The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 13, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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    i"i1P""" ""i'l'r -T'i'i litlfhl 'J
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P 1
v. l
II '4
D. B. Spahogle,
Real Estate
and Loan Agent
s ' Red Cloud.
The Book of
'The Fair."
fly II. II. Himciolt, "Tho IHttorlan."
A work of Ono Tliouenml Imporlnl Folio
pngofl, twelvo by sixteen Inches,
printed on tho ilnout onuniolod
pnpor, on tho Miolilo press, ua ox
hibltod in Miichinory Hall. This
. work contains
Twenty-five Parts
Forty Pages Each.
There will bo over 2,600 SUl'EKU PIC
turcs of nil sizes up to a full pugo.
A chapter on
romtlio Crjstal l'alaoo of 18T.2 to tho
Purls Exposition of 1889. Tho
Exposition was but for a moniont
while tho book is for all timo, und
Should be in
Every Home
Sold by subscription only, on easy pay
monts of GJjj conts a day. For
furthor particulars apply to
JDrugyittt AltoolmeUer
tSTAgont for this company.
Rut wo can prove what we
eny, and wo say that we can
fell you better goods for less
money than anybody in our
line. Wo have the
aud the
They can't be bent for this
hot weather. "Wo also have
another carload of
which is tho best wire on
earth and tho price is as
low as tho lowest. Ruy
While it ie cheap. All sizes
Window Screens
Screen Doors,
Always in stock.
4M I
11 IS III !
GOct. nod
81.00 Bottle.
One cent adoso.
Turn (Iiikat f.'iinmt C.'iiiin nromntlv curt
rvlicre all others mil. Coughs, Croup. Sara
Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough and
Asthma. Tor Consumption It has no rival!
has cured thouc.-.nds.ona will curb Ton If
taksnln time. Hold by Druggists on a guu
nntco. Tor n I-nmo Ilnck or Chest uh
Tiiwoyuuciuurrnr, This remedy Is fruaraa.
toed to euro you. l'ricc.Wcts. Injcctorlros.
I'or Sale ly V. f. Collins, Kcil
Oloiul ,clraltu.
I'lre limiruiice Af;cnt
nit rait, 1891.
Tho public pay all the tiro Iosecs and
for their own protection tmtnt givo caro
ful herd to the character and quiilllleu
lions of lire iusurnnco npents, aud he
can bo judged lurnely by tho tiro loss ro
cord of hin iiency.
At eloxoof this jear ask tho undor
Hignnd for hhmlc to bo isod in making
oortilled statement of jour loss ratios
for 1S!U. A i;ood record on this lino
will bo u valid claim for public pntron
no in IS'jT), and ko Ion.; as such favor
able) record continues. Doubtful risks
iticniio a doubtful future for tho ngoncy
that carries them -Citions Fiio Asso
ciation, Mankato, Minn.
"The" Watch.
For timekeeping and durability nothing
beats tho seventeen jeweled
Dr.niKit JIami'dkx "Watch.
and e.Mtmino tliem. Also his lino of
Jewelry, Diamonds,
Spectacles, Clocks,
I'liitvil and Hollil silverware, souvenir spoons,
pi'ii'l liiiiiillcd KnUcs mill forks, r.imnu sets,
CitliliiKcnrd rust'M, lion lion imxoi mid other
novrltli1'. A II no lino ot siiertuclei iiutl
Klns-tei wllli liitiTcliiiniiiiliUileiiHeM, steel, nickel
n liver mill until fr.uncs. Sneclitl mill c:ireful Hi.
ti'litlon paid In lltlllii! Hid i-i. My line ot 2nd
Imnd Hiitolit'i In iUltt l,i,;e. I will run them off
nt less than thrlrai'tual ninth.
lf"Hrini! jour wntcli, clock and Jewelry re
pair work.jonr unuruuiu,' nnd your old (old
nnu sucr in inv.
tiios. vv.s man.
Farm Loais
Pqv ceijt
E, A Siii'ipsoiij
Bias L-fil Neb,
Ho, There
Farmers !
Hitch Up !
ill holoro you do conic arouiitl
1 1 n rn (sm nioi iiikI luiy a new set
ol' IiiiiiiI.iiiikIc liiiriicsN. Have
reduced all koimN in Hie liar
ncss line. Elcre are a I'etr or
our priccii:
e.TC.OO harnoso for $.1050
.-JO.uu " " 23 no
" " 27.00
" " 20.00
" " 25.00
And nil eoodo In nroportlon. All work
guaranteed Repairing and trimming
ono on short notice. J. O, Butler.
xvp- jjff
A Little Surprise.
