The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 20, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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A. l IIommcii, lltlltur.
iiAiiov tait. abi iiout Kitiuir.
ItcpuMU-iiii Convention, I'lTih
Coiifii-CMlotiiil DMrlct.
Tlinrcimtircani'lortor'iiifthol'UllinniKrow dMirlct iiMlieHtntoof ivolir.uku aru ic
iillrnl to semi ili'IcK.Uci finui llielr several
roiintlr In iilil illihiu loiiifc t In ri)iitnilnn
Inlliocllynf HiiMii'Kt'. 'IIiiiisiIhv. Alimtit Dili,
iroi. lit HiSOii'rlmk p. in., for ilic purpoio of
pluclni; In tiniiilii'itioii iic.iiiilliliiii. (or eoturrrii
lor Hip M'li'cllon nf n niiiKirMtoiutl rotiuiillte
mill fur the Ir.uniietlon n( other IuisIiicm iH
ninv properly eotiii! before tlic cjiiivunllmi.
Tim M-vcrnl conntlci in until ilhtrlci are en
titled to niru'L'iiliiilim in (ullinti; helnirliuieil
upniillHMiiturnM for lion. I,M. Ifiijinondfor
picUlctitlnlclotorln lsOi.uhliiK ono (It-lpgaes
lit Iiuko to cueli cnutiljiiMiil niui fr cacti 100
votes mid the innjor (i action thereof!
Ailnmi... Kiitaica i
-'Miiae . filnliclirock n
lay J I'.IU'ivncy u
liiiMtlv r, Nurkulli n
Kr.uiKllll TTIielp o
I lontlcr ull'i'rklnn 4
liillias III! i.ert Willow o
''fl'er fii Webster li
mill Hi
lliirlmi T
I no
ItNrrroiiiiiieiiili'ii tTint ii iiruxlo bo sifnvn
ted to the fims-iillon mill that Hit ilcleuiites
premnt Iwiuitlioilfil to cnit tlio full olonf
tile lll'll-jyilllllll. ,1, 1,. Mcl'IIKKI.V. Cll'lli'll,
I). M. .Mcn.lll.VKV.Hrc'y.
ItcpiiblU-un Convention.
Tlio llnpublicnn county convention for
mo noiiiinalioii or cntuliiliitoB for tho of
Hoes of county uttoinoy uml rep
rencntntivo, for tlio clioico of dolo-Kiiti-H
(o honntoriiil, float lopreson
tntivo, coiiKrPBHioniil and Htato convon
tioim of tho pnrtv, and for otlior roRular
liiiBiiifHS, is called to meet at tho court
Iiouhi) in lied Cloud on tho 1th day of
August I8!)i at 11 a. in. Tho townships
will bo entitled to representation iih fob
Iowh, allowing ono tlelegnto at larfjofroni
each township and ono for ench ton
votes and major fraction thereof cast
for Hon. (J. W. Knley for rejront of tho
Rtnto Unlveimty at tho election in 18JKI:
Ueuvor Creek (5
lliitln ;j
Oathorton ;i
hhn Creek ;r,
(Jarlleld &
JjlomvoiMl 8
(initio Hock 12
Jlnniiony 5
I navalo 0
Lino .'.".! f
Oak Creek " ' ,i
rieaBimtliill 7
1'oteilinii 7
Hod Cloud townshi
11 is recommended that township
c'liucusos bo held not later than July '28,
Ibill. Hy ordur of county central coin-
fi. K. Coz, Chairman
It. MuNirr, Secrotary.
It i now tho Stuto or Utah," tho
president having signed tlio bill. Thus
another Htato hos been added to tho
grand galaxy of states.
Wim. Mauwn, editor of tho North
Ilend Aduicnto is a candidato for secrc
tary of Htato subject to tlio republi
can convention and relies upon his
brother editors to tiring him out as ho
is too biihy to get out and work for tho
position. Ho would niako a good olllcer.
