TIIK i:) CUU'I) (MUKIiMiliDriiOun.NRUKASKA. FRIDAY, OCT. 10. ISO I, If i Si'liil KarcaiiiH In ESnot ami Shoos. This means 11 good d Mil to puri,!iaaors of bIiocb at this time providing what are advertised asbargnina arc ronlly balanitis and no' advertised to ilccuivo. Wo havo in Btock a number of pairs of.Ino. Stroot man's band turn, common souse, plain shoes of tlu very finest iinhty of kid and wcro bought to bull at $1.0 to So.OO. No shoo in our stoic can ixcoll tlicm in eervico and wear and wo offer tlicm at 8.'1.00, guaranteeing every pair to gio satisfaction. Wo liavo also In stock for men a few of Lilly llrackott's cork sole French calf Bkin and cordovan shoes worth f. "..00 and $0.00, we offer them to oti for 81.00. In Hoots wo lime boiiiu especially good bargains. You can pay as low as gl.f0 or as high a prico as $: .".0. Tho latter kind aro boots heretofore sold at $I.r.O and $.r).o0. Tho former aro equal to many you hao paid $2f.O for. Wo have tho best boot for 1.00 in kip or calf you evor saw and also a strong lino of child- rons boots. It you are about to buy anything in tho shoo line, wo invito you to givo us a call and will ngreo to save you money on your puiehnso. Ropairing dmo at cost of matorial and all rips sowed f re of charge. Ui.akksi.i.1. & K.i.r.v. lOtt'X TAIJi. CltKI) K. MdvKKUV, M. I). IMiyxU'liiu mid Siiryeon, City and country calls promptly uns wcred. Moon llt.ocK, Ur.n Ci.orn. 1TV XKWS. Tho Arion quartet tho 10th. Tho corn crop is about all gathored. Mrs. II. I. Rnnoy wns visiting in Riv ortou labt wtek. John Polnicky was in Omaha for n fuw da) b this week. Miss Gertie Kaloy was visiting friends in Inuvalo Tuesday. Mrs. .1. K. White is visiting with friunds in liluo Hill. Mrs. lturwell of Inavalo wis i hopping in Hod Cloud Monday. Row Geo. Yeiser inado his usual trip to Guide Rock Sunday. Mr. Dilley of tho 1$. &. M. eating house was visiting in Fnirbury Monday E. P. Uolton is visiting in lil old homo in OfikiilooBa for u few days. Earnest Uolton was visiting in McCook with his friend .7. M. Trumnell last week. D. J. Myers and Al (ialusha attended tho llryaii-Thurston debate in Lincoln and Umiihii. Mrs. W.J. Kneppor of Orleans, was visiting in the city Tuesday, tho guest of Mrs. J. II. Smith. Miss Emily lladell proprietress of tho Iadios bazar has beaut illed her show window with a lino display of choice Mowers. G. W. L. ISrown of Elgin, Illinois, is Tisiting in tho city and looking after his intorests hero. While hero ho is tho guoBt of C. Rosoncran", living south of the river. C. E. Winger tho day operator at, tin dopot, accompanied by his wife left Mon day for an extensive visit in tlioeant. Ho is succeeded by tho gonial night man Oscar Ynrger. W. E. RjbitiHon fvml F. l lludloy aro putting tho llu'sliiug toii.-a o i A if M; Call's house this week. Alt will have when llnished, ono of tho beat i evidences in tho county. Tho inapiurado at tho llreman's hal on Saturday night managed by Mes.inj Sapp, Groat and others', was well at- tended and greatly enjoyed by those present. Tho best of older prevailed. A. A. Popo returned homo Tuesday, from an oxtonsivo visit to uuiithern Texas, lnt-onio ways Mr. Popo likes tho Lono Star state, but there aro a'si some objectionable features that ho could not fail to observe, Gonerally howovei ho considers it ngood country. Mr. Dwyor who reciitly received n visit from Mr. Win. Payne, an old friend . of his living at Sugar Like, Missouri, ro ceived new b of the death of Mr. Pay no last week by the earn. Mr Payno wa3 ntanding on tho track, and could not avoid a liibt mouug train which caused his death. Last week in our account of tho uuisi calo, wo failed to givo tho ladles who mado tho entertainment n success propor credit. There wero several who helped in tho work, but Mrs. Ir. Dainorell