The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 06, 1894, Image 1

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All Home Print.
or lliu tMrnt nuit I'iuuoiin President or
i:io United SlnliN liy nil Hurl)
AViKvrImiilciitN nnil Aiticuiiu-c
ol UN Mfc.
Campaign ok 177G.
the operations of General Wash
ington in New York and Now
tlMey. Tho baltlo on Long
Island. Tho retreat front Voik
Island and through J:rscy. The
battles of Tronton and Priuco
ton. Impressed with theso idea?, ho haz
arded his person for soma consider
ablo titno in rear of bis on n men, and
in front of the enemy, with bis horse'
bead teward tho latter, as if iu expeo
' tition that, by an bonorablo death, ho
might cscapo tho infamy he dreaded
from the dastardly eonduct of troops
on whom ho eould placo uo depend
ence. His aids, and ibo confidential
frionds around his person, by direct
violence, compelled him to retire Iu
consequence ef their address and ini
porluuity, a life was saved for public
ioryioo, which otherwise, from a sense
c'Jionor nnd a gust of passion, seemed
llNnTbo devoted to almost certain dis
truotion. Tho shameful events of this day,
hastened tho ovaouation of Now Yoitr.
Tiiis was effected with vory littlo loss
of mcu, but all tho heavy artillery and
a laigc portion of the baggage, pro
visions, military stores, and particular
u ly the tonts, wore unavoidably left be
' hind, The loss of the last mentioned
articlo wa3 sovcrcly felt in that season
when cold weathor was rapidly ap
l'hc British having got posicssion
of the city of New York, advanced in
front of it, and stretched their en
campments across York Island; while
their shipping defended their flanks.
Washinptou had made his strongest
poit at Kingsbridge, as that preserved
" his communication with tho country.
In front of this and noar to the Brit
ish, ho had a strouc detachment post
ed in an entrenched camp. This po
sition of tho two armies was particu
larly agreeable to him; for ho wished
to accustom his raw troops to face
their enemies, hoping that by frequent
skirmishes thoy would grow as famil
iar with I ho dangers incident to war,
as to fear them less. Opportunities
'of making tho experiment soon ooeur
red. On tho day afcer tho retreat
from Now York, a skirmih took placo
between an advanced dotaclunent of
tho British army and some American
troops, commanded by Col. Knowlton
f Connecticut, and Major Ltitch of
Virginia, Doth llieso officers fell,
bravely frghtiug at tho head of their
troops. Tho captains with their in on
kept tho ground, und fairly beat
their adversaries from tho fiold, This
was ilio iiist advantage tho army un
"der thn command of Washington had
gained in tho campaign. Its inilucnoo
on tho army was great, To incroaso
its effects, tho next day was "Leitli,"
and tho Gonoral gave public thanks to
tho troops engaged therein. IIo con-
rastcd tlioir conduct with tho Into
shameful flight of tho troop) from tho
woods on Kipp's Bay, and observed -
"That tho result proved what might
bo done, whore oihsors nud men exert
ed thamsolvca;" and again called on
all so to act as not to disgraeo tho
noblo causo in whioh thoy wore engag
ed." ,W
Gon. IIowo continued to prostcuto
JH'phcmo for cutting oil Washing
's communication with tho eastern
states, and enclosing him so as to
cotupil a general ongageuient. With
this view (ho rojal army landed on
Frog's Neck, in West Chester county,
and fojn after advanced to New Uo
ohcllc, and mado sundry succcssivo
movements, all calculated to effect
this purpose A fow skirmishes
took plaoe, but a general action was
c ire ful avoided by Washington, except
in ono casoj in whioh ho had such a
manifest advantage from his position
on hills near tho White Plains, that
Gon. IIowo deolincd it. Tho project
of getting in tho roar of tho American
army was in like manner frustrated by
frequent and judicious ohaages of its
position. Gon. IIowo failing in his
first design, adopted a new plan of
operations. His efforts were honccfor
ward dirtctod to an invasion ef New
Jersey, urging bin to put tho militia
f that state in tho best stato of prep
aration to defend tlioir country, and
also recomending tho removal of slock
and provisions from the sea coast.
