$ "'! 4 I ' i;.-u All Home Print. GEN. WASHINGTON EXTENDED HISTORY OF HIS LIFE. or 111 Viral and Fainom President or tlie United Statu by an Karl? Writer Incident and Adventure or Ills Lire. CHAPTER I. Of Georgo Washington's birth, family and edeuation Of his mission to the French commandant on tho Ohio in 1753 His military op erations as an officer of Virginia from 1704 to 1758 Subsequent employments to tho crmnicnoc mont of tho American Revolution. Chapter I 1753 to 1758. Continued from lost week.) The controversy about tho Ohio lands, which began in Virginia, was taken up very seriously by Great Britain, and two British regiments were sent to Amerioa to support the claims of his Britannia majesty. Thoy arrived early in 1755, and were commanded by Gon. Braddook. That officor, being informed of the talents of George Washington, invited him to servo the campaign as a volunteer aid OlcJ de oamp, Tho invitation was cheer--' illy accepted, and Washington joined Gen Braddook near Alexandria, and proceeded with him to Will's Creek, afterwards called Fort Cumber land. Here tho army was detailed till tbo 12th of June, waiting for wagons, horses and provisions. Wash ington had early recommended the use ef pack horses, instead of wagons for convoying the baggago of tho army. The propriety of this advioe soon be came apparent, and a considerable ohange was mado in conformity to it. Tbo army had not advanced mueh aoro than ten miles from Fort Cum berland, whon Washington was seized with a violent fever, but neveithelcss continued with the army, being con veyed in fv covered wagon, after he had refused to stay behind, though so much exhausted as to bo unable to rido on horseback. Ho advised tho general to leave his heavy artillery and baggage behind, and to advance rapidly to Fort Duquesne, with a se lot body tf troops, few necessary tores, and some pieoes of light artil lery. Hopes were indulged that by this expeditious movement, Fort Du (jucHtio might ho reAahed in its present weak stato with a fnrno sufficient to re duee it, before expected rcinforco ment should arrive. Gen. Draddock approved the schemo, and submitted it to tho consideration of a counoil hold at the Little Meadows, which recom mended that the commander in chief should advance as fast as poaeiblo with 1200 scloot men. and that Col. Dunbar should remain behind with tho remainder of tho troops and tho heavy baggage. This advanced corps commoncod its march with only thir ty carriages, but did not prooccd with the rapidity that was expected. They frequently balled to lovol tho road, and to build bridges over inconsider able brooks. Thoy . consumed four days in pissing over the Grst nineteen miles from Little Meadows. At this placo, the physicians deolarcd that Col. Washington's lifo would bo en dangered by advanoing with tho nrmy. Ho was thcreforo ordored by Gon. Braddook to stay behind with a .small guard till Dunbar should nrriyo with tho roar of tho army. As soon an his strength would pouuit, ho joinod tho advanced dotacliDiont, and immediate- a ly entered on tho duties ol his ollx'o. Tw On tho next day, July 9th, n dreadful fcccno took placo. When Braddoek had crossed the JVIononguhclo, nml waa only a few miles from Fort Duquosnt, . - iflmM0rKtttimmtmm Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty," and One Dollar a year is Red and was pressing forward without any apprehension of danger, ho was at tacked in an open road, tliiok sot with grass. An invisible enemy, consist ing of Frcuch and Indiana, commenced a heavy and well dircctod fire on his unoovorcd troops. Tho van fell back on the main body, and tho whole was thrown into disorder. Marksmen lovcled their pieces particularly at of ficcrsand others on horseback. In short time Washington was tho only aid do camp left alivo and not wounded. On him, therefore, dotrolvcd the wholo duty of carrying tho general's ordcis. Ho