li la ! . 8 THE ItED CLOUD CHIEF, K.KP QLQU1). flJfljfflASKA, FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1804. rfi iniui-i t All wor IV I' I' THE CHIEF lMhllihrd Weekly. ftatucrlptlmi, - 81 Per Aminni, luvarlnlily In Alniit If nolrld In mhotiro. after lhl (lit March l WJ, tlio price will lis 11.55. Knteinl at t' c Test (Hllco In Itcil Cloud, Nob., UN n, nil iimltrrnf tlienrcoiid cliui iiiTin if AiirrimdlNO . . . Vrnf.i-.inU. I Inch or If n I'cr yenf. in no Mr ii.unlln. A.;.... Three timiitlii " MMNMMI AllVrliTIUKMKSrm. 1'rr Itmli (ii o Kir . lUi. Invi ! i unlit It tl ......... a.a 3 no ....2 01) ...(too ....3 (XI reriner. ilir' months, ySJH Special iietkra it fliw or line spirto, Hint pllllllCMItOtlSCVIltit, ,...i i 'rrntislcht r ml", puynblfl Invariably In nil vnuee, TrUhe W cents. . . . .. All ream n notice. In Hi nitureot aavertlio mctits or ptilkt cent per line. IkiiI notices iiilwiliiitM, J: fopn. Mtiaro (ten unci ol Nnhparoll ur len.) llrit juibllctlon 91.(0: for e.irh Biibjequeiit publication, inr inuitrt, M rents. .... i No "iiri'lerinl tiolileii"ontilrnct8maile. All innitrr to iihuio imlillcitloti inmt lie re colved hi Ibis n.iu net Inter than Wednesday. AiliertlseniPiiH cannot lift unified onl fur Ilia current week later tlwn Thursday. ALLIMilNTEDATHOME It. A: M. It, It. Tiiuu Tabic. 'IiiklliKelTecl Deo, 3. Trnlnsciirrjlim passuuKiirs leave Itcd Cloud as '"0ttS! l!Ar VIA l.ASIINUS, No. Ui l'aiu-iiKir to llastliiK . 3:30 p. in, Aitiiivn No. ill I'lisicm-cr from llnstliiKl ll:3Sn.m. UAhTUA WYMOHK No. in, I'liMiiiuvrtiiHt .loeph St. IiilsuiiilClilc.iuiil,illv 1012. a. m, (ioiMi wi:sr. No. IB 1'iWHiium lor Denver, dully, 6,6, p. in kit. J. s. EMIOII, I)ciiIImI, 11 ED Ci.orjii, Nf.iiiiahica. Otcr Tii)lorV IMirullurc More. lCxtrnrtH tivili without p.ilu. Crown iiml bridge work it HpcclHlt). l'oroolalii lulu) , unit nil kind of noli! filling. Slnki h uolil iiml i libber plates uiul coitililuatlon piuicn, All work Miiar.inteeit to bn llrnt-clasi, .SE & MoNITT, Va ATTOllXKYS AT LAW, Moon Block, - Kill) CLOUD, NE1J. Collodions promptly nttoudod to, nud correspondenco solicited. JT BTOFFEK, "" The O. It. feliop, Ilcri :iou!, . elrnnku. I givu my ptusonhl attention to my pitman. First-oltuw Bhnving and hnlr cutting n specialty. ISUMNUBS I'MIUil, I W. TUI.LKYS, M. D. lloiiiu-oiinlhlc IMiytlrlaiii, Bed Cloud, - NubruttHn. Office, opposltu first National IJuuk. u. H.KxuiiiIiiIiik sine,con. Cliroiilo tllseiiMi treated by mall. Q L. WINFREY, Auctioneer, Hed UI.OUH, - Neiiraska. Will attend sales lit reasonable tlirutes. balls r.ictloiicimrkiileeil. I U. SMITH, liiMiriuieo Ar;unt, ki:d cloud. . vi-iiRAiiifA. I il h otrlotly fnrm iiiHMrmioo nud iavit nil to bou mo. D V TUUNKKy. . . ...Attorilf y nl Lull. ei t;ioiid, . itcbrukkii. p UFnoK l Oppiok Jp Htairfl, in Moon Mock, R P. HUTCHISON, Toiimh'IuI ArlM, Itli Avknui:, - ItKiiCuiuii, Nkdbahka Firdt-cliieti hnrbtirt) mill llrat-oliiua work nnruutuod (liyo moiicnll -MIAS. SUHAFFNIT, liuui'iiucv AKencf, l!cireentH lirrui.ui In-in.UH'e t'n , I'leeimr'.. III. iiuuniiicttCi) , Mvi-riMiul, ifiiKtmitl. Homo Kilo Intiir.iiU'ii Co., of Om.ili.i, Nebr. I'liieiiW Ahsnr.iiu'iiCu. ol l.iimltni, I'nu'. 