The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 04, 1894, Page 7, Image 13

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i.--vsK.i&i, Wiv3wM
.j, an -)wafr
What is
Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
' and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphluo nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitutes
'for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantco is thirty years' uso by
Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays
feverlshness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castorla relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency
Castorla assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cos
toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend.
V '
" Castorla li an excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mother have repeatedly told me of 1U
good affect upon their children."
Da. Q, 0. Omood,
t' Lowell, Mass.
' "Castorla la the best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hopo tho day Is not
far distant when mother will consider tho real
Interest of their children, and use Castorla In
stead of the various quack nostrumawhlch are
destroying their loved onee, by forcing opium,'
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
fenta down their throats, thereby seeding
teem to premature grates."
Da. J. F. KrxcBXLOi,
Conway, Ark.
Tk Ceatavr Company, TT If
New York
Weekly Tribune
The Fair -Store.
X COZfllD, Ptop.
BVery CoilCeiVablg Article on FfatjcL
Special rates on Queensware, Glassware, Etc. All kinds ef
? produce taken in exchange for goods and liighes prices paid,
Is the right man when you want
An endless, variety of stoves.
Wire and Everything in the line,
a Served Exclusively to the
21,477,212 People admitted to
the World's Fair (Grounds.
LssBBBBBBstaf jiR'iji 3 (aUsflsssssssssssss iiissssssssssssssssssssiWPitWjlHBJtR3l
BSsssssssLSi?f I f U !V T?T1BBbsbsssssss sssssssssssssKljHBliSaBBSsssssisssS'i
Reading Fine coffee of the World.
For sale only by Sherwood & Albright.
" Castorla Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend It as superior to any preacrlptlo
known to me."
II. A. Ancntn, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St , Brooklyn, N. T.
" Our physicians in tho children's depart
ment havo spoken highly of their experi
ence In their ouUldo practice with Castorla,
and although wo only liavo among our
medical supplies what U known as regular
products, yet wo are free to confess that the
merits of Castorla has won us to look with
favor upon It."
UMITID IIOiriTAti AMD DisrtxuaT,
Boston, :
AtxiH C. 8KTn, Frti.,
array Street, Now York City.
Red Cloud, Neb.
accepted as the
lie and Christopher Columbus Jones Ar
retted Thousands Wltnttted the March.
lenders of the Army Surprised the l'ollce
by i Flunk Movement.
WAMitsoTOH, May 2. Tho mnrch ot
Coxey's commonweal nrmy, which
started frum Musslllion, 0., on Easter
Sunday, ended Tuesday by tho interrup
tion of tho ih)1Ii'c. Fortunately thoro
wero no casualties and Tuesday evening
General Coxey addressed his burlosquo
army in camp, whilo Marshal Carl
Browno slept in n prison cell and Chris
topher Columbus Jones, leader of the
Phllidelphin coinmuno and tho comedian
of tho movement endeavored to appro
priate a sharo of tho martyrdom in an
adjoining cell. Tho performance en
acted within tho shadow of tho capital
Tuesday is without a counterpart in tho
memory of Washingtonlatu.
More than 200 city police, reinforced
tho Capitol officers. Detectives from sov
cral cities wero sprinkled through the
crowd, for tho concentration of lawless
local characters gave just grounds for
apprehensions of tronblo apart from the
prceenco of tho Coxeyltes. It was short
ly nfter I o'clock when tho army halted
in tho public street south of tho Capitol
grounds. Its 5-mtlo march down from
Brightwood through tho principal streets
of tho city hnd been witnessed by thou
sands. There were 600 men in line, Mrs.
Anna L. Diggs, tho Populist agitator of
Kansas, in a barouche; Coxoy's 17-year-old
daughter, in white, on a cream col
ored steed, representing tho Goddess of
Peace; Carl Browno on a great gray
Percheron stallion; Jacob 8. Coxey, his
wife, tho infant Legal Tender Coxey, to
gether in another carriage; Virginia La
Vallete, said to bo nn actress, on horse
back, draped in an American flag as tho
Philadelphia commune's Goddess of
Peace; tho unemployed carrying whlto
Hugs of penco on staves and tho nonde
script banners, setting forth tho doc
trines of reincarnation, good roads and
enmity to plutocrats, sprinkled through
the caravan.
Crowd Followed Browne.
Marshal Browa halted the procession
there ia tb raw:, walked back to
Coxey's carriacv, iiie goral kissed his
wife. tbj Jb rro zscrrirs spirits of tho
affair reread lirtsr -ariT crr lb plaza to
the Capitol kjs tbir rite iccisg un
der orders, Masiisg is :iir tacks.
