The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 04, 1894, Page 8, Image 15

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I 'I
to tf
teu I
on f
3d 4
' Published Weekly.
utescriptlon, 91 Per Annum,
Invariably In Advance
It not paid In advance after tilt (Into March
18, tS92, the price will be II. M.
Entered at tlie l'ost Oinee In licit Cloud, Neb.,
'as mall matter of the second class
J, iiatm or Anritirri.Mvn
rot, cards, I inch or leas or year fa on
Is months. 3 00
Three month, 2 oo
, utaniiinci ADVKUTisr.Mairrs.
Per Inch imo year , (too
Per Inch nix mouths , 3 oo
Per inch thrr months.. , 2011
Hhedol indices per line or line spate, first
ontfllcatlon 6 cents.
Transient specials, payablo Invariably In ad
mice, per lino l cents.
All reading notice lu the nature ot advertise
nenta or puff-, B cents per line.
Legal notices at JrpO later., Tlr.! for a square
iwn unrn 01 nonpareil or less,) urst publication 'for cao'.t subsequent publication, per
re, 00 conn.
'"preferred uosltten" contract! mad.
Ulalfor to Insure nntillnaUnn mutt Iih r.
eelved ' at liil.n ofltco not later than Wednesday .
.Advertisements cannot be ordered out for
ins current ween later limn Thursday,
H. n. R. u. Time Tabic.
, Taking effect Dec, I.
Tralnieatrylne; passengers leave Red Cloud at
No. 16 Passenger to Hatting t:30 p. m.
No. lit ransnser from Hastings 11:33 a.m.
No. 10. ramrncertoBt. Joieph 81
Louts and thTcase dally
10:28 a. m,
No. IB Passengers tor Denver, dally, 6;M p. m
' '' Dentist,
Rid Clodd, - . Nkiirabka.
Over Tnylor'a Ptiraltar Store.
Extracts teeth without pain.
Crown and hridKo work a specialty,
l'oreelatn Inlay, ana all kinds of cold fillings.
Wakes gold and rubber plates and combination
All work guaranteed to b first-class.
llomwopattjle Physician,
Red Cloud, NcbraiKR.
omco opposite First National Bank.
II. H.K-.amlnluK burgeon.
Chroulo diseases treated by mall,
Will attend sales at reasonable figures. Satis
faction guarun teed,
Iniuranco Agent,
I do el strictly farm Insurance and invito
all to aee me.
Moon Block, . RED CLOUD, NEB.
Collections promptly attended to, and
correspondence solicited.
Attorneys at Law,
Cloud, Nebraska.
OmoE Up stairs, in Moon Block,
Toiuorlnl Artlil,
4th Avenue, - Ked Clood, Nidbaika.
First-clans bnrbers and firat-olusa work
guaranteed Give mo n call
Faalilonabls) Rnrber,
Red Cloud, - Nobruskn.
I give my porsonnl attention te my
patrons. Firat-claas shaving and hair
cutting a specialty.
lnsurauc ARcnv-r,
Herman Insurance Co , Kreeport, III.
Koyal liKtiiauci Co., Liverpool, Knglaiid.
Home Flit liisurauco Co., of Omalui, Nebr.
Thcrnlx Acburanre Co. of London, Kng.
Te Maiicht'stcr Fire AsuianceCo. ot snglaud.
tiiiarillan AasuraucCo.,of Ixiudon, Knir.
BurlhiKluii Iiiiuraure Co. of Biu-Uniiton, Iowa.
Rrltlsh America Assurauee Ce. Toronto, Can.
IhlluHl lleservo Finn I l.Ue Asm. of N. Y.
The Workman Huildliig and Loan Association
of Lincoln, Kobraska.
OfUoe over Mizer'a Store.
Ran Cwiun. - . NaaitAaicA
C. E. Putnam,
Notauv Public,
Phoenix Insurance Co.
St. Paul Bankers Life
Insurance Co.
All business intrusted to him will be
promptly attondedto.
Notice lo 'a'citclicrs.
