The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 04, 1894, Page 6, Image 12

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..IV' jr. ' -'- : : .''-iSjjaSaE&kagaKBsam
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r-ni t, .
the Always Appeared to Announce a Ap
proaching Death In the Family She Wh
rrobftbly a Bcrrant Who Had Been Foal
1 Dealt With In Ancient Day.
"Everybody laughs In thoM day At
the old story of tho Irish banshee," Mild
gentleman of national reputation late
ly na ho chatted with a friend or two
in tho ofllco of tho Continental, "audi
am not Baying but that it was but a bu
Ejrstitlon after all, though thcro is a
ttlo thing connected with my family
that ii a strange coincidence, to call it
yen that
"Onco, when Z wai a boy, I woke tip
daring the night weeping bitterly, and
when my mother came to my bedside I
told her that I hod droamed that a queer
ly droMod old woman had como to mo
f wider a largo oak tree and had warned
no that my brother Leonard, who was my
senior by several yean, was going to dto
Tory soon. I noticed then that instead
of calming my fears my mother listened
to tno without nnvintr a word, and nrca-
gently I saw that she, too, was crying as
hard as I was. I asked what was tho
matter, and though sho put mo off I did
not forgot tho strango effect on her that
my dream had produced.
"It could not hnvo been a week after
that that my brother camo in ono after
noon from school and said ho was going
to join a party of young pooplo in a
sleighing excursion to tho noxt town.
My mother was very unwilling for him
to go und confessed to nil sorts of ncrv
I out fears, very unllko her usual calm
! nnd self reliant self, but my brother
insisted and nt last went off, followed
by my mother's anxious eyes. Within
three hours wo received a telegram say
ing that ho had been killed by tho horses
attached to tho sleigh becoming friaht-
!cnod, and, running away noar a railroad
track had thrown my poor brother un
der tho wheels of n train.
"When his mangled body camo homo,
my mother mot it, saying to her sister,
who was visiting nt our houso for tho
day: 'I know it, Fanny. II. hero saw
hor tho other night, ' and for a long
U timo I wondered who the 'her' referred
to could bo. I was nearly grown when
X again saw tho old woman of my boy
hood dream. I was about togroduatont
our homo uulvorsity und was studying
bard for tho final examinations and wan
lttiug up lato ono night reading over
somo questions in mental philosophy
when I dropped off to sleep in my chair.
"Then I droaniod of standing once
moro nudcr a largo oak tree, which was
particularly marked about tho bark by
ring about throo feet abovo the ground.
M Hero I was, facing an old woman in a
W servant's dross of tho thirteenth or four
Sw teenth century, I should iudiro. and this
old woman was tolliug mo that I would
soo my futhor no moro in life, I was a
good deal worried over this dream, re
membering my former ono nnd its trng
io sequence, but had ceased to think of
it in tho hurry nnd nnxiety of tho ex
aminations, when ono day old Professor
D. called to mo oh I was passing from
ono classroom to another nnd asked,
H., isn't your father in Switzerland?'
"I replied that ho was, for his health
hod failed so nlarmlngly for months
post that ho had been ordered abroad
and had been rapidly getting woll in
tho mountains of Switzerland. Ho had
recently joined tho English party in on
expedition to Mont mono and had writ
ton in iluo spirits rcgordlug tho trip.
Professor B. said no more, but I camo
across in a few minutes a uowspapcr
containing an account of an American
who had boon killod by falling down a
CTOYOsso In tho Swiss Alps.
"No pari loulors were known or given
by tho papor, but I knew oh, yes, I
know that tho American was mv father.
J and so it proved. I told my widowed
y. mother of tho strango colucideueo of my
second dream, and din mnHo.1 imf. !.
