The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 22, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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w Succntoroftho
should own tliis
Dictionary. It nn
sworsall questions
roncernlnc the Ills
tory, spelling, pro
tmiiclatloii, anil
weaning of voids.
Itself, it also
giro tho often Ic
ttlrfwl fllfnrmMIin
concerning eminent persons ; facts concern
ing tlio countries, cities, towns, and nat
ural features of tho Rlobo; particular con
cerniiiR noted nctltlous persons and places :
translation of foreign quouttons. It Is In
valuablo in tho lioinc, olllcc, study, and
schoolroom. ' "
Tito Ona (treat Stnndnril Authority.
lion. 1). J. llrener. Jaiuco cf U.H. supreme
court, writes : "1 ho International Dictionary '
tho iwrlectlon of dictionaries. 1 commend It to
all as lua onocreat ttandard authority."
Sold by All Jlooksclltrs.
G. tC C. Mcrrlam Co.
' Springfield, Mass.
QT-nnnot buy cheap phntn.'
"TOtf"0. "vnou-ux ancient
ty Send for free prospectus.
Annual Ksllrauto.
At a rKular mrstlng of the eltv council, held
.Mint utli, 1854, t'leik was listructsd to make
the follow'oK estimate ef the probable ex
penses of 1h ensuing; -car ami hate the same
published in tw nr raore nt the city papers for
foiii'coDsrciititft wcks;
Salary of Bn.ud $ coo oo
Water and! Street Commissioners MS 00
Knginocr seoso
Interested Water lionets ir.0 0
I atereit en Klectrlc Light llouds see 00
I'eor l-'imil . 2M 00
For nulDtnmiiig- Rlectrlc Lights 124S oo
UlcstlUnoutis l&oo oo
t48 00
W. F.
. ., UllJ liliTK.
M Statement of tovenue fer fiscal jeur of lB.t:
smr I'oer Fund JM 29
rWUj Occupation 273171
('sural Fund 218 7
Water l.ery H43 28
Ueiierul Ltny'93 71V 47
$727 72
To Water CoiiHiiincrs.
Notice is hereby givon to tho patrons
ot tho city wtttor sorvice, of the city of
Kod Cloud, that section '21 of ordinanco
No. 4U licrounto annexed of said city will
bo strictly enforced hereafter:
It shall bo unlawful for any porson
within said city to sprinkle, eject or
throw water from pnvato or public
sprinlilor, washer or hydrant upon any
public street, lane or alloy, or any yard
garden or enclosure, or permit or cause
tho satno to bo done, nor upon orngninst
nny building upon such street,
lnuo or alley, except for tho ex
tinguishment of lirca and ordi
nary house donning oxcopt between the
hourH of (i and 7 o'clock a. in., and 5 and
8 o'clock p. in., of each day; and any
other porson violating any of tho provi
sionB of tiiissoctloiiHiinll upon conviction
thereof bo lined in nny stun not exceed
ing ten dollars and stand committed un
til such costs and lino are paid.
W. B. Roiiv. Mayor.
H E Pond,
Water Comissionor.
Dated May 1, 1891.
SlierllPa Salo.
Nnllen I licridiv alvpn tlint iimlpr all') llV lr
tuu of mi order of salo Issued from the olllcn
of U. II. L'rone. eleik of tho district-court .of
tho tenth Judicial district, within and for Wob
ster canity. Nebraska, upon n decren In an
iictloa pcndlim thoreln. wlicivlu OlUer .1
Treat Is plalntlll tind uuiiltis: Jiiines K. Wall,
Itoinellii S. Vuil. Daws M 1'oss, it co-mrliicr-
Nliltii'Olilnnanil nt .Inlnos V. Diius 1111(1 KllVCttt
1. Foss. dolnu business in Crete, ri.tlluo cimntjv
ncurnskn. su it. iiciitioy, iiarnes .Mitniuiiciui
Jni: oumiuny, tlroiKo flcitinit ami lllcliittd It.
.lottos mill .1 mien, 111 wllo, tlrst initio tut
known, ilefendants, I shall offer for sale at pub
lie vendue, to tint liluliest hlddcr for cash In
hiinil. t tli mist iliuii-iif tint nnlirl'liollsc lit lied
Olond, III sitltl Webster county. Nonraskn. (that
bclnir thu biil'dlnu wherein tho last term of
sulil I'dl.rt wiiH lililiiit nit tlin 'ililh ditvot JllllO.
