The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 15, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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D. B. Spanoglc,
Real Estate
and Loan Agent
Red Cloud.
The Book of
The Fair."
tty II. II. Ilanciolt, "The Historian."
A work of OnoThouBtinil Imperial Folio
pugoB, twolvo by sixteen inches,
printed on tho finest onamoloil
paper, on tho Miehlo preeB, as ex
hibited in Mnchinory Hail. This
work contains
Twenty-five Parts
Forty Pages Each.
Thoro will bo ovor 2,500 BUPEKD PIC
turcs of nil sizou up to a full pago.
A chnptor on
Fairs ol the Past
Prom tho Cryotul l'nloco of 1852 to the
Paris Exposition of 1889. The
Exposition was but for a momont
while the book is for all tlmo, and
Should be in
Every Home
Sold by subscription only, on easy pay
ments of (' cents a day. For
further particulars apply to
EjrAgont for this company.
Uut wo can prove what we
Buy, and wo say that wo cau
foil you better goods for less
money than anybody in onr
line. Wo have the
and tho
They can't he beat for this
hot woather. We also have
another carload of
which is tho best wire on
earth and this price is as
low iiH the lowest. Buy
While it is cheat). All sizes
Window Screens
Screen Doors,
Always in stock.
spiral toward tho earth, and ono high
will attract another. Thoy often unite
and the transient highs from tho
northwest always nlungo into tho
permanont high of tho North Atlantic
whioh is their nirvana, and in which
thoy aro absorbed and lost.
"Currents rcpol each other when
thoy movo in opposito directions,"
says tho authority quoted. This ac
counts for tho fact that high and low
barometers rcpol cnoli other, and al
though thoy hug each other closely,
thoy never so far unite as to become
The tamo law that governs the plan
ets applies to the high nnd low barom
eters. TrTe planets attraoi eaoh other
till their eleotrospheros meet, and thon
thoy repel It is a mistake to suppose
that sun, planets and comets univer
sally attraot each other. Repulsion
is universal as soon as tho electro
spheres of tho bodies meet.
Comets plungo deop into tho sun's
olcctro&phorc which extends far out
boyond tho orbit ot Neptune but the
"firo is knocked out of them" by their
friction againBt tho clomonts surround
ing tho sun, and thoy reach oloso
quarters with tho sun only by tho mo
mentum they gain boforo reaching the
sun's clcctrosphcro.
It is also an error to supposo that
tho tails of comets continuo through
outthcir orbits. Thcso tails only show
up after tho comets havo reached tho
sun's olcctrosphorcs, after repulsion
and friction havo taken tho place of
attraction, as it is erroneously called.
Kxtonding tho laws quoted abovo to
a largo scale, wo havo permanont
lows at tho earth's gcograpical poles,
over tho Hearing sea, surrounding
Iceland, and at corresponding points
on tho hemisphere. In all of these
tho currents aro downward. Upward
currents aro found in tho permanent
highs covering tho north Atlantic,
north Pacific, tho central portions of
tho North American and Asiatic con
tinents, and corresponding points on
tho southern hemisphere.
Eaoh of thcso great permanent and
stationary areas of high baromotcrs,
turough which currents move down
ward, attract all transient highs and
repel all transiont lows, whilo each of
the great permanent and stationary
low baromotcrs, through which cur
rents movo upward, attract all tran
sient lows and repol all transient
It is known Hint an overcharged
body will throw off bodies of electrici
ty, and when tho snn, moon or planets
movo into a position that increases
electrical action, thon tho permanent
highs throw off bodies of downpouring
currents winch constituto our cold
waves or transient highp, and at tho
samo timo tho pormauout lows throw
off bodies of uppouring currents, whioh
constituto our warm wavo or tran
sient lows.
Tho high and low barometers con-
forai to all tho laws of rlcctrioity, and
nover conlorm to tho laws of hoat.
Then why is it that our national
weather bureau oontinucs to spend the
nation's money trying to establish the
erroneous theory that heat, sun heat
is tho oauso of all weather changes?
Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke
Your Lire Away."
The truthful. sturtlinn title of a book
about No-to-bao, tho only harmless, guar
anteed tobacco-habit euro. If you want
to iult and enn't, u "No-to-buc.'
