The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 20, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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Sq Wiieuii Do You
Uv tlUrcliasitlU tlirtn nf
addition to the lowest ,!, fL b Cff nil
repairing done at thoJoltoVing low prices:
"'Sowing Tips and Trtt-kincr
llnlf Soling trail's' Shoos,
" " Women's "
" " Boys' "
" M Children's "
Patches 5 to 15c. Bait of Sole Leather Used.
This in on ndvanUgo to you of the greatest importance
for all shoes need repairing.
We guarantee lowest prices on all our goods and the best of
workmanship on all repair work, and will do our best to fatisft
you in every respect. '
mi m mummmm mmum
pitKD E. MoKKKBY, M. D.
IHiygltinu tuul Surgeon,
City und country calls promptly ans
wered. Moo.v Block, Red Cloud.
I'liL'o 1 Weather Bullolin.
Shot to Kill.
Other Items.
Caucus notices.
" 2 Miscellaneous.
" 15 Keuluinicil Arid Lands,
Luto Markets.
Roliuble Men Scarce.
Kansas tuul Xebrnsku Nowb.
Many Other Items.
Caucus notices.
Hot Sporting 12 von t.
Educationul News.
Other News.
" r.-Uriof City Xows.
" 0 Correspondence.
Supervisors. Etc.
" 7 Gludstono Fniling Fast.
Poter tho Great.
Interesting Horns Genornlly.
' 8 Hard Times in Australia.
Cornerod by a Wolf.
uuii.r miction.
Tiik Chief for all kinds of job work.
Thero will bo n special equity term of
tho district court, August 15.
Postmaster Cowdcu hai had tho in
terior of tho poBtofllco nicely painted.
I would like to trado a sewing ma
ohino for u horse. K. House, Inavulo
Miss Mary Nelson was visiting in
Riverhvi Wednesday, with her friend
1K- din frionil Frank Stokes of Line
township is tho happy daddy of a big
boy baby.
Romombor ThuCihi:!' does all kinds of
lino and plain job work at reasonable
prices and expeditiously.
Tho Misses Jcssio andMaggio Visschor
lmvo roturncd to their homo in Holyoko,
Colorado, after u pleasant visit in this
Wm, Rickor, ouo of tho pioneer Bottlers
of Webstor county but now of Kansas,
was looking ova Red Cloud during tho
last fow days.
Tho M. E. church pulpit was finely
docorated with pretty ilowera last Sab
bath presented by Mrs. Jas. McNony
Thoy woro very handsome.
M. R. Bontloy Iiob mado somo nice
improvements on his residonce promises.
Ho has takon out several trees und oth
orwiso mado his property look much
Mrs. Win, Burr of Lino township on
lust Thursday, while in tho corral where
tho cattlo were, was knockod down by a
forocious bull and was quite seriously
Chancellor Isaac Crook of tho Wob
loyan University, Lincoln, delivered a
very lino leuturo boforo the teachers of
the county institutoin tho M. E. church
last Monday night,
Wo huvo heard of a groat many f roakB
eminating from tho lurid lightnings, but
during tho storm tho othor nigh!, lightn
iug struck in Qua Routs' Hsu pond and
killed a grout many of fish therein,
.Too McClelland io still crippled very
badly with his foot, which wo failod to
mention was uoarly ruined by a serious
full somo days since. Joo was attompt.
ing to go down stairs in tho dark but
failed to catch tho right llight of stepp,
and fell heavily for sovcral foot. Tho in
jured member was caught in just such a
tnnnor nn aiiprt snok ns to crush it
seriously and probably .will impair him
for somo time.
,Tho members of tho Wheelmen's As
sociation of Red Cloud, gavo an ico
cream social in tho court house park
last Tuesday night, which wub a vory
enjoyable affair. Tho best social faction
of Rod Cloud was presont of courso, and
tho prettiest sunimor girls with tho pret
tiest summer clothes woro all thero, and
agisted admirably in disponing of tho
liiBcioua and dolicious ico cream, which
was dispensed so liberally by tho wheel
men and thoir assistants. Tho recolpts
wore $'2,7, and somo of tho enthusiastic
cyclers say that oven such pleasant so
L'ials aro not n patchin to what tho
Wlipolmon'u tournamont will bo next
Buv Youn Siioks ? 13
tl1, i. i. i
Railed on
local m:vs.
