The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 15, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Given Away ... .
Varnished by Our AbU C.rpe !
Country C.rretpoiidenta, Espec
ially rorith. Header. .fTta. CUM
A lido rain visited these parts Friday.
Tho small grain and corn looks well in
theeo parts.
Tho Amboy choir practiced at Pl.aB
ant Hill Saturday night.
Mrs. J. W. Baladen and Misses Alta
and SubIo Dakor attondod tho picnic in
Smith's grove Friday, also Mr and Mra
O II Frisbio attended tho picnic.
Carolino Baker from Rod Cloud waa
visiting at hor uncle's, Q W Baker last
Miss Laura McBrldo closed hor school
Friday at Ploasant hill.
Thoro will be mooting in tho grovo
Sunday ut .'! p. m. Everybody invited.
Ed Lewis and family from Chase coun
ty woro visiting Q W Bakor and C L
Lewis last vvcok.
Alt Saludon, J W Suladon and wife
and Susio Uakor epont Sunday over tho
Kvcrrott Bean was among us on
business Tuosday,
Otto Gcnacn has finished
kip barn.
Joe Pavolcck is having a well
down on his farm.
Ole Hansen was in these parti on
business Tuesday.
Jako Miller of lied Cloud wbb
among us Thursday.
Claude Devaugh has hired to Mr,
Guroy near Inavale. Mrs h Sorgcn
bod aud Mrs Akors wcro oallors of Mrs
Boan Mouday,
Sam Lindsoy was in Cowlcs this
Ed and Frank O'Noil have returned
from tho west.
Honry and Wm Brotthauer Sun
daved with their parents.
Iluv Boan was transacting business
in Rivorton Tuesday,
Mr Bailoy of Red Cloud was in our
neighborhood Sunday.
C l' Kelly and family were pleasant
visitors at A Akors Sunday.
Claude Wilson aud J Phillips were
visiting in those pirts Sunday,
Somo of tho farmers have com
menced to replant their corn.
Miss Tishio Moikerand Miss Tabor
wero gucstB of Mrs. W E Bean Satur
day. Jessie Brooks from near Otto was
a pleasant oullcr at J Bean's Wednes
day Tho wind last Frindy evening blow
part of Dick l'arno'a windmill away,
Mr Bust and Mrs, Crabill of lied
Cloud wcro visiting in our totality
one day last week,
J 0 Wilson sold some hogs last
Thcro was a misUko in our last week
t ms about th. ball game at Ranncy's
as tin soore was 20 to J8 in favor of
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair HlgbtMdaLdDlploau.
A Five Dollar chair given away TO OUR CUSTOMERS.
The most restful, COMFORTABLE and CONVENIENT chair in the
world. Just the chair for Porch, Lawn or Sitting Room. We
want to present one of these Chairs to each of our customers FREE.
Call and see them and while getting one of these Chairs Free Get
more Clothing for same money than any where in the country.
A. GALUSHA, Manger.
Crooked Creek.
A nico rain Friday night.
Corn looks woll but most pooplo aro
plowing up their small grain.
Chris and Minnie Richor wore at
tending tho picnic at Smith's grove Fri
day and on acconnt of the rain thoy did
not return until Saturday.
Mra.Tennant baa been on the sick
Wm. llolsworth and wife wero visiting parents.
Oeorgo Winton bus put up a now
stool wind mill in place of the old wood
mill which was blown down.
dhas. Gurney has dug a new woll and
intends to move his houso soon.
II. J. Mauror, Sam Smith and Waltor
llolsworth wore working on tho road I
this weok.
John and Waltor Holsworth went to
tho rivor llBhing Saturduy. Thov caught
somo Ush. They did, thoy did, tboy did
Mr friend, rtenr tlolluhUill soul
1 wish you all tho Joys or cartli,
lay love ami iilcniures never fade
our liiitAiul tirnvn il infill of wnrth.
Noble, utlrctlonnto and kind.
hentvel in action, pure m mltiu
Devoted heart ana soul to you,
fountain, ttonorous and tiuo.
Anil uhen your Joys aro compli-teH
And your lillsa mid plcasmos sweetest.
Itcmemher lilm wliolovod theo well
When llfo was not so dear.
