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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1894)
fwltKSSfafalmm 25 TI1K RED CLOUD CI1IKF. RICH CLOUD, NKItRASKA, FRIDAY, JULY 0. 1894. . 'OR tiik Lower ax U- PuKl'ARR I'p lo mid incliiilmg .ti:ly llli, ut'uiM ituiUu fipeclnll)' Inn prlt't1 on iiiij anil nil uooilx In our Mo it. All of our $1. no O.vtWtU All (f our 1 5)5 All of our 2.00 " All of our 2.00 diocs All of our 2.50 " iMt'ii 3.fi0 , 4.00 All of our HnrgnliiN In Children' kIiocm. Ten per rcnl reduction In prices or goodN not entiiuernfeil nlioe. BLAKESLEE & KALEY TVSJl iii iUtUUUUiUUUiUU iii UiiiiiUiiiK ,pilH!) K. McKEKBY, M. 1). IMijslelitii itml Snrueon, Citjmul country call- promptly mis , vwrcd. Moon Block, ISr ! Ciom. tauix or co.vrr.vrs. ' PllgO. 1 Washington's Life. Weather Hullotin. Ileal Rstato Transfors. ' 2 .Tacquitn, etc. :i Country Coricspondonce, Killoil by nMob. ' Tho Lntoat News. 15 Editorial. City anil Country News. 5 City News, etc. (i Strikers Arming. Buried tho Goddess. Nebraska and KatiBas Nows. Otl or Lato News. . 7 -Tahnngo'o Sermon. . b Miscellaneous. local, x i:vs. Geo. Hall wns in tho citv this week, i J. C. Warner went to Lincoln Mon day. ' Herman Nuu was in tho city last Fri day. Charley Mitchell iB in tho city this week. Miss Koso Green spent tho Fourth in Red Cloud. Mrn. Geo. Winton still remains quito ecriouoly ill. A. W. Anderson was down from Blue Hill Monday. R. St. Clair of Holdreuo was in tho city Monday. Mrs. Ella Olmuteud and eon is in tho oity this wook. Henry Clark returned from Oxford hint Saturday. Cham Rvnns of Nuponeo wot in the city this weok. C. II. Headborg was down from Blue Hill this week. J. II. Kocknfellow of Weston was in ' Red Cloud this weok. J no. C. Smith of MarjBville, Kan,, v.uh on our treets TueBdey. Uenij Fox Jr. of Nelson was in Red . Cloud tho first of tho weok. N. W. Kingslnnd wns in Beatrice this weok attending chnutauqua. Several of our joung folks wero out serenading liibt Friday night. N. W. Kingelnnd is homo from Beat rico whoro ho was on IniBinebs. Mrs. A. C. Hosnier and childron Iuio rotumed from their trip to Missouri. F. Biudbrook nnd family started for thoir future horns in Missouri last Sun day. Win. .Tuckson and family of Wymoro will make Rod Cloud their future resi dence Sovoial of tho prominent mugnnloB of tho B. k M. railway wero in Red Cloud last Friday. Mrs. Wm. JoBfllyn and childron of Orleans woro guests at Rev. Yeiscr's the lattoi part of last weok. Mr. A. W. Richardson, formerly n Wcbstor county school teachoris located ut piceonl at Albia, Iowa. M. W. Dickerson uud wife returned from Iowa Tuesday. M. W. is looking much utrongor than usual. Tho an mi ul mooting of tho board of oducation occurred Monday. Thoy tran sacted tho usual amount of business. Dtp. Dniuoroll and Rinigh wore callr.d to llluo Hill hiBt week to attend an in jured person who was struck by tho train. riw , Tho rosidenco of Mrs. A. CuuuningH caught tiro on Monday, and had it not been for timely aid sho would huvo lost her propel ty. Mis. J. W. Phillips, mid son Roy, or Ciule, Neb, aro lsitiiig with Mr. I). F. Scammoii. Mrs. Phillips is Mr. Scam nion's daughter. Mis. Alo Bontloy and childron, who Iiaobeen visiting fi lends in tho t ity a fow weoks, roturnod last Satimluy to their homo in Lincoln. Mrs. J. A.Tuit and Miss Josin Igou deplro to extend their thanks to tliosu wlio kindly UBfllsted in removing their household furniture, etc, nt tho lii'c. Glorious Foiktii! I'Hcis on o I Shoes -XI for 1.2f 1.50 1.