The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 04, 1894, Page 8, Image 16

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    ' aS?JTCtiiuii-.u(..MBg55!5gg", wast,,,,.. . w A-y - , . , , l,WWaB-MVn
m ,jin iw win
ap-iu uhWl'M
4 I
ii i
PHblUlicd. Weekly.
Subscription, 91 Per Annum,
Invariably In AAviinea
If not Wild lit Advance, otter till date March
18, lew, tlio prlco will be l .23,
Entered at tlio Tout Office In Rod Cloud, Kcl).,
us mull mnttorof tho second class
ftbt. cards, I Inch or lessor year W on
montim... 3 on
Tbrea months 't w
reilncliinoiar t "
Per Inch six months 3 mi
I'etlticli threti months ? wj
rtioHnt indict per lino or lino iparo, first
ptitillcftttnii ft cents. ... . ., . ,
Transient sirlals,ik)nbIo Invariably In ad
vance, per une in cenis,
mi TeauioK iioiico
R.t.1 nntlii. -ll.r
(ten lines ol Nonpareil or Ions,) first publication
4l.cC:' (or each subsequent publication, pur
eeasre, CO cents. ..... .
ifn "preferred tiosKlen" contracts mad.
All'lnuter to insui nubllcaUon mutt bare
mTtdji ni tlili nfllro not lator tlian Wi'dnositny.
ornerea out
TeaiiliiK notices In tlio nntureol advertise
, r cents per uno.
rs at If pal rates, vim forsii.aro
AllTeaillni n
mefcts or pints, U cents per lino.
egai nou
Arivrril-ementa cannot be
tba current wet. later ibnu Thursday,
B. M. R. R. Time Table.
Taking effect-Dec, 3.
Tralniearrilne; passengers leave Red Cloud as
fo lows: KABrVjA.nAarrlN08i
Mo. tu ras-inger to Usitlug
Me. Ill rass snger trim Hasting 11 M a. id.
Nn lit l'.ticnr (n Ht. .toaenh Ht.
JLaiiVs and ChlcsKe dally 10.25 a.m.
No, 16 1 -ssengers fot Denver, dally, 6;S6 p. ra
iMtlltHTIANnitircti-Services Sundftynt in 0
V" am mid 7:sn pint HiiiiiliiysclHinlntllnorflj
Yl'HO K at 0:30 p in and Y I' rt 0 K Juniors at
i ..
.ni. miiui'mai tiiM.t. Miurcli Srrvlo. fit 10:
- .10 nin, nnd 7:3ni) nn.smicliiy Mliolnt II ito
am, YI'SC l'ntOi:ni iii ami 1'HO l Jun
tors r.l i in
Ml-rritmimr rhurcli-'en'"' .it wauh.m
iitnl p.m.. Cinrorili UfiRiwa'C-iop.
inLHiiiiiiiy.Spt)ooInt II top. ni.
1i"i'J..(i)lW. I littrcli Fenlcei cvory I wo
wcikfi, hvnppiiliitmtnt. .
I UTIIKKAH Chureli-Krery third Huiul.iy
I- mnriiii nl lo iiVloek.
pArilOL.Uriiurcli-HcrvWs by appointment.
ilAl'TWrriitirili -No regular services.
ii Y r
U ol
il iv filnol (ri'uulnr)nt noon
UjTIOp in.
?UIAI'R!r Miiiiduvsclioolatap in cm Hon
O lAv-lIauh nltrrnita Tuesday evening.
1H.N Aillicm UJo .No 180;
1 llllVlllHllt.
7AI.ANTMi:iK)ilKiNo29,KnlKhts o( l'ythiat
yj Tliiirsilov ocnlnit.
RTJ) ('loud I)il(-e No Mi. Modern Woodmen
of Aim-rlci, iiltornnlo Wednesday evnulntr
T.irn ' i:ntiprlri Snccrsifully
iMiinHKi'tl ljr tin Iti'nllcr fVs Ttipy Aro
Al. KtiKiRPil nt Ciilllngt Which Itocjulre
.tlilll iiml I'liynlrnl rnilitrnnrc.