About this titno Fort Washington was
taken by storm, and the garrison, con
sisting ef more than 2000 men, with
their oommander, Col. Migaw, surren
dered prisoners of war. This was tho
only post held by the Amerioans on
York Island, and was an exception to
the general plan of evacuating and ro
treating. Hopes had been indulged
that it might bo defended, and in con
junction with Fort Lee, on tho oppo
site Jersey shoro, made useful in em
barrassing tho passago of British ves
sels up and down the North river.
This post having fallen, orders for the
evacuation of Fort Lee wcro immedi
ately given; but before the stores
oould bo removed, Lord Cornwallis
crossed the North river with 0(100
men, Washington retreating before
him, took post along the Ilackensaok.
His situation thcro was nearly similar
to that whioh he hid abandon; for he
was liable to be enclosed between the
Ilackensaok and tho Pasaic rivers. He
therefore, on the approach of the en
emy, pasicd over to Newark, At
Brunswick Washington kept his troops
in motion, and even advanced a
small detachment, as if intonding to
engago tho enemy. Nor did ho quit
this position till their advanced
guards wcro in sight. Lord Stirling
was left at Princeton with 1200 men,
to wuteh tho British; and Washington
procoeded with the rcsiduo to Trenton.
There ho meant to mako a stand. Or
den were proviouily given to collect
and guard all the boats on tho Dola
ware Tho baggage and stores were
also passed over. These being scour
ed, Washington detached 1200 men to
Princeton, to keep up the appearance
of opposition, and boob follow with
about -OUU militia men who hail re
oct.tly joined him. Bcforo ho reaohed
Prinectoe, intelligence was received
that Lord Cornwall!, strongly rein
forced, was advancing from dircotions
with Ih': apparent design of getting
in his rear. An immediate retreat be
came necessary over the Delaware.
This was circled on the 8th of Do.
camber, Washington rccurcd all tho
boats on the Pcnnsjlvania side; broko
down tho bridge 8 on roads leading to
tho opposito shores, and posted his
troops at tho d.fferent fording places.
So keen was the perauit, that as tho
rear guard of tho retreating army om
balked, tho van of tho enemy camo in
bight, The British having drivrntho
American army out of Jersey, posted
thcmselviB up and down tho Delaware
and small parties passed and repassed
from ono to tho othci, without any in
torrupUon, They mads somo attempts
to get boats, but failed, Thoy also
repaired bridges that had bocn recent-
iv ucsiroycu anu pusueu lorwaru
detachment to Bardenton, This
Red Cloud, Webster County,
intended to iucreaso their chances for
crossing, nnd to embarrass Washing
ton, who could not tell from whioh of
their several positions they would
make tho attempt. Gon. Putnam was
in tho mean time sent on to superin
tend the erection of lines of defence
from tho Sehuylkill to tho Delaware,
for tho security of Philadelphia.
Small icdoubts wcro hastily thrown
up to guard tho fording places; and
Geimantown was fixed upon as a plaoe
of rendezvous, in caso tho British
should cross and drive tho Amerioans
from their extended encampment on
tho Delaware,
This retreat through tho Jerseys was
altondcd with almost every circum
stance that could occasion embarrass
ment or depression. Washington was
pressed with difficulties on all sides.
In casting his oyes around, ho could
not promise himself adequate support
from any quarter. His gloomy pros
pects were not brightcnod by any ex
pectations, on tho fulfilment of which
lie could depend. Distrusting, but
not desparing, he asked Col. Rood
''Should wo retreat to the back part of
Pennsylvania, will tho Pennsylvania
support us?" Tho colonel answered
"If the lower counties aro subdued
and givo up, tho back counties will do
tho same." Washington nobly ro
plied "We must rctiro to Augusta
county, Virginia, Numbers will bo
obliged to repair to us for savety, and
wo must try wuat wc can do in carry-
ing on a predatory war; and if over
powered, wo must cross tho Alleghany
mountain?." Gen. Washington had
uo cavalry but a small corps ot badly
mounted Connecticut militia, and was
almost equally destituto of artillery,
while conducting this retreat. It
commenced in a few days ftcr the re
duction of Fott Washington, in which
the flower of tho American army were
mado prnoners ef war. A creat part
of the rctrcatiag troops consisted of
theRO who had garrisoned Fort Lee.
