.' lh Vf 0 THE REDTCLOUD' CHIRP, RED CLOtD; NEBRASKA,. FRIDAY, MAYM8, 1894. i THE CHIEF PubllihcdWeekljr. lubicrlptlon, f 1 Per Auhhm, Invariably In Advance II not paid In ndvance, nftr thin date March 18, I8z, th price will be ii.se. Intend at the font Office In Med Cloud, Keb., at mall tnatterof thciecond class HATKS Or AUTmiTllIKa rof. cards, I Inch or lew per year W 00 Is months.. , ' W Threw month " ' TAWBIKO ADVUBTIitMlim. far Inch one year.. gj rerlnehalx niontbi g Per inch three month.. "'IS HjieeUl netlers per line or line ipatt, Drat publication 5 eenta. ., , , ..... Transient snela1e. naiable Invariably In ad- ranee, per Uuo lu cents. . . , . ,. All reading: notices In the nature ot adrettlee- nente or pulls, ft cents per line. i-egai not ilenllnesof i.Mt for c Ut noUces at legal rates, vlit for a square fl.nllno. sf Nnnnnrnll nf l.l nrSt DUDIICailOn l.ooi for each subsequent publication, per eqnare. CO cents No' preferred pi osltten" contracts made elved at this offlc net later thai All matte nailer to Insure l tublloallon must be re ordered out for n Wednesday. weunesaa: Arivfti-tt.MitMila cannot be the current week later than Thursday, B. eV !tl. II. U. Tims Tabic. Tnklnn effect Dec, 3. Tralnscarrjlnir. passengers leave Red Cloud as follows: jAflr VIA nASTIN0St Mo. 1U 1'asscnxcr te Uaitlng :J0 p. in. Annua. Ko. HI Passenger from Hastings 11 :SS a. tn. KABTVIA WYMOItR Ko. ID, 1'asscnger to HI. Joseph Ht. Louts and Clilcaira dally Ili2na.ni, (101 NCI WE9T. No. IS 1'assciiKcrs for Denver, dally. B;69 p. m ALL PRINTED AT HOME UUNINCiS CARDS. ..............it......... ryi. J. S. EMIUU, t f 'Dontlil, Rid Cloud, Nebraska. Over Taylor's Furultare Here, Kitracts teeth without pain. Crown and hriduo work a specialty. I'oreelaln Inlay, and all kinds of Rold Blllngs. Makes gold and rubber platca aud cemblnatlen Slates, work guaranteed te be first-class. I W. TULLEYS, M. D. llotneoopathlc PbralclRa, Rod Cloud, Ncbraaxa. ORlco opposite Ylrst National Bank. II. H.Kxamlnlng Hurgeou. Chronlo diseases troated by mall. 0. L. WINPUEY, Auctioneer. Bed Cloud, Nidraska. Will attend sales at reasonable figures. Satis faction guaranteed. J" SMITH, Iiuurancc Agent, RED CLOUD, . NEBRASKA. I do a strictly farm Insuranoe and Invito all to see me. "ASE & McNITT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Moon Block, . RED CLOUD, NEB. Collections promptly attended to, and oorrcspondence solicited. D V TllUNKEY, Attorney at Law, Red Cloud, Nebraska. Office Up stairs, in Moon Blook, D 1'. HUTCHISON, Tonsorlnl Artist, 4th Avbnuk, - Red Cloud, Nbbbabka. Firot-olass barbers and Hrst-closa work earanteed Qiyo men call D. BTOFFEU, Fnslilouublo Barber, Red Cloud, Nebraska. I give my personal attention to my patrons, First-class shaving and hair cutting n specialty. QHAS. SOUAFFNIT, Insurance Aaxcncjr, Represents (lernian insurnuce Co , Freenort, 111. Koyal luiuinnce Co., Liverpool, England, ' Homo Fire Insuraucn Co., of Omahii, Nobr. . Fhoenlx AKiirnni'ii Cm ot tsiilclnn. Hnr. Te Manchester rlro AbsurauoaCo.oI'angland.' uruiiui5uiivm.'iM,o.,ct ionuon, r.ng. urllngtonlusumncoCo. of Ilurllngtou, Iowa, rltttk 'America Assrirjitice; Co. Toronto, Can. Hutu a 1 Heserve Fund (.lie As.tu.of N. Y. Ttia Workman Building and Loan Association Of Lincoln, Nebraska. Otlee over Mizor's Store Kkn Claud. - . Nbbrabra C. E. Putnam, Notary Puhlio, C0WLE8, NKUnABKA. Agent C3 Phoenix Insurance Co. OF liilOOKLYN. St. Paul Bankers Life Insurance Co. REAL ESTATE All businoss intrusted (o him will be promptly attondedto. Nolleu to 'leacuere. Notico is hereby given that I wjll eiamino all porsons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for teachers oftho public sohools of this oouuty, at lied Cloud on tho third Baturday of oauh month. Special examination" will be held on the Friday proceeding the 3d Sat urday of each month, The