t 7l F 4 tV- L r ft J 1 ; k't ' 1 .37 ,. I JP-l ( 5 0 aammm mm mmmm m mmmm mt M T3T A T'TTCT 17 TT P. T" A T T?r I BLAKESLEE ARE MAKING Extra Low Prices On Oxfords. mm. ww ww ww w w m wjUjuuik CUED E. MoKEBBY, M. D. Physician and Hurtfcon, City and country calls promptly ans wered. Moon Block, Red Cloud. TAULU OF CONTENTS. Pago 1 General Washington's Lifo. Weather Bulletin. Pago 2 Memorial Pago. Asloop at Ilia Post. May :J0. Pago 3 County Correspondence. Pago i-Clty, County nnd Editorial. Pago 0 General City News of all kinds. Local Markots. Pago C Thousands in Peril, Ship Wrocks. Freo Coinago or Revo lution, Telegraph Markots, Cor respondents and Locals. Pago 7 Into a Death Trap, His Awful Throat. "" Pugo 8 Nebraska Nows of all Kinds. i.i......i.Mm...m...i..t...i LOCAL NEWS. Wanted City warrants O. Calmes Mrs. J. C. Warnor is homo from Lin coln. M. R. Bentloy has boon on the sick list this week. Wm. Lindsoy was in Hastings this week on business. Tho old freight rate on tho Burlington will bo restored on tho 2Gth. Miner Bros, shipped elovon car loads of stock to Kansas City this wool:. Sam Lindsoy, whilo fixing some ma chinory this week, cut his hand very badly. rc Do not forget tho Elba Wright enter tainment at the Christian church Satur day night. Andy Wnrnor, ono of our former shoo merchants, was in tho city the first of tho week. G. E. Haskell has roturnod to Boatrico after spending a fow days with N. W. Kingsland. F. M. Osborno of Danvillo, 111., is vis itingwith his sister, Mrs. A. Conover thiB week. "J. A. Eylcr, live stock ugont for tho B. & M. railway, was in Red Cloud this weok looking after tho interests of tho Burlington. Mrs. Ed Young, formerly of this placo but moro recently of Lobanon, died thoro last Thursday and was buried in Red Cloud Saturday. On Monday, Gus Roats shipped 17 enrs of stock to Kansas City. This stock is (mid to bo tho finest shipped out of Red Cloud for n great many years. When you got ready to buy children clothing como and seo us look at our combination suits extra pair of pants nnd cap given with every suit. Chicago Clothing Co. For tho best meals and lunoh go to tho City Bakery and restaurant also frosh broad, buns, pics, cakos and fine candies, tobacco cigars, etc., at.-"-Jos. Herburgor. To all who aro interested in the orga nization of tho Degroo of Honor of tho A. O. U. W., will ploaso loavo their names with Mrs. M. E. Huflraun or with M. B. MoNitt. Cheapest suits ovor shown now ready for you every suit at lowost pricos, work manship best in the country and best fitting goods ovor brought to tho city Chicugo Clothing Storo. , Just received, from Now York, at Mrs F, Newhouse, a nico assortment of par asols, Bun umbrellas, .black and otfior laces, ladieB neckwear, Ilamburgs, wh Ho und black summor dress goods, etc. tf Mrs. Rich, tho Red Cloud milliner, wus horo tho first of tho weok trying to got ii room to start n branch establish ment horo. There is not at present n vacant houso of business room in town. -Rivorton Guard Thero aro thousands of tons of buck wheat hulls ground annually by Eomo spluo mills in tho United States which being mixed with a cheap Singapore pepper is sold as Uio puro arltclo, una It is u well known faot that nino tonths of the etulT finds a markot west of tho Mis sissippi river. Wo haudlo only tho puro article and will forfeit 8100 it not found as ropresonted. Shea & Turnure. Tho Board of Directors of tho City Reading Room would to call tho public's attontion to tho faot that the library is not u private institution but belongs to tho city of Rod Cloud and is supported