J) i. .?. .. .7. .," : ' ' . ...." ":?V
-wiirmuK wuuiu'uuvcr inn; innt it had
gono with her through her life, and thnt
hor mother hall told her that this strnmm
phantom had also given her warning of
every msaster wio Una experienced Tho
old woman, whoever sho was, was al
ways accompanied in her missions of
woo by tho oak troo marked as I havo
said Tho wholo thing is a myBtcry to
ns, but it is true, every word of it
"If tho thing is something supernat
ural, nono of us has auy idea who tho
woman could hnvo been or why sho camo
liko a bird of ill omen to prophesy evil
to n plain American family, sans costlo,
sons legends, Bans romance And I, for
ono, ntn particularly interested in why
tho oak troo should havo como down to
us in connection with tho ghost I would
Bomehow hnto to think that 'somo
doughty ancestor of miuo had, after the
playful littlo manner of tho good old
times, put some faithful servant to death
in a way in which an oak treo took a
prominent part, but I should not ho sur-
Erisod if ho did; indeed I hnvo a sneak
:ig belief that that is tho truo explana
tion of tho wholo thing, though I am
sorry that samo servant is so unforgiv
ing as to tako it out on mo by bringing
ae bad news, which, if sho'd only wait
long enough, would reach mo with pro
verbial rapidity. " PhilndelphliiTiuies,
Anrolia (anxiously) Havo you seen
Deorgo this oveuiug, papa? Ho prom
ised to call.
'" Papa Yes, ho did call, and I enter
tained him for an hour before you camo
Anrolia -You entertained him, papa?
I Pupa Yes; I gave him a list of nil
tho uow drosses yon had last year aud
thnftnafcnf each. I never saw u uiuu
'$ h More interested, yot ho loft very bur
let rUdly. London Tit-Bits.
Happily Detaa
J ilil- Tit Slnnlrltu frnm hifl
SHv hookv-Pa. what to the totom trf d
lJ.J-A, a
m. "W . ' .ii-:7. ii. a ...
Siivsfciue tlir asoia laundriei, Johnny.
&(. MAatnu'TVat-JtlnL
'(" " ' '
tho Thrifty Farnclllln Who Walked Rather
Titan l'ny it l'rnnjr.
Talking of tho speaker's dinners to
members, nt which, in compliment to
tho official position of tho host as repre
sentative of her majesty in tho houso of
commons, lovco dress or uniform is
worn by tho guesw, I was onco tola a
fanny story of tho into Joseph Biggar,
tho thorny tempered deformed littlo ba
con merchant who was tho aristocratic,
rcflucd Parnoll's first ally nnd for somo
timo his only follower in parliament.
Biggar was not n poor man, but ho
was a thrifty one, nnd ho hated tho idea
of spending moucy on a court dress.
Yet Mr. Parnoll liked his party to ap
pear at tho speaker's dinners as assert
ing their privileges of parliament So
Biggar undertook tho irksomo expense
of hiring a court suit in which to go to
dlnowith tho speaker. Tho man who
told mo tho story, anothor member who
was not dining officially that night
was in tho habit of going homo with
Biggar on tho top of tho last tram
thoy lived near each other out Lambroth
way somowhero and on this night tho
quaint littlo form of Biggar appeared in
his smart, trim dress, sword, pasto but
tons and all, without oven an overcoat,
to go homo, as usual.
Ills companion remonstrated, but in
vain, nor would Biggar oven consent to
rido as far as tho tram would hnvo taken
him, but got down, as was his custom,
at tho oxtrcmo point to which a penny
conveyed him nnd walked tho street
thonco to his rooms. Ilia companion
went so far oh to offer to pay tho oxtra
penny out of his own pocket, but Biggar
refused sternly. Ho was savago at tho
foolish expenso to which ho had already
gone and would not havo even a penny
moro mado of it
A man capablo of such indiffcrenco to
oostumo has n right to remonstrato
about fomiuino attention to dress, bnt
fow nro thosomeu! Mrs. Fcnwick-Mil-lor
in London Graphic,
Horse Can Count.
A Russian doctor has been experi
menting to find how far somo domestio
animals can count Tho intelligence of
tho horses as shown in mathematics,
seems to surpass that of tho cut or tho
Tho doctor found a horso which was
ablo to count tho milo posts nloug tho
way. It had bceu trutucd by ibt master
to stop for feed whenovcr they bad cov
ered 5 vents. Ono duy tlioy tried tho
horse over a rood whero three false milo
posts had boon put in between tho real
ones, and, suro enough, tho horso, do
ooived by this trick, stopped for his oata
at tho end of 22 vorsts, instead of going
tho usual SB.
