The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 04, 1894, Page 4, Image 7

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itlwJwiMKUtB iii.wiii, i ams aw X
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r A.C.HoflMnn, Kdltor.
I-AnoT Tait. A rft Local Kdltor.
One of the moat Pleaaant and !
trticUve Kvcnla afthe ftantt
the Opera Ilonar. Thoae who
. Acttt, Together With Brier Ar
title ob thoMafcjert.
On last Friday and Saturday oveninga
Frof. G. M. Castor, assisted by hla Tory
ablo corps of assistants, prosented tho
Rod Cloud public wlthonoof tho most in
teresting and novol homo entertainments
that it hits boon our plcasuro to hoar
slnco residing in Rod Cloud, For qulto
a numbor of days provious, our reporter
had heard it rumored that there would
to n scoool entortalnmont, but did not
presume that it would be any thing more
than an ordinary ovory day ovont; but
immogino our surpriso to find an entor
talnmont that was in every way both ap
preciable and commendablo and a
credit to our schools in ovory way. Tho
training of tbo scholars was faultlose,
and each and every ono rendered tholr
various parts to almost porfoction and
olicitod tho loudost applause,
In this article we find oursolvoa un
able to go into detail in picking
out the boat parte, on account of the
length of tho program and because of
a'gonoral feeling that all did so woll
that it would bo almost impossible to
toll which part was rosily tho best, aaall
scorned to have docidod to do tholr ut
most to gratify the public and their in
structors. Doth ovenlnga the opera houso
was donsely packed, and many wero un
nblo to gain ontranco to the large audi
torium. The people of Rod Cloud should
certainly fool vory proud oyor tho chil
dren of our public Bchools, and wo feel
justly clatod, from tho fact that tho pu
pils, who took part and those who did
not, aro mora than abovo the average in
intellect und uncommonly studious,
which is cortalnly a mark of distinction
on behalf of tholr instructors and tbo
general management of tho public
schools of Red Cloud.
The proceeds of the entortalnmont
woro 184.11, which, after paying tho
necessary expenses, will be devoted to
establishing a public school library.
Below we giro tho program and those
who took part
Song, "Hi O, Tho Morning Sun," by
tho high school choir composed of Mar
garot Miner, Jennie Roll, Holon Roby,
Rlanche Sellurs, Suslo Rife, Lois Pope,
Edgar Cotting, Prof, Castor and B. J.
Ovoringjr., with Lillian Smith presiding
ut tho pluno.
Cantata, "Crown of Reward," by tho
girls of Miss Warnor's room who wore,
Nollio Fort (Eva), Maudo Chase, Mary
Baker, Winnlo Sherman, Rlancho Con
ovor, Cnrrlo Guilford, Dora Fincher,
Nellie Clark, Nollio Dudloy and Vanco
Recitation, "Roys' Rights," by Freddie
Recitations, "Tho Littlo Aspirants," by
tho boys of Miss Williams' room who
wore, George Atherton,MattieO'Conner,
Adam Alias, Rertlo Clark, Evorton Foe,
Roy Roiro und Willlo Ford.
Sunflower drill, by Miss Rhoda Wad
dell's room who woro, Ethol Rrown,
Willlo Miksch, Ethel Hondershot, Nor
ma Richardson, Vora Crabill, Lulu
Gates, Edward Rlukesleo, Elinor Rifo,
Roy Palmer, Cora Tulloys, Simeon Co
zad, Rornioe .Potter, Hazel Dell, Esty
Smelsor, Boyd Smith and Frank Hutch
inson. Recitation, "A Sum in Arithmetic," by
Nannlo Truman.
Recitation, "The Nursery Cyclono," by
Frank Lee.
Recitation, "What I can do," by Lloyd
Recitation, "A Roy's Spocch," by Roy
Guitar Duot by Earl Pond and Sam
tnlo Foetor.
"Mother Goo6o's Rocpetion," by the
pupils from the rooniB of Misses Williams
and Hondorson, who wero, Poarl Hunt
"Jjll," Charlie Ludlow "My Son John,"
Grnco Smith "Miss Mullet," Eddio
Hold "Churllo Wag," Ada Lewis "Mis
tress Mary;" Lulu Chamberlain, Mother
Gooeo; Ethol Hatllcld, Polly Flinders;
Magglo Evans, Queon of Pantry; Artie
Roby, Jack Horner; Ernest Atherton,
Humpty Dumpty; Percy Ludlow, Jack
Sprat; Jack and Charley Kenedy, Jack
and Jill; Amos SchafTnlt, Dr. Foster;
Maude Fincher, Do-peep; Nettie Fort,
Queen of Hearts; Helen McFurland, Old
Woman in a Shoo; Willlo Rolfe, Roy
Blue. Singors, Efllo Holcomb, Bortha
O'Connor, Allen VanDyko, Alvin Van
Dyke, Jonnio Kubiok and Frank Lee.