Wotiiou aro found today in many an
ciniiloymcnt which until very recnntly
wns rcKurdod it'i thn t'x:lnsivo privilcRO
of umii. For inslaneo. 0110 of tho most
Ruccfiwfnl ranch owiutk inKaux.-w isnot
u rolmst and ahlobodicd mnii, but n
woman fair of face, iiotlto in form and
not moro tlianJIO ycaniold. AilvcrtiHinit
is anotlicr IiubIiichs in which wotiiou arc
lit'KinitiiiK 'iguio prominently. Thcro
nro two vcrj' largo ailvettiHiiiK nKeucies
iii IloHton, tho inondH-rH of both firms
boitiK women and all tliuir employees
women. Tlioy make their contractu uud
lews Congressman rinnlty 0t thn Haas I
to Tako Action nn l'en.liiii llllls.
WAfiHlN(TON, April li.'i. Tim sonnto
pnwonlod an uppunrmicc of oiliu after J
luo Htorm Wvuiibitilny. J no gallcrlos
for Tewa ller-1
Other Slock.
I iuivc rontctl the pasture land sonlh
of the H Si M. 11. It , the f-nuth line
of 'vhich iiinj flout' tlir lifir, and am
tveio only half llllod, while tho ino-jj d t ,Uftook Ior pMll,s,.
:ntln soiintoM ixiivoi'videnco of ii'Hor that ,.
the tirst Htep In tho tatiff dobato ww 1 mil also run tlio town liord. An
included, coupled with n determination
lo carry on tho work. Other lulls worn
introduced and fltmronriatblv roferml.
Mr. Alien (Neb,) offered a resolution!
that tlio Coxoyites lm allowed Iho right
oti'i waiilint' onslurn will do wnM
call ri me at otiue. Ur.NNis LlNDSEY
1 he Uxnani licet S 11 car Comnauv
f peacoably assemblltiB in Wnslihigton1. i G.rand Ibland announces thntl Ihoy havo
and pctllloiiiiiff tho irovernment for a' "I'-, nctJ for , W .n!rre8
VAM.I'.Y lxlito No .'., I'rntcrnal Order of Pro-
llrsl mid third Moudaoioach
"' Dentlit, ,
Rid G(.oud, - NEORAbKA,
Over Taylor' furniture Stare.
Extracts teeth without pain.
Crown and brldgo work a specialty,
roroelaln Inlay, and all kinds o( Rold tllllORS.
Makes gold nnd rubber platoa and combination
Ail work guarantoed to be first-class.
lloBiosopathlo Phyalclas.
Red Cloud, NebraiKa.
ornco opposite Ylrst National Bank. .
U. (..KxiiinlnliiK burgeon,
Cbronlo discuses treated by mall.
i-illAHII'Y l)du NoC3 A V and AM aacb
v i'r ldiiyovcnliiiou or hoforo tho (uljjnoon.
RlSli Cloud r'hnpter No 19, It A M alternate
CiYIU.Nl. Colnnmiidcry No 1 1 nltornate Thuri
' diy nvi'iilnu.
silAltlTV Chapter 1'ii-toni Slur No 47 alter
V imto luetdavcteiilHK.
C AllI'Il.i.l) lMit No80(l A It Monday oven
I liiLg on or huforo the (nil moon.
fi Altl'IKI.Ii W It 0 No 14 meets nltcrnato 8nt-
nrdav iJlcriKion.
nrs of Vcteniiis .Moinlityevniilng.
H8 KAI.ISY Camp No 28, S or V Tuesday eve-ulna.
CJIUIltMAN Clrole No 3, ladlst of the G A
J first and third Saturday ovsnlne.
Ui:i CLOUD Council No in l.oynlMrstlo Leg
Ion ot America and third Friday eve
Red Cloud,
tVIH attend sates at reasonable figures,
(action Ruarun teed,
Imuraiice Agent,
I do a atriotly farm insoranea and inviU
all to aee me.
rA8E 6 MoNITT,
Moon Block, . RED CLOUD, NEB.
Collections promptly attended to, and
correspondence solicited.
HWxavA 1 raM-zi?;,Ty
Altornoya at Law.
Cloud, Nebraska.
Ofi-ioe Up stairs, in Moon Block,
Toiisorial Artist,
4th Avknuk, - Hr.u Cloud, Ndbasa.
