The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 06, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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' '.-: - vj.- awirr. -
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A.C. llns.Ml'n, IMIItir.
l.vituvTAir. ,isi laical lMltur.
Krpuhlli'itii 4'onvt'iilioii.
Tho Kopiibliean county convention for
tlm nomination of cnndidntoH for tho of
tiers of county nttornoy und rep
rcpnntiitive, fur the choice of ilolo
gules to wMiatiirial, llout icprercti
tatlvo. eongrofnionnl nml Htnto conven
tloim of the juirtr. ami for other regular
btiHiiiPRB, is culled to inert ut tho court
limine in Ked Cloud on the 1th day of
August 18!l ut II n. in. Tho townnliipi
will lie entitled to rcprcnentntioniiflfol
lown, allowing one tleleguto at largo from
each township and ono for each ten
votes nnd major fraction thereof cuBt
for Hon. C. W. Knloy for regent of the
Slate University at the election in 18!i.'l:
lloavor Creek 0
llatin ;'
Cathorton H
Klin Crook '"
(larllold f
(ilonwood 8
(Juldo Kock l':'
I uavalo '
Lino "
O.ik Creek I
Pleasant Hill 7
I'otfii am
K'imI Cloud township
Hod Cloud 1st ward
I.Vd Cloud 'Jd ward
Walnut Creek
. .ll!
Total I'-!-''
It is recommended that township
rniictiucA bo held not later than .July '23,
IS'.d. Hy order of county central com
mit toe.
S. K. Co..i). Chairmuu.
K. MrN'iiT, Secrotnry.
Hawaii celoltratoil .July Ith hut wo
Imvo failed to eeo any congratulations
over tho event liotwoon drover and Lil.
Hon. J.ui' Mm iu ntill in the
race for governor with a big ( '' Ho will
probably recoil u tho nomination on tho
tlrst ballot.
It linn been decided that Proudergnflt
inuet hang July l.'lth. Ho was dpclared
Banc. His iittorucva will go to a higher
court in hit lielmlf.
KvRi:vwiiH!i. you go, thu peoplo are
wishing that tho republican party wan
re-iiiBtuted. There would ba no hucIi
"touyh" times us theso if euch woro tho
Tun Senato has pafcseJ tho turitT bill,
the vote standing 31 to .TJ iu favor of
tho bill. Senator Hill of Now York
oted against tho bill, and Alton of No
braska for it.
We would like to boo JainoA McNony
of IJh1 Cloud in tho employ of tho Btnte.
with tho prolix "attorney-general" ut
tached to bin name. Mao is n thorough
ly competent attorney, and liiB familiar
face is known throughout tho length
and breadth of Nebraska, at well as Col
orado and Iowa. Ho in a capable man
for tho place, and tho place !b none too'
good for him.- I'lnttBiiioiith Herald,
Hkazii. has just recently como out of
an internal turmoil, anil tho government
of that Bister republic is safe. This con
dition of alfairs is principally duo to tho
backing given her by Undo Sam who
backed up ids gunboats in Kio harbor
nnd saw that tho republic had fair play,
und ttmt no foreign power assisted tho
rebels. In return, Brazil to show her
appreciation celebrated tho 4tli of July
juot na wo do it over her, with the
Hashing of fireworks and tho llzing of
At present every idiistryiu tliecouii
try ifl parol) ed by the great I'ull'naii
Btriko. The trnoUiug public ilu not np
preciuto tho tio-upeppeeially if they hap
pen to bo away from homo. What the
outcome of tho utriko will bo is hard to
Bolvo at this time. It doea Eoem how
ever that thero Bhouiil bo hoiuo nteaiiB
provided that would equitably Kettle
theso labor problems without putting
ttio general public to bo much inconven
ience. Thoro should bo a national law
compelling arbitiation in nil cores bo
tween labor u"d capital, and in evei
other oiibo, where tho public la alTected
then all dilfereuees would bo uuiicably
and quieUly Bottled.
Wi: were pleased to icceivo an invita
tion to attend tho dedication of the new
court houto at Clinton, DeWitt cnunty,
Illinois, on tho llh da) of July, (Jiving
foothor businetB wo ueie ui-abto to be
prcflont, but wish the people if thnt eiiy
ttn nbundanco of congriitulatiuiiB ovir
tho now buildiiig, which iu a verv liand
BOino structure, as cumpared to tho old
briok court house which is no more, Mid
iu which wo wore want to loam in bej
liood'a ilajH. To our old Ihifb, lion.
