The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 20, 1894, Image 1

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4 All Home Print.
I'rrparod mill Piirnlxlictl for Moclnl
I'ltbllenllou Iti tliii lied illiluil
Clilil by W T. l'DNtcr.
3 ICoioilKlitnl In 1801 b) W. T. roster.
Sr. JosEi'ii, Mo., July '20.-- My last
bulletin gavo forecasts of tlio Pterin
wave to cross tho continent from July
18 to 22, nnd tho next will roaoli tb
1'acifio co.isv-vlut tho 'JStli, cross tlio
-,. western, uvratains by closo of tlio
29th, tho great central valleys from
30th to August 1st and the eastern
Mates about August.
- While this disturbanco is crossing
the continent Hovcro earthquakes will
probably occur in somo of tho earth
quako countries.
Tho warm wave will cross the west
ern mountains about tho 28th, tho valleys about tho 30tb and
' tho eastern states about August 1st.
The cool wave will cross tho western
mountains about tho 31st, tho great
central vulloys about August 2d and
tlio eastern states about August 4th.
Tho but week in July will bo ex
cessively hot and a general dcGoionoy
a? rainfall may bo expected.
A current passing in ono direction
tbrouirh a wiro wli causo a current to
t L.Jm nnnnuitn Airnnllnn
vjfrwirc. This is called indue-
u. Ouc current is called tlio pri
l-n. A
mary and tho other tho secondary
current, Tho latter is tho induced
CIcil: Maxwell sajs: "If the pri
mary current is maintained oonstant
tlhj induced current soon disappears
and tho primary current appears to
produce no effect on tho secondary
circuit. If now the primary current
is stopped a secondary current is ob
served which is in tho samo direction
1 an ti.e primary currents. Every vari
' ation of tho primary current produces
clcutromotivo forco in the secondary
circuit. When tho primary curront
incacascs tho electromotive forco is in
the cpposlto direction to tho curront.
When it diminishes, tho electromotive
forco is in tho same dircotion as tho
curront. When tho primary current
is constant there is no electromotive
force These effects of induction arc
increased by bringing tho wires nearer
Maxwell is ono of our greatest
authorities and tho above quotation
goes far toward explaining tho in-
llucnco of tho planets on each other
Qud on our weather changes. When
wo como to realize that electricity,
not boat, is tho caueo of our weather
ohanges wo can readily percoivo, by
theso laws of niagnctiu tisjaid down
by Maxwell and oilier undisputed
authorities, how tho moon and tho
planet may affect our weather by af
fecting tho earth's magnotio curronts.
Tho reader will becorao confused
,y tho interchangeable uso of the
terms mognotiein and electricity. In
iNiso bulletins olectticit; is always
tide a as tho causo, m&gnctisui aa tho
'effect. Electricity moves in spirals
and magnetism in straight linos across
tlio electric currents. Tlio total
motion of magnetism is in tho op
posito direction to tho total motion of
electricity and in accord with tho
laws of tho conservation of forco tin n
is in planetary spaco as much motion
Jn one direction lis in another, thero
v by pcrpottuting an equilibrium.
My theory is that tho original im
pulse comes from outer spaco and con
sists of tho ether of tpaco moving In
straight lines towaid tho cjcnlcr df all
bodies, whoro. in such bodies as tliu
f .1 . , 1 .
t -iv' i ka.u - ' - . - --
I Ti? 1
iif- -v-jr
r-WV "---
vnuaron uryior
W-V-. UlPCiinc.ti.lff'lUi!JSIi Ju,l0,j(!U.4JBkclly jjjjUio blood rind ipucoiiH
matter, making room for moro ether
which presses in to fill tho vacuum
caused by tho condensation. This
pressing of tho other from outor
spaco is tho original motion.
When a now magnet is introduced
tho currents in tLc neighboring mag
net arc increased or diminished and
as tho magnets approach caoh other
tliiAUtirts' Iif cach'aro In tho op
posite direction to what they aro when
the magnots recede.
