L 2 THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MAYP25, 1894. JU ( -. Prtnnc t' b a 3 i c 1 m U $ n x tl 6 li 6 fa I I K a el M i m 5 2 o ti b J (ti IS It It ft 5 b ft' 15 a It V?T I li fc 41 ; 1; .OUSANDS IN PERIL. .1 i RELIEF CAME TO MANY ANXIOU8 HEARTS AT WILLIAM9PORT. The Worst Him Cotnn nml Gone 8nque liannn linn Made n Now High Water Ree , ord .Million nml Ilulf of rrojiorty lo i itroyed lllff Ioe t Johnitowo. WuxiAMfiroiiT, Pn., May U2. As night approached Monday and darkness Bottled down, tlio torrors of the flood In creased. Tlio yellow torrent rushing down from tho hill sides, fed by a thon Band mountain streams, and growing with each passing mlnuto, assumed now terrors, and tho stricken pooplo looked forward with dread to thoordoal through which thoy must pass before morning. Cut of! from tho rest of tho world, no railrond communication and with no av cnuo of telegraph or tolophono communi cation bovo tho slender, quivering wiro ovor which this message is sent. With 85 foot more water In tho channol than In its normal height, tho north branch of tho Susquehanna throatcnod to engulf tho town. Every foot of ground in tho city woh under four feet of water, and moat of it was 1( feet below tho Btirfaco of tho Htrcam. Many families wcro homoless. Hundreds inoro expected to bo driven from tholr homes. Tho Howl reached ltfl maximum at 7 o'clock, when It was IW foot nbovo low wator mark on tho river reglstor nnd was eight feet deep on tho pavement of tho courthouse in tho center of tho city. For an hour tho water hung at that point and then to tho iinmouso relief of thousands of nuxlous hearts, it began slowly to recede At 0 o'clock it had fallen a foot and is still going down, slowly, to bo sure, but surely enough to lift a terrlblo load from u multitude of hoarts. All now feel that tho worst has como and goue. Tho rlvor has made n now record 515 feet nbovo low wator. A million nud a half in property has boon destroyed, but bo fat its can bo learned no lives havo been lost. To glvo tho lotuos In detail is impossible It can not oven bo approximated. llrldcs Curried Out. OMUN, N. Y May 21!. A largo num ber of houses woro Bwopt away during Monday night. Lumber was carried nway in pile. Tho bridges of tho West ern road woro carried out and all stores and tho Postal Telegraph ofllco uro un der wator. Tho wator has driven scores of peoplo from their homes and ruined their household goods. No lives aro re ported lost, but cropj in tho valley aro ruined, lllK Iah of l'roporty, Johnstown, Pa., May 22. Tho dam ago by tho Hood in Johnstown is esti mated at about $125,000. Tho damago along tho lino of tho Pennsylvania road between Johnstown and Altooua Is placed at $250,000. FIERCE STORM AT MILWAUKEE. HI Llc I,ot uml tho Schooner Cam- mini; anil llurnce Wrecked. Mii.wauki:i:, May VO. Hanging to tho rigging of tho shoouer M. J. Cuinmings, just south of Milwaukee light house Fri day night woro tho bodies of n woman and a man, tho former a stewardess nud tho latter u Bailor. Four others, includ ing tho captain, havo boon drowned, nud one, Robert Patterson, n sailor is waved. It was tho ileicest Btorm that has swept tho west hhoro of the Michigan slnoo tho crib disaster two years ago when oloveu lives woro loit. Tho Cuinmings and tho Bchooner C. C. Uarnes tried to enter tho harbor early in tho day nud failed to make tho piers and wero soon drifting toward tho beach on Jones Island. An unsuccessful effort was mndo by tho life Bnvlug crow to rescue all tho crow of tho Cummlngfl, but they wcro nearly drowned in tho attempt, tho lifeboat