The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 06, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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'-!! m 'i -frftT
"-- "V- vNAi'j''Bff
,f ;
L - f
D. B. Spanoglc,
Real Estate
and Loan Agent
Red Cloud.
The Book of
The Fair."
Tly II. II. linncroft, "The HUtottao."
A work of Ono Thousand Imperial Polio
pages, twclvo by elxtosn inohee,
printed on the flnaat enameled
paper, on tho Mlohle preaa, M ex
hibited in Machlnorjr Hall. Tbla
work contains
Twenty-five Parts
Forty Pages Each.
There will be over 2,500 SUPERB PIC
tures ot nil sizes up to a full pag.
A chnptor on
Fairs oi the Past
From tho Crystal Pnlnco of 1852 to the
Paris Exposition of 1880. The
Exposition was but for a moment
while tho book is for all time, and
Should be in
Every Home
Sold by subscription only, on easy pay
inents of G coots a day. For
further particulars apply U
ypAgont for this company.
But wo can prove what we
say, and we say that wc can
fell you better goods for leas
money than anybody in our
line. We have the
and tho
They can't be beat for this
hot weather. Wo also have
another carload of
which is tho best wire on
earth and the price is as
low as tho lowest. Buy
While it )H cheap. All sues
Window Screens
Screen Doors,
Always in stock.
l mm & u
Tl is Him !
(Outi jjgsmgn
Laxative and If amra Tokhl
ntataoracnt brEMll. SBo-fiOn.
per package Fampteafree.
The Fhvorlta TOOTI KWOTI
ani "Bhtloh'a Catarrh Homed? la tha flrit
BMdKnnql bare over found thnt would do me
aygood." frico CO eta. Bold by DruggHU.
SHILOH'S cure;
r Vna Oihjat Covatr Cum promptly ewrai
WbereaU other fall. For CoatumnHon It baa
BOnrai; nuenrea tnouiinaa, aa taken in time. ffrictMni
For ftalc by . I. Collins,
Cietld Nebraska.
"The" Watch.
For timekeeping and durability nothing
ucais mo sovoniccn joweleil
Dkuiikk Hampjjkx Watoh.
and examine thorn. Also his lino ot
Jewelry, Diamonds,
spectacles, Clocks,
rlntert and solid nllvenwiri, sonvcnlr spoons,
pearl linndlcd knives mid forks, cimlm; sets,
calling card caies, bon boti boxes und other
tlOYfll e. A llnu Unu nt Ntivt.LPlii nml nip
glasses with IntorclmiiKulilo Hmsi's. steel, nlrkel
ai'vrr mm koiu ironies, epcciai nnu ciireim HI
tcntlonimld tonttlnntliu ejo. My line ot 2nd
llftllll WillcllcH Is filllly lili'. I will run llmm nil
at less than their actual worth.
asyUnuR j our watch, clock and Jewelry re
pair work, jour onuravlntc and your old gold
aud illrer to mo,
Fartr) Loarfs
At .
E, A Sittpsol,
Bias V Neb,
Ho, There
Farmers !
Hitch TTp !
ut bofuro jeti do como nround
HarncsH sliop nml buy a now sot
of liuiiiLnutdo linmoss. Have
reduced all (rooda In Ilia liar-
iicss lino. Here aro a few of
our prices:
M200hnrnoes for
.'W.00 " " ....
28.00 ....
27.00 " " ....
20.00 " " ....
.... 28C0
.... 27.00
.... 20.00
.... 23.00
And all goods in proportion. All work
Kiiurantocd IlopuirinK and trimming
uono on Biiori noiico. j. u, liutlcr.
Annual i:liuiuto.
