The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 29, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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    T I
m ,
, terrible Tragedy Occur reil nt Lyons Ca
nol Attacked While oq lilt War the
' Theater to Atleml n Fet Given la HI
Ilonorl'ollco Bar the Murderer,
Ltosb, Juno 25. The most intense
icltemetit lias been caused every whore
'in .France by tho assassination of Presi
dent Caruot Tho president was visiting
. 'Lyons in connection with tho interna
Itionnl exhibition. After attending a re
ception at tho perfocturo, he visited the
jvxposltlon. After spending some time
flat the exposition he procoeded to the
f pallM le commeroo, Where a banquet
' was glvon in his honor. At 9:23 Sunday
ft night President Carnot started for the
, , tlieata whero a gain performance was to
, be given because of fats prceenoe in the
city. Several carrlngw vrtre la the pro
ccMfcnt tho first quo being occupied by
the pxcelocut.
HUbtanI Ily Assassin.
Wnon half way down the street, which
was lined with cnihusIasUo crowd's of
.people "who were loudly cheering, a man
rushed out of tho crowd and sprang upon
the steps of the president's landau. Just
at this motnont M. Carnot was waiving
his right hand and saluting with his hat
in his left hand lu response to tho ovation
that was bohig given by the crowd.
Those closo to tho carriage saw tho mas
standing on tho stop had a khlfo is his
hand. By tho glare of the olectrlo rights
thoy saw tho bright blade glowing in the
air im tho assassin's arm descended, and
then President Oamot was aeon to faH
back in his sortt, hfi fuce deathly pale.
One of liia hands was prqncd to his heart
whuro tho steel bad entered tM bod.
M. Klvnud, tircfect t Ijrooa, Wbto was
sealed by M. Cnmol, immediate! gav.
tho nasa-iain u filow fnll fit the luce, and
knocked ldni from the etflp, thus pre
venting tho man from again stabbing the
president, which it M bis orMouf in-
TIBSiDBHT ciwnfb
teiftimi to do, Instantly etivs erf "La
prttniloni cat aaftrtal'' "Matt a I'aMas
'sinP wero heard on eyoty aWu, and the
crowd in tho vicinity of tta carriage
swelled to enormous proportions, ovory
member of it seNiiinRry intent npon kill
ing tho assassin. IIo was grwpod by n
dozen hands, and his lifo would have
then and thuro paid tho forfeit of his
crime had it not Iwen for several Bor
Bonnta do villo who seized him ami at
tempted to draw him away from bis
captors. Blows wero aimed nt his faco
and head over the shouldors of the police,
who soon received reinforcements, and
many of tho blown landed fairly.
In tho inuautlmo tho noWs of tho nt
tempted murder had spread with light
ning liko rapidity, and mounted guards
wero sent to tho nld of tho police, who
were struggling to preserve tho life of
the assassin. With drawn sabres in their
hands tho guards rodo down Into the
crowd heedless of whom their horses
trampleil Upon. Tlio crowd gavo wny
before tho horses and at lattt tho center
of tho crowd was reached. Thou a cor
dou was formed nround the almost ex
hausted policemen and their cnptlvo and
tho march to tho police station togun.
I'oinulmn In tli T.iut.
Shortly niter midnight tho Archbishop
of Lyons was summoned to tho bedsido
of the dying president to administer to
him tho lust rites of the church.
M. Carnot remained conscious to the
lost. IIo realized that his lifo was rap
idly ebbing uway, and twlco ho said:
"Jo m'en vals." Dr. Poncot leaned
over tho Ikm! and said to him: "Your
friends nre hero, Monsieur lo Prcsldont."
M. Carnot replied: "I am grateful for
their presence," nnd a ininuto later he
gasped for breath, thorn was n couvubtlvo
shuddering of Iris liody, nnd tho presi
dent of Franco had passod awwy.