Jllohard llutler, editor of tho Clinton
l'ublic, ia mont of tho credit duo for tho
hutidsjiuo new btuicturo iih ho has
boon working for twont)-sovon
years aBflidumiflly for thnt end, nnd as
nil things como to him who waitf, bo did
Mr. Ilutlor at lubt renlizo his fondcht
ilrcuin of Boeing the present building io
place tho old ono. To him bo tho glory
of tho now court liouco in Clinton. Tho
editor of thin paper will always hnvo a
bright place iu his memory for Clin
tou, Lost. A small nprlng chap poukot
book, which contained a & bill. - in
Bllvor, eoinft fitnr I change and a postof
flco key to box 1(X). Kuulvr will plcnso
deliver tho same to .iru. M. A. Miller,
und leceivo u liberal rovvanl
"Wln jo' ipc-ii'iI, t rointiliti nlnnnlif
Willi's tie tiling jo' briiu-la In?
I)o)(i'i.iri't I' livn vviniinli
To' jo' ClirlMjttn wiik begin
IIti liMip! t-iciuiTi jo' lixluiti
Wliii" tin phIiImi Iniiti-'na kIoit,
Foli (Ic) nn' Imjuiij iIixIkIii
W'i'ti do liu'n b, diis I' blow.
"Tend Ut wiik mi hen-ravln.
Yo' en "1.1 J ill lirnli mj Ming?
Di'iii.unlliti twill u raven
Ciiiiii ii-lnlln crnli nloiiKl
Yo' uinj lj til t ii (-ucrfnl pidgin
Wlm' ilu utiiiinn o' nmrry How,
Mm ili-y won' Iw any ilodnln
Won ilo liu'n lirKlni t' Mow,
"I'm nun) ile Idle ilri'iuiiltil
I. If' UuiiiiijuJ'n Uviumh hlghl
lhili' )u' i-i-i- ilv lmupi U-Kleuuiln
Un tie Iw.uui o'tlt- tJ;j?
All. j'u iin'l JcuJtat o' loJu'ln
Wlm' do LeUu ru blow,
An tlpj' w an' bo iitij' dud tf In
Won el Wnbe tgliwt ' Mow."
-Clovelnml Plnla Dealer,
Iu moituraiii girt Hal.burg, noted if
only for being tho birthplace- of Mozart,
thero dwelt once a r-liociunkcr of tho
naiiio of Sienold Veit. Notwithstauiling
tho lowliin-fsof his ktalion, tliisdisclplo
of St. li ifjiin bm ued iiii'ensu ucsitlutiUM
ly Ixjforo tho iiium;.4. Liku tho village
Milton iininoitallzed by Gray, llurr
Veit had bien tlebarred In youth by
"chill penury" from tUo acipilsition of
knowlulge, but niaturcr days brought
him iiiiiuy n recompeiusiiig o)portuuity
for n glance at tho pages of wisdom.
All was giist that gravitatel to our
fhoeiuaker'K mental millstones, and tho
btores ariiuitedthiis promiscuously from
reading and heanMiy woio never ltst or
sutfered to moldiT for want of enpres
Klou. Indeed his application of what
ho gleaned was frequently so inoppor
tune as to exeito tho heaity laughter of
his honcht but critical neighliors. Yet
ho paid little heed to their merriment,
ami today was us leady to excuse tho
MhoitiiuKS of their boots with "brevity
is tho houl of wit" ad to memro them
tomorrow that their old choe werti
brought "never too lato to nidid."
Siebold was u bachelor from choice,
but often let parts of thohouc, a quaint
red tiled, low ritlged, many gabled
dwelling at tho end of one of the serpen
tino htreets characteriitio of Salztmrg.
At tho time wo peep into his life wo
liud him landlord of (.iahriol tito.s, a
htudcut. Heir Vc-it'h pioximity to bo
luiimatcd a cyclopedia jiroved Mich n
Btimulant to his lriM for ktiruiiig as to
bo well nigh iueluiating. Tho niero
crnik of tho H;irr, is tho s-eholar went
to and fro, was sufllciisit to ninko tho
shoemaker's imagination reel in TitioiiR
of tiiu feast of reason that the very tcp
groaned to Mijipmt.
