vwfMnw mi'iww iJsWwfc .:W. 'i THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRJDA, MAY 11, 1894. col n tad for oat' tag! past beet Crl roT dvw at I eng hoa T car tho thai coll Pne offic rv V ere aad bee by. tub byi tlor of flral cha dc! Coi Phi cou log wej a itcs tho the wj 1 the m T eat fiitb .1 I Coi .wl) .' tai th 'dt to) cat , ha r dei abi I ;S CO . ca .! btf hi 16 U M hi c 1 -J C 2 ( t t m oJTHE ...CHIEF A. C1l0HMF.it, lMltor. I.ahoyTait, Asst. tocnt Editor. t r. A. imams of Uivcrlon nns pur- M chased tho iltvcrton Guard and has J changed tho nnmo of tho paper to The Review. . t Wr. notice by tho ' 1 that .Tacit McCnll Lexington Pioneer .Tacit McCnll ia a thoroughbred 1 candliluto for governor. Jack ia all rail 'teht, hut wo oplno that Gov. Crounse, belt although said to Imvo declined, will be roA the 'noxt notnlnoo of tho republican fd party for that important ofllco. Coi i anil A Itod Cloud oxchango ia quite certain out that JnmcB MoNony of that city will sue- had C(ed Congressman McKeighnn. Dut that well tnenninir contomnornry la mis taken. McKclghnn's probablo Rucccasor llvoa in Hastings. McCook Tribune. Now, our Rood brother, is ns liablo, wo take it, to bo in orror as The Chief, and wo Ba)nhcnA9kcd what county ho hails from, our nolo reply shall be ho halls from Webster Count. Scol EvF.itv nowspopor man thinks ho has a pretty tough tiiuo of it occasionally, but tho followingcomplnlntcllppcdfrom a Tonnecsoo paper downs them all: "Wo aro mad. D-n tho people! How can they expect un out here twolvo miles from a railroad, twcntydlvo miles from a river, millions of miles from heaven, about two miles from the devil, and about two hundred yards from n whiskey shop, to get out a live news paper?'' Wahiiinoton. D. C April 21,1891. EniToit Wf.ai.tii Makeim; I have been informed that somo of your correspondents have mentioned me ns their clioico for tho olllco as Unitod States senator, f dofliro space in your pnper to say to my friouds that under no clrcumstnnco will I permit tho ubo of tny name ns a candidate for sonator. My decision wao mado known tosotuo of my friends mnro than one year ago, nnd it will not bo changed. This is no hasty conclusion; it was reached ufler n cart ful considorntion of my duty to the pop ulist narty of our stnto. which hua with in its ranks many earnest and able men, nny of whom would do honor to tho ntato if elected senator. I am, pir, yourB for victory and right, W. A. MoKf.ioiian. From tho nbovo wo should judge that our congressman wno laying tho wires for congress ngain, inasmuch us Senator ial honors are isomowhat remote besides uncertain. By the tlmo snow tiles again new legislators will bo elected, and they will be republicans too, nnd Sonator Mnndoreon wdl succeed himself again Soo! Tin: Old Woman. Of ull ungallant epithets that some men use In spooking of 'tho wife of thoir bosom," none por haps is more often used than "tho old woman." Young married mon soon form tho habit of this woman oulturo and think it smart. "Dear Angelina" and "Molly Darling" only hear thoir pot niuncs for a short time when "hubby" win iiuurcsH mo porinnio or tho com munity as "Old Woman." Tho wifo Boon beginB to think that sho is growing oiu nnu one ny ono or nor youthful ohnrms disappear, and ore long that brightest vivacity that "would raise mor tals to tho nkies'f is gono, and in its placo tho effervescent spirit of discontent tnkos its place. Once ho whb wont to address her sb "my angol of tho golden trepscs." but'now ho calls Per "oldeorrel ton." Wonders "why she has changed po!" while ho in all lovo and affability, kicks tho cat into tho cream jur, and is off to town till midnight, jimt to moko tho "old woman hot." As a gonoral thing this class of men who hnvo "old woman" on tho brain aro chronic grum blors and fault llndors. If tho recent froozo froze his potatoes, why! tho "old woman" is to blame, he didn't want to plant for n month yet. If tho rate hnvo eaten up