The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 11, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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HUi iii ttUUMUiUiUiUiiU iii iUiUiUiUR
Physician and Burgeon,
City and country calls promptly ans
wered. Moos? Block, Red Cloud.
Page 1 Washington's Life
Weather Bulletin.
Other Nows.
" 2 Captured a Train.
Coxoy Convicted.
Brockonridge Again,
Nebraska News.
Special Markets.
" 3 Country Correspondence.
" 4 Various Items of Interest.
Cyclono at Esbon.
Tho City Council.
McKeighnn will not bo a sen
atorial candidate.
" 5 General City News.
" 6 Told in a Few Words.
Voto Early and Often.
" 7 Talmage's Sermon.
' 8 Educational.
"My Queer Old Wife.
Othor Items.
Ed Highland was in the city this
A. M. Walters of Bluo Hill was in tho
city this weok on legal business.
Hon. Jos. McNeny is home from bia
trip to Salt Lako City and tho west.
Porter Hodgo of Lincoln was visiting
Andorson Hsdgo and family this weok.
Mrs. Fred Howard ir visiting in Has
tings and Fred sighs as only a widower
Miss BellolSpanoglo who has been
visiting relatives in Grand Island and
Omaha, rsturusd home last Monday.
John Dickoreon is tjio flndor of a gold
breast pin marked with "E. W." on tho
faco. Owner can got same by calling on
Shea & Turnuro havo just received a
car load of ohoico Northern, Beauty's
and Hebron potatoes. They aro fine for
table or seed.
G.W. Lindsay has a very tlno set of
Elk horns, sent him by Mark Warnor,
who lives at Ten Sleop, Wyoming. They
aro beautios.
Shea & Turnure carry tho largest and
choicest lino of dried and evaporated
fruits west of tho Missouri rivor. Drop
in and bo convinced.
Tho aroma from a delightful quadru
ped, known in polito languago as a
skunk, pervaded tho atmosphoro in tho
vicinity of Webster Btroet one day this
A pelican was captured a few weeks
ago which the papers of that city claim
it is a nativo of tho Mediterranean sea.
What strange things stray into Red
Cloud. Superior Sun.
Mel Sherman is now traveling for tho
Warder, Bushnell and Gleesner Co. Ho
sells the Champion Bindor. He haB
quit fixing bicycles, having turned his
bicycle business ovor to Wm, Million,
Ths editor roceived an invitation this
week to be presont at the graduating
exercises of tho Spencerian Business
College of Washington, D. 0., in which
our young friend, Roy Konnoy, graduat
ed on tho 8th instant.
Landlord Rannoy is cleaning up and
renovating the Holland House in nice
shap and will put that well-known host
elry in first-class condition, so that the
traveling public will find it a pleasant
place to stop when in tho city.
Harry Pond is now a f ull-flodged wator
commissioner, having been appointed by
Mayor Roby on Wednesday night. Ho
immediately filed his bond with A. Mor
hart, B. F. Mizor and J. A. McArthur as
sureties. Mr. Pond's appointment meets
with tho approbation of the psoplo of
Red Cloud.
Harris Noble, an old settlor of Web
ster county, who located Jon Wulnut
creek eome 20 years ago, has to-day ono
of the finest farms in the county. He
has a flno dwelling houso and amplo
granaries, orchards, etc., and tho beauty
of it all Is ho don'towo a cent. Ho says:
"Send mo tho best paper in tho county,'
and Tue CiiiF.r goes.
The Fire Department havo decided to
establish a hose toain in the south ward.
It will be located in Jackson's addition.
The company la putting in tho entiro
outfit at their own expense. Thoy .sure
ly dosorvo great crodit for their ofTorts
to nrotsct the property of nur citizens.
Tiik Chief congratulates them on their
ambition in protecting tho intorcsta of
Wntnan'a DoiikoU Oxford, wit, tip m Xi
WomcnN ,,!. lBi' itt g
"oiiu'iis (.in Oxford, viii.irc or opera too, I in
UMiail S ITIIIPM Alli.trftl InlH.l tnr.
rrillnn AllmMa M U ln.n
2 BO
lllll (llfnr.U l.t nti'iilllv' II '1
1 :
t .15
1 13
TniiOxfordi 1st quality o-l."'"
opera Slippers, St.oo, ?1 -a, $1.60.