standing required for 2d and 3d grade certificates is the same no grade below 70 per cent,, average 80 per cent; for first grado eortifloate o grade below 80 per cent,, average 90 per cent, in all branches required by law. P. ,M. Hohtm, County 8upt Ono (rial will do moro to oonvinoe yon of the merits of Dr. Snwyer's Pastille than all wo can say. Lndlos. trynsample package. Hold by.'Ueyo it Urioe. I'lattflnioiith pooplojuo worriod over ttio nppenrunco offlinnllpox just across tho rivor In Iowa. CHURCHES. fiHIUSTIAN Church-Services Sunday atH v am A!il7:30pin:Hutj(lnyschoolrtiiaem Y rnuKattdOpm and Y t'HOKJnulersat ipm. CUNUHKMATIONAt, Church-Services at tot 30 am, and 7:30 umiHunday school at I lit am, YI'80 Kat:30pmand Vl'SOK Jua- lors at i p m MKTHODIHT Church-Service at 10:30 a. m and 7:30 p.m.. Kpwnrtli league at 6:30 p. m. Hunday Hcliool at ft ;.v) p. m. EriBCOl'AI, Clntrch-Hcrvlccs every two weeks, by appointment. T.UTIIISUAN Churcli-Kvory third Sunday - morning at 10 o'clock. rUTHOMCChurch-Hcrvlccs by appointment. IJAKriHT Church-No regular services, Hun '' day school (regular) at noon. II Y I U at 6:39 pin. CUAI'lilz-aundav school nt 3 p m every 8dn dnv. soch:th:s. O U V'.acli alternate Tuesday ovenlng. ' BKN Adlirm Ixiilgo No 180; 10 U KuveryMen day night. CAI.ANTIIK Lodge No 0, Knights of l'ythlas Thuridav evcnlnir. It I'D Cloud Lodge No raw. Moilorn Woodmen oi America, niternnin weunesuar oveninv VAU.KY Lodito No n, Frnternal Order of Pro tectors, first and third Monday of each month. CIIAIMTY Uxlio No 63 A Y aud A M eaea Friday ovenfiig on or before the full moon. RED Cloud Chapter No 10, HAH alternate Thursday evening. CYRKNK Commander No 14 alternate Thurt diy ovenlng. CIIAHITY Chapter Kastorn Star No 47 alter nato Tuesday evenlnir. CAUPII!t.1 Post Nn 80(1 A It Monday even- lim on or beforo the full moon. GAKFIKM) W it 0 No 14 meets alternate Sat nrdayatternoou. MAHY HKF.ItS McIIF.NRYTentNollUauiht- ore of Veterans Monday ovenlng. HH KALKY Camp No 23, 8 of V Tuesday eve nlnir. SIIFKMAN Circle No 3, ladles of the O first and third Saturday evening. A B UF.I) CLOUD rounetl No 18 LoyalMyttlo Leg ion ot America first and third Friday eve ning. OR. HATHAWAY & CO., SPECIALISTS.v (ItcRiilnr Ornduutci.) Are dm lending nnd moit lucccrtf ul epoctalttte and wlllKivu yuulielp. Young and mid die aged men. ItemnrktMo re mil. hntn follow i (I our treatment. Many ynura of experience Inlhcu.nof cure tlvo inrtliudi ihtt wc nlnneownind control for all dls onlcraur eaea who tio weak, undo- cmpcu or dis raicd organa, or wliu are aurlorlng rrum error or south ana cxceis orwhuarancrvoui and laaosient. tlio rrum of their iciiows ami ine contempt of their (rleuila and com- taauiirnntcetonll patient. If lliay can poailblr sc rvalnrr.t, our own csclu.lvo trcntmeat will nrrnril ncure. WOlir.NI Don't yon want to get cured of that wcnkiipa wltlin treatment that ou can uio at lioino wltliout In.trutnunt.? Our wonderful treat ment Las cured others. Why not your Try It r.VT.inmi. anil diseases of tho Ekin, Bleed, noarl, Lh cr and Ktilncys. flTPIIIT.IH-ThomnttMptil.aafn and effective remedy. A complete Curo Qunruntccd. HTCIVninnAHrN of all ktuds cured where muyuilicraliavo failed. VNV.vTrrtAi. uiflciiAitoKw rromptiy eiH'rillnHfow ila). iulrk, aura and safe. This !ncluilei Gleet nn J (lonorha-a. TRUTH AND FACTS. 