his pood corn, ho will saddle mo oiniuo on tho "old woman." Ho will persist in buying tho cheapest grudo of Hour in order to Imvo an oxcusotoblumo mo "oiu woman" for not having bread Un to tllO lltlinilliril nf n "Vintlnnr l.mf " If he is a republican, ho blames tho "old woman" for hard times and tho dofeat of his party in 'tvj. if ,0 jH democrat, tho "old woman" is responsible for the McKmloy bill, tho low prices of corn nnd tho hog cholera. And "when life's iltful fever is over" and Satin invitcB him in to his engiuo room, ho will say, "Well if it hndn't been for tho 'old woman,' I'd boon on tho cupola of parodiso. Will some of our scientists invent an "old woman" currwind bring the millennium! Tho pessimist no doubt would dread the cure, but "If right mokes might tho world would bo better for it." Hand Annivkuhakv At tho regular mooting ot tho Bed Cloud S. of V. Cor not Baud tho following olllcers wcro olected for tho year of 181)5: President, Oscur 1'utmor; Vico 1'iesldent, Walter Warren; Secretary, II. J. Clark; Treas urer, O. C. Dell; Huslness managor, O. O. Hell; Asst. business manager, II. J. Clark. Uv an invitation from O. C. Bell, tho band and their ladies mot nt mo nomo or u. u colohrnto their 'M evening was siient liiontH. Tho band Jiell and fnuul to anniversary. Tho in various uintiso. lemlcicd sumo of their excellent music. A most delicious Nipper was i-.oi ved, nfter which tho band rendered National Fnnciblos, and bid ding host and hootcss good uight, do parted for thoir sovcral homes. Tho following -wcro present: Messrs. 06car Patrnor, Ilnry Miller, Walter Wnrrou, Itobt. McJlride, Sum Mi'ler, Thnd Mc Nitt. A. 11. Sollars. 1 J. Grice, Amos Cowrien, II. J. Clark, Geo. Heudricks; Mrs, II. II. Hurley of Denver, Misses Bello Bpunoglc, Mary Detour, Jessie Warren, .fessio MoKeighan, Lois Tope, Blunch Sellars, liertha Talbot, Kotta Aver, Jonuio Dell, l.illio Smith, J. C. Dickorson and wifo, Win. West and wifo. G. J. Wurreu and wife, O. C. Boll and wifo. Med. Boviow; Who makes tho kit tonoJackior Why, God makes thorn Ethel. Ho doesn't uiako them as ho does babies, ono by ono, but ho Buys, "Lot there bo kittons," and thoro aro kittens. Sco Mrs, Kich for your millinery. Sho has n lino lino of French pattern lints that cannot bo excelled and she ia soli ng them very cheap. Sho has also a lino of 91.00 hats that she is Belling for 15 cento. Sco her boforo you buy. JUST LIKE CHICAGO THE LOCAL CITY CONGRESS. Has a Wor4r War over the Mart AiipolBlmeataat a Ilrccnt Npcclal Keaslon. Wo have read about wars of various kinds, local wars, tho war of tho rebel lion and the rebellious war, and Red Cloud baa had qui to a sufficiency of tho latter during the last to days, During tho first of April, tho City elected now officers ntnong them a mayor, Hon. W. B. Roby. A month later ho took his seat in tho council chnmber. Things went swimmingly on until tho nnnolnt- menta wero mado, and then tho rebellious war commenced. Ono of tho learned council objected to thoproccoduro. Tho mayor did not nnmo tho candidates, but allowed an nldormnn to do so, when up jumped an aldorman, nnd in flowing languago denounced ilia Honor In no uncertain terms. Tho mayor thought ho know his business, but tho war wont on, two aldermen voting for tho nomi nation and two against, and the mayor caBt the dociding voto in favor of tho nomlneo and tho war wont merrily on. Thon another appointment was mado. This did not suit tho pooplo although tho council confirmed It, nnd n gront doal of incendiary talk was indultrcd. and tho war went on. Tho council final ly adjourned to mcot again on Monday ninht. It convened nnd nbout ono hun dred and fifty citizona gathered them rclves togothor at tho council chambor to see tho fun, and tho wnr went on. Finally His Honor, convened tho coun cil. Tho clork road tho minutes. Tho first thing that camo up was tho approv ing tho bond of Harvey Vincent ns water commissioner. Aid. Potter jumped up nnd