QecubioiMlly iu tho evenings tho ptu
ilenfc would ditrp into hla host'B cozy
workroom and Miad him versions of tho
Greek nnd Roman writers, und, canned
along by his listener's whole honied at
tention and untlisjruised rapture, wonld
not infrequently continue tho inspiriting
myths away into tho night. At fcuch
timefl tho hiiiiplo toiler's delight culmi
nated in nothing hhoit of ecstasy. Unco
when tho student had retired with bis
littlo red margined volume of legends
ins ntlnnriu nndltur actually Btolo into
tho vacated chair to hat isl'y himself that
nn exchange of rents did not entail, a
priori, u transfer of knowledge, and
hastened to bed, where liefoio long ho
lost sight of sordid and hampering real
ity in tho faliKsfuluess of a dream that
brought in its sequence tho attainment
of the professor of am iciit languages in
tho very college nttendid by his lodger.
Ono Miiumcr evening, having finished,
his work early, tho shoemaker sauntered
out upon his porch to smoko and medi
tate tlio while on a recent narration of
tho student's. The story took his fancy
o mncluts to incite him to action. Dur
ing llcrr Veit's musings tho Bnn Bet.
Tho retired street gtew htill and dark.
Lights appeared hero and thoro behind
small diamond shaped panes and em
phasized tlio descent of nigh. Suddenly
knocking thoashes from his meerschaum,
the shoemaker entered his domicile, and,
acting upon his cogitations, took down
his time worn fiddle and drew from it
few strains a return to his former mis
tiess, music. Away back iu his youth
ho could recall thu days when ho hau
died the bow with no mean skill, but
tor many a year ho had neglected inusio
to delve iuthoinoio alluring Held of let
ters. Now again ho applied himself to
his instrument with n fervor wl f 1
made uo of every spare moment in til
his old art returned so ravishingly that
tho wondering neighbors strayed into
hear him at bin new caprice. Hut they
withdrew over with jocund faces, for
try as they would to refrain from smiles
Heir Veit was sure to elicit liuiuiment
in tho end by some such observation as,
"We'io never too old to learn?"
It was nn a morning after he had been
practicing tlvo months that tho shoo
maker closed his shop, locked up his
looms, and mounting tho steep, bare
steps, that led to his lodger's qnarters
left tho key with Gabriel, nddlng that
he was not to lie looked for until his re
turn. Leaving tlio youth at tho head of
tin- stairway, key in hand, gazing won
deringly after him, our itineiant musi
cian covered carefully his violin with
his long gray cJoak, drew his broad
topped woolen cap over his eyes nnd
p.ised into tho street, flee at that early
, hour of pedestrians. He made his way
over a britlgo across the Halaeh to tho
brown meadows beyond the town. It
was a most exhilarating morning. Tho
ftilnch, ns it fo.inud lietween tho peaks
Miitiuellng in banks two clad Kapuz-iii.iln-ig
to the light, gloomy, tugged
Multchslioiguil tho left, set und to biawl
mile jubilantly than ovtr of its descent
fiom the ilintiiutTyinh-sf Alps. The sun
I had not yet m-cii above tho misty
I mouutuiu tos, so the city lay in blind-
I ow, but tho color Miffu-iiig tlio sky, nnd
j tho glistening of the front mi the fallow
meadows, and an oecaiinunl strain from
fiomo stirrin;: toji,tiT bitukiucd day's
lulvent. The fresh air to impait
unwontea buovaney to Heir Veit. Ilu
strodo lustily uii and tuui pn.sed tho
open country mllaciiit to tho eltv. Un
lamls and lowlands hotraveiscd forsev.
r -to
bung about the mountains nml prevent
ed their getting to their llockn grazing
ou tho heights.
Tho traveler rcpliod serenely in an
tnilntelllgiblo dialect thnt tho cloud
certainly woro tlno evldencen of n
dull day, but that the herdsmen woro
not to bo further nlarnied, as ho was
provided with tho sovereign remedy for
buch exigencies. Seating hiniholf on u
Btump near by, Ilerr Veit began confi
dently to woo tho miu god with sweet
music. Tlio anxious rustics concluded
thnt this procedure was tho magical way
to dissipate the mists and went by twos
and threes contentedly about their vari
ous cnllings.