7c tinvn cured ra.ca of Chronic Olicasea that ir o r.ill'M to tret cureil at the lianas of other apoclai. Manndmcdlial Institutes. tnntnn.. lpflf. . i'iiii Oon.ult no other, hi ion mar waits valuaLi HKUKMnRRthatthere la hope M ,ime Mitaiu uur irviiiinrnt uioncu. llewnreof freo ami rheap treatment. VTo give Miauctl antlinott aclentirii: treaimenl at mode rata i.rlrd-nilown. enn Ijo done for to and aklllful treatment. ritl'.K canaiiltiitlon at thaouicoor Xiy mall. TlioroiiRli examination and careful dlag. no.li. A homo treatment ran ho nl en Inn majority nfca.ei. Keml for symptom IIHnk Ko. IforMen; No. 1 for Women tNo. 3forHkln Dlira.ea. All corns itionilencenniwnreil promptly. Iluilneaaatrlctlyroa ftilentlal. Kntlrurreaimt'iitnent (reo from olncna llou. Itofcr to our patleats, bauka aud builacaa met Address or call 6n DR. HATHAWAY & CO., .J. K. Corner Mix th uiid Felix Hta., Hoomslaudl (tlpBtalnt) HT. ,inFPH, JJO. M. X, 0. W18f8 Uliva AHB BJAOr TUATXIirr i!,n,,i.Mnidor P8illro written noarantoe, by IyH of llriiln nnd Hcrvo I'owor: Lot Manhood Qulcknet Night lxWSi Kyil trenni.; Icko liSTjl? iif o; No70'lsn,i Lajltuilo; ell Uralns; Loaaof I'owerofthotlenorntlvoOrirnnHineUhiiF . ta Live, rtfis ouro"tUck ilemlVei;:" WiSSi Liver Complaint. KourHtomneh. nyeiwnaia ami ConaUjMtUon. UUAltANlKlia ImuXoW by Far Sale by Xfyo X Grlce. vrriin&fuiirnnTnniii..iirn vr.ir...l.i n...... w...... BEST LINE TO DENVER AND CALIFORNIA RsBaWaBv' 9IHHpiH &VntV7BBBU I 1 I SBKBJBJfffv wSK727ASBk I JKltF7 jr 'MSli.Bfc"- tfl NEW -frter'H rEB P.-- .iii' "'V f "."'on. loutnrui Krrora, or J;!fflw .V"? 'f Tobacco, Opium or Liquor. W, i0n m?b it" mlTK "nsuinpt on, Inwulty anil Death. Itv mn I. tin Im.i e.. .Jri.r. till inni.v.1 I... n... ,..,. GEN. WASHINGTON IXTENDEO HISTORY OF HI8 LIFE. Of the Flret nl I'nnioim I'realdcut ef the United Stutea by nn Itarly Writer Incidentd and Adventure or Ilia Lire. CHAl'TEH I. Or Georgo Washington's birth, family and edeuation Of his mission to the French commandant on tho Ohio in 1753 His military op erations as an officer of Virginia from 1754 to 1758 Subsequent employments to tho crmmonoo mont of tho American Revolu tion. Chapter 1 1753 to 1758. Tho difficulties of defending such an eztonsivo frontier, with so inade quate a forco, would havo chagrined almost any other man iuto arosiqna tion of tho command, but only exoit ed in bim grcnttr importunity with tho ruling powers, for tho correction of orrors. Tho plans ho proposed, tho systoms be recommended for con ducting tho war, displayed an uncom mon vigor of mind. He retired from the army with tho thanks of his regi ment, and tho esteem, not only of his couttrymon; but of tho offiecr of the British army: and what is particular ly remarkable, with tho undiminished confidence of tho frontier settlors, to whom ho was unablo to extend that protection thoy expected from his hands. They wero thoroughly con vinced he had made tho bcBt possible usoof his Bcanty means for tho secur ity of so oxtonsivo a frontier; and to tho weight of his advico in recom mending, and spirited co-operation in executing, tho ascribed a largo pro portion of tho merit of the lato suo- ocssful expedition against tho Fort Duquesno, an event from which they promised thcmsdvoi an exemption from tho calamities under which thoy had long labored. As a roward of his (gallant and patriotic services, he shortly after obtained tho hand of Mrs. Curtis, who, to a fino person and largo fortune, added every accomplish ment which contributes to tho happi ness of married life. Col. Washing ton, by tho death of his older brother Lawrence, had a few years boforo ac quired an estalo situated on tho Po tomac, called Mount Vernon, in compliment to Admiral Vernon, who, about tho year 1741, commanded the British fleet in an expedition against Carthagono, in which expedition Mr. Lawronco Washington had been en gaged, To this delightful spot tho laic cemmandcr of tho Virginia forces, released from tho cares of a military life, and in possession o.f everything that could make lifo agreeable, with drew, and gav.e himself up to domes tio pursujts, Thcso wero conducted Vith so much judgment, stoadincss and industry as greatly to enlarge and improve his estate. To them ho ex clusively devoted himself for fificou years, with the exocption of serving in tho houso of Burgesses of tho col ony of Virginia, nnd as a judge