Tliero was n Krcat crowd In n railway
station, from which a train was nliout
to doparr, and all nt otico n liinu who
had put his hand in his undercoat
pocket to tako out his pockctbook mid
pay his fato exclaimed:
"1'vo been robbed I Somo villain lins
taken my pockctbook with over iJlOO
"Whero did j'ou carry your pocket
book, sir" liKiuhod n byhtnuder.
"In my undercoat pocket, behind."
"Then, sir, you can scarcely blnmo
tho Individual who has taken It," re
plied tho other in a poinpotu), ficlf satis
fied, patronizing manner, and in n voico
of warning Intended for tho cars of all
within hearing. "Yen, you olTor, if I
may say so, n temptation, a premium,
sir, upon theft, by carrying your monoy
in bucIi n place. Now, I always carry
my money here, " ho oxclalmcd, putting
his hnud into an lnsldo breast pocket of
his coat, "and thero it is nlways"
"safe," ho would havo said, but ho sud
denly drew out his hand as if it had
been bitten by an adder and cried,
"Why, my pockctbook hus gouo tool"
Loudon Tit-Hits.
Hoped Once.
Tho Into Lord Ilanucn, tho distin
guished English judge, was known its n
very stern and strict ruler of his court.
No man over daied to tako n liberty
with him, aud ho was never known to
bo hoaxed but on ono occasion. A jury
man, dressed in deep mourning, hciious
and downcast in expression, stood up
and claimed exemption from ficrvico on
that day, as ho was deeply interested in
tho funeral of n gentleman at which it
was IiIh de.siro to bo piesetit. "Oh, cer
tainly I" was tho courteous reply of tho
judge, and tho bad man went. "My,
lord," interposed tho clerk as soon as
tho sad man had gone, "do you know
who that man is that you exempted?"
"No." "Ho is nu undertaker. "Do
trolt Frco Press.
Tliu bnmllcut Motor.
Mr. Herbert Page, an assistant in tho
physical laboratory in tho Central high
school, hascon.stiuctcd an olectrio motor
which Is probably tho smallest in tho
world. It weighs but ouo-third of nu
ouuee. It Is of tho drum urmaturo typo
and is complete in all tho parts. Tho
nrmaturo is but thrcc-sixtccnths of an
inch in diameter, and tho motor is only
half tm inch high. Tho mnchlno runs nt
tho velocity of 0,000 revolutions u min
ute. It lequlres u current of ono-fourtli
of an nmpere, with a pressure of threo
volts. Tho motor would mako an uppro-
priato watch cliariu. Kansas City
Not n Minstrel bhonr.
"What kind of an entertainment was
it you attended last night"
Hnagg I don't just know.
"Well, what did they do?"
Bnngg Oh, sang and danced mid
played banjos and mandolins and bouw
"It was minstrel show?"
Snogg Not much, it wasn't.
"How do you know?"
Snagg llecnuso they told several now
jokos. Chicago Inter Ocean.
A Ileal Howard.
"Well, Johnny, your father gives yon
a quarter a week, eh?"
"Yes, for not eating candy. Ho says
It's bad for me."
"No doubt. Now, what do you buy
with your ipaiter?"
"Candy. " Diooklyn Eaglo.
Money and expierence onnuot produoe
a better family medicine than Dr. Sawyers
Family Cure. It cures ditiloultios of the
Stomnoh nnd Liver. Deyo & Urlce.
Inlloldor Irwin is about as good a find
as Chicago has make in several years.
One word deseribes it "perfeetien."
We refer to DoWitt'a Wilch Hazel Bnlve,
cares obstinate sores, burns, skiu diseases
nnd is a well known cure for piles. C. L.
Walter Hrodic is vorv iiito theso days
but is playing, ball just tho some.
Ileadnoiio it tho direat rsunlt ef Indi
gestion nudStomiieh Uisordors. lUmedy
thrso by using DeWitt's Little Enrly
Risers nnd your Hoiulnalie disappears.
Th fnvorile Little Pill everywhere. C.
L. Catting.
Tannehill, Comiskey's now pitcher only
weighs 110 pounds and is slightly built.