Notlco is hereby given that I will
eiatnino all perrons who may desiro
to offer themselves us candidates for
teachers oftho public schools of this
county, at Red Cloud on tho third
Saturday of caoh month.
Special examination will bo hold
on tho Friday proceeding the 3d Sat
urday of each month.
The standing required for 2d and
3d grade cortiOoates is the same no
grade bolow 70 per oent., average 80
per cent; for first grade eertifiouto
no grade below 80 per oent., averago
90 per oent. in all branohes roquired
by law.
D, M. ITuntir, County Supt.
axtH9rm "
TSS &"
fill 111 VH W Church- Service Sun-lav nt 10:30
y n in mill 7 :so p m 1 Hu mliiv johool nt 12 nooli
Y I S 0 1! ut 0:30 p 111 and YI'HO KJmilori at
CONUIli:IATlON,'. ( hurcli-Korvloo, nt IOi
so 11 111, and 1-M p 111: Hnniliiv ohntntll :so
n in, Y V S ('. I', ut G;?0 t 111 mid V 1' 8 0 K Jun
jnisnt 4 p 111.
UrilTllOMHT Chill rli-.'en lea nt MiSa 11
-11- niiil7:.l0n,in.. Ctitvnrth l.eafruontO:30p,
,n. niiiiuiiY nriioui hi 1 1 :.wi p. ni.
TjM'lHroi'Ai, (him-li-Snrtlces evory two
c-cka. liyiiPMliitmiit.
tlTIIKUAM CkliFnl.lunru II.U.I
tnnn Itur nt In nVlfiO
fJATllOMOChurch Hcrvlccs by appointment.
liAl'l'lHI' Church No rcRiilnr sen Ices, Hun
" day arliool (regular) nt noon. tY I U at
0:3" pin.
ClIAl'IUy-Simdny school nt 3 p in every Bon
A O U W l'jich nltornato Tuesday evening.
BUN Adliem Lodge .No 180; IO O Feverr Mou
fiALANTfll! Lodge Ko20,Knlhta of Pythias
Thnrailiiy evciilng,
Rl'l) Cloud ldgn No G08. Modorn Woodmen
of Ainwlr.i, nltnrnatn wednesdav evenlnu
VALLHY Uxlao No fi, l'ratcmal Order of l'ro
tector.1, first and third Moudayof each
CIIAItlTY Uxlito No 63 A V and A M eaoh
I'rldnv iivi'iilim on or liofnro the full moon.
1) I'.l) Cloud Chaiitrr No 19. K A M alternate
-" ii
thnrsday uvenliuf.
CVHKN'K Coinmandery No 14 alternate Thura-
iliy nvmiluir.
rillAHITY Chapter Kastorn Star No 47 alter
uate Tiiesdnv evening.
GAItl'IKi.l) I'ostNn80OA It Monday even
lint on or hnforn the full moon.
GAItl'lUM W It a No U meets alternate Sat
urdny nilemooii.
era of Veterans .MniidavevenlnK
1 Daught-
HH KAI.IiV Camp No 25, 8 of V Tuesday eve
ulna. Illllg
(JIIKItMANCIroloNo.1, ladles or the O
J first and tlilnl Saturday evening.
KKI CLOUD cnunril No 18 LnyalMystlo Leg
Ion ot America first and third Friday eve
Friday eve-
(Itcuulni tirnduatct.)
Are 1 ho IcAdfniy and mutt incccnf at upcchllltl and
Youngand mid
dle aged men.
HcmnrkaMa re
turn Imvo follow
rd our ircatmcnt.
Mnnr. yours of
varied ami lucrrsf
fill experience
Inllio uioof cura
the incihodi tliM
cunlrnlfor nil Cle
nrdvriufmenwlia Iiiad weak, undo-
V-.-tvlL . tw I
ciopea or die
ftBCU or
who are lullcrinf
rum errors or
outh and excel.
ond Imnotent.
the acorn of their
icuoue ami ine
rnnlrmpt or I heir
-v, j'V:iIvw" panlona. Irada ua
lojttr.rnnloctonll pitlenta. If Iher can ponlhlr
lie ivainrnl, our own oxclu.lvo treatmeas
VO II TIXI, Don't yon want to get cured of thai
.veuUnris wlmn irentment that you can no u
Iioiiiii wltlinut hninini'Dinv Our wonderful treat
uicnt has curcil others. WliynotyouT Try It.