As the hours woro away, however,
with no marked lightening of tho at
mosphere, tho people began to doubt tho
Mranger's power and to exhibit signs of
impittitnce, some manifestations boing
so stormy as to alTect tho musician and
his inoiiMireb tremulously. Plici-bus,
too, apparently was angry, for though
llerr Volt, with his liveliest notes, be
sought an audience, the day closed un
blessed with a glimpse of thu buh god's
radiance. Ah tho night bocamo durker
and darker, tho music- grow more and
more faint, but it was only when tho
wcuriest villagers had sunk to rest that
tho melody ceased. In order to give their
would bo deliverer suflloient timo, tho
inhabitants had resolved to leavoliim to
his methods until tho following day.
Bright anil early next morning tho sun
npponred.but long before its rays gilded
the mountain tops Herr Veit, fearful
of another trial, had stolen from tho
bcono of his exertions lighting nfter
many hardships tho familiar roofs of
Ono evening soon nfter Ilerr Veit's ro
turn tho Htudent was asked to sup with
him, and ovtr tho coffoo tho adventure
wb reconntt d. Tho legend which had
turned tho hoeniakcr's head must hnvo
Iweu of Anipliion, under who) nintfio
mnrio tho ramparts of TIioImm nru re
tmted to have arisen, for whou tho epi
sode Iiiul lieeu rohearsed mine host, pro
facing by way of momentum, "A littlo
learning is a dangerous thing, " reflected
that in tlio olden timo it must hnvo been
no small mutter to build up a wall by
tho power of music, seeing that nowa
days it was i.: t dilllcult to move even
n cloud by the same.
"True," Gal.r 'deseed, "such
fonts wwn practie..', -igh on paper;
hut, success granted, 1 , a. rant that tho
achievements one comes acioss in chron
icles woro not tho crust breaking per
formances that tho old bards report.
Times, moreover, have changed. Wo
live in another age; different conditions
environ us. Waiving enigmas abroad or
in remote periods, there are problems
at our very doors clamoring for solution.
Reviewing it all and recalling n trench
nut observation touching tho happiness
of homo keeping wits, I am more than
ever impressed with tho forco of our
"Schuster, bloiW bcl doinen his
ten I' " (Shoemaker, stick to your last,
anticipated Herr Veit gleefully, and for
ouco at least aptly. I. I. Summcrbviales
in Kausas City Times.
Thero wero many queer character"! in
fialluutyno's printing house iu Edin
burgh, and ouo of tliem declared that
ho know who wrote tho Warcrley novoLs,
"almost as soon as tho mastor, " Mr.
James liallantyiie.
"I hnd just begun n now sheet of
'Guy Mannering,' " ho would say, "ono
night awhile after 1, and all tho com
positors had left, when in conies Mr.
lialluntyuo himself, with u letter in his
hand and n lot o' types.
" 'I am going to mako n small alter
ation, Handy,' said ho. 'Unlook tho
form, will you? I'll not koep you ninny
minutes. '
"Well, I did ns I was bidden, and
Mr. Uallanryno looked at tho letter and
altered three lines on ono page and ono
lino ou another.
" 'That will do now, Sandy, I think,'
were his words, and oil ho went, never
thinking he had left tho letter lying on
my bank. 1 had barely time to get a
glimpse at it when ho came back, lint I
kent tho band wool mid tho signature,
nnd it was 'Walter Scott.' I had iv groat
lang ballant ilullad) in Sir Walter's aiu
hand o' write at bunny so that I was
nno stranger to it. So, yousee, gentle
men, I kent tho grand secret when it
was ivroeret. " Youth's Companion.
Mio Didn't Co.
Ho (after a till'; Going homo to your
mother, eh?
She Yes I am.
He Huh I What do you suppose
she'll say to you?
"She'll say. 'I told you fo.'" Ho
made up. New York Weekly.
Mr. Hlimniy I don't liko that Miss
Uiter. She -aid I was u perfect idiot,
don't you know.
Mr. Uiiiuuie Sho didn't mean it, of
course, bliininy. Anybody knows that
nothing human is perfect. Dotrotf
Free Pi ess.