KiiiumatismCuiu'din a Day. "Mystic
Cum" for Khbtiinntlsm and Nenrnlgin,
THdlcnlly euros in 1 to a dnys. Its notion
npon the system Is remarkable nnd mys
terious. It removes at once the cause
and tho dlsenso immediately dlsnppetrs.
he llrat dose greatly bouellts, 7fiols.
sold by Dcyo A Grice, Druggists, Hod
Coad. tf
Karmnr Vlinrrlin. nt flin Piiwitnniilta la
a faithful doublo ot Jako Kilralu.
"There is a Salvo for evory wound." We
refar to DeWitrs Witch Hnz.l Halve, euros
burns, lirilisim. (lilts, ill.ldlt.lil nnr.a II a n
local implication m tliu noetrlls it cures
catarrh nnd always cures pilos. C. L.
i , e
Anson is trying hard to got down to
1U0 pounds.
- -
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Dlsgo,
Cal. says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Hemtdy is
tho Urst medicine I hnve ever found that
would do me any good." Price ii0c,
m i i -i
Cliorlio Clunzel is niuking lots of orrors
this year.
Karl's Clover Hoot will purify your
blood clear your complexion, regolnte
your bowrls end iniike iiur hear clear as
a bell. l!fio., fiUo , and 81.00. C. L. Cot
ting. Dan llrouthers Is n happy man these
days, ho Is hitting the ball on tho trade
nuirjt. Sliileh's eure, the groat Cough and
Croupe onre is In ureat ilemnnd. Pocket
alzo contains (wonty-llve doses only LYio,
Chlldreu love it. Sold by druggist.
i -.
Children Cry for
PItoher's Cattorla-
Electric Bitter.
1 his remedy is becoming so well known
nnd so popnlnr as to uesd ii special men
tion. All who have used Eleotrio- Bitters
plug tho Mime song of prnlse. k purer
meilfcliiB does not exist and it it guaran
teed to do nil tlint in claimed. Eleotrio
MiltuM Till cure nil diseases of tho Liter
nnd Kidneys, will remove pimples, bolls,
salt rhoum nnd other nffeotloti onused by
impure blood. Will drive Mnlarls from
tho system and prevent us well as care all
Muliirlnl foyors. For core f headache,
oonstipntlou and indigestion try Electric
UiUorri--Entiro xatlsfnotion gunrantetd,
or money refunded. Price f0 ets. and
61.00 per bottle at O. L. Cottlng's Drugstore.
now an Indian Ilrave Completely Non
plused m Yale FrofoMor.
Professor Marsh's investigations of
extinct nnimals wcro conducted year aft
er year in sections of tho far west which
had not bcon oxplorcd by whito mon.
Ho had many adventures whilo ho was
discovering his S00 spocios of fossil ver
tebrates, but perhaps tho most interest
ing was an encounter with an Indian
warrior in tho Dad Lands.
Tho professor, whilo searching ono
day for his gigantic six honied mam
mal.s, cretaceous birds and precious pter
odactyls, wa3 hcparnted from tho other
members of tho expedition. Ho was so
busily Intent upon his scientific occupa
tion that ho did not hear tho stealthy
approach of n solitary horseman. It was
nn Indian buck on tho warpath in full
paint nnd feather.
Tho professor is n man of high cour
age, but ho involuntarily found himsolf
yearning for tho quiet and security of
his col lego classroom at Ynlo when ho
was suddenly confronted by this star
tling apparition. His companions wcro
not within call. Ho was completely at
tho mercy of tho savage.
'Die Indian coolly dismounted from
his pony, nnd stood motionless beforo
him, resplendent in paint aud with
plumes wuviug. Erect, siuowy and dig
nified, ho was a splendid spocimon of a
fighting buck. It was tho most tuicom
foitablo moment which tho professor
had over known.
"How?" said tho professor timorous
ly when tho silcuco had bocomo intol
erable. "Is this Professor Marsh?" asked tho
Lidiau in clear cut English.
"Yes," answered tho professor, com
pletely tnken aback by tho unexpected
"Of Ynlo collcgo?" continued tho In
diiui briskly.
"Tho same," confessed tho professor.
"How is Professor Hndloy?" asked
tho Indian without a moment's delay.
Tho naturalist was almost speech
less. To bo suddenly interrupted in his
scientific labors by a buck in warpaint
aud feathers was sufficiently startling.
