M?MfXMii tiifmt f "S'K-jf PS. - - -.sxi'joLtMXHMcm -Wyy ,v.rMiiMaigv"'"'"' " "" " 'f THE RED CLOUD CHIEF, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1894. 8 .,. i ii I, ,i i. i.iJi-.i.'iU ) ni mi i ' nii'n i'H . it HE THE COUNTRY NEWS MANY INTERESTING ITEMS OF NEWS. Famished t Oar AM Corpe of Country CarrepoaeaU, Bepec tally ror:tkMeajUra of Tao Chief Cowles. After a few days absence from this thriving little city we are permitted "' again walk upon its holey eidewalk, and gaze upen the smiling counte nances of the many eaergetio and suo ctssful business men that so gladly weloemo a heavy moneyed man, that we eat now go in their midst without the inward fear of being branded the only wayfaring Campbcll ite. Blessed are they that do worship for thoirGodly idol failed to find their tabernaole last Sunday and is now re oonnoitering in other fields. Our old friend and classmate, 0. W. Fuller is suffering severely with some thing like eiysipe'at. Wm. Hurd and Ex-Postmaster Ward were putting the finishing touohes on Bed Dcekin's new residenoe this week. Dad Paul says there is so much friotion west that it draws his whole person cleat to Red Cloud every Sun- Capt. Blain positively declines to join the commonweal until 0. F. and unele Todd send in their resignations. We art informed that business is slowly on the move, if the farmer did not go to the postoffioe occasionally there would be no occasion for them to leave their wioked homes and enter this holey eity at all. Our business men aro getting so kind and generous that thoy are delivering goods to tie extent of ten or twelve miles. J. L. Fuller is the proud father of a bran new republican baby, Our pioneer and best skilled me chanic in the oounty, G. W. Hager, is crowded with work. Father Storey, our boss liveryman, is constantly ou the drive. J. Best is still buying corn by tho bushel and hogs by the pound. Emory Fawaett, wo are glad'to see, is making a sucoess at raising thor oughbred Poland China pigs. Fuller & Good are treating their Urge store building to a new ooat of paint whioh adds to its appoaranco, and is an outward expression of their financial success. J, H. Brown, proprietor of the eity hotel, is not a hog as some try to make it appear, but he has got a ma chine to catch their pigs and John knows it too. It is rumored that our stock men, Albright & Crane, aro in litigation with som S esstern capitalists that havo attached their entire posses sions. .cy. M. J. Turner, our all around rustler tVh putting on city airs to the extent of Dr.'Vrice's Crwun Baking Powder WeHe's Pair WaWot MeeelMd Ditto CLOSING Commencing Saturday, We have decided to go out of the dry goods business in order to give room for a different line of goods, This will be one of the best opportunities ever ofiered in the city to get bargains. Our stock consists of, $3,000 to $3,500 Worth of viell AssortcJ Staples, And wil be disposed of as fast as cost price will sell them. If you live within a day's drive of this city it will pay you to come and see us on and after the above date. MYERS keeping older, pop and ioe cream on tap. G. A. Harris has been very success ful in tho mercantile line, notwith standing the cry of hard times. He keeps a couple of stand up collar clerks and a team on the road. T. Paul is our leading grocoryman and keeps the best lino of goods. Dr. Hill is still with us and drives out of town every timo ho has a call. J.QD. Storey, our accommodating demnorutio postmaster is enjoying a good drug trade and is soiling spring wall paper by tbe baskotfull, Father Buoklos is making some nice improvements on his littlo placo west of town. Wm. Good is repairing and making seme nice improvements on his farm. Ger. Hamilton of David City, dop uty head oounoil of theModern Wood men, has been in the oity several dajs organising a camp. Ho informs us that he organised a large camp at Upland and will go to Lawrence next woek. As our time is limited we will givo you the particular personals aftor tho