f' tf' M&??- . t , - . V. ..'-, ::i . 2t3Li u T., tf THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JUNE 20. 1894. 4 ! N V 13 . w. m l'!S t : 1 ft l ftf til.' '.1. sammm mm f mmmn w mmimw mt Prepare for the Lower B. AND Up to Htid Including July ltd, w will make specially low nrlceN on nny nnl nil KodN In our More. 11 of our $1.50 Oxfords for $1.25 All of our 1.95' ' " 1.50 All of our 2.00 " 1.05 All'of oiir $2.00 Blioes Men's and Womens $1.50 All of our 2.50 " " " 2.00 3.50 ,. 4.00 All of our Bargains In Children's shoe. Ten par cent reduction In price of goods not enumerated above. BLAKESLEE & KALEY ?JUUUUiUiiUiUUUUUiUiUiUiUUMR CRED K. MoKEEBY, M. D, ' v Physician and ttnrgcon, City iind country calls promptly ana .worcd. ,)' Moon Block, Red Cloud. otUTAULE.OF CONTEXTS. Pago. 1 Gon. Washington, .i fourth of July Program. ' " Railroad Nowb &c. Weather bulletin. J-Country news. Educational Nowb. ,4-tLocuI news and Othor. Miscellany. G-City Nowb. G-Cornot Murdered. 'Kansas News. Nebraska Nowb. 'l Fishing party Lost. Other newe. ' 8 MiscollanoouB News. LOCAL NEWS. IN. Li. Robinson is on tho sick list this woik. D. C. Hewitt ot Hastings was in tho city Monday. Charloy Roiglo is suffering soveroly with rheumatism. i Ot J. Thorstenburg ot Heldrego wbb in the city Friday. ; II. S. Halo was down from Hastings tho first ot the week. Hiram Holloy ot Guide Rook was on our streets Monday. Miss Cora Koloy went to Franklin this week on a visit. ' G. W. Belknap of Oborlin, Kan.-, was in the city this week. . Mrs. Geo. Wlnton, living north of the city, is quito seriously ill. a.Tj. Hamilton ot Dloomington was in Red Cloud Saturday. Goo. Fentrosa is opening a harbor shop over Deyo & Grico'a drugstore. Miss Dolly Shepardson ot Franklin was Tlsiting in tho city this wook. Wright Thornburg is able to be around again, after quite u serious illnoBB. ' Clon'ng out at a big discount all sum mor eluthing.-C. Wionor. Tho Clothier. J. O. Lindley came homo 'last Friday from his visit with daughters in Mc Cook and Culbortson. Rov. Falflom ot Hustings was in the city tho first of tho weok. He was here in the interest of tho Baptist Voung Peoplo'a Union. 'Mtrs. Jno. Winters, Miss Trix Mizer and Misa Corn Gnrbor wont to Fairfield Tuesday to attond the Stato Christian Sunday-school onsociation. Tho City Bathing Parlors will hero alter be opened for ladies overy Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, from ono to livo p. m. A lady will be in charge of tho rooms. 1 Tho other day wo rocoivod a seronado from a handy hand-organ handler. The blind musician was iod around town, wherever ho wished to go, by a very intelligent dog. Don't forgot thnt Red Cloud will eele brato in grand style this year. Lota of fino Hro works, good speakers und raro sports on the program. This is tho placo to spend tho Fourth. The dates aro now out for the Wob Bter county fair, to bo hold Sept. 5, 0 and 7. Tho premium list this year Ibb groat deal largor than usuul, and there is no 'roason why wo should not have 'a sue .coBsful exhibition. Rov. II. L. Humphrey ot Hobron,Nob., held morning and evening Borvices in 'tho Christian church last Sunday. His Bermone woro both Interesting and in structive. Tho Christian people aro well pleased with him. ; A. O. nosmor, editor of tho Rod Cloud Ciiiki'. donarted last Saturday morning for Missouri on a visit to relatives. If nothing happens andtho"covored koors" 'don't break down he will return tho lattorpart ot this weok. Now tho "devil tolls his talo. Al GaluBha, Robt. Potter, Thud Mc Nltt, Georgo Ovoring, Horace Spanogle, Charley White, Charley Robinson and F. G. Blakesloo wont to Blue Hill Tues rlav to witness a same