Tho samo horso was accustomed to
being fed every day nt tho atroko of
noon. Tho doctor observed that when
over tho clock struck tho horso would
stop and prick up his ears as if count
ing. If ho heard 13 strokes, ho would
trot off contentedly to bo fed, but if it
wero fowor Hum 12 ho would resignedly
go on working. Tho experiment was
mado of striking 13 strokes nt tho wrong
time, whereupon tho horso started for
his oats in splto of tho fact that ho had
been fed only an hour before St Louis
A Von llulow Rchrarsat.
When in Munich somo years ngo di
recting tho Wngucr operas, a woman of
society nsked tho lato Hans von Bulow
ouo evening to bo allowed to attend tho
rehearsal of tho orchestra on tho follow
ing day. Bulow replied that it would
glvo him great pleasure to havo hor pres
ent later in tho week, when tho orches
tra had ilaycd of tenor. However, on tho
following dny Bulow caught sight of
hor in tho theater as ho took his baton
iu hand. Ho stopped tho music, held n
hurried conversation with ouo of tho
iiK'inlx.TH of tho orchestra, nnd then ns
cendeil to his place again. Ho flourished
his baton, und ouo instrument began to
sound. Ho continued to bent tho air,
and tho instrument continued to piny
only thrwo different notes. For llvo min
utes this was kept up, tho other musi
cians remaining silent. Tho poor lady
became half rrnzyiii t lie course of time,
and in disgust nt llulow nnd Wngner
left tho room. Tho rehearsal wus then
continued. San Frnncisco Argonaut
For SlcrileHiirKn.
If persons troubled with sleeplessness
would Keep nt hand a bottlo of tho fol
lowing mixture and uso it as a sponge
bath, they would find tho greatest relief:
Into 8 ounces of alcohol put 2 of ammo
nia nml 3 of enmphor. Shako thorough
ly, and when well mixed ndd 4' buncos
of sea salt and enough hot water to fill
ft quart bottlo. To apply it pour a littlo
of tho liquid in n shallow dish, moisten
tho wholo body n littlo nt n timo by dip
ping n small hpongo In it Rub on only
a very little, then finish with a vigor
ous rubbing with a coarse crash towel.
Get into bed, nnd you will promptly fall
asieep. xsow York recorder.
Riilolri; n Cusp.
Manager This now play, I expect,
will bo a big success. In tho first act
you appear as n beggarly clerk In a dry
goods establishment, kicked nbout by
your employers and tho floorwalker and
Contemnod by tho customers. Then three
years olupso between tho first and boo
ond nets and
Actor You wouldn't mind paying
my salary in advance for thoso throo
years? I'm awfully short
Manager I ought to havo said 'aro
supposed to elapse. You can suppose
you got your throo years' salary in ad
vance. Bostpu Transcript.
A Scrupulous Censor.
When Rome was uudor tho papal
power, n play was onco submitted to
tho prolnto charged with tho revision of
manuscripts for tho press. In tho first
sceuo nu uctor is represented ns sitting
at a tnblo and calling, Wuitor, a beef
steak." Tho scrupulous censor wroto
in the murglui "Noto When the piece
U played during Lent, tho actor, Instead
of calling for a beefsteak, will order
as omelet "Sou Francisco Argonaut
Too Smaiit. Lo nowspt nnper in des
criblDg any thing omit somo trilling in
cident, or let it paint tho picturo with
glowing colors, and there is a clnss of
smart Alecks who are ready to swear
thnt th9 reporters never got nny thing
right. Hut nn editor can sny nil tho
nico things posslblo about uomo matter
of public Interest or toll what n clover
fellow somo ninn is, or oven praise a
woman that wears n poem In millinery,
nnd not n word will ever bo hcurd about
it. It la only tho quorelotis fuult-flndors
who are ready to express their opinions.
