The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 22, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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gmmm mm mrnrnrn m vmrnm im
Prepare for the Glorious Fourth! PS
Up to nnd Including Juij .illi, we will
make upcclnll) low price on nny and
nil gaotU in our store.
our $1.50 Oxfords
our l.m " "
our 2.00 " "
our $2.00 shoos Glen's
our 2.50 " "
All of
All of
All of
3.50 ,t
All of our
Bargains In Children's shoes. Ten per ccntrcdnclloa
In prices of goods not enumerated above.
I'liyHleliui nnd Surgeon,
City nnd country calls promptly unB'
Moon Block, Red Cloud.
Pngo 1 Wcathor llulletln.
Bluo Hill Bank Closes.
Wedding Hells.
ChlUlron'B Duy tit M K Church.
Death of n Pioneer.
Real Efitnto Transfers,
rngo 2 Fourth of July Program .
Local Items.
Pugo 3 Donth in n mine
Wifnnn Found Guilty.
Render und thoSuportisorSjB
torn. Proccedinga of tho County
Othor Items.
Pago 1 City News nnd Othor Itoms.
Pago 5 lied Cioud News.
Pago C Correspondence
Pago 7 Educational, &o.
Pago 8 Kansas Stato Nowb.
Nebraska Stato Nowb.
Othor Items.
8. E. Cozad camo home this week.
John Wintors was homo .thiB week.
J. S. Gilliam is homo from Illinois.
W. S. parbor is home from Chicago.
S. E. Cozad was in tho city this week.
Mrs. F. E.'jJoblo is homo from Lin
coin, Wo have had sovoral good rains this
Frunk Reed was In Franklin this
Miss Lulu Potter ia homo from her
visit in Kansas.
Mr. Grifliths was in Riverton this
weok on business,
II. Banks of Rivoiton was in Red
Cloud thiB week,
II. 13. Fulton was in Omaha and Coun
cil Bluffs this week.
Chas. SchaiTnit retunod Friday from
a business trip through the east.
Closing out at a big discount all sum
mor clothing. O. Wienor, Tho Clothier.
J. O. Lindley was visiting a daughtor
at McCook and ono at Culbortson this
Jno. Hassolbachcr of Garfield, an in
dustriouB farmor. was a pleasant callor
this weok.
Dr. G. E. MoKcoby roturned home
Tuesday evening, nf tor quite an extonded
visit in tho east.
Jas Barnes of Iowa is visiting his
brother Z. Hnrnos of Aniboy. He camo
horo for his hoalth.
Mrs, A Altschulor of Hastings and
Mrs. Palm, nro tho guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Storn this week.
II. E. Pond rocoivod his lost pocket
book this week from tho chap that car
ried it to Oklukoms.
Conductor" Quigloy is running from
Obcrlin to Hastings in in Cromwell's
place'. McCook Times Domocrnt.
Mrs. Cash Grigson arrives homo to
night, uftor sovoral wcoks absonco in
Illinois, to tho groat joy of Mr, G.
Thoro was nuito a hailstorm nourCow
los last Saturday. Tho strouk travorsod
was flvo miles long and two milos wide.
Mr. Athow. formorly of tho firm of I
AthoWife Young of this city, Sundnyod
in Red Cloud. Ho is tho eumo jovial Mr,
A. ' - '
Some follow ''hookod' Don Lindspy's
doublo harness the other' day; and Den
would ljko to see' tho color of tho fellow's
hair. ' , .
' ,
Last week wo inadvertantly omitted
tho mnrriago notice of Frank Hadloy and
Miss Zolutr. It will bo found in another
column in to-day's pnpor.
Tho City Bath Rooms is tho plnco to
visit theso windy dusty days. Romom-
bor thoy are open from 0 n. m., 11 p. m.,
every day oxcopt Sunduy.
Ed Ovoring nnd Walter Warron were
in Bladon'thiB week, acting as advance
ngonta for tho band boy' concort, which
will take place there next Saturday,
lrlccs on
for 11.25
and Womens $1.50
" " 2.00
" " 8.00
Wanted City warrants C. Calruoa
Go nnd bco tho bargain shoo countor
nt Wionor'fl.
C. II. Wnllaco of Fairbury was in tho
city Monday.
Glass jars, rubbers and tops at A,
Morhart & Son's.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Duckor wero in
tho city this week.
Buy your fruit jare of A. Morhart fc
Son. They have all sizes.
