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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1894)
1) " 8 THE' CHIEtF I'tihlMird Weekly. nbicrltloii, - f)l !cr Annum, litrnrlnbl) In Advance If not paid In nih.uur, nfler IliU ilnle March IK, law, I lie price will be l.v. Knternl nt tho I'ont Olilre In ltod Cloud, Neb.. as mnll mntlrror ibencoiid class IIATK1 (If AllVMITIWl I'rof. cardi, I Inch or leiw per ji'iir $fl 00 Kit month , 300 Tlireo mi'iitli" aim HfANiivii, rr iricli m njmr ? oo lVrliip'' r inotitln ;i oo JVrincli illicit niontln 2 ui rpocini noiicii per line r line jipitfc, first piiiincHiioii renin. Transient spirlnts. pnable Invnrliibty In nd vnncc. per line in cent. All rcadlnu lintloci In tli mlnreof ntlvcrtlso innnn or pull. I rents per Hup. i.epni onc'.i nl icnil tiller, vi.i rnrn itinro lii-ii iiiirn ui iuiip'iiuii hi irs,i url JilllMICHIIOII fl.CO; fur ouch ntiltscnietit publication, per D'JM III', 11 ll'llll. No "preferred position" I'nntrarli in ad p. All limltcr In Inline ntiliTlivit Ion mint . ! r. celled nt Dili nicp nnl Inter Hum Wpilniwfnv. Ailvrrlliemeiits cannot tip ordoied out for mo current iicck mier man i hiirsnay. ALL PRINTED AT HOME II. V M. It, II. Time Table. TukltiRrtlect Pec, 3. Trnlmentrjliiir pasjeiiBUM team ltcd Cloud as follows: l.WHl'VtAIIASTINdS, No. 112 I'ltui'iiKer to Hasting 5:30 p. in. ' Aitliivn. No. Ml riwciiKcr from lliiMliign 11:35 n. in. KABTVIA WY.MOKK No. in, IVmeimor to St. .loscph 8t. LoiilsiiudClilciiuo dally -, ioinh vi:st. No. 15 1'uuciiKers tor Denver, dully, G;53 p. in DS lt.J.S. KMIGH, IKnfUt, Hei) Cf.oun, Nkiiiiabica. Over Tii) lorn I'urultur Store. KxtrncU teeth wltliuiit pain, t'uiwii mill limine ivotk it specialty. J'orool.tlii Inlay, ami nil KlncH or gold filling.' Millies gold and rubber plates ami combination platen. Alt work guaranteed to bo flrst-clast. QASE & MoNITT, ATTOllXm'S AT LAW, Aloo.v nt.ocK, - IlHI) CLOUD, NEB. Colloctionu promptly nttondod to, nnd corrosnondeneo solicited. D. STOFKKK, Tliu O. 14. Mion. IKcil Cloud, . NalirnHku. I give my tierKonnl nttention ( my pitron. Kirrtt-claa-t shnvlug nnd holr cutting u specialty. iii; :akis. I W. TULLKYS, m. d. Hniiitropntiilr IMijkleluii, ltcd Cloud, - NuliriiNKti. Olllco opposite first National llauk. II. H.r.xaniliiln Mirm-on. Chronic, dlseajes treated by mall. r L. WINFREY, Amltoitccr, Kkd Ui.oui), . Nebraska. Will attend sales nt iciisoimMo llirures. H.itls fui'tloiigimrituteed. I II. SMITH, Insurance Agent, RED ULOUD, NBUKARKA. I do n etriotly farm insurnucu nnd invito nil to boo mo. r i-' tuunkkyT . . Attorney nt Luw. ltcd Cloud, - Xebruhkn. OmoE Up stairs, in Moon Block, D 1. HUTCHISON, Tonxorinl AHittl, 4th Avenui:, - i:ii Ctouu, NruiiAHKA. Flrst-cliHH biirburii nnd llrat-olnsa work Knnrnntood OiyomoiicuU QIIAS. S0I1AFFNIT, liiMiruiicu Agency, ' Jteprescnts (lei man IiisiirancnCo . l'rionnri. in Kojal liisiiiniienCo., Liverpool, KiikIiiiuI IIoiihi rlro liHiiraucn Co.,if Omalia. Nebr. riiii-nU AHiur.iiicii Co. of Uimloii, i'ne. Ju-Mniieliester Kliu AssmaiicuCo nl Kiiulaud. Muaiiuuii Assiuniieoi;o,,ot i.niulon, Kni. Ihirlliiittnn liisuramot'o. or lliirlluuton, Iowa, llrlluli Aiucile.t Asstiiaiii-e Co. Toronto, Urn. Mutual Itoseno 1'iilld l.lto Amhu.oI N. Y. J'lni lliiitdliii; and Until Association of l.liieoln, Neliuiska. Ollico oor Mizor'a Store. Rkd Orxiun. - . Nkiiiiaska C. E. Putnam, Notauv PmiLIC, COWI.ES, NEIIKA8KA. Agont eg Phoenix Insurance Co. tt' IIROOKI.YN, St. Paul Bankers Life Insurance Co. HEAL ESTATE All bupinoPH intrusted lo liim will bo rouiilly nltcndcdto. LCAVtHIO.inHULMAHKSi COPYRIGHTS. CIAN I fllt'PAIN A PHTCIWf Rrt.iiipt on.wer and nn Fionciit opinion, wrltu to I IIN A-!