8 THE RBI) CLOUD CHIEF, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JULY 6, 1804. v; .i 1s'ls J THE CHIEF Published Weekly. Suhsrrlplloii, f 91 For Annum, luvurliiMr III Advitltc It not paid In nilrnncn, nflrr this date March is, lira, tlio rrlco will lio f 1.23. Kntcrett nt tho rust Olilrn In lied Cloud, Neb., m mall mnttcrnf the sreond clait HATF1 Of ADVKIITUIKO t'rnf. cards. I ttii'li or lost tier year tft 00 hi i month 300 Throa mouths I...3 0O MTUNMNll AIIVKItTJSKMB.frs. IV r Inch nn jo.ir (100 I'cr Inch plx months a no IVrinrh thre mouths 3 On PticcUl m-tiers per iuis ar lint space, urst pntpllciriUmScrnts. TrousJrnl spi-cluls, ;i)aUI Invariably In ad Villus', iicrtjiic lucent. . . All rrnriln? uutlccs In Hi nature of advertise ments or puffr, 0 rents per line. liCcnl notices nt Icpnl tales, lr.: for a square J Ion lines of Nonpareil or less,) llrt publication l.oot for rncli subsequent publication, per sqimrp. GO cents. ..... No "inTftrrcd position" t ontrnctf made. All mmtr-r to insure publication must be re ceived pi Dili onlcn not later than Wednesday. Advertisements cannot be ordered out for tho current work Inter tlian Thursday ALL PRINTED AT HOME II. Ac HI. It, It. Tim Table. Taking effect Dec, 3. Trnlnscrurjlm; passengers leave lied Cloud as follows: KA8f VIA HASTINGS, No, 112 russciij;cr to Hutting 2:30 p. n. AllIIIVK. No. Hi russciiKrr tram Hustings 11:3 a.m. nAsrvi.v WYMoitn No. 10, Passenger to Ht. Joseph Ht. lAiulsanUCIilcaxu dally 10125 a, to, (IOINII WKHT. No. IS Passengers lor Denver, dally, B;5J p. sn rU.J. S. KMIUIJ, Dentist, Bed Ci.oon, - Nkuraska. ever Taylor' I'u Mil ture More. ttxlructs tenth It hunt pain. Ciovsu and bridge work h specialty. Porcelain Inlay, and nil kinds of gold filllngi.' Jlnkes gold and rubber plates and combination Platen. All work guaranteed to be first-class. QASE & MoNITT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 'Meow Hlock, - RRD CLOUD, NEB. Collections promptly attended to, and correBpondence solicited. D, STOPFER, TIlO O. It. Minn. Red Cloud. . Nebraska. I glvo my personal attention to my, patron. l'irt-alas. ehnving and halri uuiiuiK Bpiuimiy. mj.siM.ss cauds. W. TULLEYS, M. D. Homoeopathic Physician, Red Cloud, . NebraiKB. onico opposite Vlrst National Bank, u. H.l-.xumliiliig Mirgeon. Cliroulo diseases treated by mall. Q L. WINFREY, Auctioneer, Kbd Ur.ouu, - Nebraska. Will attend sales nt reasonable tlRures. Satis faction guaranteed. J H. SMITH, Insui'itiicu Agent, RKD OLOUD, . NEBRASKA. I uo a wlrlotly fnrin liiBarouoe nnd Inyito nil to bus mo. r V TltUNKBY, Atfnriinv aa V.ni Kctl Cluutl, . Nebraaka Ovfioe Up stairs, in Moon Blook, R P. HUTCHISON, Tomorlnl Arllal. 4 th A yen uk, Red Cloud, Nsbbiiia. Firat-claBs barbers and iirst-oluss work gonrnnteed Giyomeacnll fNHAS. S0HAFFNIT, lnmiraiiee Akciicj', jicpresoiHs (lerniau Insurance Co , l'reeiwt, III. Hoyal insuinncxCo., Liverpool, KnRland. Homo t'lro lusiirauco Co., of Omaha, Nebr, I'lnrnU AHsurauro Co. of Iindon, Knc. To Mauclicster Klio Atsurancti Co. of kiikMiuI. Iliiaidluu AstiiraiiroC,,of Loudon, Kiir. IturlliiKtou lnsuiaiu'o Co. of IlurllUKton, Iowa. Iltitlsh AiiU'llen Assiirniioo Co. Toronto, Call, Mutual ltiscio Fund l.lfo Ahsu.oI N. Y. Tim Workman liuililin and Ijomi Association of Lincoln, Nebraska. OMco over Mizor'a Storo, Ur.n Ct.ou, Nbrrabka C. E. Putnam, Noi'AUY LUI1I.IC, COWLKS, - NEUHASKA. Agent ,, c Phoenix Insurance Co. OF lltlOOKLYN. St. Paul Bankers Life Insurance Co. HEAL ESTATE All business intruslctl to liim will bo' promptly attoudedto. FSTLsl iJ mm3 'W COPYRIGHTS.1 CAN I OIITAIN