ot ball botweon Blue Hill and Guide Rock. They report a good game, tho scoro standing i!5 to 0. . ,, Glorious Fourth! Prlcca on , 8.00 BRIEF MENTION. Wanted City warrants C. Calmos Charley Garbor was in tho city Mon doy. Go and soo the bargain shoo countor at Wionor'B. GIubs jars, rubbors and tops at A. Morhart & Son's. Al McClintock returnod from his trip to O'Noll Tuesday. Buy your fruit jars of A. MorhBrt k Son. Thoy have all sizes. Wionor has put in a bargain sho counter. Call and soo it. Go and see Calmes for all kinds ot brood, cokes, cundioB, &c. F. P. Hadley puintor and papor hanger ond sign work a specialty. R. B. Fulton is homo from a trip to Omuha and Council Bluffs. DR. CULLIMORE IN RED Coud July Oth, and 10th. Frank Pottor, ot the Plattsmouth Horald, was in tho city this weok. Closing out at a big discount all sum mer olothing. C. Wionei, Tho Clothier. If you put up any cherries you want gluBS jars. Buy thorn of A. Morhart & Son. Wo guarantee tho Lincoln paint to bo equal ti anything on tho market. C. L Cotting. Mrs. C. M. Calmes, who has beon vis iting in McCook and vicinity, returnod homo Monday. Mrs. Mary B. Dixon, mother of Mrs. J. R. GlflBB, roturned Monday to her home in Blairsville, Pa. Closing out at a big discount all sum- mor clothing. O. Wienor, Tho Clothior Any ono having carriago painting to do should call on F. P. Hadloy for prices, all work first class. Curt Evans has every thingyou want in. tho second-hand furnituro lino, Soo him Bluo Front, south Wobotor stroet. Cotting tho druggist is Boiling lots of wall paper, low pricos, protty patterns and fair treatment are what counts. R. B. Fulton firo and lightning insur ance, Western White Bronze, monu. ments and cemetery goods. Offico with Tradors Lumbor Co. A littlo example: If it takes ono street commissioner to take caro of tho streets ot Rod .Cloud, how many sidewalk com missioners do wo noed? Joe Fogle tho harness man, locatod in the Chanoy building North Webster St for first-class work, substantial har nesses, saddles, collars and hard woro. For the best meals and lunch go to tho City Bakory and restaurant also fresh bread, buns, pics, cakos and fino candies,' tobacco cigars, etc., at. Jos Herburgor, The City Bath Rooms is the place 'to visit thooo windy dusty days. Remom bor they aro open from 0 a. m., 11 p. m., ovory day oxcopt Sunday. Don't forgot that Rod Cloud will cele brato this yoar with groat pomp. A largo sum has been raised for games and other amusemonts. Tho speaker is, a man of state, notoriety and worth your while to hoar. Rov. II. O. Spolman of Angola, Ind., filled the pulpit in the Congregational church last Sunday, morning and even ing. Mr. Spolmou is an able speaker, ulTuble and courteous to all with whom he comes in contact, and tho members of that church will do well to socoro such a worthy gentleman for their pas tor. . Ono ot tho main features ot the cele bration this fourth will, bo the blcyclo races. Ono ot tho flnoBt quurtor mile trncks in tho state has boen put in, and thoro will bo Bomo fino racing done. Competitors from all over tho state will be on tho traok. The prizes consist o solid gold and silver modals, which aro worth anybody's timo in trying to obtain, Tho littlo fivo-y ear-old son of 0. II. Wilson, who lives in the sou thorn part of the city, met with quito a serious uccldont the othor day. Whilo climbing out of a buggy, ho slipped, fulling bohind tho horso which immediately bocamo scared, kicking tho boy in the pit ot tho , stomach. Ho was picked up uncon scious and placed under the care ot Dr. Damerell, and is now rapidly improving. Coiling' Pointers. Do you know it is hot? A drink of our ico cold soda