began n Senator Allon speech on tho subject. Ho gave a great deal of ox- parto testimony on tho subject of ap pointments, and several times drew forth great applause His Honor cnllcd him to ordor, but llko the boy on tho burning dock "Ho would not loavo his post," but kopt on in the oven tonor and sometimes doop boss way. Finally a voto wne called on the bond, and tho wnr wont on, and so did Aid. Pottor. Ho said. "That n bond thnt timl bnon changed without tho consont of tho sur eties was invalidated," nnd he was right. Tho bond wub not approved. Hero Col. Winfrey, sent in bis resignation as mar shal, nnd it wna accepted. Tho mayor meroupon presoniou tno namo or v. Willinma for tho position ut n snlnry of t0. Tho counoil by n voto of 1 to 3 tailod to confirm. Thon IHb Honor np polntodWill West ns Btreet commissioner. J...... uiiuiiitiiiciu win, uuuiirincu uy mo council. During tho evoning romonn trances woro road against tho appoint mont of Vincent ob wator commissioner and engineer, and tho fire dopnrtmont presented a act ot resolutions, which wo givo bolow in favor ot Mr. Vincent's ap pointment, nnd tho wnr wont on. RXHOLUTIONS. Reo Cixiun, Nob., Muy 7, 1891. Whereas; It has beon callod to tho attention of tho officers nnd members of the Rod Cloud Volunteer Fire Depart ment, that remonstrance haa beon filed with tho city clork, and Wiir.KEAs, said remonstrance is seem ingly aimed at the said Firo Department for tho reason that tho Honorable Mayor and City Council saw lit to appoint a member of said llro department to the ofllco ot wator commissioner and sngi neer at the water works, theraforo be it Rosolvod; That this flro dopnrtment now in special meeting, oxtond our thanks and appreciation ot tho favor and courtesy extended by said Honor ablo Mayor and city council for tho np pointment mado of said commissioner and onginoor. Resolved; Thnt it is tho ballot of this department that tho oppointmont will prove benoflcial, nnd that a moro effi cient service will bo had, and bo it fur ther Resolvod; That, at tho expiration ot CO daya from dnte of appointment, if tho said system of water worko docs not show an improvement and that tho cost nf maintaining the same is not Itps, nnd that tho Honorublo Mayor nnd city council have any just reasons to boliovo that auch ia not the fact, thon this de partment will concur in the removal of the present incumbent. Kignod, A. J. Tomlinson, Chiaf, G. B. McCall, Secretary, J. O. Butlor, Troasurer, L. A. Aultz, Joe. Herburgor, H. Diodcrich, Foroman No 2 11. Holtzman, E. Cook, L. M. Vanco,? G. W. Smelser, R. P. Hutchinson, R. V. Forris, II. Sowtor, C. L. Winfroy, A. M. Aultz, T. W. Hatfield, Robt, McBrido, F. P. Hndley, J. G. Sopp, K. Groat. On Wednesday morning whilo tho cit izona woro broakfiiBtinr Engineer Sol lurs was taking chargo of tho pumping station having replevied tho koys from Mr. Vincent tho night boforo. TIiIb cro ated nuito u tulk on tho streots during tho day. Wo hero nnnox tho bill of procceduro in tho case. Stato of Nebraska, Webster county. HB J. M. Scllara vs. Hnrvoy Vincont. IN JUSTICE WEST COURT J. M. Sellers, plaintiff, being first duly aworn, doposoe and pays that ho hus a special property in, towit: us wator en glneer of tho city of Rod Cloud, county and stnto aforesaid, the following des cribed property towit: The koy to the oast door ot tho engine house of the D ,EEP down in you know That we ead in sweet and lasting PERFUMES, Our specialties are Pyrus, May Bloom, Frangapani and Carnation Pink. CHAS. L. COTTING - - "THE DRUGGIST." water works of tho city of Rod Cloud, and is entitled to tho immodiuto posses sion of the same, nnd that said property Is wrongfully detained by ono Harvey Vincont; that said property wno not taken in execution on any order of judg ment against tho plaintiff, or for tho payment of any tax, fine or amercement assessoa ngnlnsl him, or hy vfrtuocu any orders of delivery issued in replevin, or nnyothcr mensuro or final process issued against iuib pininuir. (Signed) J. M. Sf.ij.aiih. Subscribed and sworn to beforo mo this 8th day of Muy 18Ui.