-w"f r j j ,t (p.i m.HfflUWI'MWW'"ll W MMhJ . ,. .mi'. itictiTiAiiirMnc o n .wmtHmim. i irw timttaSPiJ ; THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JULY 0, 1894. m I STRIKERS ARE ARMING. Preparing to Resist the al Sacramento. DEPUTIES REFUSED TO CHARGE. OOleer lutlntud on Mnrshnl llaldwln llv 1 lnjr Them n Written Order to Fire. Qnlel liy nt flhhnijii Strikers ArrcMeil ' nt Trliililml and Pueblo Judge Kom' Chnren to tin (Irand Jury. Sacramento, Ciil., .Inly 0. Through out Wednesday llio most iiitenso oxcito mont prevailed hero. Tho colobrutlon of the national holiday wiw completely ovorshntlowod by the Btlrrlng events arising from the desperate etrugglo be tween tho Southern PacUlo nnd tho A. R. V, At 10 in tho Homing two rcgi tifcnts of stnto militia from Son Fran ciseo nnd two companies from Stockton tnarchixl futo tho eity. Thoy bad nbau douert their trains two miles from thu city. Tho troops marched direct to tho nrmory, around which tbo local militia companies had established a strong guard. At 1 o'clock tho tf oopa movod towards tho depot, whoro h large forco of jioliei', deputy sheriffs ami deputies undoi United States Marshal Daldwin wuro al , ready on guard. Tho strikers and ' sympathizers to tho number of several thousand had preceded tli) troops. Tho appoarancH of tho military Burgeon, ladciiod with 1i!h instrument enso and n bundle of lunihigas, had not holped to improvo thu temper of tho stiikcM. V-hen tho soldiers arrived they were gleet ud with dctlsivo yells. Mllitln nufntn to Chargo. Ono body of troops named iuto tho railroad yards and took np positions along tho main line. Tho rest of tho fol tilers wcro massed ontsldo of tho depot. It ltocanin known that General Snnvtlu tondmit Filnroru hod unnonacod hii In tention to start trains under military protocflon. Tito strike a one o baoaeno trtMionstirnrlvo. ChrrtitMh VnnkTfw, trio leader, mw tko gravity of Ww "Maw thKi (tn& undressed tfro mvo, nrging thorn not to intent tho mlllfto. Nut wl standing IiIh eonrillaitary talk, Uio rtrfBcrs kmdly tlecluTut tfiat ho Pull nws should Wo moved. Finully, throe companies of mUitln wcro ordered K drlvo tho Htrikere from tho dopot. Tho seeao was at oimo tuinnllnotw nud tho sltunUoti threatening. Cor a few mo tile t the rxddlurH Instated, theti they wavered, mid then ennio n blunt refusal tv BMiTo against tfco r-xcitod strikers. A Itvr minutes later alt tlw In huh tiiwied thirk baeku ujon tlm tnrbuleut imib at thu titbit nnd (juletly wittulrow to thu nrmory. Srtonit Vlaturjr I'or KtrUtnim. A dcafuiting nhout announced tho setwid victorj' of tho Htrlkers over tlio railroad company and their Unit victory ovur tho stato militia. Soon after this It Tcftiuo known why tho militia had retreated. General Stephens whm or dered to clear thu depot of Htriken naked for a written oner to tiro, but United Stated Marshal Baldwin refused. It was then tho officers declined and tho Stock tan conipinien followed their example. Biddw-in then ordeted tho holdiirH K) k trryfi K) their armory. A lorgft lmmbcr f iftiktieis from San PniHciro Wave been ott'f ronio by tho lntno heat. Mayor Brum thru ifued a pfnclaiuMioit ewM lunndiug tho people to Ucwp awn from the m-tie iv Hio distnrbanew. Tlw striken) havo couiplttt-j poiso-riiou wf th depot. Wiirllkti rri'tMirntlous of Wrllter.. Tho uutliuritk'H and rullruml pcoplo bo camo givatly alarmed when advised of tho wm like preparation of tho utrikuraat varioiw point) noi th of huo on tho Oro- waiting and soon tliis armed body of ex cited men wero Hpi'eding towaul Sacra mento. A L'ulted States marshal" wtr was coupled behind tho coaeh m which tho warlike strikers wero riding. At Bed BlulT a diuiioiibtratlon which nlho portends troublo was made by thu btrikern. Tlw A. U. U. men theui re cwived orders curly hi tho morning to ootno to Snciumento and at onco began rustling about town for arms. Finally 100 litles and plenty of uininnnition were seemed and placed In a caliooso at thu depot and boon they wero speeding to wind Sacramento. Tho addition of theso cxcltisl