Wienor has put in a bargain
countor. Call and see it.
Go nnd see Catmes for all kinds
bread, cakes, candies. Ac.
F. P.Hadley painter and paper hanger
and sign work a specialty.
Coud July 9tta, and 10th.
Closing out at a big discount all sum
mer olothing. C. Wienei, Tho Clothier.
Closing out at a big discount all sum
mer clothing. C. Wioner, The Clothior.
If you put up any cherries you want
glass jars. Buy them of A. Morhart &
L. M. Crabill has purchased a
street all to run in connection with his
car line.
We guarantee tho Lincoln paint to bo
equal to anything on tho market. C. L
Any ono having carriage painting to
do should coll on F. P.Hadley for prices,
all work first class.
Curt Evans has evorythingyou want in
tho Bocond-hand furniture lino. See him
Bluo Front, south Webster street
Cotting tho druggist is selling lots of
wall paper, low prices, protty patterns
and fair treatment are what counts.
Jeff Ward ia said to havo turned to be
a protectionist, nt least ho wanted to
bo protected from tho vulgaritos of a
certain individual and ho got it.
Frod M. Wolf has a calf that weighed
122 pounds when born, and was thirty
llvo inches high. Ho says it is quite a
freak. He lives just over in Kansas.
R. B. Fulton firo nnd lightning insur
ance, Western White Bronze, monu
ments and cemetery goods. Oflico with
Traders Lumber Co.
John G. Potter has a horso, and tho
horso likes to roam, and he did roam in
to J. II. Smith's ilower bed and now
thcro Bcotus to be a war of tho roses.
Joe Fogle tho harnoss man, locatod in
the Cbanoy building North Webator St
for ilrst-class work, substantial har
nesses, saddles, collars and hardware
For the best meals and lunch go to
the City Bakery und restaurant also
frssh bread, buns, pies, cakos and line
candies, tobacco cigurs, etc., at. Jos.
We failed to mention last week the ex
cellent Children's day exercises at tho
Christian church on Sunday tho 10th.
They were vory nice and a full houso
greetod tho childron.
D. II. McCrnry, Vanco Morgan, Wm.
Montgomery nnd wife, J Christie and
wife, Mr. Seoloy nnd wife and other
Guide Rock poople wero in Red Cloud
this week attending tho Blind Tom en
tertainment. Tho Holland, houso, undor its now
manngomont is doing a line business.
Mr. lianney is surely tho right man in
the right place und has thoroughly ren
ovatod the houso and put every thing
n excellent shape for tho travoling
public. It looks like u beohivo around
that busy hostolry those days.
Blind Tom hold forth in Red Cloud
on tho 10th to a fair houso. Ho is cer
tainly a very curious fellow and has
many traits, that would astonish any
one. His powers of imitation are very
ncuto,und ho'hns only to hear u pieco of
music once, when he can duplicate it to
parfoction. Ho does many oxcollent
feats on tho piano and always pleases
his audionce. For a man whose mind is
a blank, ho displays wondorful ability in
tho musical line,
Dr. Ciilllaioro romuhu.
Dr. Cullimoro, oculist to Missouri
.Pacific railway, Omaha, will meot his
fcye and ear patients in Red Cloud, on
July Otu and lutu at ur, juoiioouys or
flcfli '
A. G. Willis has n tine new phaoton.
Arthur Goodin was in tho city this
Gcorgo Holland has roturned to Hot
Springs, Ark.
Wright Thornberg hns been on tho
sick list this weok.
Geo. McCnll is homo ngnin from his
visit out in Dnkota.
C. W. Knloy and wifo.nro homo this
week from Omnhn.
E. E. Burr of Guido Rock was n Red
Cloud visitor this week.
J. R. Crozicr of Guide Rock was a
pleasant caller this weok.
Al Aultz has taken tho job of deliver
ing goods for Shea fc Turnure.
Jack Hayes, tho popular Guide Rock
merchant, was on our streets this week.
A. M. Walters and I. O. Martin of
Bluo Hill were in the city this wook.
Closing out at a big discount all sum
mer clothing. C. Wiener, Tho Clothier.
Mr. Grconhalgh of Pleasant Hill was
doing business in Rod Cloud this weok.
Closing out at a big discount all sum
mer clothing. O. Wiener, Tho Clothier
Thelittlo children of A. D. Rannoy of
Blue Hill wore visiting grandpa Rannoy
this week.