Braces up nlcotinizod norves, eliminates
nicotine poisons, raakos weak men gain
strength, woight und vigor. Positivo
euro or money rorunilod. Sold by C. L.
Hook nt llrilL'L'istH. or lllllilftil frnn.
Address Tho Sterling Remedy Co.,
vinuuKu ouico, si) liunuoiim at., Now
York, 10 Spruce St.
Ho, There
Farmers !
Hitch TTp !
ill before you ie come around
lluritcsa shop and buy u new vol
or luind.uiude harness. Have
reduced all uontlu In th imr.
liens line. Here are u lew of
our prices:
W2.00 harness for
510.00 ' "S50
'28.00 " 07,00
157.00 " " "tjoo
120.00 ' " Si'.Q0
And all goods in proportion. All work
guaranteed Repairing und trimming
dono ou Bbort notice, J. 0, Dutlor.
Continued from pngo l.j
I ritB AsfcBBW flf
Cable from queen 1,11.
Dear Ortsham: One more boon I erave,
I trtut in your nlTectlon
Tin ot to mnrder Dole, tin Knave,
Or pat down Insurrection;
'Tift not my crown, lint mo to nave,
I write in deep dejection,
And n n pnokngo I must hnv
Of Park's Tea for'my complexion.
Orcslinm's Answer to Qucch Lll.
When I recoWed your Cablegram
I thought I nnre would fnlnt
For thoagb t often ne Parks' Toa
TIs not for your complaint.
I f nred that Mrs. O. wonld think
Wrong about onr ronnpotlon
'Till on her dresner thorn I raw
Parka' Tea for her complexion.
There's this to say in favor of the
oromationists: None of thorn want the
Ladles For diseases ot women. Dr
Sawyer's Pastilles will reach the diflkmlty
radloally, positively and ffeettmllr. It is
mild, bat effeotnal, Sold by Deyo &
Itnlv hnfl n debt of nvnr two nrwl nnn.
half billion dollars.
- i
Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles tisod iuiltlrae will
onre any case of Female Weakness. Got
a free namplo packago from tho following
named druggist, Sold by Doyo fc Orioe.
Some Austrnllnn cold volnH are 1.10
foet wide.
Ladles can be posltlrely relieved from
all those irregularities, distressing xymp
toma and illflensis bv using Dr. Sawyor'e
Pastlless. Bold by Doyo & Qtlce.
It novertv mnkcB n man croan. bo
yawns in opulonco.
Bucklcn's Arnica Salve.
The best salvo in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, Ulcer. Salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chnpped hands, chillblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tlvoly cures piles, or no pay required. It
la guaranteed to give perfoot satisfaction
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by Cotting. tf
Hither I will find a way or I will mako
ono.-Sir P. Sidney.
. .
Creates health, creates strength, creates
vigor; DeWitt's Snraapnrilla. It recom
mends itself C. L.Cotting.
FUnln prnnUarn nrn ttrmmvAil liv runn
ing In n hot ovon boforo serving.
If doll, spiritless and stupid: If your
blood is thick and sluggish; If your ap
petite is capriolons and nnoertain. Yon
need a Sarsaparilla. For best results
take DeWitt's. It recommends itself. 0.
L. Cotting.
- in,,. i-i
Fish netting makes a pretty and ser
vicoblo drnyory in a country houso.
Pure blood means good health. lie
Inforce It with DeWitt's Sarsaparilla. It
purines the blood, cures Eruption, Ecze
ma, Scrofula and all diseases arising from
impure blood. It reccomeds itself.
An ordinary gus jot consumes as much
oxygon as tlvo people.
DeWitt's Sarsaparilla prepared for
cleansing the blood from impurities and
disease. It does this and more. It build
up and strengthens constitutions impair
ed by disease. It recommends itself. C.
L. Cotting.
It is surprising how much wo will take
from a rich undo if wo can got it.
Why Do You Cough!
Do yon not know that Parks' Cough
Syrup wilt cure it r We guaranteed every
bottle. Thero are many Cough Syrup
but we believe Parka' is the boat and most
reliable. Sold by C. L. Cotting.