Trio, "Como to tho Forrest," Rlancho
Sollars, Lois Pope and Susio Rifo.
Dialogue "Tbo Successful Donation
Party," by tho pupils from Mr. McCra
ry's room who woro, Willlo Ward.
Gonto Andrews, Suslo McCord, Viola
Ward, Vnnco Foo, John Wilson, Henry
Erickson, Fay McNltt, Charlio Fort,
Bon McFurland, Elmer SchafTnlt, Alvina
Prill and Hervy Conovor.
Wand drill, by the pupils from Miss
Jennie wauueira room wuo wore i lor
once Cotting, May Ely. Ella Cook, Clara
11..1 nn.. viiu-iif....A. 1.V1UI.
Palmer, Ida Denson. Mary Mlkso'b, Alice
Balbv. Gertlo Coon, Jcssio Ducker
Maud Morrill, Altn Smolsor, Jut Wil
cox, Laura Hodgo and Sadio Ovoring
Chorus by Miss Nye's room which were
Dolia Reid, May Gulllford, Snramio
Wright, Carl Hodgo, Lizzio Nomyor,
Lawronco Gnrbor. Mlnnlo Smnlnnr. Mn.
uoi regg, Anna xuuoyp, lone Albright,
Willlo Nomycr.Tom Benson. Jonnio Cot
ting, SvlvancaMaainnosfl. Loin Cnnlnn.
. . .. . v.r'.r"
Harry Gilliam, Winnlo Brown, Wllbor
i'otcrson,iollio Wnrron, Mnry Peterson,
May Wintors, Oracle Coombs, Samuel
Doyles, Mlra Cook. Rossio Duckor,
Blanch Foster, Emma Holverson and
Allle Parkes. Tableau.
Chorus "Who would bo a Dunso?" by
the pupils of Miss SchafTnit's room
who wore, Sherwood Albright, Guy
Day, Sammio Foster, Eddio Pratt, Earl
Pond, Charles Mathows. Mabol Bailoy,
Angea Brown, Eva Foster, May Hatton,
Carrie Halsworth, Ethel Hosmor, Grace
Kellogg, Ida Kindsel, WilollaPayno, Em
ma Polnicky, Lulu Sellarp, Blanche
Winfrey, Lorona Nustoin, James Abol,
Joe Garbor. BuddloMcCuno, John Parks,
aiox Ejmoiser, joo wnrron, Ulorenco
Winters, Addlo Doavor, Mabol Dockwlth,
Laura Doyd, Eva Drown, Allco Coombs,
Dolla Frame. Cnrrlo Holvorson, Flora
Palmor, Dollle Reld, Nannlo Truman
Flag drill by pupils of Mine Nyo's
room woro. Roscoo Sollars, Adair Ga
lusha, Horbio Plumb, Enrl Crabill,
Grant Dalloy, Frank Winters, Willlo Jes
son, Willlo Perry, Ellis Gulllford, War
once Gross, Worn Longtin. Eddio Pegg,
Charlie MoDanlel, Frank Peterson, Loo
Coplen and Alsld Lonatln.
n Recitation "Nolllo's Lio," by
Recitation. "How Tom Snwvnr Whll..
washed tho Fonco," by Paul Dixon.
Recitation, "Whon I'm a Grown up
Lady," by Helon MoFarlond.
Recitation, "Givo us Littlo Roys a
Chanco," by boys from Miss Rhoda Wad
doll's room who wero, Frank Mizer,
Close Emigh, Clyde Baura, Waltor
Matthows, Frod Smolsor, Guy Brad
brook, Ira Slooper and Harry Miller.
Dialogue "The Political Mbbs Meet
ing," by loy8 from tho rooms of Misses
Waddoll and ISchnfTnit who woro, Max
Mizor, Lewis Cozad, Dert Mohart. Paul
Pope, Richard Runchoy, Albort Wright.
Roy Williams, Charloy White, Harry
Brown, Arthur Glass, Poul Dixon,
Charloy Bcuver , Stacy Mohart, John
Parks, Joe Warion, Guy Day, Eddio
Piatt, Joe Garbor, Alex Smoker, Shor
wood Albright, Snmmio Foster, Earl
Pond and Charlos Matthews.
Song, "Tho Trumpot's Voice," by the
High School choir who wore, Mar
garet Minor, Jennie Doll, Helen Roby,
Blanche Sellers, Suslo Rifo, Loin Pope,
Prof. Castor, Edgar Cotting and E. J.
