The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 22, 1894, Image 1

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jay bblbUF'bbbbbbi WHcJHBLfC 1 igri .f-1 esimsaaa H lanl iibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV Lir4 ivbbbbbbbbbb?u Htaki' . rr kaVaBBM- VbbbbbIBbbbbbbbVbbBbbbbb Lj En 7f IB ibbbbbbbbbbbbbbbEibbbbbbbbbbbbbebbbbLbbbbbbyLbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbS
All Home Print.
5' fr4
Prepared mid VuruUlied for Special
Publication lit the Bed Cloud
Chief by W. 1. Foeter.
y. (CopyrlRhteU'lii 1891 by W. T. Foster.
,v St. Jobgi'II, Mo, June 23d
My last bulletin gavo forecasts of the
"storm wavo to cross tho continent
from June 25th to 29th and tho next
will reach tho Pacific coast about the
29th; cnH tho western mountains by
close of BOth, tho great central valloys
from July 1st to 3d, and the eastern
jptatoB about tho 'lib.
' This is a danger poriod but as it is
an .eartbquako dato tho storms may
be pilymodorate and the earthquakes
great, or the storms may be great and
ttoea'rthquakcs moderate. Scismio
and atmospheric disturbances of more
than ordinary forco and of wido ex
tent may be conGdently looked for by
readers of these bulletins.
The warm wavo preceding and
southeast of tho low will develop ox
trome heat and in tho northern states,
the cool wave will cause a fall of 20
to 40 degrees.
Of course earthquakes and torna
does are expected only in countries
where they are common.
Tho warm wavo will cross tho west
ern mountains about tho 20th, tho
greatccntral valloys about July 1st,
and tho eastern slates about July 3d.
Tho oool wavo will cross tho western
mountains about July 2d, tho great
eastern valloys about July 4th, and
tho castorn states about tho Cth.
Tho eastern states, lower lakes, up
per Ohio volloy and tho oast gulf
tatoB will probably havo threatening
weather, tho great central valleys
cool and clcarinc and tho western
mountains and Pacific ooast from mod
erating to warm and threatening
weather, for tho Fourth of July.
- THK nuiLDKit.
That electricity is tho builder of
all things ought to bo recognized by
all intelligent peoplo, and evidences
will horein be given along that line
without discussing tho question as to
the power that lies bohiud and gives
to electricity its force.
Not only tho high and low barom
eters, the storm wavoB, tho tornadoes
every oloud that floats in tho atmos
phere and every fog that rises from
tho waters, are tho products of that
master builder, elcotrioity, but all
members of tho animal, vegotablo and
tninoral worlds aro formid by tho cur-
a-!.. i tltni- wvAnrt ntf ii I ntnniAnr
a&VMixwell. one of tho ableit of eleo
rums ui tun nwuw4m u.vuwi.
T T I '
r 4 T
i x y i i ''
- tffcO
iJh BaB O
iroysgg ---, J
tricans, Bays: "Supposo a crystal of
tourmaline to be at a uniform tompcr
aturo and apparently free from electri
fication on its surface Lot its tem
perature bo raised and one will be
found positively and tho other negat
ively electrified. Let the surfaco bo
deprived of this apparent electrifica
tion, tho orjstal bo made still hotter
and electrification of tho same kind as
before will appear. If the oryital be
cooled tho end which was positive
when tho crystal was heated will be
come negative Somo crystals are ter
minated by a six sided pyramid atono
end and by a threo sided pyramid at
the other. In these the end having
tho six sided pyramid becomes posi
tive when tho crystal is healed."
The theory in support of which tho
above quotation is used is this: When
tho material of which tho crystal was
formed was in a molten stato tho cur
rents of elcotrioity established as tho
crystal cooled not only shaped tho
crystal but magnotiied it and there
fore when current! are again started
thoy will move through the crystal
only in one direotieo, the same as
when it was being formed.
Lead is often found in shapes sim
ilar to crystals. Pyrites of iron, cop
per, nickol, oto, aro found in forms of
the nioit beautiful workmanship such
as noccssarily required powerful cur
rents that are possessed only by elco
trioity. Hay of Burlington, Iowa,
discovered a proctBS of hardening and
purifying iron for stcol rails. Ho ap
plies nature's laws and causes a cur
rent of electricity to pass through the
molten metal.