-KoiiEirr T. Potter, Notary Public. About 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon the mayor called another enccinl meet ing of tho council and appointed Harry Pond as wator commissioner, which wns confirmed. Now ns far as this paper is concorncd wo think tho wholo proceedings aro out of ordor and much of it a disgrace to tho city. It does not look woll for business mon to resort to such measures in order to mnko n littlo notoriety or political capital. Tho peoplo elect thoir repro sontatives to do business for thorn and thoy expect them to do it or resign nnd lot tho vacancies bo filled by men who will. That Citv Water. For tho Inst fow yoara wo havo hoard a gront deul nbout tho city water. Wo havo beon lead to beliovo thnt good water could bo secured by spending money upon tho bottoms at tho presont location of tho pumping station, nnd nsfnr ns it goes, tho water is all right, but it does notgofuronough. Up to tho present date tho wells havo cost tho city in tho neighborhood of $7,000, and what hnvo wo to show for it? If tho money during theso years had been properly expended in nrtesian wcIIb thero would bo plenty of wntor Bat horo comes spring nnd before it is fuirly begun the foul creek wntor hns to bo lot in, impregnated with all tho tilth that naturally finds its way to tho creek, Wo prcsumo tho nldormon woro honest in thoir purpose, but it does look liko a wnsto of money to search attor wator whoro thero is none, and keep sinking monoy in tho ground without Bomo good result. If thoro can bo no bettor water produced, tho city ought to at once, tako off all rates nnd allow tho peoplo to havo the wator without cost as it is an absolute robbery to ask ono to pay lor uuen corruption as comes irom tho creek. If tho water wnsproperly filtered it. could bo used, but in its pres ont condition it is nn outrage to ask tho citizens to pay for it. During tho win tor tho wator was oxcellent hut things hnvo chunged now, and tho other is tho case. Tiik BEAUTirur. Hu.ls. When ono Btops to think, ho comes nnturally to tho conclusion that thero is no othor statu liko Nebraska, and not nnothor city as hnndsomoly located ns Red Cloud. Sit uated on almost a 1000 hllls,shocan sur vey thousandsof beautiful farms in ovory direction. On tho south are tho beauti ful greon hills dotted with farm houses nnd industrious farmers. On tho west, north and cast with handsomo IiUIb and dells, thousands of groves und other beauties of nature. With her grand Republican river and clear creeks sho stniids proominently abend of any other Nobrnskacityforapluco to build a homo nnd livo in happiness. Red Cloud ro coivod hor nnmo from tho famous old Sioux Chiof, Red Cloud, und if tho early Bottlers had hunted tho dictionary over fora numo thoro could not havo been found ono that so admirably fitted thesur roundingsof our city. Then tho salu brious climate, tho delightful evenings, tho gentle summer breozos all go toward makinga man satisfied that helms at lust found a local puradloo. A Fkauii On last Saturday, Sunday nnd Monday, numorouB tramps visited this neck o' tho woods, soliciting monoy but not work. Ono follow struck Hon Potor Shea for 2Ti conts. Poto told him thut his exchoquor was minus that amount, but thut ho would got him a breakfast. So thoy meandered towards J. O. Lindloy's cafe (not calf.) Horo Poter told tho '-boss man" to give tho "Nomad" a lunch, nnd thon it was dis covered that tho chap had just had breakfast. Such aro tho trinls and vic issitudes of life. Wlion you want to do charity, you frequently find you aro im posed upon by ungrateful humanity, llowovor, thero nre many who aro de serving and should bo cored for, accord ingto thedivino injunction, "Inasmuch as yo havo dono it unto the least of theso yo Imvo dono it unto Mo." A (loon Wkli, Tho city dads ought