F. E. CJoblo is homo from Lincoln this
Mrs. Fuller from Campbell Is visiting
in tho city this week
Don't forget tho bicycle tournamont
July tlitth in this city.
F. P. Hadloy painter and paper hanger
and sign work a specialty.
Buy your fruit jars of A. Morhart &
Son. They havo all sizes.
J. A. Tlllllll-ia U'no t fi...n..l !.. 1. ..! ..
n Lincoln tho foro part of tho week.
State Superintendent Goudy will talk
to tho teachers toniirht in thu HantlHt
Any ono in need of shin work sliould
call on F. P. Hadley. Ho guarantees a
tirst class job or no pay.
A foot race in which is involved 82100
is quite an interesting aiiair, especially
so to tho fellow who is loser.
Curt Evans lias ovorythmgyou wnut in
tho second-hand f urnlturo lino. See him
Uluo Front, south Webstor street.
Wanted to trado merchandise for a
good and gentlo horso. Inquiro of Jno
B. Wright tho second hand furniture
Mrs. Joslin nnd Mrs. Jamorson of
Orleans, wero visiting in tho city Wed
nesday tho guests of Row God. Yeiser
and family.
Don't forgot that I am propared to
cany passengors to all parts of tho city.
Loavo orders nt tho Holland Houso.
Lloyd Chaiiili,.
R. B. Fulton lire und lightning insur
ance, Western Whito Bronze, monu
ments and cemotery goods. Ofllco with
Traders Lumber Co.
Joo Foglo tho harness man, located in
tho Chanoy building North Webstor St.
for iirst-cluss work, substantial har
nesses, saddles, collars and hardware.
Ladies aro respoctfully invited to call
at tho city bathing parlors on Tuesday
nnd Thursday aftornoons. Tho roomB
will bo exclusively in chnrgo of ladies.
Tho Whoclmon's tournamont next
week, will bo ono foaturo of extraordina
ry intoroet, nnd Rod Cloud should bo
felicitated upon securing thoir prosonco.
A vory interesting gamo of base ball
was played in Red Cloud on Tuesday bo
twoen Guide Rock nnd Red Cloud.
Scoro stood ai to 35 in favor of Red
A norvous young porson in this city
recently doclurcd thoy "would drop
everything" and run nnd jump into tho
river, if a certain request was not com
plied with.
For tho best meals and lunoh go to
tho City Bakery and restnuraut also
fresh brood, buns, pies, cnkeB and lino
candies, tobacco cigars, otc, at. Jos
Mrs. A. Cummiugs has suffered in
tensely this week with un aggravated
and painful attack of inflammatory
rheumatism. Slio, at last accounts, is
somowhut improved.
Tho Independent ordor of Pestiferous
Doublo-barrol Dictators of tho Sons of
Brass Circles is a now stag organization
which now meets nt a popular rostaurant
ovory Saturday night.
The members of tho M. E, Church
Epworth Leuguo will give an ico cream
and cliorry phosphate social in tiio court
Iioubo park on Thursday evening July
2(5. All aro cordially invitod.
Whon you speak of boautiful school
ma'ms, it thril.s one's soul with oxquisit
ploasuro, but to havo car loads of them
cor.To to tho city and stay a wook makes
iho vory liif teem with sublimo O,
Mrs. O. II. Truuiunf of tho Nation,
Mrs. Braketicld and Mrs. Dow attended
tho district convention of tho W. 0. T,
U., of which '.thoy are shining lights, in
Holdrego tliis weok. Tho convention
was largely attended and much spirit
and animation manifested in tho work.
Tho Biadon clito wero represented nt
tho ice cream social hero Tuesday night
by tho admirable- and dignified Frank
McLaughlin, tho witty and versatile
David Byrne, and tho ovor jovial and ir
repressible Kirby; all expert whcolmon,
and good fellows. Kirby said thoy all
roda down on thoir wheols from Bladen
In jiiBt exactly thirty minutes.