Many experiments can be oitcd as
cvidenco that eleotrio ourronts aro
capablo of forming crystals and tho
metals into regular and systematic
shapes. Guthrie gives an experiment
in which very small magnetic particles
are poured into a glass tube filled with
water. Tho water assumes a muddy
appcaranoo and looking through tho
tube endwise tho light of a candle
oannot be seen. Magnetise tho water
by running a current through a wiro
wrapped arcund tho tubo and tho par
ticles all arraogo themselves length
wise of the tubo and in lines permit
ting tho ligni to pass wirougu aim
thus clearing the water of its muddy
appearance. If the eleotrio currents
will arrango such particles in order
aud in lines it is cvidenco that crys
tals, pj rites, etc., were buildcd by
those currents.
Undor the iron furnaces, where the
ores aro smelted and from whioh
i - -.... .
- strong currents ot electricity emanate,
Red Cloud, Webster County,
- M -
w x
are found tho most beautifully formed
squares of tho purest stoel, while the
iron products that oool in the sand as
they run from tho furnaoo aro shape
less masses.
What gives io clouds their pecul
iar formations? The wind would
Boattcr them and there must Le somo
moro powerful forco that holds their
particles together, Sometimos wo see
long streaks of clouds extending en
tirely across tho hoavenB from east,
southeast or nortbeast to tho west
ward. These streaks reach from a
high barometer in tho cast to tho low
storm center in tho west and magnotio
instruments will hhow that unusual
electric currents aro active on tho
earth's surfaco. We must conoludo
that cloctrio currents in tho atmos
phere, moving from the high to tho
low, form those long' stripes that ap
pear to converge in tho far west,
Suoh 'currents constitute a groat mag
net with one in the western storm cen
ter and tho other in tho eastorn high.
Clouds of dark hue and angry ap
pearance aro readily recognised as
thoso that accompany thunder or eleo
tricol storms and those that have tho
appearanco of groat mountain ranges
with straight bases art so mnch noted
for their electrical charges that they
aro called thunderheads. The tornado
is notably an eleotrio oloud, Whioh
is tho causo and whioh is tho effect?
Does the cloud build tho olectrioity
or does the electricity give to the
oloud its peculiar form? The ques
answers itself. Elcotiioity is the
great builder and if we would under
stand tho laws of nature, animal, veg
etable nnd mineral life, wo must rec
ognize, eleotrioUy as the motive power
of the universo in all its parts.
As furnished by tho Fort Abstract Co,
for the wook onding Juno 10th.
Bernard McNeny to Laura J. popo
BWurSG-lMlwd 8 500
D J Springer to S H Atwood bw qr ,-,
'Jl-2-lOwd 12000
Chun A Tool to Chus Gestoring bw
qr ltf-.'I-9 ijed 1
Jno W Connoll to Don'l Trino ejxj
nw qr and e bw qr 6-4-9 wd . . . 2300
Jesse 0 Bargor to Chaa O Burger
neqr 10-4-9 wd 3000
Eliza Viera to Hurley N Viere ono
ucro in so qr 1-1-9 wd 70
EaBtorn Bunking company to J G
Myora nw qr 9-1-12 wd 1000
Southwestern Investment Co., to D
J Myers o H bw qr and v bo qr
22-1-12 wd , 17C0
Mnt Htroblo to Mike Stroble no qr
27-3-11 wd 1
Total 11172
Neb., Friday, June 22,
mission. If )ou can't come to see us write to us
and we will call on you.
MYEIiS & McCllAliY,
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
- M -
A Hill Bank Closes. Lust
weok tho Journal stilted thut John C
Fetzer of Omaha bad nppcarod before
tho state banking board to arrango for
closing the bank of Hluo Hill, He bo
ing ono of tho principal stockholders,
portnioBion of tho board was given and
all necessary arrangements wore made
for going into voluntary liquidation
Wednesday. Investigations ot tho af
fairs of tho bank during luflt weok dis
closed the fact that the bank had not
been making money for tho past eigh
teen months, whereupon tho stockhold
ers determined to discontinue tho bank
ing business and pay oil all claima. Not
having eufllclcnt currency on hand to
meot nil obligations, Vico-Prosidont J.C.
