The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 11, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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m . ttu ' i nm Wfc yr?rrLr.z " ni.i'w'.rT ur
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aE3i33BrmaKaoifc-'-sto- jt.i jgnnryTnni 'tm -tnrm : m '-. -- , ,.
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I Docs Not Cost Anything
To try Parks' Hiiro Cnro. A speclllo
Aure of nil dlflonsos peculiar to women
Ssk yonr druggist our guarnatoed plan.
ooU by O. L. Cutting.
Howling it Co, will romovo thoir gro
eery fltock to Mission Hill, S. D.
"loiri Tolmvro Spit or Nmoko
our Lire Away."
Tbo truthful. Bttirtllng title of a book
about No-to-bnc, tho only harmless, guar
anteed tobacco-habit cure. If you want
to iilt nntl can't, u "No-to-bno.'
BracoB up nlcotlnlzod nerves, eliminates
nicolino poisons, million weak men gain
strength, weight and vigor. Positive
euro or money refunded. Hold by C. L.
Hook nt druggists, or mailed froo.
Address Tlio Sterling Remedy Co.,
Chicago odlco, 15 Randolph St., Now
York, 10 Spruco St.
H. K. IIugho.1 added n llnoof wall popor
to his Block of goods nt Mnrquolto.
J. W. Ifnlloy of llatnvin, N. Y., Conduc
toonN. Y.C. Hallway, and ono of tho
Weit known men on tho rond says of Parks
Tea: For t.n years I have found nothing
of lasting value. Henrlng bo many tnlk
ng of Parks' Ten I tried tt without much
hope. Tho first dose moved my bowels
aslly and now I urn cured. It workB
ilko mngle. Sold by C. L. Cotting.
O. F. Harlan lina bought n drugstore
nt Cook, and tukoo possession in May.
Buckingham's Dye for the Whlflkers is
a popular preparation In one bottle, nnd
oolorfl ovonly n brown or blsok. Any per
son can e'nslly apply It at homo.
Pllelderor Uron. havo nold their con
fectionery biiHincis to J. B- Kimmol.
Piles of people Be nd a to I ho Hallor
Prop. Co., lllnir, Nebr., for a sample box
of Australian Salre, and n box frequently
oures a caso of pilon. For sale by Deyo
k Urice.
West Point has tho lines laid for a
augar factory.
8 10.00 Ituwttrd
Far tho man who stole a bottle of Unller's
Barb Wire Liniment from my barn last
Friday. I can't get along without it. For
sale by Deyo &, Grioo.
It. J. Dwyor of Clreoley line boon callod
to Donvor by the illnosa of his wifo.
Diokrns made himself Immortal with
his Plokwlok" and "chops" and tomato
anuoe.'' If ho had lived in theia days ho
would bnvu naid Bailor's Suro Ours Cough
Hyrup instead of "chops," etc. For sale
by Deyo & Grioe.
Dorby.t Neoloy's ntoro nt Bolhvood
was burglarized last wook.
From North Curollnn.
"Wo-uun want you-us to no, tbut we
nus tnok three boltlcs uv Bailor's Sas
prllla an' got olar oursd of biles. We-uns
livo nt Uill'n Korners, Norf Caraiin, an'
we-uns don't keor if you-uns no wo-uns
did uev biltj. For Halo by Deyo k Grioe,
S. C. Roberts has bought Thompson
Uroa. restuurant at Tablo Rock.
Louis Bradford has sold his lumbor
yards at Weston and Malmo.
Cure for llvailnchc.
As n remedy for nil forma of headache
Eleolrio bitters tins proyed to be the very
bost. It efToots a permanent ouro and tho
most dreaded hnbilual Bick hendnche
ysild to Kh influence. Wo urgo all who
ars ulllioted to proouro a bottle, and givo
this remody n fair trial. In cases of
hnbitusl constipation Kloetrio Hitters
onres by giving the needed tone to the
bowols, and fow onsen long resist tho use
of this uiodioino. Try It onoo, Largo
bottles only fifty conts at 0. L. Cottlng'a
A. R Harrington bus sold his general
merchandise Btoro nt Honodict.