1 Mauebuster l ho Assni.inecCo. ut riiKlainl. (In.iiillmi AiunnncpCii , or l.niiilim, I'.hk. tlinilnuton lisui.moiCii. of itiirlUmton, Inna. Hrliub AtatTliMAvtiiriiiii'f '. 'lornntn, Can. Jtnlnul lteeio 1'iuhI l.lfc Asnu.ol '. Y, TliNorl(iiuii IJinlJini; amt Jajmi A-tsocUtlon ot Unnvin, Nclii.islvii OI'Joo over .Mizur'B Ktoro. Urn Oixduij. . . Nkhuabka C. E. Putnam, Notaky I'uill.ll', COWLKS, NKIIUASKA. Agent r-a Phoenix insurance Co. UP IIHOOKI.YN. St. Paul Bankers Life Insurance Co. HEAL ESTATE All business intiustcd to him will b promptly attendedto. CAN I OHTAIN A PATKNTf For a pnniipt mmwer nnd nn bonoit opinion, wrllo Io lUIS A. ,l.,wlinliivolind nearly urir years' eipexumiilnllH' Vitrnt ImmneM. Ouuiiuunlea tloiuiilililly lonililentlnl. A lliiiiiluouk of In. liirnntlnn iimeernliiR I'nlenln nnj linw to ob. titlu ili.'i'i ri nt Iree. Al ui u cntnloguo of tuetlian. Icnl uiul wieninili'Xili cent Ireo. 1'. tiittrj liken llironcli Miniii A Co. rccclvo Muiialliotleolnttiet'i leiillllo Ainerlcnii. unit tliiia nro hroiubt irlilelr iKlnrntliu pulillcwttti out i 3t to llui liiTcnlor. 'J lila rieiiillil 'n;r. IHMieilneeltly.rlouaiulvlllnstratnil. bos hy fnr tlio liri'ei t i ulittlnu of any (Clenlltlo noik in tbe nor'il. t J a jour, fcamelo tupra iiout lre. liullillni: l-duiuu. inniitlilr. f.VOn e:ir. Slnsla coi'le,J. rent. r.cry number eomnins tuau. Mm iilatui. In eoloia. ana pliotonruptii of IW rnuiM-, Willi plana. rilat'Hnc bulMcra to rhow tbo iateat at elcna und aecurncontraua. Addreat y THE NEWS OF KANSAS QOIMES, CASUAWTIE3 AND OTHEit IMPOfJTAWT HAPPCWWrGa llrlof Ali'iillnii or Mullen, Whldi i:er,T boily.Mionlcl Uiiiht Almlil l.ti nl of I lie Wre1 In Nimby Si illom Aienrutely and Cnnrlmily C'liionlrlril, Jerry 8Ihiidii Stiiullly linmrtlnc. Wahhinoto.n, .Inuo ID. Itcimwoiila tlv Jerry Stmirvut Is nkidiV' inuirovlug AiwU-rn' Cunrfuutnri-nlrrK (IMity, li&vVk.xWcVi'ffi, Kiin, Jurii CO. Thp jury roturnod a verdict itmUrj Bnndors' commonweal nnny guIUy as chArgott.ia tho Information. nud fimlth KlUerf. WiaiiTA, Knn Juno St. Bnd Smith, n notorlotiB dosporndo, wnfl killed nt Watonn, O. T Dy tlm rfiorilt. Smith has boon idontiflnd with tho Daltona. Cnxpyltrn t JUniorlii. EnroniA, Khii., Juno IV. Tho first continjrwit of tho Coxey nnny to vM Emporin Btrtiek 'horo, hendwl by Mnjor C. IL O'Brien. Tho party oomoa from Los Angeles, Druertlng From ArtrV Army. Kakbab City, Jnno jrj. Thero Iwito been moro descrtlonB in tho commonweal camp in tho cast bottoms nnd out of 800 men who drow rationi a week ugo, not moro than 150 nro now in ramp. IncnlU OITiirril no IMIt'irtlilp. Atciiikon, Juno 18, John . IngnIL) hns recoivinl an oiler to betomo cxlitor-in-chlcfof nn lmjiortant iimgnzino iib llsheil in Now York. IIo left for that oco to confer with tho management. At Omiiin City. C-5AOH City, Knn., Jnno J0. A tTri fie storm raged