Oni: of tho most fatal casualties of
tliisi ear, occurred in Chicago on tho
by which a number of recular
soldiers wero summarily killed by tho
explosion of a caUson. Threo wero killed
and many wounded. Tlio troops wero
marching through Oakwood boulovard
when tho explosion took place
Coniiiii.ssman W. C. P. Hrekenridgo
of Kentucky is ctrtainiy a very bad man
but tho question is, do tho peoplo gen
erally think so? However this mny be,
ho is mnking a moot vigorous light for
reelection and tho chances aro ho will
bo tho winner. '0 cannot tell from
what peoplo say just what they think
now u ihijii, mid when th0 beet selling
book at uory news-stand is entitled
"Tho llreclteniidgo ami Pollard Trial,"
it is eiy evident that peoplo sly tako
much inluicbt in amurs not noted Tor
Inn liiteiuational Typographical
Union Comuiitteo who havo in cliaigo
tlio bill beforo congress, entitled: "A
bill for government ownership and con
trol of tho Telegraph" ia hard at work
trying to havo congress adopt it. Tho
Hon. Henry W. Ulnlr. of Now Hampshire,
Bpenking in favor of our bill, reconlly
Bitid: "It inn good bill and Bhould bo
conio a law. With facilities available
atlowpiicesitwonld bo impossible to
inWetul tlio publiu in matters of fact,
and nowspiipois with nil tho advantages
belonging to thoco in tho largo cities
would soon exist in all tho small places
in tlio laud. Tho local country nows
pnpuis over) where would hao just as
Into and Justus correct news iib anybody.'
At Inst the brutnl assassin Prendergast
has been executed. Thoro ia no doubt,
despite tho awful foelliiga provoked by
tho thoughts or a man being hanged,
thai tho report of Ids death bus bent a
thrill f puro glad uvea to tho heart of
every putilolio ciliy.en in tho United
Stales. Hut tho common peoplo to day
nioonlliely at nloss toknow what do
ferrod liix execution so many long
nionths. lie coolly walked into the res.
idonoo of u grand and good man, a pop
ulur ofllcial who was luved by everyone
umi nhot him down like a dog. Thon ho
just ua coolly gnvo hiuiFolf up to tho
U)dhorltics and ndmittud with his own
words "I killed Mayor Harrison." Wo
fail lo understand why ho was not hung
tho following day, and can see no other
rcaeon for tho slny, but that dishonesty
minont part,
e VI u U t wn llmt,lal,or wi" ,M ''BUrc"1 'r ItB ''at re'
ll C u Mw.?r,l jrlward, unrobbed by monopolies and
Sffllw, tor 7 ll tu?8' "'r1 '"fy,B.curof ton, danger,
V llllll ' I Vr'nlr ! !'h"11 "al11 l, fr0 l" fMUIIlU Its activity,
nuiuuicrtclc 1 benellcont alike to employer and wage
n. .. 1 earnor."
Tiikiik nro many evidences that times
wi)l improvo eomowhnt before anolhor
IX) tlayB piiBB. Xot what they linvo been
in years gone by, but botlur then thoy
aro at tlio present t into.
TiMKlllennilTtrnoTbo lorn? 'till
August U'J, whon tho activo ropublicans
the political povvor of tho stuto, will na
Bcmblo at Omaha, and proceed to har
ness tho brightest, und 'purest inon of
tho party to load them on to a glorious
victory this fall.
Soft Boapmay do foi Hod Cloud Hosy,
but when you try to gain mlmittaucoat
tho pearly (fates St. Petor will tell you
Its no go. Holt.
That which is good for this terrestlnl
sphere, Coxoy, old boy, ought to bo good
for tho other. Try it.
Dum.NH theBo hard times it would bo
perfectly proper for tho board of BUpor
viBors to cut their wages down from
threo dollars to two dollars per day.