do orvus groat praito for training and prompting tho many litllo girls who par ticipated. And still tl.o republican belt that was predicted after tho Into ututo convention does not material!.". From Majors down tho ticket is receiving tho support of republicans with greater unanimity than for many eart, and republicans urn in addition working harder for tho suc cess of tho entire ticket. It is a republi can year regardless of tho funlonizcd of fort of tho demo popa to stay tho tide. Suporior Journal. J. II. Richardson our now milliner is doing a tino business. talio linn only been hero about two weeks and eho has a f no trade already, bhe expects to ro n. ,dn here in Uio bu-inesa ue cho is io-p-.viig Iter stock of goods us fanl ns in. is . i. Aniuo wi.ildrg n Btylo of I, .i i . Don't forget the baud concert. Hoadmastor MoFurlaud went to St. Jo Saturday on business. E. J. Cox of Heaver township sub scribes for 'fur. Cliii'.r. Hear tho Arion ipiartet at tho opera house Friday night tho 10th. Mr. Ninkleyof Rivoiton was in 1'rd Cloud on business this week. . I. (J. Knight, our popular confection er, wns in Lincoln this week. Mrs. Frank Smith visited this week, with friends in Salem, Kiimw P. A. Wells, one of MeCooks brilliant attorneys, was in tho city thin week. Gene Wright eamo in Saturday, nfter a month's absence woiking his route. L II. Rust goes to Westmorland, Pot tawatomie county, Kansas this week. N. W. Kingslnnd win a Heatrico visit or on Saturday, returning on Monday. 1 have It.OOO bushels of corn for sale at 00 cents per bushel shelled. J. 11. Hai- !)'. Aultz .v. Dyer will buy your chickens, ducks, A.e. Second door south of Clin r olllce. Tho R C llouring mills aro sellini; wheat, chop (pure), roller ground at 310 per ton. Mr. S. F. Spokeslleld and niece, Ethel Hendershot, returned Saturday from a visit in Hebron. Charley llut riitrio home Saturday night from St. Joseph, where ho had been on business. it.ni! .1.- !... 1 ... Al v iiiiniup, urn miiunuiu uum, iu turned homo Saturday night, after u four weeks' visit in Arkansas. County Clerk Fort with his wife and daughter and Mrs. Shea were over from Red Cloud Tuesday. Guide I lock Signal. Tho meeting of tho agricultural so cioty his been adjourned until October 2-'). It is noped that all members will bo present. Mr. Welherald, editor of tho Republi can City Democrat, was a pleasant call er at this ofllco this week. Ho was hero in consultation with Dr. Cullimoro in ro gard to his littlo girl's eyes. Georgo E. McDonald, formerly of this city, but moro recently of Lincoln, is en gaged in making good republican spurch- es. no bi)h no is lor repuiuican pros perity, such as was prevalent during tho Harrison administration. Al Aultz and Sam Dyer formed a part nership and enlisted in tho wholesale purchase of poultry. Their place of business is two doors south of Tin; Ciiif.k olllce, and ther seem to havo ntready worked up a good trade. Thoro will bo a great republican rally at Superior on Saturday October 'Jo Roast ox and cotfoo at 1U in. Good speaking and good music. Se hand bills. John M. Thurston, T. J. Majors, and other noted speakers will bo pres ent. Jas. McClintock, living on the west border of tho county, in in lino shape thin yoar. Ilo has 1S00 bushels of old corn that he can feed, which will tido him over until tho next crop. That is tho way to farm; always havo enough on hand and to spare, Henry Dearborn, a cousin of S. F. Spokeslleld, from tho east, arrived in Red Cloud the other day to visit with Mr. S. They had not seen each other for IS years. The visit was a very plena ant one. Mr. Dearborn in now visiting friend") in Hubron. C. II. Miel, living in Garfield township, brought to thUolllco four lluld turnips of the vintagoof "01 that weighed, col- f lectively, 1 1 pounds and six