Afror M. Carnot had been tnkon to the
prefecture it became generally known
his assassin was an Italian nnd tho feel
ing of deep indignation among the crowd
found vent in tho form of attacks upon
cafes kept by luolfaifjlvo natives of
Italy. Tlu-oo 6Uch places In the vicinity
of tho palias of commweo were totally
wrecked by tho infuriated mob. French
Hags, which wero in abundance, wero
then procured by tho crowd nnd with
cries of "down with tho foreigners,"
"Out with them," hundrods of peoplo
marchod to tho Rue de In Dart., in
which street tho Italian consulate is sit
uated. There is no doubt the consulate
would havo lieon sacked had it not been
for tho prompt action of tho police, who
topped tho crowd and compelled its
members to disperse
Hauto ' Early History,
Rome, Juno 20, Coasar Qiovnul Santo,
tho man who murdered President Cnrnot,
is tho son of Mario Brogllo and Antlono
Caesavio, IIo joined tho anarchists' as
sociation at an oarly ago. In January,
l8t?J, he tried, with two fellow anarch
ists, to start a newspaper, but was un-
able to ralao tlio lands ijooc?ary. Tuo
policB watclied hliu until the end of 1MII,
wbpb bo went to BWltabrlaud.
FatistlM TUb teeaitA . FrMdetf
Caftiotha'Deehffxod tt Sttriday. Tho
remains will I laid ia the Pantheon,
I 1 ' M jBk
f 'rJ V
'1 lfiuHair Ji tfth
cEh I MEllHipr
AAJoarn im m Mark of Reinsct to th
Murdered t'rmldent nt V runce.
Wabhinoton, Juno 2). Thore was n
fair nttendanoo in tho gallorics in antici
pation of the opening of tho income tax
dobnto when Vico President Btovenson
called tho scnato to order Thursday.
Bomo preliminary businoss was trans
acted. Bills were passed as follows! To
authorizo a commission to draw a code
of laws for the district of Alaskai to pro
moto tho effloiency of the navy, and to
define tho iKiundnrics of tho three
judicial districts in the statu of Alabama
nnd to regulate the
Jurisdiction of the
United States courts
thcroin and tho pow
ers nnd duties of the
judges thoreof. The
tariff bill was then
laid before the sen-
nto. As soon as tho
clerk had rend tho
;flrst section of1 tho in
come tax provisions,
Mr. Hlil, who as
sumed tlio leadership
sEimou mix. of tho opposition to
the provisions, took tho floor and deliv
ered a carofnlly prepared argumont
against tho incorporation of an income
tax in tho tariff bill.
Washington, Jnno Ul. Thero was
little interest manifested in tho house
Thursday. When tho nntloption bill
was taken up speeches wero inado by'
Messrs. Grosvenor, Wheeler, Btookdale
and Berry in support of tho bllL and by
Messrs. - Covert, Bartlett, Quigg and
Boatnor in opposition to it. Penoe
(Colo.) Bpoko on the silver guest'lon.
Varum the Income Tax,
WABHUJQTO.t, Juno 'si. (Jnlto a num
ber of bills wero passed before the o.n
aldoratloa of tlio tariff bill was resamed
by tho soaato Friday. Tho bouso bill to
iocornotato tho supremo lodgu, Knights
of Pythias was reported favorably by
Senator Faulkner And was immediately
passod. The following bills wore also
pneseih Benato bill for tho relief of
Charles Collego, Missouri, (being a pay
ment for nso of property during tho war);
ecniUo bill appropriating $10,000 for tho
investigation and tests of Amcrlcau tim
ber by tho forestry division of tho agri
cultural department; souato 1411 making
the first Monday in Soptombor of each
year (Labor day) n lei;al holiday.
WhtJntho tariff bill was laid befora
the eenato, Mr. Kylo took tho iloor. He
mado a general argument i avoring tho tax,
Uatch' Antluptlwi Illll I'ukic tlm lloniir.
Wabuinoton. Juno 2i. Immediately
on convening Friday, tho bouso wont
into commit too of tho Wholo on tho anti
Option bill. Tho bill was read Iry soc
tions ft amondmoutj, and Mr. Aldrlcb
(IIU.) ofiorod tho
ret amendment,
tnsorttng "flour"
in tlie list of agri
onUnral prodnrts
Mr. Crnla (Tex.X
efeokmg to n pro-
mad'itoui theOca-
la plntfonn that&J'
tho anilootlon bill Vft
was basod on Pop- &
nlfst doctrine, anl w hatch.
assorted that tho bill was vicious and do
ceptlvo. Ilnrtucr oflored n resolution tc
rocommlt tlm bill, with instructions to
report it back with nn nmcudmont for
freo colnngo of silver, nt a ratio of 10 to
1. Ruled out on a point of order. The
bill then passod HI) to 87.