To havo tho wnrrior, in placo of scalp
ing him, call him by naino and then
nsk sympathetically for a collcgo asso
ciate seemed nothing less than a mir
acle. Tho professor was fairly potrlflod
with astonishment.
But it was a miraclo that was cosily
explained. Tho Indian had been sent
cast during boyhood to bo educated and
had been befriended and instructed by
Profeshor Hadley's father. When hia
education was completed, ho had partod
pleasantly from tho Hadley household
aud had returned to his tribo in tho res
ervation. Instead of profiting by his lessons and
experiences of civilization, ho had grad
ually lieen overpowered by tribal prido,
aboriginal instincts and tho Irresistible
fascinations of wild lifo and warpaint.
Ho had disappointed tho expectations of
tho missionaries by rovortiug to savage
Nevertheless hd paid civilization the
compliment of respecting academio as
sociations. Ho did not scalp Professor
Marsh, but sat down on tho rocks aud
had a pleasant chat with him. Ho even
mado on attempt to interest himsolf in
somo of tho bones which tho naturalist
hud exhumed. Aud when ho remounted
his pony ho sent "his kindest regards to
tho Had leys." Youth's Companion.
State or Ohio, City ok Tolkdo, )
Lucas County J
Ftamk J. Ciiknky mnkes oath that he
is the Bcnior partner of tho firm of F. J.
Chonoy & Co., doiug business in tho City
of Toledo, County nnd Htato aforesaid
nnd that snid Hem will pay the sum ONH
every enso of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by tho use of Hall's Catarrh Curo.
Huoruo to beforo no aud subscribed
in my presence, this 0th day of Decem
ber, A. D. 1860.
j HUAT, f
Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is tnko internally and
nots directly on tho blood and muooai
surfnnos ot tho system. Bond for testi
monials, free.
V. .7. OHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
tSTSold by DrugglBte, 7fio.
Where Healing Waters Flow.
Hot Springs, South Dakota, is a place
that overy ono should visit.
It's a health resort; the best in tho
It's a ohnrming spot whoro puro air
and hcnllng wutors put sickness to flight
and mako everything but perfect hoalth
well nigh nn impossibility.
Invalids, no mutter what thoir ail
ments, should givo Hot Springs a trial.
It's suro to bonollt them, more than
likely to curo.
How to got thero? Why, by the Bur
linulim route ot course. It's the lino.
Ask the local agent for full informutirj
or wiitoto tho undersigned for u beuu.
tiddly illustrated pamphlot.
J. FtiANr ,p
(Ion. Puss. & Tkt. Agt., Ornahr x0U(
IIiickleu'M Arnica S aVo.
The boat salvo in the w.d for outs,
bruisos, sores, Ulcers, SaU( rheum, fever
sores, tettor, chapped h'an(U, chlllblulns,
coniB, and all skin eru-ptjons, ad poel
Uvjly cures piles, or a0 pay required. It
is guaranteed to riv. perfect satisfaction
or monev refund d. fries 25 cants per
boi. Fonlsr-,jrOottliif. it
Served Exclusively to the
21477,212 People admiitcd to
the World's Fair Grounds.
bbHb tL
Leading Fine Coffee of the WoHde
For sale only by Sherwood & Albright.
A I a,
(Succcseor to S. E. Cozad.)
He is prepared to furnish you with an elegant organ or sow
ing machine from $25 up.
He will make you most any terms to suit you.
Ho will do your repairing cheaply.
Headquarters for all kinds of supplies for machine repairs.
Jos. C. 4lcon?k
Holland House Livery Stable,
Has tho best rigs in tho city and tho most rcasonablo prides.
Your orders solicited and fair treatment guaranteed. Barn
North of tho Holland House.
First class work a specialty. Prices reasonable.
OlUco first door south ol Chief wllli W. r. Hull
See him before giving your order as It will lie to your Interest
Jno. B, Wright,
Dgalgr ii- Secoijdtjand Goods
Moon JBloehy lied Clout!,
City Livery Stable !
Feed, Sale and Exchange Stable,
Finest Turnouts in the City.
Your patronage solicited. Barn east of Holland House.
M n r ta.vt nn
fff Jo Va lTlJ-Uil, ft
J The furniture Man has an elaborate and unlimited jj
stock of
of every conceivable description.
Be suro and
'jjt Window
HI Wall
accepted as the
Sewing Machines
and Organs.
aw rfO e ,'ip sa-
a" t4 ra'Ns
see his stock of
. carpets,!