The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 06, 1894, Page 3, Image 3
'!" "Ti Am t BMHWiWMfcfW 5' THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. FRIDAY. JULY (?. 1894. 3 ?. 1 IVORY 4j IVOR W 50AP I . J J miC A jm styjwv rvi k " w v FOR CLOTHES. thc naoc-rcn a gamble co , ciht. Mi?j Willow C'rvt'k. Oraco Godwin va married Slnlc MllC. KILLED INSTANTLY fi$w A MOD. Mrs. Suulon'i children ara liavint; ' .nti N'eim .iioMViiiro,riHg,-o Kcpn tlnno -Oth sit her brother in law'nl 'tho uiratlep. hutur near MnitiniM, to a Mr Heel ell Mr, I), II S tliuy, 1 am. Those ho attrnici Dillion and hr diuuh- (it Ilmiic wont (D Guitlu Hock one THE COUNTKY NEWS MANY INTERESTING ITEMS OF NEWS. l'urnUlicit li) Our Alilo Coip ! Country Correspondent, ln Inlly lor.lho IN intern olTlic Chlol t' " utjiltti'j: from tit s vicinity were, N Godwin Mill wife, (.'.ilcj, Hsie ar.d lMna Kdson. Hutiry lirubaktr killed a hi ink ult r it killed 1!) chicken-, .l.ik Jjhjv killid one after it liad killed 'J 7 'li ckfiu. A U JJon killed anotWr iftcr it killed l!i chicken. lion llruncr has friends viiitinu; him. Lightnini! struck A J lion's hog pas ture fence the lU of July and bumed 3evcr.1l pnU. Morn June Oth a irl to Mr and. Mr" Eficy. Mr? Carpenter ha reluriied home from l'aru where hc has been attend ing school, alio has been a ttachcr every line sho was 1 1 years old. iJunna Moushaiif: Las returned home from l'cru . Joe lirubakcr returned from Law tencc county ths othcy day. Mamtouia. Coivlcs. The wcedrf arc growing as well c thc corn. Mr. Cutter was in town Wulniflda) puting up a header, The Itfd Cloud nine did us up the last time scoro '2'2 to 2'J. 0, W. Ilagcr in raiMfg his house and putting a utono wall under it; it would be a wise iuvebtment for otlieis to do likewise. Jude Sapp was in town to thc ball game and was feeling fine as well as Tlio farmers arc commencing to harvest. John Hutchinson iu the lnppicst man in town; it is a boy this time. We were pleased to shako hands with our old friond Mr. Button; he gays he don't care to livo in thc des strts of Nebraska. Dr. Hall says his patient with thc broken leg is almost well. Tbo omiutttces on exercises for thc celcbia'ion met evrj evening to tran sact business, Sally was quito talkative thu other day, I think bho is tiying to make a mash on soma one; how is it Silly? Can you tell when the road ii clear? DmiWAMini. . ....- JiiiInoii. An Epworth League was organized at Mt. Hope last Sunday with Miss A J Wilson as president and Miss Mary Mountford vice-president. Thc lmgue starts out with about 1-0 members. Tno first meeting will be held next Sunday at early lamp light, wo wish them gucces and hop their Bumbtrs will increase. All aro invited to at tend. It Oillis says it is hard work to kill sunflowers but harder still to gtt a girl; look out girls there is a chance. S Mountford was vibiting at Clark Steven's last week. Miss Scrivncr was visiting at Mr. Spp's last week. S Mountford will bo able to take the girls out riding now, as he has got a oarl and harness. The Sherwood baso ball team play every Saturday afternoon. Jlatvesting is on in full blast. The wheat crop is very light. Coin is growing fine sinco the rains. Whcie tbo furineis luted up their oats thoj say tbo ehinch bugs are killing the young corn, W still sto Boino tanners planting oom, and wo woudcr if thoy nil! plant torn all summer. Mountford had his wheat cut Inst waek. Trio following was accidcnlly omit d lait week: Thoro'ii n pair of little lunula Laid