Tin- Cuiirie of Trui I.oi
She There is ouo serious obstnelo bo
foio us.
Ho Your pauntb?
She No; but my little brother is un
alterably opposed to our attachment.
Baltimore Life.
oral days, paulng often to break tho
stillness of dell and glade with thu dul
cet voice of tils violin.
At last ho enme upon a hamlet nes
tling, liko his own picturesque town, iu
a stream tlm ailed valley at tho foot of
a range of hills. The dampness of tho
day veiled the hilltops heavily in inlst,
n circumstance which seemed to disturb
tho Hiinple villagers very much. They
were gathered iu n knot iu front of tho
mountains regarding wistfully tho sum
mits of tho nearest range. Tho wander
ing musician, following tho path that
ekirted the base of tho hills, loomed
suddenly in sight, and witli ono impulso
tho peasants hailed him as u being scut
from other realms to aid them per
hups. They conjured him to dispcrso
the clouds thut for soveral days had
Vlio Cig of n Mnn In l'hltnile1ililii Wlio Is
Victim of OMlflrntlou.
Thoro is a living man in this city who
is turning to bono, and who has for
threo yenrs tints been gradually ap
proaching n certain death.
It is ucasoof ossification. Mr. Frank
lin Fletcher was a salesman of middle
age and iu good health when, ono day
ubout thrco years ago, a poculinr sort of
lump began to form on his chest. Iu n
few days tho lump had grown to alarm
ing proportions, and ouo morning as he
was leaving tho houso ho wns taken
with such violent pains through all tho
muscled of his body that ho had to go
to bed. A doctor was sent for, and I
the meantime tho paius subsided.
Tho tumor was treated und soon pass
ed away, but tho paint returned, and
tko unfortunate man noticed that ho
was becoming rigid. He thought ho had
poculinr form of rhoumatism and wont
to n physician for n thorough examina
tion. Whon this was concluded, thu fol
lowing remarkable conversation took
"Well, doctor, it's only rhoumatism,
after all, isn't it?"
"Shall I toll yon tho plnin truth?"
nsked tho medical mail.
"Why, yes, of oourso."
"Well, Mr. Fletcher, your caso is
hopeless. Your discaso will end iu death
soon, and thero is no known niodlclno
on earth that can euro it."
Tho fclck man Bald nothing, hut his
faco was ns white as death, and tends of
cold perspiration stood out on hla brow.
Tho doctor nerved himself nud contin
ued: "I'd best let you know tho worst at
once. You won't suffer much at first.
Theso violent pains will booh subdue,
but every day you will find yourself
getting stiiTor. First, the glands through
out your body will become hnrd. When
you bend your limbs too much, it will
sconi liko you are tenriug your muscles.
After nwhilo your muscles will become
hardened, and your limbs will fool much
heavier than formerly. At last you will
hnvo to keep your bed.
"Up to this Ktago your montal facul
ties and Ktomach will bo prnctically un
impaired, but soon after you are too
stitf to movo about you will find your
memory failing you. Thut will mean
that tho teaiu tissue is becoming ossi-
ied. The muscles of your heart, tho
very mainspring of life, will uxt stirf
mi. Then, Mr. Flotclior, iuJw your
will, if yon hnvo not done so proviously.
I speak plainly, but iu kiudiMss. Yon
hare about 1W months to live."
Mr. Fletcher said nothing, hut rose,
thook tlio doctor's hand and Ht homo.
Tkcro 1m has remained since and is not
4f d , though ho is surely dyiug by
hudies. Every day ho beswruos a littlo
stiftwr, so little that perhaps poveral
weeks will puss before any change is
porceptiblo. As tho physioiau proph
esied, his mind has begun to weaken,
Init tho doomed man fights teavely for
life, although no ono gives any reason,
to hope. Almost every remedy conceiv
able has been tried, but nil iu vain.
Yet this bravo man continue to struggle
even after his friends have despaired.-
Philadelphia Times.
A Mlrie r Two Million Silver Italian nt tlia
l'lilUilf.lpliln Mint.