After Coxey and Brcsra jous!. a yell
ing crowd of several hcatod ts-rn, most
of them following Brown-?, conspicuous
because of bis unique costume. Tramp
ing and tearing Jits way through tho
costly shrubbery tho mob went, whilo
the squad of mounted police, which had
headed tho parade, dazed for a moment
by the unexpected movo, charged reck
lessly into their midst.
Coxey was fronted by tho polico as he
took on! his hat to speak on the steps, and
his demand for his constitutional rights,
as ho called it, being refused, thrust
upon them a printed protest, which
proved to bo n well worded epltomo of
Populistic doctrines. Moanwhilo Carl
Browno was being literally dragged by
tho collar of his coat through tho crowd
towards tho nearest station after ho had
mado a fight to retain his bannor.
Mot For Flva Minutes.
Two police captains, a lieutenant and
sergeant thrust mildmannered Coxey,
without violence, back across several
hundred foot of humanity. Mounted
polico wero forcing their horses anions
tho people, many of thorn cracking their
clubs over tho heads of tho nearest nor-
sons, women wero shrieking in terror,
men were yelling nercely, some wero
being knocked down and trampled upon.
r or nvo minutes thoro was riot in tho
section of tho mob in front of tho east
steps, which occupied about an aero of
tho asphalt. Then tho two agitating
spirits having been removed and half a
dozen particularly belligerent mon hav
ing been taken in by the police tho dis
turbance was quelled without serious in
juries to a single person. Somehow the
army was started off toward its new
camp, between donblo lines of police,
followed by a mob of thousands, cheer
ing liko demons for Coxey and Browne.
Within an hour tho Capitol grounds had
almost regained their normal quiet with
only a few hundred people strolling
Coxey Has No Complaint to Make.
"I havo no complaint," Coxev said.
"to make as far as the police are con
cerned. Thoy treated me with groat
consideration, but thoy had to carry out
tho law, even if it was an unjust ono.
My speech, howovor, at tho Capitol is
over and I shall not again attempt it. It
would bo no uso. The American onglo
did n goal deal of squealing, bnt that
was to bo cxpccteil. Tho authorities
pinched him rather hard, Ho'll havo his
say. howevor, sooner or later,"
Tho most serious chapter of the affair
for Washington, is the problem of what
is to bo done with the army, remains un
solved. Coxey has no Intention of lead
ing his recruits away. Ho still declares
that tho movement has jnst begun, -that
they will stay here until congress pro
vides for thorn by passing his bills.
Klectrlo Lights Turned Out and Police
Mikhoum Valley. Ia.. Mnv 9
"Reddv" Wilson, tho murderer of Mnr.
shal Whitney, was lynched horo at 9
o'clock sharp this morniug by a masked
Tho narties wero nil unknown. Tlmv
made tho electric lights shut down and
uisarmca tno policemen.
Excited crowds wero wnltintr nil nvnn.
iug for tho affair to happen.
JHnskcU parties battered tho jail door
in and captured Wilson in tho dark.
Wilson did not hnvu timo to sav n word.
but was taken to a troo just outside the
court yard and swung off.
uuero was no shots nreq. Tho whole
thing was orderly as a lynching could be,
At c:00 all was quiet again,
Claims It Is Simply an Iksiip IVctwrrn Unit
ed llMlrnaiL ami OrgnnltMt Ijttxtr.
DesMoinim, May 11. Grand Muster
Workman Sovereign nrrived in Dos
Moines Tuesday with tho avowed inten
tion of throwing tho influenco of the
Knights of Labor into an effort to se
cure a train for Kelly's army. In nn in
terview, Mr. Sovereign said that his ac
tion was determined upon at a meeting
of his oxecutlvo board held In Chicago.
"What will you do if you nro refused
a trainV
"I can only repeat," ho replied, "that
Kelly shall not walk out. The army
shall rido though every road In Iown Ik;
tied up. I do not say that the Knights
of Labor could tako such action of itself,
but with tho aid of tho American Hall
way union such n movo would bo suc
cessful. That organization and our own
are very closo together. When I left Mr.
Debs in St. Paul his last words wero that
anything wo ordered his people would
stand by and I inado a similar proposi
tion. "This thing is simply an issno between
united railroads and organized labor and
if wo 'cannot win here, wo might as well
stop fighting. Tho issno is a squnre ono
and'wo will meet it. Wo are in sympa
thy with Coxey and Kelly movements as
it attracts public attention and invites
discussions of the interests wo represent.