, .lTA:tRir..anil dticascs of tho Bkln, Bleed,
Unit, I.Ucraml Kidneys.
nTP!lvr,iH-Tliomnntrpld,aafo and effecttre Aioinplcto Cure ttuumnlced.
HTCI?; 15ISI!.lsr.H of all kinds cured where
muy oiticraluo lixllc.I.
fined In i tew iliiva. (Mit-k, aura and aafo. Thfa
luiludui (licet and (lonurliiciv.
V lisvn rurcil rnrc. of Chronic flliraare that
lin e failed lo crt eire, nt llio hands of other special
Ills nnd imidlcjllii.tltuti's.
inruu. onu com
fur 1 ou. U.111S111 1 no ot her, ns you may waste valuab
IE i:.iiKlIIF.Rinat there Is bone
uii.u. wuiniri our ircfiiuieni ut oneu.
Xieuarriof freo nndchrnp trratmrnts. Wo clre
tho licet mid most aclrnilflo trrntment at moderate
prlci -ns low ns em lie done for tafo nnd alclllful
irculinoiit. Kti:i: cnnaiillntlou nt thonlOreor
vj null. inuroiiRii rxnininniinn ami rareiui aiag
linn. inuroiiRii rxnininniinn ami rareiui aiag.
13. A homo irenltnent l.i'KHrn lu numlorllT
c-inia. Hund for Hymntoiii Illnnk No. I for Mem
'.'i for Women 1 No. aforBkln Ulscasca. Alleorre-
sNinili'ncanntcri'i pminptly. Ilutlncssslrlctlr on
iiiii'iuiii. i.iiiirnirraiiiientaent rrro inim ontena
tlou. ltcfcr to our p.nlcuij, baaks aud buaiocis met
Address or call on
t.U. Corner Hlslh utiil IVIIxNt... KiMimslaud)
ti'P hinira 1 ht, .iiihki'SI, nut.
08. t. 0. WEST'S WIRVfi AK0 BSiW TMATOTltl
la wild iinilnr pohilivo wntton Rnnrnntee, by
mithorlzi'il impntH only, to euro Wenlc Memori
IxihH of llrnlii nnd Nervo 1'i.wor: lht Mnnhooil:
UuirkiieeHi NlchtLoiweHj Kvil HrruniKt lckof
( ontldonro; Nunmiani-Ns; Lwwitmlo; nil Dralnai
loss of Power of tho UonoriitivnOrtfnnB In either
px. cmiBcil by over, oxortion, Youthful Krrore, or
fcxrcMlvo Uho of Tobacco. Opium or Liquor,
Wh 01 lends to Mli-ory. Consuini.tlon, Inannity
ami Month, lly mnil.$l n box; six for tSiwllh
writtr unnrnntoc. to cum or refund money. Welt's
LItm rills enro Hck Ilendncho. lliliouaneea,
Llvorromphiint.KoiirBtoinnch. Dyspepsia and
l'on.tlpution. OUAitANTKEH IsmimI oiily by
Tor Sale by Uvyo A; Cirlcc.
$500 Reward!
XVtt will pay the above reward for any ease ot
Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Blck Headache. In
dlgeslliiu Constipation or Cotiencss we cannot
cm c wilh West's Vegetable Liver rllla, when
the directions ate strictly compiled with. They
ate purely Vegetable, ntul never fall to nlvc sat
isfaction. Sugnr Coated. Large boxes, as cents,
tlcwaie of counterfeits nnd Imltatloua. Tliegen
uluemnniilncturcd only by TIIU JOHN C.WU8T
For Sale liy Deyo X Grlce.