Firot-olasn barbers and first-olaaa work
gnaranteed Oiye man call
ftt'SlB.lHAV O alA
.liWKI ttUUii
(Itcgular Urnduates.)
Are ilia Ir-iUn? nnd most succcsctul spocUllstl and
Young ana mm
die aged men.
ItemarksMo re
nil. havo follow
eil uur trcatmcDt.
Many ,,-uri of
varied oml luccrjs
ful e-pcrlenee
In llin u.o of cure
Iho methods that
wc uinne own ana
comrnl fnr all ills-
tw unicr.uiinnwno
i"Jhavo weak, undo-
,liii'v. ur ui.
cnicd orirans, or
who are surferlnc
rum errora or
outli and exceas
and Impotent,
'tho neurit of their
ri'iiowa ami in
enntrmpt of their
(rlrnita and com
nanlona. Icada ua
totiinrni)etnnll patient. If ihoy can poitlblr
be 1 --ntort!!, uur own oxclu.Uo (rent eat
"IVnilCN'I Don't ynu want to get cured of that
iuUnr ttha trcnlmcnt that juu can u.o at
homo without lintniineni? Our wunderful treatc
uic-nil.iaciiteiluthcrd. wnysoiyour Try it.
'AT..i:rttT, nnd ill.cucs of tbo Bkln.Dleod,
Ilcari, Lucr nun .tunc) a.
fllTIIlMS-Thoinnat phi. safe and effective
icnicdy. AcoinplctuCuruOuuranteed.
Hit IV I)r.AHF.H ot all kinds cured whirs
hiaiiy others tmo failed.
VXVATURAI. HinrilAllGEI promptlr
enroll In 11 f.'w iln)i. tJuUI.-, iurc sud ssfa. This
Include, (licet nnd (lunurlms.
We hmo currd canon of Chronlo Ol.eiies that
have (Mini In n't cured nt tho Itandi of other special
lets and incdlPJllimltutp".
lit;ii j-..ia.ii,it.titat im-ri i. nip
li.rYuu. Cuiniilt iiootiici.u.jouinay waste vaiu
lime, llhtaln our Hi) mucin at mice.
Ttr urn of free nnd rhr an tieatments. We. Klva
the Let iiml inot ncli ntlilo treatment nt moiie te
tirlce niltiwn' can ha done for fe and sktllf-il
frcatinfnt. KKKI1 piitiatillutlon at thn offlce or
hy mill. Thimmitlt riamlnallnn Htut cnrctul dtag
nufls A huiiir irealment raiihoKltenlnaliialpritr
ofruxs. Hind for byinntom lllAnk ho. 1 f (;r Men;
Nn. -2 fur Women. No. 3 fur BUn l)lCBma. Allcorre
tlximli nen niw-rcd rrumrtl). Xl'ialiieaa strh lly aon
nil iili'ii. r.nniu 11 1 mini ni. r it. .vn. ....... ....
Fashlonuble Rarber,
Red Cloud, Nebraska.
I cive my rjersonal. attention te my
patrons. First-olase shaving and hair
GutUug a specialty.
Insurance Agency,
tlou. U for to uur putlcuti, biuk and iiuilacia mea
.f.E. Comer Nlatli uml Felix Rt.., ltonms lauds
(tip Stulr. ) HT. .IQHVI'II. Ml.
iarman Insurance Co
Free portll!.
yal lusuianoa Co., Liverpool, Bngland.
ems Fire insurance Co., ot oatana, Neor.
ssaix Assurance ua. ot uenaon, sag.
It-neheater vlra AasnraneaOo. el as
aaas-dlan Aasnranee Co., of Indoa, Beg
MBniDgwn iisuranee uo
Te Manchester rlra AtsaraneeOo.ef aagland.
or ipnaoa, sog.
ef Bui Unrton. Iowa.
lb Amerlea Assuraiiee O. Toronto. Oan.
-fiiiusl Reserve Vuntt l.tfe Assu.of N. Y.
The Workman Building and Loan Association
of Lincoln, Kebraskn.