A. 1), 1S3I, at two o'clock p. in. of sitltl day, t to
followhiK dcscrlbetl property, lo-wlt: I lie
nurtli-vst cititirttT (NVJt) of section twenty
two (is,) township oiiotl.i riimto tveho (IS.)
west of tho Gilt p. in. In Webster county, Ne
braska. Chun under my linud this 'Jltlt day ot May,
A. l) 1891. , ,
J. W. Kunuiiy, Sheriff.
Jits. It. Ilunmt and .las. McNetty,
I'litlntlU's Attorneys.
J. H. Davis & Son,
1 iiIbo inako Farm Loans.
Ofllco In Moon Hlock, Roil Clouil, Nob
They linvo Homo very fine bar
gains in land.
Parties wishing to buy should
.cull on or address tho nfcovo
Rsfiulor sroduato
outhorlzott by tho'
to bo tho load
ing and most otio
cooeful Specialist
Nervous Debility
With It Many Oloomy Symptom Cured
Lost Vitality
Ptrftctly and PtrmtataUy Rmtond.
Cured tor LIU Without Mtreury.
Urinary Diseases
Quickly Rtlltvtd mad Thoroughly Curtd.
Is Dr. H. J. Whltttcr invar
iably successful? Ilccaunoho
makes no promises that ho
ritniint fulfill. Avoid cheap
euro-nils and unskilled physicians, and consult
Dr. Whlttlcr In person or by letter (Klvlng
symptoms) nnd rccclvo tho candid opinion of a
physlclnn of Ionic (xH-rlrncc, unquestioned
skill nnd sterling Integrity.
Mi:i)IOINKS from our own laboratory fur
nished nt Mnall cost and shipped anywhero
secure from observation.
TKL'ATMENT nvtrr sent C.O.D.
Offlco hours 0 to 4 and 7 to 8. Sunday 10 to 13.
llirfn JTo Health anil Knicrgenclee
VI U I U t? 1 f r U cts. stamps to prepay.
Call or nddrcss In strict conndenco
IP Woet Ninth Street. Kanano City. MO.
(Itcgulnr Graduates.)
Arolholc.icllmrnnd moit snccciitul specialists and
will Khoyuii help.
YounKand mid
dle aged mtn.
Ilemarkahlo re
sult, lian follow
nl our trcstment.
Many ynnra of
virlcn nd tucceia
ful experience
In Die unci of cura
tUc method, that
cum nil for nil rtt..
order of men who
liao weak, unde
veloped or dU
eaicd origan,, M
wno aro tutrerlnc
(rum error, of
outh nnd exeei.
orwha nroncrvou,
and Impotent.
tho tciirn of their
rcilow, and the
contempt of their
frlenda and com
nanlon,. lead, u.
'oennrinlce to all patient. If they can poulhly
je rvntort-d. oar own exclusive treatment
ivlll uS'nnl u cure.
AVOUCNI Don't you want to get cured of that
n'enknrt, wltliB treatment that you can u,e at
Kiniii wlihoul Initrumcnto? Our wonderful treats
meat has cured other,. Why not you? Try It.
CVTwimil. nnd diseases of the kln, Bleed,
Heart, Liver and Kidneys.
RTFIIIXIS-Thsmoit rapid. safe and effective
rcmoJy. A complete Cure Ounrsuiteed.
aitXTf DI4F.AF. of all kind, cured where
nanyolhcisUare failed.
Tjrr;ATtrjAL Discii.vnoF.n promptly
r.urcilln nfew day,. Quick, aure and safe. This
includes Gleet and Clunorliira.
Wo linvo cured rnac, of Chronic Diseases that
invc failed to pet cured at the hand, of other apeclal
'it, and iiicjlrul Inmltutc,.
.'or You. Coiiniiu no other, a, you mny waits valutbl'.MiiF.K that there li hop
'line., utiiain our ircaimcniui once.
Kemiroof freo and cheap trcntmentii. Wn Kirs
-.!icbct andinoat sclentlllo treatment at moderate
?r!cei-a, low ns ran he dono for aafn and skillful
reatment. FItKE conaultntlon nt thoottlceor
3y mall. Tliorontili rinmlnatlnn and careful dtag.
anls. A homo treatment can lie Riven In amnlorlty
)tcne. send fur Symptom ltlank No. 1 fur Mens
'.'. 'i for Women : No. 11 fur Skin lllea,ca. All com-
ipondrnco nnawered promptly. Dualneaaatrlctlyeon-
ilou. liefer to our patluuts, bonks sn4 builncs met
;irniini. r.nuru irentinen(aen( ireu xroiu uuicrva.
