The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 19, 1894, Image 1

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.tA..ij-mJagBOTMlmiMIUJJLJtfMW.Il..lJ...ia3SgS.IJ. in-IMimiTinrW r I K
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,l Homk Print. Rkd Cloud, Wkhstkr County. New., Friday. OcronKR 19, )H()4 ",,i -J'J Ut 13
4 l
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re a
.Opens this Week Their Fall Campaign in the
Clothing Business.
Never in the history of the clothing business could you
buy suits and overcoats at the present prices. Sev
eral Styles of Suits and Overcoats at $5 per garment
less than last season
Underwear at one third off from former prices.
Hats and Caps of every known style and price. '
We are the leaders in the glove trade of this community,
Remember our Merchant Tailoring Department. Per
fect Fitting Tailor Work or no sale. $18 to 25
gives a good suit, Tailor Made, this year.
A. GALU3HA, Manager.
it. i
k Hidden.
lfurrah for Thurston at Red Cloud
fiTl Wednesday! '
W:o WoodwortU left Wednesday
fpr bis future home in Missouri.
Ilecry Ludlaw and Frank Burden
drovo ovor to JMuo Hill Tuesday.
Mrs, V. S. Hall is stopping with
mother who has been quito sick.
I Hon. W. E. Andrews spoke to a
Urge and cnthuastic audicace Thurs
i day7 evening.
Joseph l'usliby is again ablo to be
r nt, but on account of hid limb must
talk with crutches.
I Quito a number from Blue Hill and
.'anipbcll attended tho Andrews meet
ing Tuesday caning.
Mr Woodsidcs returned to his home
' .Illinois Saturdny after spending a
hurlo weeks in this vicinity.
j Mrs Joseph Krall returned from
, ic cost whero she was callod by to
ram announcing tho death of her
y .
vimio Iloth and Bessie Hilton re-
iirood Monday evening from tho
Christian Endeavor convention which
m hild ut Lincoln.
. Tno 0. A It. linll has had shutteis
m to tho windows which makes a
t improvement tor tho lodges that
their mcotinga there,
rue brother tro rcparing tho
n iscoutly purchased oi Mr.
Uy and will aoon occupy it wiili
".lift nf mnr.lintwl tan
iiumbeit of Woodmen from
u .I :
Blue Hill attended tho Blades lodgo
Monday ovening and helped the boys
in initiating E. Lockhart into tho
mystio ways of a Woodman.
Tha pop9 mot in caucus last Satur
day and put up a full ticket for Glen
wood township. The nominations bo
far as we could learn wcro: assessor,
Geo Greig; town clerk, J L Grand
staff; trcaiursr, J C Hartman,
Willow Creek.
Ada Carpenter and Emma Mous-
hang of tho state normal colleuo at
Peru report that thoy are letting
along very well with their studies.
Despite tho drouth thcro will ho
sevoral dinners on Thanksi-ivinK that
will bo graced with roast turkoy."
Born September UOth to Mr and
Mrs. Bow Thompson, a son,
Born October 3d to Mr and Mrs
Tom Laoy , a daughter.
Born October Kl to .Mr nnd Mrs
Thomas Jones, a son.
And now Representative Grandpa
Wilder hardly touches ground when
ho walks.
Mr Carpenter's son of Columbus,
Ohio, is expected homo in tho near
A great many acres of wheat aro
being bowed in this vicinity.
h. G. Wilder haa been ono of our
best neighbors, one of our best road
ovoneorfl. ono ol our best eountv
supervisor? and next will bo one of
our best renroscntives. Thrnn
ohecrs for T. G. Wilder and tho whole
republican pa -j.
Mrs Itaohcl Lewis is expected homo
tho first.
Miss Stearns was injured in a run
away Tuesday. Manitohia.
- v--- -
Guide Hack.
Will Montgomery has purchased a
house and 1st of C. II. Tcachworth
this wcok. Will now expects to live
on south Main street.
' C II Tcachworth is disposing of his
town property with tho expectations
of moving to California tho first of
next month,
Tho hotel has mado a change; the
Occidental house is closed. Proprie
tor Watt has taken chargo of tho
Guide Hock house, and Bill Reives
has stepped out and into Watt's res
taurant. Bed Cloud wns well represented
hero last Monday; and they were all
welcome listeners to the spceoh of W.