I am reliably informed that tho majority
of Kelly's men are members of labor
anions, and wo will neither let them
starve nor walk out of Pes Moines."
Sevsn Thousand Unemployed Men Fa-
, rade and Trouble Follows.
Cleveland, May a. Seven thousand
unemployed paraded tho streets Thurs
day after listening to speeches in Monu
mental square. In the lino wero many
unruly spirits. While on tho Central
viaduct a motorman refused to stop his
train while tho precession passed and tho
mob attacked and wrecked a car. Later
nearly 100 shots wore fired over another
car which was compelled to stop. Sev
eral persons wero knockod down during
tho mnrch and others wero injured by
missiles thrown by tho mob.
On Pearl street another riotous sceno
occurred. A street oar was totally
wrecked by tho mob and tho motorman
assaulted and, perhaps, fatally injured.
A policeman, who was on board, drew
his revolver, but before it could bo used
tho mob closed in on him ami ho received
very rough handling. Pistols woro flrod
in every direction. Many plato glass
windows wero smashed and a panic en
sued in tho crowded thoroughfares.
There wero many narrow escapes, but
fortunately no ono was killed outright.
In Monumental park the marchers
peacefully disbanded.
American Hallway Union Successful In
Their First Dig Strike.
St. Paul, May 2. After being tied up
for 18 days almost completely from end
to end, tho Great Northern railroad sys
tem will now" -"rosutno werk, tho great
striko beiug declared off. It is practi
cally a victory for tho Amnrlcj find.
way union and President Debs, although
ino committee tor tno commercial bodies
of tho two cities was largely responsible
for tho result. Various conferences wero
hold by tho committeo with President
Hill and w'ith tho labor loaders. Mr.
Hill was pronouncod in favor of arbitra
tion all along and agreed to a system of
arbitration if tho men would resume
work. Finnlly tho committoo got them
to meet Tuesday afternoon, and tho re
sult is that the striko has been declared
off and tho men will return to work at
once. Tho conference went over all de
tails, and Mr, Hill mado great conces
sions to the men, tho result being that
the whole difficulty was settled then anfl
fit. Charles Hotel, the Finest In the South,
Mass of Ilulns.
NKW OltLKANH. Mnv 1 Rhnrtlv
before midnight a disastrous fire broko
oiu in tno Kitcuen or tho 8t. Charles
hotel, and at 3 o'clock onlv ono wnll wna
standing. As noarly as could lie nscer-
uunea, nvo lives wero sacrificed. Ono
man leaped from tire fourth story, and
was almost instantly killed, whlln fnnr
men and ono woman wore seen to leap
irum mo iron staircase leading from tho
rear of tho building, and wore lost to
view, into the court, which InnWwl tn iw.
almost a solid mass of flames. Ono of
those men succeeded in reaching tho
street, but nothing has been seen of tho
Portland Contingent Under Arrest.
Portland, Oro., April i0,--Tho Port
land contingent of tha Cnxnv imiv wi,n
seized a Union Pacific train at Troutdalo
uutuiuujr auu nuiu UlTU3U.1l Uy UmtOU
States troops at Arlington wero brought
back to this city. General Schefller,
with Quartermaster Gonornl Brockin
and Ml others, were tnken to jail and tho
remainder were placed under guard of
tho regular troops. Tho industrials nam
bor 607 in all.
Chicago Grain and Provisions.
CnidAnn. Mv l.Muv illi..u i i
and provisions wero mmlu today with surpris
ing Biuuuiuiii'ss ami me uuits put up tliu price
ot wheat about Mo for Julv. Later they dis
covered that their cowrrixtulatlom had been
premature, when wheat, on fawtraule condi
tions, wan taklupt a lo tumble, which resulted
In a low for the ilny of Mo. Corn was dull and
followed the ooiiran nf wlimi n in.,.iw..
lower for July and M6o lower for May. Oats
ncroairuuK uiuu near me cioe, May rose
fo. but Iff t off with nil but Ko of the ad
Vance (fonp. Provisions started out firm, but
closed with a slight loss In value
WHEAT Eiw. r-ii.l, fur.. i..i.. I,-.
Beptcmber. 61Hcj December, ollic.
COKN-Kaslcr. May, 37Js3JTKc; July.
WKo; September. WJto. 7 " ",
limit Kasy. July, Ill!,H.