Ofllce over Mlzer'a Store,
Ran Cixiun. Nbbrabka
C. E. Putnam,
Phoenix Insurance Co.
fm NEW
Jil rrEj
"'-ArTeftvN Mail 1M i
ra. n. c. wsaT'o kssvh ao psaw tuatmmt
is sold under poaltivn written sanranOe, by
authorised ngentH only, to euro Weak Memory:
V.df II v.. 1 .. nml Maw.. llvinaA . I .. Ma.l...j.
INWUI ,, 11.11. ,1,1., till , U "PUDI , MJIk IIMUIIVVUI
UulcknoH.i Night liODHnat Kvll Ureama. Lack of
Oonlltlenco; Norvnusneas; Iasaltude all Drains)
IjoaHuf l'nwerot thn (leiiDrnlivaUrcana In either
rox, ciinxcd hy ovrr-oxort inn, Yout htul Errors, or
Kxceof ivo Uko of 'J'ohnrrn, Opium or Liquor,
which lontlH to Mii-iry. Contnuiptlnn, Insnnitr
nnd Diwtli. Hy mull, flu hox; oic for S.Vwith
written Runrnutioi to eurn or nf nnd muti y, Weit'i
ilrir rills euro Hick llomlncho. Ihlinuimcsa.
Id.ur Coiniihilnt, Hour Hlonmeli
( inUxitlon.
Tor Sate by Dcyo A; CJrlco.
f. .,...! -..
it- iiini s-n.iiirsi.-ii, kii l'lniis mill
U UAH AN ITIiH U-ucl only hy
R will pay the above reward fir any esse ol
tk-TPnmi.ln.ltit. I)v.Denta. Bick Hendaclie. In-
dlKcstlou Constipation or Coctitcuess we cannot
cure with Wcst'-i Vccetahle LUer Pills, when
the directions nre strictly complied w 1th. They
nre purely VcEctitdc, nnd never fall to give
tsr.ictlnu. Slifs'nrCo-ited. I.nrRC boxes, accents,
lie waic of couutcrrelt. nnd imllntlons. The ucti
nine iiianutacturrd v by TUP, JOHN C, WfcST
For Siile by Dnyo & -tsrivc.
St. Paul Bankers Life
Insurance Co.
All business intrusted to hint vrill be
promptly attendedto.
Notice to 'Jt'cacticrs).
Notico is hereby givon that I will
examino all persons who may doniro
to offer theinBelvcs us oandldatca for
teachers ofths public cohoob of this
eouuty, at Red -Jlouu on tno r.ntrd
Haturday of each month.
Speqial examination? will ho hold
ou tho Friday proceeding tho 3d Uct
urday of eaoh month.
The stauding required for 2d and
Sd'grade oertiQoates is the same no
grade bolow 70 per cent., average 80
per eeut; for first grudo eertifiottto
09 grada below 80 pr cent., 4yo.K
M per oent, in all branohei rt.qutrod
by )w.
D. M. Umitnn, (loitnty Oupt.
' -
attend to tho most intneato btiHiness
problems theinselveii find havo largo con
tmct.t for cntlro railroads and street care
in tho larfieHtcitien in tho United States.
One woman in this city who had au
oxccllent musical education in her youth
took n thorough uud systumntio course
in tho theoretical study iud practico of
piano tuniiiK and soon proved her ca
pacity in excelling tho malo competitors
in tlio establishment Sho boa now n
vory largo number of patrons and com
fortably hunnorts licti-olf und two chil
dren. Tlio first womlui railroatl presi
dent in this country succeeded her hus
band on his death. Ho was tho presi
dent of tho Peunsboro and Harrisvillo
Tlio First National bank of Loxinp
ton, Nob., has for its president Mrs. H.
R. Tomplo nnd for vlco president Miss
Tomplo. Tlio recent election of the wifo
of a senior member of n largo Now York
firm of Hhort lino railway builders as
president of tho Uaius Medina Valley
Railroad company in Texas makes tho
second instauco in this country of a wo
man appointed to fill this position.