Apply all this to the solar system
in which the sun, moon and pUncls
arc surely tho most pcrfcot magnets
known to man and wo have a perfcot
8 stem of causo and effect.
Tho changes on the earth's mag
netic currents, both in forco' and di
rcotion, caused by tho relative posi
tions of tho heavenly bodies givo up
nil our weather ohanges.
There is a curious application of
theso induction luw.s to timo pieces
oarried on tho person. It is well
known that magnotibm affects the
watch, but it is not so well under
stood that animal magnetism often
has great influenco on timo pieces.
It is found that often a watch car
ried by ono person will change its
timo when carried by another and
thcro aro persons of powerful magnetic
qualities on whom no watch will koop
good time.
The human system is a porfeot mag
net, tho currents of which aro con
trolled by tho earth's currents. An
ablo French physician, in treating
nervous diseases requires his patients
to walk barefooted on tho baro
ground. That is a common sense
treat mont. Tho human raco was phy
sically pcrfcotcd before the mind had
developed sufficiently to contrive cov
erings for tho feet and thcrcforo con
tact ot the baro feet with tho tare
earth is nocossary in order that tho
magnetic currents of tho human sys
tem may continuo to rcoeivc their im
pulso from tho earth currents. Iso
lating our feet from tho earth has
somewhat tho Baino effect ou our phy
sical condition as tho taking of its
roots from tho earth has on tho tree,
Fashion prevents grown people from
going barefooted but children may,
and should as much as possiblo, go
with their baro feet exposed to tho
Tho theory of earthquakes, advocat
ed by J'rof. Falb, of Vienna, is that
thoy aro caused by electric currents,
that these currents aro increased at
new moon, when tho pun and moon
combino thoir influenco on tho earth's
oleotrio currants, that when tho new
moon occurs at perigee when tho
moon is tho noarcbt tho earth tho ef
fect is much greater and that when
all these combinations occur near
when tho moon is crossing tho earth's
equator tho earthquake causes aro at
their greatest.
This carthquuko theory is in accord
with tho laws ot induction quoted
abovo from Clerk Maxwell. The
Charleston S. C. earthquake of 18S(J,
September 1, occurred near now moon
near moon's pcrigeo and when tho
moon was crossing the earth's equator.
BlATK OP OlIlO, C'lTV 01' TOM'IlO, 1
Luuam uousrv )
1'tim; J. Chi-nkv innkee onth that lm
U thi fciiinr partner of the firm of F. J.
Olicnoy t Co., doiii(,' busiiitas In tho (Jlly
of Toledo, County nnd Ktuto nforMiiid
nnd tlmt fmld fiom will pay tlio sum ONIl
HUNDRED nOLI.AHB for oauh and
oYury cnno of C.Uiirili tlmt cannot bo
enroll by tlio uso or Enli'H C.itnrrli Cure.
Hworro to liuforo mo nnd xubsorlbcd
in my rreienco, thia t!i dny of iJecom
bcr, A. V. 188(1.
Notary 1'ublic.
S flMtf
IluU'ei Ciitnrrh Cliro i tnkolnlornally nnd
w... - -
- r ,i i..i . ... r ....! r
wnrtHtMirMmiwtim, (ieiid for tcatl.
- f.
NUV A CO., Toledo, O.
f'Sold by Progglt, 700'
Red Cloud, Webster County,
Hefoio any amendment can bemad"
to tho constitution of tho Uuitcd
States tho following procedure has to
be gone through: Tho proproscd re
form must bo carried first by two
thirds majority in the liouso of rep
resentatives, and then by a Uo-thiids
minority in tho senate. When thin
has been doim,Jo.?iWaTid2iit'iiiust''
bo sent down to each of the separate
states of tho Federal Union. Of
these there are 1 1 and cr-ch of them
has two separate legislative bodies;
their legislatures aro chosen under
varjiug conditions of sufTernge, meet
at ciftorcnt periods of tho year, and
prehcribe each their own mothods of
procedure. Vet three-fourths of them
must concur in an amendment. If
there be ono less than three-fourth?,
tlio amendment fails.