was of oourso obliged to bo con stantly in motion, traversing tho fields of battlo on horseback in all di rections, lie had two horses shot un der him, and four bullets passed through his coat, but ho escaped un hurt, though every other officer on horseback was cither killed or wound ed, l'rovidonco preserved him for further and greater sorviccs. Through out the wholo of tho carnago and con fusion of this fatal day, Washington displayed the greatest coolness and tho most perfect self possession. Braddook was undismayed amidst a shower of bullets, and by his counte nance and example, enoouraged his men to stand their ground; but valor was useless, and discipline only offer ed surer marks to the distructivo aim of unseen marksmen. Uuacquaintcd with tho Indian mode of fighting, JJraddook neither advanoid upon nor retreated from the assailants, but very injudiciously endeavored to form his broken troops on the ground whoro they wcro firBt attacked, and where they wcro erposcd uncovered to the incessant galling fire of a sheltered enemy. Ho had been oautioncd of the danger to which ho was exposed, and was advised to advance the pro vinoials in front of his troops, to scour tho woods and detect ambus cades, but ho disregarded tho salutary recommendation. Tho aotion lasted nearly thrco hours, in tho course of which tho genoral had thrco horses shot under him, and finally received a wound, of whioh ho died in a fow days in tho camp of Dunbar, to whioh he had been brought by Col. Washington and others. On the fall of Braddook bis troops gave way in all directions, ad could sot be rallied till the; had crossed the Monongahela. The In dians, nllurcd, by plunder, did not pursuo with vigor. Tho vanquished regulars soon foil back to Dunbar'H camp, from which, after destroying such of thoir stores as could bo spared, they retired to Philadelphia. Tho oniocri in the British rcgimoats dis played tho greatest bravery, Their wholn number was 85 and 64 of them wero killed or wounded, Tho com mon soldiers wcro so disooncortcd by tho unusual modo of attack, that thoy soon broke, and could not bo rallied. Tho thrco Virginia companies in the engagement behaved very differently, and fought liko men till thcro wcro scarcely 30 men left alivo in tho whole. This rovorso of fortuno rather added to, than took from, the reputa tion of Washington, His country ex tolled his conduct, and generally said and believed, that if he had becu com mander, the disasters of tbo day would havo boen avoided. Intolligcnco of Braddoclc's defoat, and that Col. Dunbar had withdrawn all tho regular Jorccsi from " irginia, arrived while tho assembly ol that colony was in session. Impressed with tho necessity of protecting their exported frontier ptttlomonts, thoy de termined to raise n regiment of nix- tcen companies Tho command of this was given to Washington, So great wis tho public confidence in tho I soundness of his judgment, that ho -jf- - "n Cloud, Webster County, Neb., Friday, May was authorized to naino the field of ficers, His commission also desig nated him as commander iu chief of all the forces raised, or to bo raised, in Virginia. In execution oi tho duties of his new office, Washington, after giving tho noccssary orders for tho recruiting service, visited tho frontiers. He found many posts, but fow soldiers. Of these tho best disposition was made. While on his wsy to Williams burg to arrango a plan of operation with tho lieutenant-governor, ho wob overtaken by an express below Fred ericksburg, with information that tho back settlements wcro broken up by parties of French and Indians, who wcro murdering and capturing men, womon aod children, burning their houses, and destroying their crops, and that the few trcops stationed on tho frontiers, unablo to protect tho country,had -retreated to small stoc kade forts. Washington altered his courso from Williamsburg to Winches