to hiro Donnls Lindsoy to put down nn artesian well. Ho has machinory to put a well down 1000 foot, hih! Tiik Ciiiei" boliovoB thut it would bo a paying in vestment, and wo also beliovo that ho would put it down at almost coat. Ho has just complutod a IWr. foot well for Mr. (irillltliB on tho Jno. Barber west 80, and has a fine well of 2."0 foot of wa ter. Ho struck n fine gravel bed at that depth and thinks that tho well cannot bo pumped dry undor any circumstances. In going down ho bored through !100 feet of bolid rock. If ho could gut so good a well of water thoro, ho certainly could got ono us good or bottor in Red Cloud. The council should investignto if. If tho 87,000 that has boon spent for wolls and othor ofTortB to pot wntor had been used in getting artesian wells, wo would not now havo to depend 011 mixed water for a diet. Pension Attorney Porter has piocufcd additional pousiouH siuco our last issue for Do Joy Judson ot this city, iiIbo orig inal pension for tloorge W. Pnttorson. both having boon proviously rejected cases and only restored by skillful man agement and experience in pension mat ters. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder A Pure (trapc Cream of Tartar Powder. the depths of your heart Who ih Judoe Benson. The ono man who, noxt to Prof. Andrews, is tnlkcd of most, ns tho Moses to lend tho republi cans out of tho ploughs of despond in tho fifth conpro tonal district lives at Haiglcr. Hniglcr is in Dundy county, and is only a short distance from no where. This man is Judge H. II. Ben son. Ho is not n judgo by courtesy, clthor. Tho Democrat lias only a slight ncquamtanco with tho gentleman, but ho is no stranger in tho nrocecdings of Iowa republican conventions. Ills nnmo iB not n "housohold word" in tho Fifth district, it is true, but thon Androwa wns a strunger two years ago. Jndgo Benson is a Inwyer and hns sorvodon tho bench in Iown, and gots titlo and linn dio to his name direct from tho pooplo. Ho is comparatively n young man, active and well-to-do. Tho Democrat has no knowledgo that Judgo Benson will boa candidate, but tho papers aro talking about 1dm. Tnlk is chenp, but danger ous. Supposo this talk should dovclopa a congressional boo. If so, wo want to noto a warning. Keep nn oyo on Judgo Benson. -AdaniB County Democrat. A Cvclonk. On last Wednesday May 2d, tho fonrful looking cloud that ap peared in tho western horizon, nnd indi cated rain for Red Cloud, proved to havo beon a veritablo cyclone ot Esbon. 1 milcfl south of Red Cloud, in our sister stnto of Kansas. At G:50 p. m tho wind with torrlblo force struck that village nnd with hissing and croaking uprooted trees nnd demolished houses. John Butcher aged GO years, woll known in tins city, nnd father of Mrs. Colomnn, Miss Ida Butchor nnd Win. Butchor of Red Cloud, whilo busy in hiKhliinltmnltli Bhop, heard tho roaring of tho olomonte iiiiu uiiiiKing oi nnomor uuiuung 12X14 whoso doors woro opon, rushed into it for tho purpoFo of closing tho caino, when tho building was picked up bv tho eloments and enrried a distanco o'f 80 foot, demolishing it as if it wero the merest tissue Tho old gontloman waB toltcn with it in nn unconscious utato. When ho enmo to, ho found hitiiBclfjin the midst of a shapoloss dobris, and being polted with hailstones. With great pres ence of mind ho drngged himself, ns woll ns ho could, under tho circumstances, to a covorimr. and when ihontnrm luul und. uided. ho wns discovered with ti fivo inch gash in hie hoad, a shouldor dislocated ami otiiorwiso injured, but nt this writ ing ho is doing nicely. Othore woro in jured but not of n sorious nature. Dur ing tho storm, the United Brethren church, a now building wns blown to atoms as well as several other buildings, segregating a loss of something liko .",000 in thut immedinto neighborhood. What a Pictcm-: or Bkautt. Rod Cloud is now n picture of beauty, and if tho old town could tako a peop at hor- seir in a looking glass and