(55 '-V) and WullK'lP 1.50 2.00 u.oo -o -o imn:i Wanted-Citj" Jir.vnox. warrants- C. dilutes .). A. w eek. TuIIojb was in Lincoln this John Fulton of Rivcrton was in the tits this week. Glass jars, rubbers and tops at A. Morhart .V Son's. Mr. Shepherdson of Riorton was in tho city this week. Charley Hunter of Inavalo was on our Btreets this week. A. J. Huwlej came in this week and helped ua out llimncnill Buj jour fruit jarH of A. Morhart A Son. They hao all sizeB. Go and foo Caluies for all kinds of bread, cukes, candies. Ac. F. p. Hadley painter and paper hanger and sign workacpeuinlty. Will TullojH expects logo to Minne apolis on a isit in a few dajs. Mibs Bertha Talbot is homo from her isit to tho north part of the state. If jou put up any cherries jou want gliiBsjnre. Buy them of A. Morhnrt A Son. Any one in need of blgn work should call on F. P. Hadley. Ho guarantees a first clahs job or no pay. Curt Hums has ovcrjthingjou want in thosecond hand furniture line. Seo him Bluo Front, south Webster streot. Wanted to trade merchandise for a good and gentle horso. Inquire of Jno B. Wright tho second hand furnituro man. Mepsrs. Dedrich A Cook hno sold their store to Mr. IliiiBley of Lawrence, who will boon take possession of tho same. Tho Misses Jcnnio and Mnggio Vis schor, of Hoi joke, Colorado, aro hi tho city visiting with their grandfathor, Mr. Sterner. Don't forgot that I uni prepared to cany passongors to all parts of tho city. Loao ordeis at tho Holland House. Ll.OVI) ClIMUM.. R. B. Fulton tiro and lightning insur ance, Western Whito Brone, uioiiti niontB and cemotery goods. Olllco with Tradors Lumbor Co. Hon. C. W. Kaloy is putting down a tine Mono walk around his premises. It is red sandstono Hugging and will niako a handBomo addition. Mrs. Win. Parlies whilo walkiug in tho ard tho other day, t lipped hurself on a wire which laid hoi up for several dii.Mi with n badly injured foot. Joo Foglo tho harness man, located in tho Chanoy building North Webster St. for llrst-cliiBH work, substantial liar neEPPB, saddles, collars and hurdwnro. For the best meals and lunch go to tho City Bakery and restaurant also fresh bread, buns, pies, cakes and lino candies, tobacco cigars, etc., at. -Jos Ilerbutgor. Mrs, H. MuFarland bujb advertihing pays. Sho lost an earring tho other day and mhortiBcd for it in tho Cireat Fam ily Weekly and nad it returned to her tho not day. Burlington Route agontfl at Btations within 1.10 miles of Croto will sell tick ots to to tho Croto Chnutauqua Akfoiii bly nt ono faro for tho nnind trip from July 0th to 11th. Major Roby recohed word from Dundj county Hub week, that tho crop on his farm in that county had all bcon destrojed by hail. His lino orchard was dainagod c.'(K) or more. Mr. Cabh Grigson, tho popular tiael ing man, who in well known in Red Cloud Iiiib opened a lino giocery store in tho Moon block. Cash is a rustler and his now storo is ory neat and tasty. Ho fully understands his liiiniium and will no doubt niako a grand micccFS of tho businen1. Wo wibh him outceni. On hiht Fiuliiy eeiiing Major Robj and wifo had been man led 211 j ears, and in order to celoluato tho occasion, Mrs Roby engineered n surpribo parly on His Honor, which wan a complete suipiinc. Tho owning was very pleiiBantly oIipoiv ed until a lute hour, when all went homo feeling that it wnB good for them to haw an imitation to Mich a pleasant homo. The major and wifohavo our congiatu ionPiil on their 201 h aunlveisaij. Die. ci'M.nioat; i ni:i couii July " "'"I lotii. ColtlngV I'olnU'i'x. Do j hi know it is hot? dunk of our ico cold sodn wider IS InfrnMliim. I Wo haw the finest lino of to .thbrtisl r in the eit, I'rj out new drinks, malt phosphates, uutiitiw and I'utislioa the timet. Our perfumes are fiesh and fragiant. M tin ton iiiimuil wateis on draught. Bring us jour porscriptions wo ue onlj