The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 22, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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D. B. SpaYiogle,
Rkal Estate
Red Cloud.
The Book of
The Fair."
P. m
An urnMhlD t JiTAlhrn Mid NCftYX TOlflGt.
Bold by DrumrMa or acnt toy nUl ESo Wo,
watLOOpcrpectogo. Fnmplcs tree.
VA IB A The Fnrortto TOOT! WWfcH
PMI HVlortboTccth(inateah,86o.
My good." PrkxiCOcta. Bold by SxttgfMtt.
r in Oinu Coma Cnm promrtJy MfM
bcreauotbcnfatL ForCoMumplloalthU
I Tly It. II. llncrott, "The Historian."
A Work of Ono Thousand Imperial Folio
pages, twolve by elxteen Inches,
printed on' tho finest cnameicii
paper, on the Miohle press, bb ex
hibited in Machinery Hell. This
work contalnB
Twenty-five Parts
Forty Pages Each.
Thcro will bo over 2,600 SUPERB PIC
tures of nil sizes up to a full page.
A chnptor on
Fairs oi the Past
From tho Crystal Fnlaco of 1852 to the
Tarla Exposition of 1889. The
Exposition was but for a moment
while tho book is for all time, and
Should be in
WW' )
Every Home
gdd by subscription only, on easy pay
ments of OH cents a day. For
further particulars apply to
JTAgont for this company.
"The" Watch.
For timckcoplng and durability nothing
beats tlio Eovuntccn jeweled
Dkuiikk IIami'dk.v Watch.
and oxumino tlioni. Also his lino of
Jewelry, Diamonds,
Spectacles, Clocks,
Plated and solid illvcrwuro, souvenir spoons,
pearl handled knh us mid toiht. earvliiK wl,
calling card cniui. licm lion lioxrs nml other
novfltles. A lino lino of stioctaclei mid , eje
Klavic v.llli IntercliaiiKalilnloiisL", steel, nickel
suver and koiu iriiuiUK, npccuti nun i-ureuu hi
lentloii paid to lltlliiR the it)n. My lino of 2nd
hand watches In Ultv lne. I will run them of)
at Icih than their actual north,
rsf-llrinif vnurunicli. rlnrk nnd tewrdrr re-
piflr wnrk.yoiirciiKrnvliiK uuJ your old Kolil
auu suver wi mv,
Tl is nil
Farm, Loans
Per cent
E, A Sinipsori,
Blue Irfil Neb.
riio KiikIc ttcrt nuts.
Tho following program will bo ob
served in Hod Cloud on July 1, 18U1.
National euluto nt Bunriso of 100 guns,
Col. A. J. TouillnBoni commanding
gun Rijtiad.
At 10 o'clock proccBfiion forms on Web
stor streot, march to 7th avenue, thonco
west to Soward street, thenco south to
3d Avonuo, thenco cost to WobBtorstroot,
and north to court park headed by:
Mayor and city council,
Hod Cloud S. of V. band,
Hon. T. J. Mnhoney and escorts,
Mastor of ceremonies,
lied Cloud flro department,
i Business men's display,
RoprcBontatlon of states by young ladles,
Funny Clowns on horso-back,
Citizens in carriages,
Delegations from country,
"JlmmycloncB" Oon. A. II. Gray,
Civic socloticB,
Cozad's drum corps,
Undo Sam in costumo,
Arriving nt court park thoro will bo
music by:
Tho lied Cloud S. of V. band.
Mooting called togothor by President
W. B. Itoby.
Prayer by Hov. A. P. Hull.
Singing byGleo club.
Oration by Hon. T. J. Muhonoy.
Music by S. of V. band.
Music by S. of V. bnnd.
2 p. m Ten minute toasts.
Jan. McNony "Our Navy."
J. S. Gillium "Our Army."
It. McNitt "Our United Country."
II. T. Potter "Our Itislng Generation."
Hon. C. V. Knley "Our Educational
J. M. Chnllln "Nobrnska."
Music by S. of V. baud.
Bowory danco.
Blcyclo roce,F.V. Cowden committee
man. Fat man's raco, 200 pounds, 100 yards
Sack und potato ruco 82.
Fast boys' raco from 15 to 21 years old
not loss than 50 ynrdB $5, 11 nnd 82.
Fireworks at 8 p. in.
The following business was transacted:
Thcro will bo four prizes for bicyclo
J. L. Miller was eolectcd us committee
man to tuko chargo of tho fat man's raco,
suck rucoTund boys rnco.
The committee proposo to spare no
pains to mnko il ono of tho most interest
ing -1th of July colobratlons ovor hold in
lied Uloucl.
T. J. Ward wits Bolcctcd ub committee
man on grounds.
Wm. Gates was choson as a committee
on transporting tho 41 young ladies rop
roBonting states.
Cure for Headache.