We liac also n larne lino of
a clu-aper line of Women's ami Misses
Uifords r.iiiping in prlio from
05c to $1.00.
Wo aro pleased to tliow our Roods.
Blakeslee it Kuloy.
Foi kalsomining seo F. P. Hadley.
Prico our wall paper. Deyo & Qrico.
Go and boo the bargain Bhoo counter
at Wioner's.
Mrs. Ducker roturnod from Beatrico
last Monday.
Sco Mrs. Rich for lino millinery, prices
way down low.
Anyono wishing a good cornet choap
cull at this onico.
Call at tho Wogmann gallery and soo
tamplcs of his work.
J. A. Tulleys was in Clay county on
businoss this weok.
Wionor hns put in a bargain sho
counter. Call and sco it.
J. Nustein dspartod Tuesday for Mis
souri to Bee the country.
Go und got ono of thoso flno Paris
trimmed hats at Mrs. Rich's.
Any ono in noed of carriage painting
should call on F. P. Hadley.
Go to J. B. Wright's for fine new and
second hand goods, Moon block.
E5TFnrm for ealo. I will tako city
property for part pay. V. Williams.
Mrs. II. H. Hurley and child of Don
ver aro visiting her parents in tho city.
Miss Rogers, tho export trimmer, of
Now York is at Mrs Rich'a millinery
Two pair of pants with each suit and
cap to match, thoy aro bargins. Chicago
You can buy shoes at two-thirds tho
original prico at Wiener's bargain shoe
A. II. Gray represents tho St. Paul
Firo Marino and hail insurance company.
Seo him.
Moro eoods nro boincr nnlrl for n rlnl.
lar at tho Chicago Clothing Store than
any whoro else in this country.
Go to McNitt for your Mammoth
Clover, Gorman Millet and White Rus
sian oats if you want good soed.
Curt Evans has evorythingyou want in
tho Bocond-hand furniture lino. Seo him
Bluo Front, south Wobstor street.
Cotting the druggist is Belling lots of
wall paper, low prices, pretty patterns
and fair treatmont are what counts.
You havo put it oft too long but call
at tho Wcgmann gallory at onco and he
will mako you tho finest photos you ovor
Remember that when cleaning house
81.00 will buy enough wall paper to pa
per un oruinary Doa room. JJeyo &
Wanted. Ladies to uso some vorv
nico porf ume. Some new and very ox
quisit odorB just roceived. Deyo &
Everything in hats just roceivod all
tho now stylos and colors: eleaantlinoof
childrens caps; all tho new novelties at
tno (Jnicngo Store.
Puro sugar syrup, puro opon kottlo
New Orlouns molasses, puro country
sorghum and puro fruit and wino vinegar
can be had ut Shoa & Turnuro's.
uuring tue summer months every
family in Red Cloud and vicinity should
bo provided with a jar of preserved Can
ton ginger for salo by Shea & Turnure
Remember our childrens clothing is
cheaper and bettor mado than ever. Re
inforced seatB and knees, elegant patterns
and low prices. Chicago Clothing Com
pany. Whon you got ready to buy childron
clothing come and seo us look at our
combination suits extra pair of pants
and cap given with every suit. Chicago
Clothing Co.
Mr. M. Purdum of Cherokee, Kan.,
a brother-in-law of C. O.Cox, accompan
ied by his wife, are visiting in Nebraska
for two wookB. Wo acknowledge a
pleasant visit from him.
Tho next county alllanco mooting of
Wobetor county will bo hold in Bluo
Hill. Saturday. May i!0th. at 2 n. m. in
stead of Muy 10 as formerly ordered.
By order of committee
Cheapest suits ovor shown new ready
for you ovory suit at lowest prices, work
manship best in the country and best
fitting goods ovor brought to tho city
Chicago Clothing Store
Wm. Patrick and daughter of Paw
Puw, III., was in the city this week.
