The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 20, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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Poeular srodUQto
-outliorltetl by tho
Btoto, onil concocl
ctl to bo tho load
ing and most nuo
cooBful Specialist
'. OUSnnilUnlMARV
Nervous Debilitv
With Its Many Qloomy Symptom Cured.
Lost Vitality
I'trtctly and Permanently Rtttortd.
Cured tor Lite Without Mercury.
Urinary Diseases
Quickly Relieved and Thoroughly Cured.
W "sU- lH Dn " J' Whlttl Invnr
W OV loWy successful? Uccnuso ho
J makes no promises tlmtho
szTSZLSjeraii cnntiot fulilll. Avoid chenp
curc-nl's ami unsltllloil pbjsicliins, nnd consult
l)r. Willi tier In person or by letter (Hiving
symptoms) ntul rccelvo tho candlil opinion of n
physician of lung experience, unquestioned
skill mid Morllng Integrity.
JMi:i)ICI.i:s from our own laboratory fur
nished at Mnall cost nuil bhlppcd nnjwhoro
becuro from observation.
TKUATMUNT necr dent C. O.D.
Ofllco hours 0 to I nnd ? to 8. Sunday 10 to 12.
flirli'r" Health unci Kincrgciiclcfl
14 UIUCI for O ct. ituiupn to prepay.
Call or addrcs.s In btrlct conlldcnco
10 WBBt Ninth atfoot. KanooB City, MQ.
(Wcj.ilm- Graduate!!.)
AroCijic-ilingaui! moitnicccsnful specialist!) and
die aged men.
IlcinaikuMe re
sult limn lulluw
r;l our treatment.
Jinny u r of
Jul uiprrlenco
liillie uvof cura
tliu tmjllnj (hat
viinirnl tor nil i:i.
XT' Yi-
. iiriuTiuiniennlio
Imiiii ton t.
! nruin nf tliclr
f'f!rz73'iilu ami ilia
L:sxvroi",'Pt nr Hit. ir
. frlrntl. nml mm.
V VX ..-W" fulfilling. IPdiU II.
incMarniiioc lonil rniicni". ir nicy cin m.lljlv
lie fpii i-tl. our otu exclusive freutment
i til ullunl ti c are.
WOWKSI Don't ynn want to cot cured nf that
tvoi'.neultlia triMlturnt that lou can una at
Imina nlilimit Insiruinenio Our wiiiiderrul treat
nun', has cut cilothcrn. Whyiiotyuu? Trylt.
ClTtunn.iiiiil Olieascs of tho Skin, lllood,
Ile.irt, Ml er nnd Klilncyn.
nTTIIIT.IS-Tho mniit mrld. mla nml cffcctlvo
rcincuy. AiDiiiplLtuCuro Uuuruutved.
HUTS' Hlftr.ASfM of all klndi curcdwhero
)iu.iyuilieistuo failed.
I'.VV.VTVn.VT. llINrUAItOKS promptly
rurt-illiinfrw ilaja. l.'ulik, uru und afc. lhl
Io(.1uiU-j (JleLt nml (ionorlnca.
V.'o tmvo cured raca of Chronic i)lcntes that
lui c f illi'd to net tin it lit the hands of other encclul
Isliacd ML'ille il Inetttiiti'n.
vKVlCi:lK1Ilir.Ilthatthcro Is hnpo
f ir imi (Junruli no on may wuito valuublj
mm . )hlaln uur treitment ntoiiLO.
l of free nnd chi-np trentmcnls. Wo clvo
tui K an IniDt Bctimltlc trrmnicnt ut madernto
I r cm -us low n in liu done for tmfu nod skillful
trcitmrm. I'ti:i: coniultiitlon nt tliooiUruor
hy I'll!! ThiiroiiRli exainlnatlon iind ("ireful cIIiir.
t.iisls. A homo initinent ran lnKlrn Innnnjorliy
nfennri. Sen 1 for hyinplom lllanlt No. lfot.Men;
No.'Jfor Women. No. arurHkln DNenses. Allcurra
PIKindenco nlisivuri'il promptly. IliislnesiRtrlctlyion
flilcnllil. I.ntlrotre.itnii tit tunt frio from olmenn
Hon. liefer to our ratliuts, liaaka and business men
i. L. Corner Sixth und IVIIxNL., Iiuotns 1 and i
fl'nh'r'r.) ST. .mnri'll. MO.