().. liolmoli;nli)pnrl!rllhr icar iixpeiluicelnllm luitent timlnnsi. Ooiniuunlcv. tloimnrlcllrronfliluntlnl. X lliinilliiiokot In. lornmllon ronrfrnloir I'iiIi'IiIm ana lion to ob. tain ttiein rent Ireo. AUo n ciinlecuo of moclian. iwil anil ecluntlllo Ixmks iutiriu. """ I'aliinta taken, tliroiisli lMuun A Co, rccctra fnwlol notlcolii tlio Si jrntlno Ainrrlrnu. and tliun ura tiroutbt uUlolr totoiotho public with, nut cot to the .Inventor, TJiU mlcnilld paper, tuned wceklr, cleKantly llluttratcil, bus br lar I liu larnct rlroumtlna of unr nciontltlo uotk In tUa worlil. lu n Tar. taini1a cniiifi rent tree. Jtulldliia t-Mltlon. monllily, l.'oyeur. Hlnsla cpple,'i.1cenl. Every nuinber contains beau. f trill pltf, in colon, nmt rliotouranlnt of now lioufp. w tli lan, cnabllna bullilura to how tUa Jale.tilMlitinui.dfccuroiximrni.. AOilrea, UUHH & CO., Nkiv Voiiic, au Iiiioauv' l.rt B THE KKf) CLOUD CHIEF, RED CLOUD, ejvsaaa. Tired, Weak, Nervous Could Not Sleep. , r.rof. L. 1). Kihvar'da, of rroston, Iditlio, sityfl: "I win till run down, weak, nervous and irrltiiblu llirouiili overwork. I su Herod frtJm brain fa tli.'tie, niental depression, etc. 1 be canui m weak and nervotm that I could nob nleen, I would ariso tired, discouraged and blue. 1 began taking ; Dr. Miles' Nervine nnd now overy thing Is changed. I Kleep Roundly, I feel bright, actlvo and ambitious. 1 can do inoro In ono day now than I used to do in ti week. I or tills great good lglvo Dr. Miles' IlcBtorative Nervine tltesolu credit. Jl.CUr.e5! ' r Ur. MIIih' Ncrvlno U Hold on n. imsltlvo Kiianuilio lliattlio lltnl.lioitlo will iH-m-ilt. Allilriiti;MHMllltiitl,oiMitlIeM for M, or It v i II lifiM-nt. prepaid, nn tec. dot of prleo by tlio Or. Mliw Modlcal Co., lllkbart, Ind. rt'.r-'c! -i .-, .. IIi:AnA(illErnrc(llii20iiilniitPsby nr.JIIIes' Vmn I'ii.ts.'Ono ccpt a, tlosu.' At dniKglsti. MiWVWWWUWM WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL jM?J?A?Ki..DICTIONAR Y ,1 OrjiU LitMCaur. i f'licfe.unrnftlie "Vtmbrlilneil.x 31 very body dliould own tills lilctionary. It nn- HMl'Mnll CIICStlolH concotnlnc tlio Ills tory, epellliiL', pro iinnelatlonj and meaning oMvonls. AIAlimrxrin Itself. It also irlvM tlio often etc- lr.,.1 l,.r.....H.i , , , run, ii(iUllli,.VIUII roncernliiK erol nent pcrpons ; facts concern liiK tlio countries, eltlcs, towns, nnd nat ural features of tbo ulobo; partlculam con eernlnc noted fictitious persona and places : translation of foreign quotations. It is In- t.ini.i no 111 urn uuuic, ouictf, stuiiy, and eclioolroom. Tim (inn O rent fUnmlnrri Authority, huh. 11. j. iirener. .Hi.tlCD of O.H. Supremo t aim, writes 1 " I Ito international IMcllonarylj liui HTfcetton of illctloii.irki. I i-oeimeitJ It tu mm u. mg vim iiufc Rutuuini UMllluniy. ufif 1I Ml llimktcttcrs. (i. A C. Martian Co. m i-ubtiMter, Sprlnuflelil, Muss. iraBsTER"a Cl?"',rt not ImyrlHMpplintn. JOTEWWnONAL kr iplila rcjirfiitflf ancient jncimwfj CrwC!l(ffof frenr.rft.nA-ln. y;.'-V-'t,VVVVt'tVVV ,. S)-tSjvtySVSV EST'LIH TO . 