The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 22, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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m . vj- 4. MMH. r-W ' " " i--j- f "
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A. 0. IIonmkii, Kdltor.
Lahot Tait. A sit. Local Ed ttor.
Hravy ruins have broken tho drouth
and Wobster county will huve a good
crop of corn thisyear.
Iv tho present congrorju would only
adjourn and go homo whut u rejoicing
thero would bo among a.class ot people
who huvu bocotno tired of reading: tho
'moonshine" that illumines tho turilT
bill, Give us u rest.
Bomkome huB ilgurod out. that tho
present democratic oongreus hus cost
tho people ot tho United Fitutcs more
money, directly and. indirectly, than did
tho wholo four yearn ot tJie lato wur,
not so much for. what they havo dono,
but what thoy havo not done.
Suhkly tho republican purty in march
ing forward to u euro election t!hls fall,
and nothing loss than umiraclo can biivo
them from filing into tho cong reBsional
chairs thicker thau boos in a h ive, this
fall. Kvery district in Nobruuku will
elect a republican und no mistPike.
Thoro is ecarcoly u doubt but what
Webster county will Bond her republican
delegation to tho lloldrego convention
solidly forMoNony for cong fosB. Thoy
could not do bettor for ho itr tho only
man that can lay hold of il.o populiBtio
majority and not only reduce) it, but
mash it into smithereens. Hw lias no
peer when it coiuor to hit, ability to cope
with tho great problems of: the day.
Mr. J.O. Burgess, of llluo Hill, und
cashier of tho liluo Hill bunk was in
lied Cloud this week on business; Mr.
Burgess in talking to aCJuiKt' reporter,
said that ho did not havo any fours of J
tho outcomo ot tho ch urges proforrod
against him by the Omaha parties in
terested in the bunk, us publinhod in the
State Journal. Ho )ihu lived in Web
ster county for a grout many years und
1b known to be a goutlomun ot tho first
Li;r the good workg.o on, Tho repub
licans all over the country are being
gloriously enthuBod with the bright pros
pect for boing returned to power. Tho
democratic party und tho party ot many
isms, aro tho prtmo causes. Tito people
Bee now that thoy havo mado u grout
mistake, and that thoy ohould havo re
tained tho grund old party in powor and
after November tkov will bo asked to
step in and restore the prosperity ot our
For farm loam sj. A. II, Gruy.
Baitiht Ouii,uur.N'H Day. On last
Sunday avoning ono ot the moat intor.
osting programs that has over been pre
sented to tho people of thin city was ren
dered by the Sundny school children of
tho Baptist church and was listened to
by a large and attentativo uudionco.
The program wub opened with a song by
the choir, which was un appropriato so
lection for the occasion, und which wub
well bandlod, as it was sung by ono of
tho best choirs that tho city affords. Tho
next was "Oh Worship tho King" by tho
Sunday school scholars and tho congre
gation. "Tho King in', Prophecy" wub
noxt, which was road by tho leader und
rospondod to alternately by tho congre
gation, and wus a very interesting part
of the ovoning's program. Tho congre
gation wae then led in prayer byMr.K.U.
Fulton. Select rcuding by Guy
from Lincoln wus tho oponing ot tho ex
orcises by tho children, and thoBolootion
"Grooting," which wub hundod to tho
child only a short time boforo tho hour
of delivery, was well rendered, und
show an ardent spirit in tho child to do
well on Bhort notice. Song by tho
choir. "Tho Infunt King" wob road
by the leader and the congregation. Song
by the choir "All Hail tho Tower of
Jesus," Tho boIo "Room for tho Flowors '
sung by Mies Vanco Fuo was ono of tho
best selections ot tho evening, und was
sung in a very cloar and well carriod
tono, which showed that besides tho
caro and work of ho teacher to havo her
selection perfect, she is gifted with a tal
ent that ono is to bo proud ot through
lifo. Recitation by Eva Foster, which
was easily and well delivered. "Origin
of Children's Day" rend by Mrs.
Bruketlold and MitB Klla Hemuburg wus
ono of tho important topics ot tho even
ing, ua it reached back into tho early
history ot that day. Song by tho choir.