A PATENT f fo a Kompt nnswer nnd an noneat oplntoa. writ, to UN N oV V.O., who havo had oeerlfahr Tears' ezperleneo In the patent business. Communica tions strictly ronUilenilnt. A llandb.akof In. Jormallcu conccrnlua I'atema and bow to ot. fain tUn:u rent a co. Also a catalogue of suecnan. toil end nclcntlllo Pools seut froo. l'atvnts takon. through Munn ft Co. feostT. epccinJ iidIIco in tho Hilrntlllo Amerlraa. and tliiii arn brouiibt wldolr boforeth. public with, out cjwt to tho 'Inventor. Tim splendid caper. Issued roklr, clwantly Illustrated, has bv tut hi lawcit ij-oulntloa uf any eclontiao work In the wwiit. s?a ayear. Samije copici aont f re. Dullrtluu KUtlou, monthly, sfioa year. Watle copies c. cents. Every numbir coutalae beaa Jlful Plctea, in colors, and rbotoerapha of w !"!u,c?i w "' flans, oiubllim builders to show the jato.tdmlimaandtieruracoutrmcls. Address w MUNN CO New YW,3tJr iAuadiT1 izorzTcrr (hmsssjjsk, Tired, Weak, Nervous Could Not Sleep.' m Prof. L, I). Kdwartlu, of Preston, Idaho, says: "I was all run down, weak, nervous and Irritable iliroutrli overwork. 1 milTcrcd from brain fa tigue, mental depression, etc. 1 bo camo bo weak and ncrvotw tbat I could not sleep, I would arlso tired, discouraged and blue. I began taking Dr.' Miles' Nervine nnd now everything is changed. I sleep soundly, I feel bright, active and ambitious. 1 can do more In one day now than I used to do In u week. Vor this great, good I give Dr. Miles' Ilcstorativu Nervine tho sole credit. It Cures.'.! W Dr. MIIiyi Norvlno Is Mild on a msltlvo cimranlcr tliatlbfi Hrxl.lHiiilo will liunclll. AlldrugglstiHoll It at II, 0 Unties fur M, or ii. win iiummi.pronaiu, mi rocpiiit or prim by tho Dr. Mllea Mudlcul Co., Llklmrt, lnd. JVVSAjVVViSyVVVVVVVVS WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL A&KW&nDICTlONAR Y . A CrH4 Ctlulllar. "- t suQtmnrrtihe ''Vuubrldgcd." Everybody idiould owd this .Dictionary, It an. swurs all quosllnns roneernltu; tho Ills ry, aveliaic, pro nuutUtlon, and uimulac or words, A Library In Jtnolt. it also Rivos tho often de- felrAiJ InrArfiiatlmi eoncenilnRcmlnent persons j facts concern ing, tho countrlos, iltlcs, towns, and nat ural fontures of the Rlobo ; par tleular con cernlnc noted flctltluus persons and places t translation of foreign quotations. It Is In raluablo in tbo borne, oOlee, etudy, and schoolroom. Tin On Crtiat Standard A utltorlty. Hon. I). J. Ilrewer, Justice of V. s. Huprems Court. wrltM : "Tho IntcrnaUonal Dictionary U In prrfccllon of iIlcllonwlM. I commend It to oUostlio on. great eUnJArU auUiorlty." Sold by All Uookttlkrs, C. .0 C. Mcrrtam Co. Publishers, Sprlngjlcltl, itatt. m vEBsrnw , INTERNATIONAL J y Po not IrtirrhMpplmtrt. irnpliln reiirtnlAIaiiUent irnpliln repi rilitiorui. j)iciiwmj Cy Cena for tree pro?rcctn. 1 UIMUIU BES.rLINE AND CALIFO 'a an arbitrary woril useil to ilcsignatc the only Unv (ring) which cannot lie pulled ofi' tl.c watch. Horo'sthoirica B9 The bow his a croove i t .. s. i m w.i eu.ii cute ft coiiar Vlntf"" fJ runs down Insldo ths Zsayr pendant (stem) and 775L "ta Into tho r.rcovcs, Z Ormly I oc Li nit the sZri-SC bow. ,0 bo pendant, s2f liTsS? so that it ennnot bs I'wllcd or twisted o(f. It positively prevents the lots of the wolch by theft, and avoids injury to it frvm (hopping, IT CAN ONUV BE HAD with rQiCi Jas. Doss Filled or other w.iich ffia caiesbearlncthistrudcuiurk if! All watch dealers sell them w ithout eMrn cost. AU yuur jeweler fur pamphlet, or tend to the mmufacturcrs. KeystoneWatch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. sssssssssssrSVsf