by tho business men. Lately they have recolved us a loan nearly halt u hundred of tho best books of tho und from tho T. C. K society for which they aro very thank(u(. They would bo pleased if tho citizens would talto a deopor interest in the enterprise in the future than they lmvo iu tho past. THE RED CLOUD CMEF, RED CLOUD, & KALEY Snm.iir.Hl)oni!o1aOx(i)ri1,.it, tip si at ,,. , , ,". ." cloth toil, lull tlti I OS WoiiictiiiliiliiDoiiKolaOxfordi. .......... l is JNoiiu'iliiiiOxtohMviinirooroporatoe. t M JUnmn i Prince AllptfA liaml turn 2 hi Womnii's I'niieo Alberts M.S. turn I as V.'VP." in" I'xfof'ls Mt iiunllty, ij-3 t m Child b 1 mi Oxfonls tat iinlliy 0-12 1 is Opera Slippers, 81.00, 1.25, $.C0. We have nlso a large lino of Men's Hoys', and Youths' Low Cut Shoes, ami a clieapor lino of Women's and Misses Oxfords rnnuliiicln prleo from C5cto$1.00. Wo aro pleased to ihow our Koods. Jilakeslee & ICaloy. HRIEF MENTION. For knlsomining boo F. P. Hadloy. " Commencement exorcises next Friday. Prico our woll papor. Doyo & Orico. Go and seo tho bargain shoo countor nt Wionor'e. ShorifT Runchoy was in Bluo Hill this week on business. Seo Mrs. Rich for flno millinery, prices woydown low. Anyono wishing a Rood cornet chenn call at this otllco. Call nt tho Wograann gallery and seo tnmplos of his work. Sanford Noblo was visiting old frionds in Red Cloud this wook. Jns. M. MofTord of Guide Rock was in Rod Cloud this week. Wlori6r has put in a bargain sho counter. Call and soo It. Mrs. Wilbur Hull, who was auito sick Inst wook, has recovorod. A. MorharUfc Son havo just rocoivod another car of Bakor wiro. Go and got ono of thoso fino Paris trimmod hats at Mrs. Rich's. . -Any one in need of carriage painting should call on F. P. Hadloy. Go to J. B. Wrijrht'a for fine new and second hnnd goods, Moon block. tSTFarm for salo. I will toko city property for part pay. V. Williams. Hon. Peter Bcachy is homo from an oxtendod visit in the oast Dart of tho stato. Miss Roccrs. tho oxnort trimmer, nf Now York is at Mrs Rich's millinery Two pair of pants with ooch suit and cap to match, thoy nro barglnB. Chicogo Storo. You can buy shoes at two-thirds tho original prico at Wioner's bargain shoo countor. Everybody usos J3aker wiro bocauso it is tho best. Buy it. A. Morhart & Son havo it. A. II. Gray ropresonts tho St. Paul Firo Marino and hail insuranco compuny. 3l-U UIU1. Bakr wiro is tho lightost wiro on tho market. Call on A. Morhart & Son for all you need. Mr. Bnrtling of Atlantic, Iowa, father of Mrs. Samuel Tomplo, is visiting in this county. Fred Cox amputated his mustacho this weok and now ho looks like a follow from "Iujinnn." Isaac Thomas, Goo. Guilford, Jno. M. Chapin, Jas. Mofford, F. Birknor have ronowod sinco our lest issuo. Moro goods nro being sold for a dol lar at tho Chicago Clothing Storo than any whoro else in this country. Go to McNitt for .your Mammoth Clovor, Gorman Millot and White Rus sian oats it you want good seed. Curt Evans hus every thingyou want in tho second-hand furniture lino. Soo him Bluo Front, south Webetor stroet. Cotting tho druggist ta selling lots of wall paper, low prices, protty patterns nnd fair treatment are what counts. You hnvo put it off too long but call at tho Wegmunn gnllory at onco and ho will muko you tho flnost photos you ovor had. Mr. K. Sanford of Omaha and Supt. A. Campbell of McCook woro looking after B. & M. affairs in the city this wook. Remember that when cleaning houso 81.00 will buy' enough wall papor to pa por an ordinary bed room. Deyo & Grico. Wanted. Ladies to uso somo vory nico perfume. Some