The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 25, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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    i ''rV '
It Lb applied tight to tho parts. It euros all disoasos of womoa Any
lady can uao it horsolfi Sold by ALL DRUGrGrlSTa Mailed to any
address on reoolpt of (1.
JPor Hale by Jj Votting.
n "
J. L. MiNEn,
Huoh Miner,
Asst. Cashier.
W. A. Sherwood
Peoples Bank of Red Cloud,
Red Cloud! Nebraska,
Transact a General Banking Business,
Special attention given to Collections.
Banking Offio in Minor Bros Store.
Ed Cloiid Stgatri Laliqdry,
-P. a. HANSEN. Praprlotor,
rinl clan work guarcntccd In every particular.
First class work a pcclnlty. Prices reasonable.
OUlce flnt door south ot Chief with W. F. Hull
Sea him before giving your order us
will ba to your Interest
Jno. B. Wright,
it Secoild'Ffarid Goods
Moon Mock, Red Cloud.
Chicago Lumber Yard
Lumber, Lime, Coal and Cement.
Building Material, Etc.
weather iiii,i,rri:v.
(Continued from l'ngo 1.)
let but Bi-ruir ueurmu rn tub
HAPPENINGS OF A WEEK. ,IJtulal q"IMy of c-lrctr oily, when
itlio pith Lnlln ho on tho p'nta nga'n.
Ifsw Which Tell tho Story of Raren Days
Crime anil Casualties ami Otlier Impor
tant Matters Arrang-wl AttraCtlrcty and
Given la Few WorcU.
Jos. G. ioloorqb,
Holland House Livery Stable,
Hal tht beak rigs in the oity and tho most reasgnable prtdea.
Your orden solicited and fair treatment guaranteed.
s , North of the Holland House.
Pbomietorb or '
,0mmM am BavtbafarassKaiBES
Orders promptly flllod. ' "Sour patronage solicited
.r. C. WARNER,
Real - Estate - .and - Emigration - Agent.
Ki:d Cloud, "Vi:isti:k County, Nkhuaska.
We lmvo oonio ot tho ehctipebt nuil beet IoiuIb in tho Htnto for Bale,
colloectionu und pay tuxes for nouTosidunts.
OUlce Corner Webslor St and fllli Avenue
Attond to
Is the right man when you want
An endless variety of stoves.
' Wire and Everything in the line,
Killing Front In Nrlwaaka.
Omaha, May SI. A killing frost in
Barpy county ctrt all Vegetation to tho
Cat Wire ob the Union PaolOo.
Rooms, Neb, May 2d. Some mis
creants cut the wlro at sevoral places on
the Union Pacific fonco horo.
Hart Will Orate at Alniworth.
KosroLK, May 23. Hon. John R.
Bays has been selected to deliver tho
Fourth of July oration at Ainsworth.
Populist State Contention.
Lmoouf, Neb., May 91. Tho Populist
executive commlttoo called the state, con
Tention to meet at Grand Island, Aug. 19.
Nebraska National Guard Inipeeted.
Milford, Neb., May lifl. Adjutant
General Gage and Inspector Genoral
Hotchldss inspected troop A of the Ne
braska National Onards.
Caanfcrlds e Attorney Coder Arrest.
Beavkb City, Neb., May 88. Sheriff
Jackson arrived from Salt Lake with JF.
H. Shelby, the Cambridgo attornoy
wanted for embezzloment,
Dertrand Vote Down Honda.
Bertramd, Nob., May 10. At tho
special election the proposition to bond
the village in the sum of $1,800 was de
feated by a vote of 87 to 80.
Accidentia Shot by a Friend.
Vkrdiork, Nob., May 18. E. H. Pur
cell, editor of the Knox County Ro
oorder, was accidontly shot through tho
leg by a revolver in tho hands of a friend.
Alleged Hog Thieve Hound Over.
CCRTI8, Neb., May 84. Tho prelimin
ary examination of tho hog ruatlors re
sulted in Jones, Davis and Richmond
being bound over to the next term of tho
district court.
Mre In s Colntnba Hotel.
Columbus, Nob., May SI. Fire from
a defective- fluo caused about $-',500 dam
ago to (he Grand Pacifio hotel. Tho
landlord, Mr. L. M. Mahood, loses about
$500. Felly Inasrcd.
Yowthful Bnlelde at Wayne.
Wayn Nob., May 10. Sheridan
Sines, the youngest Bon of R. G. Sines,
aged about 18 years, committed sulcldo
by hanging himself at his fathor's resi
dence, noar Winalde.
Shot the Olrl He LoTed.
