The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 25, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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It will pay you to
look us over before
A. 0. IIohmkii, Editor.
Lamoy Tait. Asst. Local Editor.
Mr. F. W. Uauiieu ot Ornntl Island
waa in lied Cloud thia week looking hla
chances over for tho delegation to tho
republican ntato convention for Statu
Superintendent ot public instruction.
Gkhrral Coxky uiul IiIb band ot non
combnttauts lmvo been found guilty and
Bentoncod to SO dajB in jail on a charge
of carrying partisan banners on tbo Cup
itol grounds and walking on tbo grass.
Tig U. S. Senate is vory much por
turbod in spirit over tho fuct that eoino
fellow tried to bribe thorn. Tho Sons
tor from South Dakota is very much
exercised, but wo do not know whether
it was beeauBo tho pile was too small or
too largo, or what.
Hon. Jack MauColl ot Lexington
bcoiub to be in tho raco for gubernator
ial honors this fall. Jack is n western
man and tho republicans proposo to
stick to men coining from tho west and
from tho state. Omaha lias had tho
tho governor for so long that sho thinks
it is hereditary.
Kcbriuku HSoomlilncrH.
Deputy United States Miirphul Tom
llnson or lied Cloud brought in Joel ',
Tutor and V. G. Arbogast, tho moon
Bhinern operating tho illicit Bl ill near In
dianola. It is stated that Totor brought
the Btill from Pondletou county, West
Virginia in 1889 and ban since oporatod
it in various places in tho vicinity ot In
dianola. It was first sot up in n envo in
tho blutrs noarTotcr'sbrowory, and aftor
tho brewery was sold tho still was moved
to Toter's farm und later to Kearnoy.
Tho last location and tho pluco where
tho plant was seized win on tho farm ot
Arbogast, a brother-in-law of Toter
about Hi miles from Indlanola.
It seems that tho operutors had an
inkling that there wus likely to bo
troublo und had uiudo application for a
license, but whon thoy found that the
tax would bo 00 cents n gallon thoy do
iayed action. When Deputy Iniornul
Itovonuo Collector Hallow and Doputj
Marshal Tomlinson went out to tho Ar
bogast farm to find tho still, thoy en
countered Arbogust and his son plowing
in n Hold about a mile from tho house.
Hallow told Arbogast that ho had eoino
out to mcusuro tho still beforo granting
the licouso. Arbogast quietly gave his
eon u signal and tho latter detached one
of tho horses from tho plow and otruck
out for tho house on A gallop. Tho causo
was ascertained when tho olllccni arrived
as thoy found that tho cup und worm
had boon disconnected from tho kettle
and wont missing. The culprit wasco
cared, and Hnully admittod tl a, ho had
concealed the missing parts, and showed
whert they wore hiddan, The plant was
in nn outbuilding, und had been eet up
und connected in full running order.
Just how much proof tho officers bare
obtained thoy of course refuse to die
closo in advance, but they hare moro
man thoy need, xoter, wno aaa ooen
engaged in bootleging tho illicitly dis
tilled whisky, wus captured on the road
shortly beforo midnight. Omaha Bee.
Decorutlou Day Program.
Tho following program will be ob
served in Red Cloud, May 30, 189, by
Garilold Post No. 80, asslstod by the W.
R. O., S. ot V., and 1). ot Vs. Orders, will
moot at tho G. A. R., hall at 12:30 sharp.
Form lino ot march ut one p. m., at
cotnor otlith Avonuo and Webster St,
in tho following order:
S. of V., band .
Color liearor.
i.v-: c i ! i. ..,. a r-
G. A. R. Tost und old Soldiers, Sons of
Veterans, V. R. C, nnd D. ot Vs.
Tca:hors und pupils public schools.
Uivlc hoclotlcs.
Citizens on foot und in carriages
arriving ut tho comctery Ritualistic
work of G. A. It., S. of Vs., and W. It. C.
will bo observed und graves of deceased
soldlerB, W. R. C, and S. of Vs. will be
decorated. Lino ot march reform in
same order und roturn to opera house
whoroorution will bo delivered by Judge
II. II. llenson. Citizons aro requested to
bring llowers nnd leuo samo at U. A.
ft. hull.