be ing overturned, tho crow escaping al most miraculously. Tho crow of tho Barnes escaped nnd tho vcssol can bo re leased as she is light nud on a sandy bot tom. WrcckH at L'hlonRO. ClllOAao, Mny 20. Tho storm which swept Lako Michigan Friday was tho most disastrous of recent years. Eight Vessels wero driven nshoro within tho city limits of Chicago, nnd out of their crows 10 meu aro known to bo drowned, and in overy iiihtanco lioat and crow nro utterly lost. Ono schooner, tho Myrtlo, Was wrecked just ontsido tho pier, with in a half n milo of Michigan boulovard, and six mon of her crow went down to death in plain viow of tho hundreds of peoplo who lined tho boulevard walks or watched tho awful storm from tho windows of tho big hotels which over- iU look tho harbor. Iho wrecks extended from Glencoo ou tho north, where tho Lincoln Dnll went to pieces, to South Chicago, an air Hue dbtnueo of 10 miles, The fataliticH are: Anion Ci'nhiiis of Manistee, scanian, Schooner D.ill, diiiwned wliilu nttiMupting to rt'iuli hIioiv. CiiAiii.r.t(iAurii:ii4, rook on si-hnoner Jack ThoinpHnn, rvsliU'd in 1'hinino, wiiHhed from a rope whllu nlteinptliig to reach Hhore. .TorflU'll Sli)t.AN or .Sturgeon Hay, mnto of the. T, l.oumlrt Mi'Clarlu, hi ruck and killed by the tow post torn out when tho vessel broko auny from tut;. KnUrti crew of Schooner Myrtle, -lx mon. Thomas ICiiiiio, fisherman, washed off tho government pier and drowned. Verdict of tlio Jury li: ttio Dr. Myr Cn.i:, Ni:w Yoiti;, Mny 11). The jury in tlio case of Dr. Honry C. F. Meyer, who Is charged with poisoning Ludwig Hrnndt, returned u verdict of murder in tho second degroo. Tho peualty is imprison ment for lifo. Two Train Captured by Coxoylton. Heusxa, Mont., Mny 21. Coxeyites hnvo captured two Nortlteni Paciflo trains ono in Montana nml ono in tho Ccuur d' Aleno region. floveruuiunt lliillillue Kobl. Wasiiinuton, May 211. Secretary Car lisle has accoptod tho oiler of private par tics at Chit-ago for1 thd goverinnent WolldfB nfft UullJIngu. EL'' ' ti - v"'fe -y?jpf 'jfi- '" - . t" , i"iMi-itiiASiiim 'iMrfwP How's Till! We offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that canuot bo eared by Hall's Catarrh Curo. K. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. We, tho undorslgnod hnvo knotn P. J. Cheney for Die last If, year, and believo lilm perfectly honorablo In all business transactions and flnnnolnlly able to earry onl nny obligations mndo by tholr firm. West fc Trnnx, Wholosnlo Druggists, Tolo- do, O. Wnlding A. Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall Catarrh Unro is laiten iniornany noting dlreotly upon the blood nndmuoous surfaces ef tho njstom. Testimonial! sent free.' Prlco 7fio. per bottle. Bold by nil Druggists. Tho nlekobin.tho-slotmaohino has got to go ut Koarnoy. Crontoi hcnltli, creates strength, creates vigor; DoWiltV Sarsnparlllii. It reoom mondB Itself C. L.Cottlng. Two enloon HconcoB havo boon grant ed at Heaver City. All that monoy, oxporlonco, skill and perservef nnoo can do has been done in the preparation and manufacture of Dr. Saw yer's Pastilles for ladles. Doyo - Qrloe A great doal of building 1b in progress in Fremont. Mrs. Drown Your nolghbor mny be onrcd by Dr. Bnwyor's l'nslilleB, but you will novor know how much good they will do you until you try thorn, Doyo &Grloe Dillor boo decided that it will have no saloons. t Call on your druggist for a froe enranlo of Dr. Snwyor's Family Cure. After frying it you will alwnys koop It in your family. Sold by Doyo & (Irico. Indians believo that ciuisod by ovil Bpirits. mlrngoB are Whnt