Tho facta utc, thero is a cIusb of pooplo
who believe that thoy nro ordained cen
sors of tho nowspupor, and they nro al
ways prompt to sco tho mistakes, ovon
If it la only a turned comma; but tho
editor may write column after column of
matter saying nico things about tho
town and its business interests, nnd tho
people gonerally, nnd novor n word of
commendation docs ho hoar. Lifo is too
short for people to spend their timo in
finding fault or quarreling with thoir
neighbors. Wo are here to-day but tho
Lord knows whore wo will pull up to
morrow. Home thing wreng when you tire too
easily. Homo thing wrong when tho skin
Is not clear nnd smooth. Somo thing
wrong when the blood la impure. Every
thing right when you tnko DoWitt's Bar
aparilla. It recommends itself. C. L.
IIoiitCMCckcr Ivxcmi-sIoiir.
Ono faro for tho round trip. Tell
your friends in tho cast that on May
8th and 29th the Burlington routo will
sell round trip tickets at the ono way
rate to points in Nebraska, Kansas
cistern Colorado, southwestern Da
kota and norlhcrn Wyoming.
'tickets nro good for twenty days
illow stopovers, and will bo on sale nt
nil stations cast of tho Missouri liver
J. FttANOlS,
0. P. & T. A., Omaho, Neb.
Dr. Sawyer's Family Curo is bo nnmed
because It is adapted to nil tho members
of a family, young and old. Try it, it
strengthens and invigorates. DoyOifcQrico
At Athons, on Friday, 36" shocks of
earthquake wore felt in eight hours.
Dr. Sawyers Family Curo! Dr. Sawyer's
Family Caret Dr. Sawynr's Family Carol
It not only relieves bntenres Indigestion.
Sold by DeyoAGrico.
The Bolgian police provontcd an ex
plosion of dynamite bombs.
noar Stomach, Ueadnche, Ullouanes.
Jaundice, Drow-iuss, General debility
and Diabetes nro cared bv Dr. Sawyer's
!'amilyCur. Sold by Deyo & Grioo.
4t . ...
A gang of counterfeiters was discover
ed at Denver.
Call on your druggist for a free sample
of Dr. Sawyers Family (Jure. After
trying it you will always keep It in your
family. Sold by Doyo & Grice.
Captuin Mannzon of tho Itata commit
cd suicide.
Dr. Sawyers Family Curo safely pud
thoroughly euros all difficulties of tho Sto
much, Liver, Kidneys nnd Dowels. Try
a froo sample Sold by Doyo fc Griee.
Biscop Chnrtanl of Indiana left New
York for Rimo.
Indigestion nnd Dilounness makes life
miserable. If allowed to continue, makes
Itfo.perpetnnlly miserable. Use Dr. Saw
yer's Family Cure. Doyo & Grice.
Aloxnndor Watson, tho polygamist,
will bo made to face his numerous wives,
It Cares blood and skin disorders. It
does this nnlokly nnd permanently. Is
there any good reason why you should not
use DeWitt'sBirsapardlaf It recommend
itself. C. L. Cottlng.
Edward Adams of Now Orleans will
hang for murder in tho City of Moxieo
Let us remind you that now is the time
to take DoWitt's Snrsaparllla, it will do
you good. It recommends itself. C. L.
Arthur Lnvorlo killed his finnco
Chicago and then shot himself.
Four Illg SticccsRCH.
Ilnviug tho needed merit to moro than
mnko good nil the ndvertiaing claimed for
them, the following foar remedies hnve
readied a phonomonnl salo, Dr. King's
New Discovory for Consnmpton, Coughs
and Colds each bottlo guaranteed Eleo
trlo Bitters, the great remedy for Liver,
Stomach and Kidneys. Bucklea'a Arnica
Salve, the beet In tho world, nnd Dr.
King's Mow Lifo Pills, which nre n per
fect pill. All these romedlos nro gunrnn
teed to do just what is claimed for them
and the dealer whose name is attaohod
herewith will bo glad to tell you more o
them. Sold nt O. L. Cottlng's Drugstore.
Wienor's prices aro within reach of all
Call there and convince yourselves,
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
WorM'1 Pair Hlgtrnt Award.
tome of It Frntnrc n Notcil bynSubur
t tilto Juit Motctl lulu Town.