of the oourt of tho county in which he resided. In these stations he acquit ted himself with reputation, and ac quired no inconsiderable knowledge in tho 6cicnco of oivil government. During this period the clashing ola'ms of Great Britain and her oolonics wero frequently brought beforo tho Virginia legislature. In every in stance he took a decided part in tho ppositien mado to tho principle of taxation claimed by the parent state. Had Great Britain boon wise, the hiitory of Georgo Washington would havo ended hero, with thn addition that he died in the sixty-eighth year of his ajf,e, having sustained thiough lifo tho character of a good man, an excellent farmer, a wiso man of the legislature, and an impartial distribu tor of justice among his ncighborr. Very different was his destiny, From being tho commander of tho forces of his native colony, Virginia, ho was advanced to tho command of the arm ies of thirteen United Colonies, and successfully led them through a revo lutionary war of eight years duration, which issued in their establishment as thirteen United States, Tho origin of tbeso great events must bo looked for across tho Atlantlo OflAPTEK II. Retropcot of tho origin of tho Ameri cas revolutionary wai Of Geo. Washington n a tiiciucmber of Congress, in 1774 and 1775 As Commander in Chief of tho arm ies of the United Colonies in 1775 and 177G, and his opera tions near Boston in these years. chapter ll 1774 to 177C. Soon after tho peace of Paris, 17G3, a new system for governing the Brit ish oolonics, was adopted. Ono abridgment of their accustomed lib erties followed another in such rapid succession that in the short spaco of twclvo years thoy had nothing left they could oall their ewn. Tho Brit ish parliament, in whieh thoy were unrepresented, and over which they had no control, not only olaimed, but exercised the powor of taxing them at pleasure, and of binding tbem in all cases whatsoever. Claims so ropugnant to tho spirit of tho British constitution, and which made suoh invidious distinctions be tween tho subjeots of tho satno king, residing on different sides of tho At lantic, excited a serious alarm among tho colonists, Dctaohcd as thoy wore ffom each other by local residence, and unconnected in their sovoral leg islatures, a sonso of common danger pointed out to them tho wisdom and propriety of forming a now represen tative body, composed of delegates from each colony, to tako oaro of their common interests. With very littlo provious concert, such a body was formed and met in Philadelphia in September, 1774, and ontcred into tho serious consideration of tho griovancos undor which their constituents labored. To this Con gress Virginia deputed seven of her most respected citizens: Peyton Ran dolph, Riohard Henry Loc, Goorgo Washington, Patrick Henry, Riohard Bland, Benjamin Harrison, Edmund Pendleton; mon who would have dono honor to any ago or country. Tho samo were appointed in liko manner to attend a sooend congress on tho 10th of May, in tho following year. Tho historians of tho Amcrioan rovelution will detail with pleasure and pride, tho proceedings of this illustrious as sembly: the firmness and precision with which they stated their griev ances, and petitioned their sovereign to redress them; the eloquence with whioh thoy addressed thopcoplo of Great Britain, tho inhabitants of Can ada, and their own conatituonts; tho judicious measures thoy adopted for cementing unien at home, and procur ing frionds abroad. Thoy will also inform tho word of tho unsuccessful termination of all plans proposed for preserving the union of tho empire, and that Groat Britain, prooeeding from ono oppression to another, threw tho colonies out of her protection, mado war upon them, and carried it on with a view te- their subjugation. All thise matters, together with tho commencement of hostilities at