Washington, Juno 2H. Hill again do
nouueed tho Incouio tax in tho sennto,
but mndo no converts, his fonr amend
ments being voted down. An amend
ment was adopted exempting tho presi
dent's salary from tho tax.
Washington, Juno 23. Speaker Crisp
ruiunicu io mo capuol UMtny nttor a
nnd called tho bouso to order. IIo was
greeted with applouso.
Senate amendments to tho bill to
charter tho supreme lotlgu of Knights of
Pythias wero concurred in. Sjuato bill
making Labor day n logul holiday was
orderwl to lio on tho sinker's tablo for
tho pi went.
Kipre. firinpntliy Willi Ihn Frenrh.
Washington, Juno 25. Both houses ad
journed early out or respect to the
memory of President Carnot of France.
Chaplnliw Millhiirn nnd Uagby referred
to tho great cnlamity which had befallen
our sister republic in tho murder of its
president. A mwsago from tho -president
was announced nnd Executive
Clerk Pruden nnncared nt tlm innlit itnnr
bearing a lurgo envolopo containing the
IirwHinii s announcement to tlio senato
and bouso of tho death of President Car-
nui. Aimroin-inio rtsoini una u-..m
adopted and tho two houacs adjourned.
Senntur Allen Inslit nn Knowing,
Washington, Juno 20. With tho ther
mometer standing ;i in tlio senate chnm
bor Tuesday, the senate entered upon the
13th week of tho tarill debate. At tho
opening of tho sessiou -Mr. Allen madu
another ineffectual attempt to secure uc
tlon on his n-bolution directing tho secre
tary of tho treasury to inform the senato
oi uio exnet Hum
Kt of iK-rsonsen-gngetl
in protected
industries whoso
wages might bo af
fected by tariff log.
islntloh. Mr. Gal
linger (Rep.) ob
jected, and Mr.
Morrill moved to
rofor it to tho
finance committee.
Mr. Allen gavo no
tice that so long
ns tuo resolution re-
malnol unacted upon ho would object to
all legislation by unnnlinons consont.
Mr. Morrill's motion was defeated by n
vote of 10 to 27. Then the sonnto re
sumed tho consideration of tho income
tax provisions of the tariff bill.
Air. UilPH fUllflilttonnt k wlln.i .t..t.
lfyjJfXntl tmmtcipnl bonds from the
i 85 tO UO,
H . l
f &&&'
Brief Mention of Matter Which Every
body Nlioiild Kmur Ahont KvenU of the
Week In Ncnrby Hectloni Accurately and
Concisely Chronicled,
Jerry Kltnpunn In Washington.
Wahhinoton, Juno 22. Roproeenta
tivo Jerry Simpson returned to this city.
Senator rerklnn' Funeral.
Washington, June 24. Tho funeral
of ex-Senator Perkins took placo in this
city on Saturday.
Tom need In Kansas.
Topeka, Kan., Juno 28. Thomas B.
Reed of Maine will make four speeches
in Kansas during the campaign.
Hear Italns In Kanta and Missouri.
Kansas City, June 27. Dispatches
from Kansas and Missouri show that
heavy rains wore general throughout
theso states.
Adjourned Without Results.
PiTTfiUt'RO, Knn Juno 22. Tho min
ers' conference adjourned without re
sults, Tho only measure agreed npon
was to bold several maBS-mcotings.
Will 1'lglit 1'opulUt Candidates.
Foiit Scorr, Kan., Juno 28. Tho A.
P. A. of Kansas has resolved to fight tho
Populist candidates on tho state tickot in
retaliation for tho passage of tho resolu
tion denouncing tho organization by tho
Populist party convention,
Feared Snttley Would Flee.
Kanbah Citv, Juno 2. Elmor C
Battloy, cashier of tho defunct Kansas
City Safe Dopos't and Savings bnnk was
arrested on four now warrants charging
1dm with receiving doposHs after tho
bank was in au Insolvent condition.
Tho prosecuting attorney feared that
Battloy intended to flco.