Ovoring jr.
Crowning of tho May Queen, by Miss
West's Room who wero, Mary DonBon,
Lottio RoaU, Mellle Doyd, Milley Ma
ginnoss, Eva Wilcox, Lolin Smith, Efllo
Konzaok, Bertha Potter, Edith Gulllford,
Cora Merlin. Moggie Holvorson, Bonmo
Emigh, Dottie Cozad, Lula Hendorshot,
Llllio Kizor, Willlo Bailoy, Amos Miksch,
Leopold Ilorburgor, Claud Smolsor,
Goorgo Winton, Roy Winfrey, Garfield
Ludlow. Claronco Wintors. Chnrlov Rrn.
bill, SheflleldMillor, Willlo Fruit, Edgar
isuwuuu, uuuu iuiirim, luupn mown,
Clyde Bnum and Edward Blakesloo.
Dialogue, "The Wrong Trunk1" by
High School boys who woro, Edwin
Ovoring, Ralph Pope, Edgar Cotting,
William Frazter, Roscoo Cathor, Horace
Spanoglo and Clom Drunor.
Trio, "Silent Night," by Lois Pope,
SubIo Rife and.Dlunce Selfure.
Sovon times ono, "Exultation," by Mary
Bovon times two, "Romance," by Flor
ence Cotting.
Sovon timos throo. "Love .' liv Muriln
Soven times four, "Matornity," by
Miiyo Popo.
Sovon timos llvo, "Widowhood," by
Lillian Smith. '
Seven timos six."Givino: in Mari-in "
by Helon Roby.
Tableau. "Woddlmr Scono." rnmnnnnd
of tho above six named and FrankGoble,
Jonnie Bell, Murgarot Minor, Donnis
SuhafTnlt, Homor Kinsel, Mabel Howard,
Graco Garbor, Lois Popo, Emma Cook,
uaisy riuniu, jonn rotter. Wm. HorTol
bower. Hcnrv Nowhoueo. Rohort Mitnh.
oil, Hurry Lotson, Walter Mutthows, Guy
Dradbrook, Floronco Pottor, Lulu Gates,
Ruby Dandoran and Ethel Hondorshot.
Bovcn times sevon, Lionging ror Homo,"
by Carolino Johnson.
"Sim- of Lifk." On Tuesday evening,
May 15, ut the opern houso tho M. E.
choir of this city, com posod of twenty
voices, will rondor tho beautiful snored
cimtata. "Tho Ship of Life.". Tho fol
lowing is tho programme.
Piano Bolo-Tha Mountain Stream, Mr. 1. 8.
Authcm-lly the lllvcrs of llabjlnn, Choir.
Alto Solo-'JIio l)e Dp. Do.ii Urn, lllancli Hollars.
Soprano Holo-A Bailor lid, Nellie Wnst.
ljy-THo finking Hhlp, U. 8. AlbrUlit and I,.
r. Albright.
.SniMiio Kolo Anchored. Mllaln Hmtlli.
Alto 8olo-Tho Held ol Ht Mary, K)o West.
Uoprnuo Solo iconnre, Kmma Mu.-tla.
i-Anr ii
Ship ot I.Ue-A Hacrcd Cantata In BulUr Coi-
ll.uaUnln Will Wn.l
Duot, ,teillu Watt tint) Illnnrli Cummlniis.
Iln bolo-Wltli I'vnnaiits tho Docks ure i
I,. I. AllirlL-ht.
i (Iray
Cliorun I'hn Tlilii U nidi.
8onrano Solo-'llio (lalo lllows Krcsli, Kmma
Uii.irtet-Tho Nlplit Has Come. Nflllo West.
lllmicli Sellurs. l'rcil Coi, Henry t'lurk.
Tonor Solo-On the Ocean N IM and Wide, Wm.
Chorm-qiilck Hiiinmann the llanih.
Contralto olo-AKln Maito Taut and Trim,
ltoio Woit,
giiartet-NVIicri' Ironic Islands I.lillo Sinllli.
rarl hmllh, I'rof. O.ntor, (It'o.oerlim.
Jut7l"iili'i;l(llldliiliiu Sky, Ljdla ltifo,
1U1 Bolo-Krom Mighty lAiidt I'ar Distant,
in nrv Clark.
Honrnnn Hnlo-Vrnm Itl tn llo. it'll., umiti.
Tonor tfolo and Oiiailet-llonienarJ llnunil.
K, K. tox: I'losjlo Itanuey. Tearl Hniltli.