the puroit drugM, and emploj a graduate in ph'irinnoj. niv inwh. Corn foi sale, enquire of C. L, Cutting. Tho boaul of supenisois moot on the liHh. Tho district court coinenes mt Mon dnj. Vou can get tho cry latest uowh bj rending page (i. l'ercj Fleck and wifo hao gone to Michigan to liw. Sam A. Toniplo and wifo wero in Omaha this week. Superior Watt of Guide Rock was in tho city this week. If thin ippuo is a littlo Into tho fault can bo laid to tho Ith. R. W. and Oliwr Goro wero up from Lebanon Wedncsdii)'. W . J. Fuiso and C. L. Brown of Alma weio in Red Cloud tho Fourth. J. I). MeKim and Geo Gibson of Ma lonio wero in the city Wednesday. Cotting'rtcold soda is tho healthiest drink jou can I! ml this hot weather. Chas. KuiiFoy and his best girl of Lebanon, Kan., wero in tho citj on tho Ith. Capt. Blnino and Mr. Gilford of CowIcb wmo doing biiBincBS in tho county seat thii week. Tho "Lnko" will supply jou withfresh ii huh; cion i tan lo boo inu "J.aito ' bcoiio on Satutdaj". I ho city council should repair tho sidewalks at once and thun saw some heavy lawsuits. MeBsrs.I. F. Grimes, A. W. Anderson and C. II. Headborg of Bluo Hill wero in Rod Cloud this week. Pug Dog Lost. Answers to tho nniiio of Jumbo. Big reward and no questions asked. Fiumc Smith. Nearly four inches of rain foil in tho month of Juno according to Judge Trnnkej'B record. Good. Tho Fpworth League social held at tho residence of Mr. R. M. Martin, Jr., was a very pleasant aHair. W. O. Burnett nnd family of McCook, who haw been Siting with E. B. Smith and wife, have returned home. Don't forgot Hint on not Tuesday tho city water works will bo cut olT, iib Com missinnor Pond will clean tho wells. Tho corn crop in Nebraska bids fair to bo tho largest owr raised if proEont con ditions continue through tho bouBon. Geo. Guilford who has bion in Mis souri, sajfl ho has all of that stato ho wants. Nebraska is good enough for him. Two weeks fiom Friday, July 20th, is tho limit for charter uionibeis to go into the Degree of Honor of tho A. O. U. W. Don't foigot it. Tho final limit on Ashbury Park, N, .1 , tickots has been extended to Sept, 1st, and on Clovolnnd, Ohio, tickots to Sept. A. Conovor, agent. John Clark who wiib sent to stato piibon, has been rotumed (o Rod Cloud for a now trial, his caso having been ro wrecd bj tho supremo court on enor. Ladies aro respectfully imitod to call nt tho city bathing parlors on TuoBilaj anil Thutsday afternoons. Tho looms will bo exclusively in chargo of ladiop. Geo, Simon, Stato Adjuster of tho Homo Insurance Co. of Now York, was in tho city nnd sottled with G. W. Holm grain foi the loss of his barn by wind tho other day. C. B. Crono and children, Mastor El mer and Rdiin, haw roturnod from a if it in Iowa. Thoy report a pleasant time, and Mr. Crono Iiiib becomo veiy Meshy from feeding on Iowa diot. A. R. Tiniinormaii, F. II, Paddon, G. M. ReoveP, J. G. Meek, F. B. Felt. W. S. Meek, C. E. Stein, II. C. Johnston nnd G. A. Briggs represented Suporioi's Bi ejelo Club in this city on tho Fourth. Throe-women woro uriestod this weok for misdemeanor in tho Houth end of tho city, and taken before Judge West whoro thoy wero fined $10 and 62o each rcBpeetiwlj', and to stnnd committed until tho lines nro paid. Tho V. P. S. C. K. of tho Congrega tional chui ch will give an old time social consisting of ico croam and cake, also a new dish culled buttermilk ice, Friday evening, July lllth, in tho court hoiibo j, ml. Bo tun 0 to come. Prof. .1 L. Mcllneii of Orleans college will leetuio to tho toncliein of the insti tuto and otlieis on Fildity evening, July Kith, Admlbbioufioo. Rvoij body is in vited to atttnd this lecturo, Place of delivery will bo announced