The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 15, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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A. C. IIohmkr, Killtor.
I.Aitov Tait, Amu lAcal Kdltor.
A mono tho delegates to tho sixth
congressional republican convontion of
Kansas last week, wore Frank McQratb,
formerly president of tho stato alliance
and Don Mutchotto, spoakor pro turn of
the allianco houso of reprosontatives of
1800. Downer County Piouoor.
Ex-Conorehnman Tom Watson muy
be a blatborskito, but bo occasionally
says a neat thing, us for instuno, when
he declared tho other day that "two
years ago wo woro fed upon the ambrosia
of domocnitio oxpoctutions; today wo
oro gnawing tho corncobs of domocratio
reality." Downer County Pioneer.
Novor Iobo faith in Nebraska. Men
in thuo post have grown tired and dis
couraged and givon up nnd sold out at a
sacrifice. Again tho wonderful re
sources of this great common wealth
lmvo boon asserted and the man with tho
true grit, who had tho norvo to stay
with NobruBku through thick and thin
was amply repaid for it all. History ro
pouts itself. Now in tho time for con
servative inon to display their judgment.
With anything like a good crop the
coining sosBon mere win surely como
another ora of prosperity. Beaver City
According to tho news of this city,
the democrats of the llfth district are
unanimously in favor of T. J. Ward, of
Red Cloud, for McKoighan' Boat in con.
gross. Whilo it is truo that "Jeff" did
trado off his farm for somo of Tom Car
ter's "footprints of timo." ho has foro-nr.
ten to dovclop into anything except city
clerk, und occasionally .water commis
sioner of Rod Cloud. Mr. Ward tried to
devolop into the postofllce there this
spring, nnd oven hopod that ho would
bo successful in developing, but on ac
count of not being an administration
man, was promptly run out. Two years
uen was very mucn "rerninst tno kioa
of nominating a democrat in onnositinn
to McKeighan, and it was on account of
bis good wont, tutu tno democratic con
vention endorsed McKeighan. Mno
showed hitt appreciation of his olToctivn
work Jeff did for him during the cam
paign, by promising him tho Rod Cloud
postollloo u promise that Joff bought
several groceries on, but up to date Las
not paid for them from the sale of gov
ernment stamps, und what is moro ho
isn't likely to too to pay for thom In
this way. Pluttsmouth llorald
The above nrticlo unneedfully roftoota
on our fellow townsman, Mr. Ward. If
says ho is still an administration demo
crai. Joff docB not bolong to our side of
tho houso. but wo do not boliove in see
ing him wrongfully quoted or niisquotod.
He failed, it is true, to got tho poftofllco h
but bo still clings to the fallacy of dem-1
ocraoy. O v oiner's prices are withio..roach of all
PiCall there and bo convinced.
Square Dealing,
Golden Eagle,
Hon. T. J. Mahonkv of Omaha, one
of Nebraska's brilliant orators, will ad
dress tho pcoplo in Red Cloud, as fourth
of July orator. Tho gcntloman has -a
stato reputation aa a spoakor of ll'ao
Tub populists havo ro-nomir.utod
Lowolling of Kansas for governor. Ho
will bo snowed undor inNovombor with
out u doubt.
., Teacher: Childron, Beo w'nat it says on
tno blockkbonrd nnd bo sure and tail
your parents Unit Wienr r Bollatho best
clothing for tho least ir.onoy.
Wanted Hids.
bids will 'bo receivod un
bealod bids will bo receivod up to
Juno 20, IBM, ut 8 ,,. m.t for
p. in., for running
both stand nnd bo' , very danco prlvilegoB
on July 4th in Td Cloud, Nebraska.
Bids to bo lot to -tho highest bidder, in
part or whole. Coramittoo resorve right
to reject any or nil bids. Address cor-
f ro8pondonr,t) to A. C. Hosmor. secretary
lied Clou.d N obraeka. Br Oitnrit op
Und n tho narao of metacy nototrame
thyle Jlnmidotriphenylcciirblnol a llrm at
Huei'.ht au-Mahi, Germany, hve patent
ed a yellow coloring matorial, whilo
Mensrs D.hl & Co.. of Bremon, havo tak
en, out a -patent for ai blue dye dorived
from tetraphonlytorutramidodynuihtyl
oraothyr,o, nnd for tyl limine und numty
lenodiaminosul phonic ucid. If you don't
see the so goods at you.: doolor's ask for
' I tMf lilt fflll I
"W3 ll illrfW
.- i . w . . mtmmmm
Rlvorton Steam Dye Wik.