II .iiilIi He liri. Kii h IIIIh.
l.inih Hellvs, HiisIh Itllc
irtet-Hca Fnr on the llorlion, lAilln 111
laneh t'limmlnuf, Win. Tulloys, Win. Wt
iK", Let Us I.Ut Up Our Hearts, Cliolr,
i Captain, C.c. Cow den.
Quartet-Hca Fnr on the Uorlion, 1.x tl In II I ft.
.t.n.ivi, tiiii.iiiiiu',,, xunuyi, in. wear
fiunnn 'iiiiimiiLiid ..'.ki .... tr
A Social Event. Red Cloud
Camp, No. G08, M. W. A , of this city
is in a most flourishing oondition, and
each night is added many membors to
its already large roster. On last
Wcndflsday they illustrated fo two
novitiates just how tho goat could
tako in iho situation. After tho work
had beon porforinod about forty of the
neighbors set down to a ruagnificnt
treat of ioo cream and other dolicaeios
prepared by Charloy Culmcs, and each
and every ono of tho boys, and tbo van
didates toe, oooled off in nice stvlo.
I'liieioaso nis now iuu members ami u
growiug very rapidly.
done to New rictrin.
About thrco yonrs ago Rov. K. L. Ely
enmo to Rod Cloud.and ussumod tho pas
torate of tho Congregational church. Ho
was a vory pleasant gontlomnn nnd his
social qualities, along with IiIb Christian
nicgriiy.Boonmado him many frionds
n his church nnd In tho city. Ho
labored assiduously for his mnstor and
built up his church and congregation
by many. About six wooks ago a now
Held opened to him in Omnha, and ho
jondorcd his resignation as pastor of
thiB church for tho purposo of locating
In Omnhn. Tho resignation fell liko a
thunderbolt from n clear sky upon his
church people, nnd thoy ploaded in vuln
for him to romnin, as their relations had
beon bo vory plonsant during tho years
for the m nlstry In this city. Finally
thO 'ChUrch Council mnt. nnrl rtiva him
permission to leave, but suggested that
uo obu uoner reconstuor tils resignation,
but having nccontod f tho missionary
iiumuuii in umnna, no iounu it impos
sible to do so, nnd llnnlly preached hiB
farowoll Bormon on last Sunday and loft
on Tuosdny for his now homo, not with
out receiving somo very high tokonB ot
esteem from his brothron in tho A. O. U.
W. lpdgo, of which bo was an active
member, nnd nloo frnm ihn otmrnii nn
wiontiay evening nbout forty mombors
of thp lodgo mot in their hall and ut a
given hour inarched to tho resltlenco of
(J. J. Pope, nnd thoro llro. J. S. Gllhnm
in ono of his cloquont spocchos, for
which ho Is noted, presontod Drothor
Ely with a fine Past Master Workman's
badgo, using tho following langungo:
Duothf.k Elt: In nil our acquaint
ance you hnvo boon a stalwart champion
of tho church. Thoro is another organi
zation, of hko vonornblo antiquity, of
which you are not it morubor. In tho
sublimity of tholr teachings nnd tho
rovorenco duo tholr ago, Masonry nnd
tho church fur Burpass all humnn insti
tutions. Yet thoso outside, nnd oven
those inside thoso vonorablo and august
societies, havo somo times thought tholr
homes wore too much in tho clouds, nnd
too littlo on tho earth.
Thoro is nnothor organization, born
s nee your birth, which socks to reduce
thosubllrao idealism of masonry nnd tho
church to actual practice. It stnrts
with both feet on tho ground, Jwhilo its
Blanco is ofton heavenward, jot
its oycB nro not bo fixed on
"mansions in tho skies," but that
thoy chiefly noto tho mansions
on tho earth, tho dwellings on the hills
tho cottages in tho bottoms. Its bene
diction rests upon tho widow nnd tho
fatherless, and its throno is erected in
tho homos of its membership.
Of that organization you havo boen
and aro a follow membor with us your
friends and brothers. You havo beon
honored with tho highest ofllcos in tho
Evor of our lodgo to bestow. Ab mem
or and ofllcor you havo discharged your
duties loyally and woll. You aro now
entitled tositin tho Past Mastor's station.
We trust, that notwithstanding your
departure, you will rotuin your member
ship in tho Red Cloud loclgo. Though
you may bo absont in the body, wo wiBh
you prosont in tho spirit. Wo wish you
to bo our permanent Past Master.