and de& perato men from the mountain regions of tlw north to tho riotously inclined stiik en already here, portends grave conse quences, and tho whole populace Is not unreasonably aiulmw. Tho labor unions of Los Angeles aro forming military companies and claim to havo about n,000 men enrolled. They havo ndopted resolutions indoisiug thv A. H. U. The National Guards nr moiiea aro being carefully guarded by military men to prevent their poKriblo seksuro, FEDERAL GRAND JURY CHARGED. Juiliro Hon of Lira Aiiicvlrt Im- tontn Uio 1jw on Htrll(m. Loi ANCirXhH, July 0, .Tudgo How' chargo to tho grand jury wan as follows: I understand, through the district ut toruoy, that you desire some further in NtruetloiiH in regard to the uinil, C'oiinrtst, has provided by statute that the pit mtibtur general lu all cases Mmll ueilde lu what manner the mulls Mm II lie conveyed, nnd that officer has, thnmuh his sulmrdinates, designated thv .Sunt hi i n California Bailroad company and tip' Bouthern P. title Ballroad company in this judUriul dibtvlctthe regular pasMiigu trulusot these roads for thu carrying ot tbu Kultinl SI nt i-4 iiiuIIh. Xuitlicr r.f llusp companies are by the law lupuiicd tu run) unv other trulus thun their reuular imi uvmger trains for thu carrying of thu nmlU uud their failure to dosolsuot n lolutlou of any law of tho United State to whluh my attention hi! hcu called or Hint i have hoeu able to Had, Adiv and erYw nernon who shall Icaow- laglyamlWilritiry obsfruct tlio psitVI of tlie rohll l gtillty of a crime itgmti'st the law of tho United States, nntliftwd or more parson conspire to commit that gon branch. At Duusinulr slioitly nfter "" i i . mn,abodyof 7h striken fully armod . '"iwtUot HHnn iK the dopu- and .spiipjieil for bnttlo marched to U.o w last Stiiulny. hi addition to theeo rV.nthern Paeilic ,hTot, where other A. 0 others woioanestisl, who ventured It. U. men had a car and locomotive in to uc'ur tho rwllro,ul I'Iorty. ornnyothfr iffm'') ngntnst the United BtaU.M, nnil ot' or moru of Hitch parties I do iinv act to eHi'i'l llio object of tho con spiracy, nil of surli parties to pitch con Militia splnuy ate gullly of a crime, nnd lfyou i find from your lucsthnHoiiN that nny I eiicli nlTeii.e has 1m-hii commit ted within I this Imlicliil illsltlct It In vonr liiiiirratlve ' uml Nilinm duty to tlml an Indictment or InilletnientH nitnltiHt nny or every such of- J feinting person or peisttiiM. Uhliig tho I subitnnco of the InnqunKu of .IiiiIko Jack hod lu it Hoinimhiit hlmllnr cane that i arose In WVmI. Vlrlnla in IS!P1, it Is proper frtritiiito s.iy that exactly what Is In volved In this Mrlke, which has brought all the trouble, here and elsewhere, Is not for mo or you to Investigate. At this time It Is not 'necessary to know wlil'h hliln Is lu tho right or which hIiIo Is In thu wrong, nor whether, lu fact, cither sldo is in the wrong, upon tho merits of thnt question. It tuny bu again said that there hi tiutouu way to redress a wrong duno In this country, and thnt Is through thv regularly coustltuted tribu nals of the country. No man nor set of mill, no combination nt men can law fully ujuilvrtnko to redress a wrong except thu way pointed out by law. Whenever men attempt to unlaw fully combine them elves together for tho purposo of redress ftig a wrong they Hlrlko it tiie very foun dation of those laws which gave them the rights of a cltUcn, thu protoctlon of life, liberty and thu pursuit of happiness. It IstbuHWom ami tho Imperative duty of those charged with thu administration of tho laws to t.ike prompt uud vigorous measures hi bring to tho bar of Justice any nnd every Infraction of the laws. QUIET DAY AT CHICAGO. Ntrlliurs Hnein to Unto n Wholesome Be- ii'Ct For tlu Troop. Cnicvoo, duly (. Taken in its entire ty tho Fourth was n quiet day in etriko circled barring nn occasionul flurry caused by tho gathering of the mobs in flio stork yards district, which, however, woro held in chock by police mid depu ties backed up by tho near proximity of n dotnchinctit of regnlara for whom