Address or call on
f. li. Corner HI xth undFrllxHt... lloomslauda
(Up Slain.) ItT. JOHCPB, MO.
i P URIlM S Uuxl "M'J .U'Klr ts h. MU St
run riTiitit skt. Thu mutt
UiOM dt4w of Uio Utnlto-UiiDAry Or
ICni, rcfjutm no catnf 01 am or
munsoui.mwcnrlUor oitotwus mL,
Icion to bo Ukaa JntcrnAlly, Hka
by cither MX It It ImpnulM, tacontru,
ny venctMl iIimui i hrt !r. tht cu. at
-.UioMUreajyuirMTaittatt amicn
- lthOonorrhr,.ndaiMt, w.fturia.
fITTll VtMacr. rriuliynuil.poiUfSulii,
W f JCeuix.ereuMia.
For salo by Doyo & Grico, Rod Cloud.
nrothooriRlnnlnnd only FIlENCH.aafeandre.
llablocnro on tho markot. l'rico$l.Wt seat by Uenulno sold only by
For Biilo by Deyo & Qrice, Red Cloud.
County Fair
affords aii excellent opportunity for the
pl'ck-pocUet to get your watch. If you
would be proof against his skill, be sure
that the bow (or ring) is a
This wonderful bow Is now fitted to the
, Jas. Boss
Filled Watch Cases,
which are made of two plates of gold
soldered to a plate of composition metal.
Look equally as well as solid gold cases,
and cost about half as much.
Guaranteed to wear 20 years.
Always look for this trade mark, mm
None genuine without it. l5
Sold only through watch dealers.
Ask any Jeweler for pamphlet or send
to the manufacturers.
KeystoneWatch Case co
1'niUAUUl.l -,nr.
A I Proofs Bromo-Celerg.
!TJ3Wm. ! .wi
mm mwv
-! -fcVrftwBfc
Lcinl or uennni Neiiraliiiui ulw for llhau-
lnln. Anaunla. Antidote Jor ""
I nml otlii-r ciceM, i'rlco, 10. Sound Wouui
)V rY rvisftnu n t.
mi.WilttrilAviiulti CHICAQ0.
Furnished by County Superintendent
I), itl. Hunter.
lleixirtB havo been received from tho
following ilietrlcln:
No Dim.
Tent Iter
Kit Avnl
15 Lota B MuHrldo t!l 1
10.1 W Vanilivor 18 15
'JSIKutloNoblo 10 0
JUMitudo Mock U0 15
15L. U. Orronleo 14 10
TCNottlo liuimtii'l 'r 21
SOA.W.Allbort 32 23
81 lleesie Laird 28 23
Last week tho article on "Tho Teacher
as a Charnctor builder," in this column
should havo had Miss Mary Farquhar'e
name attached to it.
Tho time is drawing near for our an
nual county teachers' institute. Only a
vory pmell numbor of tcaohors havo
asked to bo excuBod from attending tho
instituto this year, comparetl with the
number that havo wished to bo excused
other years. Tho fow that have boon
excused will bo engaged in receiving
professional training at otbor places;
nearly all will attend a term at a normal
school during tho summer.
No teacher should think of being ex
cused from institute unless it is absolute
ly impossible for him to attond, or un
less ho attends a summor normal for
professional improvement. In employ
ing a teacher, school boards would bo
justillablo in paying a teacher less wages
por month on nccount of his not attend
ing institute, than they should pay him
if ho had attendod institute.
An experienced tenchor owes to tho
profession his prcsonco at institutes not
only to keep himself in sympathy with
educational advancement, but also to
oncourago tho younger teachers nnd to
aid thorn in ilttinrr thouiBolvcs for their
work in tho schools.
It costB somothing to preparo for
teaching, and year after year, to im
prove professionally. These who do not
wish to pay the cost of preparation and
improvement for tenching should do
some othor kind of work, as tho boys and
girls in our schools can not afford to be
taught by halt hcartod, non-professional
working-foronly-tho-pay-that's-in-lt tea
chers. Tho educational sentiment, im
provement in our schools, has beon
steadily growing year after year among
tho people of Webster county and thero
aro many districts that pay well those
teachers who they know bavo done or
will do good work.