wntor is refreshing. . Wo have tho finest lino of tooth brush es in tho city. Try our new drinks, malt phosphates, nutritive and satisfies tho thirst. Our perfumes aro fresh and fragrant. Manitou mineral wators on draught. Bring us your porscripttons we ubo only tho purest drugs, and employ n graduato in pharmacy. CITY NEW. Win, Jackson is iu tho city. J, C. Warnor is in Lincoln this week. John Kellogg is back from Oklahoma. C. Kolloy of Rivorton was in town this weok. II. B, Hickox was down from Hastings Tuesday. S. Korshnor was down from Bluo Hill this weok. Wm. Pottit of Guide Rock was on our streets this week. Jno. Fulton of Rivorton was in the city this wook. E, Howard of Hastings was on our street Tuesday. A. II. Savago of Straust, la., was in Red Cloud this weok. F. W. McLaughlin ot Bladen was in Red Cloud this week. Mrs. O. C. Tool and children returned from Indianola yesterday. Mrs. Wm. JackBon and children of Wymoro aro visiting in tho city. Closing out at a big discount all sum mer clothing, C. Wiener, Tho Clothier Closing out at a big discount all sum mer clothing. C. Wionor, Tho Clothior. E. J. Ovcring and W. G. Warren of Red Cloud woro in tho city Tuesday. Bludon Enterprise Any ono in nood ot sign work should call on F. P. Hadloy. Ho guarantees a first class job or no pay. Miss JobsIo Sherman roturned last Sunday from Wisconsin, whero sho has beon for tho past two years. Wantod to trade morohandiso for a good and gontlo horso. Inquire ot Jno B. Wright tho second hand furniture man. Miss Lulu Potter accompanied by her brother Frank, loft hero last monday tor PlattBmouth, Nobraska, whero sho will attond school. ' Judgo S. II. Bradley and wife, noo Mra. Viola Luce, ot Oklahoma accompanied by their daughtor and son, aro visiting relatives in this county. Who says it doesn't rain in Nebraska? Five good hoavy showers have greeted us in throo days. The Chief advertises and every thing has to como. An Axtel merchant received the fol lowing order from tho country: "Dero Sir: Ploaso sond me four pounds of cofo and to. My wifo had a baby last night also 10 pounds ot choso and a rat trup He wayod 0 pounds and a hatchet and nalcs. Will sottlo after harvest. Charles Calmes, known os tho baker on whools, has kopt things flying this week. Crowds have gathered in front of his restaurant to watch the numorous balloons UBcond, and after tho balloons wero out ot sight, tho crowd would go inBido to tako tho crimp out ot thoir necks. Charloy knows how to draw trade Mr. Z. Barnes living ono-half nillo north of Amboy on tho Frank Cochrane farm brought in somo very fine oats which aro on exhibition ut this oOlco. They aro fully five foet high and tho heads aro eight inches long on an aver age. Mr. Barnes buvb he has five acres ot thoso oats, and livo acers not quite so tall but just as good; and still some peo ple say that small grain cannot be raised in Nebraska. Tuesday some parties from Kansas packod thoir trunk at 3 a. m., and when it was dumped at tho depot at 10:00 a. m., the plaintive appoal ot a kitton was hoard to issue therefrom, Tho own er's attontion was called to the fact and on opening tho trunk, there lay tho kit ten boneath tho socond box. It is sup posed to havo beon asloop, and iu tho hurry of packing, wus unnoticed. Rod Cloud will celobrato tho 4th in a grand old-fashioned stylo, and indica tions point to a largo attendance at that place on tho coming hatul day. The committees in charge ot the colebration are advertising the attractions in such a 'mannor that proves their belief in printer's ink, and this is what counts in a fourth of July colobration. Red Cloud will havo a big day. Bluo Hill Leador. The Red Cloud