75i f?a w 1 :ki a L i UCNVCI AND I! "1MI MB 1 ijrf' ! r- tv-w 1--. iSi ":ftUi an aiburary word inetl lo designate the o.ilv Ih.,v inng) whidi cannot lie pulled oil' tic watih. Here's tlio idea Tlie bow lua 11 groove on cucb end. A collar runs down Inside tlie pendant (stem) and tits Into the i;ioovcs, Hrinly IocUIiir the baw to tho pendant, co that It cannot be pulled or tulstcd on. l positively prevents tlie lots of tlie woicli ly (licft, ami moids injury to it from iliipplii;. .. vnn U11KI jic i,AU Willi ,r: Jas, Hon billed or other Watch l IV r a ., e.t t t tt .. . ,., vISC C8esb:arlni; tbij tradj mark All w.itw'.i iU alert 6cll them witliout extra cost. As!; your jr-ucK for pamphlet, or keivl (a Ihs nnr-'f' Mircn!. rinuuni.r(iiA. $500 Howard! $?c Ulteslioii V . uiit paiiou or CosllveneM we cauuci cure Mtlli Wtfl' VeKetablr l.her Pill-, when tliedircctloiinaipstnctlyconipllrd .!th. Yber are purely Wbci .1 lo, and nevei ' i'l 10 Hve .J Ulactluit FucAr Coated. Lai- ho... j-.imts llcware of counterfeits nnd lniltMiuus. 1 Ik iumi cliYiTNrSaYiTil,1" JO,,K c w -T Forrtilo by Dojo ,'i Oilee, Red Cloud. VJSS "3 ' EUWlt XiUvQ; iIWCJ!! THv WWW ri-iiiiiiiii !! nmmiuainju n StSEt3i?Gjl3i IIII r "-'fcl r& imSSS!yrs MY HEAnT'8 DELIGHT. J' There never llicd n pilntcr who her linea ments could trace. Tlio crso vuis u-ur uttered that could tell Ilielr pfcrtveiKi ire. I nhvnj.s dream of lloweru when I look upon her fate. Noilly bud iHMwceter, No roM to pink and while. Tbo birds must plpo In meter To bIhk my heart' do'lyht. Her locka nro llko Iho Bunbcams Hint tho sum- tnerfnlry wrnes. Her voko recalls tho iiiukIo of the wind anions thoMienicc. llor footslcps full llko roso leaves beneath my cotlnuoeiies. Tbeio Is a ftiell nbotit her. Her Is'nuly haunts my eight. I could not lho without her, My lliaom liearl'a delight. The balm of spring Is on her llpt ; tbcro's sum mer In her smile. Uor Kentlo Klnnco reveals a heart that net or know a wile, Ana yot tbodlmplo on licr check a hermit would bcRtillc. May fnrtiino o'er smllo o'er her. I'd dloforhor tonlr-lit, Illvobuttondoroher, My dainty heart's dcllfrht. Boston Transcript. CRANDALL?S MARCH. TomCranrlnll, tho orderly Horgonnt of Corupnny I, wns a lino Boldlcr nud a Alio follow ns well, but ho wns something of a innrtinot hardly popular among tho niombcrs of his own company. When orders wero issued to havo tho men thoroughly drilled, Orderly Tom oboyed most Hternlly. From rovcillo to tnttoo It wns drill, drill, drill for tho boys of Comnnitv I till thov wmilil Imvn welcomed mnrehing orders for thoitorth polo ns a release from tho manual of arms and evolutions. Nothing less than n surgeon's order would sorvo with Orderly Tom as nu ox cuso from drill. Ono afternoon, when tho company had fnllon in, tho roll call revealed tho ab sence of Thomns IHggins nnd William Stapleton. A rigid examination of tho company qnnrters failed to discover tho delinquents, nnd with "absent without lonvo" against them in tho orderly book nnd a big black murk in Tom's memory tho company marched to tho drill ground without them. Tho nuurters.of tho men worn tlio stables of Saoidiker's hotel. With 10 full compunies to drill, tho stablo yard, which wns tho only parndo ground with in tho regimental lines, wns totally in ndoqnnto; henco nil drills in company movements wero conducted in n fluid outside tho gunrd lines. Sentinels Wero dlllv instrimtoil In ,mr. mit nil squads or companies in chargo of noncommissioned ofllcers to pass out, but under no other circumstances to al low ou enlisted man to leavo tho camp without a pass, though all soldiers might cuter unquestioned. Tom marched his coinn.inv nVinnt-. n hundred feet from tho lines and had just changed direction by tho right flank when his quick eyo detected tho two skulkers stealthily emerging from tho quniters of Company IL "Company, halt I" instantly shouted Tom. "You. Hiiuius nml Sr.inlntmi. ifnfc your equipments nud full in for drill I Do you hear?" Evidently tltoy did hoar, but instead of obeying both started on tho doublo quick toward tho cookhouse. "In