Thcro is only ono woman railroad engi
neer. Thcro is a littlo stretch of road
known as tho Cairo Short Lino, and on
this tho daughter of ono of its chief
owners rc-tlo to school daily, nnd nt a
vory early ago seemed deeply interested
in machinery and always hod tho work
ings of thocngino explained. Finally
sho manifested ft greater interest in mo
chanical nnd railroad engineering, and
as all things como to him (or her) who
waits n chnuco arrived. Tho engineer
of this narrow gaugo road becamo 111,
and during this illness tho young wom
an in question took his placo and made
tho runs without any mishap. Upon the
death of tho engineer sho assumed charge
of tho train, which sho is still running,
to tho entire satisfaction of all parties
In Toxas thoro is a fomalo contractor
in tho employ of tho United States gov
ernment. Her contract is for carrying
the mall from Keith toWhito Hall.
Goorgia has n woman mail carrier who
not only delivers tho mail on her little
black pony over a 40 milorouto triweek
ly in ft bleak and sparsoly settled region,
but manages n largo farm, as woll, do
ing much of tho manual labor and sup
porting her aged paronts and crippled
sister by her indcfatigablo industry and
enorgy. Sho is but 23 years old.
In Cincinnati au excellent restaurant
is in tho Chamber of Commerce building
and is patronized exclusively by tho fore
most busineis men in thnt city. It is
run by thruu Scotchwomen and upon
strictly temperance principles. Every
ono predicted their failuro when it was
announced that positively no liquor waa
procurablo in their restaurant, nnd peo
ple hooffed to think they could not oven
get a glass of beer withthoir meals, but
thoir predictions proved erroneous, for
besides paying nn annual rontal of 5,
000 for their magnificent promises they
clear annually from $10,000 tolfl,000,
Tho lady guide is au institution in
London and an innovation now boing
introduced in American cities. Jn Lou
don these guides aro for tho express pur
peso of supplying women tourists with
mombors of their own box to pilot them
safely over the well known tours of Eng
land and the British islands in general
and in fact anywhere they wish to go
on tho continent These guides aro re
lined and cultivated, speak French nnd
Permnu fluently, oIro thoir application
for thif lather iirccabln position will
not bo coniideretl, nnd havo oxccllent
credentials as to chai actor and sobiioly,
They aro supposed tow oik eight hours
a day, and their chaigo is but 10 shil
lings omivalent to $2.50 of Amcricau
inouoy. When ono considers tho aggra
vations ono is spared b having u guide,
uud iho surety ono fcola of not having
spent too much for anything purchased,
it will bo found that this amiablo cou
rier hits baved Iter employer fully tho
amount of her Falnry.
In New Orleans ono of tho finest or
chestras is composed entirely of women,
and tho leader nnd her corps of woll
trained muiioians aio seen at every en
teitainment of noto in that gay city. In
Astoria, N. Y many of tho'largest hot
houses aio controlled and managed by
women. In Gotham is : blacksmith's
shop managed entirely by tho three
daughters of tho blacksmith, who nro
intelligent young women. Tho father
died sonto 1JJ yenrs ago, and tho mother
took chargn of tlio establishment, and
tasking to tho future she had her gills
instructed not only in the art of hoiso
shoeing, but in everything pertaining
to tho trade. Since t jtf mother's death
ono of tho Miters maitled, and now the
married sister and tho two young girls
employ ilvo mtn, lint teisonally super
ihtuid oovy horso that is shod. Among
their putioiis aio numlxired Iho wealth
iest owners of horse in thlri city. Now
'S uric 'J'ribuun
petitioning the gov
redress of thoir gnovances. It went over
under the rulos.
Washington, April 25. Mr. Hepburn
da.), after thn reading of tho journul in
tho house Wednesday, interposed nn ob
jection to its approval and forced the,
yeas und nays on Mr. Dockery's motion
for its approval. Mr. Hopburn adhered
to his determination to allow absolutely,
no business to bo transacted by uuanl-'
moiia consent until terms were made for,
the consideration of Friday night pension'
bills. The journal was approved -243 to
0. Tho house then went into the com
mittee of the whole, Mr. Dniley (Tex,) In
the chair, and resumed the consideration
of tho diplomatic uud consular appropri
ation hill, which occupied the time until
9:10, when tho house adjourned, '.
Washington, April 20. Immediately
after the reading of the journal in tho
senate Thursday, Mr. J urvis, recently ap
pointed from North Curolina to succeed
tho late Sonator Vance, was sworn in.
