The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 25, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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Furnltfied by Our AbU Crps of
Country crrepondentef E.pcc
Ullr forjUf Hcder afTti Chief
School closes Friday, May 25, with
a pionio in Mr. Thorn's grovo.
Many tf the farmers are putting
their small grain ground into corn.
Miss Minnie Cauffman .is stopping
this weok with Mrs. A. P. Johnson.
Snyder and Toothaero started a fire
Saturday ia their first kiln of 85,000
Enterprising farmers of this vicin
ity shipped out two carloads of hogs
W. H. Fuller of Bed Cloud was in
town Tuesday making some repairs on
his building.
Quite a numbor of people from
Campbell attended Byran Bros, special
alo last Monday.
Quito a number from here attended
tho sohool exhibition at Plain View
Tuesday evening.
0. E. Ilioks and family and A. P'
Johnson and family drovo out to A.
Cauffman's Sunday.
L. B. Thorn returned last Thursday
from tho western part of the state and
reports it very dry.
W. M. Grannis, who was seriously
injured in a run away, wo aro glad to
say is ablo to be out in his carriage
B, Leo has turned his mill Iooho
and is doing lots of grinding to make
up for lost time and ontoh up again.
T. E. Munson hold tho luoky num
ber on the dishes at Hartman & Bur
den's, Tommy Riggins drew tho gun.
Mrs. Arohard who has been visiting
a few days with hor parents A. Cauff
inan returned to her homo at Wymore
Tuesday morning,
Jack Frost struok a heavy blow Sat
urday morning knooking out the fruit,
cutting down tho potatoes, eorn and
other vegetation.
Sanford Crozton shelled corn last
Mr. Dcnney's havo moved it to their
now house
Joha Kohnzack from near Bed
Cloud was visiting relatives in this
vioiuity Saturday and Sunday.
J. C. H aught and others shipped a
carload of hogs to Kansas City last
L. I). Wells has put up a now steel
tower and Arcniotor wind-mill at tho
house, from which he will irrigato his
garden and other shrubery,
Quite a number of yimng fellows of
this vicinity were down near Guide
Bock fishing last Friday and Saturday
but thoy had moro cxpcricnco than
fish when they came homo.
Willow 'creek.
Well, Mr, Hoiiner mostponplo don't
want to wriio only when thoy hare
good luck but I like cold weather so
my namo indicates but last night was
just six degrees too cod for all kinds
of vogotation as nearly everything
was killed by n hard freizo,
Mr. Hurvy Cux closed a vcrv suc
cessful term of school the 18th, his
sooond torm at Willow Crcok. Tho
Or. Price's Cream Baking; Powder
WerW's Fair Hlghwt MUI aa4 tHffoau.
$20 suits for $16. $18 suits for $14. $16 suits for $13. And by the way
Lots 6070, 6842, 3004, 3148, 6710 and 4483 at $13 are the best values
in men's suits ever shown in Nebraska. Suits from $13 to to three
dollars in endless varieties. Correct styles and colors in hats, either in
FUR, WOOL OR STRA W. We go any merchant one better in the
way of prices on Underwear.
A. GALUSHA, Manager.
patrons and pupils gave him a surpriso
in tho afternoon by bringing in eako
and ice cream which they ate by a
roaring fire. Harvy goes to southern
Kansas with his aunt, wo wish him
a joyous visit.
Dennis Finn is working for Mr.
Mr. Wildor's daughter, Mrs. Minnie
Jones, of Colorado arrived home the
Gth of May.
Grandpa and grandma Norris have
been very sick but are some better.
Bev. Stecloy was Visiting on the
orcok a few days ago.
Clem Bruner and Will Fraser, two
of Bed Cloud's students, Sundaycd on
tho ereek tho 13th.
Mr. Carpenter lost a valuable horse
awhile back. Manitoha.
Dry and windy at presont.
Tho frost Friday did a lot of dam
age. Most of tho farmers are through
planting corn.
Fred Fraso and wife returned from
Harlan couuty last Wednesday.
Walter Cox roturned from Repub
lican City last Monday.
Sylvester Frisbie is home again.
Mr. 0. C. Cox's sister and brother
returned to their home Saturday,
Tho meeting Sunday afternoon was
quite interesting.
Joo Saladon and family was visit
ing at W. Saladcn's Sunday.