makes house a homef The mother well, the elilldren roy, the father in irnntl health nnd Hood humor. All hrnniiht about bv the use f DeWltt't nnriepnrilln. It recommends itself. O h. Cottlng. m Knivon nnd forkR woro not in goneral iifio until tho Boventopnth contury. One trial pnoksge of Dr. Sawyer's Pas tilles will 'prove to any lady that the remedy Is whnt she wnnt and will eure her. Try a aample. Deyo k Grloe, Tho first lottor onvolopo dates back to Mov, 1000. Dr. Sawyer's Pastlllei umJ in time will ure nny cap of Female Weakneii. Get a free sample package frem the fellowlef nnme druijgiit. oti Deya & Orlee. ContractR havo been lot in Lincoln county for 100 miles of Irrigating ditches. Ladies can be positively releitvd frem nil those irregalnrlllei, distressing symp toms and dieasoi by usinir Dr. lawyer's i'natlllca. Hold by Ueye ti Qrlce. With plenty of rain there will bo n large crop of etuwborricR in Nebraska. S. B. UrtHford or Cnrthage, 8. D., I wa takeu alek in Hloux City. He prosnred two nettle ef Parks' Bare Care for the Liver and Kidneys. Ho snjB! "I believe Parke' rlure Cure oxcels nil other nedlolnr for Ithenmntisin nnd Urinnry disorders." Held by C. L. Cottlng. Diptheria is nlllictlng boiuo of tho folks in Red Willow, J. W. Hniley of Hntnvin, N. Y , Conduo- toon N. Y. O. Itallwny, and ono of the beet kuown meu on the rond says of Jark Ten: For ten yenre I hnvo found nothing MaHtlmr value. Henrinir so many talk ing ef Tarks' Tea I tried tt without much lions. The Hrnt dose moved ray bowele ennlly nd now I am cured. It works like maglo. SoUby C. L. Cottlng. Grand Wand will undertnko menaureB to rid itself of sparrows. Dr. Snwyer's Family Core It not only relleTee; it curci. It is suitable to all ages and every member or the family. Try free sample. Sold by Deyo Qrlee. Hamilton county will huvo a tCO.OOO court Iioubo. It not only will ptonso you, bet yau will tue nothing elso nfter trying it.-Te refer to Dr. Sawyer's Family Core. Ask your druggist for free aauudo. Deyo A Orlce. Sch uylor's now school building is to coat $20,000. 1 Doca Not t'ONt Anything To try FnrkB' Sure Cure. A epeeino inre of nil dlsenses peeulinr to women Sik your drugclsl our gunrunteed plan, cell) by C. L. Cottlng. I, i e e Mrs. Catherine Wood of Tnblo Rock last weok ccUbratod hor 88th birthday. m e i The Prettiest CJIrl In Town Hne beem using rark Tea and she says: "My complexion Is very much improved. That muddy look la all gone. Itnke n enn or Parks Tea three nlirhte a week. anil feel hint ' ilrirnnt." Sold by O. L Cottlng, Filth. dlRoann and niornl death aro as Bjcinted togothor at nil tlinefl and places. It Cnre blood and ikin disorders. It dec this nnloklv and iiermnnenlly. Ie there nnr good renson hy you ahould not dm DeWitt's Hnrcnpnnllar It reeemmend tteir. U. u. Uottlng. No ono nhnuld work or study hnrd within half uu hour of a regular meal. Dr. RVwyer's Family Cnro invgorates, etrengthens, reoniierntcs, rebuilds restores ami briugA new lire. Ask von druglst for a freo snuiple, Sold by Deyo fc Qrlee W. II. Penso pulled n cattish from tho Niobrara that woighed I fty pounds. Tlio Deshler Ilornld is very ably editod by iv woman, Mrs. L. C. Jones, All Free. Those who have used Dr. King's New Ditoovery know It vnlne, and thoso who hnvo na, hnvo now tho opportunity to tiy it free. Call on tho advertised drag ftUt and got n Trial Dottle, Free. Send your iiaino and address to II. K. Duoklen & Co., Chicngo, and got n snmplo box of Dr. Kiug's Now Llfo Pills free, ns well aa a copy of Onldo to Hcnlth nnd Household lustruotor, Frco, All of which Is guaran