new and very ox nuisit odors just received. Deyo fc Grico, Evervthinn In hats lust received nil tho now styles and colors; elegant lino of childrons caps; all the now novolties at mo uuicugu aiore. Puro sugar syrup, puro opon kottlo Now Orleans molasses, puro country nnrrrhtim nnd mirn frnlf nnrl wlnn vlnnrrnt- can be had at Shoa &, Turnuro's. During tho summor months every family in Red Cloud and vicinity should bo providod with n jar of preserved Can ton ginger for salo by Shea &. Turnure Whnt aro tho people of Webster coun ty doing about making preparation for tho fai- ? Every man. woman and child should not forgot to muko up something tor display nt tho fair this eoason. Co operation is what make a successful fair. CITY NEWS. J. C. Warner was in Omaha this weok. Decoration day will occur on next Wednesday. House plants of all varieties nt Mrs' J. II. Smith's. tt Shea A Turnuro havo put in n flno lino of queonswuro. Every body buys their fnshionnblo lints of Mrs, Rich. A. G. Willis and Fireman Tubba aro homo from McCook. Go nnd seo Calmes for all kinds of bread, cakes, candies. Ac. Mifn Louit BallnwH is in tho city this weok visiting old friends. Mrs. Wcidomnn of Innvalo will move to Red Cloud next Monday. Mrs. Bradford of Mindon a visiting with hor mother, Mrs. Talbot. Remember thnt McNitt keeps both tho top nnd bottom onion pots. Now !h tho time to cull on Wegmnnn nnd hnvo your picturo tnkon. Messrs. I'roudllt nnd Snwyor of Guido Rock woro in Rod Cloud this weok. A smnll loan can bo secured on good farm security. Inquire of II. E.Pond. A. II. Grny represents tho St. Paul Firo nnd Mnrino Insuranco company. Seo him. Wo gunrnntco tho Lincoln paint to bo equal ti anything on tho mnrkot. C. L, Cotting. C. G. Dorsoy, receiver of tho Rod Cloud National Bank, was in tho city this weok. Shon Sc Turnuro hnvo jimt received n enr lond of ohoico Northern, Beauty's and Hebron potatoes. Thoy nro lino for tnblo or seed. Shoa & Turnuro enrry tho largost and choicest lino of dried nnd evaporated fruits west of tho Missouri rivor. Drop in nnd bo convinced. R. B. Fulton tiro nnd lightning insur ance, Westom Whlto Bronze, monu monts nnd cemotory goods. Ofllco with Trndors Lumber Co. Mrs. Lindloy, mothor of Mrs. Chnrloy Piatt, who has been visiting in the city u few duye, roturnod to her home in Kansas lust Wednesday. D. B. Spnnoglo is ono of our vory en terprising real estato men. Ho contem plates going to tho eastern states to look after Western lnnd Bookers. Joo Foglo tho harness man, located in tho Chnnoy building North Webstor St, for first-class work, substantial har nesses, saddles, collars and hardware. Jack Frost enmo to this vicinity the Inst part of Inst weok and did quite con siderable damngo to onrly fruit and ten- dor vines. Tho freeze wna gonornl all over tho United States and territories. Mrs. A. G. Willis is in Kearney this weok, whoro sho goes to superintend the putting up of it fino mnrblo shaft over her mother's grnvo. Tho stono was fur nishod by Boyd & Overing of this city. Tho drouth of tho past wook has par tially dried up tho pasture and injured tho fall wheat and oats, but tho corn crop is looking nico and bids fair for a good crop should scasonablo rains come' J. A. HoHinor, brothor of tho "Big Injun," was in Red Cloud this weok. Ho represents E. Bemont & Sons of Lan sing, Mich., ono of tho largest manufac turing institutions in tho United States. Tho oxecutivo committco mot this week and called u mooting of tho Repub lican Lcnguo Club for June 4 nt 8 p. m. in tho Bontloy hull. Good sponkors will bo thero. All mombors aro