These had bocn compelled to abaudon
tlioir post so suddenly, that they left
behind them their tents, blankets and
eooking utensils. In this situation
i hey retreated, badly armed, worso
clad and in many instances barefooted
in tho cold months of November and
December, through a desponding
country, moro diiposod to seek safety
by submission than resistance. Under
all these disadvantages, thoy perform
ed a march of ubout 90 miles, and tho
address to prolong it to a space of
n'netcen days, that as much timo as
possible might bo gained ior expocted
reinforcements to arrive. As they ro.
treated through tho country, soaroely
ono of tho inhabitants joined them;
while numbers daily flocked to tho
Britith aimy, nud took tho benefits of
a royal proclamation issued at this
critical timo for pardoning all who
within flixty da) s, would return to the
condition of British subjects.
To bo continued
Sec tlio World' Fair tor Fifteen
Upon receipt of your address and lif
ted! cents in poitago stamp, we will
mail you prepaid our Sonvenir Portfolio
of the World's Columbian fixpoaltioi), tho
regular prlco is Fifty cents, but ns wo
want you to have out, we make tho prioe
nominal. You will und it a work of art
and n thiuir to be prized. It contulim
full pige views of tho groat buildings,
Willi descriptions of ftnmc, and is executed
in highual stylo of art. If not fmtiitucd
with it, fitter you get it, wo will refund
tho stnm nnd lot yon keep the book,
AilcltesH, H, r nUOKLKH A 00,, Chicago
A cloudburst occurrod noar Wiohitn,
Kan. Sovorul email towns inundatod,
No Oriping, no Nausea, no Pniti, when
DoWitt'a Little Kiirly ItUors nro tnkuii.
Binnlll'ill. Bate Pill, Dmt Pill,
Dr.' Price' Cream Baking Powder
Worfi'l Mr Hlgbot Award.
Neb., Friday, July 6,
I'l-cpnrccl niul I'urnlnlicri lor spcrlnl
lMlbllciifliin til tlio licit Cluud
Chirr by W. 'I. Pouter.
Cop)rlKlitcU In 1891 by W. T. Kojtcr.l
St, Joseph, Mo., July G. My last
bulletin gave forecasts of tho ftorm
wavo to cross tho continent from July
(J to 10, and the next will roach the
Paeifio const about tho 11th, cross tho
western mountains by closo of tho
12th, tho groat central valloys from
13th to 15th, and the eastern states
abeut tho 10th.
The disturbanao will dovelop con
siderable forco and causo heavy rains
in spets. The oentcr of its path will
lie through tho northern tier of Btatcs,
its greatest wind forco not far from
tho -10th paraUol while mild rains may
bo expected in spots along tho gulf
and South Atlantic ooaits.
This disturbance will bo a rainmak
er and with tho disturbanao preceding
it will causo the principal rains of tho
month to fall on the Paoifio coast
from 12th to 19th, in the great central
valloys from 13th to 21st, and in tho
eastern states from 15th to 23d. The
last part of July will be dry and tho
total of tho month will bo below the
Tho warm waves will cross the west
ern mountains about tho 11th nnd
17th, thp great central valloys about
13th nnd 10th, and tho eastern states
about tho 10th and 21st. Tho cool
waves will cross tho western mountains
about 14th and 20th, tho great central
valloys about 10th and 22d, and tho
eastern states about 18th and 21th.
ltcadors of theso bulletins rooognizo
that my greatest Buecess has been in
rofcrenco to dates and force of storm
waves and that errors have beon prin
cipally confined to rainfall and tem
peratures, moro particularly to rain
fall. This is not only my experience
but also tho oxperionco of every other
l'raotical weather forecasts aro di
vided into three departments: force
of storms, temperatures and precipita
tion. Tho first attracts most atten
tion, is the loast difficult while the
last is meat difficult and of tho great
est importance
Somotimo ago I announced that I
had mado very important discoveries
as to tqmpcraturo and rainfall and
that by closo application and tho aid
of a competent assistant I was work
ing out tho difficult problems. Somo
of the nowspapors Buggosted a hopo
that it might not require ns long as it
has taken Kocloy to perfect his mo
tor. I may say that tho principal work
will be completed by January, 1805,
and that wo will then know moro thru
has ever beon known about tho futuro
temperatures and precipilatiotip, in
cluding cold and warm wiuters, wet
and dry seasons.