Dr. Snwyor's Family Curo It not only
relievos; It cures. It is suitable to all
ngta and every member of the family.
Try a free sample Sold by Dyo k Griee.
E. V. Zimorer him gone into tho stovo
bueinesa at Sutherland.
It not only will please you, bat yon will
use nothing oUo after trying it.- Vo refer
to Dr. Sawyer' Family Cure. Ask your
druggist for free sample. Deyo & Orlco.
Girardot A. Unions gonoral inordinate
nt Weeping Water dissolved partnership.
Dr. Sawyer's Fnmlly Curo invgorntes,
strengthens, recuperates, rebuilds rQatores
and brings now life. Auk you druglst for
n froo sample, Sold by Doyo & Grioo
Jacob Broiuor linn micccedud W, J.
Healon in tho iiupleuivnt biiBiness nt
If dull, splrilh'ns nnd stupid; If yonr
blood Is thick nnd sluggNh; If your ap
petite is ciiprieloiM nnd uueertnin. ioii
need a S'lrsnpnrilln. .For best resul's
take DoWltt's. It recommends itself. 0.
L. Cotting.
C. CI. Carpenter .t Co. havo bought thn
Homo Lumber Co.'h business at Minden
Biiut'.MATiHMC'uiiKDjN a D.w. "Mystic
Cnro" for Rheumatism nnd Nournlgln,
radically cures in 1 to !l days. Its notion
npou tho syHtom is remnrkablo nnd mys
torlo.n. It reiunveH lit once tho cause
and the dUeaso Immediately disappehrri.
Tho Unit dose grontly bunetlts, "fiolH.
Hold by Deyo & Grlec, DruggistH, Heel
Clond. tf
I II " ' I II '!
Honipel limn, purchiibed tho coal bus
iness of T. Clark at Plattsiuouth.
IViiiiiiiirtill Hull Cui'lur
Will keep tho Hnlr in onrl tho dninpest
Wfnther. Every bottlo poMtivey gnar
a'nleod by Deyd & Grico.
Xhe Mnnjr Itnpiiniln ir .Seven I)j- He
ilurrd frnm CIiiliiinin tf I.Impi Kvery
thlriK lint Kni'ts i:ilniliiiteil Vur Our
ltvailers' Coiituiilcnri'.
Tliuriilny, .liny a,
Tho state of Tciiiiimspo has completed
the sale of bonds for fl.OUO.WX).
C. W. Buckley of .Montgomery, AIn.,
was elected comuiamler of the stute de
pailnientof the . A. U.
The council at Oikaloosa, In., has llxed
the suluon tax at tl,W.
John Studenmeyer, a clKarmnker, was
robbed by footpads ut Dubuouo, Iu.,
of WOO.
Charles N'eoble, potmaster at Soldiers'
Grove, Wis,, was arrested, charged with
robbing tho malls.
A now Jury wns secured In tho trial of
the bank wreckers at Indianapolis and
tho case reopened.
Fifty members of tho board of trade of
Oclwelti, In., have gone on n trip In the
northwest to Invite Investment In that
Four homes, valued at $1,000, wcro
killed by lightning at Bloomlugton, Ills.
Peter Stuckey, their owner, was Injured,
but uotHcrlotiHly,
A grand lodge of tho Degree of Honor
lodges of Illinois was organized nt (Sales
burg, Ills. It is a part of tho Ancient Or
der of United Workmen.
Charles It. Ilnrimin twin,..- T .-!..!.. ......
ofbnglnaw, Mich., has entered the .lew-
isii cnurcn in order to marry Miss Jennlo
Art, who refused otherwise to accept him.
Captain Samuel Dodd, muste-t of tho
government lightship at White Shoal,
Mich,, has been leported wife at Glen
Haven. Ills willbont cnpsl.ed Sunday
and It was thought he had drowned.
The supremo court at Madison, Wis.,
nlllrmed the decision that ex-Treasurer
Guenther should pay 7 per cent interest
back to the state up to tho time the re
duced rate, 0 per cent, went into effect.
"Heddy" Wilson, lynched by n mob nt
Missouri Valley, In., for killing Marshal
Whitney, had upctit 17 years of his Ufa In
Astronomer Hill of thu untlonnl naval
observatory has sighted thu comet recent
ly discovered by Professor Galo nt Syd
ney, X. S. W.