M'.I.,J,7.K,,,)r .Mn'1 $ui! Jul' W.1TW.
HllW-Kny. May, Sd.M; July, Jtf.tS.
South Omaha Live Stock,
, Bouni Omaha. May l.-OATTLiq-Hot
celptm 3.U) head; l.KW to 1501 lbs.. 83 mm 'Mi
,.w iw .' iits,, fiMiDij ;,, io J1UJJU4,,
J.uuaa ui; choice mwi.' common
rows,; Bood fillers. W.mxaaw).
cuuimon fender. It.Waa.lS. Market Mronuer.
HOOS-Uecelpts, T.!fl head; llBht, IVU0
I.1UJ mlied, I3.OOW.U5j heavy, t3.0Oa4.10.
Market 5o to l9o ulguw.
The Miny tlAiprulns f Scion Days Ite
rittrrd from Column to l.lnri Krcry
thins; but Kiict Kllmlitiited For Our
Header' Convenience.
TliurtiUy, April 90.
There were 101 new cases of cholera at
Lisbon yeMenlay.
Mrs. Mnry K. Iicaw niul Mrs. Helen M.
Gotignr spoke at Mount Curmel, Ills.
Mrs Claudia Horrnrn dint In S.m Fran
Cisco Monday, nged IA). Sho cntitc from
Mexico in ifil'.i.
Cliauurey Drnow has been selected to
prrslile nt the Ynle-lliirvnnl debute in
Now Haven, Conn., Friday.
Hubert Burns, i contractor, was killed
at Keokuk, In., by n fall from a church.
W. I). Spencer was arrested nt Devll'a
Lake, X, 1)., unit confessed to the murder
of Archie Mclntyre.
Albert T. Heck, Inw partnerof Congress
man Byuiini, wns found murdered at his
home In ltiilliumtolls,
Holwrt Wheeldou stabbed Wllltntn Mc
Kinney In nn nltercntlou at l'rcston, la.,
and probably killed him.
King and Story, two of the prisoners
who escaped from the Jail nt Waupaca,
Wis., were recaptured.
The county court nt Kansas City, Mo.,
has ordered suit to bo bruiiKht against
County Clerk M. S. Burr to recover a
shortage of f lt),l);.
Tho Wisconsin conference of the Ger
man KvntiKclicnl church began at Hnclne.
Bishop Howmnn of Chicago delivered
the nddrcHH.
Howard Xolnu was arrested nt Vancou
ver, Wash., for murdering two men at
Hnrlaud Courthouse, Ky., ia years ngo.
The Snranao Itku House, the pioneer
resort In the Adirondack mountains, was
totally destroyed by lire. Loss, fw.000.
At a state temperance convent ion nt
Birmingham it was decided to make a
noupotiticnl canvass of the state by coun
ties in the Interest of local option.
United States treasury guards hnvu
been given nn additional supply of arms
and ammunition in view of tho expected
visit to tho national capital of Coxey's
President Jt'fTury and General Piuwen-
8 er Agent Hooper of tho Denver and Hlo
mudu have Inspected La Plutn gold
fluids and express thenioolves coitserva
tlvely. TWO ItOVM clvlllir tlll'lr nntnui na JiiIiii
Ness of !IU Carroll avenue mid Jiuum
Couch of 40 Carpenter streets Chicago,
wirt nrn-ati-fl nt niiliun,,.. r.. n-i..... UAi.a
they were on nn expedition to shoot In-
Kx-C(lllfifli-rAfii ufilillf.ra ti.i m
reunion nt Blrmlughnin, AIn.
rrlday, April 97.
R. L. Goodwin was arrested at Des
Moines charged with passing a forged
Acting Governor Gill, with the govern
or's staff, will witness the opening of the
bridge nt Alton, Ills., May I,
linns Nelson of Lyons, In., a flshcrmun
6S yenrs of age, fell from his boat and was
The decrease of earnings of the Union
Pacific system for tho year was over tf,
600,000. Convicts in the South Carolina statu
prison set lire to tho shops, causlug 123,000
loss. Xo escape.
Kansas miners did not heed tho cull of
the nntlonnl ofllcers for n convention at
Pittsburg and n strike is uot probable. -
Sheep shearing has lecn begun In Utah
and tho Indications are thnt the clip will
be very heavy and of superior qunl.ty.
Thcstuto convention of United Mine
Workers nt Springfield, Ills., decided to
hold tho nnuunl stnte convention the first
Tuesdny In February hereafter.
It Is thought tho wool crop of Texas will
be from HO to 40 per cent short of Inst
year's clip.