hero last, night. (ilaBS was broken by tho hall, treed Mown down and much damago dono to small building wast of here. Tho hail dam aged tho corn badly and almont ruined wheat. IrleinlM't of Dultoii hlq; hhol. Wichita, Knn., .IuihjIU. JnhnWnrd, n member of tho Dalton gang was shot aud killed nt Hear Ort-ek, near Diiot'iiti, O. T by Deputy Unitnl Status Wir- shall Tom Ciivingtim. Want ifiinJo ivk tiyht atiCk Whi7 ho dletl lOtuupty rfMfe ybwo lonnil nt life feiA . ftc(itittBti Comciiim tv i)i-j,iiiiU.l. TXii'HKA, Kan, Juno Ul. -Tho- ft-pnl-licJin Htatb ciufiai ioiitnlll.'o vtvi, 4hui in tin onrbnrntiJ wsslon d porfn4 ttt orgtiiiiy.iition. At tho lecmiminiilulhm of-tho state calididtitos, Cynis I.eland of Tioy was inadu chairman, J. L, Bristow of Kalinasecietury and Frank Fleniken of Emporia clirbf clerk. llrriU'd llniivti Inn Mother IIiiIiImm-iL Wichita, Kan., Juno If. At King man, when Editor Blown art ivtil from tho Populist stato vjnvmition. wlicruhu liltttTlT fonglii wtmnin'ri siOryain?, Jroi was met nt tru depot, taken I'rmn tt) Ado of hi.i wffo, clothed in iu motl' iBilibatiT (lna ittnl iKinml. uul oom pelled U) march fJirough tho Htrei8 to foro u biass Jmnd. Tlio trionds of woman's stilltago did it. Mm l'liuiili VlllidinM Her Suit. Emcoima, 'Knn., Jnno 21.-Tho cult rlhsl by Mm. 1'. B. Huuib, widow of tho lato Penntor I'luinb, against Mnjcr Cal vin Hood, tier husband's old tlmo friend and pnrtuirV, lias Ihi-ii withdtnwn. When Major Hot id tiled his bill of particular, Sire. 1'lmih saw that sho had been inis infnrincil as to tho facts in the eiiu and took innc odiato btqu to tilcCt -a settle meiit. ItRiliini I'rolilblllOii Ticket, l.v.l'ottiA, Juno 15. Tho ht.rle tick of t'ae Kans.LS Prohibitionists was mm . pleiisl ns follows: (tnvernor, 1. O. lic orlng, Olathe; lieutenant governor, II. CI, Dougluirt, Hiawatha; htrietary of Mate, J. M. Howard, Wichita, associate jus ti Judgo Silver, Topeka; auditor, J. P. Porkitts, Onlumbus; tieasuier, Jnine Murray, Baldwin, ehaplalu ot Kiiusils O. A. IU; attorney geneial, M. A. Van Dennett, C'heiokco; superintendent pmV lio instructions, Mre. A. Allison, Cuba; rniigrcbSiuaii-atrlnige, Major Hulsingev, Itaswdulo. iJ'Welllnn Dxpi'ilnlo Win. "Lr.AVUswoimi, Knn., Juno 17. Oov irnor Lewelling nttended a meeting of tho Mystic Slu in ers heie. In an intei view he said in speaking of tho Populist postdbihtiiii in this stato that ho ex IM'cted tho ticket to win for Mtvornl re.i soas, Fiibt, it Avould go tluoiiKh on ac count of tho onthusiasni fnr tliu party; second, tho Dei unci ntHinu.t voto and uto tired of their p.uty in this Mate and would not votf tho Republican ticket. Ho also oxptxts tho MilTiaito amend ments to take many votes from the Re publican party aud thinks tho people of tho stato are well satisfied with his ad ministration. PROMINENT POPULIST MURDERED. LM)r llmiitile of llollon, Knn., Killed by Clinton (Nliorn, ut.ililler. IIoi.tu.v, Kan., Juno UU -Charles 1. IL'unble, a piomineiit lawyer of this city, was shot aud instantly