the striken havo n wholesome respoct. Tr.tlti aro onoo tnoro moving nt Bluo lalArid. Tho tnrbulent olument having dd(m!y rlmiuuwd down when con fronted by ftuwoa i- wlmmcc and gilt triug bayonetu. After tho tro'ty dLsefnborkod at tho stouk yards striktn rented their spleun by ditcbiug tho two rear cdachos of the troop train nud disabled the engine by shoving coupling (tins into tho cross head guides, lieiug caroful, howovor, to whit utitM tho regulars had got a safe dls fnnco nwny. Tlio Cliiirugo uikI Northwestern has ro- Bnuied ifrt pasHiigor hervice, which is now moving rrgulnvly mid without in ks, fvrenco. Tho H.uita l'o and tho Alton Borvico is etill netJouvly crippled, though tho Bantn l'o passenger t talus aro moving on time. Tho 5lichigan Central got out a train of 10 cars of meat Weduewduy. StrlUo Voinmltten Arreited. Loa ANtiKt.UM, July l). lx men. com piling tho fitilko couuuittoe of tho A. It. if., wero arresto d Wednesday after noon by u deputy Uulted Stnten marshal, Bail was Uxod in each caso at $.'l,tM). Tho indictment cjiargca tho men with having obstmctod and incited others to obstruct tho enrryiug of tho United Btnti mulls on regular trains of tho Bouthern Paoiflc railroads. Tho wit nwsus, whoso names wero indorsed oh tho lmck of tho indictments, woro tho ofllcials of tho Santa Fo nnil Bouthora Pacific railroads. TrlnliUd Ktrlkrra Arroted. TntNiDAU, Colo., July . Thirtylght men, half memben of tho A. R. U. and thu remidudcr being sympathlzeni, wero arreted hero mid taken to Denver. Among thorn aro President Mulick, Vice President Miuth, C'lialrmnn Carrig, Sec retary ImhoiT, of tho union, and D. B, .Mllll li Mon.'il by Htrikere. Skiix City, July 0. Militia com panies to tho number of U00 men arrived heio Wednesday night. 'Pho men were stoned by n crowd of striken wfiilo marching up town and had to prick a number of people with their bayonets. Three of tho militiamen wero slightly nurt. a nontenant was nit wttn a coupling pin and iiuito badly hurt. At i.':!l0 this iiioiuing tho Omaha railroad bridge irvor tho Floyd river was Bet on flro by inceiidlaiies. lVde nil Troup ut I'uolilo, Pi i:nt.ti, July 0. Cimipunlea A and II of llio Seventeenth United States Infan try, It.') men, under command of Captain Van Hoi no, of Company A, arrived here from Fort Uussell to assist tho United States marshals In protecting the prop erty of tho Santa Fo nnd tho Union Pa citlc, Denver and Gulf. TwrUn Arri'nteil nt l'uulilo, Ti r.iii,o, Colo., July li. Twelve dls turliers of tho peace were arrested hero, among them u uttikcr from tho Denver uud Hii Grnndo named Ivarrol, who was n ringleader and mado hlmsolf very otreiisive to tho deputy marahuls. They will bo taken to Denver. Will iliinil by tho Company, DENvr.n, July 0. The engineers of the Denver mid Itio Grande havo unani mously decided their duty to lioth their order and railway requires them to per ioimcveiy seivlco ttsmlreil of them as inginoon by the load. 'rurnt)-'lwn llfinl I.'iiKlnrn, MM)N City, July . Twenty-two en gines aiu "dead" al this point on the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul and all busiiUNS ;b practically suspended. Tho Iowa Central shops aro shut down. liijliiictliui Auitlnut Deb. San FitA.su.iuo, July . Judge Mo Kuuia has Ubiied an injunction against Dubs nud other numlieis of tho A. It. U., usttniutug them from interfering with tlio Southern Pnclllo trains. II lilt la ut Cairo. Caiuo, ills., July 0. Six companies of tlio Fwtrth reglmcrit I. N. G. arrived in Mounds nnd nro ilniutercd in tho Illluoiij Central louiidhotuo. ltlll. .. T .....II .. ....lilt fPl... ... llendnrho is the direct result of Indi gestion nndStomaeh Disorders. Ilorasdy thfso by nulng DoWitt'e Llttlo Early Itiiers and jour UandHoho disappears. Tho fstorite Idltlo l'lll everywhere. 