G THE COUNTRY NEWS MANY INTERESTING ITEMS OF NEW8. Furnltlird by Our Able Corps ol Country Correspondents, Espec ially lorltbe Headers of Tke Chief Bladen. 8u Easterly's garden is Iho best in tlio town. J. Yost is having his bouBO papered nd kalsomincd. Will Wallaco is having a tussol with tho mumps, J, L. Grandstaff has pat a now fenco around his residence Miss Mablo Wright of Cowlos is visiting friends in this plaoo. Ilioks and Burden aro wondoring whether thoy uhasod a wolf or a dog Sunday. Tho Baptist ohuroh is being kalso mined, Gibbons of Campboll is doing tho work. Mrs. II, M. McOluro of Bluo Hill was tho guest of Mrs. F. Toothaore Tuesday. Tho vicinity was blessed with a littlo rain Monday ovoning it also bad Us sharo of wind and dust. Somo four or fivo teams from north eastern KansaB passed through hero Tuesday onrouto for Oregon. MrB. Bierco who has boon visiting her sistor Mrs, MoKolvey roturnod to ber homo in Hastings Tuesday. Tom Snyder's wind mill could not withstand tho storm of Monday oven, ing, nearly all tho fans were taken out. Bladen was quito deserted Sunday, nearly every ono going to Blue Hill to attend iho K. P, Decoration ser vices. Number eight held by II. M. Mo Gluro drow John G run's buggy last Saturday and W. G. Parkor of Bluo Hill drow tho cart. Jas, Vincont D. V. M. of Shenan doah, Iowa is tho guest of A. William's this week and treating Buch horsos that may need his attention. Childrons' Day cxeroisos will bo held in tho Congregational church Sunday, May 10, at 11 o'olook and in tbo evoning at 8 o'clook in tho Bap tist church, Mr. and Mrs. B. 0. Snow and son Clydo took their dopariuro Tuesday morning for Omaha whero Mr.i. Snow and Clydo will visit her sister Mrs, Ely. Mr. Snow will go to bis old homo in Illinois, thoy expect to bo absent two or threo wcok, Monday about 10 o'clock a, m. tho alarm of Ore was sounded and peoplo started down tho strcot and across tho taack whero thoy found Chap, Gunn's barn and hay stack all a blazo, as tho day was calm tho firo was confined to the barn without doing any further dimigo. Juit how the fire started ii THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, REP CLOUD, CHICAGO CLOTHING COMPANY. Given Away . . . A Five Dollar chair given away TO OUR CUSTOMERS. The most restful, Comfortable and Convenient chair in the world. Just the chair for Porch, Lawn or Sitting Room. We want to present one of these Chairs to each of our customers FREE. Call and see them an d while getting one of these Chairs Free Get more Clothing for same money than any where in the country. A. GALUSHA, Manger. Walnut Creek. Wo had a light rain Monday night which made tho farmers feel happy. Children's Day wus eolobrated last Sunday at Pleasant Dale several sohools united in a picnic, thoy report a good time. Mrs. ScoIcb has boon out to tako caro of her mother a part of tho dur ing the 'week, Messrs Scolcs and Hoaton hauled a load of hay to town this wcok, tbey say hay is Boaroo. Mr. McCall put somo of his stcors in tho big paBturo on account of tho dry weather. Tho corn that is up, is growing fine yot Bomo is still dry in tho ground tho rain not having penetrated dcop enough to sprout it. Cooked Creek. A very littlo rain Monday ovoning. Fred Maurer returned from Lincoln Thursday wboro ho has bcon attending the state university. Glint Plummcr of Guido Bock was visiting Mr. Martin's Sunday. Mr. Holsworth was visiting his sons near Bladon Sunday. Mr. Tonnaut contemplates going to Missouri again in tho near future Karl Tonnant lias purchased tho Wcgman Photo gallery and is again u oity lad. Tho wind Monday oyening blew down UmcIo Gcorgo Win ton's wind- mil, and sovcral small buildings in our neighborhood. 0. 0, Tcol was in this part Sunday, Ulmst and IMinnic llciurr woro callers at A. Hedge's Sunday. German ohuroh sorviocs aro hold each Sunday afternoon at tho resi dence of Chas. Fcndrio. Married: At thu Congregational ohuroh, lied Cloud, Miss Mablo Tiu man to Mr. Edward Dickson. Tho brido is well and favorably known in this section and her ever smiling faco has won hor many friends. Tho groom has beon a resident of Nebras ka sinco early childhood, his steady habits and amiable disposition lias won him a reputation of cxtrcmo steadiness. May their path forevor bo bright. Toe Uurllold. Tlioso molauoholy days havo camo tho saddest of tho year booauso of tho day weather. Ono of our prominont farmers tells us that on account of tbo dry weathor ho had to soak his hogs in wator so that thoy would hold swill. Boyd Munsol and