teed to do you good and cost yon nothing O. h. Cotllitg's DrngBlore. Stnte Line. Weather still hot and dry and no tody enjoys it, The frost Fiiduy, Saturday and Sunday nights did a great deal of dam age in these pjrts. Minnie 1'rnzler nnd KJua Davis havo the iiip:h1cj. Miss DoTflcs is no belter at this writing, Last Saturday and Sunday was the quattorly meeting nt Glon Elder, Kansas. Quito a number wont from North Drancli. May 31 there wilt bo a student's reunion at the academy at North Branch. Ever) body como and enjoy yourself. Next Sunday night Is missionary meeting at North Branch, Thoro was a surpriio oyster supper at Mr. FouIz'b on Captain VanDyko Saturday night. It seems strange but novcr loss it is a foot tho captain always has a good nppctito and gots to eat with tho best and prettiest girl. Everybody hoped that overy other body had a good time, Imtvale, Chas Hunter nnd son llalph wont to Kansas City Sunday. Johnnie Bennett is in Omaha this week visiting his brother. Sam Hobs hns again accepted a po sition as head elerk in tho cheese faotory. Mis9 Blanch Shorcr spent a few dajB with her friend Miss Daisy Gar ner this week. Mr. Storey and wife of Cowles woro visiting in tlio city Svnd.iy. Tho funeral of Mr. Widcman last Saturday was very largoly attended. The sorrowing lamily havo tho sym pathy of tho community in tho hours of bereavement, Shirloy Gardner hns been on the sick list but is convalescing at present. Jicstcr Koonlz hns accepted a po sition with Wm. Ronklo for the sum mer. Tho ioo orenru social Inst Friday night was a splendid miccefs, consid ering tho inolcmcnoy of tho weather. E, G. Carter and Walt Garner made n business trip to llivcrlon Monday evening. Mits Gcttio Kaloy was tho guest of Miss Olmstcad Sunday. Ralph Hartwcll and U. G. Knight mado a flying tiip to lied Cloud Wednesday evening. Tho young peoplo spend most of their spare tiiuo playing lawn tenuis these evenings. Mrs. Myers of Ecd Cloud is visit ing Mrs. G. W. Knight this week. Emma Hnle wus down from Frank lin last wock visiting her parents. She rolurned to her Bchool work Sun day evening, Xkntiite. i a a Real Eatiite TrntiHfcra. Real ostato trrnsfern for tho weok ond ing May 12th, furnished by tho Fort Ab stract company, bonded abstracters: T P Dement to J I Caso Threshing Machino Co., sw qr 33 3 -l'Jocd .8 1 J N McDowell to C WcIIb no qr 27-1-12 wd 1 L W Tulloye to John O Wolls no qr27-l-l2 qcd 1 John B unnell to Honry Llnko nwqr35.4-9 wd 200 It M Muger to Isaac England bo qr 23-1-12 wd 3200 Job D Gage to Edward II Mar ahull rocolvor nw qraw qr and lota 5 and 7 boc 5 nnd lot 7 bcc 8 wd. . . . 5500 Theadoro Colo to Catherino Brewer bw qr 14-3 0 qcd 1 KenyonSkoon to GooDobsonlots 10, 11, 12 nnd 13 bcc 1-1-12 wd 4000 W F Boner to Wm Stnbonson lots land 2 blk 2 Bluo Hill wd 110 Total e 15511 See tlio World's Fnlr for Firtoen Cents. Upon rccolpt of your nddross and fifteen cents in postage stamps, wo will mail you prepaid our Soavonlr Portfolio ot the World's Columbnlu Exposition, the regu lar prlco is fifty oonta, but ns wo wnnt yon to havo one, we make tho prioo nomi nal. Yon will find it n work of art and a thing to be prized. It ooutnins fall pnge views of the (rreat buildings, with descrip tions of same, and is executed in higheU style of art. If not satisfied with it after yon get it, we will refund the stamps and and lot you keop the book. Address H. E. DUOKLEN - CO., Chiongo, III. - - I I .1 ' ! For Utile or frade. Two houses and lots for sale or trado for real estate Call on or address P. Conovor, Rod Cloud. . DTho list of letters romninincr