Colflug'x Pointers,
Hot weather causes thirst.
Cold soda water quenches it.
Xo healthier drink made than celery
We can show you a line lino of tablets
and box papers.
"Kin me," that moans tho now gum.
Wo can ohow jou bargains in wall
Wo havo njflnolinoof window curtains.
Wo aro caroful in usilig only tho pur
est medicines in prescription work.
Wo invito your trade.
Try "Tamanny Tiger" tho new drink
at Cotting's fountain.
E. Cook was in Hastings this week.
District court convened again this
M, C. Shermnn was in Grnnd Island
this week.
Roy Talt went to Hustings tliiB weok
on his cycle.
Go to Knight's, oeccessor to Calincs',
for ico cream.
Miss Lulu Potter is homo from hor
visit to Pluttsmouth.
A good'dwclllng houso ill Red Cloud
to trado for laud. -C. W. Kaloy. 2t
Mrs. II. L. Mnrkoll of Fremont is vis
iting witli relatives in tills city.
Lunch, ico cream, cakes, and fresh
bread at Knight's, Calmes' old stand.
Don't forgot that Knight, successor to
Calines, keeps tho best ico cream in town.
L. II, Fort is attending n meeting of
tho board of equalization in Liucolnthls
.Somo expert wheelmen of Grand
Island nnd Kearney will bo in town tho
J. D. .Storey the popular druggist und
postmaster of Cowlea wus in tho city
Henry C. Richmond formorly local
editor of tho Tin: Cnii:r is sojourning in
tho city for a fow daya.
Street Commissioner Will WeBt has
beon doing somo very commondablo ser
vice this week on tho street walks.
A good stock of millinery for sale or
trade. Apply to this olllco. It is a great
bargain if sold soon.
The Chief is pleased to uoto that
Charloy Relglo is again ablo to bo upon
tho streets ufter un illness of sovernl
Littlo Miss Nannie Truman left this
week to spend her Rummer's vacation
wmi uio lamiiy or !;. M. lleacli near
Bluo Hill.
j. vj. vwmo county treasurer was
chosen president of this council, and J.
Miller secretary. Persona aro admitted
from 18 to 55 years of age.
Cloyd Cummings has lately loamed
how to feed his horso cheaply, ilo
drives noar tho dopot, catches a liny
wagon coining to town and lets tho
horso feed behind until tho farmer
conies to tho scales, tlion Cloyd takes a
Mrs. E. P, Bolton is confined to hor
room this woek with an acuto uffoction
of neuralgia of tho stomach. Yesterday
tho nllliction was a moro serious pliaso,
but it iB earnestly hopod her physicians
will bo nblo to restore hor to normal
health soon.
Tho case of Joo Gu minings nguinst ox-
mayor Wiener was brought un in tho
district court last Friday evening for
trial. It will bo rcmonibered that Joo
sued tho ox-mnyor for n $1000 false im
prisonment, hut tho caso was decided in
fuvor of Mr. Wiener. Tho verdict seems
to be fully satisfactory to tho public.
A brakomnn, named Crnndail, work
ing on tho Oberljn nnd Hnstincs branch
ui iuu u. cc iu., ion ueiweon tho carB
r tl.A n r. nr an .
whilo thoy wero in motion near Franklin
this woek and was crushed to death.
Conductor Quigly was running tho train
and had it stoppod usquiekly us possiblo
but tho poor follow wus doad before tho
train could be stopped.
Tho cuso of Matk Million vs. MieB
Hathaway, for bastardy, was largely at
tended Inst week. Tho caso was ably
nrgueU on both sides by eniinont lawyors,
and many witnesses woro oxumined.
Tho caso was given to tho jury Saturday
aftornoon about r.ittO, and after being
out all night they brought in a verdict
mr uio piuinuii. Messrs (iilhum nnd
McXony woro for tho defendant and J.