Protesting Against Freight Kates.
St. Joseph, Juno 24. A delegation
from tho Commercial club of this city,
together with" representatives from
Atchison, Kansas City nnd Leaven
worth, are in Chicago to protwt against
tho action of tho railroad companies in
making a minimum ruto of 00 cents for
packages shipped by freight. Tho rato
has heretofore been 25 cents.
Kmltli'n Peculiar Defonso.
Kansas City, Juno 23. Lawyer J. A.
Smith, who is being tried for criminally
libelling 9. S. King, the Populist police
judgo nnd indirectly tlio Kansas stato
administration in a letter published ad
dressed to Governor Lowolllng, Is mak
ing n peculiar dofenso. IIo claims that
as a citizen interested in tho public wol
faro ho had a right to write as ho did,
firovided ho bolloved bis charges to be
Hereral llrldgns Swaps Away.
LravenwortIi, Kan,, June 87. A
terrific rainstorm visited this city nnd
vicinity. Nearly fonr inches of water
fell, and much daraago rcsultod. Tho
Mission and colorod Methodist churches
Wero partially wrecked, and a nnmbor
of bridges swept away. Tho rivor has
risen six inches slnco last night. In Salt
Creek Vnlloy, northwest of this city, a
cloudburst is reiorted. A great many
farms wero tloodod and wheat fields
Wrslbouiid Hates to Uo Advanced.
Kansas City, Juno 2U. It has just
leaked out hero that tho westbound mer
chandise rates from Chicago nnd tho
Mississippi to tho Missouri river and
westward uro to be advanced nil uloug
tho lino July I. Tho advanced was de
cided upon nt n meeting of tho traflla
managers in St. Louis 12 days ago, but
it was agreed to keep tho matter quiet.
The following is tho scalo of advances:
Classes 1 and 2, 5 cents per 100 pounds;
class It, :t cents; classes 4, 5, A, Is, C nud
D, 2 cents. Thero will bo no advance on
cbiss E. This will put tho rates higher
than thoy have been in fivo years in this
('yeloun at Uelj;hlcy, Knu.
Wichita, Juno 27. Tho cyclono nt
Keighlcy, so far us can bo learned, re
sulted in only ouo fatality, that of a man
named Thurmau, who met his death
when his burn was demolished. A num
ber of peoplo aro reported injured more
or les seriously.
Twogcnorul stores,tho largest buildings
in tho village, wero crushed liko egg
shells. A freight train was standing on
tho 'Frisco track nt tho timo and six
lox cars were lifted up and turned up
sido down. This would indicate the
cyclono was at least 200 foot wide. Tho
wreck is standing on tbo track piled 80
feet high and trains cannot pass.
Will Uo to England This Fall and
Ixicturo In Australia.
Toi'CKA, Kan., Juno 2tf. Mrs. Mary
E. Leaso has announced that sho would
visit England this fall for tho purposo of
settling up nn estate thero in which sho
is interested. Sho also stated that sho
had an offer to make a lectunu tour of
Austrultu, which sho was seriously con
sidering. Mrs. Leaso to just recovering
from h mouth's illness, nud Will bo un
able to fill her lecture ongngoments in
this country, with thoprobabloexcoptiou
of a few in tho cast.
Levees Thrown U In the Principal Streets
to Stop the Overllow.
Wichita, Knn., Jnno 25. Tho heavy
rains of this week hnvo causiAl Littlo
river to overflow Grlswold pari in this
city nud last night ou Central avenue
nnd othor streets gangs of meu throw up
levees to stop tho overflow, und some
peoplo living near tho river wero ram
polled to movo to avoid being drowned
out. Tho residents of the Second ward
remained up most of tho night ready to
repair breaks in tho lovoes or recover
peoplo should an inorouso of flood coino.
The water remained sOationnry from
midnight to H o'clock tin's morning and
has been risinir and Culling all day.
FtMrs are still cnbfrtainell and Boats atu
(a demand,
Specimen Casts.
8. II. Clifford, Now eassel, Wis., was
ttonbled with Nenralgla and Rheuma
tism, his Stomach was disorderid, his
Lirer was sffeotsd to an alarming degree
nppttlto foil nway, and ho was terribly
rodnetd in flesh nnd strength. Three
bottles of Kleolrlo Bitters onrod him.