Ono can best jtulgo of n woman's car
riage when uho is walking.
i m -
It Cures blood and skin disorders. It
docs this quickly and permanently. Ii
there any good reasonhy yon should not
use DeWitt's Hirsapanlla? It recommend
Itself. C. L.Cotting.
Tho raco of baronets was croatod by
James I, in 1011.
Dr. Sawyer's Family Curo cures Stem
aoh trouble. Dr. Snwyer'tJ Family Cure
cures Liver complaints, cures Kidney
difficulty. Sold by Doyo & flrico.
ii . fi
You can always be happy if you tiro
willing to rojoieo with othors.
- '
Ladies Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles are
feotual for female weakness, pain on top
of the head and lower part of the back.
It strengthens and cures. For sale by
Deyo & Orioe.
- .. . i
Mark Twain will build a cottago near
Fort Phonix, Mass.
You will never know positively what a
wonderful roinody Dr. Sawyor's Family
Cure is until you try it. It will cure yon
of a soar stomach. Hold by Deyo it (Irion
When wo unmo to think of tho Height
of Inipriulcnco whiit'H tho matter with
tho Tower of llubel?
Money and exporiencu cannot prrduoe
a hotter family medloino limn Dr.Sawyer's
Family Cure. It Cures dlfUenlUes of the
Stomach and Liver. Sold by Deyo 4
Tho United States used about 822,000
000 in gold In the arts alone hi 1801.
Do not suffer with pain on top of the
hend and in tho baok when Dr. Sawyer's
Pnstllon will absolutely and positively
euro you. For sale by Deyo Jt Orioe,
In Finland und ('IlRtTnrlrnnt.'in tlitin.l
storms uro wholly unknown.
Ladles-Ilomembur that disease becomes
Inmirnltln. Dr. Hnuiv,ir'.i PnaHllna ii
............. .-.. ....v. w uatiuva Will
nnxitlvelv ClirB lOlll. Rtntlfllnrr nnaixi Tl
heals nud cures. Sold by Doyo & Qrice,
' 'i
Thoro aro J,000 south Africiiij " war
moduls awaiting clamants in England.
. m m !
Irregularities and all those pains and
distressing diseaKes peculiar to women
are cured by Dr. Sawyor's Pastilles, Mild
yet a powerful healer. Sold by Doyo &.
Woes or nif Editor.
Ho Bald lio'd wrlto tho leadora to concil
iate nil readers, nnd hiseditoial mat
ter it should novor givo olTonco.
Ho would ploaso tho high and lowly and
tho wicked nnd tho holy, tho republi
cans und mugwumps, democrats nnd
Ho would oulogizo tho pooplo bighor
than tho highest temple, and pot
the slick aristocrats nnd fat monop
Ho would lift no wrathful bosom but
would study how to please 'om nnd
his indiscrimato sweetness would bo
far and noar.
Ho would ob from n battery daily f usi
lades of flattory nnd with pormiscu
oub praises dally storm tho public
Hut tho democrats did snub him and
tho mugwumps tried to club him
nnd a Presbyterian doacon smoto
him on the shoulder blado. '
And a 'piscopalian -.rector stabbed him
through tbo cliost protector, and a
strong agnostic nthleto Bmashodhim
with a hand grenado.
And tliofhlgh'born and tho lowly and
tne wlckod and tho holy when thoy
mobbed his hntod olllco alt was
equally profano.
And tho deacon and tho pastor and tho
wicked duncing mnster impartially
upon his head their equal blows did
And a Sunday superintendent, and a ro
ligious independent, nnd an infidel
frco-tinkcr siozed nnd hurlod him
in u heap.
And a bloody jnil-bird stilled him, and
u gontlo Quaker killed him, and
buried him in partnership his
grave was dark nnd deep.
i .
A million Friends.