later. Fred Cox, tho alTablo and courteous clerk In Wiener's Clothing Store, ro signed his position on tho Unit and loft for Hasting , where he will ueeopt a similar job, Frod in a whole smiled fol low and will mako hosts of friends whorowr ho goes. Suceesstohim is our best wish. Tin: roiitrii. Ked i'loiid Olchriilc In lAcel. Ictil M)le. Limt Wediie'diij wasJulj I, and the people fiom H'irioundiiig cotiutrj in large numbers came to Red Cloud to celebrate the natal daj. At sunrise the people wero awakened lv the gun pqiiail who sent forth report aftei icport fiom tho at tiller part of tho piograin. Tins was the signal foi a general fiiHilado of Hi o erncki'is and other explosives, and the day was ushered in in the usual niautiei. Rverjoue shot Hie crackers At ten o'clock, Maishal Gra engineered his parade through the streets, foi lowed b Jus. Peterson's steam engine and little "J iniiiij clones," composed of three wagons. The parade was headed by His Honor, the major, audthocity council, tollowiug tho major, came tho S. of V. band, tho lire department, and a wagon containing H little gnK representing thoBtntcs. This wagon was averj haudtoti'.c feature and attracted much attention. The cnlithumpitina catiio not, and then Jaw. Peterbou's steam engine and iniiiij citizens in car Hugos. The parade went north on Web ster, west on 7th avenue, south on Sow mil street, east on , 'Id avenue, thence to fith avenue and concluded at the court house park, vvheio tho speaking was to take place. Here, Major Roby Intro dticed tho Hon. T. J. Mahony of Omaha, who addressed tho people on the occa sion. His speech was thoroughly pat riotic and full of bound sense and was highly appicciated bj all present. At tho close of tho address dinner was called, and after taking care of tho in tier man, tho crowd ro assembled to hear the toasts of our home people, i o lions. Jiib. Gilliam, C. W. Katcj, J. M.Challln, R. McNitt and R. T. Potter. Rach of thebo gentlemen responded to tho sub jects assigned them in excellent shape, and had wo the room, wo should bo pleased to give each speech, but our spueo forbids, sulllco it to say, how over, that Red Cloud has talent in tho lino of oratory that cannot besuipnsBed. After tho tonstti woro completed it was tho nig mil for a general good time, and tho peo ple danced, laughed and had a general good time. Tho races wero of the prin cipal afternoon umusemeuts and people mndo a grand iubIi to seo thorn. AMlsr.MI.Ml. Thu bicjelo races attracted tho largest ciowd, and the handsome racetrack was linid with interested spectators. Tho wheelmen who wero hero from a dis tanco wuro profuBo with thoir compll ments in regard to tho splendid track that luul boon arranged for them, There weio four entries in tho haif mile race, vi.: A. R. Timmermaii, of Superior, Henry Kirby of Bladon and Frank Cow den and Hugh Miner of thiB city. Tim merman carried away tho gold medal and Kill)' the silvor medal. Hugh Minor's wheel was disabled ut tho open ing of tho second heat and ho was foi cod to withdraw from tho race. Time 1:20. Ben McParland of Red Cloud nnd Willie Thome of Bladen woro tho con tcutftiits for thu bojB quarter mile raco. Thuro won in 40 seconds, Bon coming in ono second later. Bat two entries wero made in tho milo race, A. R. Timmormun of Superior, and llnriy Kck of Bladun. Timmermaii was winner and was awarded the gold modal and Rck tho silvor inedid. Time for tho two heats w.ti .'1.08 and 2:.rM. In the relay raco Frank Cowden made tho first quarter in l.'lboconds, C. Croner the second in 17' , Frank McLaughlin the thud in 4IJi and F. Cronor the fourth in 1)1). tatovo Wcokor who was riding a fifth met with an accident and