The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 19, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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Whim hi Was Angry
mill tlio Tr-ilu
III .lull,
utio into tllO
C (tier .Ncirly I.imI
fiver :o trains :t day i
Ol'.llld (VllllMl lll'pnt.
and t!ii' other afternoon, just whn
lllMtlc-s Wlls heaviest. ;m.l Dill of tlltl
Ion-,' sulfcrlng station attaches was
calling out th' .VI" cvp.'esi from
Albany, a woman came up to him, her
whole Slgurc :i life slc Interrogation
"l).i train fro.n Connecticut come
In here'.' ' shu ashed
'Yes, innilain," replied the station
T.xprcss tr.ilnsV"
'Yes, ma lam."
"All trains?"
"Yes, madam."
She cogitated iv moment' and then
"What time does th" evening train
from from oh. tlear. I've forgotten
tlio name of the town, hut it's in (.'on
uoetk'tit, anil seventeen trains n day
stop there --you Wnow t!ie town I
mean. Now t 'It tin when the even
ing train frijci there comes in."
"I'.ut maif'im." inlhlly expostulated
the train e.iilfir, "you haven't told
mc "
"Ye., I have," lnterrupteil tlio wo
man. "I!ut, mailam, I don't know"
"Oh. that's it," she snapped; "you
don't Unuw. What are you here for
but to linou when trains come in'."
"I'd lie happy to toll you If"
"No su-'i thing." snarled the now
thoroughly aroused woman; "you
know, but you won't tell me. You're
an impertinent rascal and I shall re
port you at once," whleh she pro
ceeded to do.
Nothing (Mine of it. but the unfor
tunate man nearly lost his job because
he could not answer the Impossible
finest ion of a silly, irritable woman.
An Ample I'miil if I'lriisiirc inul Health
M.iv lie ilerlveil from an o.'e.m nyiiBO ami for
elgn trawl. Hut before rniu itcts line's "m
lis" im. as the ssillni' s.i. the nloniln.ilile
itiultas. Iitsfotteii of hen sickness, huwi usually
to le gotten hut Dclliale people suitor, of
course, more thnn '- .. from this ailment .
but few sea tr.nolcrs cscaiw) it. Auutnsl tlio
frii;litftil ti.iincu It produces. Ilostcttcr's Stom
ach Hitters Is a reliable ih tense, ami Is to
esteemed by tourists, rninnterotnl traielers
vuclitMW') inul mariners An ailment iiklu to
ho:i sickness eften millets luml trawlers with
unulc stom-u'hs. This Is often tiroueht on by
the jarrlnK of a rallwnv train I)Isiuletiti1f In
the i-as-'.rle lewlon from this cause isalwajH
remedied by the Hitters which also prmeiitn
anil cures chills and fe or, rheumatism lien
mis and kidney troublo i-oiiillpatlon and bib
HetwedilMlOand 10(1 women lire licensed
npotlie nriof in tlm I'lilted Mutes. Norure
fill iuii they hi the performance of their
duties that they re-cut a w!nk at the
Hot Splines, S. I).
Calls for your admiration, recommenda
tion and 'patronage. It Is the nearest,
most attractive, summer, pleasure and
health lesort to Lincoln, and possesses
the merit of being among the very best
in the country. It is located on the.
Kllihorn railroad, the chair and sleep
nig ear route. hew excursion rates
lire in ell'ect For descriptive pam
phlet and tickets call on or address,
.1. It. Iluehanan, iSm'l Pass. Agt., Om
aha, or A S. Kichhng, City Tlst, Agt.,
Lincoln, Neb.
Madge -Ale von sure Dolly has accented
Fred' I lorenie--Well, yes; Fred told mo
that she Mild she wouldn't innrry the best
man !n tl.o world.
II tlio llaby li Cutting Teeth.
Ik) aura nndieo tint old unl well tried li'moty, Ml J.
WimloV Smuiiiso Si rir for l Idldrcn Tectliln,--
Mr. Oldl enu Now, please don't give me
that old chestnut id out being a sister
Miss Vera Young- You tulstaUe me, sir; I
was merely nl out to leiuart; that 1 am
willing to be a widow to you.