Marble and Oranito Works, Boyd k Ovoring, proprietors, shipped n monument to Falls City this weok which stands ton foot high. Tho Htono wus cortainly a mastorpicco of workmanship und u credit to tho city of Rod Cloud, as tho firm had to oompoto with largo housos in Lincoln, Omuha and other cities. Tho Red Cloud Marble k Granito Works turn out some elegant monuments, and Messrs Boyd & Ovoring aro to be complimonted ou their success in scouring bo many orders from undor tho firms in largo citfes. Dr. Cullluiore eroniuhu. Dr. Cullimoro, oculist to Missouri Pacillo railwuy, Omaha, will meet his oyo and ear pationts in Red Cloud on July Olh and 10th al Dr. MoKeeby's office. FIRE AND NO WATER. RED CLOUD AGAIN VISITED BY FIERY MONSTER. THE Hard Wind-No Wittr-outlook Bnb Uii for wtilta-Tivo Heeldenre Utterly Dcatrsycd OhaBRe of Wind Save! tho TiwnOlly OMccra Thoroughly Kxrlted, On Wednesday nftornoou nt 3:10 the terriblo and thrilling, yet over fascinat ing cry of firo was echoed from ono mouth to nnothor, spreading with the rapidity as such alarms alwuys travel, instantly starting u large crowd for tho scene ot destruction. Owing to tho dan ger , tho firo alarm did not sound but a short spaco oMImo. Tho firo started in tho residence of R. M. Cochrano on Seward street, and was caused by a cloth which was spread over tho tank of a gasolino stove becoming ignited from the Haines which tho wind caused to swerve. Mrs. Cochrano was tho first to notice the danger, and calling for help sho ran out of tho house. Mr. Coch rane thon appeared on the scone, and in tearing the rag from the tank, tho latter bocamo loosened and foil to tho tloor, whore tho Homes Immediately fed on the fresh fuel and made it utterly use less for him to further attempt to stay the blaze. Thoro was an insurance of $600 on tho houso, but that is n small amount compared with the loss, nothing being saved, with tho excoption of one chair which stood on the outside. It is extremely lucky that no ono was burned by the explosion of the gasoline. rlllKMF.N ON HAND. Among tho first to mako their appear onco woro the fire boys, who immediate ly unreoled their hoso, carrying it bo twooti tho burning building and tho houso standing north of it, and then it was discovered that thoro was NO KOItOE TO THE WATF.lt, which immediately caused great excite mont to prevail among tho citizens, as tho wind was blowing directly toward tho main part ot town. It appears that they had the pump apart at tho engino houso, putting in a new suction pipe, and instead ot filling the standpipo and thon shutting the main oir, tnoro was only about 36 feet ot wator therein in the morning and it was allowed to run, thus using the whole supply by noon, and thereby maklng tho firemen help less to cope wiin a lire, it moro had boon wator, there is no doubt but what tho frame of tho first houso could havo boen savod, and tho sooond one not so much as scorched. When they wore ap prised of the fact that they could do no good in that direction, they instantly realized that tho NEXT HOUSE MfflT (10, bo thoir attontion was turned toward saving the household goods and in an in credibly short timo with tho kindly holp of citizens, tho goods woro carried to u placo ot safety. Tho north rooms wore oocupicd by Miss Joslo Igou, whoso fur niture, piano, otc, woro nlso safoly re moved. Tho flames mado rapid head way and soon enveloped the building, IIia rcsidoiico of Mrs J. A. Tnit. which wss burned to tho ground. Thoro being no insurance it was n total loss. (UtEAT ENDURANCE. At tho noxt placo, Rov. Geo. O, Vols or's, great enauranco and noblo work was noticeablo on tho part of the firo department and citizens. Thoy