expected to bo presont. Seo Mrs. Rich for your millinery. Sho has n fino lino of French pattern hats that cannot bo oxcollod nnd sho is soil ing them vory cheap. Sho has also a lino of 81.00 hats that she is selling for lfi cents. Seo her before you buy. Wm. Harris was arrested this weok on a charge of holding n fellow up for his watch ovor a your ago. Robt. T. Pottor appeared for tho prosecution nnd J. M. Chaflin for tho defonso. Harris was bound over nnd was remanded to jail. Somotimo our people will wako from tlioir oscitnnoy und tind out that their olfactory organs havo boon sniffing en terprises afar, and that they might havo hud u good sized city but for tlioir lack of being moro cnergotlc in securing man ufacturing institutions. Messrs. Haskell fc Bosworth, tho en terprising butter nnd egg mon, repre sented in Red Cloud by N. W. Kings lnnd, hnvo shipped 21 cars of eggs since tocating horo. Thoro aro 12,000 dozen in n car, which would mako 250,000 or 3,021,000 eggs. Who says tho Amoricnn hen ought not to bo protected against hor foreign competitor on account of tho wenr and tonr to produco tho native egg- Eggsuctly. It will bo seen by advertisement in this paper that C. L. Cotting has takon tho agency to sell that incomparablo work "Tho book of the Fuir" in this county. Every person who saw tho great fuir bhould huvothiosplendid wurk bo thut its wondrous sights and beauties shall not fudo from tlioir mental vision and thoso who did not boo it. should also havo it so thut thoy may view tho fair just as it wus, and study it nearly as well us though thoy had boon thero nnd seen it in nil its lovliness. Cull on Mr. Cotting, exuinlnu it and leavo your or dor. Public Male. On Snturday Juno tho 0th at tho hour of two o'clock I will ofror my res idonco property at public auction said property is locatod in Fairview addition. Terms mndo known on day of sale. J Nustein. NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1894. AKOIINU TOWN. Geo. B. Holland was in tho city this week. John Fulton of Rivcrtou was in tho city this weok. Mrs. R. M. Martin is homo from her trip to Missouri. Hi Bedient was in tho city tho foro part of tho weok. J. A. Tulleyn mado n business trip to Superior Wednesday. Jas. MoNony nnd Goo. B. Holland woro in Omaha this week. Clins. Kimsey nnd S. II. Tutllo nro now subscribers this week. Misses Gortio Knloy and Blanch Shor er woro in Innvnlo this week. Mrs. (1. K. McKeoby is visiting In Jninostown, Kansas, thin wook. Mrs. Finnlganof Orlenns wns visiting with Mrs. J. II. Smith this weok. Goo. .1. Warren and family hnvo re turned homo from Lincoln and Omaha. Mrs. Hillyard of Long Tslnnd in visit ing with II. Coztul and family this weok. T. J. Ward has roturnod from Mis souri. Ho will not move to thnt coun try. Tho Mises Dora and Edna llendorson returned from Womor, Kunsns, Monday morning. Dr. McKeoby wont to Chicngo this weok. Ho was accompanied by M. W. Dickorson. Mrs. W. Josslyn hna roturnod to Or leans nftor n visit in this city with Miss P. D. Yolsor. Jnko Nyo has n fino new carry-all which is n decidod improvement ovor his old go-cart. Mrs. D. M. Hunter roturnod homo on Wednesday evoning from an oxtonded visit in Arkansas. Mrs. A, L. Funk left this week for hor homo in Alcova, Wyoming, nftor u two months' visit in this city. Jnko Nyo has arranged with Sherwood k Alhricht to loavo orders with them for his hack lino. Don't forget it. Tho Congregational church entertnin tnont nnd eunnor in tho Moon block Inst Saturday night whb a grand success. Alt McCnll, a resident of tho "Stoto" of Walnut, is going to build