Who gladly hears Ihu nows you toll
Nor delisns to shed u toar,
AVIUln you aro happy, loved and Messed
Hy fortune, friends aud Int. carroseod,
But oh! It darker das hhould dawn
Aud blli-t Imagined iI'mtlilcBi, dlo,
And rttful fortune ceaso to fawn
aihI all tho sweetest pleasures fly
Then (ileiul, turn to him who still
l'rom Jealousy and hatred free,
Tlio liUMStira of thy bllis ean nil
Aud muku it Hloilous yet to be.
Mr. Editor you will excuso uio for
not having my valuablo ad in the pa
per last weok, You boo I was oat with
tho boys and forgot mysolf; it eocms
as if I havo caused somo troublo
Ruioug tuo uoys a iur. ana iurs. or a
Mis Sully and 1 havo taken tlie Bolt
and aro a threshing Dishwasher in a
manner that will paralyzo him, and as
J and Sally aro on tho sweetest of
terms J should bo displeased to causo
any sorrow or pain.
One of tho boys say ho will never
go out with his lied Cloud girls again
as ho had a eolliMou, canned by u cow
in the road; pcoplu should bo more
careful and not let tholr cows jpastur.
in tho public roads.
Several of tho boys wcro o,at Sun
day on a lark hunt, and Sally and I
wcro along.
A ecrtain young mm wanted mo to
put in an advertisement in The
Chiki' to find liiui a girl; he in young
and handsome and tho young lady
must bo between tho ages of 10 und
35yoars; addross all mail to Dishwash
er. I was at tho young folk's party at
Mr. Hill's Monday ovening; Sally was
around towu and wo all had a- good
Mrs. Hurd was thrown from a bug
gy Monday and soverely hurt; it was
caused by tho horso brooming unm n
eeable and upset tho buggy, Dr 11 all
reported her bettor on Tuesday,
Tho Banquet given by tho A. O. U.
W., Tuesday afternoon and cvoning
was well attended, andthero was plen
ty of ico cream and lomonado. Tho
speakers wcro Winfioid Scott, C. E.
Putman, Peter Hill and many others.
Tho Degree of Honor furnished tho
music, and an essay was read by Mrs.
Now Sally if you will publish your
real namo in tho Bolt you will save
mo lots of trouble trying to guess it.
I wish to call tho attention of tho poo
plo of Wobstor county that Cowlcs will
celebrate tho 4th. Everybody bring
your dinnor and wo will furnish you ono
ot tho beet entertainments unit evor was
witnessed iu WobBter county; till homo
talont und McKoighun and others will
bo present and I will tniilco a spoech
myeoir. Fireworks in tho ovoning.
Gund & Co,, aro shelling out their
corn; A Sitnerson doing tho work.
Mr. W B Oarmor and wifo wcro tho
guests of C J Hartmans Sunday.
Mibs Wilson and friend of Bluo Hill
aro tho guosta of Miss Minnio Reed.
Addie Snow is visiting hor friend
Myrtlo Stoddard at Ropublican City.
Miss Mabel Wright returned to her
homo at Cowlos tho latter part of tho
Tho wind, dust and rain Friday ev
ening intorfcrcd with tho party at Mr
Thos Burden a few of his frionds
Saturday, tho occasion being his 03d
birth day.
J R Ilorno and B Leo are guard
ing against fire and burglcrs; oaoh re
ceived a now safo Tuosday.
L. B. Thorne returned from Omaha
Thursday evening, whero ho had boon
called on iuiDortaut business.
Tho Bladon alliance talks of cele
bratiug tho third and fourth of July
in tho vicinity of this place.
Editor of tho Argus and 0. C. Boll
woro iu tho city Saturday, the latter
inspootcd Sciglo Camp No 2!2 S of V.
Mr Johnson, on tho Jerry Howard
pltioo, (jot ono of his fingers badly
Miiaslu-d by getting it caught in tho
gearing uf tho windmill.
Tho children's day exoroises at tho
Congregational and Baptist churches
Sunday morning and cvoniog wcro
well attondod aud tho children did
their part well, and with credit to
their respective schools.
During tho wind storm last Friday
night Undo Diok l'ayno's windmill
blow down and smashed it in piccos.
Otto Skjolvcr's cow was blown
down on Friday.