Thoy Invariably cut down olhor peoples'
bills and on tho samo plan they should
knlfo thoir own. Thoir bills aro unjust
nnd too high for tho amount of labor
NatuiialijV wo cater to tho interests
of tho peoploof thisgrciitcomiiionwoalth
in western Nebraska, anil profoundly
uopo tho brilliant Jack MacColl will suc
ceed in winning tho Gubernatorial nom
ination next August. Mr. MacColl is
big hearted and as big brained business
tuun sb over camo to tho state. Ho is u
man of deep ouridition and stability of
character, and withal, ono who will
iiiuku u puro and Idenl governor.
Tiik Minnesota republican stato con
vention was a inoBt enthusiastic alfair
at tho conclusion, tho convention formed
tho following udinirablo pledgo, which
undoubtedly meets with tho approval of
ovory good citizen, regardlesa of party
'Wo pledgo oureolvcs in the future, as
in tho past, to such caro for tho interests
and rights of all classes of our people
mm mw auu orner win no maintained
Tin: boy'lmya of tho fith congroBsoion-
id district aro notably silent concerning
their prognostications on tlio timber
which will bo selected in Holdrego tho
0th of August. Wo can say conscien
tiously, however.that Jus McNonyofthis
placo will justly cut n prominent ligure,
und wo have ovory plausible reason to
boliovo that ho will capture tho congres
sional nomination with no very flourish
ing olTort. To laud his personal ability
now would, coiibidering his recognized
ability as nn attorney, throughout tho
state, seems liko useless repetition.
Asldo rrom these tacts and that ho pos
sesses these qualities which indicato u
natural born statesman, Tun Ciiikf is
sincere in saying that ho is tho only man
who con positively defeat tho almost for
midable MeKoighan in tills campaign.
Look out for McNeny, and should ho bo
elected, rest assured that tho fifth's rep
rosentativo will give outisfaetory servico
at tho scat of government.
neniinllrim t'aiicun.
Thoro will bo a meeting of tho repub
licans of Klmwood precinct July 27th ut
'. o'clock p. m., for tho purpos" ot elect
ing tour delegates to tho county conven
tion and trnnsuct such other business as
may conio beForo tho caucus.
F. N. Hkacii, Chairman.
- -Itrpiihlicuii
Tho lopublican electors of Lino town
ship will meet at tho usual placo on
Saturday Augiiht28. at'Jp. in.. Tor the
purpose ot electing 5 delegates to nttend
the republican convention to bo held in
bed Cloud August I.-U1.0. HtiMMKi.,
' i ' '
Hcpiiblk'tui 4'niiiUH.
The republican eleotors ot liiitin town
sliip will meet in caucus in tlio Ander
son school houso on Saturday, July 28,
at 1 p. in ror tho purpoeo or electing
tlireo dolegates to tho republican cou
veution, August I.
Jamim A.mikuso.n, Com.
ltepiilillciiii CiiiitiiN.
Tho republican electors ot Hed Cloud
towns lip will moot at tb eonrt house,
in Led Cloud. Saturday, July 23, lSDl.itt
- p. m., for the purposo of electing 11
delegates to tho county convention
August I. Hy order ot Poutki: Hkdok,
1 -. , ..
'I ho t'licttlmt Hood's SiUBiumrlllu.oiico
fiurlv trid, btcomes tlio family medlclnB
sprnltH voIuiikh for lis excellence nnd
invdiuiiinl merit. Hood's Sursnpnrilla in
Nnturos coworker.
Hood's Pills beeomo tlio fnvorito cnth.
nrtlo with every 0110 wlio tries tliotn. 2.r.o.
The libt of letters remaining at tho
postolllco uncalled for up to July 10th:
Hurt nor KS Harney J N
Sanbern.l N Wat kins J
1 he ubovo lullers will bo sent to the
ileadletliMiinieo on Aucust 2, 1801, if not
called for. Fiianic W. Cowdkn, po-,1-milliter,
Ked Cloud, Nebraska.