ounces. Not so bad for a dry year. Tho funny part of it in that tho turnips did not havo any water on ihem from tho limo thoy wero planted in July until September 1. Married at the M. E. parsonage in this city on Tue.l'iy p. m, Mr. A. M. liishop and Miss Grace E. Smith both of River ton this fiti.to. Tho brido and groom will make their homo in Uiveiton for tho present. Mr. Hishop it; a nephew of Rev. II. Curtin of Davenport. Mr. Peter Hansen and Mis. Maxtleld acted as legal witnesses. Tho doanerats at Red Cloud last Saturday nominated Sam Conner of Rlvoitou as their candidate forstatosen"; ator. Trie democrats of this dh tried wore opposed to being Bwallowed bodily by tho pops. I. V. Smith was down from tins county and tolls n good story on tho situation of tho democrats of this Btate. Hloomington Echo. Now bo'oks. wo havo in stock tho Ar lington 12 mo., c'.oth which consists of 182 different selections at 20o. Tho now Oxford edition in cloth with gilt tops; this edition has 100 different solectior.s at :.c. Hetidts these wo havo a largo nsEortniont of tho latest publications. Also a good assortment of books in nets at very leatonablo prices.Deyo Grlco. 4.it row.v Hear Thurston Thurston at U-il Cloud Oetober '' T. W. Auld was in Superior Sn.il y. Ex-Mayor Tinker was in tho city tins week. C. II. Potter is up again, after a ety serious sickness Everett Dyer returned from Kansas City Sunday evening. Charle,. Coleman of Ibauoii, Kan. was a !" want caller this week. Fiaiiiiri sni io DrvTii On last Sat urday afterai on, atSpriugtleld, occurred thp death of Mabel, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Ihihaid T. Hickman. Mabel was thirteen yearn old, and her death was the lesult of fright on tho night of September 21. On that night burglars enteied Mr. Hiekmiin's liouse, and in the uproar following their discovery, the lit tle girl became badly frightened. She was unable to Bleep but nothing was thought of it until four days later when she was enullucd to her bod. llornonos wero teirtbly shattered, ami despite the We have determined To rcclnce our -. umunxXL: jariyc Stock of -.H3 I). Stotler and wiJ- were viMting in attention of a physician, alio grew weak Hurr Oak and Otogo this week. or until her death. The least nois-e J.S While, county treasurer, and his frightened her. and she constantly iiu- wife were in Blue Hilt this week. I "gined that burglars wero in the house M.ss Anna Ihimlull has icturned to i to ,1" ''" "iry. It IhuohIh hi., nl; M I iiiosi prosiraieu wun grier. Mr. ami .Mrs. iticuiuan aro noin out Liintonians, after a i'cuinut visit in her hotiii Cloud. SIS to i2.")'gives you a dandy tailor made suit and a peifeet tit. Chicago Clotliing Co. When you wish a dn".( made call on Mrs. !'. P. Hadley. Sho will do you llrst class woik. V'or tailor made suitH go to tho Chi cago Clothing store. Pet feci lilting cloihint; or no sale. Do not hell your wheal, corn or oats until you see James PeterMiu. Ilo is pay nig the top price. You can get the best oysters in tho city at tho City bakery, at tho lowest prices. - Jos. llerburger. The c-lehrated Arion quartet of fork has been secured to sing at tho opera house Fnday night, Oct. 10. Curt Evans has every tlnngyou want in thosecoud hand furniture line. Soohim Hliie Front, south Webster street. A thousand samples to select from in our iiieichaul tailor department. Per fect tit guaranteed. Chicago Clothing Co. M. W. Dickerson was in Heatriiv Sat urday. Ilo return Sunday, bringing with him P.yiel Wilttou, his littlo grand-sou. Tin; cry of tho laboring man is for ro publican pnu'peiity and good wages. The demnciatic misrule is not relished by iaboiing men. Don't forgot that I am prepared to cany pas-engers to all parts of tho city. Leave unlets at the Holland House. Iji.oyd Cumuli.. If you