Edward Shepherd, Harrisblirg, III., had
a running sore on his leg of eight years'
standing. Used threo bottles of Elsotrlc
Hitters and seren boxes of Dneklan's
Amies Balre, and his leg is tonnd and
woll, John Speaker, Cstawabn, O., had
five large fever sorts on his leg, doctors
said ho was inonrabU. One bottlo Elec
tric Uittors nnd one box Ilucklsn's Arnloa
Snlvo cured him entirely. Sold by C. L.
Cotting druggist.
A Japaoeso journal is
in London,
now published
Creates health, creates strength, creates
vigor; DeWitt's Sarsaparilla. It recom
mends itself O. L.Cottlng.
All of tho Gorman warships aro to bo
painted a cinnamon yellow.
If doll, spiritless and stupid; If your
blood is thiok nnd sluggish; If your ap
petite is caprioions and nneertaln. Yon
need a Sarsaparilla. For best remits
take DeWitt's. It reeommrnds itself. O.
L. Cotting.
Wall street
wool garmoutB.
gamblers wear Iamb's-
"Don't Tobacco Bplt or Smoke
Your litre Away."
The truthful, startling titla of a book
about No-to-bao, the only harmless, guar
anteed tobacco-habit cure. If you want
to quit aad can't, u "No-to-bac
Braces up nicotinizod nerves, eliminates
nicotine poisons, makes weak men gain
strength, weight and vigor. Positivo
cure or money refunded. Sold by C. L.
Cotting. '
Book at druggists, or mailed free.
Address The Sterling Remody Co.,
Chicago offlco, 45 Randolph St., New
York, 10 Spruce St.
una now costs consumers in Tnmlnn
lit ty-six cents a thousand cubic feet.
Why Do Yon Cough
Do you not know that Parks' Cough
Syrnp wilt cure itr We guaranteed every
bottle. Thore are many Cough Syrups
bnt wo believe Parks' is the best and nest
reliable. Bold by C. L. Cotting.
Tho mucouB of a tarantula will, it Is
claimed, cure its poisonous.
It Carts blood and skin disorders. It
does this qaiokly and permanently. It
there any good rtasonhy yoa should
use DeWitt's Unrsapanllaf It rteommead
itself. O. L. Cotting.
Honesty, perstvtraaee and skill oannot
Improve Dr. Bawytr's Fsraily Care, be
mos it fully caret Indigestion. Billions
n and Kidney difflonlty. Bold by Deyo
Some of the meanest
ourth never play cards.
blacklega on
Try a bottle ot Dr. Sawyer's Family
Hare and you will be convinced that it
will cure all Stomach, Liver, Kidney and
Bowel dif&oulties.
First-class places
second-class men.
are not mad for
Exporionee and money oannot improve
Dr. Sawyer's Family Curo, because it
radically cures Dyspepsia, Livtr oom
plaint and Kidney dlffleulty. Sold by
Doyo & Qrloe.
The head that holds the least is tho
soonost to Blop over.
Ladles Tho druggist named below will
give you a free sample package of Dr.
Sawyer's Pastilles, which euro diseases
poeniiar to women. Sold by Deyo tc,
Tho devil toadies when to begin,
novor wnen to quit.
Bucklcn'a Arnica Halve.
The best Balve in the world for outs,
bruises, euros, Ulcers, Salt rheum, fever
soroB, tetter, chapped hands, chiliblains,
come, and all ekm eruptions, and posi
tivoly cures piles, or no pay required. It
is gunrantoed to givo perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Prioe 25 centa per
box. For sale by Cotting. tf
The filth of
scavenger sick.
Blander makes oven a
Puro blood menns good health, Re
inforce it with UoWitt's Sarsaparilla. It
purifies tho blood, cares Eruptions, Ecze
ma, Scrofula and all diseases arising from
impure blood. It reccomeds itself.
Thoro la but
ono letter in egotism's
Some thing wrong when you tire too
easily. Sorao thing wrong when the akin
Is not clear and smooth. Some thing
wrong when the blood is impure. Every
thing right when you take DeWitt's Bar
snparilla. It recommends itself. C. L.
trousers may hnvo sound
W. P. Bayos of 2405 Jones Bt, Oma
ha, Neb. says of Parks' Sure (Jure "My
Vifo has been constitutionally wrecked
for years, Tried everything fruitlessly.