ut tho postofllco uuculled fur up to Mny 18th Anderson John Brynn Floronco Bulgor W O EngloBtrom Chns Little J It 2 McDougull John Slater Rachel Duvall Claud Francis J II Mo Murray Geo Reod F B Vnndorburg W Vnnson Minnie. Tho ubovo totters will bo Bout, tn tho dead lotter olllco on May 30, 1801 if not called for. Fuank W. Cowdkn, post mastor Red Cloud, Nebraska, V.'r You need not fear being held up when you trado at Wiener's. ma iV- (Std t C. C. Snyder, postmaster nt Fnlrvlew, 8. D., writes under date Jan. 18, 1894, "Gents: I consider yonr Pnln Pnralyzer rlahtly named, Instant relief has fol lowed Its use In all eases when thoroughly applied. I have saoeeBRfnlly used it for toothache, hendaohe, pnins in tho cheat, colic nnd crnmping pnins iu the etomnoh, I enn cheerfully recommend it.' It is n rendy rcllof for nil nohea nnd pnins. Bold nnd gunrnntced by Doyo &. Qrloe, Druggists. Thoro is n dolirium tromena of ovor enting ns woll us over-drinking ThoB. Gibbon, a stookmnn, writes from Rockport, Utah, nnder date of Mny 1'-', lH'JII. Gents: I hnvo nsed yonr Ifnllor's Unrb Wlro Mnlmont, nnd am so well plensod with It Hint I hnvo no hesitnnoy In deolnring it tho best I over uaod for ourlng wiro outs, sores nnd wounds. It is truly n wondorfnl healor, and I would not think of raising stock without it." Deyo &. Grico, soil nnd gunrnctee it, Thodyspoptic kills himself; tho drunk ard kills others). "Ornnge Blossom" Is enfo nnd harmloRB ns a Flax Seed Poultloo, Any tndy enn uso it horself. Sold by C. L. Cottlng. Iguornnco is always rockloss. If you uro well lot yourself alone. The poisonous Jouts initiated by bnrb wire, iins cnusod tho uonUi of mnny a good horse, whoso lifo might havo beon snyod by tho uso of Hnllor'H Darb Wlro Liniment. It Is especially mndo to honl outo, sores nnd wounds qnlokly. nnd thousands of farmers nnd stockmon hnvo freely acknowledged it tho host. Doyo Sc Grico sell nnd gnnrnntoo this romody. Persona with weak oyes should not road or writo with nn ompty Btomnch. One trial will do mora to convince yon of the morits of Dr. Snwycr'a Pastille than nil we onn any. Lndies. try a sample pnekngo. Sold by Doyo Si Grlee. Do not allow yourself to read a mo ment in nny reclining position. Sonr Stomach, Ueadncho, Dilonsneos, Jnnndtce, Drowsiness, Genornl debility nnd Dlnbotes nre enred bv Dr. Snwyer's Family Core Sold by Doyo & Grice. Flico hnvo a porfoct untipathy against cloin houses. Plonsnnt, snfo, harinloss, invigorating, reslorlnu, honling nnd onrnllve, is what Indies will find Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles are' Try a sample pnokago. Deyo & Grlos. It is n bad plnn for unprofoBsionnl poo plo to road medical book. Pure blood means good hoalth. Ro Inforco It with DoWltt's Saroapnrllln. It purifies tho blood, cures Eruptions, Kcze mn, Sorofnln and all diseases nrlsintt from iuipuro blood. It reccomods itself. Any kind of lluid Inrcoly takon meal ie injurious to health. at a IlegK' Cherry Couirli Syrup. Iho greatest acd best Congh Syrup. It will rolievo a cough quiokcr, surer and moro effect nnlly than any thing on the mnrkot. Sold and warranted by Deyo t Grloe' A pieco of ico laid on tho wrist will often stop violent bleeding ut tho noso. Painless, healing, restoring, hnrmless, invigornting, curative, reconstrnotingnnd rebuilding nro fnots ot Dr. Sawyer's Pas tilles, bold by Uoyo & Urlco. Clergyman's soro throat is wrongfully sot down to "arduous labors." You will novor know positively whnt a wonderful remedy Dr. Sawyer's Family Curo Is nntill you try it. It will cure you of a sour stomach. Tlio Bchool grounds