Bi-ronc 'rferS
1 -
Lnrrro Comincrclnl l.'nterprlses rlueceaafiillf
Aliitingrtl by tho (Irntlcr fiex Tliey Aro
Also Kngngeil nt Callings Which (rulre
Kldll nnd riiyslcnl llndiirnnce.
Women nro found today in many nn
employment which until very recently
wns ri'gnrdetl ns tho oxclusivo privili'go
of 1111111. For iiiBtnncc, 0110 of tho most
Rticcerafnl ranch owners in Kansas is not
n robnst und nhlcbodicd man, tint n
woman fnir of face, pctito in form nnd
not moro than 30 years old Advertising
is another business in which women aro
beginning to flguro prominently. Thero
aro two very largo advertising agencies
in Boston, tho members of both Arms
being women and all their employees
women. Tlioy make thoir contracts and
attend to tho most intricato business
problems themselves and havo largo con
tracts for cntiro railroads and street cars
in tho largest cities in tho United States,
Oho woman in this city who had an
excellent musical education in her youth
took n thorough aud systemntio course
in tho theoretical study nnd practice of
piano tuning and soon proved her ca
pacity in excelling tho malo competitors
in tho establishment, Sho has now A
very largo number of patrons nnd com.
fortably supports herself nnd two chil
dren. Tho first woman railroad presi
dent in this country succeeded her hus
band on his death. Ho was tho presi
dent of tho Pcunsboro and Horrisvillo
Tho First National bank of Lexing
ton, Neb., has for Its president Mrs. H.
It. Tcniplo nnd for vico president Miss
Tcniplo. Tho rccont election of the wifo
of n senior member of a largo Now York
firm of short lino railway buildora as
president of tho Hnins Medina Volley
Railroad company in Texas makes tho
second iustanco in this country of a wo
man appointed . to fill this position.
Thero is only ono woman railroad engi
neer. Thero is n littlo stretch of road
known na tho Cairo Short Lino, and on
this tho daughter of ouo of its chief
owners rodo to school daily, nnd nt a
very enrly ngo Boomod dcoply interested
in machinery aud always had tho work
ings of tho cngino explained. Finally
sho manifested a greater interest in mo
chanical nnd railroad engineering, and
as all things como to him (or her) who
waits n chauco nrrivod. Tho engineer
of this narrow gaugo road bocamo ill,
nnd during this illness tho young wom
an in question took his plnco and mado
tho runs without any mishap. Upon tho
doath of tho engineer sho nssumod charge
of tho train, which sho is still running,
to tho cntiro satisfaction of all parties
concern od.
In Toxas thero is a femalo contractor
in tho employ of tho United States gov
ernment. Her contract is for carrying
tho mail from Keith toWhlto Hall.
Goorgin has a woman mail carrier who
not only dolivors tho mail on her littlo
black pony over n 40 milo routo triweek
ly in n bleak and spnrsoly settled rcgiou,
but manages n largo farm as well, do
ing muoh of tho manual labor and sup
porting her aged parents and crippled
sister by hor iudofatigablo industry and
onorgy. Sho is but 23 years old.
In Cincinnati on oxcollcilt restaurant
1b in tho Chamber of Commerce building
and is patrouizod exclusively by tho fore
most business men in that city. It is
run by threo Scotchwomen and upon
strictly tompcraueo principles. Evory
ono prodlctcd their failuro when it was
announced that positively no liquor was
procurnblo in thoir restaurant, and pco
plo scoffed to think they could uot oven
got n glass of beer with their moals, but
thoir predictions proved erroneous, for
besides paying nn annual rental of s)5,
000 for thoir magnificent promises they
clear annually from $10,000 to$15,000.
Tho lady guido is nn institution in
Loudon and an innovation now being
introduced in American cities. I11 Lon
don these gnides.nrofortho oxpress pur
pose of supplying women tourists with
monitors' of (heir own sox to pilot them
safely over tho well known tours of Eng
land nnd tho British islands in general
and in fact nuywhero thoy wish to go
on tho continent. Those guides nro ro
fined nnd cultivated, hpenk French nnd
Gorman fluently, elso thoir application
for this rather ngrecnblo position will
not bo considered, nnd havo excellent
credentials as to character nnd sobriety.