withdraw from tho race. Tho timo was Il.Oi for tho milu. A vory interesting gamo of bnso ball botwpon Fai mem Crook team and Red Uloiul, i emitted in a score or ii to a in favor of Red Cloud. This wns disputed howovorand Red Cloud claimed tho vic tory by tw o scores. Oliver Hedge won tho fat innn'B raco. Tho entries weio Oliver Hodgo, Mr. Hil ler, Mcllalo and Mr. Campbell. In tho.)0aid raco tho ontrioe were Messrs Stone, SchalTnit , Spurrier, Rjan and Cronor. Stono was winner. Tho Red Cloud Iiobo teams made a lino showing. No. 2 won first money in 23 Seconds. Distanco 50 jards. In tho potato race thoro wore four con testuntu but wo did not learn tho win noi 'a naino. Upon tho whole Red Cloud had n splendid celebration and tho poople had n good time. Sovoral months ago M, R. Bontley purchased what was known ns thu Stato Inmk ut that time, on the statement that it was clear from all liens, and now comes a claim of $700 for which thu bank has bouu told, and the receiver should bo prompt to settle it, wo should think, as wo believe Mr. B, paid a vory high pi ico foi tho building, and much higher than it could havu been bold for to othus. Mi. llenllej will probably commence suit to compol tho govern mont to pel feet tho title. Wo omitted to mention on account of our absence last week, tho appointment of J. A. Tullos to tho iPHponsiblo po sition of custodian of tho Masonic Grand lodge of Nebrrskn. Wo undoistand that tho position la a very trustworth one besides being quite lucrative. Tie has our best uishos, R vimdTii vnsii . On tho morning of the Kith Tin Ciiiii editor boarded the 10 I'.O II. A M. train for the cast, and at tip. in. niiived in Craig, Missouri, where ho staod over Stinilii. A gieut deal has been said about Mifourl Intel, and that it was tho garden of the world, Ac , while a great deal of the stor is worth of credence, et oven Missouri hat her adversities Dining tho month of Mil she had vet littlo rainfall, and as a con seqiienco her cropii are not what the would have bt'Pti had copious rainfalls been tho case, Oats, wheat and part of tho fruit crop'i aro short, still corn is splendid and there is quite a largo aero ago of small grain. Missouri has her drawbacks however, and when Nebras ka is short on crops, that state, as well as others, aro similarly nireotod. From Missouri we went north to Omaha, and thence to Chicago via the llurlingtou route returning the following Friday. Passing tlnoiigh Iowa ami Illinois, where wo could obseivo the growing crops. All along tho Burlington line, crops laikcd very nicely, jet thoro lias been u dearth of rain, uud the com crop and othei crops aro backward. Coin as a usual thing is not up with tho Ne braska article, oven if our spring wns a little drouth. Times are very dull in the states named and people there have that tineas, restless fever as badly as they have it in other places, and the only wa that we can see to obviate it, is to settle down and bo sntislled to let well enough alone, for thuro will iiIvwijh bo dissatisfied people, mid if Nebrns kans take tho fever it will only bo tho worse for them as theio is no iuiinediato reined'. The only thing to do Is to abide by tho consequences at hand and bo prepared to lloat on tho top wav e w hen prosperity again I louts over our land. There is no better state than Nebraska, and no hotter crops, noil or people than hero abide. Rvini'.vli. rou mi. Wi.i k.TIio week has been hot and dry but the general rains immediately preceding had left the ground in excellunt condition nnd all crops have niadu very satisfactorj growth. Light rains of a half inch or less provailed over the stato generally, except in thu central and outhrastorn section whore