I'urin I.oiiiin.
If youantiiIoanon lirst class Innd I
can gioou a spociul rate. lowest in
terebt with option to pay part or till at
any y ear. Call or writo to mo.
C. F. Catiimi, Hod Cloud, Noo.
Tn Ut' n I'p.
Six miles northwest of Ited Cloud
on 0 daik In own Texan colt. Owner can
havo samo hy proving same and settling
coste, oto. Frank Jiskrn.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder
World's Pair Hlgheat Award.
hot spout, nu event
A Ornfl) Wlilow Ncoiijinii MiioTown
ftlllp Tell I on out f il!IUO Cnnh
All Ilonc HiTu-ciily MIhhUm Ilcr
Sana Ilic CoiilCNlanlH.
MontoCarlo, San Francisco, Jackson
ville Florida, nnd ovon tho Bportiost old
sports of sporting avenuo in Sportsville,
hnvo been daunted, chagrined and mado
ashamed by tho sporty spirit displayed
at a foot raco for twelve hundred dollars
asldo which took placo Tuesday on tho
public highway betweon tho residences
of Tommy Leo and LnHon Auboshon on
Penny creek last Tuesday.
Tho contestants wero Dan and Charley
WilliumBon, and tho loser of tho twelve
hundred dollar wbb Amos Oust just
think of it. Webster county now lajs
claim, to having somo of tho most blood
ed and genuinely thoroughbred sports
In the world.
A placldlous reporter of Tiik Cuikk
gathered from tho roctB of tho caso
about ns follows:
Tho conlestants in this remorkablo
foot raco. wero Chnrlnv nnd Dnninl
WilllaniBon two woll respected boys and
sons of Mrs. Sarah Williamson living
Bouth of tho river. Tho poor deluded
follow who guessed wrong and lost all
his dough, was Amos Oust sou of Chap.
Oust also n respected farmer living on
Penny creek.
It seems that Daniel WilllatiiRon
farmed and "batched" with Amos Gust
and tho latter naturally placed in him
tho most implicit confidence Now
Amos Oust has-or did havo consider
abio money in cash and personal proper
ty and being of omnivorous sporting
proclivity tho Daniel Williamson hereto
fore mentioned whom ho batched with
mado 6omoarratigcinont with his brother
Charley , who lived at homo to havo a
foot race, let tho latter win, nnd divide
tho Bpoils.
Tho Bchomo was an elegant ono. and
subsequently worked to perfection.
AlllOH lit nnllron ttnul.l i, ...!..
his lifo on his agricultural imrtnor Dan-
iel, nnd Dan worked tho supposed rival-
ry up to bucIi a pitch or ontluisiani that
Bteps wero immediately token to urrango
date and placo for tho race Dan had
his brother Charloy got his ''fltulT" ready
and flnully thosprinters with their ad
mirers arrived at tho track, measured
oH 100 yards, selected tho stuko holders,
judges, sturteie, spongers, etc, und pro
ceeded to put up in the hands or tho
etako holders a wager ot twelvo hundred
dollars a side consisting ot monoy, notes
nnd personal elects. Tho wager pro
duced by Charloy Williomeon van $700
in cash and property valued at
c.")00. That or Dun's backer, Amos Gust,
was n varied assortment ot proporty,
monry and notes, consisting ot note on
Win. Kosetierons for $l.'fl, Irvin Collins
W0, D. Davis S7.", L. Wilmot 6105, M.
Fern 815, John (Julbrioth S.'O, ono lister,
1 mower, 2 colts, 1 watch, 1 chain. 1 suit
clothes (Penny creek full dress), 1 razor.