Suppose a luw to have run all theso
gauntlet.; to liavo parsed tho IIouo
and Senate, and if a constitutional
amendment, three-fourths of tho state
legislatures; suppose it to have es
caped tho president's veto, or been
passed over it by n voto of two-thirds
of both houses, it has still to tako its
chance of being declared unconstitu
tional -by the Supremo court of the
United States. That is a check which
can not bo got rid of as some others
may by eventually electing a new
house, or a new Bcnatc or a new presi
dent. The Supacmo court is not an
elective body, The judges arc appoint
ed for life by the president. They
are responsible to no popular tribunal;
not even to public opinion. Thoy
sit-as a court of pure law; (lie final
authority from which in all America
thcra is no appeal. Their jurisdiction
strictly confined though it be, is co
extensive with the whole Union. It
is the ouc instanco in history in which
popular sovereignty, acknowledged as
supremo in tho long run for ever)
other purpose and over every other
authority to which it has delegated
power, submits to a master whom it
did not appoint, and cannot remove,
and cannot osoupo,
A unanimous voto of tho people,
the unanimous voto of tho houso and
senate, and approval of tho president
would not make a etatuto law if this
tribunal cavs it is not law. Ex.
Cubic from queen Ml.
I)iiir OrtHliatn: Ono moro boon I era'
I trtixt in your direction
Tis not to murdor Dole, tho Knavo
Or put down insurrection;
'Tin not my crown, but mo to save,
f write ill duop dojoction,
And ho a pitclingo I must liavo
Of IMrli's leu tor my compulsion.
4r chimin' Answer to tecii L.II.
When 1 received your Cablegram
I thought I fluro would fnlnt
For iIioukIi I often uso l'urkb' Ten
'Tib not for your complaint.
I feared Hint Mrs. O, would think
Wioiik about our connection
'Till on tier dreisflor tlure I snw
1'nrkrt' Ton for hur complexion,
Bold by C. ii. Cotting.
Tho best crosH for us is tho ono that
will soonest hill our Bullishness.
mil '
I, M. Ilo'.my, londinjj.drtitfKiBt of Can
on, B. D., writes under dato of .Jan. 'jr,
lb!) I, us fol'ows: 'IlnHcr l'roprlotnry
Co ,Oeutn: Allow mo to any that jour
remedies have iilvun oxcellciit satisfaction
willi our people, rmd iu particular your
llallur ti iitiru Ullro uoui;ii nyrun, iinrn
Wiro Liniment nnd Knmapnrilta nnd Uur
doek. Tht-y Hdl will btcauso they till
tliu bill mid my eusloniora could nft li
iuducid to tako uuy otlior." Tluso rem
jdiiB oau bo had at Deyo & Urico'a drug
Btorc. How quioU a puMio jimjor turns t()
stnno when thoro is no luvo in it.
J. M. HnrrlK, ot Fuirvluw, 8. 1)., under
dato of Jan. L'5, 181)1, writoa: "V'our Hal-jt-r'n
Uurb Wiro Liniment is tho bist rein
civ I liavo ovur uaed for barb wiro cute,
pojlar gnllf, sores and wonndH of every
description on horfcea, I ponsidor it uu-
npmled and will u;o no otliur. Deyo &
(hied bell and giiarnntuo tills llnlsient.
An n mcniifl of p;rnuo proepority lino
pever been much of u bucccih,
' ' -t
"Ornngo I)Ioeem" i a pabiUsA euro
for all distant- neoullnr to women. Bold
fresh by C. L, dotting.