Friday, Mny 4.
Tho grand lodtfo Tennessee Knights of
Pythias met nt Nashville.
Miners nt Delamar, Ida., went on n
strike becnuso their wages were cut.
Brick laborers at Fort Dodge, In., have
had their wages restored from $1,135 to
11.50 n day.
By n vote of !'03 to 4(1 tho miners In tbo
Northern Pnclflo railway mines ntltoslyii,
Wash., resolved to resist u L'5 per cent re
duction lu wages by Htrlklng.
Governor Altgeld Is buck at Springfield,
lu greatly improved health.
The congressional contests in Testis are
becoming very Inteiei.tlng.
The Portland (Or.) Savings bank, which
closed Its doors last July, 1ms resumed
A syndicate has been formed to work n
lartre liodv of orn iiiiilnrKliii. ...-..-ti.,..
the city of Lcadvlllo, Colo.
Michigan State Medical society mut nt
Lansing with SO papers on the program.
Saxon ntMihiini. ii vimiiif 1lmIi...Uu .......
was drowned at Muscutlno, In., by the up.
setting nt n sailboat.
President Hrldiniinn of H.imlli... .,,.!.
verslty, Methodist, has been called to the
rii-m. rresnyicriiin enurciwit Minneapolis.
Harrv G. llrvimt. iimli.p (In. m.u, ,!,.
the Geological club of Philadelphia, will
lean an nrcuc expedition to eitect thu re
turn of Lieutenant Peary.
TllP LU'lHTIll collfernlieit nf liu r..ll,...ll.f
church, south, opened at Memphis, nil the
iu uiHiuips ucing present.
A boy was carried out of n circus euter
tnlumcut nt Clinton. In.. wniri.i-ii,,r .,iti,
smatlnox. llmulri'iU uvni .,..,1 ,.
geuerul outbreak Is feared.
Oscar 'lownsend, general mnnnger of
the Cleveland, Lorain and Wheeling rail
road, died at Cleveland.
George K. Fitch, part owner of The Call
nud Bulletin of S.ui Francisco, has asked
the courts to appoint a receiver and order
tho immediate sale of those two dally
Suiierlntendunt Ktiumi it tin, l....i.
grant bureau Mated thu immigrants who
iiiuiMirrivcii nt mis country with orders
for western points on the defunct Scan
dinavian and Finland Immigration com
pany of New York eantiot in justice to
themselves nud tho steamship companies
bo deported.
SMiinlny, Mny n.
I'eter Anderson, ono of Coxey's nrmy,
has fallen heir to a large estate In Sweden.
Arguments for and against the 8-hour
law were made before the Illinois supremo
Daniel O'Boylowas struck and killed
by n train near Lost Nation, In.
J. II. Ferguson, n grocer of ll.iy City,
Mich., was struck by lightning nnd lu
Mantly killed.
Closing arguments In the Cadwallader
einbe.ilemeut case weru begun at Madi
son, Wis.
Dr. .T. II. Bates, a leading physician at
Chicago, charges tho board of health of
that city with incompetency.
In a quarrel about renting n piece of
laud, (leotgu Kills shot and killed bis
brother, GUI! Kills, t Osawntomle, Kan.
Mrs. Mary A. UuIIhoii of St. Joseph,
Mich., committed suicide bv hanging.
Kim una M years old. Family trouble
was the cause.
Tho annual scsslnu of the Con
gtegatlonnl association convened at Km
pori.i. The meeting will continue through
Big land owners have entered Into a
project to straighten the Kankakee rlvir
and reclaim vast tracts of marsh lauds.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Stliiipsun B. Gardiner of
Clinton, la., celebrated their golden wed
ding. They were married ill Pen Van, N.
Y May !.', 18H, and went to Clinton iu
The United States Me unship Hanger
has been unified not to sail for Port
Towns-end Just yet, ami may be Bent to
The grand lodge, Knights of Pythias, of
the Jurisdiction of Arkansas will meet at
Hot Springs Tuesday.