Mies Bessio Ford of Lincoln is visiting
with tho Misses Hattio and Floeslo Ran
noy this wook.
Harry Moranvillo was arrested for
disturbing tho peace and ilnod 910 and
costs this week.
Mrs. E Bohnnan of Lincoln, is visit
ing her paronte, Mr. E. B. Smith and
wife, this week.
Any ono in need of sign work should
call on F. P. Hadloy. Ho guarantees n
first class job or no pay.
Mrs. J. A. Baum is much improving
in health, and will be up from her re
cent illness in a few a days.
Miss Bertha and Margorio Shophard,
of Guido Rock woro visiting with their
grandma, Mrs. Rich, this weok.
Some busy bodies havo been cutting
the trees in tho court houso park and
the first thing they know they will get
Judo Sapp, says he will bolt tho Belt
below the belt, if thoy cast any reflect
ions on him, and Judo well ho is a man
of few words but is somewhat of a pugi
list. Judge Mendenhall has returned from
tho strip and romarks very plainly that
ho has no uso for that country. Ho says
further that thoro is no work there for
any one.
J. Porter Jr., the only pension agont
wore his eyos in deep mourning tho
other day for somo cause, but ho will
not tell why, and wo shall not givo up
tho secret.
It might as well bo understood now
as ever, that Mayor Roby will not stand
any foolishness upon tho streets in the
skapo of drunks or anv other species of
Mr. Fred Fraso, who was partially
paralyzed is gotting bettor. Ho was in
Rod Cloud this week consulting a phy
sician for hiB ailmont. Tug Chief hopes
ho will soon recover.
Whenover you want it to rain, havo a
picnic. Tho one hold at Aniboy Wed
nesday, drew forth tho liquid olements
to a large extont. and tho earth was bap
tized with a gloriously refreshing shower
Wo havo a largo amount of money
duo us now on subscription, and those
knowing themselves indobted to us will
do well to call and settle, as it is tho
time of year whon it is needed. Don't
forgot it.
Tho following officors woro eleotod this
woek by Charity lodgo A. F. and A. M.,
H, W. Brewor, master; A. G. Willis, jun
iorwardon; Goorgo Hagan, senior war-
don; J. A. Tulleys, secretary; M. B.
MoNitt, treasurer.
A nino-foot mummy, or driod-up man,
was on exhibition in our city this woek.
Tho curious viowed his last remains.
Wo know of others who'ought to bo ex
hibited for all the good thoy nro to tho
balanco of mankind.
A. O. Berg lato of Nebraska has pur
chased tho P. R, Harbor proporty ad
joining Codington & Finch's storo and
will soon orctacomodiouB business block
to be occupiod by himself with a stock
of goods.-Cochitl (N. M.) Call.
John Snow, u contonarian of this city,
passed away last Wednesday after a life
of UBefulnes. Ho was tho fathorot Mrs.
Allon Ayers of this city. He was born
in 1802, in Now York stato and came to
Nebraska but u few yoars ago to bo with
his daughter during his declining years.
Ho wsb laid to rest on Thursday morning
.Rev. Hancock . of Inavalo conducting
the services.
L M. Crami, tue popular street cur
man has addod.u wagonotto to his list
of vehicles for hauling prssongers. Mr
Crabill proposes to have the bus and oar
lino sorvico tho best that can bo had,
and is now rondy to tako your orders
for transportation to nnd from nny part
of the city and haul your baggago at roa-
sonnblo rates. All orders lofut t Hoi
lund Houso will rcciovo prompt nttontion,
Eye und Ear Surgeon.
Dr. Cullimore in Red Cloud July 0th
and 10th at Dr. McKoeby's oflico.
-. Cotting' Pointers.
Do )ou know it is hot?
A drink of our ico cold soda water
Wo havo tho finest lino of toothbrush-
os in tue city.
Try qnr new drinks, malt phosphates.
nutritive nnd satisfies tho thirst.
Our perfumes nro fresh and fragrant.
Mnnitou mineral wntors on draught.
Bring us our perscriptions we uso
only tho purest drugs, nnd employ a
graduate in pharmacy.
A, Morrison of Crawford was on our
stroets this week.
J. McCrnry and son woro up from
Guide Rock Tuesday.
Mrs. G. E. MoKoobv returned from
Jamestown this week.
E. C. Christy and wifo of Guido Rock
wero in town Tuesday.