Neb., Friday, July 20,
Low ntuU'H to Hie I'tisl
HesidentR of territory readied by
Burlington llouto lines, will do well
to nolo tho following: On July mil,
lith and 7th round trip tickets to Ash
bury 1'tiik, X. J., Kill bo on sale at
tho one-fa re rate, plus two dollars. On
July 8th, Dth and 10th round trip
tickets to crcvclanu,'v.1.'.y,,.will bo on
sale at tho one-way rate. On July 10
and 17th round tiip tickets to Toronto
Canada, will bo ou salo at tho one
way fato.
Theso substantial reductions from
regular tariff aio made ou account of
tho National Ivlucational Assooia
lion's convention, and tho annual
moctinpsof the Christian Kndeavor
societies, and tho llapti-it Young
Peoples' Union, respectively, for all
jf which tho llurlington Route has
been made tho official line. Special
tiains arranged with a view to the
comfort and convenience of delegates
and their frionds, will bo run, No
ono who is planum;.? an eastern trip
tuis summer can altord In let theso
opportunities slip by. Tickets and
full information upon application to
local D & M 11 11 Agent, or to J Fran
ci?, 0 1 & T A., Omaha, Neb.
"Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke
vin- .ir Au-iiv."
Tlio truthful, startling titlo of u book
about NVto-huc, tliounlyhnriulcBi, Kuur
iink'Pd tobiiccu-buliit euro. If jou want
to ijiiit nnd can't, u "Xo-to-biic.'
HrnccH up nieotiniyeil nervop, olimiiiatco
nieolino poisonn, makes weak mon pain
Btiongth, wolght anil vhror. I'osttixo
euro or money rofunded. Sold by C. L.
iiook nt driiKKistp, or mailed free.
Address Tho Storling Homedy Co.,
Cliicnuo olllee, l."i Ihmdolph St., Now
ork, 10 Spruco St.
Karl' clover root, tlio Rrent blosd puri
lied givi f roftliness nnd oloarniHi to tho
complexion nnd cares constipation, lift
t., r.octB., 8i.oo.
Tho liro ot KcniuH needa industry -for
Mr?. 'I', K. Iluwkina, Cliattniinogn,Tinn,
ays, "Shilonli'ii Vitnliiir 'inved my life.
I consider it tho best remedy for a debil
itated iijstom I over npod," For Djpop
sin, Liver or Kidney troublo it excels,
l'rico 7r cents.
I I ! - I II
Ao rivo9 peoplo koiiho in ovory other
particular except in u lovo nlTnir.
W. V. Iinjos of i!lor. Jones St., Oma
ha, Nb. sna of Parka' Suro Ouro ''.My
Wife Iihh been constitutionally wrecked
for years. Tried everything fruitloAfly,
My driifiitlBl's perfuasion backed by his
Kiiarnutci-, induced mo to buy u bottlo of
l'ark'H Suro Cure. Tho roanlU uru truly
wonderful, 1'ark's Suro Cnro for tlio
Liver nnd Kiduejs U u positive Hpecillo
for tho dUeaucs of women. Sold by C.
L. Cutting.
Hr.SnorTo Ku.u About 7:110 o'clock
jestorday moriiin:, tho city wuh thrown
into u fover oi oxuituniont, when tustol
nhnhiiiinif nut on tho murnintr air. and
u crowd uiiilimt to tlio (linnliiK room or
tho Linton House, wliuio u deadly com
bat was in prop cub between L. 1. llirch
Held ami Dr. .1. II. Ojkcp. Tho uiicuni
oluuccH im iipnr iib wo can learn arc;
that on tho niuht previous Mr. llirch
Hold iiecoatcd Mr. U)kes, on tho Htrcnt,
mid leveling hiu gun on him, threatened
jiiiu nnd tho latter boinir ontiroly un
urnied, got away no boat ho eoulil. At
tho breakfast tuklo, Mr. liirchlluld ro
iiowcd hi1' iiKsutilt, mid without any
Booming provocation, other than an old
Ciudgo ot somo kind, oponod tlio with n
live cliambercd pistol, emptjinp; oyery
);jrr'l, ut coso raiifro, Owing to thn
lutorferonco of tho ilinninu room (,'irl,
tliu ilrht tihot is nuppnneil to liavo uonl
wild, thouuli tlnoo nut ot tho last four
tiKik elVict in tho neck anil head, and
Htiaiijio iib it may hcoiii nono nt tho
wntmdrt not iiecchniiily, diiiif;omua.