I I H R HI H WJEsssB TO DENVER I'jawv.Hh.aiDiiKBWiviasii.'iQ ubi wmmmmm MS . $500 Reward? dluesttoii bonstlpnflon r CiistUcneS ?we " anncV cure with Wet's Vccetoble I.lver Mlli, when the directions nic strictly compiled with. They arc purely Veectable, nnd newr fall toche jk(. jsractlon. Buttar Coated. I.nwelwxcs.Vicei.t' Kaware wf counterfeits aud Irjiutlou' 1 lie Jin For rnlo by Do k Orlco, Ikd Cltud, ONE DAY. Pc.itli enmo nloiiR or.a day And n.iVi'il hhpiy-' The llfo of u child. In this world, iliht nnd loft, l'orcntsnre Ihus bereft. Tim child but tmllcd. 6hn.lt we, too, Miillo, And nflcr nwlillo if. 'IT lio reconciled? Edwnrd H. Creamer In New York Sun. Atirlrnt Musical Instruments, In tlm Metropolitan IMnscuni of Art hi Now York city tliero is an interesting collection of iiiitHir.'tl iiihtruiiieiilH of ail imtions, uinny of wliieh belong to past centuries. Tliey Uo silently iu tLo glusu casei Tbo fctrkig of maudolius aud lutes that uinilo sweet muslo in days gono by aro broken and twistod, aud tho fltiRera that oueo swopt them h'nvo passed nway, but still tho air seems trembling with melody. Imagination pioturcs tlio baiuiuet iiall, tho summer nights when tho troubadour sung sougs tinder Ids ladylove's window, or tho llodouin camp in tho desort, whero tho fluto and guitar wero pluycd during tlio ovening hour of rcposo. Tlicro aro in. strunionts horo of nil oharaoters rndo violins and banjos fashioned by savugo hands, and dainty lyres inlaid witli gold and mother of pearl, instruments which havo played their part iu ancient cero monies iu faraway India and China, in tho castlos of tho middlo ages aud in tho African wlldorness. It is iifterostiug to note that all nations havo tried to muko instruments to pleaxo tho cyo.tm well as to produco sweet souiiiK Tho stringed instruments aud flutes of savage races aro often grotCMjno nnd even ugly to clviliicd cye., but tho poor savngo did his best. Ho curved his iiiEtrumuuts as woll as ho could and also adorned it with whatever precious trinkets ho had in his possession. XL H. Oouant iu Ht. Nicholas. Half Mnrrlmt I'nr Iliilfnn Hour. At Dunmow parish church tho wed ding of n coal porter with a young Woman formerly employed ut tho vioar ago was interrupted in n curious man ner. Tlio brldo and groom wero kneel ing nt tlio chiuieel a tops for tho first part of tho ceremony, and n.i tkoy row to go to the communion rails to complete H;e rito tho best man, probably thinking it was all over, hurriedly fsmtoliod a, kiss from tho brldo in accordance with an old custom wliieh is (.till obserrod in many country towns. Tlso ofHelating lvrgyninn, tho Iluv. C. C. Natcw", cu rato in charge, was mast indignant nt tho proceedings and ardnred tho wedding party to lcavo tho church for' half an hour. Tho partially married couplo lin gered about tlio precincts,for that porlo of time, when tho offended clergyman returned, ami after ndmonibhiug tho best man, who was tho bride's brother-in-law, for his lovity in interrupting tlio scrvico iu tho maunor ho had ho proceeded to finish tho ceremony. Weatmiuster Gazetto. l'ulnturs I'iclile. Paiuters' pivklu is nod for removing old paint. It is useless to wasto tltuo and money applying good enamel pahst over old pu'mr, for it quickly cracks and grows shabby. Mix l,i pounds of stono potash, 1 ij to S pounds of soft soap nnd a hal f a pound of washing so da together and stir into nbout a gal lon of water. Tho pieklo should then be boiled till tho potash is melted. Apply this with a brush; then let it stand for several hours. Tho work must after ward bo washed