The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 13, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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- $rs$rz
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Wiiguk Do You
lly purcl-nsina litem of Dlnkcslce & Kulcy jou get, in
addition to llio lowct prices for the best 'goods, nil
repairing done nt (lie followit.g low juice-:
Sowing Tips and Tucking
Half Soling Men's Shoes,
" " Women's "
" " Hoys' "
" " Children's "
Patches 5 to 15c.
This is an advantage (o jou of tbc greatest unportsneo
for all shoes need repairing.
Wc guarautce lowest priocs on oil our goods and tho boat of
workmanship on all repair work, and will do our best to latisfj
you in every respect.
vmi m iiiiiiiiiiiiiinimiu in uwnuittR
pilKD K. MoKBEBY, M. D.
riijoUInu mid Suriicoii,
City nml country culls promptly ans
wered. Moon Hi.ock, Rf.d Cloud.
Cicnornl Washington.
Wealhor Jlullutin.
Ordinnneo No. 59.
Plunged into a Trnp.
A a About tho atrilco.
Nowb of Kansas.
Scat of War Changed.
Many Othor Itoum"
Nebraska Nows.
Council Proceedings.
.supervisors I'roecedings.
Other Nowb.
Educational Column.
City Nows.
Country Nowb.
Treasurer's Hepnrt.
Tulnuigo'B Sermons.
-Crundall's March.
8.. ititinr mijxtiox.
Peter Nelson of Hose mo nt was in town
John Ely was up from Guido Hock
R. Q. Lowia of Cnthorton was in town
Wm, Sawyer was up from GuideRock
this week.
W. E. Thorn of Bladon was in tho city
this week.
J. E. Jones was up from Guido Rock
U. M. McCluro wan down from Bluo
Hill Monday.
II. T. Buslinel! of Hastings was in tho
city Saturday.
, J. M. Edgorton of Guido Rock was in
town Monday.
Mrs. Geo. Lonilng wnB visiting in tho
-ity this week,
w L. 13. Thomas ot Dladon waa in Red
Cloud this week.
O. C. Klingman ot Bluo Hill was on
our strcots this weok.
J. X. 'mith of Guido Rock was in
town tLu llrst of tho weok.
Judgo Beull lias boon holding down
tho judicial bench thfo wook.
Tho mother ot A. G. Willis of Arapa
hoo arrived in tho cityTuesdny morning.
Tho board of supervisors aro In session
thia wook uttonding to tkocounty'sbusi-
W. L. Knotts of Beatrico an old friend
of N W. Kingsland was in tho city this
Mrs. Mader, who has boon visiting
hor iistor, Mrs. Wm. Lindley, returned
to hor homo in Suporior Tuesday.
MrB, Ed Bohanan, accompnniod by her
sister, Miss Pourl Smith, returned to
her home in Lincoln last Saturday.
Rod Cloud peoplo aro gonorously udd
ing paint to their various dwellings,
which gives thorn a brighter nppoarunco.
g Don't forgot tho bicycle races on tho
2Gth. Tho boys aro going to liavo tho
best races that havo occurrod in tho
Vin Williams left Wednesday morning
for a visit in Illinois, at the old stamping
grounds. llooxpects to bo absent about
four wooks.
Red Clond has beon tilled with peoplo
this week. Travelling men, mon attend
ing court, attorneys and county supervis
ors comprise most of them.
J. L. Harbison, editor of "Table Talk'
Philadelphia, Ponn., a nophow of G. W.
nakor of Pleasant Hill township was in
ted Cloud on last Saturday, and crllod
onTiiK Cini:r. Ho is u very pleasant
gentleman. Ho was accompanied by his
An cll'ort in being mado by our enter
prising people to havo orected a soldier's
monument in Red Cloud cemetery. Thin
is n laudiblo purpose und ought to havo
tho endorsement of every porBon in Red
Cloud. Wo hope that tho partite jntor
. tested will bo successful.
Taici: None i:.--My daughter, Jennie
Houbo, having left my premises without
my knowledgo, and liir whoronbouta lo
mo aro unknown; I would consider it u
great favor it any ono knowing of her
whereabouts would address me ut Inn-,-frle,
Nebraska.- 13. Haute.
Buy Your Shoes ?
nailed on
" "
" "
Host of Sole Leather
Go to tho "Lako" For fresh groceries
Wanted City warrants C. Calmes
Miss Hoover was down from Bluo Hill
I this week,
A. D. Rannoy of Bluo Hill was in town
this week.
M. Powers was up from Norton, Kan.,
this week.
C. B. McConnoll was up from Supor
ior Mondaj'.
Glass jnrp, rubbers and tops at A.