killed Thursday oveuitiir bv Clinton Osboin. fa saddler, also of, this cit v. Humble and His brother wviu nut and halted on the stnct by OsIkiiii, who was armed with u double baticled shotgun. It is stated that OsIhiiu aecuMil HamJile oflietray ing his daughter, who for hVimotime p.uit has h u winking in Huiublo's otlhe. I Jlamblo di nled tlio clmigi nud pioniilnl to pioeo the denials. .s ho ttunnlOs bom llrcd, tho toll clung n of burUhot rtiteiiug thn uiitortuuiito man's bteast and nivk, killing hint imtuntly. Tho licensed was it ptomiuent I'opulNt poli tician and was spoken of f it- tleuomin,i tion fot congress in this d strict Theio is intense leolirg hen. but. no irreat ap prehensions aio tilt ilmt t'ao law will bo iguotcd, Attt.v tlm sho.itiitif Osboin wiHiti-iiiuiin. ciiciiiiuiiw, .'mill uupuiu i,....i ... .i .i . i .... .i. deputy Bheiuf mid gave lbiuselfup, A coroner's jury iu iuvcstigcitltig tho c;uc, TRIED TO MURDEH CRISPl Arrltnl of tin 1'ollrp ii rtl Ilia Wmilil-llr Aa.imiIii 1 ioiii llie MoliS Veiif;e4iii '. JtoMK, Jnno 10 An attempt Co ihsw- , lnao Pii'iiilei Ciisjil w.h mndo today. l'rrinlfii Cil-pi w.m diivlng ("loin his residence to the cjmmber ol deputies In a losed carriage As tho vehiclo was tinning fiom tho Via (Jregorla into the Via Capoloen-o, a man who was loitoiing on tho sidewalk put his hand into his1 breast, diow a levolvi r, itiihed into tho ttticct and up to tho cai'ii.ige. lie lifted hisxovolvn, look a bIioi U aJiu itt the lirofulur and Jlml, Jig Ciiciii wiwnn? in,urctk and pioiirfrtly tiprnug onti hft catTliyo Willi tliij itrt-tilt0ii mJirnthjj would bo assassin. Tin) latrt't, hoWrtyj, was alnioat iminedlately sfJzeti m n number of .people wlio wcro attracted to tho spot by tho repent of tho roviflver. Mnnm. . mi EX-MINISTER PHELPS 13 DEAD. I'ntted Arny nt III Ilmiia ut Tea Noch, N, J,, V.ntly ttiifidrty .'Moniliip:. Nr.w Yokk, Juno 1M. EMinlstcr William Walter riidja died Bhortly lie f6ro 3 o'clock Sunday morning at his homo nt Tea Neck, N. J. Ho hail been 111 n long titno nnd ijuito recently went south in tho iuio his condition would bo improved. but littlo benefit from his southern trip, iiowovcr, and but a short tlmo ngo was so prostrated that his physician ordered ubsolutu quiet. Gradunlly ho grew weaker, and for tho past few days his death had bocn looked fcir at almost any moment. Ho died surrounded by his wife and daughter fltifl his two bons John J. nud Khellreld. EX-CONGRESSMAN PAYNE SUICIDES. Ill-llcnltli mid I'lnniii lul flmernCt SiiUl to llni t'uii.eil tlm Deed. Wasiiiscito.v, Juno IU. Ex-lteineseu tatlvo Thomas Baynoof 1'itUbuig, com mitted Buicido ntilils homo on Mississippi avcniK', tho fashlonablo part of tho city, by shooting himself thiongh tlw heint. It is supposed that ill-he.ilth and iwssl bly llnanclal reveises caused tho deed. Mr. Bayno was ono of tho best known Republican ioliticinus in Pennsylvania and was on tho ways and iiunns commit teo in tliu last coiigiess whivh lio servul. Mr. Bayno rwlgned lu's seat in congress