none fell until Monday night nnd Tuesday morning, but as wo go to press, light rains prevail over the state generally. In tho extreme north western and northeastern comities near ly an inch fell during tho week. Thoro has been more Unit) thu normal amount of sunshine, mid in some localities, hot south winds have causid thu corn leaves tocutl somewhat. Small grain contin ues to nhow general improvement. Wheat harvest is well advanced in tho southeast section. Tho straw is short, in pome cases oven too short to bind and tho ield is light, but the grain general ly is of good quality. Ovor most of the western part of thu stato tho small grain will bo nearly a total failure. Chich bugs aro becoming vory numerous nnd aro beginning to attack corn. The corn ovorywhoro is in excellent condition. It has mndo a remarkable growth during the wook and is now farther advanced than usual at this b;ubou. Much of it has been cultivated for the last time. Tame hay is a light crop but wild hay is improving and pastures uru everywhere in good condition. There has been a largo acreage of millet bown which is coming up nicely. In Webster county, corn hati mndo a wonderful growth dur ing tho week. Di.nno Lewis Denno was lined $100 and coats uud sentenced to hard labor in the county jail until October 20, Ho has been in jail since March 20, and the maximum buntoncu in only twelve mouths at hard labor. Den no is a ouug man who wont to Red Cloud fiom Buchanan, Mich., to work for an uncle. Whilo thero ho stole let tois addressed to John Martin nnd at tempted to unlawfully learn the socrots of Mai tin's coirespondonco with parties living in Buchanan. Patrick 11 awes, who was Dunno's attorney, told tho judge that he wished an order from the court for a good suit of clothes for his client whon ho was rolcasod from min ted, as tho clothing ho wore whon ar rested had been stolon since his conllno mont. Thu judge demanded proofs of the attornov'b asbertlnns nnd said that if they woro truo ho would mako suiious trouble for somo ono. Ilaweu said that ho understood that when tho other prin oners were released thoy selected tho best clothing thoy could tlnd, nnd in this way somo of thu ragged prisonois woro onnbled to got good suitfl whon thoy got out of jail, The judgo told Havvcs to prcEont proofs and ho would take a hand in tho matter. Omaha Bee. My oiler mndo In last week's Issue of Tin. Cim r will bo continued until Jul lUlli. Dining that period I will give my patrons tho ndvantago of low prices on photos, I wi'l continue to mako !ifteonfor$2.-.0 -E Tk.xnv.m-. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World'tPstrlllgheitMtdslendUlploms. Srrmvisoii QorwrioN. Mr. Editor, (ile ipo allow mo to mako n reply in your paper to the gentleman who has not tho courage to sign his naino to tho artlclo repljing to my Btatoiuontn mado in tho Nation, In thu first place, he naid hid table was taken direct from tho tax list and no guss work. If there is nny mis takiv in mj table of Webster county you must hold the editor of the Argus re sponsible for that as, Mr. Warren pub- IHhcd that identical table last spring as utriiocopj of tho tax list iib It wiib thop, and I suppose it's the sumo to-day, for tho very purpose jou aro publishing it now. I simplj cut it out nnd saved it and jou can seo it in the Nation olllco jtt. Next, I ask jou why did jou not publish tho statement of Nuckolls coun ty iilno? That wan in tho Nation. It looks as though it must have bcon against jou. Nsxt, you tell us thntour valuation increaseii svery jear and na turally brings our per cent down. Tho faots are, that the Inst four jvura the valuation has been from $,'100,000 to $400,000 less than it wan