At a rRiiUr mretlni; of th city council, htltl
.Inn ii It. ihM, t'lerk was lustrucind to make
the follow im Hilumtu f the probible ex
passes of th iisuliiK)ear and Uan th same
iuiblltlird In two or mote ot tho eitj luiiors for
("iir rousei'iitlve woiiks;
Mtiryot itiuid 9 coa o
Water and Htrettilaminissloncrs una 00
KoKlmer imooo
Int.riM on Water HmiiN Vw 00
latfrrsiii'.lrclrlul.lRlit II11111I1 a!i) DO
'oor I'niiil 'iinrti
n. , lit, I,, ,,,.. ....,.,
Kor nulutai-iliiK Hlwlrlc I
IJI8 00
Hicwiiaiicoiis .
S(!K 00
W. I', Wl'RT.
u. . . . . City ;irk,
Hlatcmtiitot lorenuo for tlal jearot iriui
nty I'oor I'uml ..,...., ikb-jo
Liij (iceiiiuiiou., ...,,... . JfTi3 7l
Water lvv...
vucrni ruiiu ...,...
, lit I 28
. 719 47
Umeral Lcy 'w..
I aflf "
l-rJMCaraWBBBBBBBU bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV9wbbbbbbbbbbIVS
Assucctnsloto first, .polon,
Anil fair us tlio lllyV ioe,
Hlio titnmls In tho window luoVlngont
When tho ilny Is nt Its close.
filio's half (.out rah il In tho curtain.
Ami I, In Ihu tulllittit Iincc,
Am uutihljitf tho sun'n Inst splendor die
And tint her check with Its rays.
llcrojcs, llkonllniifd curront,
Reflect wlillo iiat mo steal
Tho i iilm uf i heart Inured to pain.
Or the iKinco of u iiroinUtd wil.
I fancy lier lips llko roso lcncs.
Fresh curled nt tho wako ot day,
Whm tho dew comes out from tho sweet
luwn urnns
To hutiuy theui with Its spray.
Mr throat's itilorncd by a nccklaco,
Sho must bo drentusd for tho ball,
Ami, to, bcr colliuro Is powdcr'd white,
And o'er lior shoulder's a shawl.
Tho sun has sunk In Its setting
That circle which bands tho sides
Ami stilly drop tho curtains of night
Till my vision numbs my eyes.
Hut still sho does not see mo
Intent on my ov'nlnK utar.
Like n Venus there In tho nuw moon's light,
bliu beams so near and yet so far.
When, lo, the room Is IIrIiIciI,
And tho iimlvlahrn'ri ulenm
ItcxenlM n "Mnluu" of Venus thcr'o
"Ail tlilnm nro not w hat they teem."
Uobort l'itthcr. Woodward.
Midway between Knropu and Africa,
its shores washed by tho bluo waters of
tho Meditenanean, lies tho littlo iHlnud
of Miiuucn. Out of tho beaten lino of
travel, overlooked ly encrgotio tourists,
it holds its only dlrcet cotninuuicntiou
with eivillution through tinnip nteam
ers and tin occasional yueht.
Minorca ban well ni,'h forgotten tho
outsido world, and with tnio stHithern
indolence dreams over its own petty in
terests unless wakened to Hutldeu but
ornnoHccut nctivity by Homo ovcut out
of tho common.
Tho largest city Port Muhon clam
bers up nud down tho cliffs of its lovely
harbor in an nimlchs way, and on flnb
approaching two things stilko you, tho
dazzling whitcuchS against tho intcnao
bluo of sea and sky and tho monotony
of tho flat roofed, chlmuoylefis houses.
Tho cobblo paved streots aro marvel'
ously clean, mid tho people, in their
quaint, gay costumes, stand out with
picturosquo effect against tho stuccoed
walla wlrich Huo tho wny.
On n cliff overhanging tho harbor and
tho city is 11 plaza called tho Alameda,
where n few ilex trees nfford n grateful
shade On ono of tho low stono benches
many a pleasant hour may bo dreamed
nwny, "watching tho shadows chaso each
other over tho swelling hills nud mend
ows beyond. Now and again tho soft
wind wafts prrfamo from tho nlmond
Diossoms wnicn 110 ituo Hakes ot Know
on tho baxo Holds stretching awny to tho
blae water.