Karl's ClnnT Hoot Ten,
Tl. Brent lltiNHliiiuin.- 'l." fnHiiii-oiiinilrlParnM'
tiHli.n,iiiriilcxiuiiiii..liurtsCoiitl'atliiii. "Sc, ie ,91
"Have yon an niiiinint.inco with Wank"'
"HlniikT Oh, yes We come down In tlio
same electric car ncry inoinlng. in thin
way wo are thrown together a grunt denl "
firings comforjniiil improvement find
tends to pcr-i a! enjoyment when
rightly ued. ' ninny, who live bet
ter than others! u enjoy life more, with
I033 expenditu , by more promptly
n'liintiiig the vfrlil'n best products to
the iieeuH of iilr-ieal being, will attest
tlio value to h ltliof tho puru linuid
laxative prim 'lc embraced in the
rcnicdv, Syrup f Figs.
Its excellenc U duo to its prc?oiitlnK
in tlio form met acceptable and pleas
ant to the tastefho refreshing and truly
beneficial projrtics of a perfect lax
ative; eircctuuy cleaning the system,
dispelling colli headache and icvci.s
and pcrinnticijy curing constipation.
It has given niisfnctiou to millions and
met with tlio pproval of the medical
profession, heena it acts on the Kid
novs, Liver al Ilowcls without weak
cuing them nr it is perfectly free from
every ohjectiiab!o substance.
Syrup of IAs is for sale by all drug
gists in uO(im$l bottles, but it is man
ufactured bytio California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whoj nnnie is printed on every
package, also be name, Syrup of Fig-,
and being wt informed, you will nut
ncccptuiiy nstituto if ollered.
a lino I'nnel I'irtiire, ontltlcd
In oi'liun-o fur IS I.lon
lluidn, iut frum I.luu I'otTco
wr.ipprr, rn'l iCi-coM riiimpto
pay nituEi' Wrlto lor ll ol
uur nllier linn premium's lnclu&
Ing uxm, nknllis unnie, iw.
Wooiidn Epicc Co.,
tJCI Uurca tit.. TOIADO, Umo.
aWK&l'i 15
' bamboo
v ' ' if
KNTlNH.n wor
thy but some
what irnselblu
army ollleer.
lust retired and
looking forward
to a life of well
rnrned ease in I'ngland on liberal
half-pay, was glancing over the
recently arrived periodicals in a shady
vent uttlie edge of the great mil tnry
esplanade tit Madras, on a e tain
blistering hot morning, when he
looked tip fiver his spectacles at three
llgures that were approaching him
across the parade ground.
The approaching group consisted of
two junior oil leers and a pale, intellectual-looking
man, in the scml-clv-Ulan
or fatigue dress of tlio navy.
"Ila!" thought Colonel Valentine,
"lleekford and Dashwool, eh" with
that ship surgeon, who is said to have
been a detective in his time."
Then a gentle, almost stealthy step
near at hand caus.-d him to turn, and I
hts face colored angrily at what he
considered an intrusion.
"The devil!" exclaimed Colonel Val
entine, as the new-comer, one of the
mess stewards, a native Hindoo, came
along the shaded path and paused
obsequiously before him.
"All, no. sahib colonel," gently pro
tested the man; "not the devil, but
only poor Mahtuuili, who has been so
miserably unfortunate as to offend
you, and would beg your excellency's
The man carried an ordinary long
bamboo wand, or walking-stick, such
as is a common custom with the serv
ing men of the Hast, and which he
kept softly balancing to and fro as he
Hut the ollleer, who had had some
words with this man some flays pre
vious, and had, indeed, procured his
discharge from the mess service, was
little disposed to mercy just now.
"Out of my sight, dog!" ho ex
claimed. "How dare you take up my
words in that way'.' llegone!"
Mahmudi made a trembling salantn,
though with a glint of the dark eyes
and a .slight compression of the full,
womanish lips that should have
placed the other on his guard.
"My situation is gone, my family in
distress," ne expostulate!!, yet more
whiningly. "Am I to understand
that the sahib colonel refuses to
withdraw his displeasure from his
poor Mahmudi, and "
"I'nilerstand what you please, and
begone, fir I'll help you to the right
about!" roared the choleric old gen
tleman, nuil he grasped his heavy
Malacca stick menacingly. "A pretty
puss, truly, when an ollleer "
He was cut short by a repetition of
the servile salaam, even more abject
than before, but in the course of
which the Up of the bamboo wand,
seemingly by the most absolute inad
vertence, just touched the hand with
which the old ollleer grasped Ills
The latter suddenly gave a
shnrp cry, his face first pur
pling, then paling to ashy
whiteness, his eyes fairly popping out
of his head, as lie pressed the hand
"i am noxi: roii."
to his lips, and then fell back on tho
rustic bunch ho had been so cosily oc
cupying. "The plague the mysterious r.troko.