W. A. Shcoley nnd wifo woro up from
Guide Rock Rock Tuesday.
Roadors of tho paper this wook will
tlnd local no we on ovory pago.
Mrs, C. M. Caluics 1b ablo to m
around again, after a sickness of sovoral
Mrs. Mury B. Dixon of Blolrsvillo, Pu.,
mothor of Mr. J. R. Glass of thiB city, is
visiting in Red Cloud.
Wanted to trade merohandiso for a
good and gontlo horso. Inquire of Jno
B. Wright tho second hand furnituro
There will not bo any services in tho
Catholic church the first Sunduy in
July , as Father Quinn will be in Has
tings on that date.
Every lover of base ball is requested
to meet at W. W. Wright's storo on
Tuesday evening for tho purpose of get
ting up a ball team. All como.
U. L. Thorne, Chnrlio Cramer, Ray
Eck, David Byrne, 11. W. Kirby nnd F.
N. McLaughlin, mombors of the Bladen
bicyclo club, wheolod into town Sunday.
G. W. Lindsoy and wife wont to Lin
coln Wednesday, whero Mrs. Lindsoy
will roruain at the sanitarium. Wo hopo
hor health will bo greatly benefited
Don't forgot that Rod Cloud will cele
brato this yoar with groat pomp. A
largo sum has been raised for games and
other amusements. Tho speaker ia a
man of stato, notoriety and worth your
while to hoar. ,
We havo not tiruo nor space in this
issue to relate only a vory short history
of tho gamo of baso ball on Thursday
in this city between the Cowles team
and the team of this city. Tho score
stood 30 to 12 in favor of Cowles. Tho
game was out of sight.
When so ninny people are taking aid
deriving benefit from Hood's Sarsapsrilla
why dont yon try It yourself r It wil
build yon np. Hood's Barsaparilla wil
make yon strong.
Hood's Pills enre nanma, siok headache,
indigestion, biliousness. Try a box.
. .
The A. O. U. W. ThiB woek Mrs.
Adolia Harding of Hebron, Grand
Chief of Honor, Anclont Order of United
Workmen, organizod a splendod lodge
of that ordor in this city, assisted by
Mrs. M. E. Huffman, who was iargoly
responsible for tho buccoss of tho ordor
in this city, sho having solicited all of
tho names. In tho state at largo tho
Degroo of Honor has 4000 mombors and
04 lodges, which goes to show that tbero
is much interest in tho A. O. U. W, bo
side that displayed in tho lodgo proper.
The Rod Cloud lodgo was startod with
81 charter mombers, r.0 of whom were
obligated at tho institution of the degree.
Mrs. Harding is an indofatigablo worker
in tho cause and gives her entiro atten
tion to instituting of degree lodges and
on this occasion she hclpod materially
to inspiro confidence in the new organi
zation. Tho following aro tho namoB of
officers oloot:
Mrs M B McNitt, C of II
Mrs M E HotTman, P C of H
Mrs Maudo Fulton, L of H
Mrs Maggio Hollistor, C of C
Mrs J O Butlor, Recorder.
Mrs Ssdio Wilson, Financier.
Mrs R P Hutchison, Recoivor.
Mrs Anna Clark. I W.
J W Kinnol, O W.
M B MoNitt and J Jcsson, advisors to
Chief of Honor.
Mrs L M Crabill and Mrs A Galusha,
Mnids of nonor.
TrnsteoB M B McNitt, Jno Jessen
Mrs Bud o W son.
Tho lodce starts out with n very flno
roepoct for success,
and Tiik Chikk
bids tho aood work Godspeed, for it has
a noblo
way it grow in nura
bors rapl
HlfkMt Heaoro-WttM'si ?!
A outs Grace Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
torn Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant,
.aw BTramaai
Si e aaV
Is going to celebrate the
We are going to ceebrate
also with a big
And continuing all next week.
Prices lower than ever. !
Special attractions each day.
Challies, Lawns,
Embroidery, Laces,
We have been exceptionally lucky in securing
the best
That we have ever had. We have sold twicfc
as many this year as
Also special bargains in,
Muslins, Calicoes,
Big Remnant Sale all week;
Geo. A. DIM Gt
Dry Goods
June 23d
bargains in
India Linen,
Mitts, Gloves, EtcJ
values in
in any previous year, j
Dress Goods, &cJ
I .
m, f,,, n,i.nrr-J'i "ffij'Vtfr'. J&W
..... ....T.,r,m-m