Qno evening not long ago n younf
girl was seated on tho low wall watch
ing tho him staking hi tho cloudless
sky. Tko usual threo cornered man
tilla draped her graceful head, und her
long, slender lingers toyed with tho
ends hnngiiig over her shoulders. Sho
represented out of tho better class, wkh
tho iutonso homtheui beauty of the peas
ant idealized. Hor black hair waved
off n low forehead, ptiltlehs of tho
pointed, "friz" which dlhflgurcd tho
faco of thaso who apo tho Pnrisinn fash
ion. Her brows woro heavy, and her
dark eyes, riveted on tho harbor below,
seemed to reflect tho sunset light. Bho
was watching largo yacht which,
with idl (.ails Fot, was gliding slowly,
liko boino htatuly bird, to its anchorage,
Tho rattling of tho anchor clurins
routed her and broko tho loirg siloaco
which hho had w pci'sistcntly main
taiuod with her companion, a yotuig
man of Rptuiish type. A mixtnro of
northern blood lightened his olivo com
plexion nud lcfliied hissensuons houtliern
features. Ills wniHt was circled by n
red snHh, nud his woikworn hands twist
ed a bright colored turban, fashiouod
from n liugo handkerchief.
His piiFMoiuito gn'o I'ontiasted
strongoly with tho girl's indifference,
"La Delhi Jncquitn" hho was called,
nnd well did hho descrvo her nnmol
What was ho that ho hhonld wiu her,
after all?
Jncquitn looked up nnd smiled.
As when tho sun, breaking through
tho clondH, bathes tlio Holds in warmth
and light, ho did that smiio truusflguro
tho girl's fnir face.
Tho distant church clock i.truek 0.
Rising, sho drew tho folds of her man
tilla closer, and liftiug her eyes to his
said softly, "A Riverdel, Follpol"
His gno met hers pride, nnger, pas
sion in his eyes. Mnstering his excite
ment, ho spoko: "Jacqulta, bo careful I
I am not liko thoso silly lads who como
and go nt n girl's uod. Todpy I offer
you my life, my hc;irtl A man's deaicst
hopes nnd desires hnvo I laid baiv. How
havo you answered?"
Ho. waited. Jncquitn pushed tho
gravel potulantly with hor foot, watch
ing tho pobbles tly, withn half mocking
smilo on her lip's Again ho spoke:
"I know you nro 'La Delia' of Ma
lion, but I, too, havo prided Keep your
scores of admirers, but know thnt from
today thero is 0110 less ono mnn moro
is nothing in tho tnlo of your conquests.
You nro 'La Holla, ' and tho man who
makes yon lovo him must needs bo more
than human stronger than Iclipc,
Never ngniu will I bo ridiculed, mocked,
as I hnvo been today 1"
Jncqnitn trembled slightly, but sfrll
smiled. Sho waited. Then, looking up,
Bho wild, "Fulipo, I urn sorry" but
Felipo had gouo.
Thnt night Jncquitn wept wit h fear,
excitement aud tho triumph of having
brought Felipo so low its to beg her as
ho hnd done that evening. "Ho will io
turu, " thought alio. "They nlways do, "
Next day tho paity fioni tho yacht
made tho tour of tho town. A littlo boy
of about 0 years of ago was tho lifo nnd
center of inteiest of tho group. Clad in
a sailor buit, his golden curls waving
under his white cap, ho formed n (strong
contrnit to tlio dark skinned children
who stared as ho passed them by, X
t nu
pretty blond girl followed with an old
crly gentleman, nud ns sho wont along
Jncqnlto, seeing her oxqnisito fairness,
thought, "Tho angels must look like
thnt I"
All thnt dayFcllpo enmo not, and tho
ppcech of gcntlo reproof which Jacqulta
hnd prepared was not dollTcrcd. Hh
began to wonder whether she had hot
ter nccept him. Tho fun would thou bo
over, but supposing tho other thingl
Lifo would Ijo ns nothing with Felipo
left out!