place, testl" shouted Tom to his company. "Halt, there!" to tho skulk ers. But they quickened their pace. Dropping his riflo into tho hands of n corporal, Tom started in pursuit. Across tho guard lines ho sped to tho cook house, into which tho two fugitives had disappeared, and into which ho also quickly vanished. Now, n largo portion of tho members of Company I wero young fellows, rang ing from 17 to 23 years of age, littlo used to military restraints, whllo tho deprivations and dullness which thoy wero experiencing mado thorn peculiar ly eager for somo sort of fun. It enn bo easily conceived thnt Order ly Tom's unexpected deviation from irk Bomo drill was hailed by tho boys of tho waiting company with delight. They hoped tho race wond last long, and that tho fugitives would escape. So thoy did. After nn absence of somo 10 minutes Tom reissued from tho cook .houso ulouo, ;iud with au ominous frown, upon his brow nppronched his com mand. At tho samu time tho two fugi tives wero seen far down tho road, mak ing their way rapidly toward tho town, having left tho cookhouse by somo way of which Tom know not. Tho nlmost simultaneous appearanco of tho defeated orderly and tho victori ous skulkers was greeted by the boys of tho company with Hist a shout of jeer iug laughter and then a ringing cheer. "Attention, company I" shouted tho orderly sergeant. Hut tho only attention paid him was another shout of laughter that deepened his frown. "Stop that laughing in tho ranks!" again romumuded tho orderly. "Haiti" cried tlio sentinel, bringing his piece to a chargo nnd confronting Orderly Tom, who had now reached tho Buanl lino. "You can't pass lure. " "I cannot pass I" gasped tho aston ished orderly. "Why not?" "Orders," curtly teplied tho sentry. "Orders I Well, what nro your or ders?" "Oh, you know tho orders well enough," answered the sentry "to let no enlisted man pass out of tlio camp without a pass except noncommissioned ofllcers in chargo of squads for drills," "Well," exclaimed Tom triumphant ly, "I am a noncommissioned oflleer in command of a company out for drill, and thero is my company, ns you well know." "Don't know nothin about that com pany. It's outside tho lines, and you'ro inside. Don't look much liko a company anyhow." Indeed tho sentinel's sarcastic allu sion to the company wns justified, as tho men danced and roared and fairly hugged ono another to seo tho difficulty into which their stein sergeant had fall en. Ilomndo nofnrther attempt to cross tho Hues, but turned nud strode swiftly toward headquarters, followed by 0 frosh NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, burst of derisive laughter from b.15 ! Mibordlnatu command. In a short timu ho roappenred, and exhibiting a pass to tho sentinel nd- vanced toward his demoralized com pi 1 y, and resuming his riflo uttered tho I ..1....1.. ....1 II A,l....ll..lH Milium nuiii, iiiiciiuuiir Every fnco instantly sobered, for or cry man felt that not only was Tom deeply offended, but thnt retribution was closo at hand. Very quietly ho gavo tho order: "lly tho right flank I Kightface.companyl Forward, marchl" and retribution began. It was December. Snow had fnllen somo duyslicfore, then rain, followed by a day or two of unseasonably warm weather. Tho country roads, tramped by troops of drilling cavalry and plowed by teams and loaded wagons, wero all 6lush, water aud very tenacious, doop mud. Straight to this nbominablo highway Tom marched Company I Directly into tho middlo of tho road, whoro tho mud was thickest and tho water dcopest, tho boys whcoled in obedlenco to his stern commiutd. Then, ns