"W cannot forget," said tho man
who mOV3dfrom tho suburbs "tho vans
wo moved in nor tho men who moved
us. Tho wholo household wiu uctlvo
early that morning waiting for tho vans.
Tho main rond by which they would ap
proach ran parallel to tho street in
which wo lived nnd in plain sight Soon
uftcr 7 o'clock wo saw them coming,
thrco of them, each drawn by four
horses, nnd nil well closed up, n decid
edly orderly nnd business looking pro
cession. They Bwung urouud through a
cross street and down our street nnd
halted near tho houso at 7:10. They had
told us at tho ofllco that tho vans would
bo thcro at 7 o'clock. Inasmuch as thoy
hnd had 12 miles to como nnd it had
rained tho night beforo 7:10 didn't seem
liko a half bad bluff at it
"A man camo down and located tho
house, aud then tho two head vans camo
nnd backed up to tho walk In front At
ono sldo of tho honso thcro was n drive
way which ran back past tho rear of tho
house, with n loop thero around n littlo
oval grass plat Thcro was nono too
much room in this driveway, which was
not designed for four horso teams, but
when tho rear van camo down tho driver
swung his lenders and camo in nt it with
tho largo confldenco of n man who has n
good team nnd knows how to handle it
Ho ronuded tho oval nnd halted with
his team headed toward tho street nnd
tho renr end of tho van on n lino with
tho rear of tho honso. When tho vans
wero nil in position, tho horses wero
blanketed, and then tho men wero ready.
"Thero wero six men altogether, nnd
they wero nil powerful, nblebodied
men. Tho honso was n 2J story Queen
Anno. Tho men stripped it in two hours
nnd without nny fuss or commotion
whutover. At 0:20 tho lost padlock snap
ped on tho Inst van door, nnd tho driv
ers mounted to their seats nnd hnuled
out into tho rond again, onco moro in
line. Then nil hands settled down hi
their scats, nnd everything was ready for
tho start Tho great arks wero very'
heavy now, nnd it was no light work to
movo thom. Thcro was a littlo pictur
csquo plunging nt tho start, but they
wero good teams, every' one, and they
soon had tho vans in motion, and after
that thoy walked off with them as
though thoy wero shoeboxes on wheels.
A fow moments later wo saw them onco
moro nut on tho main road, moving now
townrd tho city.
"Four hours later wo caught sight of
them ngniu. Wo wero then on tho train
bound for tho city nnd npproachiugncar
it. Wo saw tho vans on n road nt somo
littlo distance from tho railroad They
wero ns well closed up ns a wagon train
would bo under escort in an enemy's
country and moving forward.
"Not very long afterward wo stood
on tho stops in tho land of brick and
mortar and saw tho procession, still well
closed up, appear around tho corner. They
camo up at n trot. It took n littlo moro
timo to unload than to load, but not
much. Soon wo heard tho last padlock
snap again, this timo on tho last of tho
empty vans. Onco moro tho procession
lined up, moved off und disappeared.
"Aud left us to settle. It is some
thing of n job to sottlo, as thoso who
havo tried it know, but if anything
could mnko that work seem lighter it
would bo tho exhilaration of moving iu
tho modern way." New York Sun.
Too Much For Him.
General Meerschoidt-Hullessom, nn
old and experienced officer of tho bluff
type, has several times differed with
Emperor William's criticism of parades
nnd mnncuvers, and tho general did not
tako pains to conceal his opinions. Ouo
night tho emperor and tho general met
at u-bal), and it happened that tho samo
forenoon tho omcror had again criti
cised tho general's troops, deprecating
tho veteran officer's want of coolness.
During tho evening tho emperor joking
ly remarked to tho general, who is a
"My dear general, you want to liecoiiio
less excited, und," pointing to tho la
dles, ho ndded, "you ought to marry."
"I beg your majesty's pardon, " re
torted tho general, "but I lx?g to bo ex
cused. A young wifo and n young em
peror would bo too much for mo."
Berlin Letter.
A Hook Qimlnt Title.