Mr. G. W. Baker sold somo hogs
Ilarvy Cox went to Pittsburg, Kan
sas, Saturday to stay somotimo. Ho
will bo missed much by his many
Mr. and Mrs. Baker spent Sunday
in Red Cloud.
Elva Teaob worth of Guide Rook
is the guest of her sistor Mrs, C. H.
Mr. and Mrs. Knutson of Bluo
Hill spent Sunday at Mr. Cookrall's
Corn planting is over.
Somo small grain has been put in
Bain is much needed but tho early
corn is doing well,
Rov. EIwcll has ehanged his ap
pointment at Lono Star from evening
to morning, hereafter there will bo
Sunday-Bohool at 10 o'oloek and church
at 11.
Mr. Mark has been laid up for sov
oral da) s consequently business at
tho blacksmith shop is not booming,
Tho young people tripod tho light
fantastio at John Duvlin's on last
Friday night, Thoy all report a good
A hcayy frost last Friday night
which killed almost everything but it
did not oatoh Jayuawkkr.
Chas. Dlokerson and the MIjucs
Smith and Ward of Red Cloud were
visiting Mr. Stansor's last Sunday.
W. S. Hodson student of Burr Oak
high sohool was visiting Wm. Rich
ardson's last week.
Mr. A. J, Whito's were visiting Mr.
Lippincott's last Sunday,
Tho boys of Garfield aro organiz
ing a base ball club,
Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Gray of Bed
Cloud were visiting Geo, Amaok's last
Sunday. Jcmbo,
m- . Ill
Wo aro siok or at least our gardens
aro. A heavy frost last week tolls
tho talc and Jay Best had no pea soup
last Sunday.
Wo need rain for small grain.
Onion Creek has lost its bloom.
Com is a good stand and will make
a crop if wo have suitable weather.
Four delivery wagons aro run from
town to supply tho f armors, Undo
Tod says ho will start a wheelbarrow
routo this week if Jake Fuller will
lean him his punch.
Willow Crock can't blow on its roies
sinoo tho frost.
Sam Garber was on our streets last
week and bought a carload of wheat
for milling purposes.
Bcnard MoNony was in town Sat
urday and got done up by Joe.
Joil Turner faacd tho gun without
flinching 'Saturday night, bad guns
should not bo allowed oa tho streets
if loaded.
Strango how somo of our young men
aro attracted by tho oleotrio lights of
lied Uloud.
Wm. Good Is making somo nioo im
provements on his farm.
Shorty Burch had an accident last
week and Mr. Good had to buy a
Edd. Story furnished tho laugh for
tho boys Sunday morning trying to
rido his new bicycle, though ho was
thrown to tho uround and smitten in
in tho i'uco, he recovered and was led
away to take refreshments at Fuller's
Wo havo been informed that C. A,
Tool is expected homo from Furnas
county on account of his wife's illness.
Somo of our farmers aro talking ef
going to Oklahoma, after the corn is
laid by, to look at tho country.
Hopkins and Fuller wero not in the
deal on tho bioyclo, number seventy
was tho luoky number.
'Ira Paul's motto is, all things are
fair in love and war.
Jay Best wants tho boys te go fish
ing with him. Dihiiwasiieb.
The weather is very hot and dry
and if it don't rain soon tho email
grain will bo a failure,
Most of tho farmers are through
planting corn.
Barnoy and Richard Ring are pat
ting in oorn on the Steffen place.
Charlie Barrott has been laid up
with tho incnsols tho past week,
Wo aro glad to loam Dug Davis is
Laura and Edith Serivnerand Mary
and Samuol Mountford vititod at Mr.
Barrett's Sunday.
Mrs. Williams is home again after
her visit in Bed Cloud.
Mr, J. L. Graves is going to make
his pasturo hog tight. Jim is a xusll
or. Mr. and Mrs. Horton visited at
Mr. Mountford's Sunday.
Sunday-sohool every Sunday at Mt.
Hope. Sid.
feluto CrccK,
It is n littlo dry up hero though
tho crops are standing the drouth
well. Small grain .is bound to bo
short though wo will mako our calcu
lations on making that up on corn.