1 jack knife, 1 plug of star chowing to
bocco, one,, poir plow shoes, 1 cottlo
whip, 1 inunuro fork, 1 shot gun, 1 pair
of double strength back-action self unit
ing suspenders, 1 pnir of Sunday shoes,
1 "biled" shirt, unotiior plug of tobacco
1 nioutli-harp, 1 tiddlo, 1 cob pipe. 1
cako of Pears soup. 1 box or DoWitts
littlo early risers, nnd 2 bottles otPabst's
beer, besides an endless varioty or miner
articles unworthy ot publication, und tlio
rest in Gpot cash. Thoro wan 11 mutual
agreement that tliu loser Bhould do r.o
bellyaching about tho matter, and Amos
wub accorded tho right to start tho
sprinters on tlio raco which should de
cide who would boon bo worth S'.MO0.
Time wan llniilly called, and tho two
brothers ntnrtcd liko tho shot from a
cunnou. Spectators say thoy ran with
tho speed of u li. it M. expross, yot re
mained nearly oven. Tho excitement
wus intensoj great drops of perspiration
rolled down tho pant legs of Amos, und
his shoes tilled to overflowing; LnHon
Aubushon trampled children underneath
in his stroneouB nirorts to seo tho finish,
nnd Johnnio Muraden was kept busy
placing cold water on Irvo Collins' head
to keep him from fainting. To tlio spec
tators it seemed an awful ago of painful
montid anxiety. As they nenred tho
finish, both boys puffed like an inebri
ated rhinocorous. Tlio lirst ono to pass
tlio mark was Charloy und his brother
Dun just two feet behind. Then tlio
stako holders gave to tho wiunor tho
cash, notes assignments and bills of snlo
to which ho wns entitled; but poor Amos
tiuut was purulyzcd, and seeing tho last
of his precious and hard earned belong
ings in tlio bunds of another person, ho
fell on his fnco and wept bitterly; but
presently ho iiFsuiucd 11 complucont at
titude and droo hastily to town to con
sult an attorney, and if possible replevin
tho money und pioperty. Monntimo tlio
winning pnrtits quickly Bold and turns
ferred tho goods to Kansas, nnd got
things in such n shape that it Is really
doubtful whether Mr. (Just will over
bIuivo with his favorito razor, paro too
nails witli liia old stand-by jack knifo or
buy rami implements with hisadmirublo
roll or greenbacks.
This however may bo decided later on,
und something makes this pencil Bay,
that Amos Gust'a attorney p, could conic
nearer securing tho properly, on the
grounds ot his insanity. Wo would
wugcr our Sundoy clothes that Amos
will "consider well beforo taking"
next time, nnd that ho will novor,
neor, bet bo much on a common every
day foot raco.
Why Do Yon Cough;
Do you not know that Parks' Cough
Syrup will euro itr Wo guaranteed overy
bottle. Thero nro many Cough Syrnps
bnl wo bellovo Porks' is tho host nnd most
relluble. Sold by C. h. Cottlng.
Wo tiro on trial ourselves whenovcr wo
co 11 do tn n others.
All tlio talk In tho world will not con,
vino you bo quickly na one trlnl of Do
Witt's Witch Hnzel Hnlve for Scalds
UtiniK, Drulses, Skin Affections nnd Piles'
C. L. Cottlng.
Individual freedom is the cornerstone
of labor's temple
No man can bo sound In his faith who
is unsound in his morals.
-'l,ln' no Nnusen, no Pniii, whin
DoWilt's Mttlo Unrly llhon nro tnken.
Small fill. Snfe Pill. JJest Pill. C. L.
Tho Michigan employes havo roturnod
to work.
For Instance, Mrs. Chns. Rogers, of Day
City. Mich., accidentally spilled ecnldlng
water over her littlo boy. She promptly
applied UoWitt's Witch Hazol Bnlve, giv
lug Instniit rillef . Its a wondorf ally good
snlvo for barn", brulso, sores, nnd n sure
cure.for Piles. C. L. Cottlng.
A hotter condition of things provuils
Dr. Sawyer's Family Cure is tho result
01 experience, skill and honesty. It is n
poxitivo cure for all Stomach, Liver and
Kidney Troubles. Sold by Deyo &Grlco.