5500 Reward!
WIS clll pay the above reward for any case o
T.lverCcmplalnt. Dyspepsia, blck Headache, In.
dlcesUoii Constipation oj- Costlvettcss we cannot
cure with West's Vegetable I.lver Pills, when
the directions nte strictly compiled with. They
ore purely Vegetable, nml never fail to give oat.
lsfactlou. Sugar Coated. Large boxes, 2 cents.
Ilewarc of counterfeits nnd lmltnt!o:. The gen
uine matiiilactiircd only by THE JOHN C. WiiST
For buIo by Doyo ,t Grico, Ked Cloud'
To Water t'oiiNiiiuvrN.
Notieo is horoby given to tho pntrons
of tho city wutor eorvico, of tho city of
Hod Cloud, that section 12 1 of ordinance
No. 1!1 horounto annoxod of Bald city will
bo strictly onforced horonftor:
It shall bo unlawful for any poreon
within said city to Bprinltlo, ojoct or
throw wator from nrivnto or publio
pprinkler, wnsher or hydrant upon any
public ntroot, lane or alloy, or any yard
curdun or oncloaure, or permit or causo
tho tutuio to bo done, nor upon oragainal
any building upon mieh street,
lano or ulley, oxcopt for the ex
tinguiHhuR'iit of HrcB and ordi
nary hoiiBo donning except botweon tho
hours of (5 and 7 o'clock it. in,, and B and
B o'clock p. in,, of each day; and any
other parson violating any of the provi
sions of thiseootionBhall upon conviction
thoreot bo linod in nny sum not exceed
ing ton dollars und stand committed un
til such costs und lino aro paid.
W. 13. Kouy, Mayor.
II E Po.f n,
Wator ComiBaionor.
Dated May 4, 1801.
. . ......... . i . --'-. .... c, wesi'b vnvs amd bba? TaEATarur
is h..i1 untlor posilivo written imnrnntie, Ijy
nnthniliil ngotitH only, to euro Weak Mrmor;
Irfiyflof llrnln nnd Nervo 1'ownr: lii.t Mnuhiiutl;
OiiiekiichHi Night Ikwkch; Kvil Dri'iuiiH; lickof
l.onhilniicci Nervousiii'BHj JiiisBitiido; nil DrnliiH:
Loon of l'liwerof tlioUimiTiithi-OrniiriH In either
Hex, eniiwd liyiiiir.xirtioii, YiiuUirulKrrurH.or
hxcrstilvo iihii of Tidiiicen, Upiuni or Lhiunr,
which lends to MUrry. t'niinitiiiitliin, IiiKimity
will Denlh. Hy mnil,$tn box; hix for iSswJtfi
jvrittmi . Kuarnntoo to euro or refund money. Wett'l
tlrer Till: rnro pick Heiulaehe. lllliousnens,
Liver Complaint. Hour Hloiuiirli. DjepeiiBia nnd
CouetiptiUou. UUAltANTKlib leeucd only bv
For Fiilo by Doyo it Clrice, I'wl Cloud.
fii VtUJKrff l"P,eu or ills-
El!iV.?U1rf5SVs!romi errors nl
IWvV'.itV'i, TI lt?,C?JtJff.fatuulli ami excess
LiL-'TltfivrTn VoifSSBSJTWuIir
r.&,W.. I 1 I lT.''TAT in.l
llvS'--- I frfft.KVWtlic
nirv ' -vn i
i :
f?i NEW
4& I rrc
Protestant or Catholic.
$18 per Week or $75 per Month,
josm-ii n. gav, rre.'i., so ritth At;
viW. Chloaso, III.
Ltlioflrnud Old .llup llns Aged Mirny cr
In tho I'ust Tlirec loutlis.
Tlioo who fcati-d Hint his retiienicnt
from public llfo would bting upon Mr.
! Oladstono just tho-o evils which ho do
1 signed to nvoltl mo licginniiig to llijd
' their jutlgimnt jtwtillod. Tlu Urund
I Old Mun hut nged many yt-.irH in tho
past three month. Tho pictiuohoiuado
ut tho Dr. Andrew Clark memorial moot
ing wns it pitiful ono. Ho was a feeble,
bent octogenarian, who leaned upon a
stout stick even when atlthessiug tho
audience from his chair, ills wotdt
were brave, polished, well cIiobcu and
apptopiiatc. Not n shadow has yet cross
ed his shining intellect, but both flesh
and spirit nro breaking. Ho is not ill.
