The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 18, 1894, Image 1

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All Home Print.
aturday, - TWonday, - Tuesday, - Aednesday, - Thursday, - Friday,
We want money
2000 yards
Best Quality Calico,
Only Bo. Nice spring styles,
All our Blauk and White, Sil
,cr Gray and Indigo Bluo Uuli-j
co at no during this ealc.
1000 yards
Best Quality
Light Shirting.
Prints at 4c pel yard.
1000 ards
Best Quality
Checked Ginghams.
Only !id per yd. Ono lot of
Dress Giushains only 4o per
vuid 1000 yards Dress Ging
hams that arc usually sold for
10c, wo are going to soil at 5c.
I-repm-cil nuil rumUlicd for Special
Pabllrulloii In llio lied Cloud
Cliltf by W. 'I. I'oNtcr.
CopjrlKlitvil In 1S0I by W. T. Foster.
St. Joseph, Mo, May 18th. My
last bulletin gave forecasts or the
storm waves to cross the continent
from May 22d to 23th, and the
next will reach tho Pacifio const
about tho 2Gth, cross tho western
mountain by closo 27ih, (ho great
central villcys from 28th to 30th, and
tbo eastern states about tho 31st.
This disturbance will causo rains
over largo poitions of tho United
States, and prospects for good crops
will largely incioase. Not much rain
immediately cast of tho Rockies.
Tho warm wave v-ill cros3 tho west
ern mountains about (ho 20th, tho
great ucntral vullojs about tho 2Sih
and the eastern states about tho 30th.
Tho cool whvq will cross tho western
mountains about tho 20th, tho great
central valleys about tho 31st, and
thu eastern stales about Juno 2d.
Juno will bo favorable togoodcrors
except immediately cast of tho Rook
ies. Tho first half of tho month will
avcrago wanner than tho laat half,
and altogether the whole month will
aveu"0 closo t tho general nvcrago
totnpcraturi. fiir Juno. Tho,
as a general i.voivgo for the United
States, will bo gronter than usual.
For local dct'iils send stumped hiiJ
addres!cd envelope.
McOuiro sny?: "Ii scent", on tho
whole, that light cannot x'st with
out matlot.' That matter is cs-cntinl
Eternal Vigitafice is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is
and we are going after
Turkey Red
Table Damask,
Only IGAo per yard. Special
bargains in White and Un
bleached Table Linens at 25,
30,35.45 and 50c. Onolotof
Wool Challies
Regular price 25c per yd, sale
price 12c,
25 dozen
Ladies' and
Children's Hose.
Thcv arc in fancy colors but are
worth from 10 to 20c, sale price
5c. Spcoial values in
Ladies' Vests
at 5, 8 andl2Jo.
and see us, we have piles of bargains in which we can save you money.
to tho electrical current appsprs from
tho fact that no current and no spark
will pats through the most perfect
vacuum. Without matter there is no
Thcso statement from a standard
authoiity constitute strong evidence
sustaining tho theory that light is a
local effect produced by electricity
and matter. If this theory bo truo
the liht and heat of tho sun never
rocohed our earth while the light in
tho nttuosphcto of our earth is pro
duced by currents of electricity from
tho sun and other heavenly bodies
coming in contact with tho matter
composing our atmosphoro.
In tho oleotriu aro lamp so called
booauso tho electric current forms
an arch between tho carbons tho
light is an effect of a rapidly moving
electric current coming in contact
not only with tho air, but also with
pirticlos of eaibon torn from tho car
bon pencils and consumed by the
heat of that current.
Many experiments indicato that in
all classes of eltctric lights, or
sparks, tho light occurs whero tho
electricity comes in contact with or
whilo it is carrying diffused raattot,
Bitch as the atmosphere, dust particles,
otc. This is iu accord with tho
theory that when tho elcctrioity of
tho sun, coining to tho earth
which corresponds with tho namo
electricity sttikes our ntuiosphcro,
then, and not otherwise, light and
hrat result.
Eloctrioity is conducted moro
readily by n cold than by a hot body.