at Cozad aro to bo irrigated by wind power. Wliy Do You Cough f Do you not know that Parks' Congh Byrnp will curo it r Wo guaranteed every bottle. Thore aro many Cough Syrups but we bolieve Parks' is tho best and most reliable. Sold bv C. h. Cottlug. Heavy rains nro reported from Fullor ton, Noligh nnd Duncan. Couuh! Cough! Coiiah! If you want to, but if you desire to stop get a bottle of Uegg'n Cherry Cough Syrup It will stop your oough in five minutes Sold and warranted by Deyo & Grloo. Ouinhn hns begun tho organization of nn industrial army. Indigestion nnd Uiloasness makes life miserable. If nllowed to continne, roakea lire perpetually miserable. Use Dr. Saw yer's Family Care. Deyo & Grice. Kearnoy is stuck up ovor a four-logged chicken. Irregularities and ell those pnins nud distressing diseases peoelinrtowomeanre cured by Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles. Mild yet a powerful henlcr. Hold by DeAo t Grlte. A now cronmory has been oponed up nt Hondorson. Money, skill end experience cannot Im prove Dr, Sawyer's Pastille for disease a peoelinr to women. Send to your druggist for free sample. Sold by Deyo & Grico Osceola is wrestling with tho problem of wntorworks. Uuckleii'H Arnica Salve. The best enlvo in tho world for outs, bruise.i, Bores, Ulcors, Salt rheum, fever tores, tetter, ohapped hands, ohillblninx, coniH, nnd all el tin eruptions, nnd posi tiwly euros piles, or no pny required. It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction or money refnnded. 1'rioo 2fi cents por box. For sale by Cottlng. tf In cholera nnd all epidomics, tho liquor drinkers uro tho llret to dlo. in - 0 ' i If dull, spiritless and stupid; If your blood is thick nnd sluggish; If your ap petite is enprioions nud uncertain, You need n Snrsnpnrills. For best rosuPs tnkn DoWltt's. It recommends itself. O. L. Cottlng. F. Horshoy lino cono to Orecon to buv 21,000 bend of sheep for his ranch. Afraid of IMieuiuoiila. Mrs. Catherino Block, of Lo Roy, N. Y. look a siyero cold. Tho physician fenr rd l'neniuouin. 8ho took ono bottle of Parks, Cough Syrup and says: "It noted like lniijle, Stopped my cough nnd I nm perfectly well now. I rooomond it to overyono for Throat nnd Lung Trouble ns I believed it saved my life," Bold by C.L. Cottlng. FREE COINAGE OR REVOLUTION. IYtatdcnt Fliko Tnllie Htronely to the M melnlllo Iflngue. Wabhinoton, May S.'3. President A. C. Flslco of Denver called the Pan-American Bimetallic lenguo to order in tho Grand Army hnll today, when about 78 delegates wero present. In his opening address Mr. Fisko said tho legislation of tho last 110 years in this country had been In tho interest of foreign nations. He attributed tho present situation in busi ness to tho demonetization of silver and believed n rovolntion would come if re lief wcro not granted in tho line of freo coinage. At tlio conclusion of Mr. Fisko's speech General Stephen M. Field of Virginia was chosen chairman of tho convention. G. M. Libbles of Nobraska was chosen secretary. Tho remainder of tho mom ing session wn? dovoted to spocohmoklng. Among thoso who talked wore Repre sentatives Hudson of Kansas and Pence and Bell of Colorado. At tho nftcrnoon session n petition Blgncd by about 000 citlzona of Donvor, asking that steps bo taken to bring about tho restoration of Bllvor to its fonnor po sitiou as n money metal, was received and ordered transmitted to tho house of representatives. THE WEEKLY CROP REPORT. Fast Week Hns lloon Ono of Unusual Tcnipcrnturo Kitretucs. Washington, May 23. Tho weather buroau, In Us report of weather crop conditions