A year or two ago thero first appeared
iu Germany n littlo book entitled "Darf
dio Frau Denken?" ("Ought WomnnBo
Allowed to Think?"). It went through
a number of editions in a short time, a
rnro tiling to happen in tho fatherland,
at lenst in this department of literature.
Though small and without nny new
ideas or issues, it seemed to havo had n
decided effect in winning favor for tho
woman rights movement, tit present oc
cupying the best minds of n nation ns
conservative as tho German. Tho writer,
n lady, attempts to show that woman Is
not created for man, but for her calling,
and to work out her own dostiny on
equal terms with man. Henco ull educa
tional apparatus aud institutions ought
to bo opened to her. Baltimore Sun.
The Statue of the Ansel Moroni.
A Btntuo of tho nugol Moroni sur
mounts tho enpstouo of tho tower of tho
great Mormon tomplo nt Salt Lake City.
Tho figure is of gigantic proportions, be
ing 13 feet ( inches iu height It re
minds ono of n picturo of Gabriel blow
ing tho trumpet on tho hist day and is
ihipposcd to represent tho Mormon angel
bringing tho gospel to tho children of
moil. Tho iiicnudcscout lamp abovo tho
angel's head is 222 feet from tho pavo
meut below. St Louis Republic.
An Anthom,
This definition of an anthem is ac
credited to a British workinnn. Under
taking to explain tho meaning of tho
word to nu inquiring friend, ho began,
"Well, if I said 'Bring mo n pickax,'
that would not bo mi nuthoni, but if I
said 'Bring bring bring bring mo
tho pick pick pickax bring me the
pick pickax' that would be an. an
thom." Now York Times.
S, I). Dasford of Carthage, 6. D., Iwas
taken sick in Uioux City. Ho proonred
two bottles of Parks' Sure Cure for the
Liver nnd Kidnoys. Ho says: "I believe
Parks' Sure Cnrooxcels nil other medioine
for lthoumnlism nnd Urinary disorders."
Sold by C.Ii. Cottlng.
How cheep somo pooplo will Boll them
selves for tho promiso of Bpot cash.
Ilciiihii'liu and Indigestion
Can be cured. If yon don'tbelieve it try
llegg's Littlo Giant Pills. 'Sold and war
ranted by Doyo A Grlce.
Thero Is n lnko in Lognn county named
Cody, af tor tho long-haired lion of North
Hull, Drowsy nnd Tired.
"I felt doll, drowsy nnd tired and my
fnco was covered with nlmntea. I h.
taken foar bottles of Hood's Sanapsrllla
and the pimples have disappeared and I
feel like work when I rise in the morning."
-FrnnkJ. Haller, Dladen, Neb.
Oscar Collior monkoyod with a buzz-
tmvf nnu nns ono loss thumb than
If dull, spiritless and stupid; If your
blood Is thick nnd Blnggish; If yonr ap.
petite is cnprlolons and nnoertoln. Yon
J1aekeDnofc-PftTi110, Por bMl rMnIl
L. CotHng. Itrooommrnd "lt 0.
Tho now electric light plant atHoopor
will bo In oporntlon in a fow days.
rn i, ..for Knmatism and Neuralgia,
fndlcn ly enrca In 1 to 8 days. Its action
prn tlie system is remarkable and mys
torions. It romoves at onco the came
and the dlsonso immediately disappears,
llio first doso greatly benefits, 75cts.
Cloud ariC' Dra-re,8t8' Red
Tho skoloton of tho old sugar palaco at
Grand Island is being put away.
"Orange Blossom", the common sense
Fcmalo Hcmedy, drnws out pain and sore
ness. Sold by O. L. Cotting.
jail nt Fnirbury has sprung a
Do not put off taking n spring medicine
but tako Hood's Sarsaparilla now. It will
puriOy your blood, strengthen your nerves
nnd glvo you n good appetite.
Hood's pills aro hand made, and perfect
in proportion nnd nppearanae. !2So. a box
Tho Duchess of Fife has a fancy for
going about incognito.
Whon tho scalp is atophied, or shiny
bald, no preparation will restore the hair;
in all other eases, Hall's Hair Renewer
will start a growth.