At absolute zero about 300 degrees
dolow Fahrenheit zero tho electric
current passes most readily, whilo
heat cannot pass through a cold con
Red Cloud, Webster County,
it with Big Bargains in
1000 yards of
Soft finished
Bleached Muslin
At tic This grado is usually
sold at 9 and 10c. Good qual
ity 41 Unbleached Muslin only
ic. Onolotof
30 inch
Checked Shirting
At8joper yd, usually sold at
10andl2c. Extra Values in
Cottonades and Jeans,
at 15, 18 and 20c. Special
bargain in
Men's Balbriggan
Shirts and Drawers
Oiily 25o. Sec our Mon's Over
shirts. Wo havo a nico line
and can savo you monoy.
ductor except by heating tho con
ductor as it goes.
Thcso facts lead to tho conclusion
that light and heat cannot pass from
tho tun to tho earth, and if this the
ory is onoo established a doubt will
be thrtwn on the supposed evidences
of tho spectroscope,
Within our own atmosphere, whore
light from a burning objoot can act
ually reach the telescope, the spec
troscopic attachment will divide up
that light into its original color--as
sunlight is divided to form tho rain
bow and that divided light will in
dicato what tho burning material is.
But if tho light in our atmosphoro
caused by tho sun ia from currents of
elcctrioity, can it bo posstMo that
those ourronts will indicato what is
burning iu the sun to cause sunlight?
Ccitaiuly not probable.
Tho spcotrojcopists claim to havo
evidence, by analyzing tho sun's
rays of light, as to tho metals that
aro burning in tho sun, producing
sunlight, and moro attention is now
being giyon by astronomers to tho
spoctroscope, and a gicatcr outlay of
monoy, than to all other branches of
Thoy havo buildcd a beautiful tho
ory, are vow building immenso spec
troscopes, and tho heads of scientists
aro being turned absorbingly to astro
physics by tho light that is supposed
to roach ut from tho sun nnd stars,
telling us of those nom-ending Bros,
hovon times hotter than Bcelzabub's
Hut they havo proven too much.
A burning tun whoso fuels aro (ho
hardest ot motils sounds too muuh
iiko tho worship of pagan idols that,
must bo regularly fed on tho best of
c ho land,
Neb., Friday, May 18,
Dress Goods, Calicoes,
Carpets, etc,
Wo tarry a full
lino of tbo G. D.
Chicago Waists
and G. D. Coriiets,
Thoy always fit.
Our 50o sum
incr corset is the
best wo havo ever
Full lino of
Also spcoial val
ues in
Wo havo the
Chicago Waist
inado up in tho
summer stylos.
Thoy aro very
nico for tbo warm Thi oVcmicaoo" wht
wcaencr. oAn-DowNtco,,mr,
These great spoctroscopes will yet
bo found as useless as was Robinson
Crusoe's canoe, unless it is provon
that tho clectrio currents carry with
them tho colors of tho bodies from
which thoy come.
Along this lino of thought it it be
ing claimed that we do not sco tho
sun but rather the oono of light with
in our atmosphoro and within tho
more extensive clcctro-sphoro that
rui rounds our earth, It matters not
whether this idea has any basis in
truth, it and many other theories ably
advocated indicato an unrest in tho
minds of scientists, showing that tho
old dark ages theory of a burning
sun with heat Massing from sun to
earth is rapidly giving way, and that
tno scicntittc world is at sea on this
Ileal I'Ntnte TruiiNfcrti.
Real cstnto trrnsfors for the weoU end
ing May 12th, f urnlshoel by tho Fort Ab
stract company, bonded (instructors:
Win. Roea to F H unil W R
Lowis undivided halt w so qr
and o i h 14 hw f R--'J wil. . .8 800 00
Aelol Dooloy to llorman Rein
ing sH n w H no . 25. 1 -9 wd . . . . 300 00
R 1) Hedford to Goo O Vciuer
bo qr 1.1 .'Ml wd 1000 00
1)1) Minor to A H Clark nK
so K 22 2-11 and b f i-o qr unel
lota 7 nnd 8 sec 12.1-11 qoit GOOO 00
Dun S llratton to Francis C
CioLlo lots 7 und 8 and o U eo ur
lli-l-ll 72 00
C 11 & Q R It to Jns (Jhovulier
n w qr ri-3-12 wd 1209 00
Win A Garrison to David
Smith lot 1 bile 20 liluo Hill qcd 1 00
Silas Gurbor to Luoy Gulllfard
iota 18 and 19 bile 27 wd 250 00
Lincoln Land Co, to MokkIo V,
Hollistor lots 3 und 1 bile 11 RR
Add wd CO 00
Lucy Gulliford to Chun 11 Pot
tor lots 1H-19 bile 27 wd noo 00
Mary F Ilontley to Lueindlu
A j res lots 20,21 and 22 bile 11
Smith and Mooro'n add wd .... 800 00
Maribu 10 Olinstcnd to Lueln
din Ajreo lots 1 aiul2 bile Inu
valo wd 100 CO
Total $9913 50
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
A Pur flfap Crc of Tartar Powdr.
w m
the Price of The Chief.