A well-to-do New York business man
wns arrested nt thu home of Archbishop
Corrigan because of his strange actions,
which caused his sanity to bu questioned,
W. S. Gordon, iH years old, a convict,
Jumped from tho top gallery of thu west
uiuiiiiuuou uis tiiv uwituv jii iouii itiiu wns
Helnheld Itelblo was fined 5100 nt Madi
son, Wis., for expressing nil opinion on
the merits of the roster case while ho wns
serving as a juror.
Mrs. J. W. Blake of Mexla, Tex., u pa
tient nt the sanitarium at Hattle Creek,
Mich,, jumped from n fourth story bal
cony and was futnllj Injured.
The report of the Jenkins investigation
committee rebukes the Judge for issuing
his fatuous orders, but does not recom
mend Impeachment.
Mnndny, Mny 7.
The differences between ths heirs and
executors of P, T. Itanium's estate have
beon amicably settled.
The Jury In thu trial of Hanker Shove at
Sheboygan, Wis., wns discharged, having
been unable to agree.
In the Iowa High School nswclntiou
concerts ut Algona, Will Galbralth won
tho oratorical prize and Nellie Flick tho
John W. Peel, ono of the organizers of
tho stnto of Arkansas, is dead.
Springfield, Mo., is preparing to send a
carload of provisions to Coxey's nrmy.
Lehman's Opera House building nt Hig
glusvllle, Mo., wns burned, entailing u
loss of f 18,000.
Colonel W. C. P. Breckinridge opened
his campnlgn at Lexington, Ky., Satur
day nnd was given an ovation.
A repieNcntntlveof Kngllsh capitalists
having fcro.UOO.OOO Invested In this country
Is In Topekn Investigating tho water sup
ply company In that city.
The judges of St. Clair county, Mis
souri, who havu lulu iu prison so long
rather than obey Judge Phillips and levy
n tax to pay n railroad debt, havu re
signed. An nnrlvnled collection of agricultural
and mineral products from Missouri, Kan
sas, Oklahoma and other western states
and territories Is ubout to be shipped to
Tuesday, Mny 8.
The trial of Coxey, Browuo nnd Jones
Will bo concluded today.
Senator Wolcott of Colorado Is expected
homo May 15.
Governor Matthews dedicated a prison
chapel nt Michigan City.
Pat Mooney, a New York hotel porter,
found 15,000 in nu old trunk.
St. Mary's Polish Catholic church wns
burned at Chicago by incendiaries.
A sheriff and n county clerk lu the
Cherokee Strip have tradeil olllccs.
Arrangements for the distribution of
Cherokee bond money have been mnde.
John L. Webster Is out as n caudldntu
for United States senator from Nebraska.
landing physicians of Chicago criticise
the health department for luelllcleucy iu
dealing with .smallpox.
Wichita and Newton, Kau., nro having
n row becnuso the latter threatens to tap
thu former's water supply.
Max Meyer, n New York merchant,
while Insane, jumped from a fourth-story
window anil died two hours afterward.
A horse which has killed three men has
beeu sent from Iowa to New York to bu
tamed by a noted horse tamer.
Government officials at Kansas City nro
getting numerous letters complaining of
thu operation of swindling lottery com
panies. Tho special census of LeMnr.s, Ia.,shows
It has a population of 5,800, bringing the
city under the provisions of the new saloon
It Is nald Senator Wolcott of Colorado
has been offered tho position of general
counsel of the Now York Central railroad
nt a salary of $50,000.
It. G. Smith, n well known citizen of
St. Joseph, Mo., was arrested on n charge
of passing countefrelt mouey nud con
fessed tho crime.
Kdwnnt Bellamy Indorses tho common
weal movement nnd says It is tho begin
ning of a rising of thu iiiiissesngaiust gov
ernment of tho money power.
Wotllieitiliiy, Mny O.
Eight inrge corporations lu Indiana
have been sued for taxes.
Unndnll's army of Chicago Coxeyites
had n row and separated nt Valparaiso,
The grand lodge of United Workmen
begun Us session at Watertown, S. I).
An oil well was struck at Portlnnd.Ind.,
by the Knlro company, tho capacity of
which Is estimated at 800 barrels dally.