comparo hor presoni good looks witli tho slipshod stylo in tho onrly dnvB sho would rrivn her bancs nnotlier twist nnd turn nn Imp delicately curved nostrils nt her envious neighbors. A drivo through tho streote ot tho town just now, whon tho trees uro bursting into dolicnto greon buds and tho lawns nro rich in tho frosh vor diiro of soring, is n picture of boauty that would soften tho heart of n man who is 11 pessimist by nature. The world is full of wonderful things, but thoro is nothing moro wonderful or moro beautiful thou tho ro-awnkening of naturo when tho frost gots out ot tho ground, when tho sunshine warms its hnmls, and tho birdB till tho nir with thoir merry songs. This is u grnnd world after all, rail at it as wo may whon tho storms of adversity seoin to sweep ovor us. And Nebraska is a grand stnto, when wo hnvo tho seasons como in duo timo to brighten and chocr us up. After n long nnd dreary winter tho first warm breath of spring breaths now lifo into ub and gives us promiso that at least till the cold winds of January como again thoro will bo ono succession of pleasant changes, and ovoiy ono in its duo season, tho rain and tho sunshino bringing tho rich harvest of grain nnd fruit, nnd of ovory comfort und luxury that makes happy tho heart of tho in dustnous toiler. Red Cloud nestles in ono of tho best agricultural countieB in tho state, and no wondor sho should bo proud of what has boeu accomplished within a fow years. Tako a drivo through tho streets of Red Cloud and then ox tond your pleasuro trip for mileB in every direction nnd you will sco one of thognmdost picture of prosperity tho sun over shono upon. ForSHlc. Somo beautiful combinations in wall paper, coiling, Bido wall und bordor to match. Prices very low. Doyo & Grico Thnt bargnin counter of shoes nt Wiener's hue mnde a great many go away hnppy from it, with a good puir of bIioob nt two thirds prico. Notice to Contractors. Notico is horoby civen thnt sonled bids will borecoivodntthostoroof Minor llros., up to noon Muy 20, 1801, for tho erection of tho Buporstructuro of tho Catholic church, to bo erected in Red Cloud. PlaiiB and specifications can bo seen at tho storo after May 10, 185)1. Bids must bo accompnnled by good and sulllcient bond for faithful performance or sorvico. xuo committco rcservo tho right to roject nny nnd all bids. By or der committee. KllJ.PULKII'HEIt,) J. h. MiNF.it, Committee Jos, Dandukam), ) Dnted this Dili day of May 1801. HpHMslMK THE "RO" FLOURING MILLS, FLOURS RETAIL AT ROYAL B. OF A All Grades guaranteed by the Mills. FRANK City Livery Stable ! RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. Feed, Sale and Exchange Stable, Finest Turnouts in the City. Your patronage solicited. Barn east of Holland House The BtrrrEii Half op a Sinpul Man. It is ofton remarked thnt n largo ma jority of those who regularly attond tho churches in Red Cloud nro women. It ia snfo to count that four out ot fivo who go up to tho tomplo to worship on tho anbbath nro tho moth ore, wives and dnughtors of tho men who ought to bo thoro to show thoir children a good ox nmplo ovon though thoy may not bo ot a religious turn ot mind. If men took the snmo unselfish interost in church work that women do it would bo bottor for them and hotter for the world in conoral. Religion is n refining nnd civilizing ngency, nnd if people could only bo in duced to live up to ita teachings tney would bocomo gentler, kindlier and moro lovnblo. Bud and all as tho world is with Religion, what would it bo without it? It is the anchor ot safety to millions who would drift aimlessly and viciously about tho soa of lifo if they did not havo it to cling to. uro wttuout religion is lifo without hope ond without consola tion, nnd loaves us nothing loft to livo for. Tuko our own county aa an illus tration of what religion does for a poo plo. Those of us who have observed things for tho post f toen or twenty years can soo markod changes for