M. Challln for tho plaintiff
A council of tho Knlirhto and lu.limi nf
security was orgaui.od nt Odd Fellows'
hall Wednesday evening July 18, by
Deputy Xational President J. E. Park
of Clyde, Kansas. Tho pnrninnent orga
nization will us mado Friduv evening
July 27. This organization was first start-
mi in 'i nnfMtii. ivnnpna ni-ni- tn... ..
ago and now has ovor six thousand mein-
iiurn. .iuu iiHiiinuiury is s.mj to $.!0C0
nnd adtnitfl ImiIIhh iir u-nll no .m.,il.. .......
in,, V i HVIiiiuiiiuii.
Aid Pulsipher only touches in tho high
places thepo hot days. For- tho last
seven .veins ho lias betui aimloBslf pul
ling ouior ciniiiren Hum IiIh own on tho
bond und tnllini thorn limv ;.,.. 41
worn nnd all that, and then would lumvn
a sigli.but Sunday afternoon lm nmnr.m.i
from his loncllnrsn, when liis tvifniin.
nnunced that it u-nu un ulnt-nn .,,,., .1
girl buby. It is said that in Ids gioo ho
immediately becanio a biggor man thon
Mr. Dobbs, and nt onco issued nn ordor
for all tho men logo out on a strike on
Pruhill'fl strpnt enr linn, nplm u,,,1.1 1.......
to set up tho cigars. The boyn decided
to striKo ror tho cigars, and now Ed
bingo "Littlo tootsy wootsy dud's littlo
girl," etc., and has notified Mayor Roby
that ho must bo called horeaftor tho
Hon. Aldormnn from tho first ward.
The Chief extends its congratnlaiions.
"Tin: Mot .nuvis Waip." A profitably
crowd of thl'rttra.'loving peoplo tilled tho
opera house Inst pining, to hear run
dored by tho yitfi'ng people of Rod Cloud
tho popular original drama, "Tho Moun
tain Waif." Ever. ouo knows that pro
fessionals frequently forget their parts,
but all pralso to these amateurs, not one
of them forgot or omitted u singlo word
of conpequoneo, and the entire program
wan charctorized by frequent outbursts
of vociferous applause, which rises spon
taneously from an appreciative audience.
A lack of timo and space and other
impediments enforce brevity, but in jus
tico to tho participants wo' laud somo
praise where it is especially due. But
right hero allow tho assertion, that If
wo hnd any criticisms to pass, or sliould
wo consuro tho play at all, it would bo
for just what most unintours lack to n
great degreo-a porceptlblo lack of ani
mation nnd vigor.
This was most notable in tho two
heaviest rolls-that of Harry Miller as
"Bill Marou" and Ermmi linli,,,, .,u
"Ralph Delmar. ' Ernest was supposed
to bo a most desparate character and as
audi proved a terror to tho entire com
munity. Ho possesses a lino physique,
11 graceful manner, and a sonorous
voice, but ho failed to roughen his voice
HUHleiontly, and throw his whole soul
jto tho tragical sentences; asiilo from
this ho was almost perfect. The very
sumo comment is duo Harry, but his
handsomo I'ppoaruneo anil composed at
titude won him praise.
Tho vivacious Xellio West displupcd
perhaps more versatility and graceful
iiess than any participant, though it
wouiu no (imicult to determino any
great distinction botween her, Lillian
Smith and Mary Miner.
Miss Xellio impersonated tho waif and
much credit is due her for her compla
cent attitude, swcot smiles and cheery
ringing voice. Mies Mary in hur char
acleiiziition of tho minister's wife, was
applauded for her promptness, precis
ion and sedateness. ller voice, notwith
standing sho had been ill, was harmon
iously perfect and If oho lacked anything
iu miuw iiimrimiiu iiiioni, 11 was tho
projior rolo in which to do so.
Miss Lillian was an nilinii-n dl,, liiti,,
midgut whoso captivating girlish pranks
in tho rolo of "Dolly" wero thoHiibject of
much comment. Wo can only nay that
sho played well, and did credit to many
John Tulloyn as "Parson Tihlm" hii!,1 n
a good many lines in 11 fluent easy ninn-
ner, apparently, but took no pnins to
mako his voice sound like u preacher.