Memorial services Sunday May 27,
1891, ut tho opera I101160 ut 10:30 a. m.,
sermon by Rev. A. P. Hull. G. A. R.,
W. It. C. S. of Vs und D. ot Vs.. will
moet ut (I. A. R. hall at 10a. m., and at
tend services in n body. Public cordial
ly invited. S
S. Wkst, )
W. H. Ronv, f Committer.
II. K. Po.NI, )
Tho following program was rendered
at tho Congrcgntionut church last Sun
day evening:
Organ Voluntary.
Marching Song.
Heart Song, S. S. book No. 1.
Song S. S. No. 78.
Scripturo reading, John 1:1-30.
Prayer by Mr. Athorton.
Quartot C. Li. Cotting. Misses Sebaff
nit nnd Real nnd Edgar Cotting.
Duet Miss Uonnott, Mrs. Pope,
Solo C. L. Cotting Angels are
Watching us.
A talk on music by Mr. Gilham.
Anthom The Voice ot Many Angela.
Duot Floronco Cotting and Earl
Rocltution-A Wish-Lulu Beck with.
Song S. S. 121 Toll the Story, Child
ren. Class recitation entitled Wishos.
Duet Ho Leudoth Me Mr. Cotting,
Mrs. Kuloy.
Song S. S. No. 15.
Tho entertainment was a vory pleas
ant und highly appreciated by the large
audionco which was present. Wo have
not tho room to do the subject juatico
this weok.
Or. Price's Crean Baktaf Pwdr
World's Fair Hiiksst Await.
Men's Boys' and -Children's
- -
Rock Bottom
"Don't Tonncco plt or Smok
Your lil re Away."
Ths truthful, startling title ot a book
about No-to-bac, the only harmless, guar
anteed tobacco-habit cur. If you want
to quit and can't, u "No-to-bac.'
Braces up nicotinized nsrvss, eliminates
icotins poisons, makon weak men gain
strength, woight nnd vigor. Positive
cure or money refunded. Sold by C. L.
Book at druggists, or mailed fres.
Address The Sterling Remedy Co,,
Chicago office, 45 Randolph St., Now
York, 10 8pruco St.
A few drops of ammonia in a cupful of
water will romove spots from paintings.
Borne thing wrong when yon tire too
asily. Somo thing wrong when the skin
is not clear and smooth. Somo thing
wrong when tho blood is impure. Every
thing right when yon tnko DoWitt's Snr
naparilla. It recommonda itself. C. L.
m '
Tho Union Pacific depot at Shelton is
to bo enlarged.
Dr. Sawyer's Family Cnro is so nnracd
because it is adapted to nil the member
of a family, young and old. Try it, it
strengthens and Invigorates. Dejo&Griee
The poot writes of tho music ot tho
woodland, but ho omitted to say that it
is the pino tree that giveB tho pitch.
Ilendnclio nnd Imlliicatloii
Can bo cared. If yon don't beliovo it try
Begg's Little Giant Pills. Sold and war
ranted by Deyo fc Griee.
Livo as long as you may, tho first twen
ty years aro tho longost halt of jour hfo
Nonpnrcll Ilulr Curler
Will keep tho Hftlr in earl the dampest
weather. Every bottls positive guar
antetd by Deyo & Gric.
Football was n crime in England
during the roign ot Henry VI 1 1.
Dr. Sawyers Family Corel Dr. Sawyer's
Family Curs! Dr. Sawyer's Family Corel
II not only relieves tint cares Indigestion,
Sold by Deyo Grico.
Teacher: Children boo what it soya onfj
iiiu uiucKiioaru aim oe Buro una lei
your parents, that Wiener soils the bos
clothing for the lsaat money
From School District No. SO.
An interesting program that was ron
dorcd in school district 59 was as follows.
Division 1 Song, Who was hero, by
Bchool. Recitation, Why I do not foar
by Ralph Rc.ner. Recitation, Tho littlo
orutor, by Vick Andorson. Recitation
Guilty or not guilty, by Lutio Parks.
Recitation, Try again, by Frod Uorry.