Queen Victoria spooks 10 languages
:7 men wanted at Deyo & Grioe's drug
storo noxt Monday morniag, to buy a
bottle of Bailor's Barb Wire Liniment, it
is absolutely guaranteed.
Pudding bags should be made of heavy
What's the dlfferenoo between a good
boy and an elephant? Why, good boy's
always take Heller's Sure Cur Cough
Syrup and elephants don't. For sale by
Deyo and Grioo.
York has two public drinking fountains
whero mnn nnd beast can drink thoir
fill without monoy,
How would you like to be a kangaroo,
or be ablo to jump like one, but you've
got piles eo'bad you can't. Us Holler's
Australian Snlvo and you'll get there
For sale by Doyo & Griee.
J. S. Phillips hue started a new paper
nt Sponcor,
Littlo Lord Fuunllcroy
as a boautiful child but he had ona
drawback, his face was coyered with pirn
pies. His grandfather bought a bottle ef
Haller'a Sarsaparilla and was so pleased
nt its result that he took 4 bottles himself
and enred his rheumatism. For sale by
Deyo fc Grlco,
Oscar Paris of Bonodiot wob kicked
on tho shin causing n vory bad fracture
A Million Friends.
A friend iu noed is a friend indeed, and
not less than one million people have
found just such a friend in Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs
nnd Colds. If yoa havo never used this
Great Cough Medioine, one trial will eon
vineo yon that it has wonderful curative
powors in nil dlstnscs of Throat, Chest
nud Lungs, Kaoh bottlo Is guaranteed to
do all thnt is claimed or money will be
refunded. Trial bottles free at O. L.
Cottlng's Drugstore. Large bottles COo.
and $1 00.
Rural towns aro kicking on tho ad
vunco in insuranco rutos.
Ladies can bo positively relelevd from
nil those irregularities, distressing symp
toms nnd diseases by using Dr. Sawyer's
Pastilles, Hold by Ueyo & Grice,
i 1 1 .. i m m i
Tho W. 11. O. has orgunized a corps
in Suporior.
Dr. Sawyor's Pastilles used in time will
curo nny caso of Female Weakness. Get
a frco sample pnokage from the following
name druggist Bold by Deyo & Grlce.
Ono of tho first privileges of every
Christian is tho right to live without
Creates health, oreatcs strength, createi
vigor; DeWltt's Sarsaparilla. It reoom
rasnds itself O. L.CotttBg.
Aud by the Aid of Lightning and Snow
Made a SatUfuctorr Meal.
"Perhopa ono of tho most peculiarly
prepared luuchcons ever laid boforo
hungry pooplo was ono which wo had
when wo wero snowed up In tho thoatcr
of a small western town," said a theat
rical man to a reporter. "Upon this
night in tho brief interval nftcr tho
pooplo left tho theater, whllo wo wero
dressing to go to our hotol, n tcrrlflo
enowBtorm, such ns you can only find
in tho west, camo up. Tho snow drifted
against our doors and nil nbout tho
Etroots, bo that wo had to remain all
night in tho thoatcr. Of courso wo got
hungry, as actors will sometimes do,
and we began a search for something
eatable. '
"Wo prowled around tho property
room and wero about to glvo up in dis
gust when ono of tho company struck a
box of beans, which wero used to imi
tato tho sound of rain. By shaking tho
box a fitago rainstorm could bo produced.
We took this 'rain, ' ns tho profession is
pleased to call it, but saw no way of
cooking it Somo ouo suggested that tho
thunder' might bon good thing to cook
it upon, in Hon of nothing hotter. Tho
'thunder' was a sheet of tin or iron
which was shaken to mako tho roar of
heaven's artillery. Wo bent tho 'thun
der' so that it would hold tho beans, but
were at a loss for means for producing
heat Our property man suggested that
we use 'lightning, ' n powder of lycopo
dlum, used for making flashes upon tho
stage, for tho fire. Wo found quite a
lot of this, nnd with tho addition of
somo 'snow littlo ultH or paper risen to
represent thobenutiful wostnrtcd quito
a flro nnd succeeded in cooking tho
beans, which wo ato with a relish. Ro
solving into stago parlance, wo hnd used
'thunder,' 'lightning' nnd 'snow' to
cook a lunch thnt consisted of 'rain. '
-Pittsburg Dispatch.