ter, and endeavored to collect a forco for the defonoo of tho country. But this was impossible. The inhabitants instead of assembling in arms, and facing the invaders, fled boforo them, and extended the general panio, Whilo tho attention of ibdividuals was engrossed by their families and privato concerns, tho general safety was neglected. Tho alarm became universal, and tho utmost coufusion prevailed. Bofore any adequato force was collected to repel the assailants, they had safely crossed the Alleghany mountains, after having done an iin monsity of mUcbiof. Irruptions of this kind wcro repeatodly mado into tho frontier settlements of Virginia, in the years of 175G, 1757 and 1758. Thcso generally consisted of a con siderable number of French and In dians, who woro detached from Fort Duquesne. It was thoir usual prac tice on their approaching the settle ments, to divide into small parties, and avoiding the forts, to attack soli tary families iu tho night, ub well as tho day. Tho savages, aooustomed to livo in tho woods, found little difficul ty in concealing themselvos till their fatal blow was struck. Sunday unim portant skirmishers took place, with various results, bat the nusabbr killed on both sides waa inconsiderable, when compared with the mischief dono, nnd tho many who wcro put to death, otherwise than in battle. The invaders could seldom be brought to a regular engagement. Honorablo war was not in their contemplrtion. Plun der, devastation and murder wore their objects. Tho assemblage of a respoctablo forco to oppose them, was their signal for retreating. Irruptions of this kind wcro so frequont for three years following Braddook's dofeat, that in Pennsylvania, tbo frontier Bot tlers woro divon back at far 03 Car lisle, and in Maryland to Frederick town, and in Virginia to tho Blue Ilidgo. To be continued. How's Tills! We oiler on hundred dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cored by Uall'rt Oatarrli Cur. K. J. CU1NEY k CO., Toledo. 0. We, tho undersigned have kiovn F. J. Chenoy for the last lf years, and believo him perfectly honorable In nil bastaaau transactions and financially ublo to enrry out any obligation! made by thoir linn, YVoit &Trunx, Wholt-salo Druggists, Tole do, (. aiding ix, Marvin, WboIosaU Druggists, Toledo, (), Hall's C'utnrrh Onto in takcu Internally, acting directly upon the blood nnd mucous inrtacen of tho nyatein, Testimonials sent free. J'rloo 7fio. porbnttto. Hold by a'l DroKK'"1'0' 1'urk'a livory Btiibld nt North i'latto burned Rnurday night, Loss f 2,000, m- 'auranea. EDUCATIONAL NEWS HAPPENINGS IN OUR. SCHOOLS. t'ltrntalicd by County Ntiprrlnliindeitt n. HI. Hunter. Tho circular in regard to the ostab lishment of county High Sohool filled tho spaco of tho cducati6nal col umn during tho past four weeks. Monthly reports havo boen received from tho following' distriots: Dh. Teuchtr l'.u. av. At. SI Carrie L. Bill (pr dpt.).... 30 4 Miss Alma L. Parker 20 U Lulu C. Barker 33 9.1,"?.. Hoover. 25 12Zoa B. Keith 27 14 Mario Taylor 14 1G J. W. Vandivor 18 17 Lulu A. Ayor 28 20 Minnie A. Yensen 3i 22 Hose D.Paul 35 23 John M. Earner 10 24 II. W. Cox 17 27 M. Kalio Nob!? 1G 31 A. N. Allquist (gr dpt.). . .27 Aimer Both (pr dpt.) 51 32 Julia White 21 33 H. Nauda Orchard 20 34Maudo Mook 10 41 Mabel Truman 24 1G 2G 23 20 12 15 22 12 19 9 15 ll 24 43 8 13 15 18 42 Mary L. Farquhar 34 45 L. B. Greenlee 14 40 Mabel H. Day ...2G 48Thos. A. Leonard 31 49 Danl. M. Garber 15 50 Ruth Housoholdcr 11 52Mammie Noble 8 5G Anna Cookrall 34 58 Sarah L. Fisher 17 61 Mary L. Crotty 1G G3 Oscar A. Arnold 30 G5 Belle Spanoglo 43 6G Emily Robinson 35 71 G. S. Parker 11 75Chas. Foe .....10 7G Nettio M. Hummel 25 78 Carrie M. Hummel (S.d.). ..15 Lester A. Koontz (N. 8.).. .21 80 Jessie Holyiroas 30 81 Oliver Foe 1G District 17 observed arbor day 20 12 15 12 G 9 G 28 12 11 20 25 27 8 G 21 10 15 12 12 by planting