They nro supposed to work eight hours
rwiay, ami their charge is but 10 shil
lings equivalent to $2. CO of American
money. When ono considers tho aggra
vations ono is spared by having n guido,
and tho surety ono feels of not having
ppent too much for anything purchased,
it will bo fonud that this nmiablo con
rior has saved her employer fully tho
amount of her salary.
In Now Orleans ono of tho finest or
chestras is composed entirely of women,
and tho loador nnd her corps of well
trained musicians aro seen nt every en
tertainment of noto in that gay city. In
Astoria, N. Y., many of tho largest hot
houses nro controlled aud managed by
women. In Gotham is n blacksmith's
shop managed entirely by tho threo
daughters of tho blacksmith, who nro
intelligent young women. Tho father
died somo 12 years ago, and tho mother
took charge of tho establishment, and
looking to tho fntnro sho had hor girls
instructed not only in tho art of horse
(shoeing, but in everything pertaining
to tho trnde, Sinco tho mother's death
ono of tho sisters marriod, and now tho
married sister nnd tho two young girls
employ flvo men, bnt personally super
intend every horso that is shod. Among
thoir patrons nro numbered tho wealth
iest owners of horsoa in this city. Now
York Tribune
A Difference.
mYcb," suifllcd thohypocrito, "I shod
tears, or I would shod thorn if"
"Hore, let upon that," interrupted
the other man. "There's a difference
between a shed and a would shed, " and
the sorrow crop waa fired. Atlanta
tow Congressman Finally Gets the Ifeose
to Take Action on tension Ullls.
Washington, April 2f. Tho senate
presented an appearance of calm after
Iho storm Wednoedny. Tho gallories
vcro only half filled, whilo tho Demo
:atlc senntors gnvoovidenco of relief that
Iho first step in tho tariff dobato was
included, coupled with n determination
lo carry on the work. Other bills woro
introduced and npproprintoly ,reforrod,i
Alt Attn. Tnl. -ifTsu1 n .u.1..4t!
that tho Coxoyites to allowed tho riuht
9f peaceably assembling in Washington
mu petitioning tho government for n
redress of thoir griovnuces. It went over
andcr the rules.
Washington, April 25. Mr. Hopburn
(la.), after the reading of tho journal in
the houso Wednesday, interposed aa ob
jection to its approval and forced the.
yeas nnd nays on Mr. Dockery'a motion
for its approval. Mr. Hepburn ndhorod
to his determination to allow absolutely!
no business to be transacted by unani
mous consent Until torma wern irmiln fnr
tho consideration of Friday night pension'
billi. The journal waa approved 248 to
0. The houso then went into tho com
mittee of the wholo, Mr. Bniloy (Tex.) in
the chair, and resumed tho consideration
of the diplomatic and consular appropri
ation bill, which occupied the time until
5:10, when the houso adjourned. '
Washington, April 20. Immediately
after the reading of tho journnl in the
senate Thursday, Mr. Jarvis, rocently ap
pointed from North Carolina to succeed
the late Senator Vanco, was sworn in.
Senator Allen's Coxoy resolution came
up. Mr. Wolcott (Colo.) cntorod a vig
orous protest against passing tho resolu
tion. Ho said it was to to regretted
the governors of cortnin states had toon
so unwise as to urge thoso men to mako
a descent on tho capltol of tho Unitod
States. Hiaownstato of Colorado .had
tho misfortune to havo ono of theso gov
ernors, whose antics had brought dis
credit and dishonor to tho commonwealth
nnd sullied hor fair nnmo. Ho boliovod
most of tho ruon in Coxoy's anny might
to honest, but they wero lod by men who
woro cranks, insano or vicious.
At 1:45 o'clock, toforo any action had
been takon on tho resolution, Mr. Harris
moved to tako up a resolution providing
that 'tomorrow and until othcrwiso or
dored tho senate shall moot at 11 o'clock
a. m."