Professor Charles Holllns Koyes of Iowa
has been elected state geologist of Missou
ri to succeed Professor Arthur Winslow,
William Johnson, 1M years old, was sen
tenced nt la Porte, Intl., to four years In
prison for burglnry. This wUl be his third
penitentiary term.
Coal Mine Insiiector Heed of Colorado
has received Information thnt nil the
miners in the state will go out in n few
Tho strike altuntlon in Birmingham,
Ala., is unchanged. Governor Jones'
presence has put n stop to all threatening
I'llO L'OVITIKir nt I...
signed tho bill doubling the requirements
ior me sinning oi milium uro Insurance
companies In that stnte.
Representatives of the Order of Hall
way Conductors and the Brotherhood of
Hallway Triaumon for the Wabash sys
torn ore holding a conference with otllclals
In St. Louis to consider the 10 per cunt re
duction schedule.
A Jury was secured at Shuboygau.Wis..
In the trial of ex-Banker Shove. Book
keeper KuiidtHou wns on this stand nil
dnv. Thomas M. lilnckslnrk. nrwull.u
candidate for governor, is one of the
Saturday, April as.
Three men ami n lioy have been stricken
with amnllpox at Mcnashn, Wis.
Mrs. Sarah II. Parker of Hoxhury,
Mass.. left 150,000 to the Woman's annex
of Hnrvnrd.
Ted Stephenson and Pat C. Fnllon of
Gunnison. Colo., found and shot Munlon-,
Nick Myers.
Richmond, Va., women petitioned Gov-
ernor O'Fcrrnll tn rmnnmln tin. .1 ....!.
sentence of two negro ravhhers to life Im
prisonment, out weru denied.
The Vacuum OH commmv. which l.n.
controlled the salo of two-thirds ut tho
lubricating oil consumed in the west, will
be consolidated Mny I with tho Conti
nental Oil company, the western repre
sentative of the Standard trust.
The Council of lteil Men nt Itllimiu win
be held at Ulxon, May 7, and 0.
It Is estimated that 1,000,000 Odd Fel
lows celebrated the 73th anniversary of
the order.
Omaha banks hnvu lierrlln mill In nnnltt.
against the estate of the late Mayor Hell
man to recover loans.
The National AHsnrliitlnii nt nui-,ni.
Voilllir Peoillu's Societies of. ChrlvUnn I.'...
deuvor was held nt Tillln, O.
A jttry found that the Wichita school
board members. Ward mid f.'nln nn nnf
guilty of boodllug, as chnrued.
A devllllsh measuring 30 feet ncrons lt
wldest-extent win caught recently at tho
Inlet ut Vnncovtr, U, C.
The commencement exerelses of tho
Geruiau Theological souilunry closed at
Diiliuque, Is. The address wns dellvsrsd
by P. (' Vnmlerbitrg, judgo of thssa
prelum otirt of Minnesota.
Chnrles A. Pratt has sued Thomaa
Janibs, nt Huntington, Intl., for 13,000 for
assaulting him.
A bucket shop wns raided at St. Paul,
Minn., and Frank Hill and Howard Hill,
the proprietors, wero nrrestcd.
St, Joseph's Homnu Cnthollo church of
Denver has sued Father Malone for13,
Wri, which he Is charged with converting
lo his own use.
Monday, April 30,
Senator Quay, though still weake has
rouo tn Washington.
"Jim" Jordan, n notorious outlaw, was
killed In Clark county, Alabama.
William Pierce, a farmer, shot and
killed himself nt Smith Center, Kan.
Fong Sing, a lauudryman, was mur
dered and his place burned at Woodward,
O. T.
Anthony Sweeney, a wealthy Insurants
agent and real estate owner of Denver,
died at Hot Springs, Ark.
A bill passed the Cherokee legislature
providing for distributing per capita to.
740,000 among the Chorokees.
Mrs. Mnry Flunlgnn of Buffalo com
mltted suicide nt Niagara Falls by Jump
ing Into tho American rapids from Wil
low Island.
Only ono coal mine Is being operated
east of the Allcghenlos.
Thirty Coxeyltes were sentenced to tha
rock pile nt St. Joe, Mo.
A Philadelphia sport dropped dead on
drawing four noes tn a game of poker.
The Rights of Labor of Colorado have
passed resolutions denouuclug Senator
Plunger Pnnlrldgo of Chicago reduced
his salesgirls' wages aud a boycott on him
Is probable.