Neaily all tho gum Arabic of commerco
comes from tho desert of Sahara.
Dr. Sawyer's Family Core carts Stom
ach trouble. Dr. Sawyer's Family Cure
cures Liver complaints, cures Kidney
ui.wi.uii,. ouiu uy ueyo E utice.
Diamonds so small that l.r.OO go to
the carat havo boon cut In Holland.
Try n holtla of Dr. Snwyer's Family
Caro and you will bb convincod Hint it
will euro nil Stomnch, Livor, Kidney nnd
Dowel diniculty. Sold by Deyo & Qrice.
It would tako sound fourteen years to
uinei iroin mo sun to tno earth,
Kxperionco and money ennnot improvo
lie. Sawyers Family Curo, because it rad
ically cm os Dyspopsio, Liver complaint
and Kidney diniculty. Deyo & Qrice.
No man can
bcomn fool.
bo wiso until he has
"Tiiero is n Salve for ovory wonnd." Wo
rofor to DuWltt'ri Witch Hnztd Salve, cures
burns, bruise, ont, indolent sores, as n
local npplicntion in tho nontrils it euros
catarrh nnd nlwnys cures piles. C. L.
Thought is tho backbone of language
It is seldom that u better appointment
makes a preacher more pious.
Money atid expiurence cannot produce
a bettor family medicine than Dr. Sawyers
t'nmily Cure. It cures dilllonltios or the
Stomnch nnd Livor. Deyo & Qrice.
If n women looks cool on a hot duy,
blio doesn't mind boing warm.
Ono word describes it "perfection."
We refer to DoWitt's Witch Hnzol Snlvo,
cures obstinate sorts, barns, skin diseases
nnd is a well known curo for piles. C. L.
Antiquity cannot privilego nn error,
nor novelty prejudice n truth.
Heodnchu is the direct result of Indi
gestion and Stomach Disorders. Remedy
tlii-to by using DoWitt's Littlo Enrly
lhern and your Hcndnche disappears.
Tlio fnvorite Little Pill everywhere. C.
L. Cotting.
Custom uiiiy lead a mnn into many
orrors, but it justifies none
- -
Jno. O. Lotion of Leltoy, N. V., a
prominent grocer and Q. A. H. mnn says;
'1 hnvo been troubled witli indigoitiou
und billiousness for yenrs. Tritd Parks
Ten mid it has cared m. T recommend
it to everybody. Sold by C. L. Cotting.
( Jod'u work can only bo done by thoso
who wear tho yoko of Christ,
A presi-dent pain in tho bnok indicates
trouble in tho Kidney. To stny tho pro
gress of disnnse, usu Dr. J. II, McLsnn'n
Liver A: Kidney Htilm.
God's promises nro etara that aro
always shining for tho eye ot fuith.
Disensch unfriendly to women nre posi
tively cured by Dr. Sawyer's Patilles.
Aek your dmgggist for n free snmplo pack
age, it bonis nnd cures. Sold & Qrice.
The devil runs when he cun't llnd
nny thing to hido behind.
Ladies Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles aro ef
ficiunl for female weakness, pain on top
of the bond tin J lowor part of the back. It
strengthens nnd cures. Deyo & Qrico.
A ma" who is willing to loam ono
thing at it tinio will soon know much.
Mrs. W. J Fnhey of LeRoy, N. Y. says;
"Jiovo tried llfly cough Cures. Porks
Couch Syrup is the only ono that helped
me. 1 know it lr tho best Cough Remedy
Sold byC. L. (Jotting.
Tho golden rulo is just ono inch long
er than u tliirty-llvo inch yardstick.
Theio isn't gold enough in the world
to inuku a discontented man rich.
A snlihilcd customer is a permanent one.
'I lint's why .t roenmmend DeWitt's Lit
llo Harly Klstrs. They cure Sonstfpat'on
liidlgestlou and Dlliousutss. C. L. Cot-tii'K-
To bo truly consecrated in to bo willing
for God to chooso your cross.