That you may bo rominded of tho tio
that binds UB toaethnr wn linvn limirl,
lit to irivo you a token of nur mlniCn
It is n Pust Master's badgo. It is of slight
commercial value, but our 'hearts co
t it 4l.n !ll u.l At . . .."
wuu iuu Kui, mm wio engraven loners
will speak to your heart tho watch words
or our oruor.
iiio protection It insures, wo trust
win not. uo invoiced for many yoara to
como. Dut whon Providenco shull do
crco its uocd. you nood not my nssur
nnco that your Iovodincs Bhnll not bo
homeless, nor shall thoywintfor friends.
Tho charity it emblems, jou have already
loomed too well for words of mine to om
phasizp. Its hope is partly taught in tho
beautiful lunguogo ot that poot, whoso
words havo been udoptod by our frater
nity' Dut poots' words lire poworloss to
utter all its force. For, indeed, our hopo
is, at tho last, tho radiant nngol thnt
stands bosido tho sopulchro of all human
faculty ot all earthly nnerav. nnd miia
nwuy tho etone, that lifo and lovo may
thow tholr triumph ovor death.
Hero Mr. Galushn fimtiumd flm i.,in
on Mr. Ely's bronBt, nnd tho spenkor
On moat occasions old fashioned words
seom unmanly, but wo havo loved ou
prosont, nbhout wo shall regrot you, and
wo now wish to take your hand in broth
erly uiiuciion,
Drothor Ely was completely tnkou bi
surprise, but in u fow well timed words
feelingly responded, thanking tho broth
ron for tholr glttB and promlsod thnt ho
would novor forget tho lodgo at Rod
Cloud. Tho members then adjourned,
The i "Ono cont n y soclofy" of tho
church, hold their inoirOily meeting on
Monday ovoning at Mr. Pope's nnd had
planned to givo Uov. Ely and his estim
able family nnothor surpriso und at an
opportuno moinont, Mrs. Dixon, in most
proper langungo. prosontod to tho Into
pastor nnd his wifo n flno silver ten sot,
on behalf of the church, then Mr. Gilliam
presontod thorn, on bohalf of Mra. M. R.
Dontloy.a beautiful hand painted picturo
of two littlo chieks, inclobod in it hand-
somo gilt rraino, and n souvenir nnnnn
to tho littlo girls by Mr. Thos. Ponman
nnd wifo. At thin juncturo Mr. Ely und
wifo woro too ovorcomo with emotion to
repiy, aim icu more limn ovor how ditll
enlt it was to sover tho "ties that bind."
Lntor in tho ovoning a nice suppor wub
Borved und nil partook. When soon
after tbo mooting ndiournod, it was with
muny Borrowful hnndshnkingB and good
wishes for tho pastor's success in his
futuro work. Tho following resolutions
wero nresouted to I to v. Elv liv n,..
brethren of Rod Cloud lodgo, No. CO, A.
RKuiLVKH.Thnt in tho dojmrtiuo or
Dro. Ely this lodgo loves tho pieaenco ot
ono who was an notlvo mid holprul mem
ber, nnd n faithful und nblo nlllcor, ono
whose words wero luwiriubly wlso in
counsel, full of encourngomotit, und rich
Insjmpathy, and whoso lifo nmnng us
was an oxamplo of tho virtues and prlu
clplos which our frutcrnity chorfohos
nnd promote
Rrsoi.VLi), That ir concislent with his
blithest usefulness to tho order, wo rn.
quest him to rotnin his momborship in
our lodge, if however momborship In our
lodgo to whoso neighborhood ho doparls
shall Bcem cBsenlinl to tho best interests
of tho ordor, then wo comniond him to
such sister lodgo, as u brother whoso ac
tivo Borvlcos tiny lodgo will highly valuo,
and who will novor forfoit their highest
RtsoLvri). That theso resolutions ho
sprond upon tho rocords ot tho lodgo
and a copy sent to Dro. Ely.
j. . UIUIAM )
J. O. Wakklk Committeo.
11. H. DiiEwuit )
TuAvrxiNO PKDDLr.ns. Thoro is no
greater outrago to which tho business
community is subjected than thut ot tho
traveling poddlors. Theso pooplo como
Into town, put up at a choap boarding
house, and thon for days canvass from
house to houso soiling their wares at
whatovor prico thoy can got for them.
Thoy ask a big prico to bogin with and
will then keop dropping down till the
woman of tho houso thinks sho has n
bargain nnd thon tho solo is made. Tho
goods genornlly mado up to catch tho
yo, but put thorn to the test and thoy
are mado of tho very cheapest material'
lako the rug man who has been around
town and compare his rugs and prices
with tho quality of rugs sold In tho stores
in Rod Cloud, and- tho purchnsor has
paiu iwico as mucn money Tor a vory
cheap rug. Not long ago a lady paid
nine uoiinra to n peddlor for a pair of
lnce curtains. Hor neighbor bought a
finer nnd hotter pair in ono of our BtoreB
for flvo dollars. During tho past woek
or two poddlors havo boon around town
selling dry goods nod gossamor cloaks,
acd thoy have dono quite a business
uinong tho womon, vory ofton soiling to
wumun wuu owcu n ury goods bill up
town. Cortalnly our city nuthoritlcs
ouuht to be nblo to nut a. ninn in ,i.
fukir business and protect our morchnnts
from n corapotion that ruins tholr trado.