Modern Woman ns n Cnmly Ilnycr.
Tho powerful social movement in tho
direction of tho freedom of women is
being felt in this community. Women
are "rising in their might" and "viow
ing with alarm," and all that such
things imply. Thoy nro beginning to
assert their rights. I saw ono of them
who had just sat spellbound beneath tho
fervid oratory of Miss Mnndo Banks
whon tho latter "shook off tho yoko of
woman's slavery In peopling tho world"
enter a candy storo and fix her deter
mined gaze upon tho contents of a glass
"Those aro 00 cents a pound, mad
am," said tho canny girl,-"ana tnoso
aro 45, and thoso nro CO."
"Givo mo thrco of thefrc, and two of
these, and thrco of these," snid tho la
dy, "and, mind yon, I want just exact
ly thoso I'vo pointed out, nud thoy aro
not to bo moro than 10 cents, or I won't
tako thom."
Whon tho customer hnd departed, tho
candy girl, who was still n self satisfied
slave, loaned against tho cuso and fan
nod hcrsolf with n paper bag. 'Now
York Horald.
A Dciilrablo l'lnrc.
Wo wero seated in n fairly filled third
elass carriago not timed to mako a stop
pago for an hour or so, and during tho
first half of this period ono of tho pas
sengers, a very oxcitablo and withal
voluble individual, loudly inveighed
against things in general nud tho places
ho happened to hnvo visited in particu
lar. All at onco n quiet and scdato old
gcntloman, who hail up to thcu sat si
lently in ono corner, remarked:
"How would you liko to llvo in a
placo whero no ono drank nny intoxicat
ing liquor or even smoked n cigar?"
"It would bo oxccllent," replied tho
"And whero every ouo went to church
on Sundays?"
"That would bo a delightful place."
"And whero no ouo stolo or forged or
"But bucIi nplnco is impossible Toll
mo, whero is thero such n pei feet place?"
"You will find it in any of her maj
esty's prisons," was tho quiet reply,
and tho grumbler was silent for tho re
mainder of tho journey. Loudon Tit
Bits. Farrnent'N Ilonlli.
Admiral Farragut's death was duo to
tho selfishness of a woman, Rov. James
J. Kane, chaplain of tho Brooklyn navy
yard, said iu a recent lecture Tho ad
miral aud his wifo wero coming from
California, when n woninn occupying a
scat in front of thom in tho car opened
a window. Admiral Fnvrngnt was ill,
and tho strong draft of wind which blow
directly upon him chilled him. Mrs.
Forragnt asked tho woninn courteously
If Bho would not kindly oloso tho win
dow, ns itwas annoying lohorhushnnd.
Tho woman snapped out: "No, I won't
close thowiudow. Idnu'tcnro if it does
annoy him. I mn not going to smother
for him." Admiral Farragut thus
caught a Bovoro cold, which resulted iu
his death. A fow days beforo tho end
camo ho said, "If I die, that woman
will bo held accountable. ' '
Care of Curtains nnd l'ort icrci.
When any cleaning or sweeping is in
progress, tho heavy curtains nnd por
tions should bo removed mid after being
thoroughly brushed and shaken should
bo allowed to hang in tho air until tho
rooms aro cleaned and ready for thoir
return. Heavy hangings will absorb tho
odor from cigar smoko or from any food
Which may bo cooking, nnd tho greatest
caro Bhonld therefore bo taken that thoy
bo kept well aired. Tho doorway cur
tains may bo so easily removed and
placed in position again that thero
should bo no excuse for any unpleasant
odor bolng attached to them. James
Thomson in Ladies' Homo Journal,
A Love Match.
Friend Edith married for money,
didn't sho?
Clara No, indeed. Ho is rich, but
ho is dreadfully in lovo with him.
Why, whon ho comes in lato, Bho just w
its and scolds him by tho hour. New
York Weekly,
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