Two new eases of smallpox, making
threo tn all, wero reported at Atchison,
General Schofleld has Issued orders to
fedcrnl troops In tha northwest to protect
property under federal control.
At Topekn, Knn., nn unknown man,
vlolenty Insnne, broko Into the asylum for
tho Insane, where ho wns captured.
In the famous Do Brosselre suit In Kan
sas Judgo has decided thnt the
Odd Fellows' grand lodgo has authority
to levy mid collect a tax on members.
Governor Wnlte, replying to tho stric
tures of Senator Wolcott, says tho latter
is incapable of taking a broad view of any
The death of Dr. de Boissiere, who do
nntod n valuable estnte for nn Odd Fel
lows' Orphans' Homo lu Kansas, is re
ported to have tnken place at Paris,
France, 10 days ngo.
Tuesday, May 1.
Arrangements nro nbout mndo for a
temple ot tho Mystic Shrluo at Rockford,
John Rule wns killed In Osceola, Mich.,
by being struck by a skip while oiling
rollers lu a mine.
Citizen Tram says his psychic force has
kuoaked Coxeyism out.
Two enormous snakes were seen by Geo,
W. HlllsUiln near Colchester, Ills.
Johu McGuIro Is lu the Little Rock Jail
with a chargu of murder over him.
Five prisoners escaped from Jail at Cam
den, Ark., of whom two were recantured.
New York Is to have a little World's fair
for tho benefit of the South American re
publics. A cyclone did considerable damage near
Abilene, Tex.
Somu New York brokers were done for a
million dollars by Chicago manipulators
ou Chicago gus.
The smiUIK)x continues to spread lu
Chicago. More than 600 cases were re
ported during April.
A 0-year-old daughter of Jamos Stout of
Ripley, Ills., wns burned to death whlleat
play lakt Saturday.
Tho Third regiment, national guards ot
Missouri, will hold au encampment the
third week In July.
A Cnthollo paper nt Chattanooga will
publish n list ot names alleged to be those
of nfcuibers of the A. P. A.
Mrs. Thomas Sturgls of Sednlta, Mo.,
wns robbed of a t00 diamond pin while In
a hairdrt&ser's.
The Populists of Kansas will circulate
ns a cnmpulgu document on address de
livered lieforu the Knusas board of agri
culture by Hon. Daniel Need ham of Boston,
Dan Buchanan, former cashier of Sjie
now defunct Coke County (Texas) bank,
has been arrested for alleged conspiracy
to rob the government.
The Nashville, Chnttauooga and St.
Louis Railway company has declared a
quarterly dividend of lf percent, payable
Mny 1.
Secretary Holt of the Arkansas Repub
lican leaguo issued a call for a meeting in
Little Rock Mny C3 for the purpose of se
lecting delegates to thu national conven
tlou In Denver June 30.
Wednesday, May t.
Two thousand painters are on a strike
in Chicago.
The village of Davidson, Mich., was
wiped out by fire.
The semi-weekly Populist paper, The
People, at LeMars, la., has suspended
The trial of ex-Banker A. A, Cadwalla
der wns resumed at Madison, Wis. He
wns on the stand under cross-examination
all day.
Allan Alford, son ot General George F.
Alford of Dallas, Tex., is charged with
passing forged checks at Beatrice, Neb.
He has disappeared.
Henry O'Nell, who reoeutly elopeS with
Miss Mclunls from Rockford, Ills., tried
to commit suicide in Jail there by cutting
his throat. His recovery Is doubtful.
Two Russians got Into trouble and called
the police in Chicago, and were arrested
for doing so.
Tho taking of testimony in the ouster
trial of Receiver Onkes of the Northern
Pacific was begun nt Chlcngo.
Tho Ministerial union nt Atchison,
Kan., has determined to try to have the
autlsaloon law enforced In that city.
Juror Armstrong, who agreed to hang
the Indianapolis bank case Jury for 13,000,
wns sentenced for 18 months In prison.
The department of tho interior has de
cided against tho right of government
olllclals sec n Hug settler's claims In Okla
homa, Opposition to II. C, Solomnu nt Atchi
son, Knn., for the Populist nomination
for congress has developed and ho will be
bitterly opposed.
Miss lfuttle Blaine, youngest daughter
of tho late James G. DIuiue, was married
In the lilstorlo Washington mansion to
Truxton Benle, ex-minister to Greece.
Bosun's commonweal nrmy, recently
captured by United State forces for steal
lug a Northern Pucltlo train, have been
taken back to Helena, Mont.
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