on account of ill-health and has siuco beou out of active politics. QUAY BOUGHT SUGAfl STOCK. lie A-Imi Told the .,miiuI llrlliury Cuiuiilt- tiw Tlml Il U'liilld IW It Afill". IVAtunKdTO.v, Jiiiw K'r. tSeimtirr Han som omded a tJight kitfntion When lu biAjui tlio senufi nugar triuU inviwtwsrfiir' colnlnitteo bv stating tliTit biaMffihitil, without las- kiiituVsigu nt f tlm tntrc, nwciilaUii iit Mural sth:. "&.4ltrUtr fjuly was ksliTnv frn ngnv tntstim-iKtiiUing' cininfifbleo. 'Ho fold tliu commltteo lio bought sugar stwk for speculation ami f luit ho would do su Win. . . . RESUMPTION ORDER RESCINDED. Mlueri In tlu. Alto.iim IIMihtWIll Nut Work mi the C'olilliilnis IIUhIi. Ai.toona, Pa.fttnu 20. Tho operators of'tlro Biiwtd Top ii-im wero fi0tiiltl tr dN by District President lrradluy. of tho jliii Wori.'eJ utiiou in iv tctcgutui itrtwl DuboK, I'd,, that tliu agwianerit tt iemititf at tlao x'iipioiiiLie witvH luui been rcsdislal. By President Bradley's order uiHie ot the miners ni this district weitttowotk this morning. Anotlier convention will Iki held lwro on Juno 23. MULEY MOHAMMET"lMPRISONED. Abdul Anli! CoinpeU IIU llrother to Man All net uT Aillietloii. Tamuku, Juno 21. Muley Moliatu met, eldest sun of tho lato biiltan and a pietcuder to tho throne, has been ini prisoned at Mtlnikrah by unlOr of U brother, Abdul A&vi, fho sultan ami coiupelkil to sn;n uu act of udttesitm tu Abdul Assiz. Tho iiositiuu ol thu Litter h.ta liecn bccurcrt by his being i-ccoginsl as miltun by tho poweiful "slack uf Waiiii. IOWA G. A. H. ENCAMPMENT OPENS. Thrco 'llioii'.iiiid llelepilea l'ie-.ciit mid iMoio Arihlnu' i'ii fAeiy Tr.iln. Cuumu. Bi.i it-, June 21. Tho Iowa state (1. A. It. enc.tiupiuent opt lied Tues day, with li.H'JU delegates pro-niil anil liiotv miiviug on eveiy tiain. Five thou sand visitors will le in uttondaneo by o cuing. Tho first foi mill meeting was held at tho park at noon, when e.-Do-p.irtinent Coiumimder Stcadnian dellv oied tho addrtss ol welcome. SAM PAYNE ESCAPED LYNCHING. lil Mob lliitheiH Around Oiniiliii'n Jallr Hill Their Tiey Win Spirited Aii.i). Omviia, Juno 10, Thui-day evening a mob camu up fiom bouth Omaha to lvitch S.iiu Pay no, who coutsed bo killed Maud Rubcl, but Sheiilt' had taken tho prisoner to tlio tftato peni tentiary at Lincoln. WHEAT WENT UPTHREE CENTS'. CliliiiKii drain mid l'rolHloii. rilll'Ano, Jilliu I'J. I.IImmI wllliwi t-'iivo ulieut n lHi tumble tii'lii) nnd .till) I'lo-ul lirJ lo r ttnui jftirdiiy, ilopltu u Koixlly biippl) ot Imlllili nea .Inh corn elotid )mi louir, .lnl uutH i.-c higher nnd provlolons luuirall nruuml I lllsIM, I'llll l.s VIti:AT-.liil. vu.ji ..N'lMi mbor.illilfillM.. C'dUN-Jiilj. ll'e "epti'mlwr, lfit(Uiu. (l.VTsj Jul), ."i i fepti'mlH r. .IV. l'ORIv-Jill). 1' I", septuubir, Sli I. I.AUD-Jiil). ll) heptuulHr. i 1. UlllS-Jul). i" I-'. s litember. 5H.1.'. CtlliiIKo l.llii .Still I. Cllir.M.o, Juno U' -i ITIJ.-At eter iliiv'sniUnnee tlio i.illlu luurket ns iiulit uudtteail) Tin prliesut wlili It most of tlio .tiers dmuirM tmiiiN were $.1 7Vil t nud tniin $.MI.