a now nouso on lua rami. Alt la progressive. Miss Bessie Sollara has nccoptod tho position of book keeper in tho Haskell & Bosworth Produco company's otllco in this city. Rev. Geo. O. Yoisor unitod in mnrriugo on tho 21st, W. C. Browno of Holdrogo and Miss Stolla Bayles of this city. Tho young couple has our best wishes. Morris M. Storn, of tho "beautiful" city of Rod Cloud, was visltinir in Plntto- mouth Saturduy and Sunday. Plutts tnouth Horald. By un order mude by Judge Dundy in tho fodornl court this morning Bottling tho Rod Cloud bnnk case, Congressman McKoighan saves if 218 of his hard curned coin. State Journal. Oscar Teel is somowhat of n kicker himsolf, but he has a horso tliut can beat him as was demonstrated tho othor af ternoon whilo his horso was hitched in front of Wright's hardware store. On to-morrow evening, (Saturday) tho ladies aid society of tho M. E. church will give n strawborryund ice cream so cial in tho Moon block, In tho room for merly occupied by Myors fe Usher. G. A. Harris, tiro enterprising mer chant of Covvles, was upon our stroetn this week doing business. Mr. Ilarriu docs business solely on tho cash basin and finds thnt that system is vory satis factory. Thoro lives a man in Rod Cloud who periodically tills up on "turantular" juice, and thon proceeds to make lifo u burden to his wifo by whipping hor, as allogod, and otherwise maltreating her. We hear that tho mutter is to bo investigated. It ought to bo. Noxt Sunday is Memorial day. Tho various societies, embracing Garfield Post, tho Relief Corps, Daughters nt Veterans and tho Sons of Votoranu will hold Borviccs in tho opera houso in tho morning. Rev. Hull, pastor of the M. E. church, will dolivor tho oration. All aro invitod. Tho Catholic pooplo havo decided to build their church out of brick. A wise decision it will bo an ornament to tho city, and this papor is pleased to nolo tho chungo. Fathor Quinn nover does things by halves, and believes in build ing u substantial structure when ho sturts out to build. Tho jury in tho attachment enso Against tho Hotel Pullman for debts in curred by tho formor manager," W. C. Kops, returned n vordict yeatoidny aguinst tho attaching creditors. It up poars that Kops had no intorost in tho furniture or other property of tho hotel Hot Springs Daily News. Tin: Ciiiki' man, accompanied by his bettor halt and youngest brothor, was in the enterprising littlo villago of Inu valo Inst Saturday, and found tho nior ohnnts of that hustling littlo villago right in the swim. Tyro or tbreo houses nro being erected in that place, besides othor improvements. Thoy nro enter prising people und deservo success. A Chancib Ahkkd. A polillon is now being circulated nsldnc tho supervisors to submit the question of going back to tho commissioner syBtom, It seems, by a law pussod in 1801, that tho county can. nt its ontion. voto for flvn nnmmlu. sloners or threo. Tho petition calls for five, und until tho presont law is changed or modiflod, it would soem expedient to go buck to tho commissioner systom as tho least oxponslve, und fivo would bo ubout ns good as tho presont system as far us an equal distribution of tho var ious interests oftho county is concerned Tho proposition ought to bo submitted, Twoorthroo thousand dollars nor year s too much to run the county ufxairs. ;ATitr.uiN;s. M. Iiovcth o( Clulilo Rock wan In tho Tuesday. , t Chris KiibhIo wiih down from Bluo Hill yesterday. C. R. Patch of Rivorton wus on our Btreots Inst Friday, l.B, Hampton of Guido Hock wns in Red Cloud title weok. R. M. Shirk and wife of Rivorton were In