C. F. Glivy, arrested nt Pueblo, Colo., Is
wanted for murder committed nt Auburn,
Cal., threo years ago.
Tho Kansas Musical .Tublleo began nt
Hutchinson. Tho prizes iiggrejnteiw',500.
Frederic Archer of Chicago "will award
the prizes.
Anthony Howclls, consul for the Unit
ed States at Cardiff, Wales, is visiting his
home ut Mansillon, O., on a leave of ab
sence until June.
Colorado Mrlkers aro trying to Induce
tho coal miners at Cerrlllos, N. M Co
quit work "until thu rfouernl strike lu tho
east is won."
Tho 250 men enip'toyed In the Colorado
Fuel nud Iron couipauy's mines at Crested
Butte, Colo., went out lu sympathy with
the big strjke.
Kx-Postmrster Barnes of Albln, In., has
been found nhort iu bis accounts with
Uncle Sam.
Tho ca nf tho city of Lyons, Kau.,
ngiiiustfliK MNsouii Pacitlc and Santa Fo
to compel n lower freight rate has been
Homjliolderr. bid in the Stillwater,
Minn., street railway for fiW.'J.VI, the
amount of Indebtedness uud coits. The
receiver wns discharged.
Tho next meeting of tho Missouri Chau
tauqua assembly will bo held atSedalla
June !i" to July 0 Inclusive. Thomas B.
Beed or Bomke Cochran will nddniss tho
The receivers of the Penokee and Goge
bic consolidated mines were granted per
mission at Madison, Wis., to resume work
iu thei'ildeu mine.
At Madison county, Illinois, Demo
cratlc convention Hon. W. P. Prickett
w as Indorsed for congress and Louis 1
Lumnghl for state senator.
Adam Mo.Mullen, winner of Nebraska's
State university oratorical contest, lus
been nccused of plagiarism.
l'urct Fire Itngtiiir.
Wkst Surauou, Mich., May 0. A
big forest llro is raging two miles this
Bido of Fon tin Lac, on tho St. Louis
river, nnd is making rapid progress be
fore tho strong wind.
i iiiini; iirinu Declared Winner.
jjoston, .iiny u. in ono of tho hardest
lights seen lieiu for u long timo, Young
U-riirowasdorihuLHl tho winner over Billy
Murphy nt thu cud of tho eighth round.
llirc ruiicimeu Droniiod.
Menksh, Wia., Mny H. CnrI S.
Crngin, John Hntlon nnd William Diu
grove, papcrinakoia, wore drowned in
Luke Winnebago while fishing,
Ilondnclio nnd Indigestion
Cnn bo cured. If yon don't bellovo It try
Hogg's Littlo Glnnt Pills. Hold nnd war
ranted by Doyo A Grlce.
Dr. Sawyer'n Family Curo safely ind
thoroughly cures nil dlflictiltles of the Sto
mnch, Liver, Kidneys nnd Bowels. Try
n froo sample. Sold by Deyo k Grifo,
Phil Knell, who is going to havo ono
moro chnnco to brcnttio lenguo nir, has
arrived at Pittsburg.
Indigestion nnd Uilonsnoss makes llfo
miserable If allowed to continne, makes
llfo perpotnnlly misornble. Use Dr. Saw
yer's Family Cnro. Deyo it Grice.
Otis Alberts, tho old third bnBemnn, is
now superintendent of tho Milwaukoo
bnll park.
It Cure.i blood and skin disorders. It
docs this quiokly and permanently. Is
tli re any good reason why yon should not
nsi DeWltt'sSarsnpnrillaf It recommend
ilsplf. C. L. Cotting.
Tho Huston club hns four good pitch
ers in Gillon, HughcB, Wilson nnd
Let us remind you that now is the time
to inko DoWitt's Snrsnparllln, it will do
you good. It recommends itself. C. L.
"Col. Dnn Richardson" ie tho wny nil
his mail ts addressed theso days.
Dr. Sawyer's Family Curo is so named
becnuso it is ndnpted to all tho mombers
of n family, young nnd old. Try It, It
strengthens nud Invigorates. Doyo Jk Grico
Jack Boylo hns shun cd up in Fhllidol
phia in lino condition.