While hero bo made an offor to Charloy
Uesso of for bis 'Mi acre farm on tue
rivor bottom, at 132 per acre.
Just received, from Now York, at Mrs
F. Newhouse, n nico assortment of par
asols, sun umbrellas, black and other
laces, ladies neckwear, Hamburge, white
and black summer dress goods, etc. tt
Thero aro thousands of tons of bunk
whoat hulls ground annually by Bome
spice mills in tho United States which
boing mixed with a cheap Singapore
ponnor is sold us the puro articlo, and if
is a well known fact that nine tenths of
tho stuff finds a markot west of tho Mis
sissippi rivor. Wo handlo only tho puro
article and will forfeit $100 if not found
as represented. Shea & Turnure.
Evorot Dyor
is home from Kansas
F. E. Ooblo returned to Lincoln jes
tordny. Morris Stern was in Nomnhn county
this week.
O. F. Stnploton in n new subscriber to
..A'.'? ,nn"cv was down from Bluo
Hill Monday.
Houso plants of all vanotlos at Mrs
J. H. Smith's. tf
Dr. Spencer of Riverton was in tho
city 08terdny.
Geo. Ovoring returned from Kansas
City Wednesday.
Every bod v lnis
their fashionablo
nnisot MTB. KiCll.
O.A.Truman of Franklin was in tho
ciiy last Saturday.
Dr. Moronvlllo returned from his
western trip Thursday.
Mr. Httnfor of Rookfort, Mo., was in
Red Cloud Inst Saturday
J. D. Crann and daughter. Marsuorite.
were in tho city this week.
Now is tho timo to call on Wogmann
nnd havo your picture takon.
A. Phillips of Bluo Hill was in Rod
Cloud tho first of the week.
Remember that McNitt keops both
tho top nnd bottom onion eots.
A. Mnrhart. Is Inylng brick walks on
tho inRido of his residonco lots.
C. C. Stout nnd F. W. Lnughlln of
Rludsn woro on our streotH this woek.
.7. C. Warnor sold his flno trolling
horso to n man in Omahn, tho other day.
No. Ir., tho local passengor from Knn
sns City, now stops at this place for sup
per. Tlios. McCnrfnny departed for Phil
adelphia to visit with relatives for a
Wo eunrnnfoo tho Lincoln pnlnt fo bo
equal ti anything on tho market. C. L
A. II. Orny represents tho St. Paul
Firo nnd Murino Insurnnco compnny.
Soo him.
Hon. J. S. Gilhnm has boon ongnged
fn deliver tho Memorial address in
Guidn Rock.
Willenx and McKillnn have purchased
tho old Republican plunt. nnd will con
tinuo tho Bolt.
J. IT. Davis nnd Mr. Wron sold tho
Ldw fnrm on section C 2-12 to Mr. Brown
of Thayer county,
A good rain visited this section on
Wednesday to the glory nnd satisfaction
of n gront pooplo.
Will West hnR resigned his position
in McFnrland's storo to take tho position
of street comissloner.
Rev. H. D. Plntt wns in Red Cloud
Sunday nnd preached two oxcellnnt ser
mons in tho Congregational church.
P. W. Rhea left Tuesday morning for
&t. Jocopn to meet tits wife, who re
turned with him Thursday ovoning.
Miss Grace Bodine, who bos been
visiting in tho city several weeks went
to Noodosha, Kan., yesterday morning.
S. F. Spokesfiold is going to put in a
completo lino of grocorios in connection
with his dry goods stoao in tho Moon
The Chief hopes that tho old soldiers
will seo that Moraorial day as well ub
Decoration will bo proporly obsorved in
Red Cloud.
R. B. Fulton firo nnd lightning insur
ance, Western Whito Bronze, monu
ments nnd cemotery goods. Office with
Trndors Lumber Co.
Tho intorior of D. Stoflrer'sbnrbershop
has boon nicolv clothed in a now coat of
paint. N. E. Robinson was tho hand
some artist. (Ho paints.)
Wo havo boon informod by Boyd and
Ovoring that thoy havo routed thoir
south room to a gentleman who will
soon start a barber shop.