for tho past week, Bays: The weok has boon ono of unusual tempera turo oxtremes, tho differences botween tho highest and lowest temperature amounting to ns much as 00 degrees in tho upper Missouri valloy and ranging from 40 to 00 degrees over the greater portion of tho country east of tho Rocky mountains. In Kentucky and northern Florida tlio temperature reached tho lowest point that has been recorded In May since tho establishment of the weather bureau. The rainfall was very hoavy in eastern Montana and generally nbovo tho nvorngo over Idaho, eastern Oregon and Washington and central California. Thera was a total absence of rain in Kansas, southwestern Missouri, Oklahoma, western Texas and over the greater part of Arkansas. Drouth pre vails in eastern South Dakota, Nebraska, Arkansas, southwostorn Texas and New Mexico. PRESBYTERIAN SEMINARY QUESTION. Settled ns I'nr ns tlio Geucral Assembly Is Concerned. Saratoga, N. Y., May 20. Tho ques tion of theological seminary control, so far as tho Presbyterian church is con cerned is settled. By a vote of almost 4 to 1, tho roport of tho majority of tho committee that considered tho matter was ndoptcd. It provides for gaining tho power and right to approvo the appointments of professors and di rectors nnd nski tho directors of the seminaries to dcclaro a trust in favor of tho Presbyterian church, which tho gen oral assembly may euforco in the civil courts. At tho snino titno n committee Is provided, which shall confor and ad- vieo with tho seminaries and seek to gain their consent to tho proposed plan. FRENCH CABINET RESIGNS. Government Ilofentuil In tho Chamber by u Minority of Fifty. Pahis, May 23. Tho govornmont was dofcatod Tuesday in tho chamber of doputles ou tho question as to whether tho minister of publlo works had tho authority to allow tho employes of tho state railroads to attend the congress of railroad men. Tho prcmlor, M. Cosimlr Porlor, demnnded tho adoption of tho or der of tho dny puro nnd simple Tho premier's motion was rejocted by a vote of 275 to 2M. M. Cnsimir-Poricr there upon loft tho Palais Bourbon and tho ministers subsequently proceeded to tho Lysoo palace mid bunded in tholr resig nations to President Cnrnot. SENATE BWBERY INVESTIGATION. Senators lluntou nml Kyle rioth Testify They Wero on'erod n llrlbe. Washington, May 22. Tho senatorial commlttoo to investigate allegations that attempts havo lieon mudo to corrupt Sen ators llunton nud Kylo hold n brief ses sion today. Senator Hunton and his son teetilied and tho correspondenco be tween them on tho Bubjcct was laid beforo tho committee. C. W. Buttz mndo application to bo present at tho mooting of tho commit too but no answer has yot been returned. Scnntor Kylo told tho commlttoo that about two months ago ho was approached by Buttz with a proposition to pay him 214,000 for his vote. Hlx Spanlsli Itedn Shot. Bakcjxona, May 23. Tho six anarch ists, Codinn, Corezueln, Sogas, Bornat, Villnrubiu and Mir, sentenced to death after having been convicted of complicity in tho attempt of I'alliw to assassinate Captain General Martinez Campos, and of lteing concerned in tho Liceo thoater bomb outrage, wero executed nt 4 u. m. outside tho citadel of Mont Juich. MARKETS REPORTED BY WIRE. Chirac" Grain uml l'rnvlslom. Cllir.um, Mfi SJ. Wheat rexumeil Its temp ornrlly Interrupted t(iln'uiui Mldo today and landed '&u limur. I)IiiiiihiIiU!iik cables, heavy llaltldHliliuneiiK kiiiiiII exnnrtH, freo ttelllng nud uiirnier leather all cnnlrlbutcd to tho weukneMi. Cum I'liived )(!o luwer, outs o uiKliernnd iirnvlsluusblluhtly lower. ci.osi.no I'nier.i. WlinAT-l.'osy. Vm, 65o July, C0fic; Sep Umber, 67? Sc COHN'-hieady. Ciwh, 87oj July, 87?ia3TJfci reptemlicr, IlXJUStyic OATS-hle.idy. C'mh, IWoj July, WHfii Hoptember, iUu. 1'OUIC-I.owcr. Cash, SIl.TOj July, HUTX: SAplvnilicr, $U.B70. lUniJ-Luwer. Cash, ga.oSH; July, W.73j Ucptcmber, $1.W. UlHd-Lotter. Cash, ?0.12Hi July, 0.10j September, SAW. Smith Oinuhu I.lvo Sloclc. fouxn Omaha. 