rain. JNasby. Line. Weather fine and nows scarce. Farmers aro busy planting oorn. Belle Aubushon is convalescing under tho Bkillful care of Dr, Moran villo. The entertainment at Penny crook was a grand suoooss. Rev. Heaton prcaohed to a largo congregation at Pleasant Dalo last Sunday. William VanDyke has returned homo after a week's visit to friondp in Hull oounty, and reports tho small grain looking fine, Mrs. Ida Foutz of Guide Rook Sun day cd with her parents. Batln. A. Akers has oommenocd to plant aero. Mrs. Tom Anderson is still number ed with tho siok. Tho Sorgonson boys havo purchased a spotted ponoy. Miss L. Miohaol Sundaycd with her sister Mrs. W. E. Bean. Mrs. Harvey was the guest of Mrs. 0. II. Pitnoy Sunday, W. E. Bean was in our community on bucineis Tuesday. Link Kelso looks like a boy once more he has Bliaved off his mustnoho. Joseph Holmes and Jessie Roiglo wcro out borse-baoh riding Sunday. Mr. Rounds was around selling medioine in our neighborhood one day last week. Wm. Andrews and Kid Gluttor at tended preaching at Catherton last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bean and daughter were the guests of K. Bean of Cowles g unday. We will offer our entire line ol dry A. Joo Paveleok says it was not his fault that ho did not got married. There was a slight mistake in our item last wcok Miss Daisy Wilson is treasurer. In a radius of fivo miles of Otto there is over twonty fivo bachelors. Fall whoat is looking fine, oats are coming up nicely and ryo haB com menced to joint. Mr. Jareson aud family were in our neighborhood visiting last Sun day. Mrs. Frank Llndsey of Red Cloud and Mrs. Smelser of Riverton were callers of thoir ptronts Mr. and Mrs. Madison Sunday. Mr. Hanson's team ran away the other day and ranjthrough a wi re feno three different times, outting ono of tho horses very badly whilo the other ono esoaped uninjured. Several of the young and old folks attended tho spelling sohool at dis trict GG last Thursday. Claudo Do vaugh was champion speller. Quito a number are having prairie broken this spring. Mont. . ' Crooked Crcekl Geo. Winton was in Hebron last week. Ed McCuao is having his house plastered . Mrs. Delia Tennant was visiting her parents Wednesday. Mr. Coplin and children were in Guide Rook last week. Mr. D. F. Tennant is expeoted home from Missouri this week. Tho wedding bells will soon ring for a coming wedding in our neighbor hood. Mr. and Mrs. Tennant were visiting at Inavalo with Mr. Woiderman who is yery siok. Most of tho Crooked creek people went to Red Cloud Sunday to hear Mr. Pulman preach his farewell ser mon. Earl Tennant haB been helping his brothor Dcrt who has been in Inavalo tending his father-in-law who has been very siok but is rapidly recover ing. Mrs. Storn and Mrs. Dercon from Cowles wero visiting with Mrs. Ten nant last woek. There are prospects of n good fruit crop this year the trees are loaded with blossoms. Ed Dickson is through plowing for corn for this season. Ed is a rustler. Mrs, Montford from Kansas was visiting with Mrs. Tonnant last week, Guy Tennant and Pant Diokson are quite experts with the gun they went to the river Saturday and shot quite a number of ducks. Mrs. Lillie McKcighan was visiting with Mrs, Tennant last week, Judson. A nloe rain Thursday evening and everything Looks spring like again OUTiV April 22, 1894. goods at cost. WILL - USHER Rev. G. W. Hummel preached at Mt. Hope the 22. Wo woloomo him baok and wish him much success. Everybody is busy planting corn. MIsb Liio Barret visited her friend Miss Lizcio Slaby of Red Cloud last week. The party at Mr. Raylston's was very much enjoyed by all preasant. Gcorgo Johnson is breaking prairio for Mr. Leadcrbrand. Mr. and Mrs. Sapp visited at Mr. Albert Serivners Sunday. Thero was a danoo at C. W. Barrett's Thursday evening, all report a good time. Miss May Barrott is visiting her friend Miss Lulu Chamborlain of Red Cloud this week. Mib. Mary Aokorman is homo again after quito a stay in Red Cloud. On Tuesday tho 24th. Willio Mount