Tho small number that havo askod to
bo excused (manufacturing only a frail
excuse) shows a healthy professional
spirit among the great majority ot our
The superintendent strongly urges at
tendance nt institute, and will positively
refuso to excuse persons from attending
except on nccount of sickmess, atten
dance at somo other professional train
ing school, or for somo othor exceed
ingly good reason.
A young teacher with enthusiasm
nnd a desiro to improvo is proferablo to
one with oxperionco and lack ot interest
in institutes, teachers' meetings and
other moans of improvement.
Many teachors havo done their best
work in tho schools during tho iirst
year's teaching.
Tho annual school district meeting
will bo hold in all school districts noxt
Monday June 25th. Every patron
should bo presont at tho annual school
mooting, and havo a voice in doing
something to advance the educational
interests of his district.
Ciunrunlccd Cure,
We authorize our advertised druggist
to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this
condition; If yon are afllloted with a
Cough, Cold or any Lung, Throat or
Chest trouble, and will use this remedy
as direoted, giving it a fair trial, and ex
perience no benefit, you mny return the
bottle aid have your meney refunded.
We eould not make this offer did we not
know that Dr. King's New Discovery
ooold be relied oa. It never disappoints.
Trial bottles free at C.L.CoUmg s Drug
store. Large eize COo. and $1.00,
Germany has li'.Ti.OOO
pobllo alms-house.
paupers in the
"Don't Tobacco Spit or moke
Your Lire Away."
The truthful, startling title ot a book
about No-to-bao, the only harmless, guar
anteed tobacco-habit cure. If you want
to quit nnd can't, u "No-to-bac'
Hraces up nicotlnizod nerves, eliminates
nicotino poisons, makes weak men gain
strong th, weight and vigor. Positive
euro or money rotundod. Sold by C. L.
Hook at druggists, or mailed free.
AddroBS Tho Sterling Remedy Co.,
Chicago ofllco, 45 Randolph St., Now.
1 orK, iu spruce ut.
The charitable boqnesl in London every
year exceed f 5,000,000.
Atlaots of cramp oolio come suddenly
and in mnny instuneos tho euffsrer has
to bear the exeruoiating pains till some
remedy is tent for and procured. Con
sidering the fact that Halter's Pain
Pnralvzer is the best and a never fnilincr
remedy for tho quick relief and oure for
all cramps and pains in the stomach and
bowels, and that a large bottle only costs
50c. it would be money well invested to
keep a bottle in the bouse for tho relief
and oure of all aohes and palm. Noth
ing cures collo in horses as quick as Hal
Iir'i Pain Paralyser. Deyo k Qriee.
Cubic fi-oni queen Lit.
Dear Gtesham: One more boon I ernve
I trust in your atTeetlon
Tie aot to mnrder Dole, the Knave
Or put down Insurrection;
'Tie sot my crown, but me to save,
1 write lu deep dejection,
And so a pneknge I tnnst have
Of Park's Tea for tuy complexion,
firi'ftliuiu' Amu r to titven I. II.
When I rct'ohttl your Cablegram
1 IhotiRht I sure would faint
For though I oltsn use l'utU' Ten
Tts not for our voinplnlitt.
I ffared that Mrs. O. would think
Wronif about our connection
'Till on her tlrtiscr t litre I saw
Parks' Tea for her complexion.
The town oonnoll of Curtis has
dowu on billiard and pool playing.
Ladles For disseise of women, I)r
Sawyer's I'aitlllu will reach the difficulty
radleally, positively and effeelually. It it
mild, but effectual. Beld by Deyo k
A woman's branch of the Maooabeen
has been organized at Benedict.
Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles used iu time will
cure any ease of Female Weakness. Oet
a free sample paokage from the following
named druggist. Sold by Deyo k Qrioe.
The Klkhorn dopot at Cornlen, PlaUo
county, was destroyed by Are.
Ladle can be positively relieved from
all those Irregularities, distressing symp
toms and dlseasss bv using Dr. Sawyer's
Fastlless. Bold by Deyo A Orlce.
1 .
Fow sections of tho state wero missed
by the late heavy rain.
Bucklcn's Arnica Halve.
The beet salve in the world for outs,
bruises, sores, Uloers. Salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chillblalns,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tlvoly cures piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale byCotting. tf
DraJshaw people oentinue te break
out with measles.