11. S. Lowis was in Red Cloud this
week attending tho board of equaliza
tion. Corn in this vioinity neodB rain
pretty badly.
Somo of our boys still havo hogs
fatting and thoy proposo to ruiso hogs
if thoy don't raiso any thing elso.
Tho hay crop noes not iook promis
ing at this writing, but wo look for
rafn soon. Jtmno.
tnte Line.
The weather is fine. Showers of
rain keeps tho corn growing nicely.
Tho early crop of cherricB has
been disposed of and tho lata ones ar
now getting ripe.
Saturday and Sunday were meeting
days at North Branob; there was quite
a crowd out Sunday.
Unole Mark Madlin is still very
News very icaroo and if something
don't happen to break the monotony
ot state .Line lit., l am atraia somo
one will dio with rural melancholy.
Guide Rock.
Hero comes Guide Rook to toll tho
pcoplo that we aro going to celebrate
tho 4th in grand stylo and that Tomp
kins and Basoom will entertain tho
pooplo with a foot race at 12:60 sharp.
Come ono, como all.
Dick Garber is tmiling all over his
face becauso it is a big boy. Ho just
arrived in timo to help colebrate the
Mrs. Doyle was ablo to bo moved to
hor homo Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Haruoy Viers and
daughter Winofrod drovo over to Red
Cloud Wednesday.
Ed Burr was in RedCloud Monday.
Ernest hloranvillo spont Sunday in
Red Cloud.
Mrs. John Crary is on tho siok list.
Mr. Ginger living 4 miles west of
town died Saturday and was buriod
Charloy Soymour is clerking for
Kennedy. Success Charloy,
P. J. Sprooker is building an addi
tion to his bouse.
Goo Barnes has a new buggy; look
out girls.
A Mr Huston of Indiana was visit
ing his cousiu Mr Vanco and family
last week.
C W Wells who has been very sick
fur several days is still growing weak
er. M M Million closed his school in
district 115 with a pionio in Darning's
grovo on Friday, Juno 8th, A very
enjoyable timo was had.
Children's day was observed ut
Eukloy ohuroh June 10th. Thoro was
a long program and it was well carried
out boforo a largo audienco,
John and Wm Wills and Ned Davis
of Trenton, Hitchcook county, who
dried out woro in this vicinity look
ing for work lust week; thoy ropott
crops a total failure in that part of tho
state. They wore aocompanied by
l'cunington Newton a grandson of
Mrs. L A Crozier who has commenced
woikfor G M Albin,
Died, Mr Fred Gardner of itiilama
tion of tho bowols on Suuday .June
10, 1891. Mr Garner's death was
quito sudden having been sick only a
tow days. Tho remains wore laid to
rent in tho ccmotery near Rosemont on
LMonday, Ho leaves a wifo to mourn
his ion. buirsoN,
Nico rain on Friday evening makes
every ono happy and tbo corn looks
Married on tho 3d of June, by Rev.
G. W. Hummel, Mr. Albert Duoker
and Miss Winnio McMurry of Sher
wood. We wish tho happy eouple
a pleasant voyago through lifo.
Mrs. Johana Steffcn died at her
sen's at Womcr, on tho 4th, and was
buried in the Mt. Hope cemetery tho
was about 94 years old. Wo sym
pathize with tho bereaved family in
this their groat sorrow. "Blessed in
tho sieht of tho Lord is the death of
His saints." Sid.
Ab rendorod by tho Penny Creok Sun
day-school, June 3. 1891.
School called to ordor by singing.
Prnyor by Mr. Galbraith.
Reviow ot Lesson by Supt. Wm. Van
Romarks by Mr. Cozad of Red Cloud.
Song by the School.
Oponing Song "Open tho Door for
the Children," by Choir.
Address of Welcome by Mr. Cozad.
Recitation "It's Nothing to Me," by
Jennie Rudd.
Dialogue "Tho Tin Bucket and Wil
low Basket Bridge," by four boys.
Song "Jobub is Calling."
Recitation Enrnie Gruoll.
Recitation "A Flower Bod," by Mat
tio Galbraith.
Dialoguo "Little Foes," by four boys.
Song "Carriod by tho Angola."
Recitation Tho Tender Shephard,"
by Lola Gruoll.