No specific nialndy is undermining his
marvelous vitality, but n great change,
which his grieving friends cannot fail
to recognize, is making rapid progress.
Ho has lost interest in life. That is
ominous. For 00 years ho found rest in
other forms of activity aud pencoiunow
struggles. Work has been his only rec
reation. Fresh lesponsibllities never
failed to rcnow his vigor. His friends
nro beginning to understand now "what
Sir Andrew Clark saw dourly that for
such a man to fold his bauds means do
spair and death.
Every effort will bo inado now to pro
vido tho warrior htatesman witli tasks
and ambitions sufllcicntly important to
k"rp alivo that energy which craves and
feeds upon what in most men would
destroy it. If his enthusiasm can bo
revived, ho may remain mnny days a
llguro of which tho nation will bo most
proud. If not, then nothing can long
delay tho end.
Tho most remarkablo effect of Mr.
Gladstono's retirement has been clearly
emphasized in connection with bis lliht
public nppearnnce. His enemies liavo
ulready beeoino his friends. Ho has com
pletely ceased to bo n pnrtiban llguro in
English politics. London Cor. Now
York Sun.
Dorn Doiiegnii Giles nn Inhibition cf Ilvr
Dexterity n a Thief.
Dora Donegal), one of tho most skillful
thieves known to tho police, gavo an ex
hibition of her art Monday morning at
thollarribon Street police 6tation, which
gavo Bailiff Vogel a still greater opin
ion of her dexterity. Sho lintl been ar
rested in pursuanco of a standing order
given by Chief Brennan to look her up
on bight and was arraigned before Jus
tice Foster. Sho was discharged, as
thero was no evidence against her. Bo
foro leaving tho courtroom sho stopped
to ohat with tho bailiff.
"You aro pretty clover, Dora, " said
Vogel, "but if nil men wcro us hard to
rob as I would bo you'd bavo to do
something elso for a living."
"Oli, fiomo day homo ono will fool
you, too," said Dora.
Tho two stood talking for n few min
utes, nnd then tho woman left tho room.
Shortly afterward Bailiff Vogel found
that his diamond scarfpin was missing.
In nn excited manner ho called tho at
tention of several officers to his I0.1S,
and they began to bearch tho room, as
tho bailiff thought it had dropped from
his scarf to tho floor honiewheie. While
they wcro engaged in tho search tho
Douegan woman approached Vogel ami
"Havo you found your pin?"
"No," replied Vogel.
"Well, hero it is," baid tho woman.
"Bo careful next time when you brag
about yourcelf. I just wanted to show
you that you would bo an easy mark,"
and sho went away laughing. Chicago
Inter Ocean.
A lift Willi h 1'roved hii Unexpected fttnto
of AflHIrn In Wusliliigtuii.
A party of gentlemen wero discussing
tho financial conditions a couploof days
ago when ono of them remarked upon
the unusual hcaicity of silver dollars in
circulation in Washington. Ho stated
that it was difficult to meet a person
who had a silver dollar in his pockut,
whereas n few months ngo tho cait
wheels wcroinoro plentiful than tho pa
per securities. His assertion was ques
tioned by ono of his companions, where
upon ho remarked that ho would bo
willing to make a wager of tho cigars
to prove it.
"I will bet, " ho remarked, "that yon
cannot within ono hour meet a man
whom you know who has a silver dol
lar in his pocket."
Tho other, who had an oxtromply largo
acquaintance, eagerly accepted tho gngo
and took up a position down at the cor
ner of Fifteenth nnd F btrcets. Kvory
friend and acquaintance who emtio along
was requested to exchnngo a silver dol
lar for four quarters. Scores of $1 bills
wcro pulled out of pedestrians' pockets,
but tho man with tho chango wanted
only tho dollar of his daddies. At tho
end of tho hour ho paid for tho cigars,
becauso ho found not n man in his quest
who had n hard dollar in his pocket. I
don't know tho reason for tho scarcity
of such coin, but its existence is be
yond doubt. Washington Star,
Deellned llee herilie.