unconcernedly as though on tho most perfect parade ground in tlio world, ho issuod his or ders: "By company, intoplatoonsl Loft in to lino, wheel I On right, by fllo into lino I" nud through nil tho evolutions. At one moment Company I charged bayonets down that fearful road at dou blo quick, at another wheeled in circle through slush, whllo Tom noted dofects and corrected them as uonohaluntly as though ou a grassy lawn. For a full hour and a hnlf, long after recall had sounded, without halt or rest, Tom maneuvered that weary company. At last, wot, weary and half exhaust ed, tho mud bedraggled company was led to quarters by its inexorable oom mander. Throughout that remarkablo drill tho only words Tom uttered that indicated tho stato of his feelings wero spoken ns ho gave tho command of dis missal. ''Company, right facol" ho ordered. ."Arms aportl When you follows would liko to defy discipline ngaiu, let me know. Break ranks, marchl" And so euded tho proceeding, which was known as "Tom Crandall's march" as long as Company I was ou organic tiou. Iu tho dayt which followed tho boys of Company I camo to know their ordor ly sergeant better and learned to respect nnd npprecinto his military qualities, for if his literal interpretation of orders sometimes tended to their iucou-on-ieneo it of tenor led to their comi rt ami well being, nud in inoro iustn ces than ouo to tho preservation of soim. of their lives. Poor Tom sleeps today iu tho silont camping ground, nnd many of his old companions aro with him, but with each returning spring tho floral emblems of his surviving comrades nro laid upon his gravo as tenderly as though that gro tesque inuroh, of which ho was tho horo, had never boeu. Gcorgo H. Hosca in Youth's Companion. i M10 l'utd George. Thoy sat eozrly sido bysido at tho the ater enjoying to tho top of their bont the miserablo fato of Dosdcmouo, and dear Oeorgo told her that ho would nev er bo jealous of her no, not if she should give away 1,000 pocket handker chiefs, and then thoy had squeezed each other's hands under her laco wrap, and they wero happy us happy can bo. ' 'Dear Gcorgo" bought her a box of bonbons and then ato them nil up, for no man was ever so much in lovo as to bo shy in tho matter of eating. By and by it camo to tho end of the third act, and aftor lookiug very rost less nnd wretched Gcorgo said fondly, "You won't mind, dear, will you, if I just step out intothovestibulotostrotoh my legs a bit, will you?" If Georgo had had half an oyo ho would havo seen that sho did mind very much. No woman likos to be loft alone in n theater, but sho only said coolly, "Ob, not in tho least, if yon caro to go." So Georgo crawled over tho laps of half n dozen ladies, treading on their toes, scratching thoir chins with his watch chain nud brushing tho bloom off their laces and evening attire. Sho waited about flvo minutes, and then, swiftly btiudling her wrap around her, and with her pretty faco scarlet with indignation and embarrassment, sho bravely left tho theater and wont home. And it served Georgo right. Now Orleans Picavuuo. : 1 According to Lnw. Tito prisoner lieforo tho wild and woolly western court hadn't much of a chanco and no friends, but n young law yer from tho east, out thero to wiu his spurs, undertook tho case for tho glory there might bo iu it, nud tho first thing ho did was to demand a jury trial. "Aw, como off," remonstrated tho judge. "Your honor," said tho young man, with great diguity, "I douiand in tho namo of tho constitutional right of ev ery citizen of this great nud glorious country that my client horo bo tried