I am iloui) for!" he gasped.
Then ho fell till" the bench Insensi
ble, while the three gentlemen hur
ried up, with an astounded cry, and
the Hindoo clasped his hands to
gether over his wand, apparently in
even greater panic and consternation.
They lifted up the stricken man,
but a brief examination on the part
of Doctor Mardyu, the navy surgeon
referred to, was sullicleiit for him to
announce it as a east! of instant death.
"Thunder nnd lightning! the ninth
victim," exclaimed .Major lleekford.
"When and how Is this mysterious
death-roll to end'.'"
"How did it happen, Mahmudi'.'" de
manded the surgeon, after a ghastly
pause. "You were speaking to him.
Hud you said anything to excite or
annoy him'.'"
"Alas, no, sahibs!" repled the Hin
doo. "On the contrary, the sahib
colonel seemed to bu in tho best of
humors. Suddenly ah, how shall 1
describe it'.' 1 was bowing before
him in my thankfulness for he had
just kindly said that I should bo
taken back In the mess service when,
pouf! lie gave a cry of pain, bo
clutched ut his heart, and all was
"Never mind," Interposed the
major; "run up to quarters and give
the alarm, lie sure to bring back
Doctor I'.ilgravi' with you, to)."
I'ora little over two mouths now, a
horror of ntyslerv and death had
hung over the garrison.
Ollleer after ollleer had been mys
teriously and upp'illiuglv stricken
down by death in rapid succession.
As lleekford had declared, Colonel
Valentine made the ninth victim.
The symptoms were the same In
each and every case instantaneous
paralysis, with Intense speechless
agony for the fleeting moment, then
death as by an apoplectic stroke of un
paralleled swiftness.
Medical authorities were equally at
Snake bile was suggested more than
anything else, but then the symptoms
were different in many pirtieiilnrs
from those attendant upon the bite of
the cobra, which Is responsible for
nlneteen-twentletlis of the fatalities
from this cause In India.
Moreover, why should a commis
sioned ollleer have been the victim in
every instance never once a private
soldier or any one in comparatively
humble employment about the post'.'
Thus an element of private nrtlice
or vengeance seemed to enter into the
Doctor Mardvn, who, as the colonel
said, had once been a nrofessii.ual de
eelVlf ,, Krtlll i the
mysterious deaths. lie found that
there was one iiiati who had been in
the immediate vicinity of each of the
successive xictims, and this man was
the Hindoo Mahmuili.
The man had borne a good reputa
tion at Madras, but upon making in
quirk's, the doctor discovered that
along e coast, where he was em
plow l before coming to Madras, he
hu lie reputation of being vindictive
a '. remorselessly revengeful to the
I:: t degree, although always under
de eloal; of a servile and treacherous
M'Tiuivcr the Hindoo had lived long
in Mimatra. where he was associated
as a boy with tho terrible thugs.
After th' colonel's funeral, Marilyn
was one of a group of olllcers who
were discussing the last mournful
event In the mess room, when Mull-
mudi who had again been taken into
the service -passed with his accus
tomed salaam, and carrying the in
evitable bamboo wand.
An idea suddenly occurred to Mar
ilyn. "Here, Mahniudl A word with you,
my man!" he called tint. "Let me
look at that stall of yours ti moment."
The man looked startled, but speed
ily recovered his self-possession,
though instead of advaucl' ; he drew
"This, fthaib," he muiii.ircd, hold
inir tin the wand. "A simple, inof
fensive reed that is nil."
"tiivc it to me. I say!" cried Marilyn
sternly enough now, and with a slg
nllicant vehemence that at once
aroused the Interest of his com
panions. "A simple reed, yes; but
why has It always been your com
pamoti just prior to each of these
mysterious deaths with which your
presence or proximity has invariably
been associated? That is what I want
to know. Let me examine the stair,
I say!"
Hut at this juueturo the Hindoo, to
tho surprise of everybody, suddenly
took to his heels, with a terrillod erv.
The young surgeon, however, was
after him in nu instant.
The Hindoo wan overtaken: there
was a brief struggle for the posses
sion of tho btatf, and then to the gen
eral amazement, Mahmudi uttered a
shrill scream, and fell as'if shot.