('I took tliu liulk of Urn iomhuihI bulla. SiiUnif Tiocas tattln wtro larucljr nt tJuitU' .VI for cows nnd bulla and at $,',t0i U3o tor btiern. IHIUS-'llie lion iiiurkrt was uttho nnd HlroliB for a briel lime In tliu uioriilui; "U'l was ouletiind weak further iiIoiik. I.luht weti;lilM bold prim hull) m Jt Tii'iM.Ni and 5l.7VM.Ki Unualit the bill ot tu.U) hofc lUseilits Uiiltle. I.Vllie.d;J rnlvei, 1,0U); hoirs .V.OOO; tin 'i. I'."". SoillJ) Oiiuihii I.Io Ktoi'lc boiiTII )M VII . .Inn" !' -rATTUJ Ri eelpts, l.l bead 1 UNI tu 1MM llw ?l Aiai 7"S IHMIi) 1 bHl tii, :IH'I in 00 to 1IIO lbs , SluVrU I'i: iliime iiinn, J.'Tlfttiri i oinmoii towi., 81 ili . o. i.'ool fi i di i a, ;l lOiy.l iJ'i loiuuiiin re. i-i 71' ' I 10 MarUul lOo hL'lu r. iIomhI Meiil. .. nui n nui iuv HuillUK. U..IM Ih-ikI. lU'uli I."1 mKKU .ii;ltM-A,, Ulivy, .r-iw.aj, Murkiitfu' m llio liluiier: clucvd weak. tmUEP-IUicdlrit. bead! Uiatlotil, .7 .Mi lault, d yontl W, Market duU. NEWS 0FNEDEASKA. DRIEJf BUT PITHY MENTIdN OF THE HAPPENINGS OF A WEEK. Npwh tt'lildi Tell tlieSliiry of Seen UuyV Crime, mid Cmiullle. iiml (lllirr Inipor liint Mullen Arriiiiced Altriu tlxely mid lli n In u IV w W'iiiiN. Ilerliircd I'or W'nlt rwnrU. 1!isn lioiT, Nub., Jun,o 20. Tlio water ixmd election In this paco passed olt, ipiiLtJy, TJu Umli currkd by a voto of tiJtoJO. Wtll.JLih AHer tho Btnfcj Uauk. Bac.NSWlCK, Neb., Juno lc). J. R. Stitlnvrland ot Tckamah has been np polntHl reooivcr of tho Stato bank and has taken possession. Thrco Ycnta Uourd KngnBod. Nr.niiASJCA City, Juno 10. Sheriff Ilubcrlco took I'aul Lyon to Lincoln, whero ho will spend thrco years In tho penitentiary for robbing his employer. I.onheil After liy Undo Sain. Naphh, Neb., Juno 10. Wlllinm Bchulft:, who was indicted by tho federal giiiud juiy on a charge- of selling liquor without a license, was taken to Omaha. Coiiiiiiontvenlerit In Court. OJI mia, Juno 20. Tho ton common wcalers anested at Paxton last Thurs day lor interfering with n Union Pa cific train wcro placed on trial in federal com t today. DnMcy Kent Kutato Bold. Fnr.MONT, Neb., Juno 15. Tho mort gage s.ilo of tho Dorsey real estate amounted to 10,000, tho nmount of tho mortgage and considerable moro than tho iippiaiseiuent. Cliitntniiiiia lliitu Kcltled. Sm.i:m, Neb., Jnno 15. Presidont Bam W. Small of tho Salem chautauqua has just wired Secretary O. W. Davis to inako tho dates for tho assembly Aug. 12 to 10 inclusive. I'nlrlniry .Men limit Vlalt St. .loieph. F.Miini itv, Neb., Juno 11). An excur sion pat ty of about 200 business men of Fail bury loft for St. Joseph, Mo in a special train over tho St, Joseph and Unind .Island railroad. Too Ijito l'or biniill Urn I a. iMrutiM,, Neb,, Juno 18. Three hiring of water fell here, thoroughly soaking tho ground iu this vicinity. It is. too lab' for small grain, but is iu time to save corn, Iiiia- mwl potatoes. m Ilrjiut irnrortto fromn. WAMiivntifc, Juno ). Mr. Brynu loft, for 'Nebraska Monday s.n-enhg with his family, und wll orrivo iu Linooln AH.'dn.fltiy mid lw in Omaha Thursday to participate in tho convention, lloii.uuiii Di'feata Corbctt, r.iiUAsK.v City, Juno 21. Judge Chapman litis lendeied his decision in tin' Corbett-Bouaeuni case. Tho de cision niitkes tlio injunction perpetual. Father ( 'oibett filed an appeal bond immediately- Hoy ilurulnr'ii lllff Work. 