want, fresh ny blent served in every style go to tho City bakery, for a niiaro meal and lunch tho best in tho city. Jos. Herburgor. Tni:Ci:n.i' is much pleased to note tho evident pro-pet ity of our public schools. Every depaitmont !b passing along smoothly and without a jar. Do von travel? Aro you n shipper? Tho"Ranil-McNally Railway Guide and Hand Hook." contains all pertinent in formation . Ask your News-dealer. Judge Welty, of tho 11 th district, a populist judge, has been arrested for bribery, ot.e of his henchman having preferred tho charges. What next ? Henry Clark, Flavo Grico and Roy Tait wero in Hastings Monday. Tlio boyn saw 'Charley's Aunt," and pro nounced Iht a very comical character. Dr. Peck, tho overseer of highways, has llxcd eaht Fourth Avenue in tino shape, and put that portion of the street in bettor shape than it lias over been. The Juiiior League of tho M. E church will give a social at that church on Thursdav. Oct. 2o. An interesting program will be prepared for tho occasion. ;$! I 'wUMSsi'ZJjaSx3&&rju;;itaHTOSS D res her virtck oun lfare their or ..I ' m d fiir it the hint of - If McNitt keeps that, celebrated Stand ard hort.0 and cattlefood, Host in tho world, and no fanner nor ho-seinan should bo without it. West of postoi-ilco ono door. 1 am now prepared to do nil kinds of llrst elas3 sowing, tliess making, cutting andlittinu'. Prices reasonable. Residenco three blocks west of Miner's stoie. Mrs. F. P. Hadloy. Tho many young friends of Emma Polnicky gave her a very pleasant sur prise on last Monday even ug. the occa sion of her 11 th birthday. All report a very plei.sant time. Wo havo tho pleasure of announcing this week tho marriage of Mr. Chin ley liiidlow and Miss Sushi Knminsky. Iv. Mattox olllciating. Tho (heat Family Weekly extend congratulations. I). StolTor has purchii'eil the half in terest of S. J. Jackson in the barber shop. Mr. Stoffer is a jovial and pleas ant fellow to b'como aciiiainted with, and iiImi an experienced workman. Miss Josio Igou gathered tho young people tngnthor thio week to practice for tho beautiful cantata which idio will soon present in this city. It will bo one of tho most fiihcinating entertainments over given in Red Cloud. Piles! Can they bo cured? Yes! Dr King iiiake.i a specialty f piles, chronic diseases of women and all disciiM-a of the lecltim. Will guarantee to euro anv case of piles. No money jiaid until cured. Dr. King. Hastings, Nobr. A little three-year-old boy, looking up X ' in Ins father's faeo while ho wan perus ing a populist paper, said; "Papa, you Mrs. II. being a daughter of ex-Alder-man Morse. Clinton (111.) Public. The subject of the foregoing item is the niece of Mrs. A. C. Ilosmer, wifo of tho editor of this paper. A PuiAsvNr Timi;. -That noblo baud of bid ii'ii known us tho Wotuaus' Relief Cot ps, auxiliary to the Grand Army of tho Republic, is iibwiys doing some kind act that makes the life of tho old soldier more plea-ant to live, and again lllls his inllim body with the truest patiiotism. The old holdter. the noblest of Ameiieau ttccinou, is slowly but surely wending his way to tho denial city of peace. Why not strew his pathway witli pleas ant lemombraiices ? No man, or set of men. live today that the coming euera tiou owes so much to as they do to (ho Ixiys who gave their lives ami best days to the preservation of this grand coun try or ours. Tho W. R. C. tho S. of Vs. tho D. of V'h, mid kindred organizations aro all striving to iitako tho remaining days of tho oM soldier worth living. In furtherance of this gland idea, the Li dies Relief Corps of Red Cloud gave James. A. Garlleld post another one of theirsemi occasional surprise parties last Saturday opening, which was accompa nied by excellent refreshments, and pleasant speeches. Mrs. Kate Pond, president