0. L. Celtlug. Wnico him nofllruut, liorHow, trees or wooden housea. Dr. J. M. II. Brown, n Chicago phjei ciitii) wan drowned in Madison. Ileal Faith novr grows weak by hajing to wnlt. Snllrers taking Hood's Hrs. pnrilln for ehrenio complaints should be patient nud the result will be satisfactory Huod'H Cures, Hood h 1'ills not easily, jet promptly and eflleiently, on tho liver and bowels, ?r cents. Tho fileainer City of iMiulison struck u iliko in the Ohio riror and sunk. All Vrce. Those whe have usee Dr. Kinn'e New plicorory knew iU vslne, nud those wk have not, have new the epportnnlly te try it free. Call on tho ndvetised Dreg gist and got a Trial Hettle, tfree. Head yur name and address to H, I. Duekleu k Co. CUionge, and got n ainle box of Dr. King's Now Life Fills Free, as well as a oepy of Guide to Health nnd Household Instructor, Free. All of vrhioh Is guaran teed te do you goed nud cost yon nothiuir at C. L. Coltiug's Drugstore. Tho I'lorenco and CripjYo Creek Rail road is running again. (Ion. Kryo's coiumonweal tinny arrived nt WiiBhiiigton. nilEfMATIvMCoiSHDlN A I)AV. "Mystic Cure" for Khtmnntlsm and Nenralgln, radically cures lu 1 to It days. Its notion npon tho system Is remarkablo and injs torionK. It removea nt onco tho euuse nnd tho disonso immediately dlsaprei.rs. ho first dose greatly boucllts, 7icte. solU hy Deyo k Grlce, Dregglsts, Kkil Cead. tf Single, ninstoilnn teeth somotimes weigli from 17 to.10 pounds. Haller's Austrnllan Salve derives IU weadertsl henlieg qimlitiee freei a eeien title oeinbiaittoa at seTeral of the great est earative d'leeverles knevn te the world. Applied te cute and aorea ef ll kiuds it will preve illf a aiarreienii healer. An Iowa farmer writes and as serts that It nhoald have been called: "The Corn Masker's HhIeb." Try it for Piles. Deyo ft Grieu sell it. In Finland and Hast Turkestan thun- UireiorniB iro wholly unknown. "There is a Salve for every wound." We refer to DeWitt's Witch Hazel Inlve, cures uurur, urunui, onis, lutioient seres, us n lecnl application in the nostrils it cures cntnrrh and always eares piles. C. L. uelliug. Twenty two chemical been found in ineteora. elomente havo Bhlloh'ti oro is sold on n fimrnnteo. It cures incipient constipatlou. It is the best Cough Cure. Only one cent n dosr. 'J3 cts., CS ets., and 81.00, William Stacy was hanged by a mob in Texas for lond swindling. "OrnDge Dlesiom" is anfe and harmless us a Flax Seed Poottloe. Aay lady can nsu it herself. Hold by C. L. Cottlng. , Mrs. Paul Boynton, of Hooeick KuIIp, diod at tho ago of lol. The Halter Prenrietnrv Ce. ahalltnv the world te predaoe a better remedy for barb wire eute, sere, grille aid weond ef all kinds, than their Barb Wire Lini ment. It Lenls qniokly, leaves ne sear, does not irritate and beeps away the flits Their faith in this truly wenderfal Lini ment is so grtat. and its endoraimeats from thoasand whe have used it so strong that they absolutely goaraatoe it. Held by Day k Urioe. Hubert Tucker, tlio uhlost nogro in Indian territory, died at the ago of lilt. Juo. O. Lotion of Lelloy, N. V., r prominent grocer nnd O. A. II. man su)f 't liavo been doubled with liidigostio" md billiuusnpss for years. Tried Park .'ea and it has onred me. I rucommriul t to everybody. Sold by C. L. Cutting Tlio Hyatt school ulntn factory ut Ban gor, Pa., was ilostroyed by flro. Karl's clover root, the great blood pari tied gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipatlou, 25 ots., .M)cts., $1,00. Goorgo Purkor comuiitted suicide near Toledo, Mo,, by taking poison. m i Mrs.T. 8. Hawkins, Cliattanoogn,Tcnn, snys, "Bhilonh's Vitallzer 'saved my life. I consider it the best ronudy for a debil itated system I ever uflod." For Drspep aia, Livor or Kidney troublo it excels, Price "r. cuuts. Ladies For diseases of women, Dr. Sawr's PastilleH will renoh thedlflloulty radically, positively and tfftotually. I If mild but effeotnal, Suld by Deyo A Orice. The Iluwthorno Juniors defeated Uio r. ... (... ..... I .. .. A . . m japarions .saiuriiuy iy a scoro or i to , Ladies The druggist tieuud Lelow will give you A free sample package of Dr. Saw vcr's Pastilles, which cure diseases pecu liar' to women. Hold by Deyo & Orioe. i i ii Tlio talk that Lincoln tloen not want tho pennant is all bosh. i ii Lsdlet-Ilemember thut ditsnsesbecoire ineutrble. Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles will positively euro long standing esses. It IubIs and euros. Sold by Deyo A Urine Spoor will push the "Old Man" on baiting lint if ho hou't itit hotter, tho Monty and expioronce enunnt produce a better family nmdlcino than Dr. Sawyers Family Cure. It cures dilllooltie of the Stomach nud Liver. l)e)0 it Urioe, One word dvaeribus it "nerfeotitH." We refer to DeWitt's Witch Hiuret Salve, cores ohstinnte sores, barns, skin disenno and is a well known cure for piles, C, L, Cotting. Tho Turkish laboring day ia from sun rise to an hour boforo sunset, Df . Price's cTcarri' Baking Powder A Pure drape Cream ot Tartar Powder. BURIED THE GODDESS. Novel Performance by Coxey Wealers on the Fourth. IT WILL EXONERATE CARLISLE. lleoort of the Sugar Investigating Commit tee Will 1'lrnio tlm ftocrctnry Govern inont OlllnlnU Arounrit Over tlio btrlki. flriiml Jury Ordered nt Chicago Kyle's Itcsolntlon Will Canso IJebnte. WAf;lOTOf, July C Tlio Coxey commonwenlers wont through tho spec tacular performnnco of burying the God dess of Liberty in front of tho Capitol nt noon Wednesday. It was a sequel of the demonstration of May 1, when, accord ing to Coxey and Browne, liberty was mortally wounded and lingered until she expired on the Fourth of July. Cap tain Austin and a forco of 10 mounted and six unmounted police were on hand with two patrol wagons. A small crowd was attracted by tho novol performance. Tho commonweolers marched four abreast, 216 strong, with mauy banners and devices, At their bond rodo Carl Browne in n romarkablo disguise. His beard had been removed and bis face powered. A wig of yellow hnlr fell to Ills waistt his nnns wero bare and powd erod. A liberty cap was on his hand nnd his body was wound with tho emblem atic garments of liberty. It wns not Intended that Browne should Iks known in tho dlsguiso nnd the name of tho goddess was announced as Sarah Elkhart. Tho army formed around Pence monument, whero the Goddess Browne delivered un apostrophe to tho bronzo goddess on top of the Capi tol. As he closed his address he flopped into n badly simulated swoon from his horse and his comrades catching him placed the palo faced marshal in au im promptu hearso and laid him at full length with flags nnd cropo over him. Tho hearso was inscribed: "Ltburty is dead." Tho procession then moved away to Mnlllgan kill, where the "Goddess" stepped from the hoarso, uud Uio com inouweafers closed the day with dancing and gpoechos. WILL EXONERATE CARLISLE. Bonato Mugar Investigating CbiumlUo About Iteaily to lUiport, Washington, July 0. Ono thing on which the Democrats and Republicans of tho sugar investigation will agrco nnd npon whieh omphatio roport will bo mado, la the exoneration of Secretary Carlisle from any improper aotion in tho matter of tho sugar echedulo, and tho re port will state the facts as brought out in tho testimony and will say it is tho be lief of tho committee tho secretary's only connection with tho whole affair was th preparation of the sugar schedule at the request of the members of the finance committee. It is not yet known whether or not Senator Allen will concur in this part ol tho report, nnd, in fact, there rs very littlo known as to what tho Nebraska senator will do or the kind of a minority repoct ho will submit. Senator Grn has made a draft of tho report, but it is not wholly satisfactory to the Rcpubli an iiremhers, wlto say it is too mild in its suggestions. A draft prepared by Uio Republicans is in the bands of Chair man Gray and he U attempting to bar- uioulzo the two, in order, if possible, to get a roport which all can be agreed upon. Authorltlei at Waiulugtou Aroused. Wasuinoton, July . A dispatch was sent from tho department of justice Wednesday to the United States attor ney at Chicago directing him at onco to cull together the grand jury. It is sur mised the intention is to socuro the in dictment and punishment of Dobs and tho other prominent leaders for violations of tho antitrust