'jiltviKv Orv, Neb., Juuo20. John rl'xiciMi cvlond tioy, aged 14, was sent t) the rUtum tvhool. Uo hm roblwd neai'rj' ") hottnes of small m tides, enter ing by melius of skeleton keys, which ho inado himself. ltimiu urn HoliN Coiitlriiiiitlon Hervlcea. NntiixsKv City, Neb., Juno 10. Bishop Bouacum held confirmation berv ices at bt. Benedict's and St Jlary's Catholic churches Sunday. Fifty-two weie coufii med at tho former church and 10 at the latter. Id fined to ltelHter. Hl'i'Kitn ut, Neb., Juno irl. Wal Hop, a Chinese l.iiiudiyman of tltis city, was placed under in test by Doputy United StatT's Maishnl Zook of Diller, Neb., for lefusiug to comply with tho registry lawi 'flit' priaouer was taken to Omaha. Work oftinito Itolibers. HiT.iii.u., Neb., Juno 15. It has been discovcicd that tliu grave of Miss Tina Newbniry lias lieen robbed. Tlio brother of the dead girl noticed that tho grnvo hud Wen dlsturlied, and suspecting tho cause, uncovered tho coffin and found i empty. Sentemeil In Three Year. City, June '.. Paul Lyon, charged with embellng goods belong ing to his employer, Captain S. II. Mor iison, tlio jeweler, was urraigned lieforo Judge Chapman. Ho pleaded guilty, and wits Hntcneed to throe years in tho pcnitentiaiy. lleny Knliia In N'olirinlia. Om mi , June It. Tlio heaviest rains for yens fell thioughout Nebraska Vast night, tho sand hill districts particularly being dieuched. It is generally conceded thioughout thu state that littlo benefit is to bo derived for biunll giain, most being lost, but tlio coin crop will bo larger than ever. Minimum Uat C'aae, Ommi, Juno IS. -In thu maximum rate litigation this motning John L. Wolteter, tor tho state, indicated why it was not in tlio piovinco of thu federal coutt to interfere In Mate legislation aud cited eminent authority lor ids position. Tlio aigitineiits iu tho celebrated case will bo concluded Monday. In either event it will Ihi appealed. Cyetoui. Ill Sioux County. HMtitisON, Nob., Juuu 20. Tho north part of Sioux county visited by a I'vcloue, which was teiriblo In severity, but compaiativi'ly sninll fn its scope or territory. It was aliout 110 roils wide mid live miles m length. Everything in it path was swept fiom tho earth. A log 1 V leet in length nud 15 Inches In diameter was picked up nnd carried a distauuo of 00 M"K MWinurl Slill on the Ulan, Om.miv, Juno 20. Tho Missouri river rose eight aud one-half Inches hero lie tween last night and noon today. This is a slightly Iocs rise than anticipated at the local I'tiHul States weather office irotti yestei day's repot ts of heavy rain falls to thu noitlt. Tho stago of the water is te vend niches from tho danger liuoyct. River men think tho indica tions are fox stationary water tomorrow bjuoou, IS AS SAFE AND HARMLESS AS " L &la,zz. Seed FoTiltioe. 