Evening enmo nud found Jncqnitn
nnd her mother seated nt their door con
versing with tlio neighbors, leaning out
of window or strolling past. Tho "snm-mor-wluter,"
ns they call our "Indian
Bummer," lingered Into thnt year.
A group gathered, nmong them Fran
ceses, tho rival beauty. Sho was larger
in ovcry way than Jacquita. To many
sho was moro attractive, being less chary
of her brilliant smiles and jests.
"Host heard tho iiows?" sho was say
ing. "As tho 'Inglcsi' wero walking
back to tho yacht this nftcmoon down
on tho quay tho littlo boy, catch
ing sight of a largo dog ahead,
ran after him along tho edgo of
tho wator. Suddenly, 'Ah, Santissima
Maria 1' ho cried out and then tho wa
ter closed over him! Felipo was there
nud jumped in after him. Thoro was
no danger," sho added, glancing mali
ciously at Jacquitn's palo faco, "and in
n moment moro ho was being embraced
by tho piotty yonng lady. Bat Follpol
Milord overwhelmed him with thanks,
offeicd him money, which tho fool ro
fused, aud finally asked if ho know tho
sea und wouiU enro to como with him
ns 11 sailor. For n moment Felipo hesi
tated, but" and hero tho bright look
on Jacquitn's faco faded "ho finally
said, 'Yes, Milord,' nud so ho goes to
morrow I Ah, but ho is n brnvo lad, that
Felipe, and a lncky ono I Somo of us
will enre, but to thoso who havo no
hearts" and horo sho glanced coldly at
tho girl sitting hilcnt besldo her "to
thos.0 it will mako no difference."
Just then Felipo himself sauntered
up. Thero was n differouco between this
nouchalcnt' young sailor, bearing his
honors bo lightly, and tho passlonnto
lover of tho night before, "Good luck,
Felipo 1" somo ono called, nnd Francesco,
again tho hpokeswomau, cried, "Your
fumo has flown beforo jjou, nnd your
good fortuno makes us envi'ous."
Felipo turned to Jacquita. Sho waB
talking nuimatcdly to a young follow
be.sido her seemingly oblivious of all
else. Felipe's faco darkened. Then,
laughing, ho turned, saying: "Como,
friends, lot us havo n merry tlmoon this
our last night togothor. Como, drink
my health and prosperity with mo I"
"Si! Sll" they answorod.
Jacqulta alono declined. She was
"too tired," sho said haughtily. Fran
cesco, shrugging her shoulders, mur
mured: "Ono of her ugb mortis! Ban
tlsslmawhat a temper I"
Jnaojuttn listened to tho e treat in
fanrstops, and hor iomieast eyes filled
with tears, why, Bho woald Hot own to
hewolf. A quick stop Bounded, nvoico
wild, "Jacquita!" Something falso
prido iierhnps or fear lest Felipo should
seo hor weeping held down her eyes,
but she smiled.
"Thou didst not Bay 'Addio,' or oven
n lucky wash, Jacquita!"
Silence, then a smothered oath broko
from his lips, and cro sho could friuno
tho words of farewell still lingering on
her tonguo sho heard him striding down
tho stroot. As ho turned tho corner,
Himtchos of u waltz ono of Francesco's
favorites camo floating back to her.
Early tho next morning, while tho
Alameda yet lay wrapped in sleep, a girl
Ironed ovor tho son wall, gazing with
burning eyes at tho beautiful boat bo
low. Tlio bustlo of departuro rcarhod
her straining ears, aud sho saw a row
boat speed out to tho ship. A cheor roso
from thoso on shoro as with a final pull
tho anchor was hauled uboard. Tho
broad sails filled slowly, and sho slipped
away an silently ns sho enmo away into
tho purplo mists of tho morning, away,
nnd bearing with her nwholo lifo's grief
and disappointment.