Fctzer wont to Omaha to proouro tho
additional amount necessary to mako nn
immodiato settlement with all creditors,
leaving instruction! with Ooshior Bur
gess to make no loans. Tho capital stock
was $.'10,000, and claims against it
amountod to $21,000. To meot theso
claims thero was 811,000 in currency and
Mr. Fetzer had to go to Omaha to raiRo
tho amount necessary to liquidate Ho
brought tho monoy to Blue Hill, whoro
it is on dopoBit at thn First bunk und
depositors aro being paid in full. State
Wkdoinu Bells. This time a doublo
wodding, which occurred nt tho residence
of Rev. G. W. Hummel two milos south
ot Red Cloud on Tuosday ovoning, June
12, 1694. Tho happy couples wore Mr.
F. Hadloy and Miss Annu Zeluff, Mr.
William Zeluff and Miss Cora Suundors
all of Red Cloud, Rov. G. W. Hummel
officiating. F. P. Hadloy is an onterpris
ing young man and nn expert painter
and glazier, his brido Miss Anna ZelufT
is an accomplished young lady being
well known in this city. Tuie Ciiikp
has known Frank Hadloy for a grout
many years, a part of which timo he
udministorod tho intcrnul uiTuirs of this
ofllco as "Devil," and as such wo tuko
groat pleasure in congratulating him
and his estimable bride, nnd hopo their
joys many bo us plentiful na tho sands
ot the ecu shore. Mr. Wm. ZelulT is n
very industrious nnd intelligent young
mnn well known in this city uh n suc
cessful barber. Misd Cora Saunders his
banduomo bride is ono of tho highly ea
toomud young ludioa of thin vicinity. Au
thoy journey on through lifo may thoy
find it n happy uml prosperous voyage.
W. P. Buyes of 2 105 Jones St., Oma
ha, Neb. says of l'nrku' Sure Cure "My
Ife has been oonititutionally wrecked
for years. Tried everything frultleasly.
My druggist's persuasion backed by his
guarantee, induced me to buy a bottle of
Park's Sure Cure. The results ura truly
wonderful, Park's Bore Cure for tho
Liver and Kidneys is n positive Bpoolno
for the dlseares ot women.
You oan always be happy If you are
willing to rejoice with others,
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
A Pure drape Creaai of Tarter Powder.
nly one Mortgage. Interest and
Payable at your home bank.
Cuildhkn's Day. On lust Subbnth
ovoning tho children ot tho Methodist
Sunduy-Buhool, nssisted by tho choir,
guv ono ot thoir most interesting und
especially ontortuining Children'u Duy
exorcises Tho church wub tilled to
satiety with thoso who woro ougor to
hoar tho entortuinment. At eight
o'clock tho services woro oponod by tho
choir with ti very upproprinto hymn, on
titled "Snvior, like u Shopnrd loud ub,''
after which Rov. A. P. Hull pastor, of
fered pruyor und read n ecripturo passngo
suitable Jtr tho occasion. Tho school,
then sang a "song. Miss Viola Ward
gavo tho introductory addross, in n very
imposing manner, ruluting faote ot nn
interesting nature, ubout tho organiza
tion of Children's Duy. Tho choir thon
rondorod a very select nnthom, niter
which Gracio Kollogg rccitod u pretty
piece ontitlod, "Two Words," thnt cup
tivatod the audience. Tho Misses, Suslo
Rife, Lulu SellarB, and JobbIo Ducker.
skillfully sang a trio ontitlod "Evening
Bolls," decidodly ono ot tho nicest por
tions ot tho program, und they accomp
lished their parts to tho satisfaction ot
the nudionco, Little Ray Rife ontnr
tainod tho audience- with 'an upproprinto
recitation entitled, "Children's Duy,"
which wub oxcellontly dono. Thon
camo a duct "Trust nil to Jesus"
by Blanche Conover and Gracio Kollogg,
both young ladies acquitting thomsulvos
in a lino iitunnor und utmost faultlessly.