thoroughly with strong, hot soda water, using no soap. This pieklo may bo applied equally well hot or eold. Croat caro msist bo taken in using tho pieklo, as it discolors tho fin ger nails and takes tho color out of any thing it touches. lA.stu Herald. Wlint'n In a Num.? Tlio custom of naming flats nfter tholr builders or owners is n growing ouo and sometimes results in n curious combination. Just below mo are two now flathout.es, built last summer. One was named "Albert," and on tho plate glass front door of tho adjoinbig ouo was tho word "Madeira," it having been built by a patriotic gentleman who names his flat houses after various wines. IJut tho latter was sold to u mail named Hawkins, who forthwith put his own nnmu up. So now tho combination is complimentary to tho old tinio aud widely known White Houso coachman, "Albert Hawkins. "Now York Herald. Wouldn't (ilo Up IIU Seat. A certain English duchess used to bo quite a llxturu at tho casino at Mouto Carlo, and if sho missed getting a chair at tho tables her companion would pick out a good nntured looking man nnd whisper, "Would you bo kind enough, sir, to yield your placo to tho duchess?" An Englishman who was carefully play ing a complicated system onco rcpliod, "Not oven to tho queen of England!" Now York World. A farmer near Owingsvlllo, Ivy., says ho has :t hen that ncyer lays anything but double eggs. Ho nuver brings any of tho eggs to market, but insists that ho is using them all for setting and means to have a breed of twin hens. Joseph Seal Igor hud a very low opin ion of poets. IIoHitys, "Thero never was n man who wns a poet, or addicted to tho study of poetry, but his heart was puffed up with Ids own greatness." Crudo oil is nn oxcellent. polisher nnd cleanser for both floors and furniture of ull sorts except highly finished wood, such na mahogany or birdseyo maple. , An editor, in acknowledging n gift of a peek of onions from a subscriber, says, "It is such kindnesses us this that bring tenr to our eyes." Churchill hated to correct his own poems. Ho wild that tho crnsuro of a lino was life cutting away ouo's own flesh. r Tho first letter envelope dates back to Slav. 1000. Itltf lKiu-in rlinTtrlHal.i.iii. HOW HE FELL FftOM GRACE. Itrportlnr; Whs Toi lUnetlnp;, nnd So no Itecimn n Hotel Keeper. "Yes," t.ald AUclmol Angolo Tracy, "I onco was tv newspaper man, long bu foro 1 over thought of hotels nnd dla- inonds. It was in Toronto that 1 mado j my debut, nlso exit. Jfy first nssign- ineiic was to report nn irjqucst. JVow, my paper was edited in short, con densed, brocjy style, nnd everything was bollod down This fact was im pressed upon mo by tho city editor whon I went fortlt iu qnest of nows. Woll, I labored liko ft good follow at that im qiwst.aud brought in a coltrmn of mat ter. Tho editor read it over with a min gled ntr of amuxemcut aud disgust, and then, laying it aside, said, "this is all Tcry Dice, air. Tracy, but wo would liko to know tho vordict. ' I had written a columa and left out tho onlyplocoof nows in tho item. Ton oon Imagine my emotions. "My noxt assignment vtM to report a meeting of tho Sorts of England, a Tory organization. Now, I was a Liberal and vico president of tho Yonng Men's Liberal clnb of my nativo city. Tho Sons of England wero all Tories and bitter opponents of my party. I had hardly taken my Boat at tho mooting and was proparing to tako notes of tho proceedings when I was recognized by n Tory acquaintance, and a howl went up that one of tho cnomy was among them. Instantly tho Sons of England roso in a body nnd demanded that I bo put out I explniucd to tho oxoited assomblago that x was only at tho mooting in tho capno ity of a reporter, and that I didn't in tend to 1k thrown eut, Nono of tho Sons of England present soemud to relish tho job of ejecting mo, and I remained throughout tho meeting. I didn't relish my experience, however, and on my re turn to tho olllco I told tho city editor what had happened. 