Wo was a little dry about a year ago
this timo and on the 30th had a big
Received their complete spring purchases this week. They
were given a pointer early in the season not to buy spring
clothing earlier than May 1. They acted upon this
advice, if and you will call at their store you will at once
that they did the proper
time this year. Some of the chronic
grumblers havo already commenced
Thoy say it has bcon dry for a whilo.
and now they fear it will sot in and
givo us a wot spoil.
Wo had Jack Frost to seo ub last
week. Clark Stevens said tho ioe in
his tank was as thick as a window
pain snd ho went to town that morn
ing and found Lew Hummel skating
on tho ice at the bridge.
Why don't 'everybody raise fruit
trccf. Chas. ArSncklo sayB he sold a
load of turnips for 15c per bushel and
gave $2 for apples last fall, A loud
for oao bushel.
Miss A. B. Wilson is home from
Beets, Neb., whoro he has been visit
ing for over a month.
Tho Mt. Hopo Sabbath school has
reorganized by the elootiou of Mr.
Cosbit superintendent, and A. B,
Wilson, assistant superintendent.
Ono man says plant pear trees that
they are as easy to grow as a cotton
wood trcos. Ho sot out 500 two years
ago and only lost twenty-fivo, and
think thoy will boar soon.
Wo will havo good roads now. Tho
township has bought a road grador
for 1200 and each road superintendent
can use it ono fourth of the timo.
Mcrt Fern lost a lino horso a fow
days ago. Ho had something liko
spasmodic cholera.
Decoration Day at Mt, Hope and
Webb cometcry bids fair to be a grand
sucocBS. Thoy have a fine decorated
wagon for a load of of littlo girls and
boys and four gentle horses to work to
it and a good safo driver. The door in
the back ond of tho wagon is provided
withastepway and is on hinges so it
can bo shut up and tho littlo ones can
not fall out. There will be a large
flag in the center and tho frame will bo
decorated with eight more. They will
have a splendid band of martial music.
Moot at sit, Hopo at 9 o'clock and dco
orate and by 10 procession starts for
the Webb cemetery, where they have
employed tho best of speakers and
havo dinner on the ground.
The Sorgenson boys havo sold their
fat cattle.
Mr. Berg was in our vioinity on
business Wednosday.
Mrs. Harvey and Mrs. Kolso were
tbo guests of Mrs. Coopor Sunday.
Chat Holyoross was tho guest of
Johnnio Marker Sunday.
Alferd Akcrs was hauling hogs to
Red Cloud Monday.
Joo Pavliook entertained soveral
guests last Sunday.
Rov. Bean was transacting business
in CowIcb Tuesday.
William Holmes Jr. was a pleasant
caller on Mr. Lambrcoht Sunday.
Claude Dovaugh was a guest of the
Ware and iiretliauor boys Saturday.
Somo of tbo farmers aro listing their
wheat ground Into corn.
Charley Sorgenson got sovorely in
jurcd by a horso. fulling on him Hon
Somo of our f aimers are contemplat
ing a trip to Missouri in tho near future
A goodly number of young peoplo
attended tho exhibition at tho Star
school bouse Friday cvoning.
The bsso ball team from our neitrh
borhood went to Bladen Saturday and
fi'.ayed the iilalonites but were da
caper in doing so.
Peter Hanson has got a new buggy
nothing liko it is there Peter,
Mrs. Amanda and Miss Daisy Wilson
were the guests of Mrs. Bean last weok.
Eight persons wero baptized at ur,
Lambrooht's last Sunday.
-e a in
Pleasant l'ralrlc.
Dry and dusty.
The greatest amount of corn plant
ed this year we havo over seen. It
is coming up aud Krowinir if it isdrv.
Com will nearly all bo planted this
Wo did not think times were qui to
so hard as thoy aro. Wo think a per
son is a littlo loss than a gontlcman
that will steal a man's clevis as ho
passes on the road.
Sunday-jchool every Sunday morn
ing at 10 o'olook.
District 41 closes a nine months
sohool on Friday.
No teaouor can mako a success of
a school unless sho takes care of tho
out sido of tho sehool house as well
as tbo inside
Farmers arebrcinnint: to think
small grain is a failure Ohccr up
tho rain is coming. Coxkv.
Weather oold and dry.
Fruit and small Drain damaecd bv
thu late frost.
F -itinera aro planting their wheat
fields to oorn.