Orentos health, creates strength, creates
vigor; DeWitt'a Sarsaparilln. It recom
mends itself C. L.Cettlng.
York finds it nsoessary to levy an oc
cupation tax.
If dull, spiritless and stupid; If your
blood is thick and sluggish; If your ap
petite is oaprioloue and unoertain. You
need a Sarsaparilla. For best results
take DeWitt's. It recommends itself. O.
L. Cottlng.
Harvard that onoe was dry, now has a
Pure blood means good health. He
lnforoe It with DeWitt's Sarsaparilla. It
purines the blood, oures Eruptions, Ecze
ma, Borofula and all diseases arising from
impure blood. It reccomeda itself.
Italy has 270,000 inmates of the poor
DeWitt's Sarsaparilla prepared for
cleansing the blood from impurities and
disease. It does this and more. It builds
up and strengthens constitutions impair
ed by disease, It recommends itself. C.
It. Cotting.
As far back as 1862 there was a olook in
London whloh was rnn by electricity.
Why Do Yon Cough?
Do yon not know that Parks' Cougli
Syrup will cure itf We guaranteed every
bottle. There are many Cough Syrups
but we believe Parks' is the best and most
reliable. Sold by O. L. Cottlng.
600,000 men are estimated to ride in
the elevators of New York Olty every day.
It Cures blood and skin disorders. It
does this qnlokly and permanently. Je
there any good reasonhy you should no
use DeWitt's Hanaparillaf It recommend
itself. C. L. Cotting.
To know some women is to know the
whole sex.
Dr. 8awyer's Family Cure oures Stem
aoh tronble. Dr. Sawyer's Family Cnre
oures Liver complaints, cures Kidney
diflloulty. Bold by Deyo & Orlce.
A married woman is always wiser
an unmarried woman.
Ladies Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles are e
feotual for female weakness, pain on top
of the head and lower part of the back.
It strengthens and eurei. For sale by
Deyo & Orice.
Nebraska stands second in membership
in the M. W. A. order.
You will never know positively what a
wonderful remedy Dr. Sawyer's Family
Cnre is until yon try it. It will cure you
of a eour stomach. Sold by Deyo & Grlca
George Corliss was drowned in the Elk
horn river at Ewing.
Money and experience cannot preduoe
abetter family medicine than Dr.8nwyer's
Family Cnre. It Cures difficulties of the
Btomaoh and Liver. 8eld by Deyo k
The British assylums and homes cost
813,000,000 annqally.
Do not suffer with pain on ton of the
head and in the baok when Dr. Sawyer's
Pastlles will absolutely and positively
cure you. For sale by JJeyo & urloe.
The eharitabln associations of France
give away $'.'0,000,000 yearly.
Ladles-Remember that disease beooraes
inourable. Dr, Sawyer's Pastilles will
positively cnre long standing esses. It
heals and oures. Sold by Deyo k Grioe,
There are in the United States 7.1,045
Inmates ot the pnbllo alms-honses,
Irregularities nnd all thoso pains and
distressing diseases peculiar to women
are cured by Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles. Mild
yet n powerful healer. Sold by Deyo k
Webster county Fair
.iwT JHSJTassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssaxaxaxaxaxaxaxayxfci
At their Fair Grounds West of the City,
Sept. 5, 6, and 7, 1893.
Positively to be the Best Exhibi
tion ever held in the county.
Large Premiums, Fine Racing, Grand Display
Make your arrangements to come.
Consult your township auxiliary president,
for -further information. Do your best to help
make the fair a success.
R. L. ALYE A, President.
D. J. MYERS, Secretary, Red Cloud.
served Exclusively to the
21,477,212 People admitted to
the World's Fair Grounds.
Leading Fine coffee of the World,
For .sale only by Sherwood & Albright.
Jas, I Seoles,
(Successor to S. E. Cozed.)
He is prepnred to furnish you with an elegant organ or sew
ing machine from $25 up.
He will make you most any terms to suit you.
Ho will do your repairing cheaply.
Headquarters for all kinds of supplies for machine repairs.
Orders promptly flllod.
Jos. G. J
Holland House
Has the best rigs in the city
Your orders sollcllctl uml fair trcntiuoiit (fUurttHteed.
North of I lie IIullHnd House
accepted as the
Sewing Machines
and Organs.
Your patronage solioitod
- tolcorrb,
Livery Stable,
and tho most reasonable prides.