'Oh, that's noth ingl' ho said. 'You will get nsed to lit tlo things liko that' I didn't agrco with him, however, and that is why I run in tho hotel business now instead of report ing suicides nnd pink teas in my native land. " Lonisvillo Commercial. A City Without Wqsuan. Maiwatchiu, in Mongolia, oloso to the borders of Russian Siberia, is tho onry tdty in tho world peopled by men only. The Chiuuso women aro not ouly forbid 4en to leave this tesritow, but even to pats tho great wuU of 'kaftan nad onto'r into Mongolia. All the ehinese of this border ciry art exelasively trader, and they accumulate money till their trad ing with Europe through Siberia has exeatvd sufficient fortune to enablo thorn to return to theiaaiativo cities aud Kvo tlicro in coso with tboir families. Ilieir dwellings indicate their prosperi ty. They are separated from the street by n clay wall, rather ugly, it is true, but surrounding generally a very ele gant looking house, before which are gamboling tiioso sleek looking, plnmp cues, with unusually big eyes, such as aro pretty fuithlully represented on Chi nese vases and screens. The main part f tho houses of Mniwatohin is divided into two compartments, and that which is behind is raised. Fires are kept up umlcr this great platform," which is cov ered with matu that serve as seats by day and beds by night Opposite the door a nieho is generally seen whero tlio domestic idols, unaccustomed to at titndiuiiso to profano oyen, repeeo be hind an ornamented blind. The walls of tho reception room aro lacquered in red or black nnd sometimes covered with flgurod silk, according to the wealth aud tasto of tho owner. Tho apartment overlooking tho court is gen erally of light wood, perforated and carved, and ur thoso openings colored paper is stretched, producing something of tho gittceful effect of stained glow. Tho idol temples are gorgeeua build ings. Chicago Tribune. Lire In Other World. Tho fact has been established that the supposed diamonds fenud in meteorites near the Canyon Diablo, in Arizona, aro nctuully such. This is a matter of pro found interest, indicating as Undoes that such stones oxist on other planers. Some authorities neser that diamonds liko coal, which is so nearly of tho samo chemical construction conld not possi bly como into existence without previous vegetublo growths to generate their ma terial. For this reason thoy infer that tho finding of tho gems iu tho meteor ites proves that thero must havo been vegctnblo llfo iu tho placo whonco tho meteorites camo. If there was vegotablo lifo tltero, it is n fair presumption that thero was animal lifo also. All this may bo untrue, but it affords tho first guess glimpse over obtained into tho greatest problem that mankind has ever attempt ed to handlo namely, tho question whothcr lifo oxists iu other worlds than ours. Philadelphia Press. Irrigation by Dog Power, Manuel E. do Costa, who resides six miles bouth of Sacramento on tho Riv erside road, has built an ingenious ma chiuo for irrigating his flower gardou and his oraugo and lemon trees. It con sists of ft wooden whool 10 feet in diam eter and with a rim, or tire, about 2 feet wido. A dog is placed insido tho wheel, which is turned