succeed ed in saving the houso by staying right by it during most extreme heat and stif ling smoko and carriod overy pail of wator from a distance, passing the water into willing hands, und right here a groat many thanks ore duo u numbor of ladies, who carried water for a bloek or more. It is doubtful whether thoy coUld have stayed on the bulldinc fit- toon minutes longer had the wind not Huddoaly changed bo as to drivo the boat across tho stroot, and for such he roic work on that building, othors doubtless owo tho enjoyment ot thoir nrcsent homos. Mr. lelsora household goods woro carried out nnd otherwise badly handled, bat it proved to bo un necessary. . Pllin ACKOHS THE HTRKF.T. Ono of tho houses on tho opposlto side of the street caught fire threo times and othors wore badly bllstored, but owing to wet blankets and ready volun teers the fire was kopt from spreading. Fire was noticed in tho barn of E. Mo Furland, two blocks distant, butwasex tinguished before gaining any headway. Had one more building becomo ignited, tho people would probably have becomo discouraged and divided, and at the rato the wind was then rising, thoro would have been a largo sweep in the city. CITIZENS ALARMED. A great many ot our citizons wore con siderably frightened and mado all prep arations to movo in case of necessity. RECEIVE WATER. After somo timo tho numn was nut to gether and the onginoor set to work, which enabled the tiromon to throw a small stream to koop tho sparks down und wot tho dobris of the destroyed houses. After receiving the wator tho dungor was soon past. ' 'a i.ehhq.v. This Ib tho third time sinco tho water works woro instituted in Rod Cloud that thoy huvo hud occasion to ubo the witter whon it was found to be lacking not enough pressure to throw a stream two feet and wo don't know how. many othor times it has beon in the sumo con dition when it was not ueeded. It seems as it it would bo advisable to havo an extra engino on hand, and in cuso ro puirs woro wanted tnore would be no need ot shutting the water oft, und more thun tuut, It would remove a groat deal of responsibility besides lessoning the danger of our citizons' and more-hunts' propel ty. AOAIN ON THURSDAY. At oxactly 3:10 again on Thursday the alarm was ugain turned in, firo having brokon out In the crib back ot the Farm ers and Morchunts Banking building. Tho stuoturo was filled with Imlod hay which, after well sturtod, threw the most excessive heat. Buildings in tho immed iato vicinity woro beginning to smoko pretty badly when tho fire dopartmont Dry CLEARING SALE PRICES. All our Ladies', Misses' and Children's i : OXFORDS! at reduced prices. Special values in Black Silk Mitts at 20c, 25c and 35c. Special bargains in Summer dress goods. See our line of Men's Negligee Shirts. Wc can save you money. , Also special bargains in White Qoods, Ging hams, Calicoes, Sheetings. Muslins, Etc. All the balance of our Summer Underwear for ladies, gents arrived, nnd, owing to tho firo boing situated in such combustible material, it had a good start but the stronms of water from two nozzles soon turned tho fiamos to smoko which was soon cloarod away. Tho hay belonged to Mr. L. P. Albright and was dumagod to somo ox tont but there is a great deal of it yet in good shape which he prosontod to tho dopurlment for thoir timely ofTorts. At tho firo noar his houso ho also prosontcd them $23. The boys freoly oxprcss thoir appreciation of his gratitude and good will. Tho origin ot tho firo is unknown. Fires in Rod Cloud scorn to be contng Ioub, aB it cannot holp but bo noticed that ono is gonernlly followod by more, and usually u littlo uoincidonco ot somo kind connected with them. AROUND