Prank R. Pock Rivorton, Nebraska,
cleans nnd dyes clothes, and guarantees
satisfaction in nil cases. Shipping
charges pain ono way. Quick timo and
modorato prices. Ladies' dresses, cloaks,
capes, juckots und wraps of all kinds
cleaned nnd dyed to look liko now.
Frank R. Peck. lw
School Report.
Report of school in district 31 for tho
month ending Juno 8th. Number of pu
pils enrolled 2), average uttondance 11.
Thoeo neither absent nor tardy during
tho month were Albert Hoinrich, Muy
Kotor, Otto Heinrich, Muy MoNitt, Dil
lard Ester, TheroBO Heinrich and Willie
Ester. Maudk Mock, Teacher.
Thnt barcaiii counter ot shoos
Wiener's bus mutlo a greut many go
away happy from it, with n good pair
of shoes at two thrds price.
Iloalrico Chautauqua Aihciii-lil-.
Juno '23 to July 1, Burlington Routo
sgonts at stations within 1.10 miles of
Boatrice will sell tickot to that city nt
ono fare for tho round trip. June 21
and 22, the eamo low rato to Beatrico
will apply from all stations in Nobrasku.
Tickets and full information upon ap
plication to local B. & M. agent.
I havo purchased tho Wt'gmunn gal-
copying and all kinds ot photographic
wcrk at tho very lowest priceB. Call
and sco snmplou of work. E. Tonnant
Prop rlotor.
I .! . .1
Th 'Welistor County Mutual Protec
tion anid Anti Horse Thief association
meets in Cowlen, the last Saturday of, at2p. m,
tf TuosJIodobon, Sec,
uni. nr
Clothing Store,
Tho list of lotters remaining at the
postofflco uncalled for up to Juno 14th:
Bringhnm H. E. Frost R. M.
Godfrey O. W. Oborsham Mrs.
Parrio Mrs. Anna Smith Temple.
Streot Rudolph Wildor C, S. A
Wickort Mrs. C. L.
Tho abovo lotters will be son! to tho
dead lottor ofllco on June 28, 1894, if not
called for. Fiiank W. Cowdi.v, post
muster Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Hi i i i
Tho following program will bo rendered Sun
day evening at the M. E. Church:
Opening Hymn.
1,'niyrr Hot. Hull.
Sorlplure Heading Mabe I Day.
Kinging Hchool.
IiitriHiitctory Address Viola Ward.
Anthem Choir.
lttclUllon, "Two Words" Oracle Kelloiar.
I rid MiisId Hlfe, ,ulu Hollars. Jcsilo liucnur.
ItccltJUIon, "Cluldreu't Day" Kay Kite.
Duet "Trust all to Jesus,"
HliiiiclinConnvcrmid Ursicle Kellogtr.
Keclcitlon, "Work ana Win".... Maude Chose.
Hong Children.
Hong Male Quartet.
Address Rev. Hull.
Solo Llllle Smith.
Farewell Song Ladles' Quartet.
A NcwoFuiulonud Girl.
Sho'd u grcnt and varied knowledge
picked up ut a female college, of
quadratics, hydrostatics, and pneu
matics very vast;
She was stuffed with erudition as you
stuff a leather cushion, all tho
ologiea of tho colleges and tho
knowledgo ot tho paBt.
Sho had studied tho old loxicons ot
Peruvians and Mexicans, their
theology, anthropology and geo
logy, o'er and o'er;
Sho know all tho forms and features
ot tho prehistoric creatures ch
thyosaurus, pleeicsaurus,, mega
losaurus, and many more,
She'd deBcribo the anciont Tuscans, and
tho Basques and Etruscans, their
griddles and their kettles, and the
victuals that they gnawed;
Sho'd dlBcuss tho loarnod charmer, tho
theology of Brahma, and the
sandals that they trod.
