The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 22, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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    rw M.'(nvpJi-"nmmMMriiHnau
kwi wwrTWA-swrw-miwwrHi
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n ' ifiri''tit IHB.UIK
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Famished bjr Our AM. e.rpa .1
CoHBtrjr CrretponilcRta, K.p.c
tally for;th. Header. efTb. Chief
Another nice shower Tuesday night.
Com la growing very fast and prom,
lsee ft large yeald.
R. D. ThompBon has bought header
and will head hia own and hie neighbors'
Mrs. Geo. Miller has gono to Beatrice
to visit her eon and daughter.
Mrs. M. Wilson who is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. L. D. Wells, attended tho
picnlo at Crozior'a grovo last Saturday.
h. D. Wella and I'd Ulouche wero
coming from Guide liock, when Welle'
team became frightonod and ran into
Ed's wagon and spilled thorn out, but no
eerioua damage woe dono.
The poople of this vicinity havo decld-
eu to celebrate tnu 4th at Crozi.r'a
grovo and a general good time ia expect
ed. Mrs. K. Atkinson of Morna, Nobr., ia
hore to see her father E. W. Wella, who
la atlll growing woakor; hia slatea Mr.
Able of Iowa ia here also.
Born to Mr. and Mre. J. Christy a 111b
girl Juno 12th. All aro doing well.
Mr. and Mrs. Williams returned from
Kansas Monday whero they had been
spending a wook with frlonda,
E, Sponce ia visiting friends at Ong
thia week.
A lady friend from Davenport is tho
guest of Mra. V. S. Hull.
Some one had tho boldness to break
Into Mr Snow'B barn while ho was absent
taking there from his earriugo and inak
log good ubo of HSutoduy.
H. Whoolan'a four year old boy waa
, lost Sunday, whon found ho was under
tho bed sleeping.
Tho populists expoct to pull theoaglo'a
tail two days to makw it screum long and
loud In arundstafl'a grovo July 3 and 4.
B. Loe baa moved his wind mill and
toed exchange bull dinga on his lots in
mo roar or the moat muraot. Grannis
did the moving fjr him.
Quito a number of the boys rode thoir
wiioelB to Keil Dloud Sunday.
Quito u nuui bor of unisons from hero
attonded tho eloction of olllcorar iu tho
Masonic Lod'geut Dluo Hill Friday even-
The Fivo Stur Sunday-school gavo an
ko cream supper ut their echooJ house
last Wednesday evening.
Those attending the party Thursday
evening at A. Cauffmiui'H report good
cream and cako and un enjoyable- even
ing all rour.d.
Tho wint j und dust still continues to
The Sob', of Voteruns Cornet band of
ltod Cloud is billed to givo a grand
musical entertainment Saturday ovoning
Juno 23 at tho G. A. U. halt.
E. Sponce lias r nw bicyelo.
Children Cry foi
Given Away . . .
A Five Dollar chair given away TO OUR CUSTOMERS
The most restful, Comfortable and Convenient chair in the
world. Just the chair for Porch, Lawn or Sitting Boom. We
want to present one of these Chairs to each of our customers FREE.
Call and see them and while getting one of these Chairs Free Get
more Clothing for same money than any where in the country.
A. GALUSHA, Manger.
Tho weather is fine.
Corn is growing nicely Bince tho flue
Corn nover wob nicer nt this timo.ot
tho year. We wore nil halt scared to
doath ovor the drouth but tho Lord
dooth all things well.
Mr. and Mrs Fifor wore visiting nt Mr
and Mrs. Richardson's tliia woek: they
havo had hail in their part of the country I
which damaged tho oat crop consider'
Mr. Lewis and family- wore visiting nt
Wm. Richardson's last Sunday.
Another nice rain last night.
Hogs are doing well this season.
Mr. Orsband and fumiiy were the
gucatfl of Mr. and Mrs. Richardson on
last Sunday. Mra. Orsband is gaining
her health aince she moved on their farm, j
Considerable of Webptor county went
oyer to Franklin on Monday, literally I
There will bo n fair whoatcrop consid
ering the drouth wo havo had.
