvJ bc4 mid net tuv4 and vt2 nvA 221-Owd I'.OOO 00 J U Wulsh & wf to U 13 King 4 to 11 Iota 2 to Oblk 7 1) H 4 to 11 of lotB7to 11 bll .'II Ited Cloud qcd 1 00 J W llunchey ehoriir to LiO Cotnx42u-l 11 sd 10C0 00 J W Kimchey Hhoriff to L & O Co i.2 h -1 & h2 ne4 20-M2 id 1 lt 00 S W Kunchoy eherifT to I,iO Co w2 nwl i. w2 bw4 .12 1-11 1)00 00 L J P. 1 1 'f it Iniub to M CrrpBii tor hit 12 nt! lot 2 bile G Lu Duco udd to It C wil lOtO 00 J D Croeby to E M Burt s4 bw4 18-4-12 wd 000 00 W Arimlilifc wf t C Keoclinr hv1 2.'110 wd 3500 00 II U Ku'lilur Hingle to O I Co lot 3 I'll? 4 llurcher'fl udd 10 Hluo llillqcd 1 00 J W Kuiicln-y HhorllT to C L I.u horo I. U 20 to 24 lilk 2! R C Ifilo 37 C FuBi-lfr Co Tr t P & N loi 0 to 12 bllt 0 (lnrl)or'H add to Rod Cloud td 18 CO It M Mil Lorry to W J Whiiteu lotH iii .'.' & ::o biu 11 n h qcd 1 oo W Uutlo.lgo to ,) li llines u2 nr4 t ti2 nwl & fci'4 nw4 34-2 10 wd 2800 00 Total I181C0 87 Yon make no mistake when yon tak DeWitiV Mill Early Rhmre for billens ueas, dyHpepstn or headaobe, beoaase these I it 1 1 plils cure them. Market Report. (Cor rue ted Weekly.) Wheat f 60 50 35 60 12 Corn Oate Rye r lax ... Hobs IIIIIIMIH t Mil . . . . 3 50 Stock hogs 8 003 Fat nows 2 ........... Butter Eggs Potatoes Chickens lb Turkeys lb Good Farm Loans Wanted. Low intoroHt, with option to pay all or part of principal at anyyear. Wrlto, or call nnd seo me, O. F. Cathii:, Red Cloud, Nob. . Dwelling House for Sale Cheap All conveniences, close to business. Inquire of J. Nustkin. Cigar Manu- facturor, Red Cloud, Neb. 14-Gmo. Running S. Sores. Cures the Serpent's Sting. S, swTpt specific CO.. AUaai. o. Bakinrr- m. PowdefM BBBLaaaaaai X naW 'nBaBBaV tcOMTAiious L&v?ras&rr; ejBBBannsBB- KmIIm - lit EJTuflBl-'JE' m. ' -i -.-'.' r rr, san L". J ' -t '" kri--' ii '.tSi ,-s .-v ' ' .v,.... 10 15, 75 4 6 "to 1 m ' 1 K.M . ar-yw . n Vrf.r.'' ts.it i& bW k I I f Wa mMm'-- : Tfl.l anwst r-n. ;, mmi 4 ii t3S&HSr 7U ZjJt!Z- j.''ti"'.'JH tfTj; w ' rtf irj' f.lMMl WKS3I33JE. ?ar w: A .j.....ry' i ) if' u P1 ZZL llll f 1 I W -