to rest for our moro U'hero'H (o jioiuly dimpled olieoUd Tlmt rich blchHinc Ih o'er Death him sealed two little ojoa That will no moro Piniloor weep, Tiny window h of tlio soul Littlo lloulairoKouo to (deep. There's another bud reinoed J'.ioit fell tho blilo of bin. Tli much tbo dooi tlio unrein nindo D.nlinK llculah has piuscd In, Km liD) nml the iiine nUion, Whoto tlio tim ntar cien neon From nil enith'fl md doubtnnud fears Littlo liuuhih's Kono to i.leop, Tbo dainty Kiiruiouts wrought with cure, Through happy hours foi love's riiko nro laid nwiiy foi ono moio fair, Tliuu niotlior'n hands can in,il;e; How could wo liear this heavy croHa The lonolinesg, tbo cruel li.dn. Did wo not know our curl hi) lot.9 Islier oteinnl pilii. ' Sho will waho in fairer hinds Whoro tlio uniU'lV MiieeH piny, '1'boro the lloweilets eludl ipund Thoio uliall lou's perfeetion lirhiff, film bus lenehed tbo (olden t-lmro ThroiiKli thu ilver euld and iU ji mjol8 lmro her pufely I hero, Littlo Uoulidi's gone to bleep, Sm. Whe.i Ilby was diet, wo cto lier Ciwlo'Ja. li Klionnt a ClilM.slia crlul for CiutnrlA. Wlun Ut became Mls, tia clunB to CnRtorlft V.'Uea slio liaj UkiMrco, sho gao Uicm Costorla llalin. The dlh has como and gone Kvcrett Ilean has a new buggy. Andrew Anderson has a new wind mill. Win Brotthauor has bought a new biuder. Charley Lino was in our locality Sunday, lhiiory llcan of Cowlei was in our locality Monday. ' Albert Wilson and family were vis iting at J C Wilson's Sunday. A Hudrcau was heading wheat in our vicinity last week. Arthur Wilson and wife and Mr Cooper and family were visiting at C II Wilson's Sunday. Kvcrett Bean and Henry Humbaugli and their families were visiting at1 J Bran's Sunday. day lat weik. iKe KiuJit 1 on the nick liM. (.Mr. linnet's unit to (luide Buck i In1 lib. Wim who has been on th sick lint, i-i sonio bettor. Mot eei)bod) had gieon apple pin fur the lmrlli. Suudy, July 1st, tho Weslejnn MethodiHlH had baptizing at the Re publican lit or. Mr. Valontincr and Mis Maud Line were bnptiod. Rev. BjII lil'cd his nppoiulmctit at Maple Urovolnit Sunday. Rev. Adaiiii did not ouiuo to North Branch Ust Sunday. Have you noticed how n man in a sultry day will tako off his hat, look into it for an instant as if he expected to find fU'inetliing refreshing then don it again with a disappointed air only to doll it BL'iin, But a disannointod air is better than non at all in a dead calm. It I lUt I'll. Did jou got Boino ox? Whero did jou upnd jour-lth. Harry Kck's bicycle is laid up for rpaiiri. T.vo brothers of Miss Mjra Horman called on her one day last week. Tho "slaughter house" should b'c removed from tho pionio grouabs. A new doctor from Plymouth, Neb,, has huug out his shingle in this town. Runaway No. 2, C D Apley, no damag dono only to shafts and harness. W J Whittcn and family of Bluo, Hill wro visiting at V S Hall's la's! Thursday. Mr and Mrs Jno West of Blue Mill wcro tho guests of Mrs 1 'ash by Thursday. ' ' Rev Snow who has been visiting his old homo in Illinois returned home last Thursday. The attendance at the county alli ance meeting on tho 3d was not near ao l.ii no as expected. Mr and Mis LewiH Ivith of Wilcox wcro spending a tow days among friends of this vicinity last week. Quito a number of ladies of the Baptist society met last Thursday at grandma Monroe's ato ice cream and sewed carpet rags and cpnt a ery sociablo afternoon. L. 1'. Spenco went to Ong Tuesday morning to upend tho Fourth, The Laud to which he belongs furnished tho musio