"Work and Win" wu8 tho eubjoct of a
rocitution by Maudo Chase, which was
ono n! tho muny oxcellent parts ot tho
program, und Muudo did her part well.
After tliia interesting part of tho pro
gram cumo u song by tho Sunday school
childron, which was highly appreclatod
A quartet composed ot Messrs L. P. Al
bright and John Dickorson and the
MIbsob Lillie Smith nnd Susio Rifo, ren
dered u very difficult piece of music,
which was ono ot tho best of tho even
ing's program. At this juncture Pastor
Hull mado u short address, aftor which
u quintet composed ot L. P. Albright,
Henry Clurk, nnd tho Misses Lydiu nnd
Susie Rlfo und Mrs. John C. Dickorson.
This selection wub surely very nicoly
rendered. A collection followed which
wui for tho purpose of uiding young men
und wonion to educato themselves for
tho roinistory; the ontcrtuinmontclosing
with tho song, "God bo with you till wo
meet Again." Tho success ot tho onter
tuinmont rested upon tho scholars of the
Misses Louis Pope, Mabel Duy, Alico
Gurber , Mabel Suundors, Christie und
Mumio Woidcrman. Tho entertuinmont
was among tho host over bold in the
Home thing wrong vrhun you tire too
eaBlly. Somo thing wrong whua the skin
) not clear aud smooth, Some thing
wrong vrhon the blood l Impure. Kvery
thing right when you take DnWlttV Hnr
rnpnrilla. It recommends itself. C. L.
Children Cry for
Pltcher'i Castor!.
Vol.21. No. 48
No Com
MMyff 144
A oroam of tartar baking powder.
Highest of all in leavening strongth
Latost United States Government
Food Report.
Royal Baking Powder Co.
106 Wall St., N. Y.
Dk.atii or a Pionkek. Tho death ot
Sum'l Golger Sr., at his homo near this
placo on Saturday evening, June 9th
tokos away another of tho earliest Bot
tlers of Webster county. Mr. Geigor
enmo to Amorica from Gormany in 18C9,
und first Bottled in Pawneo county, in
this stuto, whoro his brothers woro ol
reody located. In May 1870 he cumo to
Webster county, then practically an un- '
eettlod territory, and took up u home
etoad in tho neighborhood whero he re
sided ut tho time of his death. Ho was
an industrious thrittv citizen and before
bis doath had acquired, in connection
with his son, tho titlo to about 700 acres
ot lund surronding bis homestead. Ho
had for eomo timo been uillictod with
uBthinu and was just recovering from a
moro Bovoro attack than usual, whon bo
wub seized by the la grippo aftor which
ho livod but a short timo, He was hur
ried in tho Guido Rock cemotory Mon
day. Signal.
1. 1
Dr. Sawyer's Family Cure Is the result
of experleuce, skill und honesty. It is a
positive cure for all Htomaoh, Liver and
Kidney Troubles. Hold by Deyo k Grioo
Books aro the window through whioh
the soul looks out.
i 1 1
Honesty, porseveranoe nnd skill oannot
Improve Dr. Sawyer' Fimily Cure, be
cnuse it fully ourot Indigestion. Billions
neon and Kidney dlflloulty, Hold by Deyo
e e -
Home fellows get Very low down In get
ting uy In the world.
' i -
Try n bottle of Dr. Hnwyer's Family
.'lure mid you will be couvinoed that it
will cure nil Htomaoh, Liver, Kidney and
Bowel difficulties.
llefore we oan do much good we must
first be good.
Experience and money oannot improve
Dr. Hnwyer's Fnniily Cure, beoaueo it
rndlonlly cures Dyspepsia, Liver oom
plaint and Kidney difficulty. Sold by
Deyo & Qrice.
Tliemun who quarrels with his lot helps
the devil to mako him miserable.
Lndies The druggist named below will
give you a free sample paokuge of Dr.
Hnwyer's Pastilles, whioh ours dtseaiss
t(iuilar to women, Sold by Deyo 4,
; 43Si
31 I
ei '
I JKi.
gslei wimg 'Jjg'.yijjj