A friend in need is n friend indeed, and
not less than ono mlllon people have
found just suoh a friend in -Dr.. -King's
New Discovory for Consumption, Cough's
and Colds. If yon have never nsed this
Great Cough Medicine, one trial will con
vince you that it has wonderful onrative
powora in nil diseases-of- Throat, Ohest
and Lungs. Eaoh bottle is guaranteed
to do nil that is claimed or money will be
refunded. Trial bottlea free at C. L, Cot
ting's Drsgatero. Large bottlea 60c. and
Tho Ladies Standard Matrazino for
Juno, published by tho Standard Fash
ion Co., 312 west 11th street, Now York,
contains somo charming modols for sum
mer fashtons and is beautifully illustrat
ed throughout. Tho sizo is increased
and tho contonts aro ot an unusually
bright nature Tho pages devoted to
millinory' funcy work and interiar doco
ration furnish many inons to tho clover
womun who delights in making hor toi
lette nnd surroundings beautiful, and
tho health and beauty notes add a fow
Buggestions which may bo taken per
sonally. Welcome to many aro tho
cleverly writson nnd thoroughly useful
articles on nursing in tho homo, cookery
and houiohold notos. Baby is not for
gotten and bus somo dainty accessories
made expressly for tho dopartmont. The
story wiiicti has long boon an intonat
ing fcuturo, a bright little pluy nnd a
good article on tho otiquotto for wod
dings leavo little more to bo expected
from ono mngazino, but tho little is
more than supplied by tho chapter on
bicycling for womon. This department
bus given the Ladies Standard Maga
zine n phico which was nover dreamed
of by othor fashion journals, and as thn
olllcinl organ ot the Woman's Itnorna-
tional Bicycling club, has tho peculiar
advantages of sotting forth tho bright
est and bost in their lino. Singlo copios
llvo couts. CO cents a year.
W. P. Bayes of JMOfl Jones St., Oraa
hit, Neb. says. of Parks' Sure (Jure "My
fife has been constitutionally wrecked
for years. Tried everything fruitlessly.
My druggist's persuasion baoked by his
guarantee, induced mo to buy a bottle of
Park's Sure Onre. The results are truly
wonderful, Park's Sure Cure for the
Liver and Kidneys is a positive spaciQo
for the diseases of women.
Where Healing Waters Flow.
Hot Springs, South Dakota, is a place
that every ono should visit.
It's a health resort; tho best in tho
It'BiwIiurming spot whoro miro air
and healing waters put nickiioes to flight
ami mulct) everything but porfect health
well nigh an impossibility.
Invalids, no mutter what thoir nil.
incuts, should giu Hot Springs a trial.
lis euro to bonelit them, moro than
likely to curo.
How to L'(t thorn f Whv lv tlm Tin.
lington routo of course "it's tho lino.
Bif mo local ngont for full information
or writo to tho undersigned for n beuu
tifully illustrated pamphlet.
CSon.Puss. & Tkt. Agt.. Omubu, Nob.
Lot us remind you that now is tho time
to tako DoWilt's Sarsaparilla, It will do
you good. It recommends itself. C. L.
A lodge ot Indopondent Workmen of
Americn htia boon organizod at Blair.
What mnkes a house a home? The
metlier woll, the children rosy, the father
In good health and gocd humor. All
brought nbout by the use ot DeWitt's
Sarsaparilla. It rscommeuds itself. C,
L. Cotting.
Dr. Price's. Cream Baking Powder
World's Pair Hlht Award,
You see them everywhere.
Their sales attest their .popularity.
Catalogue free at our agencies, s
or mailed for two 3-ccnt stamps.
Lincoln Absolutely
Pure Paints - -
is the best and cheapest. It will spread
farther and last longer than any other and you
get a full gallon of paint, with room to shake
it in every cau, We guarantee satisfaction and
can prove what we assert.
C. L. Cotting, "The Druggist.',
All Grades guaranteed by the Mills.
First clou work a apcclulty. Prices reasonable.
Olllce first door outli ot Chief with W. F. Hull
See him before giving your order at It will be to your Interest
Jno. B. Wright,
Dealer ii-j Secod-taiid Goods
Moon liloch, lied Cloud.
City Livery Stable ! ,
Feed, Sale and Exchange Stable,
Finest Turnouts in the City.
Your patronage solicited. Barn east of Holland House.
v? r "-rA.VT rra Ui
444 Tho furniture Man has an
of every conceivable description.
lie sure and
jjj Window
III Wall
Boston, New York, Chicago, Hartford.
MONOGRAM, 90c Per Sack
ROYAL PATENT, 80c Per Sack
B. OF B. S, 65c Per Sack.
elaborate and unlimited Li
see his stock of
Paper, $
x. w
carpets, jjj