Sinco tho death of M. Boutquin tho
dapper old gentleman who invariably
woro a silk hat and earned an umbrella
when discharging his official duties,
Brussels has been deprived of tho herv
ices of a public executioner. M. do
Liego has kindly acted as a stopgap dur
ing the interregnum. Last week his co
operation was requested by tho authori
ties. At tho appointed hour a stout,
middle aged lady piesented heiself ami
quietly rcniutked to tho trembled func
tionaries: "I've como for tho oxecutiou. My
husband is not well this morning and
asked mo to tako his place. Fleaso lot
us get to business."
Tho general stupefaction was intousi
fled when sho added in a roubsuilng
tone, "Tills is not by may means tho
fltst time."
However, tho authorities refused to
avail themselves of her offer and mean
ly declined to pay her expenses. Brua.
seia bxouango. i
A HorMt 33 llnuiU High, Weighing 1,100
I'oiiuiU, Is SUM Criming,
A freak of nature and world wonder
in tho shape of a )urso is drawing many
of tho curious to tho livery stable on
South Thiid street just now. This spec
imen of tho cqulno kind is unquestion
ably tho tallest in tho world. It is, in
fact, a colt, not yet 11 years old, measur
ing tho enormous height of '3 hands 7
feet and 1 inches. In weight this horso
wonder tips tho scales at 1,700 pounds.
Peter that ishlsnnino is n gelding
aud wan foaled in Minnesota in June,
181)1. Ho is of Norman stock and a
beautiful dapple gray in color. What is
almost as remarkablo as his hugo pro
portion is the fnctthat his dam and siro
wcro not above tho average size of that
breed of horses. Another colt from tho
same- dam nnd sire, n year younger than
l'eter, but proportionnbly as large, if
not larger, died some months ago.
Peter, as evidenced by his weight, is
a well proportioned animal. His limbs
uro clean cut, and tho head, .body aud
neck of good form. Ho is, as is tho caso
with many colts, n little bit swaybaek
ed, but this imperfection, horsemen say,
will disappear with age. Tho hips aro ft
littlj higher than tho highest point of
tho shoulders, front which tho height
and measurement nro usually taken.
Should tho horso grow to maturity,
it is not unreasonable to expect that ho
will attain fully (I inches moro in height
nnd dovolop proportionately otherwise,
carrying n weight possibly of 0,000
pounds. A gelding boldom attains its
full height until 7 years old, whllo mares
generally niaturo two years younger.
Thero is nothing of record, several
horsemen say, which equals tho height
of tho colt in question. Soveral years
ago, however, thero was a horso on ex
hibition ill Toronto which weighed 2,800
Peter is physically sound and healthy.
At such an ago, growing with tho ra
pidity that ho is, bo could not retain
much flesh, though ho might bo said to
bo in good trim for work. His carriago
is good and movement far less clumsy
and nwkward than might bo expected
of nn nnimal of buch proportions. Se
attle Telegraph.
Tho IlniKiiiet to iMIlllutmlresItecently Given
In London by Huron Illmeli.
Baron Hlrsch is n highly susceptible
millionaire who believes in royalty, who
has followed tho fortunes of tho Princo
of Wales assiduously, nnd who is hup
posed to havo "staked" that pcrsonugo
on many occasions. For awhilo ho
dropped out of tho papers, but ho is
back again now, and his genius for do
ing tilings that cause people to talk
seems again to bo in goodworking or
der. Tho dinners of rich men havo been
frequent, but Baron Hirsch conceived
tho idea of getting tluflU richest men
in London together and giving them n
dinner which would rank as tho most
cxpeiisivo ono in tho long history of that
great dinner giving metropolis.
According to a correspondent, it was
n feast of money from beginning to end.
Not a binglo guest was admitted whoso
fortune wns not estimated in millions
of pounds, nnd tho English papers lmvo
becomo delirious in trying to llguro out
tho exact wealth represented by tho bar
on's 1 1 guests.
Tho barou hinibolf made no prctenso
of giving tho dinner for u special ob
ject, except to hco how good a dinner ho
could buy. Tho chef of tho Hotel Savoy
and tho proprietors of that establish
ment entered cheerfully into tho baron's
scheme, nnd tho result was it dinner
which it took four hours to cat, was
paid for in nbout four minutes nnd cost
upward of $5, fiOO. It cannot bo wonder
ed nt that the Princo of Wales is fond
of Barou Hirsch.