In tho first placo thoso fakirs soil Infonor
Roods, thorofore thov nnn nnll Ihmn Minnn
Ihen they havo no rents, taxes nor clerks
to pay, nnd for that reason also thoy can
soil cheaper than men legitimately ongair
od In business. It Is not fair nor just to
our homo morchnnts to subject thorn to
such a competition, and if thoro is any
way to avoid it the romody should bo
Hiqiiiou. rvory merchant in ItoU
Cloud, OVOn n Damnnrnt. ia In
favor of protoction when his btslness is
at staKo.
TitR Cat Gam k Rack. Last wook The
Chief mentioned that a lody in tho city
una a hen sotting on eggs, on whoso
neat was found a felino usuper. Since
then wo havo boon informed that the
old cat had persisted in Botting until bho
had reully hatchod out tho eggs and now
tho said "Thomas" had returned to tho
inmiiy uonnciio with a brood of fourtoon
chickons following him nrnunci. ntilmlnn
just as littlo chickons do, and tho old cat
goes about scratching for worms for tho
iitiiocuicKonBtoentinstinctlvoly, as If
ho woro always used to caring for tho
fenthory tribe. Whon he mows tho
chickons run hither and thithor, ecom
ingly to be much ploasod to bo in'charso
or such a kind friend, Wo givo this
story as told to ono of our reporters, who
coum not possioiy nua to or tako from
tho Btory ono iota for foar that ho might
bo exaggerating tho truth. Soe!
A Dad Accident. Mrs. S. Pottor,
living south of tho rivor, nnd just ovor
in Kansas, was thrown from Mr. Mc
Cnrtnoy's wagon by a runaway toam
nnd bad hor limb broken just nbovo tho
nnklo. Mrs. McCortnoy was also thrown
out and injured seriously. Mrs. Potior
was brought back to lfori nimui nmi
taken to tho rcsidonco ot Mr. F. P. Had
loy, whoro she is at present. Dr. Dnm
orall Ib in attendance, It aeons that
McCartney dropped a lino and beforo ho
could rogaln it tho team got tho bottor
pf him and ran away, throwing tho
ladies out of tho wagon ns stated. It is
quito a sorious accidont for Mrs. Pottor.
Tenth Anniversary. On Thurs
day cvon'.ng, tho ladies of James A.
Garfiold Relief Corps, No. 14, cclo
bratod their 10th aunivorsary at the
Odd Follows hall by an excellent en
tertainment, comprising addresses,
recitations, music &o aftor which
.!.... - 1 t . . ...
wiuy Burvuu wieir guejts with ico
orcam. Tho W. R. C. ladies know
just how (o plcaso their friends, and
their entertainment on Thursday even
ing was highly approbated by all
thoso present, and tho numbor wns
very largo. Mrs. D. J. Judson. in a
low woll selected words, welcomed the
guests, and Mrs. Kmma B. Knight of
navale told tho history of tho ordor
in hor own illimitable way, Mrs.
Kato Pond rsoitcd an interesting poem
on llro. Iloko Smith of pension fnmo.
Lillio Kizcr recited a beautiful tribute
to the old soldier, while Mra. Pond,
Jii'sio MoKcighnn, Gertie McKoigh
an, Blanche Cummings, Bertha Tul
hot nnd Mabel Howard recited an in
teresting '-Pull Back" dialogue that
captivated tho nudionco, Earl Pond
sang an appreciative song; Mrs. Gcr
tio Dickcrson cntortaincd tho audi
enco with a beautiful picco cf vocal
music; Earl Pond and Summy Foster
amused tho audionce with tho comical
piooo "Ain't got woary yot," and
Dhuicho Sellars and Lizzio Poindrxtor
sang a beautiful duct that was loud
ly applauded. Captain Wildor made
a few appropriate remarks, and tho
string hand intcrsporscd somo lively
music, after which all ato ioo cream.
The event was a grand success.
A CiiANaE. On Monday last, II.