for that city and could not possibly get along without him. Frank Croner and Henry Kirby re ceived iilw w'leols this week calUd tho Crypto, und differing from a safely, in having a large wheel in front and a small ouo bohind, and the gearing iV cngs instead of chain, Tho ico ciciim and cake sociible (riven by Uio ladies of tho Congrega tional bocicts at Mr Rudd'slastThur diy roning was well attended and a vory nooiablo tunc passed, those pres ent seemed to enjoy theiiibolvis very much. A lady hv the namo of Birker liv ing mar Cunipbtll walked into town Sundiy 'i ning and com plumed (hit Iit hiisban I bad been cruelly boating and whippini: her, and shn was going to luavu and she had no nione; a I purso was nindo up of rnouah to buy 'her a tkkot to Dewitt. Itlvcrloii Slomii !) Woulit. Frniih I!. Pock Kivcrton, Nebraultn. clonus und d)cs clothes, und guiirimtcefi satisfaction in till cubcs. Sliipping cluires pain one, way. Quick time and moderate prices. Ladies' dresses, clonks. capes, jackets and wraps of all kinds cleaned und d)cd to look liko nuw. I'nink K. l'cck. 4w NKUItALOIA enrra nv Dr. MlleV Pain 1'ills. "Ono cent u Uino." At all druKlstx. nrU or Tlniiik. Tho undorsifneil hereby express their sincwo thnuks(to the lire company nnd all others for tbo heroic work dono on tho 27th ult., to snvothoir property from lire. Thoyjipprccinto tbo olTorts of all, undo anil feinnlo. And heartily thunk them for interest manifested and kind ness showed. Oio. O. Yi.isnt i.i '' Itcalrifc C'liaulaiiqiiii Amciii lily. Juno -') to July 1, BurliiiKton Route ayunls ut stations within 150 miles of Bentrico will sell ticket to tlmt city at ouo faro for tbo round trip. Juno 21 und -'.', tbo sumo low rate to Bentrico will apply froni-nll stations in Nebraska. Tickets und full information upon ap plication to ltciil B. & M. ugont. I'nrin l.oaii. If you want u loan on first class hind I can gie)ou a 6puciul rate. Lowest in ttri'yflt opUon to pay part or ull ut any year.. ..Cull or writo to mo. , - C..l', Red Cloud, Neb. Taken tip. Six miles northwest of Red Cloud, ono durk brown Toxns colt. Owner can liavo siiuia by proving snmo nnd Bottling costs, etc. Frank Jiskra. ' ' Not ice. Tho Webster County Mutual Protec tion nnd Anti Jlorso Thief Association mouts in Cowles, tlio Inst Saturday of tieoh month, nt'2 p. in, ' tf , I'lios.Hoonso.v, See. I'rmu mi litnlm Moti VA!.i.f Ma., July 0. Seventy-live innk(Hl men from lltirko entereil tho town of (lem nnd seized nml bound Bit periiiteiident Nell nnd Porcnum Sutn liters of the ?oni inini', and Frank Big gins nml Writ, nonunion miners. Tho mob ptiirted for tbo blacksmith shop wheio John Nebo win working. Nek) saw them coming und sprung through tho back window. The mob 11 ml, kill ing him Instantly, and his body tolled down the hill. Tlio lenders of tho mob held n short consultation und gave it signal to close In mound tho prisoners, who were then mnrched over tbo rnngo toward Mon tana. When woid reached Wiillaco many deputies were sworn in und citi zens joined their orgnnlrntlon. Thsy are now In pursuit of tbo mob. The trouble Is n revival of tho fight of lbtU. Union men have made frequent threats to drive out nil nonunion miners, nml n few weeks ago fixed Juno 17 as tho date nonunion men must louve tho Coeur 6V Alcne region. fiolillcr nml Hiiltor Monument. Clavemm), July 0. Tho Cuynhoga soldiers nnd pallors monument, was dedicated amidst tho plaudits of thous. nnds of enthusiastic people The presence of Govonior McKinloy na president ol