In thn ninniitlini) Mr. U)kfn Kitujutl
v,llihini. nnd IiuvIhk juofuied u nun,
iihcd tlio nut onii ni it over iiih ueno, in
iliutinj,' dome, i-uvfio Fculp wounds. At
tliin wilting tho iloctoru uouiulu luuo
been drcBKid. mid ho in icslini! ooinfoit-
Hby. Tho uHair is deciy ierottt'tl
by every lwly. Mr. IMrchllold win
placed under l,0v() bond by justice
Mn)oiB, until tho 'J.'ld, when it hearing
will bo hud.- Lebanon Joiirmd.
IliicUU'U'.t Arnica Halve.
Thn bostfcalvo in tho woild for outs,
. ..! t 1l C.ll !.,..,,
urilllii)' Kwru", inrair, niiit iin'iini, iuiu.
ooroa, tetter, chnppod hands, olilllbliiliifi,
corns, nun im hiciu orupuons, nun potn
tlvjly euroa pileH, or no pay required. It
is guarantee d to givo perfect Biilisfcctlou
or luoncv lefnndul, l'rieo 2r. couts pur
box. UornfJa byCottlm. tf
Dr. Price's Cream Baking I'owder
A Pure Crape Cretat of Tartar PoWdr,
Two j euro ago tho managers of tho
daily paporo of Oonver ruHliud into u
foolish nnd fienselesH war for IiuhIiicpb,
which ended in uniting tho Bubiicriptlon
rnti'H of till tho papers to ho low n llguro
im to absolutely causo u heavy Iobb to all
of them. It is Impossible to publish u
live, iitfgnRBlo daily paper bovoii dajaln
u week and fttrtiinli it to BuliBerlberu at
llfty nnd nitty contii per mouth uiiIcbh u
ctil"..,;ill, of from uity to Boventy-llvo
thousand eopioii can bo eecilrcTV. Such I ' fc
n circulation for tho Donvor dallicri fo "&$( ftXf&Iy
iiiipoBtuuio until mo population ot mo
city ami ino buiio biiiiii leacu iiouniu
what it is now. All iiownpnpor men
know tho heavy Iohboh would, iu timo
drive tho ownorn of tho four paporo to
act as btiBincBH men should, nnd put
thoir propcrtlcBoii a paying bnnia. Hun
drcilH of thotiBiindH of dollars liavo been
sunk iu thlH war. Tho now rates estab
lished tiro about '!' per cent, lower than
thoso that proMtilod boforo tho out, and
but u piiiall pereontago abovo tbono now
provuiling, ut onough to buvo all from
actual loss. Thoro is nothing that will
miiku liusineBB men atop n ruinoiiB fight
bo much uu tho approach nt llnancial
'J'liu rateB by mnil adopted by tho thrco
impers aro iib follown: Ni:wh unci Ur.i'un
i.k'an S7,r0 per your; 8.'i.7rforBiv montlm
81.00 for thrco montliB; ono month OVic.
Tho TiutoB 6-") por jonr; ?2.ri0 for flix
montlm; 6 !.-.) for tlireo months; ono
month lltty contH.
Itcpulillcuii :uiicii.
Thero will bo u ropublicun caucus at
tho Wagoner school Iioubo, July 1M1, '01,
nt 7 p. m., for tho purpopo ot electing
delegates to tho county convention,
H.C. Woi.r, Contral Com.