ford was eleven years old and in honor of tho ovont his mama gave him a pleasant party, All the folks went home feeling they had spent a day long to bo remembered and wo wish him many such happy birthdays. News is soaroe now days everybody is too busy to talk about bis neighbor. Sid. Catherton. She cliok of tho oheokrowor is heard these days. The wheat crop don't look very promising at tho presont. How stylish our neighbors are get ting to bo; Mr. Loekhart and Cewley each have a new organ. Mr. L. M. Crabill and family of Red Cloud wero visiting at D. H. Larrick.a last Sunday and attended ohuroh at Catherton, E. M, F. Grubb and father were visiting a few days in Holstine last woek, Good morning Mrs M. bayo you jnsdo any garden yet? Nothing but planting onions. Mrs, X. havo you cleaned house yol? Is tho song of tho femalo salutation in tho country at this timo, Hanh. Illadon. Wo are still wanting rain. Some of tho early farmers aro plant ing corn. Banker MoLaughlon drove to Rod Cloud Monday. Mr. J. Pashby lost a fino cow tbo first of tho week. Mr. and Mrs. John Cror.or were at Bluo Hill Saturday. Cullen Bros, free show was well attended Monday evening. W. B. Householder transacted busi ness in Blue Hill Saturday, P. J. Johnson living south of town is having his house painted. Tho genile showers of late is mak ing tho mall grain look fino, Quite a number of Campbell people were in town this week doing trading. Mr. Apley's son returned to his home at Breening this stato last Thursday. 0. E. Hioks and wife and James Burdon and wife spent Sunday after neon at Fred Kauffman'i. Quite a number from town attended tho school exhibition at Prairio Gem school house Friday evening. The Baptist suppor was a yory fino affair and tho ladios' felt woll repaid for their efforts. Proceeds $35. Bladen is ncvor behind, hor mer chants aro always in tho front. Fine "Wyandot" oalico can bo found at ono of tho stores. Guide Hock. Guide Rook is improving as a new -store of mcrohandiso has been added to the already long list ef stores. The public school schoolers and teachers celebrated Arbor day bv planting trees in tho foronoon and going to river fishing in the afternoon. Two wagon loads of the most promi nent young people of Guide Rock took possession of Mr. Reed's resi dence ono night last week and passed a joyous evening with games and music. The two pugilists, Vandiver and Guy, mot under a protest to fight to a finish, and as the lights went out the seconds oould not see to call time also spectators barred and finance being minus, both wear tho belt. Miss Bertha Shepherd Sundayed in Red Cloud. If you want a first class wheel call on Prof. Pearly Roland. Inquire what new order has come into town, wo notico a new badge of three links on ono young man's coat. Tho young sohool teachers, big girls and all went to hang up a May basket for their best fellow, May 1. JUANXTA, Mtillwaler. Nearly everybody is planting corn. Mrs. Isom was quito sick last week, but is somo bettor at tho present writing. ' The mother of Isaao Taylor his bcon visiting him from Bluo Hill. Miss Lou Orr is qui'o sick, and is under tho caro of Dr. Hall of Cowles. J. W. Smith and Joo Vance mark eted liogi in Guide Rook last Tuesday, Davo Fishel and Will Isom wcro in Mt, Clare Monday and bought them a lister. If nothing happens thero will bo a fine crop of fruit of all vjrioties, ex cept poaohes, in this vioinity, Miss Orpha Pot tit, from south of tho river, was visiting hor friend, Lulu Alban last week, Quito a serious acoident aocurrcd last Sunday night as tho young peo ple wero returning from tho Epworth League at Eokley ohuroh, Charley " nnctt's horse booamo frightened and started to run, throwing tho oeou pants (four in number) all ont, exoept Miss Grccnlco of Bluo Hill, who tcaohcB at Pleasant Dale, who saved hcrso'.f by jumping. By somo means Hva Bonnet received a sorious frao turo of tho lowor limb, Tho toam ran into tho baok ond of Ed Decker's spring wagon, throwing Ed and his two sisters out upon