Senator Allen s Coxoy resolution camo
Up. Mr. Wolcott (Colo.) entorcd a vig
orous protest against passing tho resolu
tion. Ho said it was to bo regretted
the governors of certain stntes had been
so unwise as to urge these men to make
a descent on tho capital of tho United
States. His own stato of Colorado had
the misfortune to havo ono of theso gov
ernors, whose antics had brought dis
credit and dishonor to tho commonwealth
and sullied hor fair namo. Ho believed
most of tho men in Coxey's army might
be honest, but thoy were led by men who
were cranks, insauo or vicious.
At 1:48 o'clock, beforo any notion had
been taken on tho resolution, Mr. Harris
moved to tako up a resolution providing
that "tomorrow and until otherwise or
dered tho senate shall moot at 11 o'clock
a. m."
Senators Peffor nnd Allen objected to
the pending resolution being displaced
and domandod a yea and nay voto. Tho
vote (which also showed tho attitude ot
the senate on Mr. Allen's resolution) was
as follows: Yeas, 54; nays, 0.
Washington, April 20. Hepburn
(la.) interposed his dally objection to the
approval or tho journal in tho house
Thursday and -compelled a roll call,
which reunited in its approval 23V to 0.
Debate proceeded in a desultory manner
on small, unimportant amendments to the
appropriation bill, nono of which wore
adopted. Whon tho bill waa completed,
tho committee rose.
Washington, April 27. Tho campaign
Mr. Hepburn (Rep.) has been waging in
the house the past week to socuro time
for the passage of pension bills favor
ably acted upon at the Friday night
sessions culminated in a victory today.
.Thore were 22 such bills and Mr. Pickler
(Rop., S. D,), after a briof statement, to
day succeeded in making nn arrange
ment whereby ono hour should be givon
to their consideration.
Washington, April 27. It was not un
til 11:17 o'clock Friday that enough sen
ators were in thoir seats tomake up a quor
um. Mr. Allen endeavored to oall up Ids
Coxey resolution ns unfinished business,
but Mr. Harris objected, stating there
waa no such thing as unfinished business.
No general business was transacted in
the senate, Mr. Harris moving, as
soon an the session bogan, that the tariff
bill be taken up. There was sonio re
sistance to this plan, particularly by Mr.
Dubois, but the motion passed, 20 to 16.
Mr. Dolph waived his right to the floor
and Mr, Lindsay addrossod the sonata.
Waphinoton, April 28. Tho oponing
of the senate procoodings today was a
repetition of that of yesterday. Beforo
the reading of the journal of yesterday,
Mr. Fryo remarked sarcastically that
such an important doonment should not
be read in the absence of the senator
from Tennessee (Mr. Harris) and of a
quorum. The roll was called and at
11:07 n quorum appenrrd and the road
ing of the journal was completed. The
houso joint resolution authorizing the
secretary of the treasury to make partial
payments on vessels constructed and re
paired uudor the control of tho henaury
department to tho extent of 75 per cent of
tho valuo of tho work done was passed.
Washington, April 30. Tho time of
tho senato was occupied today in spicy
colloquies botwoen Messrs, Halo, Toller
and Aldrich on ouo sldo, and Harris and
Voorhoes on tho other, upon tho quostiou
why no bettor progress is being made
with tho tariff bill.
Mr. Turnio. who got tho floor when
Mr. Palmer sat down, made a direct as
sault on Mr. Aldrich, tho like of which,
has not beon heard in tho sonnto cham
ber for years, He declared that throe
monstrous untruths had characterized
tho opposition, three gross lies of incon
ceivable mendacity. Tlte flrst of those
untruths was that n now bill was boing
prepared by tho secretary of the treas
ury; tho second that H0U or 400 nnumd.
incuts (it did not matter which) wero to
1k presented and the third was that tho
bill reported from tho flnauco coinmittco
was not tbo blllto bo passed, All thoso
assertions had been categorically deniod
by four Domocratio members of the
finance committee.