' ... i ..I
11- ItCIHinllt'tlU'Nl
Notieo is horoby givon that tho re
publican olcctois of tho first ward will
moot in tl.o room over tho postolllco on
l-'iiday ovoning, July 'SI, 1801, for tho
purpoboof Bolocting IU delegates to tho
county cotnention, to bo hold iu Hod
Cloud, Saturday August 1, 1801.
W. U. Honv, Com.
City Itcpulillcan Cuuciift'-SccoiMl
Notieo is horoby givon, that thoro will
ijo u republican caucus of tho olectors
ot tho second ward of tho city of lied
Cloud, at Republican Hoadquartoro, in
tho llcntloy block, on Friday ovonlng,
July 117, at 8 o'clock, for tho puiposo of
electing 17 delegates to tho county con
vention to bo hold in Hod Cloud Satur
day, August, 1, 1801.
A. C. IfosMm:, Commltlcomuu.
Special ruto ot ono faro and a thirdfir
tho round tiip un tho cortitlcnto plan
will bo mado for tho bicycle races to be
hold iu lied Cloud July 2(5, 1801. A.
Conovor, ngont.
A tuui'lr i' C'cutury Tent.
For a ijunrtor of a roatury Dr. Kiuit's
Now Lit!cour) ban buou tested, nnd tin
millioni who liavo received bonillt from
its uho tuttily to itrt woiidorftil cnratlvu
nnwors in all diseases of Throat, ClieHt
and Lung. . rumedy that lias stood tho
tut ho long and that hai given so uai
vsrnal saiUfaotiou la uo uxpurimtLt,
Ciich bottlo l poHltivcly guaranteed to
uho rnllef, or tho mono)' wilt bo refunded.
It is admitted to bo tliu most reliable, for
CougliH and Coldrt. Trial bottles freo nt
C. L Cottinn'fl Drugstore , Largo si
r.Oo. atid $1.00.
lIuMIlntcM to Hot SprliiKs S. .,
via the Iturllnglon Iloute.
Kvcry Friday during July und AuguBt
tho linillni;Ion Houto will tell round
tiip tickets to Hot Springe, S. I)., nt tho
nno-wuy into, TiokotHgood for 15 ilan
This Rubstiintlal leduutiou from tnrilf
rates InlniM n tiln to this ureatcnt of
weblorn lii'iiltn rer.orts williln ovory ono h
roauh. Coiibumptivoa, rhoiiinallcH, htif
for from ovory ill Unit llosh Is heir to,
will mako no misttiho if thoy tnko ad
Yiiiitngoot thia n)ipnrlui)ity. Full infor
mation upon application to local II. &
M. U. It , iiKont, or to J. Francis, O. P. &
T. A., Ilurllngton rotito, Omaha, Nob.
It may Do us Itlut-li for You.
Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving, III. writes
that ho had sevoro pnins in bin back
ami lllso that his bladder wan nlTeoted.
Ho tried many o calltd Kidney cures but
without auv oood result. About a year
ago ho beagu the uro of Kleotrfo Ilittors
and found i eliof nt once. Kleotric Ulttcrs
U especially adapted to ouro of nil kidney
and liver trouble and of en uhen nlmont
iuiilatit r eliof. Ono trial will prove our
Miitoment. l'rico only COu. for larno
bottlo, AtO. L, Cottlnit'e Drogetore,
' Vol.2L No. 52
Vawdet 1
A orcam of tartar baking powder
Highest of nil in lcavoniug strength.
Latest United States Government
Food Kcport.
Iloynl linking lovdor Co,
100 Willi St., N. V.
Tho horso !h it noblo nnimnl, far super
ior to man. It u horso should drivo rt
team of mon to town, drawing u boavy
load, hitch tho mon to a post and lot
them go without a bito to eiit or drink
whllo tho horoo loafed about town and
tilled hts hido with rod Honor, and thon
pound thorn un tho back aU- tho way
homo tho men would kiuk tho horso to
dentb for tho first otTonao. On tho other
hand v groat many horses stand this
kind of troatmont for years till thoy dio
ot u broken heart.