Senators Peffer and Allen objected to
the pending resolution being displaced
and demanded a yea and nay vote. Tho
vote (which also showed tho attitudo of
tho senate on Mr. Alton's resolution) was
as follows: Yeas, 64; nays, 0.
Washington, April 20. Hepburn
(la.) interposed his daily objection to the
approval of tho journal in tho houso
Thursday and compollod a roll call,
which resulted in its approval 28' to 0.
Debate proceeded in a desultory mnnnor
on small, unimportant amendments to tho
appropriation bill, none of which were
adopted. Whon the bill was completed,
tho committee rose.
WAsniMaTON, April U7. Tho campaign
Mr. Hepburn (Rep.) has been wnging in
the houso tho past week to socuro tlmo
for the passage of pension bills favor
ably ncted upon nt tho Friday night
sossions culminated in a victory today.
There were 22 such bills and Mr. Pickler
(Rep., S. D.), after a brief statement, to
day succeedod in makinsr'nn arrange-
jnent whoroby ono hour should bo givon
to their consideration.
Washington, April 27. It was not un
til 11:17 o'clock Friday that enough sen
ators wero in their soats tomako up n quor
um. Mr. Allon endeavored to call up Ids
Uoxey resolution as unfinished business,
but Mr. Harris objected, stating there
was no such thing as unfinished business.
No general business was transacted in
tho senate, Mr. Harris moving, as
Boon as the session began, that tho tariff
bill to takon up. There was somo re
sistance to this plan, particularly by Mr.
Dubois, but tho motion passed, 20 to 10.
Mr. Dolph waived his right to tho floor
and Mr, Lindsay addressed tho sonato.
Washington, April 28. Tho opening
of the sonato proceedings today was a
repetition of that of yesterday. Iloforo
tho rooding of tho journal of yostorday,
Mr. Fryo remarkod sarcastically that
such an important document should uot
to read in tho absenco of tho senator
from Tennessee (Mr. Harris) and of a
quorum. Tho roll was called nnd at
11:07 a quorum appeared and tho rend
ing of tho journal was completed. The
houso joint resolution authorizing tho
secretary of tho treasury to mako partial
payments on vessols constructed and re
paired tinder tho control of the treasury
department to tho extent of 75 per cont of
the value of the work done was passed.
Washington, April 80. Tho time of
tho senate was occupied today in spicy
colloquies totwoen Messrs. Halo, Teller
and Aldrich on one side, and Harris and
Voorhees on the othor, upon the question
why no hotter progress is boing made
with tlio tariff bill.
Mr. Tnrple, who got tho floor whon
Mr. Palmer sat down, mado a direct as
eault on Mr. Aldrich, tho liko of which
has not been hoard in tho sonato cham
ber for years. Ho declared that three
monstrous untrutlis had characterized
the opposition, threo gross lies of incon
ceivable mendacity, Tho first of those
untruths was that a now bill was boing
propared by tho secretary of tho treas
ury; tho second that HIKi or 400 amend
ments (it did not matter which) wero to
to presented and the third was that tho
bill reported from tho finance committee
was not tho billto bo passed, All these
assertions had been categorically denied
by four Democratic members of the
flnanco committee.
Washington, April 80. In tho house
Mr. Meikcljohn (Neb.) called up tho bill
for tho construction of a bridge across
tho Missouri river near tho town of Ne
braska City, Neb., and it was passed,
Ilrlef Session In the House.
Washington, May 1. Tho sonato and
houso each adjourned today almost ns
soon as tho session began, out of resuoct
pf Seuator Stockbridgo's .memory,
Frank Uatton Xee4,
Washinotcw, May9. Frank Hatton,
editor of the Washington Post, died at
M p, mi Monday,
TT7T; yPHnTWr '' ' "" ' gmMi M.vamMiAKtKmUnaxin!Uw, tMM.frtav j
for Town Herd
Oilier Stock.
I linvo rented the pasture land south
or the II & M. 11. 11 , the routh line
of which iiids flung the fiver, midem
now pr pu'cd to take Hock for pastur.