Rooitation "I wish I was a Boy Again"
by Earnest Boauchump.
Song "Whilo tho Duysnro Going By."
Recitation Mattio Galbraith.
Recitation "Who made Them all," by
Churlio Andorson.
Song "Ring tho Bella of Heaven."
Recitation "Tho Stylish Church," by
Johu Warrington.
Rouitution "Tho Model Church," by
Jus. Landroth.
Song "Bringing in the Sheaves."
Recitation "Dissatisfaction of Rich
and Poor," by Bullo Aubushon.
Recitation "Nobody Knows but Moth
or," by Clara Gulbraith.
Song "Marching to Zion."
Rooitution "A Little Pilgrim" by
Ednn Cluthrie.
Recitation "Do Somothing," by Geo.
Song "When Ho Cometh," by infant
Recitation "Somebody's Mother," by j
Water tiutlirlo.
Recitation Edith Dickorson.
Rooitation "Children's Day," by Vic
toriu llaskins,
Song "Givo mo tho Wings of Faith."
Rooitation "Grund China," by Win
nio Sliornmn.
Recitation Ada Lowib.
Recitation Lovica Dickorson.
Object Lesson by Mr, Dillon of North
Prayer by Mr. Horton.
Song "Good Bye," by school.
WM. VanDvue, Supt.
Do not wait till your horse is eat by
barb wire before getting a bottle of Hal
lei's Barb Wire Liniment. Keep it la
yonr stable and thus be prepared to ef
fectually treat any cut or wound that
may be Inflloted upon your stook. Th.
Haller's Proprietary Co. absolutely guar
antee this best of all liniments, and D.yo
& Olio, will refund money for every bot
tle proving unsatisfaatory.
Tho town board of Havolock ordered
every person to bo vaccinated.
"Orange Blossom", the common sens.
Female Remedy, draws out pain and sore
ness. Bold by 0. L. Cotting.
Hastings is short on wntor and lawns
aro eprinklod only nt cortain hours.
Juo. O. Lntton of LeRoy, N. Y., a
prominent grocer aud O. A. R. man aayi;
'I have been troubled with indigestion
and billiouBnesB for years. Tried Parka
Tea and it has oured me. I reoommeai
it to everybody.
F. Russoll of Cheboygan, Wis. haa suc
ceeded in domesticating a sou-gull.
Wo hereby promise to refund all money
paid to ns for Hallei'a Remedies If yba
are not benefited by their use. Thes.
remedios consist of Bore Cure Cough
Syrup, Australian Salve, Pain Paralyzer,
Barsaparilla and, Condition
Ponder, Barb Wire Linimett, Cora Car.
and Little German Pills, and ar. absolute,
ly guaranteed by us. You take no
chances. Deyo & Urloe.
should own this
Dictionary. It an
swers all question
concerning tbe his
tory, epelllnjr, pro
nunciation, and
meaning or word.
A Library in
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. ojibu imonnauon
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!S2Ii- ir . i "'"K'uuu; panicuian con
cemlne noted fictitious nersona and dUam t
translation of foreign quotations, ftla In'
iZhZuZ!? " uume omw Btuy
Tfca Ont firent Standard AttthnrUv.
Hen. D. J. Urener. Jmtlce of V. H. Banrema
Court, write i "-llie liuemaUonal DleUonarrla
to prrtecUon ot dictionaries. commend It to
M.Hravg(iH,Buuuwi auuionij. '
otHB oyAu jiooKseuers.
G. C. Mot t lam Co.
Springfield, Mats,
lystnd far tree prospectus.
Atinuul Eilliuatv.
Aft A ffMMliur iiiHtii nf 41.. ..I.. ... it i..i
tllft fn!lllW 111 (..Ilmtilik n, .1.. . I .ul
Ef.?iffT t lti enxiiline Hr Hint have tbe same
j ,, ;,: z :i. . "" ::' ,u '" cy i'M" w
Kalaryof Bo.ud .. ' . ...
Water and Htieet CoiuinUslouert,.
interest on Water Homis ,".. '
JIrei Mtclrlo Uuht Uunds!'
J'or malntnluliiK- Klcctrle I.lL'lits'.i!
lllcsellaueous .....
600 00
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