Corn is looking woll but most peoplo
think oats will bo n failure.
Rev. Hancock of Now Virginia, changed
pulpits with tho Rivorton Methodist
ministor on last Sunday,
There aro very efllclont Sundny-echools
at now Virginin and Cathorton this sum-
mor. They aro already begining to talk
about pfcnlcB.
Thera wbb u very entertaining litorury
at O. E. Ramey'B on last Friday ovoning.
Tho noxt will bo ut A. W. Wilson's on
July Gth at 8 o'clock sharp. Thoso lit
oraries aro intended ub a training school
for the young peoplo. Thoy aro nleo of
some advantage in bringing tlio peoplo
togothor for a good social timo.
J. O. Wilson has niovoil, I euppose,
somo whore north of Cathorton, ut looet
hia folks start homo from Sunday -school
and church iu that direction.
Otto boaste of n ghoBU Tho other day
your correspondent vub riding pust
there, ho was in a dilapidated looking
old rig which wout wobbling along, his
horso had Boon bottor iluys by far, hia
thoughts wero far away whon Buddonly
thoro roso up before him tho ghost.
Hia eyes woro aa largo ns pumpkins, his
mouth llko unto tho mouth of tho grout
Hah that swallowed Jonah, ho was
giant in Hizo. I graBpod my whip smote1
my horso upon tho thigh and haven't
beeu heard of since. Oevhf.h,
When Baby not tick, wo roto her- Osi torla.
When tho was . ChilJ, the cried for Ct atorla.
When she became Miss, she clung to aiutori.
When sho had Children, the gave U mix Caslorla
Whatever sin has caused uj the .human
rnco it may cause iu you,
DUeares unfriondly towauien are posi
tively cured by Dr. Sawyor'n Pastli'tes.
Ask your druggist for a f rem sample pit ok-
ags, It heals and cares, old by Deyo &
You have found out what n man is wWbu J
you have found out w (1st he lover.
" "irn iiiifi mr "j
Guide Kock.
What a bountiful rain visited Guide
Rock Wednesday.
ProporutionB aro boing mado for a big
day tho 4th.
Vnncliver and Dnlton are talking of
erecting u bath room, which will be
for both Indies and gontlomon.
J. A. Hayes and family aro visiting in
A Luthrop ia on tho eick list.
Mrs Charley Samuelson of Holdrcgo
is visiting nor sister, Mrs Teachworth.
Tho Misses Ltortlm and Maggio Shop
hard uro visiting their grundmothor Mrs
Rich in Rod Cloud.
Tho bollo of Guido Rock and company
woro out sight seeing tho other evening,
but thoy forgot their1 opcru glasscB and
couldn't inspect closoly.
Mrs Wm. Rovcb visited hor folks noar
Rod Cloud last week.
Mr. Bailey has put up a pasluro on
bi& farm.
Ilov. Unoaphcr of IU vert on preach
ed at Now Virginia Sunday,
Alfred Sorcnson has gono to Ham
ilton county.
N Sorgeson and wifo wero visiting
on Farmor'H crock Sunday.
Charley Hansen is working tor T
Unolo Pete Swanson is numocrod
with tho sick.
Peter Nolson was a gucBt of Peter
Hansen Sunday.
J llumbaugh and family were call
ers of Henry Ituuibaugh Sunday.
D Crowell was iu our vioinity on
business Friday.
W A Ackers and wifo woro pleas
ant callers on J Boan Sunday,
Orrin Harvoy and Orrin Tabor both
got hurt at the gauie of ball Saturday,
Charloy Hanson and Ilonp Long
wero visiting near Cowlcs Sunday.
Jim Andersen sold several head of
hogs Saturday.
Mrs Carrio Harvey was the guest of
Mrs Coopor Sunday.
It or Boan and wife were visiting in
Cowlcs Wednesday.
Tho name of bill between tho
.(Farmer's creek nino und tho pumpkin
buskers Saturday endLod in favor of
tlrs Farmer's crook nine. At elovon
hillings the score 6tood 12 to IU.