Ladles For disoaNes of women, Ur.
Sawyer's Pastilles wdl roach tho diflloulty
radically, positively and offeotnally. It Is
mild but off catual. Sold by Doyo & Grloe.
- -
FiiIbo worship will kill tho soul as
Illicit as no worship.
Ladles The druggist named below will
givu ou a free sample paokago of Dr. Hnw
yur's l'aalilloa, which euro diseasoa pecu
liar to womou. Hold by Deyo tc Qrico,
When tho judgmont is weak the pro
judico is strong,
Lndics-Homomber thut dlnonsos bocome
inourr-blu. Dr. Bawyer's Fastillos will
positively cure long standing cases. It
heals nnd cures. Sold, by Doyo Sc Qrico
.ini.i.i.- j i.
An idle dollar is ulways rondy to go to
tho bad.
Curu" for Uheuuiatlsm and Nouralfdn,
radically cures in l to u uaya. its nctlou
upon Uio svHtom la remarkable and mys
terious. It removes at onoo tho causo
and tho dincao immediately disappears,
ho tlrnt doso greatly benetlts, 7Gota.
sold by Deyo &. Qrico, Druggists, Red
Coud, tf
Bhlloh's cure is eold on a cuatantco. It
cares incipient oonstlpatlou. It is the
best Uouuli (Jure. Only one cent a doae.
L'5 eta., CO eta,, and 81.00,
Al'o und enthuBiusm ulways travel in
opposite directions.
Ordinance Aio. SO.
At a regular mcoting ot tho council held
lit tliu Fiiomon's hull, July 5, 1801.
Clork was instructed to draft ordin
unco as follows: An ordinanco provid
iug for tho levying of taxes upon ull
tho taxable property of the city ot Hod
Cloud, NohriiBku for thn lineal year
commencing on tho first Tuesday in
May 1801.
Si.o. I. Do it ordained by tho mayor
and city council of tho city of lied Cloud,
Nebraska, that tho following taxes be
and tho samo tiro horoby levied upon ull
tho taxablo property ot said city of Itod
Cloud, Nebraska, for tho llsca1year com
mencing on the llrst Tuesday in May '
Forgonorul rovonuo purposes to moot
tho current expenses und liabilities of
slid city o.xoluaivo ot interest und liabil
ities uu nutBtnnding bonds ton (10) mills
on tho dollar of tho assessed valuation
ot all tho taxable property ot said city.
For tho payment of interest on wutor
bond suveii and nno-hnlf (73 j) mills on
thn dollar of tho iiBseEsod valuation of
all tho tiiMibln properly of Bald city.
For tho payment of interest on elcrn
trio light plant bond two (2) mills on
(ho dollar ot tho iiBncsscd valuation ot nil
tho taxablo property of said city.
I'ir operating, extending nod tnuin
taining water woiks seven (7) mills on
tho dollar ot tho nsscEsed valuution ot
all tho taxablo property ot Bald city.
Sic II. And bo it further ordulncd
that tho city clork of said city ot Red
Cloud, Nebraska, bound is horoby direct
ed to oortify uiidor tho seal ot tho said
oily ot itod Cloud, Nebraska, to tho
county clork of Wobstor county, Nebras
kti, tho numbor ot mills on tho dollur of
tuxes levied us herein boforo enumerated
for nil oity properties as horoiu befoto
sot forth.
Sko. 111. This ordinanco shall tako
olfout und bo in force on nnd attor Ha
ndoption nnd publication ub provided by
Dated this nth day ot July 1801.
V. D. Ruuv, Mayor.
Attest W, F, West, Oity Clerk.
-J i