How It Is Kxpected tol'uelllluto Communi
cation With J'.iiriipeiin Countrlcn.
Tho laying of tho now Atlantic cable
is not an event of the same importauco
us tho laying of tho first cable of this
kind, but tho fact that it is expected to
raise tho speed to HO words ft nilnuto in
tho transmission of messages indicates
that it will revolutionize tho sending of
bnbmariuo messages and draw Europe
into much closer relations with America
than existed before. This will quicken
tho two continents in their thinking
and feeling as well as in their commer
cial relations. It is one of thosu subtlo
yet important agencies by which tho
wholo of mankind mo constantly living
brought into closer lelations, man with
man. At tho present tinio tlio news of
tho London and Paris und Berlin papers
is transmitted tons with Mich speed and
accuracy that wo aro ablo to judge what
is going on in Europe with substantial
comprehension of its import, and when
this now cablo is in operation nows of
this, kind will bo much moro complete
than it has over been before Boston
Her l'eiiilliir JMuiilu.
Miss Sophie Behrens, a young lady
woll connected in this city, has been ad
judged insane nnd taken t( tho asylum
at Independence. Her mania was that
bho was engaged to several young men
of the city, whom sho threatened with
suits for breach of promibo unless they
came to time. Her 1 otters beenmoho fre
quent that it wits decided to bring her
befoio tho commissioners of insanity.
It is a peculiar case. Sho oven went so
far ns to havo her wedding trousseau
luade. Dubuquo Cor. Minneapolis
A Novel llottle,
A Skowhegtui (Me.) manufacturer of
patent medicino made an offer of $20,
000 to any ouu who should invent for
him a bottle that could not bo lefillcd
atur ouco being emptied. An ingenious
l.teeliaulu named Mcquillan has invent
ed t uch an article, mid tho firm 1ms nl
hiwidhim bix mouths moro to muko
any iniprov.ements or changes needed in
lii'i invention. It is n curious yet sim
ple article and will cost only a triflo
moio tliuu uu ordinary bottle. Lewis
ton Journal.
An Alnbituin Koi'tor' Narrow i:nipi From
','' lining ItUlrd Allle.
Fioju Tl'iOiufmflTc, ft thriving little
town on tho Mobile and Birmingham
road, 103 'miles north of this place,'
comes a stoiy that is heard but seldom,
nnd then too much crcdcnco cannot bo
placed therein, for nine times out of ton
there is a certain prevarication or n
knack of distorting and stretching tho
facts that knocks tho truth out of tho
tale. But hero is a truo story: Suudoy
morning tlioio died, to all appearances,
at Thoniasvillo, a well known physi
cian of that place Dr. John W. Brand.
Do had latoly removed from ltnudolph
county and was about 05 years of age.
Ho sull'eied Bovoral weeks from various
complications, and finally the watchers
at his bedside, ono of whom was his
son, saw him draw, apparently, his Inst
breath and sink into the unconscious
ness of death. Tho body was taken
chargo of by his friends, washed and
dressed in the customary shroud and
laid out in tho parlor. An hour or two
later tho fow friends seated in the room
with tho corpse noticed a slight twitch
ing of tho lingers of tho deceased. They
woro pontowliat startled, but did not
loso their solf possession and fleo from
tho room, ns is ordinary under such cir
cumstances. Instead they repaired to
tho Rido of the doctor mid watched him
closely. Then a movement of almost tho
entire body was noticed a slight con
vulsion, in fact. Then two ploces of
money that had been placed over tho
eyes of the dead man fell off, aud he
niado an effort to open his eyes. Tills
satisfied those gathered around him that
life was still within the remains, ami
tho body was tenderly carried back to
tho bed from which ho had been re
moved n short while beforo n supposed
coip-o. Dr. Brand received overy care,
and ho slowly revived. His first words
when apprised of his condition wcro:
"How long was I dead?"
All preparations for tho removnl of
tho body to his home in Randolph coun
ty had been made by tho son of Dr.
Brand, and it was arranged to ship tho
remains by tho Mobile mid Birmingham
train that passed Thoniasvillo Sunday
night. Dr. Brand's daughter was nt the
Selnia depot to receive tho body of her
father, but instead was rejoiced to re
ceivo tho welconio nows that her parent
was btill nllve. Mobile llcgistcr.