tho day nnd of ox-Uovcrnor Joseph II. Fornkcr nnd Hon. V. I. Klein as ornton mndo tbo occasion memornble. Ths monument in located in Monumental square ntnl cost about fJOO.OOO. Denver Hunk Ulrocton Sued. DnsvKtt, July 0. Thomas 13. Stuart, assignee of tbo Colorado Savinirs bank, lias begun suit against the directum foi I lno.uOU, which will be required to liiiul date tho claims of depositors. Tho bill alleges that tlio dlrcctois willfully vlo luted tho banking law, loaned money to Irresponsible parties und on lusuftlcient security and received deposits after the bank bocamo insolvent. HERE is Health in the Wheel. Finn muscles, good complexion, and cheerful spirits are the result of nlentv of out-door exercise and sun shine. Cycling is the popular sport of the day. .m, The 1894 Columbias aro a realization of the ideal in bicycle construction a triumph of Amer ican skill and enterprise. Con stantly advancing in the line of Ride a Columbia progress, Columbias still maintain their proud position as the standard bicycles of the world unequalled, un approached. .,,,, ' , . 1 l l'OIT. Mt 0. CO , lluiton, New Yuik, Ctilcafo, lUrUord. A ttiutilul llltutntot ciulogiie (ree at our Jgciules, or by mill tor l 0 j-cenl tumi. awFj; IHrwfj .iv.. : r 4 -t ' f inonoy 10 Loan. , I bnvo monoy to loan. Monoy on lnnd oady for use. 1). 13. Spanogle. . Tbo City Uifth Uoortis is tbo pluco to visit llieso windy dusty dii)s. ltoinom- lipr they nro open from 0 u. in , 11 p. 111,, every day ocopt Sunday. ..!. Ill , Children Cry for Pitcher' Castorla. Notice to 'A'cuclicra. Notice is hereby eiven that I will examine 'all persons who maj desire to oiler tliomticlvcs as candidates for teachers oftho publio sohools of this county, at Hod Cloud on tho third Saturday of caeli mouth. Special examinations will bo held on tho Friday proceeding tho 3d Sat urday of each month. Tho standing required for 2d and 3d ftrado certificates ia the name no grado below 70 per eont., average 80 per rent; for first grade certificate no grade below 80 per cent., average DO per cent, in all branches rcquirod by law. D. M. IIuNTEn, County Supt. .............. ..P... ................. J. H. Davis & Son, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. i uleo make Farm Loans. Olllco in Moon lilock, Rod Cloud, Nob They have sonic vory line bar gains in hind. Parties wishing to buy .should cull on or undress the above hllssin insane! Itecolvor McNeil Take CliBrg. Foiitlanu, Or., July 0. Edwin Mc- riell, receiver of tho Oregon Kallwoy nnd Navlgntion company nssumed control of tho road Wodnesday. Ho issued u goii' end order retaining all of tho presoct ofllcers and employes. W. II. Kennedy WU3 appointed chief engineer. Death of Clilcngu Editor. CiliCAdo, July tl. James Bullivan, po litlcal editor of tho Chicago Tribune, died suddenly Wednesday afternoon In tbo rooms of tho newspaper club, of which ho was the president. Donth re sulted from heart disease or npoplexy. Lalil tlio Curneratono. SitiNUFiuui, Ills., July . The comer. stono of the $100,000 cxKltiou building at tho Illinois stato fair grounds was kid with imposing ceremonies, L. A. God dard, grand master of tho HUroli Masons, couductixl tbo ceremonies. Cut 1114 Clill.tnii. Throat., H. D July C.