I), llaunoy, ex-county clerk, purchased
tho Holland Homo of Goo, Holland
and at ouco assumed control of that
well known hostlery, Mr. llannoy
has a vtry largo acquaintance in Wub
stcr and adjoining counties, and in as
suming charge of tho Holland Houso
will find that ho has a host of friends
who will bo pleased to Irarn that ho
has purchased tho business. Many
yeats go ho was cngnged in tho hotel
buftiuoes in Iowa, and tho traveling
public will find him no novico at tho
business, but ono who is well on to
hi job. The Chief takes groat
plcasuro in noting tho chango and
congratulate! our friend llannoy on
his osoension to Iho proprietorship
of tho roost prominent hotel in tho
oity The travollng public will find
Mr. Banner a most genial aud aooom
modatlng landloid Succeii to him,
All Grades guaranteed by the Mills.
The New P. M. This woek Geo
J. Warren stepped down and out of
the post office, and Frank Cowdco, the
now postmaster, stepped in. Frank
Cowdcn is a young man not exceeding
25 years, but has orery qualification
that goes towards making up a good
postmaster. Ho is thorough demo
crat, coming honestly by it, his father
being a Simon pure, dyed in the wool,
rock-ribbed membor of tbo untcrrificd
lo, theso many yoars, yea, even from
childhood's gentle hours, did the Jef-
fcraonian blood course through his
veins, and Frank absorbed his democ
racy by hcritago; hence, he is quali
fied to fill a long-felt want in the dem
ocratic heart, Aside from hii politics
ho is a "hail follow woll met," nnd we
aro pleased, if it must bo so, to seo as
good a democrat behind tho bars, we
mean boxes. Having intimately
known Frank a great many years, wo
feel confront that ho will, along with'
his ablo and most accommodating as
sistant, Mies Clara McMillan, attond
to Uncle Sam's post office business
with promptness and despatch.
BiUTHDAY-PARTr. On last Tues
day, Miss Graco Fort arrived at the
age of 18 yean. In order to eommem
m'orato tbo event in a proper manner,
her mother inyitcd a large nmbcr of
friends in to holp rejoice oyer the
happy occasion, and also to surpriso
Miss Grace. The invited guosts were
as follows: Tho Misses Mary and
Margaret Miner, Dolla Bolton, Mabel
McMillan, Cora Kaley, Myrtle and
Gertie Kaloy, Emma Graves, Triz
Mizer and Dora Henderson. The
gentlemen were: Messrs. Elmer Ka
loy, Cha. Landmesser, E. E. Coz, Dr.
F, E. MeKeoby, Robt. MoBride, Har
ry Goblc, Hugh Miaer, Percy McNitt,
Goorgo Morhart, Dr. Frod Cham
berlain and Joseph Blair. M'si
Graco was tho recipient of soma
very beautiful presents, a geld neck
lace, gold pin, jowcl rooeiver, bonbon
ioro, a beautiful book and perfume.
It was a vory pleasant sooial event and
all enjoyed themselves splendidly.
1 ,,.
Knioht Templaii BahiJuet. ;0n
Thursday, May 3, tho Knight Templars
had a banauot which was public to tho
Sir Knights and their families. After
tho coromony had boon accomplished
und tho now ofllcors inductod into oflico,
an elabornto eproad wus sorved consist
ing of nil tbo uelicacios ot the season.
Hon. James Gilhaui delivered a very in
teresting address on the occasion. Thn
oflicora installod wero, R. M, Cochrane,
ii..j.; u. vv. iialoy,UoneraliB8imo;D.M.
Piatt, C. G.; R. B. Pulton, Prolnto; A.
G. Willis, S. W.; H. W. Brower, J. W.; J.
A. Tulloys, Rocordor; G. W. Lindsoy,
Treasurer; A. Galusha, Standard Boaror,
S. F. Spokesfiold, Sword Roarer; M. B
McNitt, Wardon; Jos Kubic, Sontinol.
It was a vory pleasant occasion.
Teacher: Childron boo what It savs on
tho blackboard and bo euro and tell
your parents, that Wlonor eollstho best
clothing for tho least monoy.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Fair Highest Award.
To Wutcr Consumers.
Notlco is hereby givon to the patrons
of tho city wator eorvico, ot tho city of
Rod Cloud, that section 24 of ordinance
No. i' hereunto annexed ot said city will
be strictly enforced hereafter:
It shall bo unlawful for any person
within eaid city to eprinklo, oject or
tbrow wator from private or public
sprinKior, wanner or nyurant upon any
public Btreot, lane or alloy, or any yard
gardon or enclosure, or permit or cuuse
tho Biime to bo dono, nor upon or against
any ouiiuing upon bucii atroet,
luno or alloy, except for the ex
tinguishment ot fires and ordi
nary houso cleaning oxcopt botweon tho
hours ot 6 nnd 7 o'clook n. m and 5 and
8 o'clock p. in., ot oaoh day; and any
other porson violating nny of the provi
sions ot this Bootion shall upon con vlotion
thereof bo tlned in any sum not exceed
ing ton dollars and stand committed un
til sucu costs una nno aro paid.