by his weight as ho gallops in treadmill fashion. Tho revolution of tho axle turns n crank which operates tho handlo of a pump set in n dug well. After half an hour's exercise tho dog is taken out aud a fresh dog put iu for another half hour. Tho dogs 6cem to enjoy tho work, for they bark and wag their tails when they aro brought to fcho wheel. Thoy know thnt it means something good to cat at tho end of tho half hour's work. Sao rnmeuto Beo. Only, "I'll wor: my fingers' ends off tosnp port you if yon'll only havo mo." "But I don't want n slave." "Ah, considerate girl I What do you require?" Only" ''Love?" "No; a millionaire. " Bostoa Ga-cctto. 18 AS OAFE AUD It la applied richt to tho parts. It cures all dlaoauoa of woraon. Any lady coa uao it horeolf. Sold by ALL DRUGGISTS. Mailed to any address on receipt of $1. Dr. J. A. McGlll & Co., 3 and 4 Panorama Plaoo, Chicago, IlL jFor Hale hy Is Coffiny. J. L. Miner, President. Peoplt fe's Bank Red Cloud, Nebraska, Transact a General Banking Business, Special attention given to Collections. Banking Office in PLATT & FREES CO. Chicago Lumber Yard BED CLOUD, NEB. LiLimlper, Lime, Coal and Cement. TRADERS LUMBER CO., DEALERS TN LIM KM and WAI,, Building Material, Etc. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. WRIG Wt T Is the right man when you want HARDWARE! An endless, variety of stoves. Wire and Everything in the line, New York Weekly Tribun -AND- THE CH ONE YEAR Address THE CHIEF, Red Cloud, Neb What is ssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Costoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotle substance. It is a hnrmlcss Ptibstituto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OH. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee- is thirty years' uso by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allaya fcvcrlshncBS. Castorla prevents vomiting- Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea nnd "Wind Colic. Cnstoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation nnd flatulency. Castorla assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach nnd bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas torla is tho Children's Pauaceu tho Mother's Friend. Oastoria. ' Castorla Is an excellent mcdlclno for chil dren. Mothers hao repeatedly told mo of Its good effect upon ihclr children." Or. O, O. Osaooo, Lowell, Mass. " Castorla Is tho hest remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hupo tho day Is rot far distant when inotherawillcontlJer the real Interest of their chlUren, nnd uao Castorla In stead of tho arl9usuack nostrums which oro destrojlm; their loved ones, byforclug opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents doirn their throats, thereby sending them to preinaturo eravos." Pa. J. F. KiNcntLor, Conway, Ark. The Oaatanr Company, 77 Murray Street, Now Vorlt City. ', HARMLESS AS IIuon Murcn, AV. A. Sherwood, Asst. Cashier. Cashier of Red Chud, Miner Bros Sloro. "-"l smt Castoria. "Castorla Is so well adapted to children that I recommend It as Buporlortoany prescription known to mo." II. A. Ancnsn, M. D., HI Bo. Oxford Bt., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Our physicians In lha children's depart ment hae spoken highly of their expert, ence In their outsldo ractlco with Castorla, and nllhoueh wo only Iiuto among our medical supplies what Iu known as regular pioducts,yctwonro freo to confess that tho merits of Castorla has won U3 to look with favor upon It." Unitm IIospitai. and Uisrtsinv, lloiton, Mass. Akun j. dhitu, irs., F V aouui, tiouuon. itraflcr: 1 ". V i