My druggist's persuasion booked by his
guarantor, induced me to bny a bottlo of
Park's Bare Cure. The rosults are truly
wonderful, Park's Bare Care for tho
Liver and Kidneys is n positive speolflo
for the diseases of women. Sold by C.
L. Cotting.
is somo times too near-
Dr. Sawyer's Family Cure is tho remit
of experience, skill and hontsty. It is n
positive ouro for all Btomsoh, Livtr and
Kidney Troubles. Bold by Deyo k. Qriee
To hang n man in effigy is a fool way
of giving him nlife.
Diseases unfriendly to women are posi
tively cared by Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles.
Atk your druggist for a free sample pack
age, It heals aud carts, old by Deyo k
Kews Which Tell the Story of Seven Days'
Crime nnd CaiunUles and Other Impor
tant Matters Arrnngod Attractively aud
Given tn a Few Word.
Deatrlcn Chautnnqua Opens.
DEATnici:, Neb, , Juno 23. The seventh
annual assembly of the Oeatrico Chaut
auqua has otrancd.
Sadden Death of Dr. Perry Tipton.
Wabihnqtox, Juno 28. Dr. Perry
Tipton, youngest son of ex-Senator Tip
ton of Nebraska, diod suddenly of heart
Cheek Raiser Sentenced,
Nebraska City, June 8a. S. A.
Givens pleaded guilty to raising a check
and was sentenced to ono year in tho
Nebraska l'koneers to Keel.
VehDOH, Jnno 87. Tho fourth an
anal reunion of the pioneers of south
eastern Nebraska will be held at Verdon
Aug. V) and 10.
Halt nt Vntlertoa.
FuLLttvros, Nob., Juno 22. A aevero
hail storm struck this city, doing great
damage to windows aud to the corn
crop in thte vicinity.
Teachers Institute.
Falls City, Neb., June SO. The
twenty-first annual session of the Rich
ardson county institute opened at tho
Central school building in Falls City.
JEpwortb. Lcag tie at Otceala.
OoCBOLA, Nob., Juno 24. The Ep
worth league convention of this district
was hold hero. Nearly 100 delegates
wore (ijjroUod. Dc Payne of Lincoln do
Uvefwd a loctnro.
Klllod byllghtnla?'
Faias Oity, Nob., Juno SP. One
Simpsou, residing botwoon this city and
Balo, was struck by lightning and In
stantly killed. Ills head was completely
severed from tho body.
Girl Drowned at Blair.
Blair, Nob., Juno 2ft. Miss Emily
Aloxandor of this city was drowned by
being carried Into tho Missouri river on
a mass of earth wliich, without warning,
caved oQ from tho rivor bank,
Visiting tho Had Ijuidj.
Cuadrom, Nob., June 22. A party of
10 Princeton students loft hero in chorgo
of Professor J. B. Hatcher on a throe
months' trip through tho Bod Lands of
South Dakota and Wyoming.
Corraled the Indlaas,
Nebraska City, Juno 26. The com
mittee on arrangements havo secured 100
Sac and Fox Indians to join in the parado
and give a varied cntertainmont of trick
rkUng, snooting, etc,, on July 4 here.
i i i
Ae the Ooree Abaaete.
Cbawkhi, Neb., June 23. A message
was roewtvod hero from the officers of the
National Humano society ottering $100
rewafd lev tho arrest and conviction of
tha parties owning tho horses that wore
killed in tho hundrcd-mllo none race
which took placo here Juno 0.
i -i
Irrigation Canal at O'Neill.
O'Neill, Neb., Juno va. Tho contract
has been let for tho construction of the
irrigation ditch south of tho Elkhorn
river by tho Elkhorn Irrigation com
pany, and work will commence in a row
days. C. II. Lease & Co. of Spencer,
la., are tho contractors. The contract
provides for 'tbo completion of the ditch
by Nov. 1, 180L
' Wcalers Proved an Alibi.