Smnll in size, great In results: DoWitt's
Little Harly Illoers. Best pill for Consti
pation, best for Sick Headnohe, best for
Hour S'omnoh. C. L. clotting.
In Boitio places the pump is milked
ottner than tho cow Is pumped.
Children Cry for
Pitoher't Oattorla.
First f!i?i?Ual Bicycle lNrieet
lcd CioUd,
lstOiio Mile Surety, Xovlcc . .
First Prize, Kamblur Bicycle tamp,
(Dy Gormully & Jeffrey)
Second Prize, Fine Pocket Knife
3d One Fourth Mllo Diuli, Open . .
First Prize, Silver Shaving Mug,
, Second Prize, L. A. "W. Pin,
UdOnc Half Mile DiimIi, 1:!10 Ciiws
Fiiyt Prize, C4old Medal,
Second Prize, Kenwood Saddle,
-llh One Huir Nile State 'I'liuinploiinhlp, il in 3 liculu . . .
First Priz, Gold "Watch, 550 00
Second Prize, Morgan it Wright Tires, L0 00
(Hy Morgan Wright)
5th One Fourth Mile DhbIi, Hoys under 10
1 list Prize, Bicycle
Second Prize,
Fine Gold Scurf Pin,
llh One Mile Dnsh, Slntc CluimplonHlilp
First Prize, Diamond Shirt Stud,
Second Prize, Palmer Tires,
niiOnc Mile Novelty
1st to mile, Stamp Box,
1st to A mile, Cull' .Buttons,
1st to 1 mile, Gold Penholder:
FurnUlicd by County Superintendent
D. 71, Hunter.
Un last Friday evening Dean J. L.
McBricn of Orleans Collego lectured
at the Congregational church on "Tho
American Idea." Tho lecture was of
a patriotic character and just suited
the times in which wc are living.
On lost Saturday there was no ses
sion of tho institute. Many teachers
went to their homes; til rested.
Tho greatest difficulty that Bcems
to givo tho members of the institute
trouble is that of keeping cool.
On Monday evening Chancellor
Isaao Crook of tho Wesloyan Univer
sity, Lincoln, Nbr., oonducted the
members and others of a large andi
anco at the Methodist church to tho
top tf Pike's Peak. Tho lecturo on
nil tir -ii t i it, ..
now uc uumucu riKo s rcak" was
instructive and interesting.
Tho enrollment on Monday was 122
On Tuesday there were 32 gentle'
men and 90 ladies enrolled.
The enrollment is tho largest that
Micro has been at any instituto held
in tho county,
Instructors Mrs. Manville, Mrs
Caso and Prof. Caster havo held tho
attention and kept up tho interest in
thoir classes during the entire session.
Tho attendance has been unusually
regular on tho part of thoso enrolled,
being a good indication of intorcst in
educational work.
Tho class intending to do'first grade
work in boUuy and geometry will
use WeUwortu'd t;coniotry and Gray
and Coultcr'd textbook of western
Tho enrollment on Wednesday was
Prof. J. A. Ikattio of Cotner Uni
versity gve a very instructive and en
tertaining looturo to.a largo and atten
tive audionco at the Christian oliurch
on lust Wednesday evening. His sub
joot was "Our government what it is
and how to perpetuato it.
Supt. A. K. Goudy will lectur at
the Haptist churoh to-night (Friday)
on tho educational interests of tho
Rev. Mattox, of tho Christian
churoh, conducted the oponing exor
cises of tho instituto on Thursday
D.t'Ual Kotlec.
InttieDlslilct court or Webster County, Nu-
('Urn Sclliiri n. Jucnti SflUit.