Omaha, May Si. J. C. Shoaror, a
lumber merchant from Allegheny City,
Pa., shot his affianced, Miss Aurora Mc
Clintock, and then himself at tho Hotel
Deuono. Noithor has yet died.
Lincoln Dally Call Sold.
Lincoln, May S3. The Lincoln Daily
Call has been Bold by its former owners,
Busholl & Cox, and will be turned over
to the now proprietors, Profossor Austin
and W. Morton Smith, on Juno 1,
no Wa a Seward Printer.
Seward, Nob., May S3. George Ross,
who shot and killed tho doputy postmas
ter of Cottonwood Falls, Kan., and was
afterward hung to a bridgo by a mob,
worked at one timo on Tho Blade of
Boward. .
DeeUton In the Corbett Cae.
Nebraska City, Mny ID. Father M,
J. Corbett is in tbo city and received the
nows from Plattsmouth regarding Judge
Chapman's deolsion that tho Injunction
must stand until tho caw comes up for
trial early in Juno.
Short Several Ihounand.
Broken Bow., Nob., May 10." J. A.
Preston, local agent for the Globe In
vestment company, left horo on May 7
and has not been heard of since. Upon
Investigation it is thought he is short
from 3,000 to 7,000.
Irrigation Ditch Wahout.
Gerino, Neb., May 18. The hcadgato
of the Mitchell canal, ono of tho largest
on the North Platto rivor, has been
washed out by high water. Dikes oro
brokon at various places along the canal
and the country is flooded. ,
Conttnned to the Next Term.
Grand Island, Neb., May 23. Tho
two criminal cases on the district court
docket against Edward Hackenborger,
defaulting county treasurer and secre
tary of the board of education, woro
continued to tho noxt term,
Talmago Fallnre.
Nebraska City, Nob., May 10.
JndgoJceseS. Mapes of Syracuso was
appointed permanont receiver of the af
fairs of Becker & Tangomon of Talmage
and qualified by filing a bond for tlo,000.
Ho takes possession at once.
Picked np a Mammoth' Tooth.
M'Cool Junction, Neb., May 33.
A mammoth tooth in good stato of
preservation, weighing about nine pounds,
was found by workmon In a land pit on
the Org farm noar hero. C. C. Norqueet
of this place owns the tooth.
Republican Will Meet nt Omaha.
Omaha, May 24. Tho Republican
ttato commlttoo met horo nnd decided
to call tho state convention to bo held in
Omnha on Aug. S3, one week lator thnn
the mooting of tho Populists at Kearney.
Lincoln was Omaha's only competitor.
Olrl Implicated In Hone Stealing.
Beatrice, Neb., May 31. Ida Clark,
arrested at Denver some days ago and
brought to this city on a charge of being
implicated in a case of horse stealing at
Wymoro, was reloased on her own re
cognizance to appoar at tho October term
of tho district court.
Belted an Illicit Still.
Indianola, Neb., May 10. E. O. Bal
low, deputy Internal revenue collector,
and A. J. Tomliuson, United States
marshal, seized on illicit whisky still
which hits beea in operation on the farm
of G. W. Argabrlght. It was operated
by Argabrlght and J. Z. Teler, who
wsUrta arrested aad taken to Oauha.
In dealing with tho hen only r-odirs
our gtii'iitift h iiiMrcly iitgUct the
el'c'.rbHfilivicB must nccMBatilr
surrourd all of tlifin and tlicso cite
lrohcies hoing of (teat extent, con-
tilulo tho spelling foroo that pro
vonla these bodies from falling togoth-
rr, or iu ether word, oaute them to
float in each other's eltctrosphorcs.
Thtso facts being admitted, wo
havo vtry simple, easily understood
laws by which theso bodies revolvo
around each other.
Electricity moves in a spiral, its
path beiDg in tho form of a cork
screw, and thcroforo as it nasaea
thiough tho sun, a planet or a satellite
they are thus, by tho winding force of
the clcotrical current, cauied to ro
tate Taking tho aun as tho starting
point, its clcctrosphereof oourso turns
with it, oarryiog all tho planets
around in the same direction in nhish
tho bud rotates. Tho sun being the
moying forco as to the elements that
surround it, those eloments move
slower as we rocedo from tho sun, and
thereforo wo find tho outer planets
moving slewcr than the inner ones.
If tho clomonts surrounding tho
sun revolved as rapidly as tho surfaoo
of the sun does, thoy would move 113
miles a second at Mercury, but as they
do not, Mcroury moves about 29 miles
a second, .Venus 21 mileB, the earth
18, Mars 15, Jupitor 8, Saturn C,
Uranus 4, and Neptuno 3.