Sho know all tho mighty giants and
)he masterminds of science, al
tho leurning that wus turning in
tho burning mind of men;
Hut sho couldn t prepare a dinnor for
n gaunt and hungry sinnor, or get
up ti docont supper for hor poor
voracious papa, for she never was
constructed on the old domestic
plan, Lyon Union,
Salo of Houvcliold Goods,
Commencing Wodnesday, Juno Gth, I
will offor ut private sale, at my residence,
houeohold goods conBisting ot furniture,
curpots, stoves, kitchon utensils and
other atlcles, useful und ornamontal, too
numerous to mention. Pleaso call and
see It thero is any thing you want.
F, Bradbrook,
M. X. Cheuvrnt
Leouard, Ho.
In Agony I
IB Years WUrTtalt Rheum
Mood's tarsaparllla Gave a Perfect
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"Hood's Rarsaparllla Is nu neellent medicine.
I had eeiema In my left leg for fifteen years.
I'art of the time my leg was ono mass of scabs,
and about every week corruption would gather
under the skin and the scabs would slough off.
The Itching and Burning
sensation made me suffer indescrlhablo agonies.
I spent a great deal ot money for different rem
edies but did not get relief. About a year ago.
leading physicians ndvlsed me to tuko Hood's
Barsaparlllu. 1 did so and havo taken five bot-
ties. Now all the sores, scabs and pain have
vanished and I am enjoying perfect health. I
think Hood's Sarsaparllla Is second to none and
gladly recommend It to nil suffering humanity.''
. L. CnEuvuoNT, Leonard, Missouri.
Hood's Pills act easily, yet promptly and the liver and bowels. Uo.
wm wmmmrfMwmwmM
School Report.
Following aro tho names of tho nunlls
of tho Red Cloud schools, who have been
noithor tardy nor nbsent during the
school yenr of 1893 and 01. Ethel Hat
rleld.Percy Ludlow, Charlio Ludlow, Lulu
Chamborlain, Freddie Temple, Homor
8nodgrnsB, Eva Willcox, Nannlo Wright,
Earl Pond, Eddio Plutt, Eva Foster,
Wllolla Puyno, Addio Boaver. Flora Pal.
mer, Claronco Winters, Nellie Shorman,
Wiliio Eiimes, Bollo Eamos, Paul Dick
erson, Albert Wright, June Willcox. Roy
Palmer, Anna Finohor, Graco Smith,
Allor Vundyko, Frank Wintors, Wilber
Peterson, Eddlo Pogg. Sammie Wright.
AIhv WlntfirR. Tllnnnh PnQtnr. Mnra P.,t Ji
eon, Ollie Parkes, Lucy Eames anuj
xuury rumes.
Tho O. U, Shop,
Red loud, Nebraska.
I girt my personal attention to my
patron. First-class shaving and hair
outtlng a specialty.
" BtSk I X
ffBuH C I
You can buy shoes at two-thirds the
original price at Wioner's bargain shoe
Fnrm Loam.
If you want a loan on first class land I
can give you a special rate. Lowest in
tersst with option to pay part or all at
any year. Call or writo to mo.
O. P. CATtmt, Rod Cloud, Neo.
Marltct Itcporf.
(Corrected Weekly.)
gat 25030
gye 35
g1" 1 1001 15.
"TD 4 40
gtoows 2 003 00
Butter 9
Eggs 7
fw 1 001 10
Chickens do. 175
H . ?y.? : Hi. 5
Retail price of the Red Cloud Milling
Co., flours: B
Monogram sack f DO
Royal patent j? sack 80 sack . C5
M. K, B. Tims Table.
Taking effect Dec.s.
Sllswi5rrjr p',Mn,;ri' lev B4CUt u
. iu ruienger to Hasting -
N. utrasiengerfromllnstiiigi
No. 19, rutenger to 8t. Joseph St.
LoulsaadChTcagw dully .
N. IB rasieogers fer Dearer, dally, ;89,p. i
RidClood, . . Nmraska.
Tr Taylor's Furnliiire Stare.
KxtraeU teeth without nalu.
Crown and bridge work a specialty.
l&"' ?.'niB Ml a klda of gold DIIIbm.'
,,r,.f ,B"UU ruDUCr Hates and cembloatle
Afi work guaranteed to be first-class.
M2.1 Bfic,t - RED OLOUD, NEB.
oorreipoiianos sollolted.