E. Andrews,
Mr Huntington is at presont rugag.
cd in building a houso in tho country.
The late purchaser of Roland's storo
expects to move to Kansas in a few
.1 M Holland returned from Oborlin
Kansas tiiis week.
Miss Bill a sister of Frnri nml l!.r.
rlo Bill, arrived in this city last week.
jjihiu no)io is visiting nor .sister
Mrs Hod .uarauvillo,
Dr. Price's Cream Hnklng Powder
World's Fair Nrghest Award,
tEe inihltrmiH nt CJuWtc Rock.
A number nf Indies ami Kontleman
from thin city nttt'iidod the HpcnkiiiR at
(Suiilo llork last Monday, whero thoelo
quent nnd intrepid Hon. V. K. AtulruwH
held u vast nudieneiiiiiot for ovor two
liourn, ijid udded moro laureltt to his
already riiuiouH reputation us niinlilo ev
ionent or truo repulilioan doctrine.
Aninug tho party were: A. (.iiiUmlm
and wife, T. L Hacker and wife, L. 11.
Fort and wife, A. Berg and wife, Mra.
Walker, Mrs. S. 1 Spokenlleld, Mrn. W.
B. Parker. MiHH Clara McMillon, M. Ii.
llentley. C. H. Uronc, .IikIko Wilcox, II.
I). Kannoy, Joseph (Jarlier, R. T. Potter,
It McXitt, A. II. Kaley and II. C. Rich
mond. Tho Rod Cloud party with Mr
Andrown dinod at tho (iiiide Rock hotel
recently ro-oiuipped and arranged by
Mr. T. L. Watt. ThoaecoinodatioiiHworo
pplendkl and tho hotel folks uro very
courtooim to their gucsta.
At 12:110 p. in. thovillogo of GuidoRock
waH well alivo with poojilo who soon till
ed tho largo hall to overflowing, Ran
dolph McXitt of Rud Cloud republican
candidate for float ropresuntative, opon
od tho exorcifioa with u ehort, vigoroim
and well worded speech in which ho im
plored tho voter to avoid populist iloin
ination if possible. I. B. Hampton of
Ouido Rock then introduced W. E. An
clrews, und Mr. Andrews proceeded in
his own delightful manner to explain
tho vagaries of pop theories and picturo
with plain, careful argument tho induce
ment to support tho republican ticket.
Mr. Andrews neemod at hta beet nnd the
rounds of vociferous applause given him
togother with tho careful attention ho
cominandod, wur evidonce of tho oiled
of his powerful nnd masterly effort. Ho
took up tho tarriffand the money ques
tion and spoke of each ono in such un
uumistukably clear manner, that tho ro
suit was conviction to many, who had
herotoforo thought differently. Mr
Androws undoubtedly made votos in
Ouido Rock. At the c)o6o of his spoech
Dr. McKooby, the senatorial candidato
was callod upon. Tho Dr. responded
with h short but intensely interesting
speech, which was well received and up
plauded. Tho Dr. referred to a report
whiuh some enemy had attempted to
givo curroncy, to the effect that Dr. Me
Kcoby was not in symyuthy with the old
soldier. Tins report bo showed conclu
sively to bo un infamous lio f tho most
malignant character. He referred to
bin own urmy carreer and said "I liawi
been asked it there was anything which
would induce ma to leave the republican
party and I have answered that thore
was ono thing, and that was when tho
republican party renouned their sym
pathy to the old soldiers thon I would
not give it my support." The Dr. said
he would ovor and alwnys be found side
by sido with tho old soldier nnd their
interests. His spoech was a very favor
able impression in his interest, nnd an
effective blow for the ropublicun ticket.
Mr. Andrews und Dr. McKeeby nlso
spoke ut night to largo audiences north
of (Juido Rock.