tho ground, but no one was hurt. Aleck Monla caught the team aftt r it had smashed the bog' gy nearly all to picoos, about a quar ter of a mllo from whero thoy started. Simpson. Stale Line Somo of tho farmors are dono plant ing corn, Pio plant pio and asparagus is adorning everybody's table. Louio Bowles is ablo to attend ohuroh. All her associates are glad to sec her restored to health. Grandma Fishburn is improving very fast. Undo Wm. VanDyke was visiting along tho stato lino the first of the woek. Gcorgo Turner was on the siok list last week, but was able to go to work Monday morning. The prospeot for fruit in this vioini ty is splondid, Most every kind of fruit has cither bloomed or is in bloom. Leonard Fagan has been building wiro fonoo for Alva Stanton. Frank VanDyke mado a trip through this vicinity Sunday and Monday. J. B. 'Poland has mado a twenty two aero hog pasturo. Ho thinks thoro is moro monoy in hogs than anything olso, Nows is very scarce. I will try and write moro next timo. Irregnlarities and all those poind and distressing dUeaaoa poonliar to women are cured by Dr. Sawy or'a Pastilles. Mild yet a powerful honlor. Bold by DeXo k Grite. i . In tho parrot, both mandibles of the beak aro movable. Monoy, skill and experience cannot lm prove Dr, Sawyer's Pastills for dtseasca paooliar to women. Srndto your druggist for free sample. Sold by Deyo & Grloe Elophanta on land and whales in tho sea nro tho longest lived animals, . All that money, oxperlenoe, skill and peraervoranoo can do haajicen done I at he preparation and manufacture of Dr. Saw yer's Pastilles for ladios. Deyo k Grlee Grows will steal young chickens at clovorly as hawks. One trial paoknge of Dr. Sawyer's Pas tillos will prove to any lady that tho remedy ia what she want and will aura her. Try a sample. Deyo & Qrice. The inon in nil tho minos in Contralia ' III , will go out next Tuesday. One trial will do more to convince yon of the merits of Dr. Sawyer's Pastille than all we can say, Ladios, try a sample paokage, Sold by Deyo & Qrice. Winchester, Va., was visited by an- other $100,000 Hre yesterday. i I, Mrs, Brown Your neighbor mar ha oured by Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles, bat yarn will never know how much good they will do yon until yon try them, Doyo 4 Grloe. . A strlko will bo declared by 26,000 union painters in Chicago. Pleasant, safe, harmless, invigorating, rtstoring, healing and enratlve, ia what ladies will find Dr. Sawyer's Pastilles are. Try a sample paekago. Deyo & Oriot. The orop reports from Dakota are vory encouraging. ii i Painless, healing, restoring, harmless, Invigorating, enratlve, reconstrncting and rebuilding are facts of Dr. Sawyer's Pas tilles. Sold by Deyo & Qrice. The Standard Cattlo company, in Dodge county will raise 700 acres of sugar boots this year. Yon will nevsr know' positively what a wonderful remedy Dr. Sawyer's Family Cere is nntill yon try it. It will cure yon of a soar stomaoh, P. W. Jacobs of Lincoln spolto tit Cloy Contor Friday night in fuvor of a mod itiod socialism. Dr. Sawyer'e Family Cure It not only relieves; it cures. It is suitable to all ages and every member of the family. Try a free sample. Sold by Deyo A Qrice. Italy ia acting with great firmness for the suppression of all unlawful demon strations on May Day. It not only will please yon, bat you wilt use nothing else'after trying it.- Ve refer to Dr, Sawyer's Family Cure, Ask your druggist for free sample. Deyo & Qrloe. A Russian student at Thorn East Prussia was arostod for making sketches of tho fort works, Dr. Sawyer's Family Cure inrgorates, strengthens, rooaperates, rebuilds ceitorra and brings new life. Ask yon druglst for a free sample, Sold by Deyo k Qrice, Tho doraocratic gerrymander of Illi nois is to be attacked injthe courts. W. m. m B r 0. , s. u ! t t'ta - Ta JBsjagjkiaUjaBJsBJBaaja -wMM,w4aMtaMHiiiwrM -t U 'TTn f Mitt- w-win i... , mm .,. j, -.I -- . - . jiJjnjajnnnjjjnnnnjiiBPS - . . , ,.. t m i..MPMJ& j!ti!flvi! . . ' war" r,shi.