No other reason than given abovo
can bo assigucd why Moroury moves
ten times as faBt as Neptune, and
every theory breaks down except tho
ono that supposes an element mr.
rounding and rotating with the Bun,
in which all tho planots float, and a
like element surreunding the earth
and planets in which thoir moons
Remimbor that in rofereneo to oaoh
tther tho earth and planots have ao
weight. The matter composing them
presses equally from all direotionB to
ward their own centers, leaving thorn
absolutely without weight er gravita-
tien toward caoh other oxcont tho
push ef ether that comes from limit
less space, and on which these hotven.
ly godics feed and grow. Thereferc
very littlo buoyancy is roquied of
their surrounding elements in ordsr
that thoy, may float in oaob other's
Probably an ordinary clothes lino
would be sufficient by which to pull
our earth out of its oourso if tho pull
was at right angles to its path.
a ' -
To Water Consumers.
Notico is horeby given to the patrons
of tho city water sorvice, ot tho city ot
Red Cloud, that section 24 of ordinance
No. 43 hereunto annexod ot said city will
be strictly enforced hereafter:
It shall bo unlawful for any person
within eaid city to sprinklo, eject or
throw wator from prlvato or public
sprinkler, wither or hydrant upon any
public street, lune or alley, or any yard
garden or enclosure, or pormit or cause
tho eunio to bo dono, nor upon or against
any building upon Buch etroet,
lane or alley, except for the ex
tinguishment ot rlroa and ordi
nary houBo cleaning oxcept between the
hours ot G and 7 o'clock a. m.. and 5 and
8 o'clock p. in., or each day; ana any
other person violating any of the provi
sions ot this Bcctlon shall upon con viotion
thereof bo tinea in any sum not exceed
ing ton dollars and stand committed un
til such costs and lino nro paid.
W. B. Ronv, Mayor.
H E Pond,
Water ComiBflloner.
Dated May 4, 1801.
What is
KaT alkf Kf ?Nl- F m W UM YtM
Lwt3 UJ 1 L i
Cnstoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups and Castor Oil
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by
Millions of Mothers. Costorla destroys "Worms and allays
feverlshness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves
toothing troubles, cures constipation and flatulency
Castorla assimilates tho food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
torla is tho Children's Panaceathe Mother's Friend
"Castorla I an excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told mo of IU
good effect upon their children."
Dn. O. O. Oboood,
Lowell, Mass.
" Castorla Is the bctt remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hopo tho day U not
far distant n hen mothers will comI Jcr tho real
Interest of their children, and uso Castorla In
ttcad of the varlousquaclc nostrums which aro
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby ecu ding
them to premature graves."
Do. J. F. KiwcHJXO,
Conway, Ark.
" CaitorU Is to well adapted to children that
I recommend It as superior to any prescrlpUoa
known to me."
B. A. Aicbm, M. D.,
IU Bo. Oxford St, Brooklyn, K. T.
"Our physicians In the children's depart
ment hare spoken highly of their experi
ence In their outside practice with Castorla,
and although we only hare among our
medical supplies what Is known a regular
products, yet we are free to confess that the
merits of Castorla has won us to look with
Uxma nosrrrn. amd Disfmsabt,
Alux o. Sam, Fm.,
The Centaur Company, T7 If array Street, Hew Yrk Oity,
Slicrlfl'ii Sulc.
Notico Is hereby Riven that uiidor ami by vir
tue ot nn order of Halo Issuud from the olllce of
C. 11. Crono clerk of the district court of the
10th Judicial district, within nnd (or Wobster
comity, Nebraska, upon n decree In nn action
pcnuinK, iiicrcin, wncruin mo rmemx insur
ance company ot Hurt Cord Connecticut Is plain
tiff mid nuliist William II. Hone. Martha M.
none, sumnwcii luitcrpriio company, Kan
sas MimufacturliiK Company, First Na
tional lUuk o( Nlli"), MlchlKaii. Harisrcaves
Brothers. I'orklu Wind-mill und nx company
nnd I.. W. Tulle s trustee for H. P. Hammond
et it), aro defendants.
I shall oiler lor sale nt inilillo vonduo. t the
highest bidder (or cosh In linml. at the east
door n( the court house, nt ltcd Cloud, In said
Webster county, Nebraska, (that bulna tbs
building wherein the last tcriimf said court was
holdt-n) en the second day ot May A. D..1891, at
ona o'clock p. m., o( s ild day, tno following des
cribed property, to-wit: Ihusoutli-unst nuarter
(0 4) ot section fourteen (14) In tonnsblp
number three (3) north ot ratine number ten
no) west ot the sixth 1'. M In webaicr county,
Ulveu under my hand this 30th day ot March
A. D., 1891.
J. W. ItuNCHKV. Sheriff.
WnioiiT & Stout, rialntlit't Attorneys,
The ubovo silo was continued (or want et
bidders until JuneO, ISDI.
uaieu tuts 4iu uay or May, ism.