However, ho did well.
Tho only character in tho cast on
winch absolutely no criticism could bo
iiasscd was Horace Spunoglo as "Aster
bill" the New York dude. Ho was
largely the comedy of tho play.
Robert McBridu in tho Impersonation
of "Pat Hennessey" tho wild and jolly
Irishman, wns indeed excellent, Rob
undoubtedly possesses much dramatic
Kiiuni, mm tumum navo mid a Heavier
part. Willi Thad McXitt as "Hamilton
Ham" tho two mado it pair which are
not to l)o snoozed at. Thud's solo was
imnieneo, nnd tho audience enjoyed tho
comedy produced by these two charac
ters inordinately.
Jrvin Cu millings as "Monto Miller"
tho crook. Walter Warren as tho Dutch
sheriff "Krautz" and Henrv Clark as
"Jack Wilbur" tho plucky Now Yorker
all did considerable work in their roles,
and maintained, u cool composure
throughout tho entertainment.
Tho music was furnished by tho S. of
V. band orchestra and served a delight
fully oxhiliarating diversion while tho
curtain was down. Mrs. Gurtin ninlcnr.
son presided at tho piano, and tho music
was certainly moat enjoyable and great
ly helped to mako tho event u success.
Tun Council. Tho Belt editor makes
a somewhat of u failure in ills attempted
explanation of Ills attitudo towards tho
city council. Ho says that: "Tin: Cnii:r
novor sees any reason for abuse or criti
cism of any man or body of men who
huvo 25 cents worth of patronago to bo
stow." That statement is failure No. 1.
This paper has nover failed to criticise
any man or body of men when they just
ly needed It; but wo bhnll never abuse
any one, just becnuso it is funny to do
so, and bocnuso it might Hatter tho van
ity of someone nnd ticklo tho fancy of
anothor. Tlioro may bo a porsonal fool
ing among tho council, but thoro is no
such feeling existing that hiudors thorn
from doing their whole duty, which they
havo dono to far, without fear or favor
as far as wo havo been able to observe
It our esteemed contemporary stands
upon its bravciy, why does it not state
who are tho individual members. Sure
ly tho men composing tho council aro
not dirolict in their duties to thu com
munity and fieely consult with ono
nnothor, at least thero in n good working
majority in tho council, that is strictly
attending to busiiiHHS. "If tho present
stato of things goes on" says tho Bolt,
"wo will find ouipelves at tiio closo of
tho fiscal year with a bankrupt city
treasury and with nothing noeomp.
lishod." This is certainly error No. 2.
Tho last council loft tho city in debt, but
wo cannot koo why tho present council
should do so, us there linn been no un
necessary oxpeneo, and all bonded in
debtedness lias been provided for, bo
Bides tho street commissioner under tho
present council is noing boiiio necessary
street improvements, that aro being
paid for by poll tax collections, an item
that was overlooked lust ear. Tim
J presont council in a good business conn-
mi linn in leiivu uio ciiys DusincBU in
bolter shapo than they found it, when
tho year ends, and wo say this in nil can
dor, believiug it to la true, It is an
easy matter for ono to ciiticito public
olllcors, when if placed in thosamo tiobi
tlon could not do any hotter, or perhaps
not as well. Criticism Tor public effect
has become- a chronic disease, in theso
daiH, and wo fear our esteemed coutuin
porury linn beeomo impregnated with
thu microbes.
Tiik Russian Tihhtli:. For a great
many yonrs wo huvo heard of tho Russian
Ihistlo, and havo hoard of many reeolu
tions of farmers and others on tho sub
joot but this week, was tho first timo
that wo havo ever soon cno ot thorn, On
Tuesday L. P. Albright had ono on ex
hibitlon hung up in his store, and our
agricultural editor had tho ploasuro of
All Grados guaranteed by tho Mills.
investigating tho noted "C.nrvileli'
thistle. Tho thintlo resembles tho tum
ble weed only that it lias thorns and tho
stalks aro striped. Thoy break off at
tho roots and blow around over the prai
ries impregnating tho virgin soil with
thoir seeds until many are now to bo
Been where onco tho beautiful sunflower
was wont to grow. When these thistles
attain full size and become ripo a team
of horses cannot bo whipped into tlioni
owing to tho severity of tho thoniB on
thu weed. It is high timo thai our farm
ers arise as ouo man and proceed to
exterminate tho vilo weed before ittakes
the fanners of .Nebraska. Tho Burling
ton railway company havo issued an or
der to thoir section men to mako special
effort to kill all that grow upon tho B.