Washington, April U0. In tho houso
Mr. Melkeljohu (Neb,) cnllod up the bill
for tlio construction of a bridge acroia
tho Mlesomi liver noar tho town or Ne
braska City, Nob., and It was passed,
sugar hcota for tho coming season and
thoy will continno to take contricta up
to May tlrst, nt which time they will
closo their books. Thoy expressly do
eiro only tho best of f armors to contract,
vho nrcontioroly cnpnbln oftoking tho
very best care of thoir crop. The fixed
prico is 85.00 per ton, dolivered at Grand
Island, for all boots showing twelve per
cent ot saccharin matter and a purity
coofllciont of eighty. Blank contracts
can be had, or any further information,
by corresponding wlththe Oxnard Beet
Sugar.Company at Grand Island. Gw
i i- m -.
Children Cry foi
Pitcher's Cattorla.
r" 'i
to w -P
ot , fcmgsmP
' x7, o- ' H -
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Just think ot it dearest, we can make
our boys happy, said the father to his
wire. Just thin- ol iti wiener naa
children's eults consisting of two pair of
pants, coat and cap to match, of strong
material and well made, which he tells
at 13.75 for the outfit, better grades at
14-50, 95, 96.60 and so on. Let us go
and make our selection before the sixes
are broken.
A nlco line of
Scarf pins
Caffs and collar buttons, neck
chains, lace plHs, stick pins,
charms, etc.
Mated and solid silverware, sonvenlr spoons,
pearl bandied knlvos and forks, carvlnjc seta.
calling card cases, ben bon boxes and other
novelties. A fine Hue ot spectacles and eye
glasses with InterchaiiKable lonses. steel, nickel
stiver and said frames, Special and careful at
tention paid te nttlnt- the e-o. My Hue ef tnt.
band watches Is quite lasge. I will run therm el
at less than their actual worth.
tarBring your watch, clock aad Jewelry re-
Sair work, jour ongravlng and your old gol
ad silver to me,
lleary Cook's Drug Store.
Children Cry for
Pltcher'e Caetorla
Farm Loam.
If you want a loan on first class land I
can give you a special rate. Lowest in
terest with option to pay part or all at
any year. Call or write to me.
O. F. Cathxr, Red Cloud, Net).
When Baby was stck, we gave her Oaetorta.
When she waa a Child, aba cried for Oeatorl.
When she became Miss, aha clung to Caatotia.
When she had Children, she gave -Mas Carterta.
Seed Potatoes
at Myers &. Usher's store. They are
- II I eiaiMaH
D. B. Spanogle,
Real Estate
and Loan Agent
Red Cloud.
Ho, There
Farmers !
You need not fear being held up wba
you trade at Wieper'e.
Children Cry for
Pitcher' Cattorla.
Endless Varieties of
At Shea & Turnure'a.
'I riled
A Dlftermicc.
"yes," 6iiiined thohypociite
(can-, or I would shed them if"
"Here, let. upon that," interrupted
tho other mini, "Theio' ft dllVeicnce
liolweoii a Bhcd and u Mould rhed," and
thn borrov fjrop wpe llrtd. Atlanta
llrlef Seislon In the Homo.
Washington, May 1 . Tho reunto and
Iioueo each adjoun-ed today atnionl as
ooon as tlio Besslon began, out of icipoct
of Sonutor Stookbritlgo's memory.
Crunk llattou DciU,
Washlngton, Mu a, Frank Hatton,
editor of the Waehlujjton xt, dld t
;3u p, m. Monday,
Columbia River Red Salmon,
Mackerel', Wliite Fish, Hoi
land Herring, Smoked Her
ring, Kipperd H. Lobster, Im
ported and Domestic Sardinei,
Oysters, Green Turtle Meat,
Terrapin, Brick and Old Ocean
Codfiflli, Smoked Halibut and
Otliei'B"'toVnunierous to men
t on.
I ri "r
L SlJlit-va- - . --' CC
eP- Tt'
T -----"'-'
Hitch Up !
I fcefere you do come aroa-A
flaraess shop nnd buy a new set
f hand.Bnttdo linrncss. Hare
reduced all goods in the har
ness line, llnrn are a few of
our prices:
f32.00 harness for M0.G0
30.00 "S.fjo
28,00 ' " 7.oo
27.00 " " S26.00
20.00 " ' 25,00
And all goods in proportion. All work
guaranteed Repairing and trimming
done on short notice, J. O. Butler,
Beit Omr-h B-mipTTaaws Good. UssH
Fartti Loars
Ev A Sitrjpsoi
Blae tlill Nek
Cvn8ttutiou. , .
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