TOWN. R. S. Proudllt and wifo ot Guldo Rock wore in Rod Cloud this wook. Miss Ella Cook returned home Mon day from a visit at Blue Hill. , C. E, Holmes of Hastings was doing business in tho city this weok. Tho W. C. T. U.f will moet with Mrs. Warner during tho month ot July. Mr. Bweozey und children of Bluollill were visiting Mr. llonry Cook's yester day. Marshal Roby, operator ut Hastings, wus visitinghis parents in the city this week, Rov. Seeloy will hold services in tho grovo near Amboy next Sunduy at threo o'clock. Mrs. N. W. Kincsland loft Wednesday morning for' Boutrico to uttend tho'Chuu tauquu. Children's day oxorcises will bo hold in the Congregational church Sunday ovoning. The ladies of tho Christian church will sorve ico cream at Mrs. S. F.ISpokes Hold's on the Fourth. Rov. G. E. Taylor ot Indianola will bold services in the Congregationul church next Sunday morning. Lost. Gold ear ring with diamond sotting. Fiudor plcuso loavo at E. Mc- 1 arland p store and recoivo rowaru. Owintr to the editor's ubsence, somo ot tho correspondence may unwittingly bo omitted on account of our not getting all tho muil. ' When you soo a crowd of young folks leaving tho city in vehicles, you want to get vour umbrella and rubber coat right uway. It's sure to rusn. Quito a numbor ot our citizons nccom puniod' somo of tho boys to Cowles Wednosduy to seo tho bull game, Red ni...l ..,nnn l,u on n 'XI Mr. Hannah's son was slightly touched by lightening tho other day, whilo at the pusture uftor tho cuttlo. The shock wns light and ho soon recovered, Tho peoplo should not forgot to como to Rod Cloud tho Fourth and hoar Hon. T. J. Muhonoy Bnouk, as ono of tho best Bpoochos ovor made in tho city is expect od. Tho heuvy winds ot tho past wook havo nearly demolished tho fence around the fair grounds. On both the north and south sides tho fonccB aro dawn for distance ot from twonty.flvo to fifty (i&i &. Odd & 11 Goods and children at cost. feot in places and tho gato is from its hinges and lying 'at wrenched some dia- tanco from the entrance Tho S. ot V. band started overland to Uludou lust Saturday uftornoon for the fiurnoso ot giving a concert at that place n the ovoning. Owing to a heavy down pour of ruin from six to eight o'clock, tho crowd was not what thoy expected, nevertheless, the boys report having had a jolly good time and do not regret thoir trip iu tho least. Thoso who at tended tho concert oxprcss their appre ciation of tho boys' ability to entertain au audionce. Notice. In ordor to mako it an object to tho peoplo to havo their pictures takon before July 5, I will mako 15 cbineta for 82 00. Until July C only. E. Ten nant. Good pay does not advertise, for poor mechanics. . Money, nklll and experience cannot im provo Dr. (Sawyer's Pastilles for dimnses pooaliar to women. Send to your drog giit for froe sample. Sold by Deyo k Urice. i A truo believer is one you do. who thinks aa Dr. Sawyer's Family Cure It not only relieve; it cares. It is suitable to all ages nnd every member of the family Try a f rbe'snmple. Bold by Deyo k Orlge ' I Noversitina game when the devi' deals. . . ,.- " Mrs. W. J. Fahey ot LeRoy, N. Y. says; "Have trUd fifty congh Cures. Parks Cough Byrup is the only one'that helped me. 1 know it if tho best Congh IWmedy Bold by C, L. Cotting. ' "AwardtxT HlgbfXt Howr-WrM f$t. ! Pit CREAM BAKING P0WM1 MOST PERFECT MADE. A pute Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD m .MM. p m - rtUR f -w. A, "J w '"i I "l r -? A -.. i A y vaWft hue. ,fc.?,-rfcSyS?ai!rW2 wWVrWffitf-SSCXflrafT33S; vfframa -8feSSSE2T AHWUiMattttfU. C U... MaM-,nucUMU0e -. ... . a - ) wM .uri - i n i 'i 'i 'i iMwiai:'ta"w ' tVmllt't&)&'&!