"It Is fate!" ho gasped, more, com
posedly, ns they surrounded him.
"Accursed sahibs! yes, I was the mur
derer of one ami all of them, and I
glory in the record."
He then stiffened out, and instantly
A cry of horror then arose, as a lit
tle serpent was perceived darting its
ugly head out of the wand which tho
naval surgeon care fully held in his
Doctor I'algrave, tho post surgeon,
assisted .Marilyn in tho examination
of the reptile that followed, and then
the mystery of tho successive fatali
ties was sohed ut last.
Thu serpent was a specimen of tho
cchys cariuatii, which is nuver more
than a few inches long, and Is so hor
ribly venomous that its bltu Is capa
ble of causing death in u few seconds.
The mm dermis Hindoo had only re
vived an ancient custom among In
dian criminals by confining it in the
hollow of his bamboo wand, so that
its head just barely protruded at thu
open end.
Then tlio merest touch of his unsus
pecting enemy or object of his resent
ment with the tip of the innocent
looking hut diabolical weapon would
cause tho snaku to plunge it - fangs
into thu defenseless llesh, and death
ensued with the certainty almost tho
siiiiiieuuuss 01 tlio iiguiiiiug strolci!.
It was fortunate for thu elevur sur
geon that In the struggle for the
1 bamboo wand, thu horrible reptile did
not bite him instead of the murderous
lluil lleitnl of II.
"What Is tho latest news
of tho
strlko'.1" inquired thu friend.
"Tho striKo?" said tho Philadelphia
savant, becoming Interested at ouco,
"originated in Homo about '.'.'.MD
years ago. Some musicians who had
pot been allowed to parltulpato in
Ulml Mlfliililit Wulllil I'lilnl
Sho, blnslilng Oli, (loorgo, w)(at
would mamma think if sho know you
kissed mo y
Ho- She wouldn't think at all; she
would ray It right out.
or and inarched out of tho eltv, I Lditor-Oh, well, inako a littlo M D I conti nvi fl H w tVEST llBlt?? CJllIi
tnoreby depriving Homo of tho'ir imragraph tolling what tho Lngllsh f " Tlllii IVIonih r.irinninniicireutarKl'-,'u"'"",i,r,,,-l,"
servitude at a period when." etc know about this country. , tf J ,., r ,,,, , r j ,J J So'l 1
Chicago Hecord. .. , I t ii-miou-. u senii... -is fr.i.a nhu,. , '" '" ... V.'l" M m It of tin. ' JH-.-.OU1U
I A I.011B Whllii Hi lU'iiieiiilinr. f I .lino IlL'Mcit n fs Write for p.irti un.r lo '( j ",'i JJil'A.Ntt XkiiIwi "
A Mnim-I'yi'il Mulilrii Im Went Kt
lo Wed ii f hrUlbiii,
Mini'. Sarah (irand's scruples about
marriages of couenieneo do not dis
turb tho ladles who conduct the
t liiueso mission homo in Sacramento
street at least, not so far as thole
almond-eyed charges are concerned.
This may bo a violent assumption,
but It is suggested by a businosH-liko
little romance which began at tho
home and came to its natural end at
New Orleans a few weeks ago. It Is
thu romance of May Lai. aged .', who
now presides over a small household
In Louisiana's capital, says thu San
Francisco Chronicle.
Four years ago tho good ladles of
the mission snatched May Lai from
the burning and from the highbind
ers. ,sho was n veryiwlusotuo and
pretty girl, as Chinese girls go,
am! to her comeliness ho added so
hot-Christian guardians say -a ready
intelligence and a docile and obedi
ent spirit. Indeed, she was just like
the good little girls in thu story
books. I'.voutually she embraced
the faith, and then she was com
plete Probably she would yet bu
pursuing in the handsome mission
homo on Sacramento street, under
tho guardian oyn of Miss Ctilbortson,
tlio oven tenor of her moon oyed way,
illvortiug herself with the occupation
of being an exemplar to tho way
ward of her sex and race and per
haps thinking lite insufferably dull,
as girls own Chinese girls will at
some times, had not Mrs. ('. P. Had
elilTo crossed her horlou
Mrs. liadcllll'o is'tho matron ol thu
Now Orleans Prosln, lorlati Chluoso
mission, located on South Liberty
street, in that city. Connected with
the mission is a Chinese Christian
asxoeiatiou, tho secretary of which
is a celestial, name unknown in these
parts, who is described as being
possessed of many graces of mind
ami body, lie is -'.s years or age,
plays the organ, roads and writes
Kuglish and is a siucuro ami devout
Christian. His earnestness in that
respect had long since won him tho
regard of the Christian men and
women of tho crescent city. When
he learned that Mrs 1'ude.lIITo was
about to coino here on religious
work hu chargo her with a ilellcatu
mission, and she, being a woman as
well as a missionary, at once agreed
to his prayer. It appears that Ah
Sam being nameless and a Chinese,
that will servo him as well 114 tho
noxt wanted a helpmate. Now Or
leans has not urttiy Chinese woiuon
mid no palo-faced school teacher
offered horsolf as an oblation, for
there Is a certain prejudice against
oblations of that kind, especially
down south. Ah Sam bethought
himself to seek a brido among the
legions of hla country pooplo who
favor this neck of thu vineyard with
their presence.