Recitation by Blanch Foster, which wub
woll delivored. Recitation "Now und
Sweot" by Delia Reld which was well
delivered. "Children's I'ruyors" by
Ethel CummingB and llertha Dotu was
an interesting und pretty selcctiou us
could bo rondorcd by small children, and
thoy did us well us if thoy had hud yours
ot truiniug. '-Tho King Honored" which
wub superintended by Mrs. Uraketleld
and answered by roadingfrom tho Scrip
turo by Mrs. Moll ride's class was un in
teresting and instructive part ot tho
ovonlng oxerciees. "Tho Lights" which
wus recited by Minnie Smolsor, Bessie
Evans, Blanch Foster and Dolla Roid
was un interesting und vory instructive
selection for any person although it
camo from young minds, for as thoy
Lspoko tho lighted candles which thoy
hold in their hands tended to impress
tho thoughts ot tho little speakoru upo
the minds of tho listeners. Selection by
choir. "American Publication Society'
wnB road by Miss Carrio Brakofleld und
was un interesting subject to ovory ono.
Song by tho choir. Tho next was "What
will you do ubout it" which only ro
quired u fow words to oxplain, and they
woro delivored by Mr. It. B. Fulton, at tor
which followed u collection. Ueo
itution "Tho Bountiful Givor" by
Sammio Fostor was woll dolivored. Rec
itation "Children's Day" by Jessio Cuth
ors wuh u ilno soloction und wus deliv
ered in an impressive manner. Recita
tion by Vance Foo which was delivered
woll. Recitation "In Eustorn Lands" by
Wilolla Payno, though tho last on tho
program was not inforior to any of tho
otho'rs, and was delivered with ease.
"God bo With You Till We Moot Again"
tho last pleco on tho program, was tho
closing of tho exorcises for Childrons'
duy. Tho success of tho wholo entertain
ment doponded upon tho trained talent
of tho children, and thoy oxecuted it
with un unexcelled nbility, which made
it un interesting hour for all presont.
Sor.n MoiaoAfiK Puoi'kijtv. This
week u party of camnors livintr in Duwoh
county wore arrestod by Shoriir Runchoy
ror running olTmortgugod property. Tho
party mado no resistance. Tho shoriir
of Dawes county, tolographod to hold
thorn und arrived on Thursday und took
thoni in. Tho party, consisting of two
women and u man, scorned to havo u
quantity of confederate money with them
and u lady by tho namo of Candee, went
into ono of our stores and purchiiBod a
pair of shoes, tmyinir tho iinBUBuectiiiL
clerk with ono of the graybucks. Not
having tho chungo tho clork took it out
und had it changed, give tho woman her
monorinnocont Unit ho hnd been soaked
but when tho second party found that
the bill wus N. G. you ouaht to huvo
scon tho llrst fellow llv for thn wnunn.
whore ho got good money buck ugnln,
not however until the women hud mudo
him some (rouble.
FiKiiKiiMAN'ri Luck. W. B. Crumor,
Peter Sailor, Abe und Hod Hilton, tho
"Jonulu" not of Holy Writ, but thoir
prototypes of Bluden, resolved that thoy
would "a fishing go" and it tho famous
Republican river did not willingly do so
they would forcibly rauko her yiold up
the hidden secrets of tho uqua puru
which gontly flows to tho bosom of tho
son via that channel. Thoy thon hooked
up thoir steeilB, and tilled tho wagon
with tempting bait, chuckod thoir fish
hooks into their breeches' pockets and
hied themselves to the Republican, ar
riving thero early in tbo morning. They
countod throo, und with an "evorv bodv
f ioh" all hooks dropped into the living
waters, and that is all they did do. They
"set" upon tho bunk and nnglod waiting
pntiontly for n bite, but failed to get any
thing but a bito of broad. Tho air was
livid with llsh hooks, but tho littlo fish
wero not "suckorB" nor- even "chumps,,
und did not roadily catch on. Aftor sit
ting thoro seven hours without getting
up with tho usual luck, thoy pullod their
hooks, just us a strangor camo by, and
thoy wero bare (tho hooks) and that was
tho woy thoy woro from tho llrst; huv
ing been so eager to llsh that thoy hud
forgotton to put thoir wagon load of bult
on the hooks, und thoy novor caught on
when tho fish would jump out of tho
wntor and cuBt a hungry look at the
wugon,-whon finally a "channol cat" of
Btuall dimensions took in tho situation
ho bit for fun, not that ho wanted- to,
und whon he wus pullod out, thoro was
greut excitement, und tho four inuuodi
UU1 -
ntely came to Red Cloud hungry and
tired, with their fish overthoirehouldors
vowing that it wus a mighty llsh, and
that thoy woro greut suckorB. They
took tho fish homo for "food for thought"
as it wus too small to eat.
"Littlo tishics in a brook
A littlo too Binurt to bo hookod."
Is tho way they woro Binging whon
going homownrd. This is a little scaly
but u roal fish story.
NE RobinBon IsonthoBicklist.
CGDorsoy was in tho city UiIb wook.
Mr. E. J. Ovoring is homo from Fair
bury. Mr. Boyd is homo from tho west part
of tho state.