1- It io nppllod risht to tbo purta. It cures all dlsoaBoa of wonion. Any lady can uso it horeolf. Sold by ALL DRUGCHSTS. Mailod to any addrosa on rocolpt of $1. Dr. J. A. McGill Sa Co., 3 and 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, HL tfov huu hy 1j Coffin. J. L. MixKit, President. lluoii Mini:, Asst. Cashier. Peoples Bank of Red Chud, Red Cloud, Nkuraska, Transact a General Banking Business, Special attention given to Collections. Banking Office in Minor Bros Store. PLATT & FREES CO. Chicago Lumber Yard RED CLOUD, NEB. Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement. TRADERS LUMBER CO., DEALERS TN MTMIBra ai WAIL, Building Material, Etc. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. WHIG W T Is the right man when you want HARDWARE! An endless variety of stoves. Wire and Everything in the line, New York Weekly Tribune AND- I rill ONE What is Cubtorin is Dr. .Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine- nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless sulistitiito for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, nnd Cantor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Cast or la destroys Worms and allays fevcrishuess. Castoriu prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea nud "Wind Colic. Castorla relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and llatuleucy. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach nnd bowels, giving healthy and natural bleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend, Castoria. 'Cosier!-. Is nn cxci Unit incdiclno for elill rtrcn. Mothers hmo repciicdly told inuof Ita Koud effect ujiou ihclr children " 1) i. O. 0 Osfioon, lAinell, Mass " Castoria li tlio liiit lomcdy for children of ti hlcli I am acquainted. I hojw tlio ihy U i.ot far distant w hi n mothers 111 consider thu ri-nl Interest of tin lr i bll lrcn, nnd uso C'ar.torll In elead of ibrarloti8quaek no-.trumwlilcli oru iletlro) Inn their lined ones, by forcing opliim, morphine, soothing njriip mid other hurtful agents Uoun their tbroaw, tbortby scrJluj them to preuimuro giavos " Dii. J I'. KivcncLoe, Couwuy, Ark. Tho Contanr Company, T7 r A. Sht'i'wood, Cashier IU CHIEF YEAR S?l Address THE CHIEF, Red Cloud, Neb uia awaaBBBBaVZrcrSVSnaVaWJ Castoria. " Castoria U fo will adaptnl to vlill Iron tlm 1 reomumeiidltiiaaupcriurtDaiij prcHeriptlc Liiurrn tu me." II. A, A urn in, . I)., HI So. Oxford St , Urouklyn, N, Y. " Our physicians Iu tho children's depart ment havo BioLcn lilslily of their ezperi enco In ihclr outsldo practlco ultli Castoria, nnd nlthouch wo only havo ninoiif- our medical supplies nliat Is l.non oh regular products, yet no aro froo to confess that tbo merits of Castoria has wou us to IooU with faoruKult " U.SITEB HoSl'lTAt. atlD DlM'JtNUIIT, IlOStOll, Mtt33. AtLnw C. Sunn, 1'rcs., Murray Street, New Yoih City. f J$& "-