So Mrs ltndcllffc camo to San Fran
cisco with a commission. In due
eourso tho nub,cct was laid beforu
tho ladies of tho home In this city.
It was charmingly romantic. Tlio
cominlssioiiairo vouched for tho
character of the young man in tho
case, and tho business was as good
as sottlod. Hut on whom should
this good young man bo conferred?
If tho limit of choice bad boon un
restricted, it is sad to think what u
bono of contention this philanthropic
affair might have become. Hut it
wasn't- On tho contrary tho number
from among which tho selection was
to bo made was w ifully small, tho
avera!.'o Chinos j female who comes
to those shores developing a oross
obstinao, with regard to conversion.
It was not strange, thoroforo, con
sidering her manifold charms of
feature and form and her religious
standing, that May Lai should havo
been hit upon, lieing feminine, shu
lik d tho idea of ma riago.and novor
having thought very seriously of
woman's sphere and tho tyranny of
man, sha was disposed to tako her
other half on faith. So tho facts
were laid bufo o her, shu was duly
iufui'u of tho gravity of tho stop
shu was about to tako, and she read
ily, oven joyfully, ag cod to ac
company Mis. Kadclilfo on hor jour
ney to Now Orloans. Hoc patrons
nnd giiardiaiH got hoc up a nice
little banquet ut the homo beforu shu
loft, and sent her on her way rejoic
ing. Tlioy wo o man led, Ah Sam
and May Lai, in Now Orleans by llov.
Hi. Nail, pastor of tho Piosbvtorlun
chinch, and thoio the idyl ends.
lie Caught nil tu II.
A bright fallow from tho West was
talking to a llostou intellectuality
of tho spectacles gender, and In tho
course of tho conversation she ro
maiked: "The West is undoubtedly enthu
siastic and energetic hut those Im
promptu suspension ; you indulge In
are to ho condemned by a'l law
abiding people "
It da.ud him for a second, but ho
1 on then, and qui to as if ho
wore used to that sort of language,
ho replied:
"Well, yes, perhaps
boo Is a littlo brash for
a lynching
you 1'astern
pooplo, but they clour tho moral at
mosphoro out of sight.
A Ciintlilrrnln l.'illlor.
F.dltor Look at this hlundor in
the Loudon Times. Write an edi
torial on "F.nglish Igr.oranco of this
Assistant I am not very well to
day, and am afraid I won't bo able
to write ten or twoutv columns
Clarissa I cannot romijiiibor when
I did not Imvo a whole school of
men at my feet.
Kthol Dear mo.
You must havo
married drcadlully young.
(3 oyalJ Ail ,vi JQ
TI12 most Careful Housewife
will use no other.
llui-il Its I'tlntriii'e to 11 stiilU of Cum
(inmn l th u.lilr.
Ill the church tower of the little
town of tirossluswit, in tf North of
(icriuauy, luiugsn bell, and on it is en
graved its history, sin mounted by a
bas-relief, representing a slvcarcd
stalk of corn, and the date October li,
lT'.'H This Is the story of the bell- At
the beginning of the last century the
only church bell ut Urosslaswit. was
so small that its tones were not suf
llclent to penetrate to the ends of the
village. A second bell was badly
wanted, but the village was poor, and
where was the money to come from'.'