Ginghams, Muslins, Shirtings, Hosiery.
Dress Goods.
During this salo wo will givo
20 per cent discount on all our
Wool Dross Goods.
Wu have an elogant line of
Spring Goods,
And this moans that you can
buy a nioc Wool Dress very
cheap. Spooial Bargains in
Fine Satincs
Newest patterns, from 10c up
iu iuo, special values in
Canton Cloths,
Shantong Pongees,
Llama Cloths.
Wc are going to olear them all
out during this sale.
Piirnthlicd liy ('uuiy NiiparliiltnUaiil
D. Itl. lluulor.
Tho tcachcrd' mooting at Dladon
last Saturday was well attended.
Tho paper upon tho subject "Tho
toachcr as a character builder," read
Miss Mtiry Faiquhar wbb good. Near
ly all tho teachers present took part
in tho discussion of tho various sub
jects on tho program.
Somo of tho Bladen pupils enter
tained tho nudionco with some selec
tions of music.
Tho recitat:on in language conduct
ed by Miss Aimco Roth was well re
ooived by the tcaohors and brought
out somo earnest discussions.
This is tho last tcaoher'b meeting of
the school year.
The following reports havo been ro
ooived: DIat. Teacher V.n Av at
8 J. U.Hoover ID 1(5
18 A. W. Richardson 20 10
20 MinnioA. Yensou 35 11
27W.H. Grant 2G 20
29 M. Katio Noblo 10 0
31MaudoMock 1!) 15
DINanoyMay 38 27
Schools that will bo in session at
tho timo should obscrvo Decoration
day with appropriato exercises.
On last Tuesday evening a very in
teresting educational meeting was
held at liluo Hill. Priu. John F.
Curran has bocn conducting patrons'
meolings cnoo a month sinco ho has
had oharcro of tho Bluo Hill schools,
Thcso meetings havo all been suc
cessful and havo been the uicaus of
increasing an intoictt in tho educa
tional work of tho town.
Tito recitation conducted by Prof,
Vol.21. No. 43
- Saturday. I
and Oxtords.
Although wo have always told
our ladies shots and Oxfords
very cheap, wa are going to tell
some of them still obeaptr.
One lot of Oxfords at
Regular prico 1.50.
One lot ot Ladies'
Shoes at $1.50.
ncguiar pnoe ?z.uv, also big
discount od finer goods. All
our Ladies
Spring Jackets
and Capes,
At half price. We are btund
to clean them all oat. Alto
special Bargain! in WAIST8.
Curran on "Tho Earth's Crust" showed
that the pupils ot tho class had gitei
the subjeot careful study and that
they havo a tcaohcr, a master of hii
Excellent papers were read by
Misses Clara E. Hoover, Mary E.
Bcalo. Miss Iva Skolton helped the
members of tho high school choir with
the music,
Several of tho patrona and members
of tho board mauo soae fitting re
Tho high school room was full of
patrons, pupils, officers and teachers.
All seemed pleased with tho exeroisis
of tho evening, and no doubt, all were
benefited by it.
Illiiu Hill will build an addition U
their high school buildinc this sum
An Iowa woman bus named her twia
daughters Queolino und Kerosene, Tho '
old man's namo is probably Poteltoleum.
wo nope tno babies will grow, up a pir
udlno (iris. Tho man who marries into
Hint family will strike oil, but wo fear
sparkiuc in tho immediate neighborhood
! as tho girls would be vory dangeroua
pant timo. Xjator: A man named Nap-
poppou to one or tno gins una ho bub
benzine since. Ex
A cream of tartar baking powder.
Highest of all in leavening strength
Latest United States Government
Food Report.
ICoyal Buklng l'ewdcr C,
! Wall It. N. Y,
r uiruci - m
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