A-M. right of way. Tho farms should
look after them.
Hv.Mr.Ni:.i..-. On Sunday morning at
tho Burlington hotel at r.'JiO, In tho pres
ence of a few invited friends, tho nuptial
knot was tied between Mr. Johnnie Mo
Bride und Miss Bertha Haddock, both
of this city. Tho young couple is too
well known in Edgemont to require any
special comment. Mr. McBridu has
been for some timo in tho employment
ot mo liuriiugtnn railway company,
having como hero from Red Cioud, Nob.
Ho is a bright and enterprising young
man, ot good habits, and will mako a
good homo for the mate hohas captured.
Tho brido hint been at thu Burlington
hotel for u year or moro where she wns
much liked, and is u friend to all who
know her. They departed on tho morn
ing train for Sheridan, Wyo., whore they
will make thoir future homo. Tho Ad
vocate forcn loins with their many
friends in wishing them a long und pros
perous life of miushinu, never to bo
marred by tho dusty clouds of indiffer
ences and troubles. Edgemont K of L.
- -
ItC'pOI't Of I'illlllU'l'N,
For tho school year ending July 0,
181)1 in district No. 2.
Balanco'on hand from last year.$ 25 15
Amount from statu fund Dl!) 1)7
" " local tax CifllKi !!!
" license 1500 00
fines 11 00
IK! 2r,
Total 88551 Hi
For tcachors 6(V1(2 50
For janitord 552 00
For fuel 127 01
For ropalrs and supplieB Oil 7!)
I ncldontalu 1!) 15
Ain'nt now in district treasury. 218 03
Totol f8551 1(5
H. E. Pond, Sec.
Juno 1S01 consiis shows children
in district between 5 nnd 21
ears 018
Total enrollment 552
A vorago dally attendance 108
Cost of education for each pupil
enrolled 815 42
Cost of education for each pupil
on daily aevrago nttondanco....820 01
H. E. Pond.
Wanted to trado a lino 80 aero farm
for good Rod Cloud property. Farm
has two hoiiBos, is all fenced, school
houso near, good water, otc. Inquiro at
this olllco.
Piles! Can they bo cured? Yoa! Dr.
King makes a specialty of piles, chronic
diseases ot womon and ail diseases of
tho rectum. Will gunranteo to euro any
caso of piles. No money paid until
cured. Dr. King, Hastings, Nobr.
Miss Leono Fowler is homo from Ot
tawa, Canada, whore sho has been at
tending college for tho past yoar. She
had to remain in St. Joo, Michigan for a
weok or ten days waiting for u troin on
tho GrHiul Trunk, which wus tiod up by
tho strike.
Quito a number of peoplo huvo been
complaining of hearing peoplo on thoir
porches lato In tho night. This is to
notify wlonvor it Is that it will not bo
safe for their hide should thoy be
caught in tho act as there aro several
parties who havo guns louded with cun-
non halls for them.
jimt i
tlioro h
as wo L'o to nress. wo loam that
ins been a chnimo ot firm where
in, Charley Calnies, tho popular
confectioner, has Bold out to U. G.
Knight of Inavale, a well known citizen
of that placo. J Tin: Chikk on tho spur
of going to press, wishes to oxtend to
Mr. Knight n hearty welcomo into tho
business circles of Red Cloud, and bo
spouk for him a large patronago. Ho
proposes to keep thu bakery up to its
high atandard of excellence attained by
Mr. Calmes. Horo is our Vet" U. G. for
prosperity hoping that you may mnko
both gold and silver, free and unlimited.
Highest tionors-World'4 Fair.