of the Corps, sounded tho alarm at tho door of tho Post, ami as the olllcer opened tho door and saluted in true military style, tho Indies pressed forward and took possession of their comrades' headiuarters with the result named. Pure patriotism actuates these noble ladies in their desire to make the liven of tho old defenileiH happy during tho last few yearsof their lives. Noth ing should be too good for tho boys who wore tho blue. Long may they live ami may their memories live after tlicm, is tho desire of all true patriots. Ht'lMiol Clipping. Friday afternoon while the Physics class wcro in the recitation room thoy wero startled by a crash, ono of tho win dows had fallen down, shattering tho glass into atoms, very nearly cutting ouu boyd faco, who was Bitting near. How ever no serious damage, unless that throe or four of tho girls fainted and Miss Mc Clelland jumped on a chair thinking it was a mouse. After this episode the class returned to their respective place and there listened to tho debate, "Resolvnl that man shapes his own course in lire." Which wasloBtby thoalllrmative. Very strong arguments wero offered on both sides and it was with diMlcuIty that tho judges, Win. Frazor, Clem Hruncr and Helen Ruby, rendered a docision. Ho fore tho decision was announced an op portunity was given to any ono wishing to express their vIowb on tho subject might do so. Win. Frazor in a very earnest and emphatic way oxpresstd his b'cutimontB on tho alllrmative, after which Henry New house anil Wm.Holllo bower by ieiuest bobated for 10 minutes "Whether Molecules touch or not." Tho school closed witli a solo by Miss Mar garet Miner, bringing down the school with roars of laughter. John Potter taught the Cicero ches Monday. Tho class who llnished lJotany will take Radish latoruturo form. The Physics clars intend to porfurm llfteen evperiiuents Friday. Several new seliolais this week, Wednesday morning lames Yeiser read a very interesting biography -if "Tho life of Iltiffelo l!il!" Geo O. Yeiser and C. V. Cather of the boaid wi ro eallern Tuesday. The fourth room aro the recipients of fifty singing hunks. Tho llftli room liao theirs in a few d,nn. Where was thoRolt reporter last week, "Dick" uiiiht l)o careful how she talks about the boys' mustaches, cream and etc. Elnitr Kaley wan a caller of tho tifth room Wednesday afternoon. Come again i'.lmor when voti can fitay longer. A delmto next Friday by tho ninth grmlo. linys in ovry corner. Three of I ho uoniois wero absent dur ing the week. Henry C. Richmond visited tho fifth room a short time Thursday afternoon. Tho Rid Cloud high i-ohool can fur nish Boiim good muhical talent an any in the M'lto. Ten tan lint last week. New r-t-hool hooks for tho fourth and fifth rooms. Miss 1 lelo resisted tho choir in practic ing some new songs, our books being tho saiuo ones used at her former school. Goods, And for the next Ten Davs mi will make a special cut on all iroods in the Dress Goods Department, On the following basis: Lawrence Fancies worth i?5c for 17c Broadhcad worth 35c for 22c. Broadhead worth 75c for 40c. Arnold's Henriettas worth ()()c for 45c. 4fc worth SI for 79c. Dr. Mckeobv of Rod Cloud, candidate 'n pop paper ; "Yes, my uhiM.' , ' ' , ... ,, , . , I "Papa,' continued the young politician, for stato senator from this district wasi,,.,.,'' ,,. . ,.,,,.,1 ......V 11IllinPav .'..- j-... .