Dr. Sawyers Family Carol Dr.Sawyer's
Family Cure! Dr. Sawyer's Fnmlly Cural
It not only relieves but cures Indigestion.
Sold by Deyo k Grico.
Theodora Mayer is getting in a big
stock of dry goods at Scbuylor.
" Soar Stomnoh, Hendache, Hllousnsss,
Jnundicc, Drowsiness, Gcnoral debility
and Dlabotes nro cured bv Dr. Sawyer's
Family Cure. Sold by Doyo k Grioo.
M. J. Collom hna enlargod his grocory
business nt Gothenburg.
Call on your drngglst for a free snmple
of Dr. Sawyer's Family Cure. Aftor
trying it yon will nlwnys koop it in yonr
family. Sold by Deyo & Grlce.
Burno &, Rutt, tho licutrico grocers,
will havo a now building.
Some thing wrong when yon tire too
ensily. Some thing wrong when tho skin
is not clear nnd smooth. Soma thing
wrong when the blood ia impnra. Every
thing right when yon tnko DeWitt'a Bar
puparilln. It rocommonds itself. C. L.
zoning, llr.r... , ,. ,.
Tho Bee Ilivo Storo ut Gothenburg
was visltod by burglars.
Creates health, orenUs strength, areatas
vigor; DoWitt's Sarsaparilln. It raoaaa
mend itself C. L.Cottiag.
Thomnn Verba will open a now grocory
storo ut Schuylor.
Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles used la time will
cnro any ease of Female Wenkneie. Get
n freo sample package from the followiag
nnino druggist. Sold by Deyo & Griee.
Thero is not a vacant Loubo for rent
in Humphry.
Lndies cnn bo positively relelevd from
all those irregularities, distressing eymp
toms and diseases by using Dr. Sawyer's
Pastilles, Hold by Deyo & Grioe.
II. X. Uonodict will start n cigar factory
ut Osceola.
S. B. Basford of Carthage, 8. D., I was
tnkea siek In Hionx City. lie proenred
twa bottles of Parks' Sara Cure for the
Liver and Kidneys. He says: "I believe
Parke' Sura Cnro excels all other medicine
for Ithenmntisaa and Urinary disorders."
Hold by C.L. Cotting.
Watkins & Duncan will add a lino of
quconafvaro to their grocory stock at
Bentrico. i i CZ3 1 i
The 1'rcftlcNt Girl In Town
Has been using Parks' Tea and she anys:
"My complexion is very much improved.
That muddy look is all gone. Itnke
a oup of Parks Ten three nights a week,
nnd feol just elegant." Sold by O. L
Afraid of Piicuinonlu.
Mrs. Catherine Black, of LeRoy, N. Y.
took n styere cold. The physician fonr
d Piieumonin. She took one bottle of
Pnrks, Cough Syrup nnd snys: "It aoted
like miijlo, Stopped my cough and I am
perfectly well now. I reoomend it to
overyono for Throat and Lung Trouble
as I belloved it saved my life." Bold by
C. L. Cotting.
Groissel Bros, havo addod a lino of
millinery to their Btock at Beldon. '
What makes a house a home? The
mother well, the children rosy, the father
in good health and gocd humor. All
brought about by the use f DeWIlt'o
Sarsaparilln. It recommeuds itself. 0.
L. Cotting.
1), K. Dorsey will open n reslurnnt nnd
confoctionory store nt Broken Bow.
Money to Loan.
1 havo money to loan. Money on land
endy for uso. D. B. Spanoglo.
to sell our well known nuisery stock, steady
iMiinlnvnieiit. flood pay. Complete outfit free.