Maiden Blush.
Tiro heavy wind Wednesday morn
ing capsized a corn crib for Fawcett
& HfJdreth.
Tlrcro was Bomo hail in tho rain
The Dutoh and tho dudes played a
matoli gamo of ball Saturday, Sooro
35 to- G in favor of tho dudos. Tho
Indiaus from Willow creek woro pres
ent and kept up their war whoops and
soarod tho Dutch till thoy gave up J
at the seventh inning.
Some of tho boys would liko to
know tho whereabouts of our barbors,
cspooially Mr Brown.
Mr Strader returned on Friday from
Missouri where bo has been visiting
G A Harris' valuablo dog got his
leg broko, Dr. Hall set tho bono and
reports him doing well.
I waa down to tho Blind Tom en
tcrtainmont in Red Cloud.
Ira Paul is tho champion ufflpiro
of a ball game. Ho says if yeu touch
a man with tho ball he iB out.
Scott is tho beat apeeebmaker in
Fawcctt ia tho boat hand with a
Cap Blaine is good with a hoe.
J I) Storoy is the best hand at hoe
ing cabbage.
Sally, the beat newspaper corres
pondent, docs tho composing and all
tho talking whilo my part is only to
write-what she dictates. Somo of our
big brained men, sueh as Dr. Paul,
Sallio and I and others say thoy
would liko to go fishing soon. Josh
Bays to wait till he gets out of tho
chills, but as thoy have such a long
ing to go I suppose they wont wait,
but I am in hopes they will invite
Who sajB the wind oan't blow in
A fine rain Saturday did lots of
llsv Hull preached in the grove
Sovcral from Red Oloud and Cowles
attended meeting in the grovo Sun
I Frisbio is hauling whoat this
Sylvester Frisbio was in Bladen
Missis Alta and Suiio Baker were
visiting in Guido Rock last week.
Miss Mamio Beal was in Amboy
Mr Hurd calls with bis groocry
wagon in this part on Wednesday.
John Saladen sold nis biovolo to
Mr. Harris of Cowles,
Mr. Clarence Lewis who haa beon
attending tho blind institute at Ne
braska city ia visiting hia brothers
Will and Charley Lewis.
The choir meets Wednesday even
ing at D F Trunkej's.
Fred Fraso and D SalaJon Bold a
load of hogs Tuesday.
Sunday school at 10:30 sharp,
church every other Sunday in tho
Several attended Blind Tom's con
cert Tuesday,
Amboy is talking of celebrating
this jar.
Charlio Frisbio and wife visited in
Guido Book Saturday,
Fine rain Wednesday morning.
JUNE 22, 1894.
Windy Point.
Quarterly mooting ia now at hand,
mooting in tho grovo Sunday morning
and evening and at tho echoolhouso
Monday. Proaching Sunday morning
by Rev. Hummol and in the evening by
tho oldor after which tho ordinance will
bo administered.
The M. E. conforenco was well attend
ed on Monday, business conducted in
order Quito a harvest to tho church.
Misa Gertrude ?ejy' -flohool closed
with a grand picnic
Corn looks well afaco the rain. We
will havo somo email graft.
Mr. D, Hartwrigfet who&as beon eick
ia improving.
Tho measles and aomps havo almost
Tho storm did much, dam ago to the
corn and garden.
Miss RuBhton is almost well of tho
Mr. Sutloy has traded oil his trotting
Btallion for cattle,
Wm. IFord'e wifo la very eick, sho ia
at homo now.
Shoop shearing time is tow at hand.
Wo hope llnancial ehoarors will not
como around till the corn crop ia ready.
Go and seo Earl Tennant for your
photographs. No gallory in the city
can mako photographs as cheap aa ho
will. East sido of Wobster street, north.
Earl is an oxperiencod artist and will
allow no ono to do bettor work or have
cheapor prices.