Morhart it Son's.
J. B. Brigglo ot Grand Island was in
Red Cloud this weok.
F. A. Sweezy was attending court in
Red Cloud this week.
Go and see Calmos for ull kinds of
bread, cakeB, candies, Ac.
F. P.Hadley painter and paper hanger
and sign work a specialty.
Read Treasurer Whito'a facta and fig
ures on page 13 this weok.
Buy your fruit jars ot A. Morhnrt &
Son. Thoy havo all sizes.
L. Movillo of Campbell wob in this
neck o' tho woods this woek.
C. R, Tomlin of Columbus, thia state,
wus in Rod Cloud this weok.
Cotting'a cold soda is tho hoalthiost
drink you can find this hot weathor.
E. E. Burr of Guido Rock was doing
business in tho county scat this week.
If you put up any cherries you want
glass jnrs. Buy them of A. Morhart &.
Tho "Lako" will supply you with fresh
fruits; don't fail to soo tho "Lake" scono
on Saturday.
Roy Oatmnn carries his arm in a sling
this weok, caused by having his hahd
cut with n chisel.
Pug Dog Lost. Answers to tho nnmo
of Jumbo. Big roward and no questions
asked. Fisank Smith.
Any ono in need of sign work should
call on F. P. Hndloj'. Ho guarantees a
lirst class job or no pay.
Treasurer Whito wa3 in Bluo Hill this
week, whero ho went to see his futher
who has been quito sick.
CurtEvana haaovcrythmgyou wuut in
thosccond-hund turnituro lino. Sco him
Bluo Front, eouth Webster street.
Tho "Lako" is to becomo a popular
place, not only us a rosort for tho weary
but a good placo to invest your monoj
Wnntcd to trade merchandise for a
good and gontlo horso. Inquiro of Jno
B. Wright tho second hand turnituro
man .
Two weeks from Fridoj', July '20th, is
tho limit for charter mombors to go into
tho Degroo of Honor of tho A. O. U. W.
Don't forgot it.
Don't forgot that 1 urn prepared to
cony passengers to all parts of the city.
Loavo orders nt the Holland House.
Lloyd Ciiaiuli..
It. B. Fulton llro and lightning iusur-
unce, Western Whito
Bronze, mono-
monta aud comotery goods.
Olllco with
Tradors Lumber Co.
Tho llnul limit on Ashbury Park, N.
J,, tickots has beon oxtonded to Sept.
1st, and on Clovoland, Ohio, tickets to
Sopt. loth. A. Conovor, ngont.
Joo Foglo tho harness man, locutod in
the Chauoy building North Webstor St.
for llrst-class work, substantial har
nesses, saddles, collars aud hardware.
Ladies aro respectfully invited to call
nt tho city bathing parlors on Tuesday
and Thursday uftornoons. Tho rooms
will bo oxclusivoly in chnrgo of ladioe.
Miss Margorio Shopard of Guido Rock
was visiting hor grandma, Mrs. Rich,
this week. S'io is a charming llltlo girl
and has quito a talent as an elocutionist.
For tho best meals and lunch go to
tho City llukoiy and lostaurant albo
fresh bread, buns, pics, cakes and lino
candieB, tobacco cigars, olc, ut. Job
R. S. Dennoy ot Guide Rook was in
Red Cloud this week and mado this of
Hen n nloiisnnt call. Ho said sond Tun
Cnn:r light along; I am very much
pleased with it.
Burlington Houto ogonta nt stations
within lfiO miles ot Croto will sell tick-
t 10 to tho Croto Chautauqua Aseom
bly nt ono furo for tho round trip from
July Cth to Hill.
CoIIIii'n PolllllM.
Do you know it is hoi?
A drink ot our ico cold soda water
Wo huo llio finest lino of tooth brush
es in tho citj .
Try our now drinks, mall phosphates,
nutritive and satieties tho thirst.
Our perfumes aro fiesh and fragrant.
Manitou mineral waters on draught.
liriug tis jour perseriptions wo use
only tho purest drugs, ami oinploy a
graduate in pharmacy.
Mr. Rich was in tho city this week
Elmer Tinker was in the city this week.
Frank Hadley Wiib in Rivorton Sun
day. Fred Winton is homo from Iowa on a
Chris Fussier was in tho city
N. E. Robinson was in Bluo Hill
A. T. Ormsby was in tho city
Tho Mountain Waif at tho oporu houso
July 19th.
N. E. Huston
down from Bluo
Hill this week.
R. St. Clair of Holdrege was in Red
Cloud .Monday.