" 'Lo Dcllo Jacquita' is going daft,"
cries Francesco as every night tho girl
walks to tho Alameda, watching for a
boat that never comes.
Ono ovoningsho Eat gazing nt a tramp
steamer just anchored. Sho recalled that
other night, and tho boat now bo far
away. Alas for tho prido of "Lo Bella
of Million!" Tlio setting sun covered her
with its golden light Her dark eyes
glow lnrger with unshed tears. Then a
voico said softly, "I havo como back to
seo if thou wilt yet Bay 'Addio,' mio
Jacquita!" Raymond Hunt in Ro
mnueo. Names of Milling Claims.
"In traveling through tho mining
region of Colorado ono is of ten surprised
nud nmuscd nt tho queer nnd fanciful
names given by tho miners to their
claims and mines," said a Denver man.
"Down in a deep gulch I camo upon a
brawny, full bearded man wielding a
pick vigorously in tho tunnel of tho
Unby Bollo mino. Near by was tho
'Girl I Loft Behind Me,' owned by a
haudbomo, strapping young fellow, who
no doubt had many happy, helpful
thoughts of tho girl ho had left behind
him while working eagerly nnd hope
fully on tho claim that might mako
them both rich. In another gulch wero
claims called 'Littlo Sassbox, ' 'Daddy's
Delight,' 'Tho Pretty Polly Pombcrton,'
'Thompson's Mulo,' 'Starvation,' 'Bust
ed' nud numerous othor claims whoso
names wero equally interesting. Tho
owncis of thoso claims aro likely to bo
qui to 11s happy without as with tlio for
tunes for which they seek. In many
cases thoy nro better off socking wealth
than they would bo iu tho sudden pos
session of it. "St, Louis Globo-Domo-crat,
Unlniieaclialrio Hnrety.
, Money Lender Ah, you hnvo oomo
for your money, but you wero to havo
brought a surety with you.
Client Oh, yes! I'vo got a bondsman
right 0 cough, only ho couldn't oomo to
day, as hi boots art la pas. Pafii
Jan. I M
(Successor to S. E. Coznd.)
llo is prepared to furnish you with tin elegnnt organ or ew
ingninchinofrom $25 up. (
He will nuilvO you most nny terms to suit you.
He will do your repairing cheaply.
Headquarters for all kinds of supplies for machine repairs.
Jos. G. J
Hollaiid House Livery Stable,
Has tho best rigs in tho oity and tho most roasonublo pridos.
Your orders solicited and fair treatment guaranteed. Barn
North of tlio Holland House.
Lincoln Absolutely
Pure Paints - -
is the best and cheapest. It will spread
farther and Inst longer than any other and you
get a full gallon of paint, with room to shake
it in every can, Wo guarantee satisfaction and
can prove what wo assert.
C. L. Cotiing, "The Druggist.',
All Grades guaranteed by the Mills.
ffiral clans work a specialty. Prices reasonable.
Oillcc llrst door south of Chief with W.r. Hull
See him before giving your order us It will be to your Interest
Jno. B. Wright,
Dgalgr hi Seeold-ard Goods
Moon Jtlocltf lied Cloud,
City Livery Stable ! J
Feed, Sale and Exchange Stable,
Finest Turnouts in the City.
Your patronage solicited. Barn east of Holland House.
X o V 1.
The furniture Man has
stock of
of every conceivable description.
Ro sure and
m Window
HI Wall
Sewing Machines
and Organs.
- lolcorb,
MONOGRAM, $1.00 Por Sack.
ROYAL PATENT, 90c Per Sack
B. OF B. S, 75c Per Sack.
JrZ i .1 iVJLY.,
an elaborate and unlimited
see his stock of
carpets, jj
A. !
1 "
fc.- s
t -'