J. W. ltuNcitr, Sheriff,
Best I'ouxh Byrup. Tutes UooO. Use
in lima troia oj aruEKiiin.
Can't Pull Out?
Why the
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla,
Vihtn she was a Child, alio cried for Castorla.
AVhen she became Miss, he clung to Castorla.
When she bad Children, she gave them Castorla
D. B. Spanogle,
Real Estate
and Loan Agent
Red Cloud.
Ho, There
Farmers !
Bow on the Jas. Boss Filled
Watch Cases, made by the
Keystone Watch Case Com
pany, Philadelphia. It pro
tects the Watch from the pick
pocket, and prevents it from
dropping. Can only be had
with cases stamped
with this trade mark.
Sold, without extra charge
for this bow (ring), through
Watch dealers only.
Ask your jeweler for pam.
phlet, or send to makera.
I SSsTssa. at sw
I lVlaalaBBiiiiiiA. SiiiiiV'aaaaaaBBilKl
sjbbI IiB Bsiim1 SbB JstV sbibv
Tht Webster County Mutual Protec
tion und Anti Horso Thief association
meets in Cowlos, tho last Saturday ot
aah month, at '2 p. m,
tt Tho3.Hodosow, Sec.
The beat fitting clothing on arth go
to the Chicago Storo; elegant atock ot
quara cut coats, pndded ehouldsrs, vests
stiff breasts, corroot in every particular
No one except us can ehow yeu euch
goods. Chicago Store.
i a
Children Cry foi
Pitcher's Castorla.
. '
rurut Loitne.
It youwantaloanon ilret class land I
can give you n speciul rate. Lowest in
terest with option to pay part or all at
any year. Call or write to me.
u. i' . imtheh, uomjiouu, HBP
Chi Id rsn Cry for
Itoher's Castorl&H
Sroropt answer and an honoit opinion, write to
1 V N N s CO., who hTo bad nearly ntty Tear'
experience In the patent bulnw. Communlca.
tlons itrtctlr conrtdentlnl. A Handbook of In.
formation conccrnlna l'ateul and bnw to ob
tain thorn tent free. Also a cnuloguc of mochan
leal and clentino books sent lreo. .
I'aunt taken ttirough Moon k Co. rocelrn
poclal notico in tbo Hrlnntino Amcrlrnn. and
tuua aro broucnt wlilelr bcfnrotbe publlowlta.
nuk Anat In th Invpnlnr. Thin anlfmdld luiwr.
T"" "I -. - . . .-j.w. - ----- - :- - j .-;-.
r I or in
Hitch Up !
at bafara jrau da cane aronnel
arneu shop and buy n new sot
f hand.mada harneie. llara
reduced all gaada In the har
ness line. Here are a few af
our prlcei:
32.00 harness for 130.50
30.00 2850
frO.vll mi see MltUO
27.00 " " 26.00
20.00 " " 25.00
And all goods in proportion. All work
Suarantoed Repairing and trimming
one on short notice, J. O. Butlor.
iwued woeklr. eleRantlr limit rated.bas by
Uriiest olrcuHtlon of anr iclentltlo work
world.. j a
Uulldlng M
eoDle. '2li coi
ttful piste, in colon, ana photograph or nw
houM, witb plan, enabling builder to utiow the
S3 a rear. tJatnple copio sent free.
tlUllUHIK CAllllUa. IUUII.U.J, ,MW. rVMi RIU.I,
eople. tSA cctiH. KTerr number contain beau
in tbo
LCO a year. Single
n contain boau
holograph of nw
houM, with plan, enabling builder to nhow the
latent deaiim and aecure contract.. Addreu, v.
itUNN & COH Nw VoiiK, Ut)l linoaDv"
FORy we will send you HS
a Brilliant Gem Husl
MM of "nusual color, t
gF and a copy of
"The Great Divide," so you can see
what a wonderful journal it is, pro
vided you name the paper you saw this
in. It's a real Jewel we'll send you..
THI OH.AT PIVIM, Denvar, Csla
Partti Loars
Less '
Tliaij 'i ?
7 i
A Simpson
Bias hW Neb,
J '
jt isi
&!. .
s .Vd
-T? -, -
r s
tbCttlf mM i ii e a i i ii i b e ii jw.'fcn. mMmHmi mm ! ni raripnst sTOitaV a- mitWttUik'mm.vmrmtWJi Wt0iSi
iJKjwkJ immwm,k
iViftf SiemTiniTiiww ''''TVi ""'lit