As a remedy for nil forms of Headache
Eleotric Hitters tins proved tobothevory
best. It effects a pnrrannent cur nnd
tho most drended habitual sick headaches
yelld to Its liillnenoe. We Urgo nil who
are rflllotod to proouro n bottle, nnd give
this remedy n fair trial. In enson of
hnbitunl constipation Klcctrlo Hitters
cured by giving tho needed tone- to the
bowel, ncd few cues long resist tlio nse
of this mediolne. Try it once. Large
bottles fifty cents at C. L. Cettlng's Drag-
" The nlms-honses of France have 2U0,
000 inmates.
Karl's clover root, the great blood port
fled gives froshnen and olearntis to the
comnlexlon and cares constipation, 25
ots,, COots., 81.00.
Palmyra republicans have organized
a loaguo.
Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn,
hath, "Shllonh's Vitalizor 'saved my lifo.
I consider it the best remedy for a dsbll
itnted system I ever used." For Dyspep
sia, Liver or Kidney trouble it excels,
l'rlco t conts.
Tho nioro you polish a rascal tho moan
er jou mnko him.
BlilloU's cure is sold on a cuntanleo. It
cures incipient oonslipatlon. It is the
best Congh Cure. Only ono cent a dose,
'J.-, cts., r0 ots., nnd 81. CO,
You sec them everywhere.
Their sales attest their popularity.
Catalocue free nt our agencies,
or mailed for two 3-ccnt itnmps.
Botton, New York, Chicago, Hartford.
Kindness in women, not their beaut
coub looke, shall win my lovo.
Chinch bugs nro reported as doing
much dnmngo in parts of Gngo county.
J no. u. JLiotton of lieuoy, N. i., a
prominent groeor and G. A. It. man lays;
'I hnva been tronbled with indigostiou
and billlonsness for years. Trltd Parks
Taa nnd it has enred me. I recommend
It to everybody.
It docs not follow because hearts of
oork nro desirable wooden heads aro.
- -Wo
horoby promise to refand allmensy
paid to ns for Uellat's lUmedlas if yon
are not benefited by their nse. These
renasdios consist of Sure Care Congh
Syrup, Australian Salve, Fain Faralyzer,
iHnrenpnrilla and Burdeok, Condition
rowdern. Unrb Wire Jjinlmttt, Uora (Jar
tnd liltll Uermnn rills, nnd are abselate-
Lincoln Absolutely
Pure Paints
is the best and cheapest. It will spread
farther and last longer than any other and you
get a full gallon of paint, with room to shake
it in every can, AVe guarantee satisfaction and
can prove what we assert.
C. L. Cotiing, "The Druggist.',
But we can prove wliat Ave
say, and wo say that we can
fell you better goods for lesB
money than anybody in our
line. We have tho
and the
They can't bo beat for this
hot weather. AVo also have
another carload of
"which is tlio best wire on
earth and the price is as
low as tlio lowest. Jsuy
While it iu cheap. All sizes
Window Screens
Screen Doors,
Always in stook.
ly guaranteed by ns.
chances. Dayo k Orice.
You take no
The Lincoln Dully Call has beon
to ti now company.
Or. Prlce,Cream Baking Powder
World's Pair Highest Award.
When so many people are taking and
deriving benefit from Hood's Snrsapnrilla,
why dont you try it yourself? It will
build yon up. Hood's 8ursnparilln will
make yon strong.
Hood's Fills cure, nausea, Blck headache,
indigestion, biliousness. Try n box.
II. O. Spolman of Angola, Ind.
will preach at tho Congregational church
in Red Cloud next Sabbnth morning
and evening.
J. E. Sanborn wont back to Hod
Cloud ycBtorday, where ho has been
running for somo time, after a fow days
visit hero. His family loft for their for
mor homo in Now Hampshire. Ho ac
companied tlium as fur tiB Oxford. Mc
Cook Times Democrat.
Engineor Al Harris went tolled Cloud
to tnko Jim Ford's plnco.McCook
Times Democrat.
Do not wait till your horse is est by
barb wire before getting a bottle of Hal
ler'a Barb Wire Linimont. Keep it in
your stable and thus be prepared to ef
fectually treat any cut or woand that
may be inflicted npon jour stook. The
Hollar's Proprietary Co. absolutely guar
antee this best of all liniments, and Dayo
& Orice will refund money for every bot
tle proving nnsatiafaetory.
Seward's .improvements indicate no
stringency in tho money market there.
"Orange Blossom", the commen sense
Kemnle Ketuedy, draws ont pain and sere-
ness. Bold uv v. L,. cotting.
MONOGRAM, $1-00 Per Sack.
ROYAL PATENT, 90c Per Sack
B. OF B. S, 75c Per Sack.
All Grades guaranteed by the Mills.
ir.....,,.,.......... ..................
At Ord n Vounir
Christian Endonvor has
Peoples Society of
boon organized.
Ho, There
Farmers !
Hitch TTp !
tit itcForo yu do come tiround
HnrncM aliop and buy u now sot
or luuid.imido harness. Have
reduced all woods In tho liar
ncu lino. Here are a few of
our prices:
832.00 hurnosB for....