The following is tho program to bo
rendered at Bladen Saturday night,
Juno 23, 1891. by tho S. of V. Cornot
Band, of Bod Cloud, Nob.
taut One
Overturo Champion
8. of V. llnu.t
Malo Quartet Selected
Clark, Ilumlrlck, lloll, Uickeraon
Quintet, llrnss Hunter's March
Miller, Hemlnck, West, IMckereon, Warron
Quartet , 1'amllyltow
II. J, Clurk, Mrs, J. l)lckereon Blanch
Si'lhiru, John Dlckorson
Cornet und Organ Dream o( Glory
11. J.CLirk umlLillloHmltli
Violin Bolo , Selected
Tlinil McNItt
Cornet Bolo , Minerva
Hnrrv Jllllcr
Qnartet, Dra3. ...,..... i Four VflRnbonds
Wni.West.A.H.Hellura II, Miller W.Q.Warren
r-AiiT TWO
Overture -. AmonR the Itoscs
H. of V. Orchestra
Trio WlicnthoTidolH Low
lllanch Hellsrs, Mis. J, Uickerson
Nelllo West
Violin Solo Air, Var
Prol.Ueo. K.IIendrlck
Vlolln.Coinct iinilOruan VnmWiilti
Ilolidiluk, MIlliTiinil Mrs.J.Dickereon
Quartet Natural SpeC
S. Miller, Nellie Wtbt, lllanch Sell urn,
II. . Clnrk
Comic Quartet , , Bolectcd,
Dickenoii, Clni k, A cllride, Klrby
Quartet, Ladles , LeIousL
ir.. T niii.Ar.M Knit,., tv... in . r
Bellars, Mrs. Iloio WcU
I'iaalo Tbe Night Hell
"l tSW
rjIRlSTUN Church-Services SsBday at M M
yam and 7:30 pm:8uodayionoolaltiBasl
Y T 8 0 K at :J0 p n an yr s 0 K Janlsrs at
riOKURBGATIONAr. Church-BerrlMS at ISi
30 am, and 7:30 p m: Hunriay ohoolatllilS
lors at 4 p m.
Ttf ETHODIRT t'lmrcIi-prTlee at 10:30 a. m:
" Knwnrth League at :,
m. Bunday School at li n. m.
fgPIHCQPAI. Church-vServlces every tw.
" weeks, hy appointment.
T UTHBRAN Churrh-Kvery third Sunday
J monilnK at in o'clock. '
JATHOMC Church Hervlces by appolntmeat.
TJAPTI8T Chureli-Nn reitnlar service, Sua
y day school (regular) at noon. BY I 0 at
JHAPEIr-8undv school at 3 1 m every Bat.
J O U W-Eaeh alteruata Tuesday evening. "
fKN Adhem IxjUko So 180; 10 O K every Mob-
CAJ.ANTHK IlKf No20,Knl)hts of Pjthtas
Thursday etenlng.
TFD Cloud !.odpe No cos. Modern WoodnM
m Aiiirruu. unprnatH viiin
lievdnT vln
VAI.LKY IxkIeb No b, Prntenml Onler of Pr.
Uctors, first and third Monday ot eata
fillAKITY lxMleu No 63 A V and A M easa
Friday eveiiluir on or heforn tho lull moos.
KI) Cloud Chapter No 10, It A M alternate
uiiiauuj vuiuiip.
CYRKNIt Cninmandery No 14 alternate Thurs.
dv nvwiilng.
C,IAJITnV ','"PtT Kaitsrn Ktar No 47 alter
" ers of Vt'teram Mnnila.voviinlne
H B,fuiV.'KY la,ni No23' 8 of V Tuety
S"H flAS. &'" O A B
w, .. .m,.m tntiimay mcUHIKs
KI) CLOIII) founell No IS LnyalMyMloUa.
nlna. AmerlC4 flrst nnl, ""'w Prlday m..
Tho Veb8ter County Mutual Protec
t ion and Anti Horso Thlet nssooiution
meota in Cowles, tho iast Saturday of
oeoh month, nt'Jp. tn.
W XUOS.MolUJBOlt, Soc.
Pltohtr't of torla.
wMwwtauwamymu!, rt ww ttmuto