The work has progressed far
enough to provo conoluivilr that I
have the koy to tin so most imprrtant
woatlier events nr.d while peifection
may not bo expected many scri'ius cr
rorsill bo avoided,
Tho weather bureau of tho United
States has been publishing sinco '85
very impoitant weather reoords mado
by competent private enterpriser and
theso rocords furnish mo tho data of
.Icuiporatuie and precipitation which I
am using to test my theories and by
which to cliiniuato tho crrois that
havo crept into my calculations.
For my present work 1 hnvo taken
tho records of a fow places and calcu
lated tho monthly excesses and defici
encies in tempcraturo and rainfall,
Then I take my planetary periods and
couiparo them with theso weather rec
ord. Theso weather events wcro
originally recorded two or three times
i day but tho weather bureau has
published only tho daily ayorago of
each calendar month and thorofor wo
haro no record showing tho excess or
deficiencies of ono part of tho month
over any other and this lessens tho
value of tho weather records.
When tho cosmiciil laws wcro estab
lished calendar months wore not kuonn
and thcroforo monthly weather aver
agos aro out of joint with naturo'a
.A weather record of less than -JO
years continuous daily observation has
but littlo valuo in testing tho influ
cnbo of sun, moon and planets on our
weather changes Prof. Hfgelow, of the
national weathor bureau, hos tho cor
root theory as to the cause of weather
changes, decbring that these ckangcH
aro from clectro-mugnotism aud that
heat is only a result, not a causo. But
ho has taken a weather rocord of
twelve yoars and a magnetic record of
eleven years by whioh to test his theo
ry. I regard such a short record at
utterly unreliable
Fur my present work I havo takon
tho weather records of tho following
named tilnccs: Musoatino, Iowa, 50
years; Miami, Missouri, 48 years; St.
Louis, Mo., 58 your6; Pevrie, III., 40
years; Fort Gibson, I. T,, 88 year;
Portsmouth, Ohio 05 years; Stoubcns
villc, Ohio 0.") 3 ears; Cincinnati, Ohio
00 yraw; Fortress Monroe, 50 years;
Charleston, S. C, 58 years; Washing
ton, 71 years, Amherst, Mass., 50
years; Now Bedford, Mass., 82 years;
Philadelphia, 70 years; Newark, N, J,
52 years.
Thcro is a firm conviction among
the agricultural classes that tho
weather ropca.'s itself iu periods of six
eight, twclvo and icvcntccn years and
a fow moterologists, notably Prof.
Vcnnor, havo attracted considerable
notico by making forecasts based on
these recurring poriods. My recent
investigations havo led to a verifica
tion of the theory that such periods
do exist and a discovery of their
Th 3 rcaron why tho theory broko
down under Vcnnor and others is that
one of llicio causes may destroy tho
effects of another aud it is only by
finding tho effect which tho moon and
planets in certain positions havo sepa
rately on tho wtather nud then plac
ing theso t fleets togothcr, that wo can
ariivo at the final result.
As n Fainplo of eight year period I
will take July at Muscatine, Iowa for
tho year 181051-02 70-78 80. Theso
wcro all dtouth months without an
exception and the average deficiency
of rainfall was 1.00 inches, Four of
of theso averaged 2.72 inches defici
ency. For tho same ulacc, months und
years tho excess of temperature avor
agod 2,2 degrees daily and four of
theso months averaged an oxcess of
3,3 degros daily.
Back of 18 1G wo lnvi no data while
tho next dutc is July of this jrnr.
Therefore I ooncludo that Musaatino,
Iowa aud tho country uiihin 100
miles of it, will cxporienco a drouth
this month and an increaso of torn
pcraturc. This drouth that ouctirs in tho vi
cinity of Mttscalino is cnustil by ono
planet which, by establishing a high
barometer south and a low northwest
oi mac vicinity inrnugii an incroaso
of tho ohiIIi'h magnetio currents,
brings on tho dtouth and exotssivo
heat oonditions.