Tho outlook for a good crop is very
'1 hero will bo a children h enter
tainment tho first Sunday in Juno at
tho l'vnny creek school house at 10
o'olook a. in.
Barklcy & Son of Rod Cloud have
taken tho contract of breaking ono
hundred acres ot pritine lor Mr. Sher
wood. Rev. Harlan will preach next Sun
day at Pleasant Dalo sohool homo at
U p. m,
Mr. blicrwood wis in Lino one day
this wock looking after hii farming
John Galbrcth has six acres of
petatoos planted.
Mert l'ern lost a valuable horso ono
day laBt week.
Vina and Mvrtlc Anderson wero tho
cuebts of Mr. Diokcrson ono diy last
Mr. Hutchinson and family wero
the guests of E, W. Anderson Sun
day, It. Lowis, wife and dauiditor visit
ed Penny creek Suuday soliool last
O. Merrill was in Lino one day last
week getting names on a potition to do
away with the commissioner system.
The wealth of this neghborhood b
good, tie sickness to speak of.
Mr Weaver is eti J I convalescing
under tho treatment of Dr. McKccby.
! ,,
Guide Itovk.
'Guide Rook is still moving with the
wind if wo did fail to appear last weok,
E S, Strickland has returned from
his trip through Missouri and roports
two inches of snow.
This is the lapt week of tho publio
sohool for 1801.
The frost Fiiday evening did con-
I siderablo damago to the small fruit.
Last Friday aight all the people of
Guido Rook and community were high
iy entertained by a game of freeie out.
How doth vacation time appear
And all its glories shine,
Behold the sohool boys digging bait
Or mending hie broken line.
Our cstimablo tcaoher Misi Carrie
Bill is soon to depart for Wiieoasia
where she expeots to make her fmture
homo. Sho will bo greatly misled by
the young peoplo of Guido Book.
May 28 is tho dato gives fer (be
elocutionist entortainaacnt ia behalf
of tho Ladies Aid Sooioty.
Hippety-hop to tho barber shop
To seo tho blooming rose,
It dusts your clothes and wipes yOBC
And thalH the way tho monef goes.
The Guido Rook barbers have done
their shop justice by cleaning up,
Guido Rook mado a raiso by build
ing a sido walk in front of J. A. Hayes'
Last Wednesday being Nrs. B. W,
Vior's 52d anniversary, in the even
ing a number of hor friends gathered
in and gavo her a surprise. Tbj
evening was passed in games and mu
sic, also the same cyening R. 8.
Proud fit gavo a progressive euohre
party. CltlOKKT.
Crooked Crook.
There was a danco at F. Stroble'e
Friday evening.
There will bo preaching at the Tea
nant sohool-houke Sunday evening.
Ed Dickson was planting corn for
Mr. Kcilior last week,
Mr, John Hoval and Mr. Kudina
killed G wolves last weok.
There was quito a crowd at the
preaching Sunday evoning,
Mr. Railior shiped a carload of hoga
to Kansas City Tuesday.'
Thero wls a party at Charley Gar
noy's Saturday evening.
Mrs. Rceco is at Mr. Dickerion this
Mr. Tcnnant and wife attended the
funeral sorvicos at Mr. A. Weideman'e
Elliot Hughes and wife wore visit
ing their parents Sunday,
Mr. Rcihcr was in Kansas City this
week. (
Mr. Dickson was hauling corn from
Kansas thiB week.
Mr. Grant has given up the idea of
going to Illinois, he thinks Nebraska
ib all right.
Most of the farmers are through
planting oorn ia this neighborhood.
Guy Tcnnant has beou helping Mr.
Diokson this week.
Mrs. Saulsberry who has been visit
ine at Mrs. Tennant's left Thursday
for Longment, Colorado, to bo preseat'y
at tho graduating exercises where her Hi
grand-daughter, licrtba MolVonny will
Died. Mr. A. Weideman died at
his homo Thursday, May 17. The
funeral cervices wero hold at the house
aftor which a largo number of friends
followed tho remaius to the grave
wliiro ho was laid to rest in tho Red
Uleud cemetery. Ho was 49 years
old and leaves a wife and four children
to mourn his loss, ho was also a mem
ber of tho Methodist church and a
good sorvaut to his master. The
family havo the greatest sympathy of
their many menus, , T, u. X,
. ",.TfH
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