No previous expeiloure uccetsiiry. hstubllelied
ncr 40 venrs. cnoarres. 13 greenhornr. Ail-
;, 0. ilex HIS. Iiloondngton, Illinois
Votf. FjAntr and Optkn. Tho Duke
of Argyll, whom I romember once to
havo soon superbly overshadowed by his
magnificent mother-in-law, tho Duchess
of Southorlnnd, though himeolt a fair
specimen of progressive manhood, Is
stornly consorvativo womnnwnrd. In a
lecturo which some twonty years ngo ho
was gracious enough to deliver before a
Mechanics' Instituto ho said: "A wom
an has no light to appear on a platform
except whon sho is about to bo hanged
thon it is unavoidable." This smnrt
saying caused great hilarity among his
Unices audience, a littlo wit from a
nobleman going a grcnt wny. I used to
quoto that sontonco in n lecturo I wns
bold enough to dolivor from a platform,
ana it nlwnys brought n laugh at
woman's oxponso but thon. ncoln. mv
comment on it, though not particularly
smart, novcr failed to bring genorous
npplauso, and this comntont was: "Tho
freedom of tho scaffold, tho ghastly
equnlity of tho gallows, so graciously ac
corded to womnn by tho Duko of Argyll,
is not enough. Givo hor a fair Bwing at
life as well as at death; lot her havo a
voico nt IcaBt in tho selection of the tnon
who mnko nnd ndtninistor tho lawaundor
which woman mny bo taxed, divorced,
doprivod of her children, Imprisoned,
tried and hanged." That was my sent!
mont twenty years ago, it is niino today,
nnd I proposo to stand by it. Would I
voto if I could? You, verily, nt divora
times and in divora plnco, to make up
for my long politicnl desability. I think
that for tho llrst Presidential eloction
after my llrst tardy enfranchisement I
would bio mo to n certnin city in which
I lived during tho trying dayB of tho
Republic, and whon my littlo titorary
incomo wob taxed for tho carrying on of
war in winch no woman bad any dory
stock, only a ruinouB investment of
nnxiotics und ngonics, and in tho city I
would wiold tho frnnchieo with tho pat
riotic prodignlity of a nowlv-landod
Hibernian Democrat, casting my voto
right and left from "morn to dewy ovo."
Gn act. Gkexnwood.
National Edu uatio.nal Association
Tho Association will moot at Asbury
Park, New Jorsoy, July 0, 1891. Aebury
Park is ono of tho most beautiful seasldo
resorts on tho Atlantic const. It has
most spacious and mngnificont hotel
accomodations, and all membors of tbo
association will bo granted half rates at
hotels on presentation of thoir member
ship certificates, during the meeting
For official bulletiu containing full information-and
official program rogarding
hotel and railway rates and routes, and
for further particulars, addroes, SShorin
Secretary, Asbury Park, Now Jorsoy.
Tho Ilolmnn Bible, the only genuine
solf-pronouncing bible. Forsalo by Mrs.
J. K. Kollogg, only.
Self-pronouncing parnllol family bible.
Tho King Jnmes nnd rovised versions ar
ranged in parrallol columns. Lino for
lino on each pngo. In various styles and
Tho now self-pronouncing Sunday
school teachers' biblo. Coctainingallof
tho holps of tho famous "Oxford" bible,
with tho now nnd important features;
every proper nnmo, certain accents and
vowel murks according to standard
Tho sylubles aro separated by hyphens
and tho uccontod sylable is accented
with tho ncute nccont.
Tho quantity of the vowol sounds,
whothor long, intormediato or short; and
their quality, whether broad, obtuso, ob
scure or otherwiso us well as tho valuo
of.tho consonants,
Tho scriptures aro flllod with proper
names which aro vory difficult to pro
nounce. This is tho only edition of tho
Holy scriptures evor printed which af
fords this important aid to tho reader.
Bibles in which the proper names aro
divided and ncconted are not self-pronouncing,
becnuso tho vowol mnrks aro
absolutely noccssary to dotormine tho
propor pronunciation of tho words. Call
on or uddress Mrs. J. E. Kellogg solo
agent Red Cloud, Nebraska,
L" i C "
You need not fear boing held up when
you trade at Wiener's.
i iii
lloincMcekers Excursion!.
One faro for the round trip. Tell
your friends in tlio east that on Ma;
8th and 29 th the Burlington route will
sell round trip tickets at the ono way
rata to points in Nebraska, Kansas
eastern Colorado, southwestern Da
kota and northern Wyoming.
Tickets aro good for twenty days
allow .stopovers, and will bo on salo at
all stations east of tho Missouri liver,
J, FrtANCia,
0. P, & T. A., Omaha, Neb.
j j&
i ...vr Lc9u
Hm KK 'iJni v-
Tonchor: Children seo what it soys on
tho blackboard and bo euro nnd toll
yourparentB, that Wion'cr sells tho best
clothing for tho ldnst monoy.