-K. D. Quum, u Norweglun farmer, liecniuo bo worrletl over ciop prospects thut ho cut the throats of his two children, nged 0 and 8, throw them In n well, cut his ova throat and jumped in after them. Klcnriigun Out For the Cnnnl. Nnw Youk, July . President Bnrt lctt received 11 cablegrom irom Nicnrn gun saying tlio government has with drawn nil opposition to tbo canal and that tho woik will bo begun soon. lliulnrM Men Drownpil. East Rockawav, N. Y., July fl. Tbreo New York business men were drowned nt Hayes island inlet. Thoy wero on tbo sloop Onzclle, which cap sized in a sudden squall. Aiiiilvurnitry of l'oiiioroy' Cyclone. Foiit Down:, In., July (J. Poineroy will huvo niemoilal services Friday, tho anniversary of tho cyclone disaster. K. M. Wright of Fort Dodgo will bo orator. Ilonry (Irovu Nrarly Drutrnjrtd, D.i.i.rt, July 0. Fire, originating in nn explosion of fireworks, destroyed tho greater part of tho town of Honoy Grove. Loss nbout fJOO.OOO. Will Uo a ToUl Lou. Pout Tow.nsbmi, Wnsh., July . Tho bark IS. K. Hull, which went ashore 011 Duugciict-s Spit, will Ik a total Iosh. ltlihnril Crukcr Ilaik Again. Nkw Youk, July 0. Hichtird Croker nnd two sons an I ved aboard tho Majes tic, in the best of health and spirits. TELEGRAPH NEWS NOTES. John Duiilap, n farmer, shot and killed himself at YouiiKstnwii, O. Ilushwss re verses uusettlcd his niiml. Tho expert insanity testimony In the French murder caso was IIiiIhIiwI nt Aih land, Wis. It has reached the jury. Tho state encampment, Sons of Veter ans, opened at Kokomo, Ind. Thero Is a lively rivalry for tho conininudernblp. A. J. IloNser has been appointed re ceiver for Hedrick Uros., contractors ol Chicago. They w ere bulldlug H Iiouilh nt Porter, Iud. Clark Prichctt was shot mid fatally wounded by his son Van nt Nashville, Tenn. Tho llriishart Lumber company of Portsmouth, O., nssluned to J, H. Dodgo Lliilillltles, Wn.lKKI, iiKsi-ls, MiKX). Henator Lode ilcnleil thu Htateinent hent out that he n Hat Islled that four memheiH of the heiiate had shared (n the ii-suIIh of KUKiir spe iilatlnn. tieorgii Mtd'ee, 11 l.oillxvllle convict, Htnhhcd ami iiibtautly killed Charley Thomas, auothei-convict, ut the Frank fort Penitentiary. On account of the iiillrond strike the tneetliiK of the Xoith Amcrlcnn Turner bund, to ho held nt Denver July8tol3, was IniU'llniti ly postponed. While 011 the stand in the I'leiich mur der ensi4 at AhIiIiiiiiI, Wis., Dr. Kmnpster said the Koveiiiuieut nave m-eret Instruc tions to the e.pfitn to lliul uailleld'sas- Webster county Fair AT RED CLOUD, At their Fair Grounds West of the City, Sept. 5, 0, and 7, 1893. Positively to be the Best Exhibi tion ever held in the county. P Large Premiums, Fine Racing, Grand Display Make your arrangements to come. Consult your township auxiliary president, for further information. Do your best to help make the fair a success. R.L.ALYE A, President. D. J. MYERS, Secretary, Red Cloud. Served Exclusively to the 21477,212 People admitted to the World's Fair Grounds. CUIUS WHIHt All Flht tAIIH. I IlCSt C'uuiib Kjrup. Tblus tibod. C in iirun. pom nyurDinii.l. 1 Ah ii ii-siilt of the inirease in the tax on , whlfkv Cincinnati distillers have ail- vnuced tho ii leu of splrltH :iLentHKaIlon. lioNtruor Pick, Colonel I). A. DlMnu nntl othutH nddressud the Wisconsin Cav 1 nlrv nsgticiutlon, which met iu annual re union at Madlion. Universally accepted as the Leading Fine coffee of the World. For sale only by Sherwood & Albright. SMITH & CO.. Pnoi'iUKTortH op tlI wv wiAir w.wmm ib iMU iWJP M-Mf tAT-Ws tiMk iJfiij WSiitia tI Mym, W Orders promptly flllod. 'Sour patrounae BOlloItod h flllnjC 2ffi is3. li i w v Sf'. V B m a"awfIW8riMB6T.-- .X0 T''f""WWWMKf" "AriiiiiMii i- milt-... wp.iili.ii,imflmMiw.iw irw IL. .THWSWJJfllt&SSfK