act of July, 1800, com mitted prior to tho issuance of tlio omni bus injunction by Judges Grosscup and Woods. Tho authorities hero are fully determined to enforce the laws and pun ish thoso who violnto them, and so far as the national government is concomed there will bo no compromises nnd no temporizing. The present striko is re garded as a bold defiance of the laws of the country and a criminal infringement of tho rights of tho pcoplo of the whole country. Kyle's Itetolatlon Will Cmue Urbnte. Wasiii.nqto.v, July tt. it Is tne gen- crnl understanding that when tho senate meets on Friday thero will bo only a brief session and that tho scnato will then adjourn until Monday, It is quite piobnblo thoro will not bo a quorum in the senate ngain this week. Tho reso lution of Senntor Kylo introduced nt the request of the striking railway men ii regarded as sure to causo debute and seuutors who expect to speak on it under stand it will go ovor until Monday. The resolution will causo somo very tart do bato in which Senator Davis (Minn.) will tuko a leading part, following the lino oi his telegram to Mclnuis at Duluth in which ho said ho would not support the Kylo resolution. Celebrated Very Quietly. Washington, July 0. The Fourth was colebrated very quietly here. There wero half n dozen celebrations by pat riotic bodies, of which tho most interest' ing was conducted by the Sons of tlu American Revolution, which, under nn escort by the Marino band and n dotaeh mcut of tho National Guards, marched to tho foot of tho Washington monument uud held exercises thore. Htevennon tho Attraction. GnnuNMioiio, N. C, July 0. Vice Piesident Stevenson was the attraction at tho Pom th of July crlobratiou on the historic battlefield of Guilford Court house. Tho vice president was, received cnthusliibtically and made n patriotic speech. ISx-flovernor Wlnnns Is Demi. IlAMiiDna, Mich., July . Kx-Gov tiuor 13d will B, Wiiians died at his homo r hero of heart disease. Mr. Wiiians was born in New York state tn lMO nnd was u resident of Michigan since I83ti SfflraW0QI8AS CRIMES, CASUALTIES AND OTHER IMPORTANT l-faPPENINQS. Itrli'f Mention of Mutter Which Every body Should Know About -i:rnU of the Wtrk In Nearby v-i lloin Accurately and CuncUnly (Jlironklt d. Wlcliltu Poiliimitcr Conllrmod. Wamiimiton, July '2. Tlio s onato confirmed tlio nomination of Thomas G. Fitch as postiiuistur tt Wichita. Dapultes Oimril Hatitu Io Property. Topi:ka, June 30. A posse of deputies left hero for Flotcnco nnd Dodgo City to tnko chargo of Santa Fo property, Moro Troop for Chicago, Leaven wouth, Kan., July 0. Four companies of infantry nt Fort Leaven worth loft on a special train for Chicago. Sceond Trial of Snttley. Kansas Citt, July !. In tho criminal court at Independence tho second trial of Elmer C. Suttloy, cashier of Uio wrecked Kansas City safo deposit and Bavings bank, was begun. Snntn l'o Shops nt Topcha Closed. Toh;ka, July U, At noon tho Santa Fo's shops were closed for nn Indofluito period. Tho responsibility for tlioir clos ing rests somewhat between the mana gers of tho A. R. U. and thoso of tho railroad. At Knnins City. Kansas City, July 3. Tho tio-upis now cll'ectivo on tho Santa Fo, Rock Isl and and Chicago and Alton. Tho last two named icids havo practically sus pended operations. Tho Rock Island has positively notitlod tlio superintend ents of that road to abandon nil trains on that road until further notice. ItifiKiH to llnndlo ITrcJglit. Hiawatha, Knu., July 4. All freight trains on this division of tho Missouri Pfteifii; road havo been laid off on no ronnt of the strike and tho local offlco rcfusos. to bnudlu iuy freight. This orders 20 crews out of work, Tlio switch engines in the yaftfrf tiitvo also buon taken oft. Iltow irt tlio lli'cliroent Tin. Toi-kka, Kan., Juno 20. JudgoIIazcu of tho District Court decided what is known among tho liibiirauco companies as tho "rocipiocal tux" case, holding Uiat tho claim mado by tho Kansas In surance Dcpai tment of u right to collect a tax on tho gross premiums received by New