tho city Saturday. Henry Clark has been elected business manager of tho M. K. Choir. A. M. and L. E. Simerson woro down form Bluo Hill tho llrst of tho week. It. S. I'roudllt and son or Guido Rock woro on our streets Inst Saturday. Tho II. .fc M. shipped 77 empty box earn east Thursday evening in ono trniu. h. E. Rogern nnd Fred Dorgo of Lob- unon wero in Red Cloud the llrst of tho week. Clydo Johnson, George Briggs nnd Clnronco Stlno wero up from Superior Muturday. Mrs. (). C. TVnl departed for Indinnoiu Thursday ovoning to visit with relatives now dnyB. S. I.Cozud nnd family lenvo toduvfor Long Island, Kansaw, to talto up tholr future homo. John McCullum nndwlfoof Glonwood woro in tho city this week. Mini is ono of our best farmers. On tho second page of todnv'n paper wo publish n very interesting Momorial pcico. Look It ovor. D. K. Foot of Downers Grnvo, Illinois, nnd J. II. Foot of G ay lord, Knnsns, aro iitlng nt Tlios. Kmigh's. Miss Pearl Skeon, formerly of this city, griidunten this week from tho pub lic schools of Ulysses, Nebraska. Lot tin remind yon that now Is tho time to tnlto DoWltt's Samnpnrllla, it will do you good. It recommends itsolf. C. L. Cotting. Lot nil tho boys who expect to tnlto pnrt in tho firing squad meet nt tho Odd Follows hall Saturduy night nt eight o'clock sharp. By order of committco. Romembor our childrons clothing In cheaper nnd bottor mndo than ovor. Re inforced seats nnd knees.olegantpattorns und low pricos. Chicago Clothing Com puny. A fow friends of Mrs. A. L. Funk sur prisod hor on last Monday evening, with ico cream nnd oto., nt tho resldonco of T. W. Thornburg, before leaving for her Wyoming homo. Wanted. A briuht, nnd intollicont lndy in Red Cloud to help introduce tho fastest Belling toilet article ovor put on tho markot. Agents muko from 810 to KM) a week. First como first sorved. AddroBs at onco to W. T. Kelley, Frank lin, Nobraska. Box 57. S. E. PrentiBS mot with miito n Bor- ious nccidont. A bovino tried to goro him. and hud it not been for his alert ness, ho would not havo cscapod tho rurluus uenst. as u wns, ins mum was badly lucorntod. Dr. Fred McKeoby wns called und dressed tho wound. Tho firo dopurtmont was out Thurs day night testiiiK their now Iioeo. Tho Red Cloud firo department is ono of the very best volunteer companies in tho stato of Nebraska, nnd nro doBorving grout pruiso for tlioir ofllcioncy nt all times und undor all circumstances. . Obituary. Mr. A. Woidemnn wns born at Center villo, III., January (I, 1815 nnd diod tit his homo nour Riverton, Nebraska Muy 17, 1801, nt 10 p. in. Ho married Miss Dora Bartling Docombor 12, 18(!j, who still survives him. Their union wns crowned with tiivo children, two sons nnd throo daughters, four of whom are living. Bro. Woidomun sorved his country faithfully during tho war, after which ho bent his energies to tho building up of a homo and tho bottering of his follow mon, bolng rnspcclod by nil who know him, uml wielded nn influence for good. Ho witli his family camo to Nobraska nino vears ugo, und six yours ugo Bottled near Riverton, Nebraska, where the dark shudow of death has visited him, first taking ti eon, u young man of great prom iso and o.iriieet Christian character, thon Ids flgod mothor wus culled honco, und onco moro Ho culled "tocomouphighor" which found our brothor ready ovon wuiting for ho early embraced tho relig ion of tho Lord Jesus Christ, uniting himself with tho church, and hits lived nn earnest christian lifo. A fow wcoks before his death ho cumo into tho ox porionco of perfect iovo, His ond wus ponce, swnnt