City iVIen
"Many of the citizens of Itainsville,
Indiana nr iiaver vrlfhnnt n Iwtttlu nf
Chnmberlnin's Cough Remedy in thu
nouse," Bays jacou mown, inn lunulng
merohant of the place. This remedy has
proven of so much value for colds and
croup in children that few mothers who
know its worth are willing to bo without
it. For sale by Deyo & Urice.
V.'. -
i y""Cv d ?A
1 art LL y chat wet 7W at?;
'ft u .
Make of Readytowear Garments
y -j.
Mt?'' J i orT
rj trJiV'
The II..S.
& M. gar
incuts are
the aristo
crats of
1 I
V yJ I
m iv t t
I Li rvv J
i s- -?7a y
To Wear Them
Is to Wear the Best
Soin omt
by leading
ill every city
Anyone, familiar with men's fashions,
will tell you that the finest 111011';
clothing In this country is
made by Halt, SchalTner &,
Marx, of Chicago. The 1
handsomest patterns in
the rarest fabrics, made
on the great looms of
Europe and the United
States, arc selected for
their suits and over
coats. Every piece of
cloth is carefully exam
ined, ind sponged,
and shrunk before,
being cut; the cut
ting Is done sfter a (Vw and
original system, Insuring a per
fection of fit never attained
before In ready-made goods.
These garments are celebrat
ed for their grace of oulliiu',
their beauty of fabric, their
elegance of fit and finish, their
sturdy wearing qualities, and a
peculiar character and indi
viduality that stamps them at
once as superior to anything
else in thee
are worn
business men and clergymen
in preference to the finest tailor-made clothes, because they are elegint In
appearance and economical in price. One suit out-wears two ordinary suits and
costs no more than the inferior kinds.
viv i)f
1 1 I
fJ v L-J
'fit" lr'IH
lie clothing world. They '
rn by congressmen,
s, professional men, JtCj-b)
New Styles Now Ready
Look within the Collak
9 of the Coat you Buy
It Guarantees Satisfaction
Ash rcck.
Ash Crcsk was blessed with services
at tho ehurch Use Sunday. Pastor
D. Richardson who is an carl; settler,
prcched aa excellent sermon and is
wclesmcd in our midst as a saver of
souls. Memiier.
All the talk in the world will not eon
viuoe you so quickly us one trial f De
Witt's Witch Hnzel Halve far Sealde
Burns, Bruises, Skin Affections nnd I'ilee
0. L. (Jotting.
The Wool in our
Woolkn Clothing
Grows on a sheep's back not on a
cotton plant. Perhaps you have
Lought some of tho kind of "wool"
that grows on a hush, but you
didn't buy it at our storo. Some
of our goods aro art cotton of
course, but they aro sold as part
cotton goodb not a all wool.
When you buy of us, you gct just
cxaotly what tho nrt'cles aro repre
sented to be ClIAB. WlE.VKIl.
IMcriNiuit I'rulrlb.
Wo uro having a beautiful fall and
small grain looks green and nice.
Farmers sscm busy sll tho time at
something almost forgetting this is a
great corn country; when 181)!) comes
farmers will havo something to do
but chore around; with a big crop be
foro them.
We havo a largo attendanco at our
Suuday school and prcaohioc; every
body must turn out and make things
cheerful on Suuday these hard times,
Last Saturday one of Julius .Ncl
sou's littlo boys bed tho misfortune to
havo uue of his Angers cut off on tho
right Laud, while trying to dig a rab
bit out of a hclu with a spade.
Tliie is a bud year, but it scorns as
if thore is moro barb wire sold than if
it was a good year.
Arthur Wilson has fenced in a past
ure. Right duo west of WinCold Palsser's
thoro is a bad place or two in tho road.
Anyone driving there after night
might meet a bad accident. We hepo
tho overseer's attention will be called
to tho place
Wo heard ol two tnon looking for
farms to buy, Nebraska t'urms are
not for sale. We did nut Icaru their
District -II is to havo a spelling
school ono week from Friday night.
A cream of tartar bakingpowder
IUnhcstof all in lcavoniiiubtrength
Latest United Stes Uveinmout
Food Itcpqrt.
Iloyul aiuMnc iW'ricr 0.
10(1 Wall St.,;
..... . vajjmyu I S
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