York flro companies in Kansas was illegal. CROP CONDITIONS IN NEBRASKA. Uaricst Writ AiUnnccit and corn Is In nxci-llcut Comlltlon, Lincoln, Neb., July 4. Tho weekly weather crop bulletin of tho Nebraska weather service says: The week lias been hot nnd dry, but tho general rains immediately preceding had left tho ground in excellent condition, and nil crops havo mado very satisfactory growth. Light rains of a half inch or less provniled ovor tho htato generally. Small grain continues to show general improvement. Wheat harvest Is well advanced in Uio southeast sectlou. Tho straw fa short, In kuiio cases oven too short to bind, mid the yield will bo light, but tho grain generally ia of good qual ity. Tho corn everywhere Is exceijeut condition. Much of it has boon cultlva tetWor tlib last time. Tnmo buy is u light crop, but wild hay is improving nnd pastures nto every where in good condition. Tacking Houici I-ay Oft" Men. Omaha, July 4. All tho packing houses laid oil u number of men today becauso of tho Inability to secure trans portation for dressed meats. If tho strike keeps up fow days longer tho four big plants, Cudahy's. Swift's, Hammond'o and tho Omaha, will 1o closed down, Tivclu ArrcHtrd nt Putiblo. PuiniLo, Colo., July . Twelvo dis turbers of tlio pcaco wero arrested here, among them n btrikor from the Denver and Rio Grnndo named Kurrol, who was a ringleader and mado himself very offensive to tho deputy marshals. They will bo taken to Denver. Union I'm I llo Mny Abnniloii All Trains. On.ii, July I. -It was stated at tho Union Piiclllc licadiiuuteis that unloos tho situation iiimrovtd dining tho noxt 18 hour.-) all men in tho employ of tho company would bo discharged and all trains abandoned until the striko is ended. Mltauiirl 1'aclllo Shops Closed. Skdama, Mo., July 4. Tho Mlswmri Pacific shops weio closed hero Monday for u period of nino days, and if tho striko to enforce t ho Pullman boycott has not been amicably settled by that timo tlio suspension will bo condoned lndcllnitely Will Stunil by tho Company. Dr-Nvut, July 0. Tho engineers of tho Denver nud Rio Grnudo havo unani mously decided their duty to both tlnetr order and railway requires them to per forin every jervico required of thorn as engineers by tlio road. Another l,)iicliliie In MUiourl. Fi'lton, Mo., July I. James John feon, coloicd, charged with comniltlng a ciinimtil iiKMiult upon Mrs. William Guthiioin lbV.?, was taken from tho theriir at liillor's Creek by a mob and hanged. Daughters of Veterans .licet. Guam) Island, Neb., Juno UH. Tho fifth annual convention of tho Daughters of Veterans of Nebraska opened hero. Tlio president, Mrs. Davis of Lincoln, deliveied tho annual address. Inuu Mllltmnnlcirtl Out, Foiit Donni:. Iii , July 5. Tho entire Fourth regiment, I own National Guard, has been ordered to Sioax City. To T.tlo RtrlUoTH 1'larc. CnrsTON, Lu, July '-'.About 00 en gineinen left hero for Chicago to take tho places of strikers. , s NEWS OF NEBRASKA. BRIEF BUT PITHY MENTION OF THE HAPPENINGS OF A WEEK. Hews Which Tell tho Story of .Seven Days' Crimes nnil Cuniiiltlrn nnil Other Import tant Matters Arrmigud At t rut Jrdy ad Olveu In a 1'uiv Word. Drouiinil In tho Hirer. NcnnARKA City, .luly 4. Harry, tha 18-year-old son of tho lato Thomas B. Stovonson, was drowned while bathing in tho river. Unrvard Will Ilvo Waterworks. Harvard, Nob., July 4. At an elec tion In this city by n voto of 2 to 1, bonds to tho amount of $7,500 carried for a system of waterworks for flro protection Nebraska Loeet nn Lilncator, Geneva, June 80. Professor H. Li Chaplin, for six yeai-a past tho city super itendent of schools, has been elected su Derintendont of shools of Sterling, Ills. Charged With Using Cnncclod Stamps. Valparaiso, Neb., July 4. C. W, Johnson, a mail carrier, was arrested by officers from Linden and taken to thnt city to answer to tho chargo of using canceled postage stamps, Uatbed In Stagnant Water. HASTrNuj, July a. Willlo Hum Shrey, tlie 0-ycnr-old sou of H. Humphrey, led of bloocf iwlsoniug and typhoid fovor of