trocs. In district 5G, Anna Cockrall teacher for tho month ending April 20tb, Cliffio Crawiord, Lee Crawford, Dan Erwin, Ralph Haught, Clarenoe Hubbard, Ralph Hubbard, Willie Spraober, Minta Anderson, Halite Mather, Clara Crawford, Cora Ilub- bard, Graoo Smith and Susie Spraol.er wore not absent. Cora Hubbard, Susio Sprachcr, Graco Smith and Mintu Andersen had 90 per cent or ovor in deportment. Tho entertainment given by tho lied Cloud schools Friday and Satur day nights of last week in tho opera house was a oompleto buocchs. An educational meeting was held at tho pohool Iiouro in district 3G on Thursday evening of last week. A few woro present and somo questions of gcnoral interest woro disousscd. On account of tho farmers being very busy, tho days long, tho nights short, and a Braall attendance tho con sequence; tho remaining educational meetings us announced in tho circular will bo postponed till next lull. During this sohool year thirteen meetings have bean held, A greater number will bo hold during the next year, as wo believe, somo good may be accomplished for the oause of educa tion 'n this way, On Saturday, May 12, 1894, at 11 a, m,, u teacher meeting will be held at Bladen. The program in as follows OI'K.NINU EXICKOIHK. Paper lifo of Edward Egglcston, Eva'yn F, Campbell. Musio. Clats dull in language -Aimco Roth. Paper- Tho teacher as n Character Builder Mary Farquhar. Music. Paper Tho 8ouatio Method of Teaoh- Chief. 4, 1894. ing A, N. Allquist. Quocry box. After the roading of each paper thcro will bo a grand disoussion of tho subjoot. This will bo tho last tcaohcra' meet ing of this school year. A good at tendance is depircd. WEATHER BULLETIN i PROGNOSTICATIONS OF WEATHER, Prepared and I'lirnUlied for Nnccial 1'nbllcutlon lit tlie lied Cloud Chirr by W. 'I. 1'onter. Co) righted In 1891 by W. T. Poster. St. Joseph, Mo, May 4th. My last bulletin gavo forecasts of tho storm waves to cross tho continent from May 9th to May 13th, and from May 3d to 7th. Tho next will reach thol'aoifin ooast about tho 14th, cross tho wostorn mountains by oloso 15th tho great central valleys from lfiih to 18th, and tho eastern Btatcs about tho 19th. May is usnatly a quiet weather month, but this yoar it will assume tho roll of Maroh, and muoh blustory weather will bo cxporicnood, This storm wavo will oontinuo this unusual weather, and a larger number of elec trical disturbances than usual may bo expected. This disturbance will also inaugurate tho cooler half of the month, the temperaturo of whioh will averago about as muoh below the nor mal as the first half will averago above. The warm wave will cross tho west tern mountains about tho 14th, tho groat central vallej a about tho ICtb, and tho eastern Btatcs about tho 18th. The cool wavo will cross tho west era mountains about tho 17th, tho great central valleys about tho 19th, and tho eastern states about 21st. BTODYINO ELEGTBIGITV. Among the most suggestivo experi ments in clcotrioity is that of tho pith balls. Tho pith of cornstalks or other vcgctablo growth arc used be causo thoy aro very light in weight. Balls tho sizo of a pea are mado of this substance and hung by cotton threads and fastened to a knob, plato or tho point of a wiro that will con duot eleotticity. The cotton thread is used because U is a good oouduo'or of eleotricity. An eleotrio charge is thea oauaed to eater the knob, and from it the pith balls are charged. They immediately separate and swing as far from each other as tho threads will permit. As tho eleotricity slow ly ovaporatcs, or is lost by going off into tho atmosphere, tho pith balls slowly come together, and at tho oud of several hours tho electricity is gone and tho balls touch. Tho law of electricity, illustrated by tho ubovo cxporimont, must neces sary bo universal, must apply to all tho heavenly bodies, does away with tho necessity of a miracle, and ex plains why tho