HO.OO " '
28,00 " '
27.00 " "
20.00 "
And all goods in proportion
guaranteed Repairing and
. 2350
. 27.00
. 20.00
. 25.00
dono on short notice,'
All work
J. O. Butler.
DoufncaM Cannot Cured
by loonl appliontiona ns(they cannot renoh
the disensed portion of the oar. There is
only one way to ears OenfnesB, and that
U by constitutional remediss. Deafness
Is caused by an inflamed condition of the
mucous lining of the Eustnohinn Tube
When this tube is inflamed yon have a
rambling sound or imperfeot hearing,
and when it is entirely cloned, deafness is
the result, nnd unlesB the inflammation
oau be tnkftii out and this tnbe restored
to its normnl condition, hearing will be
destroyed forever; nine oases out of ten
are caused by entarrb, which is nothing
bnt nn ietlnined condition of the muoous
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any ease of deafness ouused by catarrh
that cannot be oared by Hnll'a Catarrh
Cure, send for ciireulnra; free,
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
fJTaold by Urngglsls, 7io.
we will send you
a Brilliant Gem
of unusual color, ;' ","
a copy of ..
"The Great Divide," so you can see
what a wonderful journal it is, pro
vided you name the paper you saw this
- W 111 1 --...
jn.- a rcai jcwei wc-u senu you. j children Cry for
Thi bmat dividi, br)vt)r,cti PtoherT Cattorla.
Where Healing Water Flow
Hut Springs, South Dakota, is a place
thut ovory ono should visit.
It's u health resort; tho best in tho
It's u charming spot whoro ptiro air
nnd healing vntern put sickness to flight
and mukn everything but perfect health
well nigh un impossibility.
Invalids, no matter what their ail
ments, should glvo Hot Springs n trial.
It's Hiiro to benefit thorn, moro thnn
likoly to euro.
How to not thoro? Why. by tho Bur
lington louto of course. It's tho lino.
Ask tho loenl ngont for full information
or writo to tho undersigned for a beau
tifully iihiBtratud pumphlot.
Gon. Pass. A- Tkt. Agt.. Ouiuhu, Neb,
Cure ' for Ilhenmatism and
radioally cures in 1 to it days. Its notion
upon tho aystom is remarkable nnd mys
terious. It removes ut once the oauso
und tho disease immediately disappears,
ho first doso grently benefits, 7Gots.
Hold by Deyo &, Orice, DruggiBtB, Red
Coud. tf
'I tin (flainl TTnlrr Uno mmnnnnil 4
Hiuue work in Lincoln this hu tumor.
First class work a specialty. Prices reasonable.
Olllco flrst door south ot Chief with W. F. Hull
8co him before giving your. order us It will bo to your Interest
Itiverlon Ktcniu Dye Woaks.
Frnnk B. Peck llivorton, Nobraskn,
clenini und dyes clothes, and guarantees
satisfaction in all cuscs. Shipping
charges pain ono way. Quick timo nnd
moderate prices, LadUm' dresses, cloaks,
capes, jackots und wraps of all kinds
cleaned und dyed to look like now.
Frank It. Peck. Iw
Thera aro in Austria
receiving state nid.
i!'J0,000 persons
Ucatrlco Chautauqua Aseui
Juno 2:1 to July i, Burlington Ilouto
ngcuts ut stntions within 150 miles of
Boutrico will Bull tickot to that city at
ono faro for tho round trip. Juno 21
und 22, tlio sumo low rate to Boatrico
will apply from nil stations in Nebraska.
Tickets und full information upon ap
plication to local B. it M. ugent.
Farm Loans.
If you wnntaloanon llrst class land I
can give you n special rato. Lowest in
terest with option to pay pari or all at
any year. Call or write to mo.
C. F. Oatiikk, Rod Cloud, Neo.
Bitot Coimb tiyrup. TaMMiiood. UnH
W Ira ilniA 12nl Kw 1vtitnrla m H
Notice to Teachers.
Notice Ib hereby given that I will
eiHinino all persons who may desire
to offer themselves as candidates for
toaohers ofthe publio sohools of this
oouuty, at Red Cloud on tho third
Saturday of each month.
Special examinations will be bold
nn the Friday prcooeding the 3d Sat
urday of each month.
Tho standing required for 2d and
3d grade certificates is the same no
grudo below 70 per etht,, average 80
per cent; for flrat grado certificate
no grade below 80 por cent., averugo
DO pur oent. in all branches required
dj taw.
D. M. Huntbr, County Supt.
Jno. B. Weight,
Dealgr hi SecotlFfaiid Goods
Moon Jiloch, Red Cloud,
City Livery Stable !
Feed, Sale and Exchange Stable,
Finest Turnouts in the City.
Your patronage solicited. Barn cast of Holland House.
ill TZ l TA.VT rrr
1 o V JL x . X JuVy IV
The furniture Mau has an elaborate and unlimited ,
stock of
of every conceivable description.
Bo Bure and see his stock of
m Window Shades,
, Wall Paper,