Mrs. S. Foo is
Neb , this week.
visiting in Louisville,
Mrs. W. J. Knopper ot Orleans was in
tho city this week.
Chas. Bacon of Holdrego wiib in tho
city I ho llrst of tho weok.
H. Kcthlor was down from Bluo Hill
attending court this week.
Mrs. N. W. Kingsland returned from
Beatrico Tuesday evening.
W. K. Tajlor of Cripplo Creek. Col.,
was in Red Cloud this week.
J. W. Warren is nblo to be around
again after quito a serious illness,
N. B. Robinson and F. P. Hndloy,
painters, were in Guido Rock Monday.
Remember tho 19th, which is tho dato
ror tho S. of V. drama, tho Mountain
Miss Dora Henderson returned from
Womor, Kan., Monday to attend tho in
stitute. Joo McClelland got his foot hurt the
other day and now has to walk on
A. M. Walters, one of Bluo Hill's prom
inent attorneys, is uttonding court hero
this weok.
Rev. Soj mor of Guido Rock will preach
in tho grovo nt Amboy, Sunday, July 15,
at 3 o'clock.
Jno. O. Yciser and wife ot Omaha,
former residents ot this city, aro visiting
relatives in town this weok.
Mrs. 13. P. Bolton roturned Wednes
day from Oskaloosa, In., whero sho lino
beon visiting at her former homo.
Miss Ncllio Kaloy lias been added to
tho corps ot teachers in our public
schools. It is a deserved compliment
to tho young laily.
"Pap" Rust purchased tho building
this weok occupied by F. V. Taylor, for
tho sum of 65000. Real estato still
booms in Red Cloud.
Tho drama entitled tho Mountain
Waif to bo given at tho opora houso tho
19th will bo ono of tho best over pro
duced in the city. Every body come.
Tho nieces ot D. F. McFnrland, who
havo been visiting with himself and
family for a weok or two, returned to
their homo in Lincoln Wednesday morn
Perco McBride, who for tho past three
years has boon employed in tho jowolry
storo'of L. M. Vance, wont to Haitinga
last Saturday to accopt a similar posi
Tho two suspects arrested by ShorilT
Hunchoy last weok, supposod to bo tho
mon wanted for tho atracious murder
in Holdiogo a few day ago, were rclcatsod,
having failed of identification,
Grandpa Ludlow wiib down town this
week on a visiting tour for tho lirst time
In six years. Tho old gontloman is 81
yours old and cast his llrst presidential
voto for Bon Harrison's grandpa.
Tho llio department is building up u
record for fast time. Hose Company No.
'2 in making some fast time these dnjs,
und expect to bring down their time to
nearly ns fast as any team in tho stato.
A. A.Popo purchased tho Yoiscr lot
north of James Potorson's implomont
houso this weok for whbh ho paid ?G00.
Mr. Popo will erect a building thereon
j'opo will erect a building
und wo undoretnud will embark in busi
ness. Tho Red Cloud Bioyclo Club will givo
an ico eienn social Tuesday ovoning
July 17th at tho court houso park. Pro
ceeds to go toward buying prizes for tho
racc3 July t!(5th. Everybody eomo and
help tho l)o h out.
Tho First Aiinuul Bicycle Meet of tho
Hod Cloud Wheelmen, to take placo
July iMUli, will furnibh boiiio excellent
spot t as thoro Is a handsomo list of prizes
up to tho amount of fl'J.'S. Watch for
program next week,
S. ot V. cornet band of Red Cloud
havo accepted tho proposition to furnish
tho music for tho Intor stato Reunion
at Superior, to bo hold July 31 to Au
gust 1, 1891. This speaks well for our
boys. IjOI lieu uiouu muo a good rep
resentation at the rouniou of old com
rades. Dn prces cream Buklnj Powder
' APurC1rapCrumofTrUrPowUr.
DoriiLK Hkadkii. Thl week James
Swearlngeu, tho esquire, engineer for tho
Burlington route, uotilled his friends,
that for tho lirst tlmo since thostrikoho
had eomo in with a double header. Tho
bojs, who know that Jim pulled tho
throttle on tho switch caging marveled
at such talk, and wise heads paid Jim
was oil", but Jim knew that it was u fact
and when pressed for n bettor explana
tion, ho remarked thnt at J:30 on Tuca
day afternoon his wife gavo birth to a
pair ot twins, nud if that wasn't a double
header, ho'd quit railroading. Tho bojn
saw tho point, and now they dub Jim
tho "Great Mogul" and ho sots up tho
cigars right along without waiting for
it fellow to ask.
- ...
A Good Dual.- During tho llrst part
of tho week L. H. Rust, our popular
townsman purchased tho brick building
now occupied by F. V. Taylor, the furnl
turo man, paying therefor $.1000 cash.