F. Bradbrook roturnod homo from
Missouri Wednesday. "Brad" says ho
isn't stuck on tho way thoy hold demo
cratic conventions down there.
Emma Parkcs had n very pleasant
birthday party last Friday evening.
Quito n numbor of guests woro presont
nnu onjoyou tno ovoning very mucn.
Joo Fogle tho harness man, located in
tho Chanoy building North Webster St.
for flrst-cluBs work, substantial har
nesses, saddlos, collars and hardware.
New subscribers this week aro as fol
low: J. F. Smith, N. Lonctin. O. F.
Stunloton. Frank Cowden, Mre. Julia
Kellogg, John Tamman and Harris No
bis. What is the mutter with Red Cloud
sportosmon getting up a base ball club?
There is good timbor in this city for n
good team it somo ono would ju:t start
tho "ball rolling."
A special to the Omaha Bee
from Guido Rock dated the 0th
says: A frame barn in the south part
of tho town belonging to George Reeves
wns discovered on fire nt 11 o'clock. Tho
bsrn with u horso nnd buggy wero con
eumod. Tho building was fired by his
littlo grand son.
Tho street comissioner by the advice
of the committee on streets and sileys
is lowering the tile at tho juncture of
Soward streot and 4th Avenuo. Wo
have beon informod that tho cross walktt
will bo lowered and that the work of
oxpending tho poll tax will be carefully
dono by tho now council. Good.
Herbert Richardson, the othor day be
cumo so elated ovor the advent of a littlo
boy in his family, that ho stopped his
horses in tho field climbed tho barb wire
fonco nnd ran poll mell a mile to tell
Grandpa Parkes that ho was "daddy."
Ho cumo to town and bought $7 worth
of puregorio so as to have a supply on
R K. Orchard Bays that up in his
neighborhood, noar Inavale, potato bugs
aro sitting on tho high blades of grass
waiting for tho potatoes to como so that
tuey can got hroauiast. uur agricul
turn! editor could not be porsuaded to
behove this story if ho had not known
that Bro. Orchard had at one time been
a sailor on the "Ocean blue."
Mr. Kilroy is homo from Lincoln.
J. O. Warner was in Lincoln this wook(
Henry Kivhlorof Bluo Hill was in the
city tliis weok.
Chas. Fnssler ox-county treasuror was
visiting tho hub this week.
Miner Bros, shipped n carload of hogs
to Kansas City this weok.
C. F. Lumbrccht cumo In this weok
nnd said: "Send The Chief right along."
Robt. Martin Jr. nnd W. Jones, who
havo boon in Kunsas, are homo again.
Mrs. E. J. Ducker wan in Beatrice
this week attending the Epworth con
vention. Charloy Smolser nnd wife, who wero
visiting in tho city, havo returned to
John Wllhelmson is presiding ovor the
moat block nnd cleaver In Frank Lind
sey's moat shop.
A man by tho nnmo of Davis, living in
Kansas, wns badly hurt this wook by a
run-away team.
D. F. Scamtnon found a buggy spread
this week. Owner can havo same by
calling on him.
Mrs. E. B. Robinson of Hastings,
mother of Charloy nnd Nobo Robinson,
was visiting in tho city this weok.
A largo number of our young folks
hold n grand picnic party at Smith's luko
ono day this weok in honor of Miss Bo
dine, who left for her homo on Thursday.
A man in Wobstor county owned a
piece of land, and by not having n coun
ty paper, lost it. Ho did not know that
tho lenso had nxpirod nnd another fol
low bought nnd now wants 91000 for it.
Penny wlso and pound foolish.
Tho City Bathing Purlors aro now
opon tor tho public. This is one or the
nicest institutions ever established in
Red Cloud and one cortninly worthy of
tho patron ago of tho punplo. They nro
run in connection with tho reading room.