beforo a jury of his peers. " "IIo can't git it," said tho judgo, al most overeomo by this oratorical out burst. "I demand it, yonr honor," insisted tho young advocate. "D'you say a jury of his poors?" in quired tho judgo, as if about to rolont "Yes, your honor." "Well, now, look n-hcre, young fel ler," decided tho judge, "ferhalf acent I'd fino you fer eonromp'. D'you think wo'd stand a dozen moro liko him iu this community? If you do, you hadn't hot lor say o. Perceed with yor argu ment." And thomandatoof tho-court was oboyed. Detroit Freo Press, r Hound Advice. , Peuuem I'm getting out a book to bo called "Fh-ht Aid For tho Iujurcd." Tell ino what is tho best thiug to do when b bather has been in tho water too long? Old Salt Send for tho coronor. Eporo Moment " 1 1 I JULY 13, 1804. 1 Li n na m IS AS SAPS AND It la applied right to tho parts. It curoa nil dlsoosos of womon, Any lady can uso it horaolf. Sold by ALL DRUdGISTS. Mailed to any address on receipt of $1. ' Dr. J. A. McGlll & Co., 3 and 4 Panorama Plaoe, Chicago, HL JTor sale hy C JL Cottiny. J. L. MixKit, Hugh Miner, W. A. Sherwood, President. Asst. Cnabier. Cashier Peoples Bank of Red Chud, Red Cloud, Nkbraska, Transact a General Banking Business, . Special attention given to Collections. Banking Office in' Miner Bros Store. PLATT & FREES CO. Chicago Lumber Yard RED CLOUD, NEB. Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement. TRADERS LUMBER CO., dealers in Building. Material, Etc. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. wriWt Is the right man when you want HARD WAR E! An endless variety of stoves. Wire and Everything in the line, New York -AND- THE CHIEF ONE YEAR What is Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants nud Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' uso hy Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays fevcrishncss. Custoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea uml Wind Colic. Castorla relieves teething; troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castorla, assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach nnd bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas torla is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. ' Castorla Ii an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers bare repcatcdlr told me of Its good effect upon their children." Dn. 0. 0, Osaooo, Lowell, Mass. ' Castorla It the hctt remedy for children of which I om ncatwlnted. I hot.K t'.io day Is not far dWontw hen mothers wlllconslder tho rail Interest of their children, nnd uso Castorla In stead ot the various ipiack nostrums which aro destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup aud other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Do. J, F, KiNcnn-or, Conway, Ark. 1k Centaur Company, 77 I mmw mii HARMLESS AS ." Weekly Tribune Address THE CHIEF, RedClourl, Neb m Castoria. " Castorla Is so well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prcscrlptlot known to me." n. A. Ancmn, M. D., IU Bo. Oiford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians In the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their eiprrl enco In their outside practice wltliCastuili nnd although we only have among our medical supplies what la known as regular products, yet we ore freo to confess that the merits ot Castorla has won ua to look with favor upon It." Unitid Hosrrrit. and Dimthsaiit, boston, Mas3. AU.KN C. 8UITII, rrtt., Murray Street, New York City, BWBMBMBWSWBiaBMIBSStSSSSsWMSIIIi 1 1 Mill '. & w.iwiiw&pwaKinr tfpiKiivttauaenm .&. -jc - XI" ' wawMBjqS)iHp5jaMW