This is an excellent business properly,
and Mr. Rust hns mado n splendid deal,
ono that will bring him in a handsome
monthly stipend. Tho property cost two
or three thousand dollars more than tho
price given for it, when eroded but un
der tho circumstances went for u Rood
price. Mr. Rust thinks he has made a
good deal, and ovory business man in
tho city acquainted with tho property
thinltB that way also, it was really
cheap for tho price sold for. Wo con
gratulate tho gentlomun on his ncqusi
tion of this vniuublo property.
IiS.Noi'Aui: ok mi: Mouth. Somo
wisoacro proposes to read woman's char
acter by her mouth. Hero are tho ruloB
to bo obsorunl: If hor mouth is very
small thoro is not much mind, but over
much shallow Boutimont. It she has a
very largo mouth sho will possess a good
brain, but tho trouble is in kissing it
Large mouths put a man to nu artistic
test; ho will bo driven to his wits' end
whether to begin at ono corner and con
clude at tho other, or to make a heroic
dash at tho middle and endeavor to
reacii Dotn cornors, nut ir you nro u
kissing artist it can bo covered nicely
enough. If your sweetheart has a
coarsely rormcil moutli sho will bo son
stud and full of strong coarso points ot
character, and will raiso n row in tho
family. If sho has a delicately formed
mouth, with rounded lips nud of a vel
vety color, soo win nave mucli sensibili
ty nud perfection of character, but will
not astonish by hor brilliancy of concep
tion or execution. It is a good mouth
because it is kissablo and submissive.
Shun blue-lipped or thin lipped women;
tnoy will horo you to tieatli witli liloru
turo or woman's rights, theorizo whilo
you want your dinner, or spoil your tem
per by tlieir red not scolding tongues.
A LiTTi.r. Buonv. Tho Stato Univer
sity is now engnged in furnishing farm
ors with inoculated chinch bugs, All
you have to do is to get a halt pint ot
bugs and send them to tho University
nml they will be moculatcd and roturned
immediately. Tho University is very
busy, iu all sections uctivo work is ho
ing performed, but in that of entomol
ogy, whero Professor Brunor presides,
morn is being dono than at any previous
time in tho year. Tho chinch bug labor
atory in his charge, swarms with insects
and ho is busvrecoiving communications
and packages of healthy bugs to be in
oculated aud in Bonding away thoso with
infection, with instructions fortholruso.
Today has not boon u wonderful duy for
business and jet 11 packages of infected
bugs havo been sent out into ton or
twclvodlirerent counties, and from each
ono comes tho request to bo expeditious
ns possible so as to savo tho crops that
aro being attacked. From many corres
pondents comes tho request to bo inform
how to proceed in order to obtain diseas
ed bugs. Wo answer do not wait to
write to tho experiment station, but
gather up a half pint of healthy bugs
and wrapping them securely send them
to tho station. Send a card stating
what you havo done, and within 48 hours
thoro will bo shipped to jou eomo
diseased bugs, with directions informing
you how to proceed.
Hi: Spaukhd Too Lono. It is a vory
serious thing for a boy to bo a boy. Tho
other evening ono of Red Cloud's boys
wont out 10 soo ma sweolieart, as many
boys do now-n-dajB. Ho found her com
pany vory ploasunt, and ho stayed, and
stayed, and then stayed, until tho cban
ticleorB woro winging their shrill
choruses from tho hill tops, announcing
to tho denizens of tho city who woro
quietly reposing iu tho iirmo of Mor
phous, that tho day wiib breaking in tho
eastern hills nud thnt tho blessed sun
light would soon bo upon thorn, if they
did not hastily ariso mid hunt utter "tho
early worm'' according to tho old maxim.