I nil! nleo run tlio lovrn herd. Any
ono wanting pasture will do well to
call onuioatonco. Dennis Lindbey
'IheOxnnrd Beot Sugar Company ot
Grand Island announces thnt thnv hnv
alredy cooracted for 3,000 acres of
sugar boots for the coming season and
thoy will continuo to take contticts up
to Mny first, nt which time they will
close their books. They expressly de
siro only tho best of farmers to contract,
vho nroontioroly cnpnblo oftaklng tho
very best care of their crop. The fixed
price is e5.00 por ton, delivered at Grand
Island, for all boots showing twolvo per
cent ot saccharin matter nnd a purity
coefflciontof eighty. Blank contracts
can be had, or any further information,
by corresponding withthe Oxnard Beet
Sugar.Company at Grand Island. 5w
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Cattorla.
Just think ot it dearest, we can make
our boys happy, said the father to his
wife. Just think of it! Wiener has
children's suits consisting ot two pair of
pants, coat and cap to match, of strong
material and well made, which he sells
at 13.75 for the outfit, better grades at
$4.50, 15, $6.60 and so on. Let us go
and make our selection before the sixes
are broken.
Children Cry for
Pltcher'e Cattorla.
Farm Loans.
If you want a loan on first class land I
can give you a special rate. Lowest in
terest with option to pay part or all at
any year. Call or write to me.
C. F. Gather, Red Cloud, Neb.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Cswtoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Caatorla.
When she became Hiss, she clung to C-aatorle.
When she bad Children, she gave them Castor!,
Seed Potatoes
at Myors & Usher's store. They are
You neod not fear boing held up when
you trado at Wiener's.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's, Cattorla.
Endless Varieties of
At Shea & Turnure's.
Columbia River Red Salmon,
Mackerel, White Fish, Hoi-
land Herring, Smoked Her
ring, Kipperd H. Lobster, Im
ported and Domestic Sardines,
Oysters, Green Turtle Meat,
Terrapin, Brick and Old Ocean
Codfish, Smoked Halibut and
Others too numerous' to mention.
I 3JvJ
i i ffi& Ay , a)
pten C J .. Jui
iLwteaataMwtiftuVMSii -'-
"..(J . tr.r FfeSSf
,- 2,,a esm
A nice line or
Scarf pins
Caffs and collar buttons, neck
ekalns, lace plHs, stick pins,
charms, etc.
5ih.?i,,,51.ldi,Iverwftre' ponTenlr spoons,
pearl handled knives and forks, carvini? sets,
calling; card cases, bon bon boxes aud other
novelties. A fine line ot spectacles and aye
!.,iJ-,M- wJ,h Intf rchangable louses, steel, nlckil
sliver and eeld frames, Spec al and careful at-
5? i,ilwA,che.l1 ulte Iftle-l lll run them of
at less than their actual worth.
rJKlBrLnsrourw,cn'cloclt d iwelry re
" w,"l'r omcravlne; and your old got
na silver to me,
Henry Cook's Drug- Store.
D. B. Spanogle,
Real Estate
and Loan Agent
Red Cloud.
Ho, There
Farmers !
Hitch Up !
I before you do come arounst
Harness shop nnd buy a new set
or hand.initdc harness. Hare
reduced all goods In the liar
ess line. Here are a few f
our prices:
$32.00 harness for $3050
30.00 ' ooSi
JJXyOJ . . , , o.00
28.00 " 07 m
27:00 ::;:::: gS
20.00 " :;::::::: 25:00
And all COOds in nrnnnrf Inn. A II
guaranteed Repairing and trimming
ono on short notice. J. O. Butler,
Fartit Loaris
Tiiari ;
Per cert
R A Siiripsoiv
Blue Hill Neb'
HPHb fifteHbOaVsJsmaftlBlezt? laLmV
MaaaaVlsVlsB tSaaVEBHaaaaaaW
sHaaaaaaVuMY' flEYlaaaaefaHemLai