Sidney, Neb., Jnno 25. Judge Dundy
was kopt busy Friday in trying 17 of the
commonwealers accused of stoaling a
Union Pacific engine. Editor Stockton
of the People's Poniard, who has been
appointed attonioy to defend the woal
org, succeeded in establishing an alibi for
the accused in this particular batch, but
under a ruling of Judgo Dundy they will
behold as accessories after tho fact,
Thore aro yot somo 179 to bo tried.
Satolll to Visit Lincoln.
Lincoln, June 2a, It is understood
here that some docided stop is about to
be takon in tho Bonacnm-Corbett church
quarrel. It is now known that the ro
cent visit of Archbishop Hennessey was
a failuro as far us scouring a pacific
agreomont was concerned. It is said by
local ecclesiastlcaluhthorltlee that Satolll
will shortly bo on tho soene to ee that
the instructions he has given are ob
served by all parties.
Charge Freight For a Ffaul Which They
Never Made.
Omaha, Juno 23, Soon tho interstate
commorco commission will be asked to
eettlo an interesting point. The Grand
Island Moroantilo company ordered a
car of sugar from a San Franolsco job
ber. It was shipped to Grand Island by
way of Aurora, but tho Burlington
charged freight for a haul from Lincoln,
which was uot made. The Mercantile
company tendered the freight via Au
rora, which was refused by the Burling
ton's agent. Tho Mercantile company
thon replevined tbo cor of sugar, and is
now making up a caso to be taken before
the interstate commerce commission as a
Tonng Nebraska Man Bonghly Handled
for Mistreating IIU Father.
Salem, Neb., Juno 27. Monday night
a crowd of about twenty-five men took
Martin Thayer, a young man, from the
streets of Salem to the fair grounds,
where thoy stripped him of his clothing
and applied a liberal coat of tar and
feathers nnd waruod him never to again
mako his oppearnnoe in this town.
Tho day before the young fellow had
allowod bis ngod and invalid father to
be taken to the poor bouso of the county,
white at tho same time he had been
known to havo had nearly flfiO hi his
powoBBloa during the week.
Dfe at w4pnfu
BmtMtirDErc. tt.i JiitM If Moloch.
lll7ilt7jitmMjSwhpvk. .
Recovering From Effects of the Tar and
Feathers Used tiy III Enemies,
Denver, Juno 00. Gouernl T, J,
Tarsney, who recolvcd n coat of tar and
feathers at tho hands of his enomlos Sat
urday morning, is resting cosier. The
inflammation in his face is greatly reduced
but is still anything but comfortable,
and kls body has somowhat recovered
from stiffness resulting from his treat
lent and his long walk. The strain
upon his nerves was so groat that he wu
nearly prostrated when ho found him
self among friends, but he has in n great
degreo recovered from his prostration.
General Tarsnoy is a man of consider
able pride and spirit, and ho suffers from
humiliation, perhaps, as much as ha
does from physical pain. Not only art
his friends profuse in their manifesta
tions of sympathy, but tho publio genet
ally deprecate tho occurrence and do not
hesitate to givo expression to their feel
ings. Tho general Li about 55 years of
ago and served in tho union army daring
the civil wan
Drout. FraeUcaUy IJroken In AU Part el
tho State.
Das Moinbp, Juno 27. Tho Iowa crop
bulletin says: Tho drouth is practically
broken in all ports of tho state, though
in the central district moro rain is needed
to revivo postures and replenish the
water supply. Corn was nover cleaner
or more promising in tho last week of
June, Tho stand is remarkably oven,
and in tbo larger port of tho state it II
about ready to "lay by."
Oats havo headed with short straw
and tho heads aro generally deficient in
number of grains. The quantity of the
yield is likely to bo greater than in rt
cent years. The harvest of winter wheat
and rye is in progress in southern dia
triots, with fair yields. Barley harvest
will begin a week earlier than usual, the
crop being about two-thirds average,
Nebraska Corn Looks Promising.
Omaiia, Juno 27. Tho drouth has at
last boen thoroughly broken in all
portions of tho stato. Tho prospects for
a great corn crop wero perhaps nevex
bettor at this season of tho yoar. Har
vesting has already commenced and the
yield promises to bo larger than wol
thought passible two weeks ago.
Mrs. Betsey Smith Found Oollty of Mar
tiering ner Ilusband.