A portion of tho $50, 000, 000 that was
stored away in vault C nt tho mint
caino very closo to being i. causo of dis
aster to sovoral clerks who wero count
ing tlio coin on Tuemiay nfteinoon. An
avalancho of silver dollar, released
from their Imndlm through the rotting
of tho bags, poured down iHto tho spaco
where tho clerks wero standing, and
omI.v through their hasty eecapo was a
lo; of lifo provented.
Tho coin was piled up in baga to n
height of l'J feet nud widUi of 8 feet.
The vault is dump, and thu baa had
hecomo moldy mid frail.
About 3 o'clock, us Wolingtoii Morris,
an employee, was stauding on top of
tho pilo raking iu t-omu loose dollars,
hu trod into a bag, and tho silver dollars
at ouco began to slide out. Liko a amxvv
ball on a mountain side, tho mass of
ilvcr dollars grow hi Mzo. Thoro wn.i
un ominous rumble, and tho clerks at
tho foot of tho pilo looked up iu sur
prise. Seeing tho impending clangor, a
wild break was Hindu for tho door. Se
rious injury to Morris was feared, but ho
succeeded in escaping unhurt.
Tho impact of tho dollars thook tho
mint building as by an earthquake, and
intenso excitement prevnlled among tho
employee.. It in estimated that tho
amount which fell was valued at fully
f?',', 000, 000 and weighed 1 12, 000 pounds.
The accident caused i. change to lie
made in thu method of counting. Here
tofore tho counting has been facilitated
by tho ue of a pair of scales, 1 1,000
K'iug counted nnd weighed nt a time.
Now it will bo necessary to count tlio
dollars ono lry one, and tho work will
piobably consunio Mx mouths, possibly
an entire year. Vhdor tho old system,
the count would have been finished by ,
July 1. Philadelphia Press.
Mi-xlio'n lliirrn rosluRp Stauiji.
Tho following from Mexico City will
interest the multitudo of cranks who
collect postage stamps: A now series of
postage stamps is iu proms of engrav
ing by tho Mexican government nnd
will mako its appearance for halo in
K ptemler. This is tho first issiioof pic
tminl postage stamps ever Issued iu
Mexico. They will bo iu tho usual de
nominations, 1 cent, 2 cent, 1 cent, fi
rent and 10 cent, and will represent by
i levi rly executed drawings tho various
stages of Mexican ninil transiortntion,
t-howing tho niotivo power of man, bur
ro, btago and steam train. New Or
leans Tinies-Deinocrat.
Tlio l'our, I)ir ThliiKt
Tho Duko of Westminster is asking
tho sympathy of his friends because,
under tho terms of tho death duties in
tho nondiuir hudirct. his estate at his
k clmth must pay to tho government n tax J
or no Jots man fo,ouu,uuu. aiiiswiu
compel tho poor heirs to got along with
ouly 80,000,000. Loudon Truth,
Abstract of Assessment.
In Webster county, Nebraaku, for tho
year of 18!1.
IVrnoiml property Nuiulicr Value Average
Mules and iibscb . , .
Steam engines ....
Kirn proof pafes. . ,
Hilliard tables
Carriages, wagoiiB.
Wutchcu, clocks...
Sowing machines..
Melodoons. omnns.
11 89
1 17
11 03
1 15
50 33
31 00
13 57
1 31
1 40
2 21
18 25
5 20
Meaeliandlfio on hand
Material, Mfg. articles
Mfg. tools etc
Agricultural toola....
Gold, silver pinto ware
Diamonds, jewelry...
Moneys of bunks, etc.
Credits of banks
Moneys not of bnnks.
Crodita not of banks.
Pronerty of Co., Cor'B.
Saloons, cnting houses
Invest, reulestnte, otc
Railroad property....
All Property
Totol valuo.
Numbor of ncres of
improved furniB..
Number of acres of
unimproved farms
1 87
Xumbor of inproved
city lots
Number of unim
proved city lots..
2 03
111 42
12 11
40 58
Grnnd total 61740821
No. acrcB of wheat 18010
" " " 71120
" " " oatfl 14008
I' ' ' Imrlnv 1f!."i
" " " Meatlow 14700
" " "millet 358
" " ' rye 1084
" " "alfalfa 12
Kruit trees 85302
Korest trecB 722473
Grnpo vines 12442
No reports from threo townships.
Firv Insurance Amenta
TKU roil DKL'KMIIF.K, 1894.