A pute Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fre
from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant
JV1UINUGRAM, $100 Por Sack.
I ROYAL PATENT, 90c Por Sack
B S, 75c Por Sack.
Granulated sugar iKMb for 00
Caugar 221b 1 00
Cordova colleo per Hi 22 4
Lyon coffoo por lb 22
Soda h, , . , 08
Starch 08
All spiceo HO
Soda crackora OOf
A Foy II Cr raisins 0U
A full lino of cannod goods at tho low
est prices.
For trado living out of town wo deliv
er goods to tho dopot. No chnrgo for
Send us your orders. All goods Hold
for cash. Truly yours Tho "Loko'' gro
cery, Rod Cloud, Xobrasku.
Win. Goblo and wife of Holdrego woro
in tho city this weok.
Mrs. KingBland has returned homo
from her visit to Bladen.
A. Burkehoud and family of Oborliu
aro visiting in Red Cloud.
Mr. Broody of Konrnoy has beon tho
guest of Mr. Bonnott this wook.
Flour und feed ut MoNitt'u Flour und
Feed store. Prices reasonable.
W. S. Luko of Kearney in visiting his
daughter, Mrs. A. G. Willis this weok.
QMr. B. Liggett of Hebron was attend
ing to somo business (?) mutters in
Red Cloud this weok.
Mrs. S. Miller and children nro visit
ing at T. C. Hackor'H this woek, and Sam
is batching it on tho farm.
Mrs. Josio Brown of Auburn, Ind
old school iiuito of Mrs. C. W. Kaloy, is
visiting in Red Cloud this week.
U. J. Myers und Grant Usher havo
purchased u largo stock of goods and
will ship them horo in a fow days.
Miss Rotta Abel has been cngagod to
tench tho school in Guldo Rock. The
Ciiii:r is pleased to noto tho fact.
Miss Lola Popo who lias boon visiting
in Bluo Hill returned homo Thursday,
iiccompnniod by hor friend Miss Lydla
F. D. Huinmol, of Hot Springs, is horo
with his corn popper, und is doing a
thriving stroot business. Edgmont S. D.
J. M. Mnrkoll's resilience in Lincoln
was robbed tho other night of $100 in
jowelry and money. Mr. M nt ono timo
lived in Rod Cloud.
Win. Moedo, Robort Robinson, Mrs.
M. Lcstor, Percy Fleck, Charley Robin
son, O. E. Winger and C. Grigson uro
now readers of Tin: Cinr.r.
D Not ico to the ladles who so kindly
furuishod for tho S. of V. band dlnnor
nnd supper, can get thoir dishes by
colling ut the Nation oflico.
Ex-dotectivo J. G. Supp announces
liimsolf in strict sympathy with the
strikers und will loavo this woek to se
cure a position at El Pubo, Texas.
The membors of tho bioyclo club re
turn their thanks to tho ladies who bo
kindly furnished thorn with cakes and
ussistcd them at tho social on the 17th.
McXitt kcops that celobrated Stand
ard horso and cattlo food. Best in tho
world, and no farmer nor horseman
should be without it. West of postofllco
ono door.
A bright and hnndsomo littlo buby girl
Iuu made her advent in tho family of'
tho courteous B. k M. oporutor, C. E.
Winger this weok. Congratulations uro
in ordur.
My offer mado in last week's issuo ot
TiiuCihki' will be continued until July
18th. During that poriod I will give
my patrons the advantage ot low prices
on photos, I wid continue to niuko
fifteen for 82 50. E. Tknnant.
Consistency is a jewel often sold, to
pay tho price of success.
market Report.
(Cut acted Weekly.)
Com ..
Flax 1 1001 15
llogd.. i 41)
Fat cows 1 ri0.'l (X)
Hotter 7
Eggs 8
I'otatoos , 1 00,l 10
Chickens doz. 2 00
Turkeys lb. 0
Retail prico ot tho Rod Cloud Milling
Co., flours:
Monogram $ sack ,.,.,1 00
Royal patent Q niok 1)0
n.otu.S. sack 75
jgutefcUiKsai m,