Lveryone offered to give what he
could, but the united filterings did
not amount to nearly enough for the
purpose. One Sunday when the school
master, (iiittfrled Uayn, was going
to church, he noticed growing out
of the church-yard wall a nourishing
green stalk of corn, the seed of
which must have been dropped by a
passing bird. The idea suddenly
struck him that perhaps this one stalk
fif corn could be made the means of
procuring the second bell they wauled
so much. He waited till the corn was
ripe, and then he plucked the six ears
on It and sowed them in his own
garden. The next year he gathered
the little crop thus produced ami
sowed it again, till at last he had not
enough room in his garden for the
crop, and mi he divided it among a
certain number of farmers, who went
on sowing tho ears until, in tho
eighth year the crop was so large that
w lien it was put together and sold
they found that they had enough
money to buy a beautiful bell, with
its story and its birthday engraved
upon it, ami a east of the corn stalk to
which it owed its existence.
Cnrnfillly tlin (ioirriiinont Look
After Tlilngi uf Am ill Valun.
It is the popular impression that tho
smaller alTalrs of government are very
loosely run, and that in any of thu de
partments are opportunities for fat
pickings by any man not over i.srupu
lous. As evidence of tho incorrectness of
this thcorv 0110 of the treasure de
partment employes relates an incident I
of the first day of Mr. Carlisle's ad- '
ministration. Secretary Foster had
occupied one chair at his desk for a
long time, ami, as men will, had be
come attached to it. He expressed a
desire to take it with him.
' Certainly," said his successor, '
"tako it along."
It was more easily said than done. '
First an order was necessary; then
thu chair was to bo accounted for to
the olllclal who his such matters In
charge; then it was to be paid for.
It was a valueless piece of furniture.
As a short way out of the ditllculty
tho appraiser was sent for. Ho eyed
the wieck over and over and said It
might bo worth SJ tj anybody who
wanted it very much.
"All right,' said the sseretary. Then
he put his hand In his pocket, pulled
out a S- bill, paid thu ollicial and pro
ucntcd tho chair to his predecessor.
Compulsory Itellglun,
A wrlterof tho day gives an amusing
illustration of the religious enthusiasm
tif the Uussiiins, and their desire to ex
tend the ltnowledgu of truth. The
authorities every now and then make
an excursion Into Siberia and bring
ba.'k a lot of Ituddhists, whom they
proceed to baptie 111 spite of their
loudly-expressed dissent. After bap
tizing them they say to them: "Now,
you dogs, you are Christians, and you
can go and pray to your nasty as
much as you wish, and thank them
that you are hristlans."
If It's a Spraiu, Strain,
Will Cure It :
I v Trailers Iilels.. Olilcico, III.
VV 1 1 1 it nl mii'it fur
i Omara Stove Itttalr rorks. 1200 UouQtai U. Onsha
s, r y-s. nr r3KiTfcP:aT7w aUUIil MAI O .11 1 pd
Officially reported,
after elaborate com
petitive tests m.ule
under authority of
Congress by the
Chief Chemist of the
United States Agri
cultural Department,
Superior to all
other Baking Pow
ders in Leaven
ing Strength.
lln Wiinliliittliin IMiii.
Prof Ami limy hin that the Washing
tun elm at I'liinln Idgo has been cut Hunted
to piti.blcc T.lMbUMMI IruM's, which Would
Itiiil.e 11 sin To e nullatiou or aloiit live
iii'irs In e teli I 11 ml uiwutit eery Inlr day
in the flowing m'ii'ihi MiM'ii liiul thrco'
fourths tuns nf nimstiiie
Man 1 ivilfcs In doing guild, but thu tlirll1
of cMiltntlnli Illicit the fellow who,
In 1111 c.Mibcnilit "iiiiiiuetil, gies Ills lust
lilcKel lo the eluir h.
Wt(,ti or Ohio, nn iir'l'oi.r.ixi,
1,1 1 is Col sti 1 i
I'iivvi. ,1 Cm-Mil miikcs until tlmt he Is
the senior paitnei of the 111 111 of F. J, Cllt:
MJV it I'o , duliig Inisliii'ss In the City of
Tolrilo, County mid Hlnte iifmesaiil, and
Unit Midi linn will p.iv ttio siuu of ONK
HCNDIIKIi IIDl.l.AltS fur each mid every
eiisoof I'utnrrli Unit can not Is) cured by
tlicu-uof ll.u.i.'s Cai aiiiiii Criu:.
Huorn to before 11111 ami Hiiliserlbed In in V
iiit'sfiici', this UUi day of December, A. I),
Notary Public.