The public pay all tho lire losses nnd
for thoir own protection must givo enro
ful heed to tho character and qualifica
tions of tiro insurance invents, nnd ho
can be judged lurgcly by the tire loss ro
cord of his agency.
At close of this year ask tho under
signed for blnnk to bo used in making
certified Btutomeut of your loss ratios
for 1891. A good record on this lino
will bo u valid claim for public patron
ago in 18U5, and bo long us such favor
able record continues. Doubtful risks
means a doubtful future for tho agency
that carries them. Citizens Kiro Abbo
ciation, Mankato, Minn.
All tho talk in tha world will nt con
viaot you so quickly as ono trial ( Da
Witt's Witch Hazel Salva for Soalds,
Burna, BruiBts, Skin (Tactions and Flits.
O. L.Cottlng.
The Gazetto is the nnmo
now poupulist paper.
of Genevu'
Hmnll in siz, graat in rasults: DoWitt's
Llttla Early Kiaars. Best pill far Consti
pation, bet for 8iek Iltndaohs, bast for
Hoar Siamaoh. C. L. Cotting.
A full blooded Indian pronchod in
South Omaha last Sunday,
A latisfled onstomer ia n parmanent ona.
That's why wo raoammend DaWitt'a Lit
tla Early Klmc Thav ourn CJaustipat'on
hidigaition and IlilioustU'Bs. C. L. Cot
ting. Tukv Motive.
Wiso peoplo who have bought their
DUOOB from ub can got them repaired by
1 a b.ullod workman at the following low
prices: Sewing rips and tacking soles
free, ! soling mons bIiocb nniled nn 50
cents, womeiiB' shoos 35 cents, boys shoes
35 cents, children'n 25 cents. Best of
solo leather used. PatcheB 5 to 15 cents,
Peoplo who Imvo not bought their gooda
from us should loose no timo in doing bo
for wo lire tanking lower priceu on hotter
gooda thnn evur boforo.- IllakcBleo &
Go to tho "Lake" Kor fresh groceries
Tho "Lake"' is to becomo a popular
place, not only ub a rosort for tho weory
but a good place to invest your money.
Dr. Ciilliinort! oroiniilui.
Dr. Culllmoro, oculist to Missouri
Pucillo railway, Oinalia, will meet bis
eyo and ear pntionts in Hed Cloud on
July lHh and 10th nt . McKeeby'B of
The list of hit tern remaining at the
.loBtolllco uncalled for uptoJulv 5th
MIon.R.I. MathowB, Kov. K. W.
Miller. J. II. Mel-'nrlln. I,.
Moody, W. K. Phillips, A. A.
'Alio aoovo loltoni will Do iienl to tlio
lead letter office on July 19, 1891, if not
.ailed for.-- ris.v.NK W (.owiikk, pot
uaoter, Hed ('loud, Nobrasku.
Ut'iil l'uilh never grows weak by anylug
to wait, Siilfcrvrs taking llooil's Huihii
par ilia for cliranio eninplaliiU tli-'ulil be
putl4iit and tli rtuilt will lio Hutinfaotory
ltooil'8 Cutiin.
Hind's Pills not eauily, yet proniptlj
,uut ulleluntly, on tho livur nml bowels.
'.Tt ear. to,
- -
Prof. Houdriokfl was in Kuiifiih erect
ing ti monument ut hiu wife's gruvu this
H7gajx- 'SftK'''
JHl a.lfry. -x ' "l
y5VV J.1
. ft A I
Mr: Enaty n It. Smith ,
nna, Cal.
Like Other Women
I iuvf I lufftrtd for 85 yaars with a complication
of trouble i, with continuous, nunoit unbtara
bis pain la uij buck, the drip abo proitra-
Hood's Saraa-
1 & par ilia'
te4 ns. But Hood's
Sarsapullla hat cured
mm yff all MV IrnnTil.l
nil I ntinnt unpftk too rwr WW
highly ot It. Mns, i:.H, .Smith, llox 8? Etna, CaU
IHRISTUN Church-HerTicr Huadavnt 18:,
a m slid 7:3U pin Huti,li. tmolHtUnuan
Y P S U B at :J0 p in and V I" . C li Junior J at
CONIttlKOATIONAr. Cliureli-Hervle nt IDs
SO am, ami 7.30 p nuHinulnv "clioiilnt 11:30
a m, V r S O K at 6:30 p 111 ami V 1 !i C E Jua
lor?) at 4 p m.