-.. r. . ,-'-, . It W118 Drop Dc Alma worth g 1.40 for 08c. Broadcloth worth $1 for 70c. Miner Bros. .SSM New Milliner, First door south of Nation olliue. I have a fine line of VILLINERY GOODS Fresh from the wholesulo house. All fresh ami nun'. Heautiful Tinting dono on tho most dolicato goods. Prices to hiiit tho times. . Jffi's. .. A, JSivlmrdson, l!i:i) I'l.OU), NwtltA.sKA, Last week tho "josh" editor of tho Plattsmouth Herald became ridiculous, and made an item to tho elfect that Ar chie C. Totter ono of tho Herald forco was to bo married soon, etc. etc. Ar chie's many friends hero might havo be lieved it, but tho "jobIi" editor went too far, and told of their intended honey moon to Oiiapolis a place II vo miles from I'lattdiiiouth. Kvorybody knows that Archie would "go somewhere" if ho did get married, and most people think ho would cotno to Red Cloud llrst that is beforo ho got married. A very ploarant wedding occurred at tho residence of Mr. and Mrs. N. I. Han sen, on Tuesday at 10 a. in. nino miles northwest of Rod Cloud, in tho pren'iico of a goodly number or thoir niott inti mate friends. Tho contracting parties weio Mr. Niels Anderson and Mifefl Christena Hanson. The groom and brido will reside on a farm in Nuckolls county. Mr. I'otor llatiBon, brother of tho brido and Miss Nollio F. Holmes of this city woro tho legal witnessed. Tho dinner, so abundant gavo no signs whatovtr of tho hard times. Tho Re. Mr. Maxlleld of tho Red Cloud M. K. church olllciat ed. Mis. Maxtleld accompanied her husband. lli'iulnelio h tlio ilirent ri-snlt of 1 mil U'OHtiuii nnJrHomacH Disorder'. Itemcdy tliero by uiirig DnWItt's bittlo Riirly ilisem nail your H'Wlacliu disappear-', t;. In iiivvn Wmlni-sil.'iv eetllii" iienuuinted i !......!.... ,1,,.,'t ..,.. I .,.i. i..i!.;.r" with tl.o pooplo and making roj.ublicnn j poser und tho father drui.ped tho paper J i ,,l,tl i "l cvur3i"ri'' Votts, as ho nlwnyiidaes wherever ho Is. tit onuo. ,,, , ' " """ Ho will be hero with Mr. Andrews rovt 1( ,,OI, nt,ll , B,wd ulHaiolm. lo purify Monday ai.l will probubly m.iUo it short yi,ur'i,iuu.i, ivo ui vo nirtnii.'th und 1'iild nddrcBB nL.i. Tho dootor Bti that Mr. up jour trntuo syaiwrn, .tko Hood's har Andrava U Mn tdndid work for the ! mpMI. Jt pr.ta niclm. ty iiink. , , , . , , . , . It, orrt' KouJ. 1 1) fa 1 to i ere1 Hid you over soe 'ioh jnotty I5AS KK'I'S fur so littlo i vi' y us tin fO ill Tho "Rio (Irnndti" which tho band boys will put on tho cards about No vember 1st will no doubt bo it glittering success. Hoveral autorn of local renow n will participate, and it is said that tlio female talent that has been secured is tho very best in tho city. Farne.st l!ol Inn and Henry Clark will dosoinoof tho lillianoufl heavy work, nrd Horace Span ogle will f.how tho people wino of tin tiun professional points. Miss Cora Kaloy will play an important rolo.us will Miss. Hello Spiumglo. MIm Hlaneho CummingH will ulno mid wmio muro laurols to her splendid iv putathm us a natuii'l tie' rent. Mm, If uo Weht w i'l Oi i: coiiutv tieasuror .lames WJiito who is probably personally admirod by as many voters as any mitu in tlio coun ty, was in illuo Hill this weelc on bus! uofis, ami while theto of course, look pains to get the boys in line. .Tim wuh always t-aiiguiue, and always ictorioua but this campaign ho is feeling more cheerful than over. In conversation with a i spotter biuco his return ho re marked witli a meiry twinkle in hid vyo: "There's no uoo in talking of close 'lilt ing in the county this year, for 1 toll you that tho republican ticket will havo an immense gum. In I'othihiin it will run at least forty ahead of Kit vote, and I t-eo plainly that teveral other precincts aro going to fool 'eui badly." "Ab far as tho statu is concerned" raid ho "why, Tom Majors will bo victorious! by '.15,000 anil don't you forget it." Mr. White is especially pobitae that tho local light will result t'lorioiifly victorious for tho rcptihlieaiu. Awarded Highest Honors-World'j Ijjtlr: DR. MOST PLUi ECT M A Mitt.4 f.rnn Ptnit r.TTirt t'T ' I' 4V Ultfl'V lIVM)M 'l .IH.ll 1 1 ' ii t.r ini.i.'Kiini'raiiyc" CHEAHH ' . tt i . e m ,-r. i-icw Ts 'i 'iltoar.t vftl . vm tf f i ; - house. I trem, Uai i K ck S'jtuil. y