Borthu Conovcr were united in wedlock last Tuesday ovening, Geo. Humuiol officiating. Wo wish thorn a long and happy lifo. Eli is farming southwest of Hod Cloud about 10 miles. Ho says ho is a mystery. Loss about 125, Columbia badly in need of a good cook. Chas. Wiggins and wifo spent Sun day at John Earner's. School closed in district 18 Juno 8th, and had a picnio on abovo date. Cap Houobin and 4000 other Coxoy itcs aro to start for Washington Jan. 32, 1901 and will start from tho Lib erty pole, at 12 o'olook sharp. Pasto this notice in your hat. Small grain is a failuro this year and wo havo no euro thing on corn but tho prospcots aro good and if wo havo good seasonable rains wo may havo a bountiful crop. Grant Shagloy had a runaway list wcok, breaking two whocls of his bug gy and shaking him up, almost as a sohoolmastcr would. Mrs. Mary Conovcr roturncd to Mo Cook Wednesday aftor a two weeks visit with hor mothor Mrs. 0. Earner. tuto Line. Tho fiao rains aro making tho corn fields look nico but if Jaok Frost still visits us wo won't havo muoh of a crop. Rev. Adams proaohed at North Branch last Sunday. Mr. Stanly and wifo and Mr, Heed attonded meeting on Willow Creek last Sunday. Thursday evening was Students Reunion at North Branch. Quito a number of old studonts wcro prcsont, and everybody had a good time. Friday afternoon tboro was a ban quet at tho aoadomy for the teachers, cx-toachcrs, student and cx-studcnts of tho Academy. loo cream and cako woro Bcrvcd, everybody had a good time Iu tho evoning tho group had their pictures taken. Friday night was commencement at Acadcmv. Robert W. Gish of Wobber; Kans and Waltor S. Hadloj of North Branoh, Kans., wcro t!.o graduatos. Mr. Qish's oration was on "Parasites," Mr. Hadloj's on uTho Aims of Life" Both orations woro splendid. Aftor thty had delivered their orationB thoy woro given their diaplomas by Prof. II. H. Townsond. Mrs. Dan Smith of North Branch died Juno 5, buried Juno G, 1894, at Maplo Grovo graveyard, Sho had been siol quito a while. Tbo family havo tho sympathy of all tho aommun- u- . Guide lloek. On accouut of tho dry woather peo plo aro trying every moans availablo of keeping lifo into what is left after tho freeze. Most pooplo are irrigating by means "of wind mills, Tho Mr. Bain that walked over to town Monday evoning wis a wolcomo visitor. Tho ico cream and berry festivn NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1894. . Reclining bold at tho Baptist ohuroh for tho ben efit of tho ohuroh was a grand success. Memorial day was well attonded by a very largo crowd. The speaking was in Konsaok's grovo. Miss Theda Viors spont Sunday in Red Cloud. Mrs. MyraFlctohoraooompanicdby M. Lovott loft last week for Way no county. Fred Dalton is now nayes' smiling clerk after being the lucky winner in tho bioyclo contest. Mrs. Sapp of Red Cloud is taking a few days reoreatlon, visiting her friend, Mrs. E. W. Vicrs of Guido Rook. ' ' Ono of tho mast estimable young man of Guido Rock was tied up last wcok for life; tho fortunato gentleman being Geo. Johnson. May buocoib orown their efforts through life. Tho Baptist Sunday sohool is pre paring for ohildrons' day, July 10th. Tho two cyclists, Earl Crary and Pearly Roland, ontertainod tho town tho other ovoning by giving them a four milo race Mrs. Doyle is laying very low at her daughter's, Mrs. Hod Moranville Edna Busbco loft last wook for hor homo in Now York, after spending tho last yoar with her brothers. Tho young pooplo will miss her greatly. JUANATA. Judson. Decoration day was duly observed at Mt. Hopowith tho following program: Music by martini band, Next forming in lino. First the band, then 0. A. R. littlo girls, boys, and oitizens, who marched through the cemetery anddoc orated tho two graves of G. A, R. boys namely: James Ansrnus and Charljs Daviu. Tho littlo girls Bang a song over Mr. Davis' grave, entitled, "Littlo Children," and a song by tho young ladies oyer Mr, Ansmus' grave, then prayer by Rov. Horton, After spend ing one hour at tho aemotory strowing (lowers they formed in procession to march to Webb cemetery. Albert Sorivnor is tho happy papa of a bouncing baby boy. All think it tho nicest boy over born. Tliero was a party atF. L Smith's Friday evening. G. W. Saunders and T. 0. Hooker of Red Cloud were in theso parts Wednesday. Herb Baker wbb viBitiog in sas la.it weok. Cora Johnson visited Anna Kan- Belle Wilson last weok. Mr, Wilson is around after his re cent illness. Win, Dallis left for Missouri on Wednesday, where he will visit his