Recitation, Novor say I can't, by Emmy
Haport. Tableau Diannn. Recitation,
asleep ut the switch, by S. Frisbio. Di
uloguo, Four littlo rosubuds.
Division 2 Recitation, Brown's
mistake by Mary Solomnn. Recitation,
A Legond, by Clara Butts. Song, Vaca
tion, by tho choir. Recitation, Arith
metic, by Robbio Ray. Recitation, Why
I speak, by IrenaBest. Recitation, Tho
station agent's story, by Mabel Parks.
Dinloguo, Tho farmer boy and tho city
Division 3 Recitation, Contontment,
by Ida Andorson. Recitation, What
not to do, by Susio Best. Tableau De
votion. Recitation, His names, by Sol
mn Anderson. Song, Lady touch thy
harp again. Choir. Rocitution, Widdor
Spriggin's dnughtor, by Clarcnco Parks.
Rocitution, Somebody's mother, by Jen
nie Ray. Recitation, Oh, for a man! by
Alma Johnson. Diuloguo, Snarl's chil
dren. Division 4 Recitation, My first pipe,
by Bort Clark. Recitation, Afterwards,
by Cora Davis. Song, Now Comes vaca
tion, by Choir. Recitation, The two
pennies, by Muy McCord. Recitntion,
My ndvico, by Rny Rezner. Rocitution,
A rebel prison fragment, by Lutio Berks.
Recitntion, That yellow clog, by John
Rny. Diuloguo, Tho house that Jack
Division r, Tublcau, Death of Eva
Recitation, Bruvery, by Arvel Butts.
Recitation, Babies' things, by Delia.
Wooman. Song, Home of bliss, Quartot.
Recitation, That boy, by John Lowis.
Recitation, Summer land, by Orise Fag
own. Recitation, Tho littlo pilgrim, by
Mary Solomon. Diuloguo, Pino valley
Division 0 Recitation, Tho rldo of
denth, by Jonnio Rav. Recitation, Par
son Snow's hint, by Henry Best. Reci
tntion, Tight times, by Tom Dais. Rec
itation, Tho village sowing society, by
Eveiino Fagown. Recitntion, Grand
mother's sormon, by Mabel S. Dlaloguo,
Hans Von Smash, A closing recitation
by Archie Ray. Song away over moun
tain, by school.
Dr. Sawyer's Family Cure safely mil
thoroughly cures all dlflionltles of IheSto
mncli, Livor, Kidneys and Dowels. Try
n free sample. Sold by Deyo t Gric.
EEP down in
you know
That we ead in sweet and lasting PERFUMES,
Our specialties aro Pyrus, May Bloom, Frnngapani and Carnation Pink. ' '"
All Grades guaranteed by the Mills.
City Livery Stable !
Feed, Sale and Exchange Stable,
Finest Turnouts in the City.
Your patronage solicited. Barn east of Holland. IIouBe.'
A Child Can Do As Well As You.
If You
Want It.
Tlicy try to make you feel that everything
jou buy "must be right"
They try to descne your evcrjMlajr pat
lomiKt), good will and confidence
They charge you 30 cents tor a tO-ee ot pre
scription, not CO cent
They do not try to Influence you by mis.
leading "liargaln County Attraction!"
They do not try to mako jou believe you
can buy gold dolUri for 00 cents
To Whom it may concern:
Notice iu hereby Riven that tho part
norship liorotoforocxiBtingbotwMnL.Q.
Graham nntlJ.T. Wren, real estatoagouta
Red Cloud, NobraBkn, has boon dissolv
ed. Gjiahax fc Wiikn.
the depths of your heart
MONOGRAM, 90c Por Sack.
PATENT; 80c Per Sack
B. St 65c Per Sack.
At Deyo and Grice't
At Deyo and 0r!c's
At Deyo and Gric'
At Deyo and 6 rice' a
At Oeyo and Crice't
Farm Lomia.
For farm loans boo. A. II. Gray.
A pocket book containing notes and
small check. Papers aro of no value to
anyone excopt owner. Findor ploase
leave with H. E. Pond.
"A '
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iWUXSAMfSPSKrK "?lBBEf.iXr l1? , - rSM' wpj.