To Wafer oimiiincrs.
Notlco is hereby given to tlio patrons
of the city water sorvico, of tho city of
Rod Cloud, that section 21 of ordinnnco
No. 43 herounto nnnoxed of said city will
bo strictly nforcod hereafter:
It shall bo unlawful for any porson
within said city to Biirinklo, ojoct or
throw water from privnto or publio
sprinkler, washer or hydrant upon any
public street, lano or alloy, or any yard
gnrdon or enclosuro, or permit or causo
tho same to bo done, nor upon or against
any building upon such street,
lano or alley, except for tho ex
tinguishment of Ilrcs and ordi
nary houso cleaning oxcopt botweon tho
hours of 0 and 7 o'clock a. m.. und 5 nnd
8 o'clock p. m., of ench day; and any
other porson violating nny of tho provi
sions of this section shall upon conviction
thereof bo lined in nny sum not exceed
ing ton dollars and stand committed un
til such costs nnd lino nro pnid.
W. B. Rony, Mayor.
II E Pond,
Water Comissionor.
Dated May 1, 1891.
Irregularities and nil those pains aad
distressing diseases pecnlinr to women are
enred by Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles. Mild yet
a powerful hoaler. Hold byDeAoGrit.
J. II. DIefondorfer will opon n now
hardware atore at Shelton.
Money, skill and experience cannot Im
prove Dr, Sawyer's l'nBtllls for diseases
peoaliar to women. Srndto yenrdrnggist
for free sample. Said by Deyo & Grlce
John Limback and G. B. Roberts will
opon a dry goods storo at Shickloy.
The Boston Storo nt David City has
beon ro-oponed.
Bucklcn's Arnlea .Sal re.
The best salve in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, Ulcers, Salt rheum, fever
ores, tetter, chapped hands, chiliblnins,
corns, and all skin eruptions, nnd posi
tivaly cures piles, or no poy required. It
ia guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction
or money refunded, l'rico'25 cents pCBT
box. For sale by Cotting. tf
Schnoor k Molono havo oponod n now
furniture storo nt Gladstone jjat
Small boy (aside) "Gee whiz,,' but those
Little Giant Pills take the cake. Sold
and warranted by Deyo k Griee.
Fred Degnor will open a grocory storo
at Iladal.
DaWItt's Sarsaparilln propared for
oleansing the blood from imparities nnd
disease. It docs this nud more. It builds
np and strengthens constitutions Impair
ed by disease, It recommends itself. O.
L. Cotting.
A 110,000 brick hotel is to bo erected
at Wood River.
Tho bost fitting clothing on earth go
to the Chicago Storo; olegnnt stock of
square cut coats, padded shouldors, vests
stiff breasts, correct in every particular.
No one oxcopt us can show you such
goods. Chicago Storo.
Frost Bros, will open a gonoral store
at Brunswick.
Hoggs' Cherry Cough Sirup.
The greatest nnd best Cough Syrup.
It will relieve a cough quioker, surer and
more effectually thnn any thing on the
market. Sold and warranted by Deyo Si
Parr & Lauer havo sold their general
merchandise business nt Howells.
Children Cry foi
Pitcher's Castoria.
' i ' -
Far in Loans.
If you want a loan on llrst class land I
can give you a special rato. Lowest in
terest with option to pay part or all at
any year. Call or writo to mo.
O. F. OATiiKit, Red Cloud, Nob
When Baby was tick, wo gave her Castorta.
When she was a Child, alio cried for Cnstorla.
When aba became JIlsi, slio cIimb to Cnstorla.
When aae had Children, alio gave theia Castoria.
John Stoolo has secured a now store
building for his stock nt Ohiown.
- ., , ,
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Baum Bros, of Norfolk nro going out
of the shoe business.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Cnstorla.
Not lee.
Tho WebBter County Mutual Protec
tion and Antl Ilorso Thiof nBsooiution
meets In Cowles.tho last Saturday of
ceoh month, nt2p. m,
tf Tuos.HonasoN.JScc,
. i j