in 1800. I would like to call jour attention, too, to tho fact that we huvo built two steel bihlgen across tho Republican river that overjbody speaks well of, and paid cash, each in each j ear's levy, besides tho low er valuation, and no bond afterclapp. Please boar in mind, too, tlint jourtouu ty levy from 1880 to 188." is far heavior on jour own statement than any jear since, and jou bring in township tax in order to fool the people, but I would liko to know what tho town tax Iiiib to do hero; that is, a tax that isat tliepooplo's own option. It is their own municipal business. If they aro humanowltli their poor brutes and wish to spend a fuvv dol lars each car to save horse llesh and hard pulling for their horses, they can. While we paid as high us $8 on tho 9100 valuation ami never received u cent's woith in tho rural districts for roudsor culverts. Your can't oven tlnd a high way road overseer that got fifty conta on the dollar for his fees under tho old bjb torn, so where wero wo at? You might just us well say wo should eat only mush uud milk and wear $,'1 suits of clothing in order to save money; that's what many had to do when taxed wore from ( to fS per $100 valuation. Look up thu report of Line township; it only levied linills tax for lBO.'l for town ex penses, and who dares to put tuoro onto them? Here is no coward, it's Jack Kindscher from Heaver crook. Tun Cm i r duct- not seo any reason tor personal abuse of tho major and city council because tho standplpo wna not tilled last week. Whatever may bo tho personal feeling between tho monibon of tho council on any subject in not of impoi tanco in the enso ut bar, us tho lawj era would say, an thoy had no part in thu matter, more than to appoint tho water commissioner somo weoks ugo. Our estimable contemporary, Tho Bolt, siijb on tho matter: "That tho question hinges on who shrill run tho council," etc. and "whnt the council ought to do is to resign mid call an election to select now olllcials," or worda to Hint olToct.' Wo enn not possibly beo tho bearing or tho relation that tho llro cf last week has to do with Xho council's resigning. New olllcera could do no bettor than the pieaent ones, and a new water commis sioner could also mako mistakes, henco we come to the conclusion that our con temporary is talking through its cylinder Wo surmiBo that tho criticism comos from n dosiro to lilt the members of city legislature n "Bolt" rather than to criti cise them justly. Tin; Ciiit.r doos not uphold the "llioticulllng" that hit been going on in tho council but it believes in giving tho devil ids duo. 'Iho coun cil in no more to blumo for thestandpipo not being full than is theC.arof Russia. It is one of those peculiar casos whore it is "be d -- d if jou do nnd bod dif jou don't" alTairs. TiikCiiiki' behovoa tlict evory mombor of tho present coun cil is as intelligent and as honest, and come ns near doing their duty as any council that Rod Cloud bus ovor hud during our our residence hero notwith standing somo unwarranted criticisms that huvo boon heaped upon them by Bomo of Red Cloud's critics. Lot ua have peace" and with it prosperity and less hades. Tho following mimes aro nioinbors of tho ISIaden BicjcloClub who spent tho Font th in Rod Cloud: II. W. Kirby, W. L. Thorno, Harry Kck, Frank Cronor, Charley Cronor, David Byrne, Btevo Wickel, Georgo ClawBon, C. S. Bonnott and F. W. McLaughlin. w Awarded Highest Honors Worlds Fair.' DR CHJEAM BAKING PWHfflt MOST PERFECT MADE. A put e G rape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret 5rom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THB STANDARD. i : l VftB V1 PS 1 M M I !Xj m wei (MtevapH U wr e.-AMtMM TSSBsyTT irm;