Des Moines, Juno 23. Mrs. Botsey
Smith was found guilty of murdering
her husband, Michael Smith, and sen
tenced to lifo imprisonment by tho jury.
Mrs. Smith poisoned nor husband,
Michael Smith, a blind Hock Island en
glnoor, to get bis 1,000 lifo insurance, so
that she could llvo with her lover, Frank
Bellalre. Sho laid the crime upon he
sister, Mrs. Ida Scovillo, but the latter
gave tho wholo story away and Mrs,
Smith was convicted.
B. A. McNeill la Cke of the Oregoa
Itallway and Navlgatloa Company.
PobtlaM). Or., Jano 27. United
States District Judge Bollinger today
granted an application for tho appoint,
ment of a separato receiver for tho Ore
gon Railway and Navigation company,
B, B. McNeill was appointed recolver,
Flaguo In Ilong Kong.
Victoria, B. C, Juno 20. The
steamer Sikh, 13 days from Yokohama,
has arrived and was eubjectod to a long
qnarantino inspection. All of tho effect!
of tho oriental passengers were fumi
gated. Advices report 077 deaths from
the plague in Hong Kong from May 1 to
Jnno 7, 230 being under treatment. The
total number of cases slnco tho outbreak
la about 1,200.
Kelly and Ilaker Acquitted.
Louisville, Ky., June 25. Kelly and
Baker, leaders of tho industrials, were
acquitted in the city court of vagrancy
Kelly spoko to 4,000 peoplo, comprised
principally of workingmon. At a low
estimate he roulized fOOO from the meet
ing. .
Mrs. Ignatius Donnely Dead.
St. Paul, Juno 28. Mrs. Ignatine
Donnoly, wife of tho author of the famous
Shokeepearon cryptogram, died at the
Ryau notch
Still Itecovorlng Bodies.
Cardiff, Juuo 27. Thero hBve now
been rocovered from tho Albion colliery
254 bodlos.
ChloagoOralnand Provisions.
Chicago, Jane s. It wan a dulldsyin
all things speculative. Tho small buslnsM
done was principally on local account and
consisted larcoly of changing over July oon
tracts Into September. Tlm doting momsnu
caught wheat nt Its ucnkcM, Ho to Jo below
the close the day befuru. Corn wound up wills
only Ho decline. Oats were firm aud closed
lo higher for June, Hie lilt'Utr for July and M
higher for Beptomber. Provisions were a
hade lower.
CI.08INO rmcT.s.
WHEAT-Steady. Cash, Ht).c; July, SDHei
September, Jllic; December, 6Kc.
CORN-Stcaily. Cash, totfc; July, 40Mo;
September, II He.
OATB-Easy. Cash, Kto July, Stylet Sep
tember. OOH&o.
POHK-Stcady. July, 812.&J; September.
LAItD-Steady. July, $0.77Kii September,
RIBS-Steady. July, W.KHj; Soptember,
Chicago Mr Stock.
Ohicaoo, Juno ai.-OA'ITLE-Sales were
on a basis of I1.80&3.2 for poor to choice
Teias cows nnd hulls and $S,OJia-l.75 forsteers.
Bales of natives wero principally at I3.00Q
1.00 for cows and hulls and nt io.&i.I.M for
BOOS Compared with yesterday's opening
prices today's sales show n dropoflSo. "
best of the heavy hoes hrouuht W.0a5.l0 anl
there were Bales of nxiurtud llsht at ft M.
The major part sold at 81.00 for heavy and at for llRhta. ' "
8HEEP-Thwo wns no change of Import,
ance In sheep, but lambs made n further ad
Ta.?ejJia at,?'i' f0.r. th? rormor advance
to 1.8003.75 and for ttjo latter to 83.0005.00.
South Oilman ,Vo Stock.
Seurn Omaha, Juno M.-OATTLE-n.
celpU. 8,a head; tnnrkot Kta higher: 1300 to
WO lba., 8U01.8'); llll to IK)) lbs.. 110
ft?2i?nt0 ,UWi,,s- " choice 'cow
UMftl0; eunfmon cows, 81.1533.40.
IIOOB-RifceW. 12,tt Uimur market 10a
t.rsi heavy, UP3t.M, ' ""'
. j
' M
,1 .
m .