Mrs. II. B. Pond is in Hastings this
week on business.
Mr. W. Boll and wife wore un from
Uuillo Rock this weok.
C. S. Pottor to Ames, Iowa, to-mor
row foruthreo month's visit.
Co. Tre usurer Whito was in Omaha
tin's weok, uttonding tho Stuto Treasur
ers' Association.
A now kind ot n picnic is now in vogue
It is called tho "boxcarpicnlcintherain,"
and our young folks cun toll you about it
especially Postmaster Cowdon .
Tho committee on amusements bus do
cided to give tho Firo Deportment a
number of prizoo for racos on tho 1th,
but wo do not know tho llxod amounts
Thoy will bo etutod next wook.
Tho Bocial in thoMoou blfick on Thurs
day afternoon und evening in the interest
or tiio o. of V. band was a completo suc
cess. Tho money raised will bo used to
procure new suits for tho band.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Wertt'efttir HlftlMri Mtdelaa4 Dfeleaa.
JUNE 22, 18A4.
HTho Qlothidr.
(Continued- -troth- fftig &)
Tho report was adopted.
Committco of wajsabd means made
the fallowing report;
For county general fund 83- mills
For soldiers' relief 3 '
For inaano fund '
For county road fund.. 1 "
For county bridge fund 1$
For Int. on It. R. bonds lj "
Total., -..13 mills
Report was adopted.
The following townships made Re
port of township levies and tho same
was approved and clerk ordorod bo ex-
lonu flituo on tax list lor the yoar 'M.
Walnut Creek townahip
22 mills
Kim Creek
" " ..-..
Pleasant Hill
Oak Creek
Guide Hook
Boavcr Creek
lted Cloud
Board then adjourned.
Mr. Nugent started Tor Oklahoma
He had not paid his tuxes, und Treasurer
Whito hoard of it, Sheriff Runchoy wub
called and before thegontleman crossed
tho Kansas lino ho wan mado to puy Web
ster her due. Treasurer Whito is on to
his Job. ,
Tho list of lottore remaining at tho
postolllco uucullud for up to Juno HCh:
Adams W A Clork D A
Downs F.llynlinHi Tfnlinu Ti...
f Smith BF Webster Kn
"Wilson W
, xno nbovo lottore will "bo sont tb the
dead letter olllcb on Juno 2&, 18W, if no
ciuiiMi rnr. i'ir vk vv r.n...... ..
master Rod Cloud, Nobruska. '
Lntlles wishing a bcuut if uland rcllmxl
complexion uro reimeeted to cull on Mre
D. A. I-ramo. Free trials given awaj
ovory duy.
17 2w p
Frank P.
First Class Work Guar -
Call cn-hiift;
rv rnw m ran
Mn L. O. Tlnliham
6 Boils at Once
'fSttttd rn4-&lr&act I think no one ever nh
(ffprfmoro from Impure Mood. Every pimple of
snRriMi wouttl sprvwl.somi'tlmes making aorta
its ftrirft an a dollitt. Four Ixittlen of Hood'a Bar
aaparlUa havo thoroughly purlttod my blood and
fny Hkln is smooth as mi infant's. I never felt
Mrtter. h. O. t;ikuam, Newhall, California, ,
Hood's5 Cures
Mobd'S Pills are prompt and efficient, '
'fire ?aia Btopm of rJ?ueBduy night wei
vory hard nour tho vicinity of John
HaBsel backer's farm. Ash Creok raised
four feet, the creek wus nearly dry at
tho timo. Tho hall, ho said, hammored
his potutocB into tho ground.
Money lo Loan.
1 havo monoy tb lomi. Monoy on land
oady for ubo. D. B. Spnnoglo.
Miirkct Uciorl.
(Corrected WceHly.)
Corn . .
e e e
lx ...n '.'.','. 1 10115
i0Fa'" ...r....-... 4fi40
a- at cows .-. . . . . 2 00300
Butter ...-. ......- 9
(Eggs 7
SScKv ; l?
iiicKons, ,102, 175
li?W"'t ,b- G
Kfitull nrlnn f t,A 1?,,.! ni...l Mini-,.
Co., Hours: ; " u'"m """"
Monogram MpUck 1 00
wym jmicnt v sack 00
he can save ybli money
! y
"'' "" ""t," - - -- wmi.eiMiiiyM ii y- Wii.,iI - -n-wi' -"Kntallliw)( ' ' " " " "" 1 "- - - -" ' i--"'- 4nlHiipM)ill niinw i iwgtt.'namtLtBMi.tgrJ-"- - - .m, ' mKM