W. B, Rouv, Mayor.
Harvey Vincent,
Water Coraisaioner.
Dated May 4, 1804.
Wrryl I
MONOGRAM, 90c Per Sack.
ROYAL PATENT, 80c Per sUck
B. S, 65c Per Sack.
market Report.
(Pnrr.fAd Wuiiiu
Wheat ...g
uorn e t
1 201 25
4 CO
2 50
r in .............. , ,
Fat cows
Chickens doz.
Turkeys ih.
2 00
Retail nrice of thn Tied Hlniwl Mllltna
Co., flours :
Monocram M sack a on
Royal patent sack BO
a.oiu.a.y eock 05
r IJlx
That bargain counter ot shoes at
Wiener's has mado n great many go
away happy from it, with a good pair
of shoos at two thirds prico.
The Mount Pleasant Cemetery As
sociation will moot at tho Hummel
school-house next Monday, May 7th,
'94. at 4 p. m. sharp. All interested
parties aro requested fo bo p.csont.
- I
Money to Loan.
I havo money to loan. Monoyonland
oady for use. D. B. Spanoglo.
For Sule.
Somo beautiful combinations in wal
paper, ceiling, eido wall und border to
match. Prices vory low. Doyo & Grlce
House plants of nil
J. H. Smith'B.
vant-tioH at
Mr, H, II. Trails
Like a Miracle
Pains in tide and Breast
Despaired of Help, but Mood's
arsaparllla Cured.
"C. I. IIool ft Co., Lowell, Mass.:
" I am glad to atato my son's exncrlonea with
Hood's Sarsaparllln, as It was the means o! sav
ing hi life, last fall he vim taken 111 w il.h pain
Id hi breoit and ildo. He had the best madleal
attendance possible, and was treated by Uw
doctors tor lome time, bttt did not reajlza aay
relief. H could not lay down day or nlgut, and
our hopes were fait falling. My aged mothsr
advised a trial of Hood's Bar japarllla. Uo com
menced taking tho medlclno, and to our
Great Astonishment,
one bottle cured him ot ht pnlns and rt stored
him to perfect health. This case has been .looked
upon by many In this vicinity us notlilni; short
of a miracle." H. II. Vai.lh, Oswego, If.ansaa.
Hood's Pills euro liver Ills, constipation,
biliousness, jaundlco, lck headache, IndfRestfon.
Physician unit hurtrcou,
City and county calls promptly mado.
Moon Block, Red Cloud.
Skerlfl'M Sale.
NoilceH hereby Riven that miilor and liyvlr
ueof an ordor of sail! mueit rimiitlie omen of
0. II. ('ratio cleik ot district court of tlia
lOUiliidlrlat district, within nn.l r Wrtnle?
comitr. NBbnwka, uuon a ilecreo In nu acllon
iiomllrte. there n. whrnaln iii imhi,i i.,..;..
anca romimiiy ofllni tftud Caiinectlunt Is nlaln-
;" h""j jiiiiiniii i. iiuwr, .ii,iriua M.
Howe. Sandwich Kutornr le comnnnv. kiiSI
f?'..,MJi,!"i.ft"V,l.l!!5- V.0."!':'"' .K'rt Na-
Brotli.M. rerkln Wlnd-inlll ,,k.'i' ai company
aid I, w. Tulle IrtiitcefnrK. P. llamnioni
t al, are dvleiiilniiM.
lBlinllITorfnri,kleat miblln omlun. to the
blKhest bidder for cith in li.uul. at the east
iloor of tha court home, at Ited Cloud, In said
WebMer county. Nebraska, (Hint being tba
till Idlug wherein the lust ttiinof i ild court wa
holdeni an the second ilay ul .My A.n .Mt. at
n 'clock p. in., of said .Uy, tno lollowluu As
cribed prupotty, to-wlt: Ihosouth-enst usrtr
"y .? icc'!0l fourteen (II) in tu'vusblp
number three (a) north of wiik imnibrr Uu
ho) west f Ih sixth V. M In wobstcr county.
Olveii under my hand (his SOth day of March
WnilmL Stout. Aa)ntlWi!il5?;'.e?!l.M,ir'
bidders until June 0, isol
uo uuuin muo mm luiiiiuueu lor waiit or
Dated this 4th day o
f May,
J. V'.B
jrlkc 'MXu Miyl