earth and planets do not full into tho sun or collido with each other. It also explains why the atmosphere expands, causing evapora tion and drouth, why it couduiises, causing rainfall. If tho sun arid plmiots aro electri fied bodies, electro-dynamos, as admit ted by most soioutists, thoir relative positions havo aomotblng to do with tho tousion of thoir electrical charge:), and as theso positions aro constantly changing, tho effects in expanding and condensing our atmosphoro whuld givo us almost an ondless variety of weather. As Morcuiy revolves around the sun in about bB dayi, Noptuno in about 101 yours, and the other planets varying bctwuou theao periods, it ro- quirei 1G4 yoais for one unmploto set of ohungon,'(ind the snaotid set of 104 yearn would not he tho sumo as tho lirst I These fuots givo sntuo idcaof'tho the Price 3tH&r Vol.21. No. 41 MhsoMely Pure A croam of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength Latest United States Goverasaeat Food Report. ltoynl Baking Powder Cm, 10 Wall SI., N. T. oomplcxitlos of the weather question and why tho soiontists, with all their great learning and unlimited means for investigation, have not even made a start toward long rango weather forecasts. Thty havo ignored the real causes so viyidly illustrated by tho pith ball experiments. Tho earth is heavily charged with eloctrieity in tho passing of its incoming cleotrie currents by the moon or planets, and then, whilo that elcolrioal charge is evaporating tho moistaro and other BBaaaBjF volatile olcmentof the earJj.qttUtr- g warm weathor results till a heavenly body, containing a minus quantity of clcotrioity, encounters an outgoing current from the earth, whon the lat ter is suddenly robbed of a part of its olcolrio eh ergo, tho atmosphere col lapses, spills its moisture, is over turned and cold weathor results, Keep in mind that every thing con tains electricity and an elcctrorphere. Tho latter is a quiot body of eleotrio ily surrounding tho body as the at mosphere surrounds the oartb. A tel egraph wiro or an eleotrio car cable is surrounded by an elcclrosphere with a depth varying according to the tension of tho eleotrio charge. A porfeot sphoro, that is, a globe that is perfectly round' with no eleva tions or depressions; has an eleetre sphere with a uniform depth. But if there are oven small olevations and depressions tho eleotrotphcre ia deep er over the former ani of leaa depth over the latter. The eleotricity will escape at the roaiaeaeei, eat if these are sharp pointed the eleotricity escapes moro rapidly. In accord with tho above wo find all mountains heavily charged with oloc trioity which escapes into space Irom ho mountain poaks. This is probably tho reason why the mountain peoplo havo such robust health and why thoso of tho valleys become so much debili tated, Along tho low coasts on the west side of North aud South America nervous diseases aro moro prevalent than uluowhcre, and un unusual ten dency to insanity is noted. Tho mountain peaks, neur by and num erous, rob tho low coasts of electrici ty, and therefore tho iioccssary elcc tricas tension for sustaining animal lifo is deficient in the latter localities Tho coast people find a short rcsi doncs in tho mountains a wonderful ly successful remedy for their nervous prostration?. Where two bodies Are brought near each other tho ilcctrospbere of caoh Is drivon to that side of (Boh thut is oppoailo to the other, In ease of tho earth aud moon tho clootros phcro of tho latter is ahvaja on that Dido farthest from tho earth, aud on that sido opposito tho moon. That oloutroiphero oauses tho tides, whioh aro lowost under the mocn and highest on tho opposito sido of the earth. This lute atntcmont is made advised ly, and the rcador is requested to in ventigato. ii . . Dr. Price' Creaai Baklag Paweltc . A Pur (raf CraaM ef Tartar Pewaer m i , m a!) . 51 & KyMT", I. fe Vr I..