Children Cry for
Pitcher' Castor!.
Vol. 21. No. 50
A cream of tartar baking powder
Highest of all in leavening strongth.
Latest United States Government
Food ltoport.
Royal linking Powder Co.
100 Wall St., N. Y.
Iteul Cetulo Transfers.
Ah furnisced by tho Fort Abstract Co. ,
for tho weok ending Juno 30,1891.
Hank of Cowlos to V Q Vnnco b)
bw qr 4-1! 0 wd $1000
Low Mono to W S CJurbor lot 7 sec
0 lota 0 to 10 nnd bw qr bo qr and
b Jbw qr nnil no xrBcc 10 and nw
qr 10-1 llqcd 100
II J Jowcil to OMcCnll b no qr
29-1-11 wd .8C0
O NcCall to L A HaeltinB e, no qr
29-1-11 wd 800
Kobort B Fulton to Adam Mohnrt
lotB 10 blk G Rod Cloud 2200
II hi Rond to Annio L Boyd and
Llllio H Ovcring lots 1 and 2 blk
4 Hod Cloud wd 1000
L C Kuloy to It P Albright lots 10,
.11 nnd 12 blk 18 Red Cloud wd. , 3000
L P Albright to Francis 8 Sher
wood lots 10, 11 and 12 blk 18 wd 3000
Totul en.eoi
Low HuIch to tlio Enit
Residents of territory reaohed by
Burlington Route lines, will do well
to noto the following: On July 5th,
(Jth aud 7th round trip tiokcts to Ash
bury Park, N. J., will bo on sale at
tho ono-fare rato, plus two dollars. On
July 8th, Oth and 10th round trip
tickets to Cleveland, Ohio, will bo on
sale at tho ono-way rate, On July 1G
and 17th round trip tickets to Toronto
Canada, will bo on sale at the one
way into.
Th'eso substantial reductions from
regular tariff are mado ou account of
tho National Educational Assoeia
tiou's convention, and tho annual
meetings of the Christian Endeavor
Booictics, end tin Baptist Yuwg
Peoples Union, respootively, for all
of which tho Burlington Route his
been mado tho official line. Spcoial
trains arranged with a view to tho
comfort and convenionco of delegates
and tlioir friends, will bo run. No
ono who is planning an eastern trip
tnis summer can afford to let theso
opportunities slip by. Tickets and
full information upon application to
local B & M 11 11 Agent, or to J Fran
cis, OP&T A., Omaha, Neb.
Kxporionoo and monoy onnnot improvo
Dr. Sawyers Family Cure, because it rad
ically ouriH Dyipepaia, Liver complaint
and Kidney difllaulty. Deyo & Qrice.
Pick is playing grout ball theso days
and in gotting his hit overy game.
Try n botlh of Dr. Sawyer's Family
Curo nnd jou will bo convinced that it
will cure nil Htomnoh, Llvtr, Kidney and
Dowel difllonlty. Sold by Djo & Griee.
Tho St, Joo team hna dropped off in
its hitting.
Dr. Sawyer' Family Cur cure 8tont
aoh troubU, Dr. Sawyer'n Family Cure
cures Liver oomplninte, curia Kidney
difllculty. Sold by Dcyo t Oiice.
, Htighon id impiuvlng in hia throwing
Dr. Sawyur'u Funilly f'nro U tho result,
of oxpoiiiuior, likill and honi-aty. It is a
posllivo enru for nil Btotnai-h, Liver and
Kidney Troubles. Sold by Deyo & Price.
In a qiinrrul nt Lomlvill Col, over 10
ceuta W. Mlloji killed Q. Schlnn.
For Instance, Mrs, Chaa. Itogorr, of Bi y
Oily. Mich,, hcoldmitully epIIU-d scalding
watar utur hor littlo boy, Shu wromntlv
applied DoWitt'u Witch llnzol Balvi-. alv-
salve for bums, brntio?, aoree, and a saie
care for Piloi.
l. wmjwwmMKzm. - m
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