the bottor. It is not necessary to specify localities. Whon tho millonium comes womon will be in tho fiont rank, and following up will como poor sinful man hanging on tho skirts of his wifo's gown trying to dodgo into heaven on hor merits' WKr.Kt.ir Chop Bulletin. Ot tho Nebraska weather sorvico co-operating with tho U. S. weather bureau of Oma ha, Nebraska for tho week ending May 7, 1804, oxcopt in the southwestern por tion ot tho stato, where vegetation ia be ginning to suffer tor moisture, Nobraska has experienced nnothor woek of excel lent farming weather. Wheat, oats and puaturo show improvomont; fruit pros pects wero never better, and all vegota tion is growing vigorously. Corn plant ing is woll undor way in all parts of the stato: the ground is with fow exceptions in excollent condition for germinating tho grain, and somo correspondents re port tho plant already up and a good stand. Tho toraporaturo for tho week haa beon considerably above the normal while tho rainfall has been light and scattered. Much ot tho corn planting is finished in Wobstor County, and somo of it is up. Early planted potatoes well up. Weather generally too dry for small grainB. Winter wheat about at a standstill and some of it is boing plowed up- '. Go and seo Calmos for all kinds of bread, cakes, candios, Ac. Reul Estate Transfers. Real ostato trrnsfera for the weok ond ing May 12th, furnished by tho Fort Ab stract company, bonded abstractors: II C Cochran ot nl to T P De mout sw H 33-3-12 f)lC0O Elbort Kine to Clara Wilson nw no H nnd noc nwqr 20-1-10 John Slabenon to O Kmhler sw 710 or 19-1-0 und bw or 13-3-10 5300 3400 Mury E. Loo to Wm Spencer no qr 8-4-11 FranciB Hulson to D D Myor n so qr 22-2-11 and bJ bo qr and lot 7x8 12-1-11 5000 Lewis Potorson to John Peterson hHbw qr5-312 IO00 John Slabonon to C Ka'hlor lot IB and 20 blk 0 Bluo Hill 2500 A L Funk to Georgo O Yolsorlot blk 1 Lnducs add. 5 Total ..f 10515 market Report. ,. . (CorrecteU Weekly,) Wheat 9 Corn Oats Rye FInx Hogs 45 0229 23030 35 101 15 4 40 2 50 Fat cows Butter Eggs I'otntoos ChlckonB doz. i uriteys lb. Retail nrico of thn Itnil nimwl Mini Co., Hours: Monogram If) Back .$ 00 Royal patent U sack 80 I), of U. S. 3f) sack C5 J. H. Davis & Son, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Ofllco in Moon Block, Rod Cloud, Nob Thoy Imve some very (1 ne bar gains in land. Parties wishing to buy should call on or address tho above MONOGRAM, 90c Per Sack. PATENT, 80c Per Sack B. S,'65c Per Sack. REED, Wionor's prices aro within roach of all Call thoro nnd convinco yoursolvea. "The" Watch. For timekcoping and durability nothing beats the Bovontcen jeweled Deuber Hampden Watch. CALLONpENMAN and examine them. Also his lino ot Jewelry, Diamonds, Spectacles, Clocks, Plated and solid silverware, sonvenlr tpoMS. pemil handled knives ami forks, carvlnjc MU, calllDrcard cases, bon ben boxes and ether novelties. A (In Una ol suoctucles aad ays) glasses with Intercliangnble louses, steel, nlcM stiver and cald frames, BpecUl and caratut at tentlon paid t flttlnic the ec. Mr line ot taf band watebes Is quite lasfie. 1 nllfrua tbuasi at less than their actual worth. WBnni your watch, clock and Jtwelrr r pair wnrlf, your engraving and your old gM and silver to me, TIIOS. PENU1AN. tfot is coming on nnd you will need u gasoline stove and refrietor ator. best, You want the Buy tho tho latest and most successful stove out, nnd refrigerators, we havo the GUltNEY, the only Refrigerator in tho market and a beauty too. Colno in and see it.. A full lino of Lawii powers and all seasonable goods in our line just j received. Come in aud seo for yourself. A Afarlfart & 5oi ipmiHjpB WOFALL mMmt "c M H 3 a t & 'c -m t - C-.iV. TT . p-wfcipat 'Mrw i WilMWMlllWWW m t.im, m imwmm Mni 31 Juiite A?.. v1- tffr. y " 3t.Sf V-yy - w rsrTSfm smSA . f!V37CTT ' 1 ff ' . ' ' r ''JZi i m IISWPSSMSMSlMW,lSMIfflM'JM' mttmmmmmlttlm ,mJv,7ImB.'WSWT7a. ff jflftTfifyTOyTME -"lt--!!'j3- :.