Lex- ingtou, and tho formation of an Amer loan army by the colony of Ma3sa ohuBOtts, for defending themselves against a royal army in Boston, must uu uuru pusBou over, uur oustness is only with Georgo Washington. Tho famo he had acquired as commander of tho Virginia forces, together with well known military talents, procured for him tho distinguishing appellation of tho Soldier of America. Thoso who, before the commencement of hostilities, looked forward to war as tho probablo consrquonoo of tho dis putcs between Great Britain and Her colonios, anticipated his appointment to the supremo command of the foroes of his native oountry. As long as ho continued a member of Congress, ho was chairman of every committco appointed by that body to make arrangements for dofonce, Theso duties in tho Sonato wero soon superceded by moro aotivo employ ment in the field. As soon as the Congress of tho United Colonics had determined on making a common cause with MasBaohusotts, against whioh a British army had commenced hostilities, thoy appointed, by a unani mous vote, George Washington com mander ia chief of all the forces raised or to be raisod for, the defence of tho colonies. His election was ao companiod with no competition, and followed by no envy. Tlio samo gen eral impulso on tho public mind, which led the colonies to sgreo in many other particulars, pointed to him as tho most ptoper person" for presid ing over their armies. Soar Stomach, Headache, Dilonsnece, Jaundice, Drowiiness, General debilty ( nd Diabetes are oared bv Dr. Sawyer's Family Cure. Sold by Dejro & Qrioe, ' ' Row George Aloxundor died last weoU agod C2. Pleasant, safe, harmlosr, invigorating, restoring, healing and ouratlye, is what Indies will find Dr. Sawyer's Paatillea are' Try a sample package. Deyo k Dries. What is BKyJBWV VV V V V X VX.XX! VT. . XSt'tsfc'tsgsaa'aas'MMsVtt. VV VTrWVafcatfAayt llftaM Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric. Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays fovcrishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting- Sour Curd cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves tccMiing- troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach nnd bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cos toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend ' Castoria. " Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told mo of Its good effect upon their children." Da. Q, 0. Osaoon, Lowell, Mass. " Castoria Is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hopo tho day is not far distant when mothers will consider tho real Interest ot their children, and uso Castoria In stead ot tho variousquack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves.1' ' Da. J. F. KntcnzLOB, Conway, Ark. Tke Geataar Company, 17 If Slicrlil' Sale. Kotlco Is hereby clvcn that under ami by vir tue of an order of ttnlo Issued from the tffllce of C. II. Crone clerk of the district court at the 10th Judicial district, within and for Webster county, Nebraska, upon n decrco lu nn action pendliiK, therein, wherein the I'huMilx Insur ance company of llnitford Connecticut Is plain- nn iinu nKiuusi niiarri 11. liowe, .u.iriu.i ai. none, Mnniiwicii t'.nteriiruo comn.ii'y, Kan sas Manufacturing Company, First Na tional B.tnk of Miles, Michigan, Ilargrcavcs llrothirs. I'erklu Wliul-mlll ami nx comnanv nnd L. W. Tulleys trustee for K. 1. Hammond et hi, are defendants. I shall offer for enlent publlo vendue, te the highest bidder for cash In hand, ut the cast door of tlio court house, at Ited Cloud, In said Wehster county, Nebraska, (that being the buUdlug wherein tho last term of said court was holdvnj en the second day ot May A.i..18'Jl, at one o'clock p. m., of itald (lay, tno following des cribed property, to-wlt: Thosnuth-eiist quarter (soH) of section fourteen (M) lu township uuinu:r turro (J) norm 01 rango nuinuvr ten no) west of the blxtli 1'. M lu Webster county, Nebraska. (liven under my hand this SOtlt day of March A. I)., ism. J. W. RuKCHKV, Sheriff, WniniiTft Stout, l'lalntltt's Attorneys, The almvo sale was continued for want of bidders until dune 9, 1891. Dated this 4th day ur May, 1891. J. W.Hunchv, Sheriff, I Best Coimb Bjrup. Taatos Hood. TJeC I CURIS WH1HF AIL f ISf FAILS. in lima, pom oj uniRKiam. Here's the Idea Of tho Non-pull-out Bow The great watch saver. Saves the watch from thieves and falls cannot be pulled oft the case costs nothing extra. E3 The bow has a groove on each end. A collar runs down Inside the Rer ta lendant (stem) and ts Into the groove., rmly lockine the Ow bow to the pendant, ""'Li& - ao that it cannot be gpM ii0 pulled or twisted off. C7 Can only be had with cases stamped with this trade mark. Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases arc now fitted with this greet bow (ring). They look and wear like solid gold cases. Cost only nbout half as much, and arc guaranteed for twenty years. Sold only through watch dealers Ucmcm!cr the name Keystone Watch PHILADELPHIA. KIOTflRH H.BarA vn a ww "ilBBBBBBfl KCAVtAIMUtMARKs; W COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? rtromnt nmwnr and an honeit nnlnlnn. , For a M I) N N A; :., who havo had nearly Of ty years' experience tn tho patent builnosi. Communlra. tlon. strictly confidential. A Handbook ot In. formation concornlng 1'atent and bow to oh. tain t bom sent freo. Alro a catalogue of mechan ical and sclentino books .eat frco. Patent, taken tbroiigb Muon ft Co. receive special notico Intbo 8c (entitle Amerirnn, and tbae are broucht widely before tbo publlo with, pot con to the Inventor, Tbta .olendld paper, luued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, hu by far tho lareest circulation ot any scientific work In the wuriu. .. a jenr. pauipin i-omea Bern rrco. llulldlng Kdltlou. monthly, Sltt mica, vi.l eonta. KTorv nuuibvr copies, vSA cents. Kvory number contnlns beau iiiiuu. mummy, aiAua year. Hinnld Itllnln. hnitti.. tlfiil ulatoa. In colors, unit ulinti bouse, wltli plana, enabling builders to show the -IIUI platoa. In colors, mid iihotourai'lis of new Jatc.t dc.lj HUHN & CO, lliW YOUK, atil IlKOAI)Y' The CIV M3JJJIO ".u. TWO -CENT STAMPS vc will send you a Brilliant Gem of unusual color, K CASU and a copy finis .Kb rfS PIBill WMg Case Co.. t3K a fnntwp Rifl-VJKsaaJ .-r - ie m "The Great Divide, so you can sec what a wonderful journal it is, pro vided you name the paper you saw this in. Ifs a real Jewel we'll send you. j ADDRESS .THI WHAT DIVIBI, Dtnv.r, C.I Castoria. " CaitoriA ut ao well adapted to children that I recommend itassuperiortoanypreacrlpUoa known to me." n. A. Ancnia, If. D., Ul Bo. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. " Our physicians In tho children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their ouUldo practtco with Castoria, and although wo only havo among our medical supplies what Is known as regular ' products, yet we aro frco to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." UNITXD liOSrtTAL AND DlSPIHSABT, Boston,) At f.v O. Rmm. IV. . ' - --., . array Straet, Near York City. D. B. Spanogle, Real Estate and L.oan Agent Red Cloud. Ho, There Farmers ! Hitch Up ! nt brre yen ! come arouB J.0.Butler' Marucii iboi and buy n new ! f hand.innde Imt-neia. Have reduced till Koodi In the liar. eii lino. Here ttra a fw mt our prlcci: $32.00 hnrnoBB for 930M 30.00 " 29 - 28.00 ' Q7f 27.00 ii rytna 20.00 " ' 25,00 And all goods in proportion. All work - guaranteed IicjuiiriiiR nnd trlmmln one on short notice J. O. Butler. Partis LiOBis At Less Tliati , raaHa VHBBBBJrBBPjYuV WSlA8BBBflBBBBBBBBB LJK!iaaBjr5BaTtiSSBar-alaaaaV l2HNM!lKlHaH BaaBH'-fillRvlilvBaalaW 7 Pqv cent E. A Siitipsot, Blae Hil Neb. r it J V if 4 fcfi .