.Mr..locobKellarsi Yeu will lake notice Hint
on lli totli i iliiy o Jnly.'isM, nitil a lii-tltloii la
fail coin t the object una piH)er of wlili-li pc!
tltlon iiiofornuliorce from ou ana torlha
(uiloily olnurrliltdicti.
liukru rrmilriHl In iimui.r uul.l ...nn...
bclore the S7lli iliiy of Aimiiit . 18'Ji. r
Dated Jul?WVft.M U",fDni "er TiTV'
! UURtS WHHlt Alt tlit tAils. lT
Best Uiiiul) Byriip. Taktca Uooa. UeeM
PJ In lima Pom fry iirimgiutt IH
Ifcb., July 2f6, 189Ai.
in Prii
ii. rciiinatij
L5 00
20 00
Y.mVM' J 7lOX
?i'l .'
Mra. Viola Emery
Indigestion, Cramps
In the stomach, dyspepsia and catarrh or tho
bowels, caused my wife itrent sulTcring. Hlie Mm
bn Uklnj Hood' SarsaparllU anil now lins
Sarsa- $rJ
non of tlies symptoms,
nts Imprortd In looks
and weight I have also
taken Hood's Sarsapa-
rllla for Herafnla mid Cencrnl llebillir
with much benctlt. I am siitl'tlml Hood's H.iri.t
Barilla Is a splendid tonlo ami blond purifier.
Hbhma.h I'. EMKnr, SiflSlxtli at., I'ortlanil, Ore.
Hood's Pills cure all Lh er UU, Dlllousuess.
J. H. Davis & Son,
I also mnko Farm Loans.
Ofllco in Moon lJlock, Red Cloud, Neb
Thoy liuvo Homo very lino bar
gains in laud.
PurtioB wishing to buy should
call on or address tlio above
COXSVJLt Obtai,ld on
Easy Torms.
Ourassoclnlea t rneylii
Ilcd C.'loiitl, . XubriihUu.
Lou in Jtafier & Co.,
TlioohUstest.-UtllMial patent linn In
Notice or Tax Sale.
To whom it iimv ..,i,. .......
wn. . ,: i .-'..rr"."1 '" . .
n. VlT. iA.P',l,9-"Jl"',.1 I.. Million UoilKhl
Me'co'i,.'0 , "V Mutt, in wSK
nUMlln?.'.'i)f' ,UrHl'l I'lr lllll lll'llll-
?h, n ,?f r,llf-),U' 1MI' '"' tlX-ll III A
t v t i t nt'IUf,"'r1'm "S.(,',t f,,r"' IHI'UW, illl
ni.ini ii!Lmif "V'l'l'llou of hltlllo ulli ex-
icr (111) hNflU) ill' ki i.H.,.1 ihi.n.i.Mlni
I Vii..,ii?.,.,,..,(.i) "' t '"veil (U)weH ami
ii "!,"IU ll;""e ol .IiiIiii s. J.lcKitnla.
MiTiVi,ivVLeoT',,l(,,lsl 'I'luioror iliu doullipast
(J.-( loirnslilp one () iiiil- . Vi .'v. i
anil Men m IH nniuo of .loin. N. .
) of sicllon Ihlrly-tHO
11 (in ueu
ZVl W. . V. M1. " ? !.'l.dii!li. s.w
ai.V ir,;.' ,".',V',1 ' "'"" " "oiii rt iii-ll.
aiiVl It 01 1 ' .i", W, ",(k !"" I'! '' WIIIMm
f i'a'lV ''.Clm"'',""l luwl In llieiinia
A1?.'?! i.,.M,!,,.,.,..(") "nil ten (10) blook llucn (31
Ail. ?.. "'. ,"" J .tMHtliaiiiii.
lii Vnnco's
Iliu name
ti w ,"....i01" (,l,v " Juno lfcfll.
Itoleil till
111. I. I l.l . .! . ' - -.
Mra. L. K. Smith wub visiting in Red
Uloud WedneBdny.-ncnublicnii Oity
iw- ',
Mwawffj' -
X ?V. .jg.; V-