MrriI()I)IST I'hurrh
ninl 7:30 p.m.. Ku
i-rvlrc st Id .T) n. m.
ninl 7:30 p.m.. Kpwiirth League ut 0;JU p,
m. Hnnday .Scliool at 11 tin i in
Iil'ISCOl'AI. Church- HitvIoi'1 every two
J weKn, by appointment. .
T.UTIIKRAN ChurcJi-Kvery llilrd Siiml.ty
tJ morning at 10 o'clork.
rjATHOLIC Church-Services t nppolutmcnt.
BAPTIST Cluircli No roisiilur sorvli'iw. Sun
ilavRchool(rci;uUr)at iiuiiti. ItV 1' U at
CllArKI Sunitav school at 3 p in every Sim
ilar. socii:tii:.
A OU W Kach nltenntu Tiiciilny eveiiliiK
HEN AOIifm boilKO .sulSU, ItJO K every Mon
durnimit. (1AI.ANTHK Lortue Now, h'liuhts (if I'jthlun
Tliurgday ercnlnc.
RFI) Clondlldce No Bin. Mudeiu Woodrmm
t America. altHrti.iti- Wi.,Iii,mU vln
VALLEY Uxtiifl Ne r., l-'iateuml Order of Pro
tectors, Aral nnd llilrd Motidv nt each
piIAMTY lidco No M A V nml A M ohcU
V Friary bvihiIiik 1111 or lielore thn full tuoou.
RED Cloud Chapter No IU. li A M ultvrunto
ThnraJay evening.
CYRI5NK Coinmoiidery No u ulieriiuUf Thurs
ilty avanlMg. -
CUIARITY Chapter Knttern tr No 47 alter
' nate Tne irtav etPiili't;
GARKIEr.U l'nu No SI 1 A It Monduy cvon-
Ing 011 or lefiire Hie full monri.
GAHFIKI.l) W It C No U meets alternate Sat
iirdnvafternoou. Tlf AIIY fSEKIW Mclir.NUY Tent No tl Uauht
" want Veteraim Mnii'luyi'VPiiing.
H KALKY Camp No 'J3,S of V Tuevlay eve
lllllK CHKKHAN CIrel No.lT l.idlos nMholj A It
J lint and third Siitiinl.-i)- evpiilii.
IJKDCLOUIX'oiiuell No ID l.iyalIjtlo LR
? Ion ot America first ami llilrd Friday cra
ning. 3
L.t.1.CT KmJ
V-f 1 1 1 I ' H
? p
3 2
iTIlll'UcI Kt'lioit.
(Corrected Wei-Klv t
Wheat ?
Max I 107 1 l.-
HogB .J .J(l
FatcowB '2 OO&.'i IK)
Huttor 7
l'otatoon l 0001 10
Chickens ,iu. 175
'I'urkeyH ,. n
lietail priceof tho lied Cloud Milling
Co., Hoiiib:
Monogram Fault I CO
1 loyal patent i? eaek IK)
H.of lJ.S.' wick 75
Tht) Kpworth leiiguo ir tho M. I',
ehuich will give a ,lulv I'JIh, 181)1,
Watch for further ptirtu-iil.u i.
I'ltriH I.aiui".
For fiirni Ioiiiih n-e. A. II. (. 1 ay.
- - -
I'.jo hikI i:U rMii;;tun.
Dr. Culllmoro In lied Cloud July Dili
nml 10th at Dr. McKeehv-B ollkc.
Liulieti wiuhmg a ii.iiiiifiiiil rellneil
I'oinplovioii 1110 iciMieateil In . nil on Mru.
I. A. I'raine. Fieo limh given away
evei v ilnv. 1 . .1 . ..
'- I I -VI Jl
Dr. Prlcc'u Crenui Haklng PowJcr
World's Pair Highest Awnrd.
I ' g -a y
5 g ESS tri
P1 T KniSlri -
-i y k-
mi ..... . -,-p. -
HE222SESSE2SZ,!,f?3C T"-? rrm -v --. r- -