pouco, puEsing from tho church militnnt to tho church triumph ant to bo with Jesus nnd tho loved oiuh who havo pusscd on before, 'lhofunoral wus hold ut tho xosidonce, tho body fol lowed by n lurgo concoureo of pooplo wus interred in tho Red Cloud cometery. "Btwcd uro tho dend who dio in tho Lord." W. E. Uwoai'iikn Card or TluuiU. Wo deBiro to express our sincere grut ittuJo to our many frionds who bo kindly assisted us in our lato boreavemont. Nono but sorrowing hearts know how to approciir-to such sympathy. Mit . A. Wkidi:jian and Family. Awarded Hlf bcit Honors World' Fair: rDH it. WWM8 MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Crane Cieam of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia. Alum or any other adulterant BAKING I 40 YEARS THK STANDARD. Ti is i Hut wo can prove what wo fay, nnd wo say that we can foil you button goods for leas money Hum anybody in our line. Wo havo tho GURNEY Refrigerator and tho Reliable Gasoline Stoves They can't bo beat for this hot weather. Wo also hayc another carload of Baker Barbed Wire which is tho best wiro on earth find tho price is as low as tho lowest. Buy While it is chenn. All sizes of Window Screens and Screen Doors, Always in stock. L MORHART & SCN. tSv Thnt bargain countor of bIioob a Wionor'e htm mado n crent many go awny hnppy from it, with a good pair of Bhoeo at two thirds prico, i m m i Itlarhct fteporti (Corrected Weekly.) Wheat 9 45 Com , 2530 OatB 2530 Jyo 35 ?Jnx 1 101 15 Hogs 4 15 Fatcowo 2 DO Buttor 7 Eggs 7 I'otatoes Do Ciilckons doz. 2 00 Turkeys b. 5 Retail prico of the Red Cloud Milling Co., flours; Monogram sack '..$ 00 Royal patent W sack 80 B. of U. S. ty sack G5 Woiner's prices are within roach of all Cull thoro and bo convinced. money to Loan. I havo money to loan. Monoy on land eady for uoo. I). B. Spanoglo. 1 1 . For Sale. Somo beautiful combinations in wnll paper, ceiling, Bido wall und bordor to mutch. Prices vory low. Doyo & Grico jr mL R . r t 0FALL Hhcrlfl's Sale. Xollca It hereby nlven that iuu1r aiii by vir tue nt an onler of salo ls.sia.il lionj Hie ollko nt ('. II. Croup, nlpik of th illMilct court of tho lentli Judicial illitrlU. wlililu Ana for Vib ter c uiily. Neur.iHkn. upon" u itccreu lu nn iii'ilun ik'ikIIiu thuivli1, wliciflii oilrtir J. Tit'itt It iilulMillt uml nonius! James K. Wall, Konit-llii B, Wml I laws & I'oss, uco-pHrluer-slilii 'ini'Sj o Jrtiiii-s W. IIhws und Fayette 1 lost, ddlim iMiMiirsilu Crott Hallno county, Nulirasku, SI. It Iktit.ey, lUrncs .M.uuituciur Inu company, iifnieo iloatuu ami Itlclmrd II. Jouos unci Jout'f, liN wllo, HrKt 11 tine un known, cletemlanls, I siull oiler for s.i:oat pub lic ytMuliit, In Hi" hklirxt 1 lililer (or canli lu hunit. nt tin oait tloorof llieooiirt Moment Hoil Clmiil, lu mild Wclistereounty. Nonraiku (tlut lifluir the hul'dluu whorvlii tho hut Una ot saUl court was houlfiijon Ihtsuiluhiyot Juim, A. I) 1S:)I, nt two iiVIicl( . in. (it said diiy. Ilia fnllowliiK iluiccilhcil priiperly. lo-vvlt: Tho nuitli-M"tt ipint'T (NWU) ot action twentv. two (r-) towtislilp ono (i.) muko twulvo (13.) wcstol theCIU p. in. In Wihsior county, M. brusku. CUcu iimler iiijrliiuul thU Sltli day ot Mar, A. 0..189I. '" . . 3 w. Kukchv, aiurltr, Jan. 11, Hanna uml .Ins. .MoNeny, flalntltt', Alturaoyi, '.I M il - , . ). . ,, . jJlMfrM&Z$&toJj U,6Jk . . i j isS .,. .,j,,4Vfiv- - '-) i. ,-. .-t. ', . ,mmWHj -&. ... :.r'i . -- ,4 ' - - -i?!-a'! .--- . . " !f , . A m. 'HM' Illl iffl T " mi MUMS iiyssy'sg t . rf 'mrm irTiVlo.. ... '-. . -- - "--.-- i u .. imm' aw,Bi-r.wiiiw utr-vy- 4 r .-. mntmmtmNmief''!mmmmij