Interesting MntlHtlr. Which Havo Just
liven (llien Out by the tin eminent.
Tho first data on conjugal life in tho
United States over gathered by tho gov
ernment mo given in n census bulletin.
It shows that of a total population of
O'J.tiria.aCO in 180 almost thrco-flfths
wcro single, a little moro than one
third married, and not quite omj-twen-tieth
,wero widowed. Tho divorces con
stituted u small fraction of 1 per cent.
The actual numbers of tho classes nro as
follows: Single, 117,120,5(1 1; widowed,
2,070,052; unknown, 70,21-1; married,
i!9,U;il,-l!M; divorced, 120,000.
Tho males constituted over 51 per
cent of thototnl populaiion. Of 112,007,
880 males in tho country, 10,1)15,57(1
weiu single, 11,205,228 married, 815,
107 widowed, 10,101 divorced. Of tho
females, 17,180,088 wcro single, 11,
120,100 married, 2,151,015 widowed,
71,805 di voiced.
Tho proportion of widows, says tho
repoit, was nearly threo times as great
as of widowers, indicating that a great
er portion of widowers remarry than
widows, while figures show that di
vorced men havo lemarried to a greater
extent than divorced women.
Of tho married males, tliero were 28
out of 1 1,200,008 under 1C years of age,
085,7-18 out of U,10-l,89!i between 20
and 21 years, 1,728,000 out of 2.-125,-001
between 00 aud 81 years, 800,025
out of 1,200,710 (15 years and over. Of
married females, tliero wcro 1,111 out
of 10,052,102 under 15 years, 810,080
out of 0,085,085 from 15 toll) years,
1,141,712 out of 0,001,780 from 20 to
21 years, 1,805,001 out of 2,520,-1(10
from 25 to 20 years, 1,717,20-1 out of
2,152,000 from 00 to 84 years, 2,508,
200 out of 0,010,001 from 05 to -14
years, 1,700,070 out of 2,400,878 from
45 to 51 years, 005,027 out of 1,400,
007 from 55 to 01 years, 418,000 out of
1, 180,500 05 years nnd over.
OMiclnl Du.len Hturtled.
Tho chappies in tho stato department
aro in despair. They cannot turn up
their trousers any more that is, thoy
cannot wear them turned up and con
tinue to work in tho department. Secre
tary Oresham happened to sco ono of
tho chappies strolling leisurely through
tho corridor ono day lost week with his
trousers turned up in truo London stylo.
Tho next day this ptuticular young man
found a noto on his desk directing him
to devoto himself to an especially un
congenial task, aud one nt which ho
would hardly caro to havo his society
familiars mo him engaged. At tho sumo
tiiuo n horrid rumor was spread abroad
with truly feminine emphasis and em
bellishments to tho fact that Keucsaw
Landis, tho privato secretary of Mr.
Urofchain, and a man who nover takes
any noto of climatic conditions in Lou
don, had given tho secretary his word
that overy clmpplo found with his trou
sers turned up should bo treated to a
week in Coventry. Washington Letter
in Boston Advertiser.
Our 1'oor Show at Antwerp.
Tho Antwerp exhibition was formal
ly opined, says a writer, like all other
great shows, in unreadiness. The show
takes in tho wholo world, but its great
feature in fact, its hecrotraiRon d'etre
istho display which is the result of Bel
gium's colonial venture in tho Congo
State. Tho country has achieved ono of
tho greatest successes in history in colo
ny making, mid it proudly produces
proof of it. Even England, with all her
African conquests, peaceful and other
wise, is put to shnmo by comparison.
Tho United States makes a showing
thus far so poor as to bo lidlculous.'
Only buukrupt Italy, of all countries of
rank, inaltea such a boggarly display.
Webster countyFair
At their Fair Grounds West of the City,
Sept. 5, C,
Positively to be the Best Exhibi
tion ever held in the coimty.
Large Premiums, Fine Racing, Grand Display
Make your arrangements to come.
Consult your township auxiliary president
for further information. Do your best to held
make the fair a success.
R.L.ALYE A, President.
D J. MYERS, Secretary, Red Cloud.
Frank P.
Fir Hair ;mii Dewti -
First Class Work Guaranteed,
Call on him, he can save you mone
lop rim Door webt of Miner iirott. Store.
Ordors promptly Qllod.
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