Wo Haiti ho staved, and bo ho did, but
linully ho toro hiniBolf away with many
vain regrots, only wishing, that "ho
could stay alwajs." Ho hied himself up
tho. big highway, thinking of tho pleas
ant evening that ho had passed nnd all
that, when he hoard 11 light stop ap
proaching quickly. Ho stopped, tho
young man did, awaited for the ownor
ot tho stops to appear, and sho did, aud
thon tho young man was taught, that
tho longest way around woutd not only
been tho nearest wuy homo, but would
havo saved him somo bittor thoughts,
for it was ids big inammii,who had gono
111 bcnrcii or mm, and with a good whip
in hand proceeded to larrlup tho young
man most of the way homo. Ho sajs it
won't bo long before ho will bo 21, nnd
then he'll jjst darn his ma to whip him
when ho goes sparking tho girls. Seor
Willie Perry whilo playing with a toy
canon had tho mibforlunn to have it go
oil' whilo ho was looking into tho muzzle
the powder llnshirg in Ids face, dlellg
urlng him quito Mirioudj'. PhysicaiiB
picked nut a considerable amount, but
his face still bears tho marks of tho con
flict botweon powdor and fun,
Frank Peterson, eon of JnineBPotorean
whilo nttompling to get out of a wagon
west ot 1110 cuy on 'xuccuay 10 got 11
whip, clipped olflho wagon hub aud hud Bomo wottry touri.HtB who lmd '"Med
his leg broken. W. X. Richardson hap-l Kolly's plan of nuviguting the river in
ponod along just then nnd brought him I Btoad ot walking, nnd probubly nppio-
k'eoiij- s?' iff Suva w irt; p'iad "o- ;uiir'fl tl fprthnt, it
young man is getting along nicely at purpose. It boutB walking if a fellow
present. i bM time to go that wity.
Special Bargains in
Hosiery and XJnderwkar.
2 l
Indigo Blue Calico at 5c.
Blk and white DeLaine finish Calico 5c.
Turkey Red Calico at
Special Bargains in White Goods.
Butter Color Laces . . .
Clearing sale prices on Butter Color
Laces at nearly half value.
Come and see us. We can let you have lots
of goods for very little money.
All Grades guaranteed by the Mills.
Hx-Judgo Oaslin was in the city
Jno Ferguson was in tire city this
Tho wind doth blow and wo shall have
snow noxt winter.
ThiB puper is indobtod to Jas.McPart
land for n cart wheol.
Hon. Jus. McNeny has had his roni
donco proporty nicoly palntod.
Prof. G. M. Castor is homo again. Ho
lias beon in Lincoln for several wooks.
Milton Guthrio, an aged gontloman of
Lino township, was kicked by a horse tho
othor day nnd had his leg brokon.
Wuter Commissioner, Hurry Pond,
lias cloauod out tho south city well, und
such a mas1) ot conglomerated material
hue not been discovered since Adam
roamed tho garden ot Eden.
Wo hopo our correspondents will not
fail to sond in all of the no we thcBednys,
The editor ot Tuk Ciiiek fully appreci
ates their efforts, and anxiously looks
for thoir urrivul each wook. Wo want
all ot tho nows.
II. C. Andrews, that popular farmor ot
Qarlield has recontly built an addition
to his dwelling, nnd Hadley and Robin
son havo just finished giving tho entire
building n nlco coat ot paint. Mr. An
drews has a tlno homo and nico sur
roundings. Hurry Sowter has purchnsod tho mer
chant -tailoring department of C. Wio
nor's clothing store nnd has mnvod it in
to tho room occupied by L. M Vunce,
tho jowler. Hurry is 11 lino tailor, and
wo predict for him an excellent businefcs
Tin; Ciiiki' wishes him prosperity and
many riches.
Two Strnngem woro observed flouting
down tho Republican river this weok in
n light boat, who they woro and whero
thoy woro going could not bo learned
from tho occupants , who kopt right on
going. Wo presume it might havo been
Clearing Sale Prices
On . . .
Hot Aeather Goods.
yds Chiffonette Lawn
- 2c per yard.
MONOGRAM, $100 Por Sack.
PATENT, 90c Por Sack
B. S, 75c Per Sack.
Miss Lois Pope is visiting in Bluo Hill
this weok.
Mrs. McBride has moved into Martin's
store aguin.
Wuntod A good rain apply to any
ono in this vicinity.
Mr. J. F. Winters and family havo
gono lo Auburn, Nob,, on a visit.
The mother ot R. O. Wilson died this
woek and was buried on Wednesday.
Frank Teraplo and wifo of Atlantic,
la., are visiting at tho residence ot S. A.
J. W. Phillips ot Croto and son Leslie
aro visiting at tho rcsidonco ot D. F.
Scummon this woek.
Mrs. Dr. Whitowny of Orleans pup
chased a vory lino monumont of Boyd k
Ovoring tho othor duy valued ut 8160.
Mrs. J. F. Winters got her lingers
crushed in a corn shellor tho other day.
The injury was not seriouB but painful,
Tho city dads should proceed at once
to got a now pump tor tho engine houso
If there hail beon two during the recent
tiros, there wouldn't have been any loss of
Tho committee ot supervisors Bottled
with County Treasurer Whito this woek.
It is neodless to say that Treasurer
White's books show more cash collected
than hns boon collected tor a number ot
Highest Honors-World' FlrJ
A puie Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
!rom Ammonia, Alum w ny ether adulterant
1 '