Tho Misses Clara nnd Mnbol McMillan,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Warren, Rufus
Miksch and .Tako Beuvor hnve beon sum
moned to Oniulia next Tuesday to testi
fy in tho Red Cloud postotllce enso in
which n young mnn wns interested for
tampering with tho mails.
lurried at tho residonco of tho brido's
mother In Lino township, Miss Jennie
Williams and Mr. Ronton Kover, on
Saturday. Tho brldo la n resident of
of this vicinity, nnd tho groom is a resi
dent of Missouri. Thoy will rcsldo here
in tho future. Win. VnnDyko saying
tho mjstic words that mado tho two
hearts boat as ono. May joy bo thoir's.
F. P. Hadley is a young painter of
more than ordinary ability. Thoso who
desire to have Iioubo j
should not fail to call on h
minting dono
:iim ns ho is an
oxport at his trndo. Ho recently painted
Mr. Ed McFnrland's dwelling, and it is
roully a flno job and Frank is to be con
gratulated on tho progress he has mado.
On next Tuesday night, tho mombors
of tho choir of ths M. E. church will
rendorthat bonutiful cantata, The Ship
of Life, at tho opora houso. This is said
to bo ono of the best entertainments
that hns ovor boon produced in Rod
Cloud. Tho prices of admission havo
been fixed nt 15c, 25c, and reserved seats
nt 35 cents, which can bo bad at Deyo &
Grico's drugstore.
Tho list of letters remaining at tho
postofllco uncalled for up to May 11th
Andrews C. D. Fleck Massie.
Johnson Mrs D. B. Phillips A. A.
Potter ThoB.
Tho abovo letters will be Bent to tho
doad letter ofllco on May 24, 1894 if not
called for. Fuank W. Cowdsn, post
master Red Cloud, Nebraska.
Station Agont Conovor hung up the
red liehts at the depot tho other day.
and announcod that it was dangorous
to fool with "dad." Upon investigation
it was learned that tho cause of bis
strange conduct ominated from tho fuct
that his heart was illlod to "statloty" on
account of a littlo girl that his wife pre
sented to bin this wook. Congratula
tions of The Chief oxtondod.
Leland Parker a young man of ster
ling qualitios and tho son of E. O. Par
kor of Guido Rock, was found doad in
his room in Denver, Colorado, one day
last woek. He had bocn a very trusted
employe of ono of tho largo newspapers
of Denver and having become broken in
health, uskod for a weok's layoff, which
was granted, Ho immediately took to
his room, und novcr loft it. He had a
bell boy to bring his meals to him, but
finally one day whon the lad went to tho
room ho found it locked and reported
tho samo to tho proprietor, who broke
opon the door und found him dead. His
body wns shipped to Guide Rock for In
terment. The Chief extends itscondo
lenco to the Borrow stricken family.
There will bo a meeting of the Re
publican League Club over tho postot
flee on Wednesday ovoning, May 10, '04,
to select dolegutos to tho stato conven
tion, and to oloct officers for the ensuing
yoar. W. S. Gabueh, Pres.
K. AlOMTT, Boo'y.
. .,. Mi i-
A Epecial mooting of the committee
of the Pleasant Hill Cemotery associa
association will moot on Muy 20, at 4 p.
m. sharp, at Ploasant Hill school houso.
All interested aro invited to attend. O.
O. Cox, Socy.
HlghMt Honori-Wrld' FsiK
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant
sm iSSi kkr
The hot
Is Coming I
You can buy all kinds
ir . :-
For that kind of
Light Weight
Our prices are as
We have secured better bargains than ever. On lot!' 4-
standard silver gray calicoes, per yard only tJ do
Clnoninl Piiinaa on Sbantong, Pongees, Canton cloth
opcdai jti itc Llama clothj Percales etc.
We Have Some Very
One lot of indago
On Saturday horning
We will start a Clearing sale
have not tinio to say much
customers that we can save
"We have got an elegant
weather, Also,
low as can be sold
Handsome Patterns.
calico only 5 cents.
on all our wool dress goods. We
about it, but will say to our :
you money on a "Wool Drees.
line of wool goods.
.t 'a
rfs ill
the people,
' Sir
' 11
-a, Ar.,-.a&
to m
sjssfrr 'twil :t':'tt.. -. .i -