Hull's I 'atari h Cure Is taken Internnlly nnd
netN illieetly 11a the bluuil and mucous sur
faces uf the hMi'in Seuil fur trsthuuii.
lids, tree. F. .1. CIIRNKY V CO.,
Toledo, O.
C'-rVNuld liv Druggists, 7.1c,
Hull's Family Fills, '.Tie.
Preslilent Din, of Meileii litis sent out n
toiugtiiiiii'nl nnd gi o'ogiciil expedition ti
the wilcntio l'oiomtnpctl, owing to the ut
tempts of 1,11 Aiiitu it 1111 com any to buy
tliu mountain
"llnnixtu'a MnRlc Com Hlv."
Wnrniiiliit liifiiii'iir inoiipy rifutldr.l, Ak ynur
IriiKHi-t fur It. I'lkelOruliUb
It Is mil likely that eallli piaVei ever re
sult frum e'ectiie dlstarl am es, and it ha
nut jet I s 11 iirnwii that they ever give
the to liny Kiit-li, thuiigli when lurgc mnme
uf rucks a'leillsptiii e I. us in .lupin In ls'.ll,
slight lucid fluiuges in uiiiguetie ciiru
lme icsiiltcil.
f ,. Cough IIiiIniiiii
H In-1 I.IrM 1111. 1 I,, M. II lll Mi'.lli lllillf'i.fill.(
1 ti..iii.inililiii;fii.. 11 s r II il.p-. liu
A new King tins heoi lorn into thn world
1 In Karon Ihiideii H If key, the former Fien I.
1 Journalist, whu has piircluiMsl the Islam.'
uf JTUililnil lie lias Clowned iiiiiih-ii will)
the titlu uf .lames I , and has luaiigurateo
a military tlfetntoi ship,
n little now nuil then
in removing uld-tul
lug matter fioia the and lniuclt
and jolt thcich)
avoid a multitude
of dhltcshiiig tie
r.'iugciiuiits and ills
cases, mid will have
less 1'n uncut ncce
uf your ductor't
set vice.
Of lil 1 known
iiRcnts fui this pur
pose, Dr. l'lcice'f
Pleasant relicts ate
the best. Oncf
iisetl, till')' me nl
wnis in fni or,
Tlicii secondary c(
feet is to keep tilt
buucls open ntid
tegular, nut to fur
thcr constipate, as
Is the case with
other pills. Hence, their gicnt pomit.ititj
with MilTetcis fioitl habitual cuttstlpatloii
piles and their attendant dtscotiifutt ami
manifold dcimigeiuctits. The ' 1'illttii"
ate putcly vegetable and perfectly hauiilcss
in any condition of the system. No f aic i
tcipiiud while using tin 111 j liny do not
Intel fi-ie with the diet, habits or oectipa
tiou. and piuduce no p.mi. giipiug ur shod;
to the system. They in t in a mild easj anil
iniiiiiil way and thetc is nu icietiou allci
wild. Their help tists.
The I'elli'ls cure biliousness Mel: mill
bilious I1e.1d.11 he, diilliss, enstitentss 01
constipation, soui stomach, loss of 1 iippe lite
coated louguf. indigestion, or iljspepti.i.
windy belehings, " hcaitbiiin," p.illi mid
distress afli r (.ititig, and Limbed di inugc
ments of the liver, stomach mid bowels
In pionf of their supctior excellence-, it can
be truthfully said, they me ninny
adopted as a household tctutdy nftci the
first Put up hi scaled el iss vi.ils,
therefore always lresli and u b. hie. One
little "Pellet" is a laxative two me iili'dj
c.ithattic. As a "dinner pill." to ptouiu'v
digestion, or to relieve distress ftotn o.-;
eating, take one after dinner. Thev ate
tlnv sugar-coated granules; any child ,il
icadily take them
Accept no substitute that may he rccoiti
mended to be "just as good.'' It iaa 1
belter fir the ( iler, because of plying hi
a la t'.er profit, but he is not the one v
needs help.
or Bruise
ti'ii i ii . iiknurl
TT'Nuiiie Hits jKijwr
iTjiliiiei.ou write.
Unao:n I?. U. Ho. 3M-'W
IMTWIun aniwenc dertlimnt Wlnilf
meUon till paper,
I 2j '
mu lay
iw uApiingij I ii phe mm mul.
mo piosenC of
vera hie vf