less thojj a week's duration, caused by swimming in n stagnant pool of water. ITood nt Wlntldo, Winside, Nob., July 'J. This section has experienced tho most sovoro hail nnd rain storm of years. Hall of tho rcgula don hen's egg size fell for over half aft hour. Damage to crops will bo Im mense, Sudden Duutli of u Dancer. Paluyua, Neb, Juno 30. William M. Thaler died suddenly of heart failure. Air. Thoier bad been a resident of Otoo county fltaoo 18;7. He was a moxnbor ol company A, Seveuty-Uiird IUiac4S la tamtey. Fouud n Velu of Cool. MunpocK, Nob., Juno 1)0. Thifl town is in a ftvor of excitement ovor tho dls covory of a Quo vein of coal by Will Sao while drilling a tubular well. Tho vien Ii 111 feet from tho surfuco and is two to four feet thick. Wearer Addressed Thorn. AixswokTn, Nob., July 4. Gonerfi J. B. Weaver spoko at tho Goodrich grovo in Keya Paha county, 20 milys northeast of Ainsworth, to tho citizens of Rock, Brown and Keya Paha couhtioe, to fully 6,000 people. Died ft Knife on Him. Nebraska City, N.ob July 8. Dur ing nhaltercation Alike Conlcy stabbed Isaac Plattner with a long dirk knife, in fllcting several deep gaslies in Uio region of tlio heart. Plattner is in a precarious condition. Both parties are disreputable ahAractero. Wealer Mt Ornud Island. 'i Gind LA.vi!, Nob., Juno CO. About SO cominamVealers, under Uio charge of General H. C. liigginson of Denver, aro WujmmI on ths Platte river nt tho Ham Uton county bridge. TJvo mm ure trav cling on flatboats uod rafts, and aro mostly from Dotivor. Ill Favue of HU Wife. HA8TIN09J Neb., July 4.Tho grocery store of F, M. Coovcr was closed by the sheriff on a confessed judgment to his x wife for $975. Tito wife's claim will be investigated by other creditors. His total liabilities tiro nearly fc,000, with assets about half that snm. , - Committed ?turter nnd Hutcldc. DR3 Mocnes, June .'W. Near Lono Tree, Johnson cqunty, this state, Jacob I. Zing, nged !), shot and killed Mary Tevort, nged 17, becauso sha refusal to marrj him. Hn then turned the wo.pon on himself nnd tired, inflicting wounds from which ho cannot recover. Demented Itnllnn Killed. Chavman, Neb., June ','0. Peter Dcib wnado, an Italian enrouU from Budc, Mont., to Now York, nnd with n steam ship tlckot to Genoa, Italy, jumped from the flyer and wns instantly killed. Ho bad been acting very strange on the train and wits evidently crazy. Decline to Cull n Mi Ike. Omaha, July 2,-Theiois alHolntely nn cluiugo in tiio Mtutitlon heio with ref erence to tho Pullitmu strike, except tho declaration of tlio president of tho local union thnt they do not propose to mix up iu tlio troublo uud that if tha president persists in ordering them to striko they will surrender their charter. Deurl County Himt Contest. Bid SntlNOs, Neb., July 2. In tho election for tlio location of tlio county Beat of Deuel county, Big Springs, Chap pell and Fioid wuro tlio towns contest ing. Out of a total voto of 711, Big Springs received a plurality of 1 1 votes. Another election will bo called in u fow days between Big Springs and Cappcll, Lynched thu Hustlers. Atkinson, Nub., July 4. Aieport has reached hero from tlio north part of the county that Ralph Hills and hon nud an other man weio lyuihed eaily Sunday morning near Biibli Cieek. It is said they bad been iiiie.sled for iirsou and eat tlo rustling nud weio taken from tlio ofllcers by settlers and hanged. Young Hills is tlio party who stabbed a man at Nopor, in Boyd county, a couplo of weeks ago. Oiniihu I'liemi'ii Out, Um mia, July I. Ten fiiemen on tho Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Oniu ba road struck heio today. General Su perintendent James mado up tho north bound passenger train himself, and it pulled out of tlio station with u liroman secured from tho Union Pacific black smith shops. When tho tiain reached tho north end of tho. raids tho fireman deserted his poit and thu tiain was loft standing half a mile from thu depot, The situation on tlio other roads entering uiouns is piacucauy uuciuu.gou, ! 4 jrjjjg MaHliBlii