parents. SlO, Chairs i Ainboy. Another rain is needed in this part. Mr. James Gilham spoke in the grovo Sunday. Most of tho peoplo went te Red Cloud Decoration Day. Mr. Baker sold a load of hogs Mon day. Found Saturday, May 26, a brown ovorooat, between F. W. Baker's and Amboy, tho loosor can havo the same by calling at Mr. Baker's ono mile and a half northeast of Ainboy. Tbo party Saturday ovoning at Mr. Frisbio's was well attended those prei eut'.woro Mis'scs Beal, Laura McBride, Susio Bakcrr Stolla Dobbins, Daisy Friable, Bcssio Cockrall and Aha Baker; Messrs Walter Cox, Frank Fris bis, Alf Saladen, Sylvester Frisbio, Luo Beal, Rob Mitobol, Clar Cox, Charlio Cookrall and John Saladon. Mrs. Libbio Curtis from Kansas City and Mrs. Crouso from Panama, Iowa, aro visiting at G, W. Bakoi's this week. Stillwater. Mrs. Jo o Darning is on tho siok list. Charloy Crawford is working for Sanford Croxton. Fred Gardner had ono of his fingers burstod whilo playing ball with the Lawrence boys last Wednesday, Children's Day was observed at the Lun schoolhouso last Sunday, then was a largo crowd in attendance Tho ex oroiscs wcro good and every ono wsb well pleased. Mr. Cook, a brother of Mrs. Bart Shorloy is hero on a visit from Indiana. Rev. Yoiscrof Red Cloud will proaoh at tho Ryker sehoolhouso next Sunday, Flavo Shulton aud wifo of Rosomont attended childrcns' day exercises at Prairio Center last Sunday. Children's Day will bo obsctvod at Eokloy ohuroh next Sunday. Anna Cockrall will givo a pionio at Crozicr's grovo on Saturday, Juno 1C Mr. Snyder's child who was reported very sick hasBinco died and was buried in thu Guido Rook cemetery on May 30, Mr. John Fiuhol and his sister Mrs, lltndrix visited their brothor Davo Fisiiel last week, thoy wore accompan ied bv Mr. Hogato and Miss Winter sheen. Born to John Anderson on Juno 1st a ten pound boy. Dr. Hall of Cowlei iu attendance Simpson. Uatln. Albort Wilson bna roturned from Vir ginia. Claudo Wilson was visiting in our vi cinity Sunday, Win, Bwihart was n callor of W. A. Aker'a Saturday nnd Sunday, O. F. Cathor was doing business in Campboll Monday. Tho Duno school has closed lor a month's Vacation. Henry Bretlmuor was a visitor of Frank Btdllek Sunday. V nmco Pavno is homo from Lincoln whore ho has beon attending school. Everett Bean and family were vising at hie father's Tuosdny. Rudolph Ware had a good horee die last week; Mr. Phillip's also lost one. Mr. Joo BrookB of Franklin was visit ing his sister, Mrs. Wilson last week. Mr. Crab il and wife and Clarenoe WUi on and family were the guests of J. $W Wilson Sundoy. A largo crowd attended the ball game at O Ramoy'a last Saturday. The bovH did Bomo excellent playing, and the coro was Bladen 20 Pumpkln'Huskere 10. . , Inavale. Mr. Hoaton shipped eight oars of stock to Kansas City Sunday. Mias Carry McClintoc has a new or- gan. Rev Hancock now rides in a new buggy. Sarnie Bennott was in Omaha last week visiting hie brother. Mrs. Weidrman has movod to Red Cloud, and Mr. Simons and son Elmer have movod onto the Richardson ranch. Mr Brooks and wifo of Franklin wen visiting his eistor Sunday. Frank Reed was on our streets Mon day. Mrs. McCan of Dowitt, Nebraska is visiting her sister, Mre. Hancook this week. Al Garner and Ralph Hartwell were in Red Cloud Sunday .night. Mr. Prentiss is ablo to be around again. Rov. Adamo will preach next Sunday ovening at 8 o'clook. We had quito a windstorm here Tues day night, but vory little rain. Mrs. Hull of Riverton was visitiag in the vale this weok. Walter Garner and Emma Orchard attended tho Dickson-Truman wedding last Sunday. Tho Inavalo high school closed last Friday with Miss Lulu Barbor as teach er. She is one of best teachers that In avalo has evor had, and the board could de no better than to sucure hor eervloes for next year. Howard Reynolds is ablo to movs around a littlo with tbo aid of a orutob. Oto Garner met with a misfortune on last Sunday whllo on his way to Rad Cloud; his horso bocamo firightoned and threw him and his girl out and wont on to town. It Binnehod up the buggy and hurt tho lady somo. Mr. Broomflold's brothor from Indian ola is visiting him this weok. Elmor Kaloy and John Tulloys were up from Rod Clond playing Tennis Tues day evoniug. Charles Olmstoad is working for H G Sawyer. Rustler. .it . vy j jV-Sl :azis!: Yon need not fear boing held up wbea you trado at Wiener's. TT. " l.i I . J fM'J 1 wx v n," i jm "' ijttti 7 ;.iii,ai'ifr'ij'Jf'';Li i r'fw'"'!''''1 '',;'. Jj'ffi'T tic.w'w-m ,MiltiliWlllwii'i-;. 'ir".i