'May S-'.-OATTbE-Ro. ccli'ta, 4,n)liind;i3iMio i.vjo lb.i., SJ.&vai.W; UUi ti) Vi.0 Uu., l.7ii2.:i.UJ; uui toUUOlbs., SJ.&OQli.iS; olioleo cows, S-'.bOiay.70; common town, Sl.ftO&.'.CU; Kued feeders, tJ.ma3.CJ; common feeders, fc-'.t23.l0, Market steady to HVi lower, IIOUS-l!eceliU. U,8' hcnd llirlit, ft.W ftl.Oi mixed, H.Mai.U'J; heavy, Ci.ttQi.65. Market fia lower. bllKKl'-Uex.eluU.l.SUO (toadl muttqai, 13.00 0t.iO Iambi, 3. Wl t.U Market strong. Nover go to sloop, even in hot weather, without bouio covering over you. Small boy (aside) "Gee whiz,,' but those Little Giant Pills take the cake. Bold and warranted by Deyo & Qrlce. ; Nobraska peoplo uro tickled ovor tho appropriation for n bridgoovcr Niobrara. DeWitt'a Barsnpnrilla prepared for leanslng the blood from impurities and disease. It decs this and more. It builds up and strengthens constitutions impair ed by disease. It recommends itself. C. L. Cottlng. It is said Milton's blindness was result of overwork rind dyepopsia. the The Book of "The Fair." ny II. II. IJnncroft, "The Historian." A work ot Ono Thousand Imperial Folio pages, twelvo by sixteen inches, printed on the finest enameled paper, on tho Miohle proBs, as ex hibited in Mnchinory Hall. This work contains T.Wenty-five Parts g-, j -T Forty Pages Each. There will bo ovor 2,500 SUPERB PIO tures of nil sizes up to a full page, A chapter on Fairs oi the Past From the Crystal Palaco of 1852 to th Paris Exposition of 1889. The Exposition was but for a momont while the book is for nil timo, and Should be in Every Home. Sold by subscription only, on oaBy pay ments of G cents a day. For further particulars apply to O. Z,. COTTING, BruggistyLJBooJesetteJf g t tyAgont for this company. "The" Watch. For timekooping and durability nothing boats tho Bovcntoon jowolod Deuhkk Hampden Watch. CALLONpENMAN and oxamino them. Also his lino of Jewelry, Diamonds, Spectacles, Clocks, Plated and solid silverware, souvenir spoons, pe'l handled knives and for lis. enrvlnx aeti, culling card eases, bon lion boxes and other noveltir. A lino lino ol spectacles and eye classes with IntcrclianKahlo lenses, steel, nickel silver and cold frames, Special and careful t tentlon paid lo fltilnn tlie eje. My lino ot 2nd hand watches Is quite late. I will ruu them off at less than their aotual woili. CVUruiK your watch, clock and Jewelry re pair work, your ouuruviiiK aud your old gold and silver to ine, TEIO.S. IKNMAN. J. H. Davis & Son, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. I aleo mulco Farm Loans. Ofllco in Moon liloek, lied Cloud, Neb Tliey have some very fine bar gains in laud. Parties wishing to buy should call on or address the above PLUg 11 LOCAL and TK&VELING, te sell our well knnwn miwry Hock, steady enployineet. flood nny. Complete nutllt free. No prcTloiii xperlonre nccos.iry. Ksiabllslied ovr0yrs. snonrres. l.i uicenhmiei. Ad-d-ess.-l'IKKSlX NUIISKIIY COMPANY. I. O. ilnx 1215. Hindu Inuton. Illinois ...ITS WiSTED!; t'iood reliable men enn make from D72 to 8100 por month, canvnBsinir lifo rI.o portraits, AddrcBB TIIKO. 1IAPI1E, Manager of the Lifo Sizo PortrnltB Cj. Grand Island, Nobraska, wimfa t mmrj5&!SFi:ss!f,!' WM!Iww .a fMl-J. .